Michael Fassbender lost his V at the age of 18: ‘It was as good as it can be’

ELLE_October 15_Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender sat down for a really enjoyable interview with Elle Magazine to promote Macbeth. There are so many wonderful little details in the piece, so I’d suggest that all of the Fassloonies read the complete story. He rolls his own cigarettes and he’ll roll one for you too. He has a pay-as-you-go phone because (even though he’s playing Steve Jobs) he’s “technologically inept.” He wants to do a musical with Steve McQueen and says, “I’m an excellent singer! No, no, I’m not. I enjoy singing.” Oh, and he will eye-f—k the hell out of every woman he sees, including Olivia Palermo, who was walking behind him and he literally stops to f—k her with his eyes. Bless him. Some additional highlights from the piece:

Steve McQueen on Fassy’s eye-f—king after his second ‘Hunger’ audition: “Immediately as we walked out the door—Michael had his [motorcycle] helmet on—he was walking down the street and this woman just looked at him, and he looked at her, and it was almost like…it was public sex, and then they passed each other! It was like, Oh my God, we just came out…He has that. He’s always had that. And that is an interesting thing to have.”

Whether he judges his a—hole characters: “I didn’t really find anything unattractive. Once I’m in that world and trying to live and represent this character, I don’t look at it like, that’s dislikable. I just think that’s human and perhaps a failing, a shortcoming.”

He loved being head altar boy in his Irish church: “I would allocate the jobs. You’re on bell duty; you light the candles; you’re on communion duty… It was one of the best jobs you could get, to be honest! People wanted it because girls you might like would be coming up, you’re close to the action!”

He was 18 when he lost his virginity: “All my girlfriends have lost their virginity before me! Guys are sort of trying since they were 13, but I was like, 18. I don’t want to say anything more because I don’t want to embarrass the other person, but it was as good as it can be, you know? It was what I thought it would be. And I really cared about the person I was with, so it was kinda perfect.”

His take on Lady Macbeth: “Maybe through this terrible act of killing the king, and them becoming king and queen, they’ll be forged together again. That is vastly more interesting. The idea of women dangerous with ambition—we don’t want to feed that bullsh-t.”

[From Elle Magazine]

I’m sort of surprised that Fassy only lost his V at 18. I mean, that’s on par with when most people lose their V, so I’m not saying I’m “surprised” in a larger sense. I’m talking specifically about Fassy and how boyishly charming/sexy he is and how he can’t walk down the street without women staring at him like he’s the last donut in the world. You’d think that he would have been able to talk his way into a girl’s panties before he hit 16!


Photos courtesy of Paola Kudacki for ELLE, WENN.

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70 Responses to “Michael Fassbender lost his V at the age of 18: ‘It was as good as it can be’”

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  1. bettyrose says:

    18 is the appropriate age to answer, regardless of the truth.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Why 18, is that a European thing? Most guys in the US (including male celebrities) usually say they lost it at 15-16 years old. It’s usually women that say 18.

      I kind of think men are pressured to prove their virility by saying they lost it an an earlier age and women say an older age to prove they aren’t “loose”. It’s such a silly game. Sex is a natural part of life for all living creatures.

      • bettyrose says:

        I’m American, so for all the reasons you’ve just stated, I think 18 is the best non controversial age to give (assuming you feel compelled to answer at all).

      • neutral says:

        And why is it anyone else’s business

      • bettyrose says:

        I don’t even know. But if a public figure chooses to answer this question, you can’t go too low or too high on the age.

  2. Franca says:

    He comes across okay in this interview, but I still don’t see the attraction. Good actor, though.

    • Armenthrowup says:

      Me neither. Creepy as f.

    • Cam says:

      He look so sleazy all the time, but he seems like a nice man. His natural accent is really appealing, a really soft Irish accent. The character in Shame, that’s him. Kind of ready and willing to go all the time. Not good boyfriend material. Just saying.

      • Franca says:

        Yeah, he seems like a perfectly nice person, but he just isn’t attractive to me.

      • Leah says:

        I think he is the sexiest by far of the pasty british men celebitchy readers are so fond of.
        The one i don’t get is Hiddleston, seems like a nice talented bloke but i don’t get why anyone fangirls him. He looks completely average in the face and lacks sex appeal.
        Fassbender can look rough as hell but he has sex appeal in spades.

    • Seán says:

      Hate to be that guy but Fassbender is German-Irish, not British.

