Keanu Reeves brought his ‘mystery brunette girlfriend’ to Japan: jealous?


Here are some photos of Keanu Reeves in Japan this week. He traveled to Tokyo to promote John Wick (which is getting a sequel), and his arrival at Narita Airport was notable because A) he looked especially shaggy and B) he was in the company of a mystery woman. For about a month now, there have been photos and reports popping up here and there that Keanu has a girlfriend. He’s been seen kissing a mystery brunette and looking very affectionate with the same woman in different places. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has a girlfriend now and I guess I’m not surprised that we don’t know anything about her, including her name. Keanu really doesn’t roll that way.

I’ll say this too – the mystery woman looks age-appropriate too. Keanu is 51 years old right now and I would put Mystery Brunette in her late 30s or early 40s. Does this make you love Keanu even more? That he can keep a relationship quiet and low-key and that nothing about this seems shady in the least?

I’m also including photos of Keanu looking dapper at the John Wick premiere. HOT.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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91 Responses to “Keanu Reeves brought his ‘mystery brunette girlfriend’ to Japan: jealous?”

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  1. Kitten says:

    Of course My Keanu would date an age-appropriate woman.

    He always looks so serious…wonder how that translates to the sack?

    • V4Real says:

      “Keanu Reeves brought his ‘mystery brunette girlfriend’ to Japan: jealous?

      Well yeah, a little bit. I will always have it bad for Keanu.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      “He always looks so serious…wonder how that translates to the sack?”

      Earnest Intensity?? I’m all for that. I’ll do the giggling.

      • Saywhatwhen says:

        Oh boy, lol, you women make my day sometimes.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Hello, Sister Wife(formerly Alice here). Did we know about this? She looks good. I’ll share.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Yes, sister wife, we can share him with this one too. He has my blessing.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Smoldering, intense passion. Hmm. I never liked him that much, but smoldering and age appropriate gf have sort of nudged me in his general direction. Lucky guy.

    • LadyMTL says:

      It’s definitely something to ponder…serious Keanu vs sexytime Keanu. Maybe we should do a study? Who’s ready to volunteer?

  2. Jh says:

    Um. Yes. But she’s pretty and they look good together, so…

  3. Ana says:

    I really love him. Yes I am slightly jealous but also would be so happy for him.

  4. Betti says:

    *Sigh* Just a little bit but congrats to the couple (if they are in a relationship).

    He’s been my celebrity bf for many years.

  5. Jayna says:

    He’s always with a different woman. It seems like his relationships last shorter than even George Clooney’s.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Every time he’s spotted with a woman the Fail or another tab trumpets big romance and it’s not. But he’s rarely seen actually travelling with someone, so who knows? Maybe.

      • Elisha says:

        DM has pictures of them actually kissing, so while it may not be a big romance, it’s not just some innocent travel companion either.

      • SusanneToo says:

        IDK. Like nyc chica said, it looks like a cheek peck to me. I could be wrong, but do people leave their arms hanging at their side in a serious kiss? The Fail always overplays things.

  6. Mia4S says:

    Awww, I really do with him well. He suffered some terrible tragedies and stayed private, never (apparently) going off the rails. I hope she’s great, no jealousy here.

  7. vauvert says:

    A bit jealous but so happy for him, I think he is just lovely and such a sweet guy. I would think he’d make a kind, thoughtful, loving boyfriend.

  8. Shelley says:

    Keanu is hot in movies but he somehow doesn’t always look clean in real life.-_-

  9. Vesta says:

    No. I’m happy that sad Keanu is no more sad. Happy Keanu. Happy me.

    • Sullivan says:

      Sad Keanu is a little heartbreaking. I’m ready for happy Keanu, although I’d prefer that I be the reason for his happiness.

  10. Boston Green Eyes says:

    I’ve loved Keanu for many years (I even saw Dogstar in Boston back in the day) and I’d be really happy for him if he found love. But I somehow think that this may just be a work related relationship – he is seen with a lot of women who aren’t girlfriends, but, rather, producers, etc. And what about the gay/bi rumors? I remember being friendly with some of the online rabid Keanu fans who followed him incessantly, and one of them told me that she heard he was bi.

