Al Gore III arrested for speeding, pot, & pills

Though he cares enough about the planet to drive a Toyota Prius, Al Gore III doesn’t seem to care quite so much about his own life or that of others. The former VP’s son was arrested last night after he was clocked speeding over 100 mph on a highway in Laguna Hills, California.

Upon searching Gore’s car, police found a small amount of marijuana along with a who’s who of pharmaceuticals: Valium, Soma, Vicodin, Adderall, and Xanax. None of the drugs were prescribed for Gore. Though he had been smoking pot, he was not charged with driving under the influence, as there was not enough in his system to impair his ability to operate a vehicle.

With a stash like that, it’s no surprise that this isn’t Gore’s first run in with the law.

“It was the third embarrassing high-profile bust for Gore III since 2002.

He was busted for pot possession in December 2003 when he was a student at Harvard after being pulled over in Bethesda, Md., while driving a Cadillac with the lights off at night.

Cops found a partially inhaled joint and a baggie of weed. He was sentenced to attend a substance-abuse program the following year.

In 2002, Gore III was ticketed by cops for driving under the influence of alcohol near a military base in Virginia. He was also ticketed in 2000 for reckless driving for barreling down a North Carolina road at 94 mph.”

[From the New York Post]

The article noted that Gore was “quick to tell officers that he was the son of the star of ‘An Inconvenient Truth.’” For the life of me, I will never understand why people mention their connection to someone famous. All it does is add fuel to the fire. Do you really want to drag an innocent person into your mistake? With all the intense media pressure, it’s unlikely it’ll help get you off the hook. If anything, as we saw in Paris Hilton’s case, it may increase the likelihood that you’re made an example of.

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