      (Ireland is not part of Britain)

      • neutral says:

        To clarify – his father is German, his mother from Larne, in Northern Ireland, technically part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but he was brought up in the Republic of Ireland.

        Northern Ireland is part of the UK, but not Britain, just as you said, the Republic isn’t.

    • Flim says:

      Agreed! And this additional information about him leering at all the ladies doesn’t help. “Eye-f’ing” is not high on my list of valuable attributes. I prefer the animal come out behind closed doors, while discretion walks the streets, you know?

      • Renee says:

        It is seems like it was reciprocal gazing not one-sided leering if read the actual article which puts it in context.

  3. minxx says:

    I like this part:
    “Ask Cotillard if she recalls first meeting him and she tells you everything you need to know. “I just remember…” She stops, laughs. “Mmm…no, no, I can’t say that. Um…” Laughing again. Oh, come on! “He was a lot of fun right away. The grin—that’s how you say? The smile. There’s something so joyful about him.”

  4. Gill B says:

    I’m from the same part of Ireland as Fassy, and only a year older than him. I suspect that 18 would have been the normal age when people lost their virginity back then – there was lots of talk, but not that many people would actually have been ‘doing it’ before they were 17/18.

  5. Chelly says:

    My nephew will be 17 in a few months & never even kissed a girl let alone ever been on a date. I kinda worry about that, but then again he’s joined the wrestling team & workng out so, soon as his akward stage passes it’ll be different(?) I hope. Not that i want him going out & having sex but, I find it kinda sad that at almost 17 he’s never even been on a date. Or maybe thats just me

    • Bae says:

      I’m 23 and I’ve never been on a date. And I’m a relatively good looking woman, I have good friends, people like me, I think. I don’t know what it is, but men are simply not interested and I’m too big of a coward to make the first move. I pretty much made peace with the fact that I’m probably going to be alone forever. But other people pressuring you just makes it worse, so please, for the love of God, don’t say anything to your nephew.

      • Wilma says:

        That’s okay Bae. make sure you’re happy with who you are and make sure it’s not fear holding you back from doing the things you want to do. But it’s ok to be on your own instead of in a relationship.

      • Granger says:

        Bae, one of my best friends didn’t go on a date until she was 25. Even though she talked about dating before then, it was almost as though she wasn’t quite ready. Once she started dating, all of her inhibitions fell away and she had a lovely romantic life. Don’t push yourself! You’ll get there (if you want to)!

      • Margo says:

        I didn’t have my first real relationship until after I had completed grad school — and a lot of the reason, I think, was that I didn’t put myself out there, because I was so busy all the time and also out of a lack of interest (and some self-esteem issues, not going to lie). The interesting thing is that, when it did happen, it was still unexpected; I didn’t suddenly start trying to actively seek a relationship after completing school. I suppose the point is that there is no set timeline for these markers that our culture sets up for us — first kiss, first date, etc., however much we might perceive that there’s a certain age when we should “accomplish” them. And that however much you try, or don’t try, to make it happen, those events will still often occur when you least expect them!

        And of course, the idea that you even HAVE to seek out a relationship is also complete nonsense. Many people are more suited to an independent lifestyle and there’s nothing stunted or unhealthy about that. Quite the contrary, if it’s what you really want.

      • Jen43 says:

        It will happen in time. And never draw the conclusion that you will be alone for ever. Most of my girlfriends and I didn’t marry until we were past 35. My bf married at 42. My sister married at 40. A good friend of hers must have had 10 ‘serious’ relationships and didnt marry until 44. The guy she chose nursed her through chemo and is a real gem. You are still so young. You have a lifetime ahead of you.

      • Jillian says:

        I’m 24 and never been on a date. I’ve kissed two guys but it was nothing special. I feel the same way about ending up alone. I would like to lose my virginity someday but I’m not ready for it. Not comfortable with my body. I have a baby-face so everyone pretty much treats me like a younger sister. I blush when I talk to boys and people love to point it out. It’s kind of exhausting to be honest.

      • korra says:

        LOL! I have found my people. Same here. I have a lot of work to do. I’m enjoying the ride as they say.