    Either way, I’d love for Ke to find someone who would really make him happy.

    • Betti says:

      Yes those rumors have been going around for years – he was alleged at one point early in his career as being the boy toy of mega producer David Geffen and that’s how he get into movies.

      • LAK says:

        Man i’d forgotten those Geffen rumours. I think Geffen addressed them when the rumour mill went as far as marrying them off – not officially as gay marriage wasn’t an option, but more commitment ceremony type arrangement.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        Interesting. Wasn’t it last year that a man named “Corey” came forward with allegations that he was raped and used as a teen at under-age sex parties David Geffen hosted? The accusor alleged there were some big names at those parties who were at the time, among the under-age boys. Things that make you go hmmmm……

      • notasugarhere says:

        “I hear that I’m supposed to be married to Keanu Reeves,” Geffen told TIME in March (1995). “I’ve never met or laid eyes on [him].”

      • Mary-Alice says:

        Geffen lied then and was caught which was very stupid if it wasn’t done on purpose because it made the whole thing look even more suspicious. Geffen is a jerk, has always been and likes to play dirty. And the rumours about Keanu started from here, from Toronto, long begore he met Geffen.

    • Josephine says:

      My first thought was also that she was just a publicist, but he doesn’t strike me as the type to travel with a publicist, and I assume people would know her if she was?

      • Mary-Alice says:

        He always travels with his publicist, also known as The Dragon, whom he shares with Bullock and other stars. Always! She was there as well, of course, there are a bunch of pictures with her, as usual. He cannot mutter a word without her, she is a general that woman.

    • j.eyre says:

      I saw Dogstar too. Are they still playing?

  11. Love the Trumps says:

    This makes me wonder who my internet boyfriend Tom Cruise will end up dating. I hope he takes it easy and plays the field like Leonardo Di Caprio

    • Naddie says:

      Oh my, Tom Cruise?

      • Adriana says:

        What is wrong with liking Tom Cruise? I think he is pretty handsome despite his views on things.

      • Naddie says:

        Nothing wrong with liking Tom Cruise, everything wrong with Tom Cruise himself. Anyway, I didn’t mean to police anyone’s taste, sorry.

    • islandwalker says:

      LTT- Your boyfriend is dating David Miscavige and they are both creepy as hell.

      Would love to see Keanu find happiness.

  12. Tiffany says:

    Ummm…I could not make it to Japan because of work. Soooo…wait, what.

  13. Dania says:

    He’s not attractive to me.

    • Neah23 says:

      This and I keep read on this site how young he looks and I’m not seeing it. Keanu Looks like a man in his late 40’s early 50’s beard or no beard.

  14. nyc chica says:

    She’s a translator, not his gf.

  15. NUTBALLS says:

    I’ve adored this man since Point Break, Of course I’m jealous! But none of us wants a sad Keanu, so I wish them well and decades of happiness together. He deserves it.

    He looks so hot in a salt & pepper beard.

  16. Naddie says:

    It’s not right, I am redhead so she should be redhead! *stomps and whines*

  17. Lilacflowers says:

    I just want my Keanu to be happy

  18. Jen43 says:

    I wish him well. He deserves some happiness.

  19. Chloe says:

    Aww, I love him. I’m so happy to see him happy and smiling. He’s had such tragedy in his life, I always feel like he needs a hug or something. <3

  20. Jag says:

    Yes, just a bit jealous; but so very happy for him if he’s found love. <3


  21. mkyarwood says:

    Nope. I love him in that little brother kind of way, so this is just sweet news. He deserves a little joy.

  22. Esteph says:

    I personally think that John Wick did not get enough attention that it deserved. When I first saw just the cover alone, I was like “nah”, but I sat down and was so happy that I was proven wrong! I’m not an action lover, but it was so good!
    Definitely don’t judge a book by its cover

    • Samtha says:

      I just can’t get over the puppy part. It’s so weird–I can watch all kinds of people get killed, but make it an animal, and I can’t deal.