      • Egla says:

        Don’t you worry and don’t hold yourself. IF you like someone enough invite him (or her) out for just a drink or a pizza or whatever to get to know that person and that’s a step forward without to much fuss. Enjoy every moment alone or with someone else. You will date, a lot, trust me. It will come to you naturally. It took me 28 years and at 35 i invited someone to be my boyfriend and he said “Yes” because before we became friends and he liked me very very much. Good luck

    • mememe says:

      We weren’t even allowed to date until 18. I didn’t kiss a boy until I was 19 and I had sex for the first time at 28…and wish I’d waited longer, for a more meaningful relationship. 17 is so very young – there is nothing wrong with your nephew most likely. Only one person in my entire friend group had had sex by high school graduation. Of course a person should always seek to build their general confidence, but making him feel like a weirdo won’t help that. He’s normal. There’s a whole lot on the Sexuality spectrum that is normal! Best wishes to you and yours.

    • Nina says:

      Why would you be worried about that? Everyone moves at their own pace. I’m 29 and I haven’t had sex (because I haven’t found anyone worth doing it with yet).

      Judgey people like you just make it hard for everyone else.

      • Andrea says:

        When a guy doesn’t have sex until later (after 21), I find it can create a world of problems. I took a man’s virginity when I was 27 and he was 23 and we had a very on and off again 7 year drama filled relationship. He was extremely needy, constantly needing reassurance, and would pout like a child if I didn’t give him exactly the amount of attention he wanted. He didn’t get a job for 2+ years, otherwise these last 2 years I would have pursued it more heavily (hence probably some of the drama). Ironically enough, he left me for a nerdy 22 year old (he is now almost 31). I suppose he found an appropriate maturity wise relationship. LOL Also briefly dated a guy who only slept with one other person and had other similar issues. I am 34 now and vow to only date men my age or older to avoid these problems in the future. Thankfully, Fassbender is seasoned now. 😉 I wills say that this does not apply to females just from my experience from men who lack in experience.

      • korra says:

        @Andrea Yeah but there are a quite a large number of men who lost their virginity at an earlier age and are still exactly like that.

      • qwerty says:

        Maybe it’s the other way around – his virginity was the result of his personality? Still, that’s a pretty “normal” (for lack of a better word) age to still be a virgin. I think it’s a big generalisation that you’re making.

    • Isabelle says:

      Think that is actually refreshing in a world of where kids have become to sexualized at a young age. He’ll be fine.

    • Original T.C. says:

      I know you feel sad for your Nephew but does HE seem sad about not having kissed a girl yet? Society pressures both young girls to put off having sex while pressuring you boys to have sex as early as possible. Not everyone is emotional prepared for intimacy at a young age. Your nephew is a late bloomer. When I started college a met many male virgins and guys who have never have sex.

      Guess what, there is an equal amount of girls in the same boat. I knew of a couple who both had never even kissed anyone of the opposite sex at age 20. The met and felt so comfortable with each other that they made it happen and yes married now.

      Better to support your nephew with his sports interests which will keep him socializing and his son work so he can focus on academics. He has the rest of his life to have sex! Fassy too comes across as a late bloomer and was probably dorky early in life and they later learned how to court a girl and form relationships.

    • Miss M says:

      I was a “late bloomer” in the dating department too. My baby face (back then) didn’t help because younger kids would be talking to me (ewww) or really older guys (double ewwww + side-eye). I first real romantic relationship was at 24. For those of you who have not been on a date, you have plenty of time. Focus on you, in your life goals and what makes you happy. The right guy will come along at the right time!

  6. Wilma says:

    I really like his take on lady Macbeth.

  7. jemimaleopard says:

    What I wouldn’t give to be eye-f*cked by Fassy (or any kinda f*cked for that matter lol!!)

  8. j. eyre says:

    OMG – Spoiler Alert! MacBeth kills a king?!?

  9. Granger says:

    The whole eye-f***ing, sexy act that he has going — that may have taken years to perfect. I’m thinking he was a late bloomer, and has never looked back.

  10. Nina says:

    A face like that could only be caused by smoking. And I would run away if he ever “eye fucked” me. NO THANKS.

  11. CarrieUK says:

    I’d be very torn between Fassy and Lord Dragonfly at the moment, nope can’t decide.

  12. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I thought what he said about his first time was really sweet. I loved my first lover, and he loved me, and my first time was very sweet. Lately, I’ve been wishing I could tell him that I was glad, after hearing other women’s stories, that I shared that experience with him, but I decided he might think it was weird or that I was trying to get back together, so I thought I could say “but I’m very happily married so don’t read anything into this” and it just got too impossible. But I digress. I like Fassy and any woman he loves is lucky.

    • Granger says:

      Ha! I’ve had the same conversation with myself, about my first. It was sweet, he was sweet, and we loved each other. I always felt so lucky, because I have friends who lost their V on the bathroom floor at a party.

    • Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

      Same here, I was 21 and it’s one moment I will never regret. We’re still good friends. One should wait for the right person to come along, not because it’s “fashionable” or “cool”.
      It’s such an important moment in a person’s life.

    • Kitten says:

      Ha ha..you’re so cute, Gnatty. So much over-thinking 🙂

      I waited till I was 22 and my first time was really nice, with a sweet 25-year-old guy that I was in a serious relationship with. Really good experience.

      @ Solanacaea (Nighty)-Perfectly stated. My first BF was 19 (I was 14) and he pressured me for 6 months to have sex with him. He eventually dumped me for a beautiful 18 year old who was happy to put out. I was crushing but I’m so happy that I waited. At 15 years old, I was NOT ready (I’m that chick who was playing with stuffed animals until an almost-uncomfortably old age).

  13. Esteph says:

    OMG, a walking sex stick….idk why but the fact that he lost his V at 18 is just so damn hot…*fans self*

  14. OSTONE says:

    I lost my V at 19, it was sweet, I loved the guy and I ended up marrying him 4 years later!

  15. Andrea says:

    I lost my virginity at 18 too with my first boyfriend (in college). I felt like I was so late compared to all my friends in college to just have a first boyfriend. I loved him and it was a special experience. Most boyfriends I have dated though have lost their virginity from 13-17, but I am from America so that may factor in, i don’t know.

    I like Fassbender more after this story and wish he would do more than eye me. LOL

  16. Kiki says:

    I Just can’t help it. I really like him. Not a bad word I want to say, but I really like him. Everyone is saying he is sleaze and I say ” which part”. I have to admit his dating life is not up to par, but I expected that because he is an actor. They have some men who want be single, but they are most men who are single because they haven’t found the right person yet. George Clooney said he will be a bachelor forever but I said he hasn’t found that right woman, and he found that in Amal. So Michael Fassbender just haven’t found that right woman,yet.

    I also think he is very sweet and humble. I wish him all the best.

  17. Meatball says:

    I am liking this comment section more than the one going on on another site.

  18. Louise says:

    It amazes me when i hear of people who lose their virginity at 13/14/15. 16 and 17 is still very young in my book but i guess less ‘kiddish’. I was about about 18 and didn’t feel under any pressure or rush.. As it happened, the way i did lose it was pretty unclassy – not something i want to boast about – but i had fun and i was kinda drunk but not out of control and the guy i was with was nice.

    My niece is 11 and i hope she holds on until her upper teens. I hate to think of her feeling pressured into doing it just because she thinks she has to.

  19. Sarah01 says:

    He’s not physically appealing to me, but has this charm coupled with his voice makes me feel all tingly.

  20. Tara says:

    Steve McQueen hit the nail on the head because you can tell he has that power. Just that raw sexuality he oozes. I don’t think he could help it.

  21. Unikitty says:

    “…he can’t walk down the street without women staring at him like he’s the last donut in the world.”

    Hahahahahahaha! So funny.

  22. Abigail says:

    Love this guy. Can’t wait to see Steve Jobs and Macbeth.

  23. Lily says:

    How sweet of him. 🙂

    I’m 22 and a virgin. I’m waiting to have sex until I’m in my first serious relationship. Sex for me is something I want to have with someone I love. Anyone else? 🙂

    • Egla says:

      First time at 30. I had the same purpose as you BUT i thought eventually it was a bit to late and i had it with someone i just liked and who liked me back. I think he was shocked as he didn’t know i was a virgin LOL. he refused to touch me after 6-7 times. He told everybody he didn’t touch me. He refused to tell people he took my V. IT was weird and sweet and…strange.

  24. Chelly says:

    Thank you all for your personal stories & insight! No…he doesnt seem outwardly sad about never having kissed a girl or ever having had a date but, I think he questions himself a lot. And as I said, Im not speaking of sex…just more learning I guess, idk. Maybe it isnt as sad a situation or as big a situation as Ive made it out to be in my mind looking in. Thanks again!

  25. TopCat says:

    I didn’t lose my V card until I was 17. A lot of people I know lost there’s from 13-15 and to me, that’s often too young unless you really like someone and it’s a ‘high school love.’ It can be damaging to people to lose their V too young. It’s refreshing when men lose their V’s a little later on to me.