    • Isabelle says:

      The men in my life wouldn’t stop talking about it. They loved it. Still quoting line from, think it will be one of the cult classic movies. Keanu seems to know how to choose those.

  23. Moi says:

    Hey if needs a few distractions on his way to finding me, I’m okay with that. 😉

  24. Dani says:

    I don’t really feel anything towards this coupling, but look at her shoes. Those are like, orthopedic flying ‘clogs’ my mother would wear. WHAT ARE THOOOOSE?

  25. A.Key says:


    (but he deserves happiness more than all the other celebs combined)

  26. Sarah01 says:

    He is perfection!!!

  27. funcakes says:

    He is seven kinds of sexy. I’m glad he found someone. I’m also glad he keeps his life private. He’s better off in doing so.

  28. Madpoe says:

    LOVED “John Wick” !!! So glad he’ll be back!!!!

  29. madly says:

    It’s not in my nature to gush over a celebrity, but I will say that him being happy gives me the warm fuzzies. He’s had a rough go of things and has been looking sad and depressed for a while.

  30. Emmygrant says:

    She looks like the cat who ate the canary in one of those Chateau Marmont pix…lol.

  31. serena says:

    Damn, still can’t believe he’s in his 50s!
    Anyway, unlike Cloneey, Di Caprio and the army of douches, Keanu doesn’t give me sketchy vibes at all. He seems like a serious person who wouldn’t date a 20something starlet just because.

  32. Petra says:

    I’d be very happy for him but to me they don’t look like a couple in love.
    Don’t know how to explain, it’s just a feeling. The Château Marmont pics also seemed odd to me. She was smiling smugly and he seemed to be a bit strained.
    And she has not been seen again during his stay in Japan, has she?
    I hope I’m wrong and he found love… finally.

    • Mary-Alice says:

      It comes after photos with a transgender actor no matter how innocent they may have been.

      • Petra says:

        Sorry but what do you mean with that? English is not my native language, so again sorry for asking. 🙂

  33. Emily C. says:

    Jealousy implies someone having something that you feel you have a right to. So wow, no, not jealous. If she’s his girlfriend and they’re happy together, that’s great — she’s an appropriate age, which is something to celebrate.

  34. Leah says:

    I love him, wish him well. He’s such a handsome man.
    By the way Chiwetel has a new girlfriend too, please do a write up on them too?

  35. anna says:

    sorry but even late 30s would not seem age appropriate to me.

  36. Alexa says:

    The fact he isn’t dating some 20-something is incredibly sexy. I’ve always had a crush on him. I’m only 23 and I find it so gross when middle aged men date young women in their 20’s. Not because I think older men are gross. It’s just a cliche that makes me sick. Date someone younger, sure. It’s just so disgusting when they go for someone a few years out of high school or uni. Makes me think they see women as disposable assets that depreciate over time, therefore need to get traded in for younger models every now and then. Yuck.

  37. Ste says:

    I’m totally jelly and deep down I wish he was a single forever, but he needs happiness! If this woman is it, bring it on!

  38. siri says:

    I tend to think Keanu has a lot of female friends, and doesn’t really want any ‘serious’ relationship. I also think he’s far less serious , or shy than people can imagine. The brunette in the pics is the woman he was kissing in some other photo couple of days ago. He seems to be a man who would easily say something like “I love them all”. People seem to idolize him, and he sure is a lovely, and decent person, but he’s not a saint. What I like most about him, is that he marches to his own drum, and keeps his private life to himself.

  39. Marlene says:

    I I would be really happy if he has found someone long term to be in his life. photos of him looking dirty and sad make me feel he needs someone close to him. the movie star and the man maybe two different people. on the plus side if he was married I could get over my movie star crush on him a lot easier.

  40. Petra says:

    Does it look for you as if she is the one who makes him happy? Just curious…

  41. Seraphina says:

    He was spotted out with this same woman at a sushi restaurant in June. The fact that he brought her to Tokyo and was out with her a week prior does make me think she is probably his girlfriend. Good for them. He’s had so much tragedy in his life, it’s great if he’s found someone that makes him happy.