Gwyneth Paltrow blogs that shampoo causes childhood cancer

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Gwyneth Paltrow and her “inner aspect” are at it again, in the form of her weekly Goop newsletter. Filled with Gwyneth’s deep thoughts on everything from what ridiculously expensive presents you should give, how you should jet off to Paris, and why you should follow her crazy diet and detoxes, Gwyneth is never above telling us exactly how to live our lives. Her preachy voice is so obvious in the newsletter that it’s pretty clear she really does write it herself.

In this week’s edition, Gwyneth’s going on about how the chemicals in shampoo have dramatically increased the rate of childhood cancer, and are also the cause of ADHD and autism.

Gwyneth Paltrow has been branded ‘loopy’ by scientists after warning that products such as shampoo could be linked to cancer. [She] says she was ‘seized with fear’ after reading research about what she calls ‘environmental toxins’ – chemicals which are present in everyday items. [She] said children were unable to easily break down toxins and claimed the number of children getting cancer and autism was growing ‘exponentially’.

Leading bacteriologist Professor Hugh Pennington described her claims as ‘rubbish’ and ‘loopy’. And Cancer Research UK said the number of children with cancer had not changed in the past ten years and there was no known environmental cause for the disease.

She said: ‘A couple of years ago I was asked to give a quote for a book concerning environmental toxins and their effects on our children. While reading up on the subject, I was seized with fear about what the research said. ‘Foetuses, infants and toddlers are basically unable to metabolize toxins the way that adults are, and we are constantly filling our environments with chemicals that may or may not be safe… The research is troubling; the incidence of diseases in children such as asthma, cancer and autism have shot up exponentially and many children we all know and love have been diagnosed with developmental issues like ADHD [Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder].’

Miss Paltrow quotes Dr Philip Landrigan, a paediatrician at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in California, saying that children are ‘at risk of exposure’ to 80,000 chemicals. He adds: ‘Nearly all of these are new chemicals developed in the past 50 years… These chemicals are used widely in consumer and household goods, like personal care products, cleaning supplies, pesticides, paints, toys, home furnishings, carpeting and electronics.’ Dr Landrigan claims that asthma rates and childhood obesity have increased, as well as leukaemia and brain cancer, commenting: ‘These increases of chronic disease in our children are a stark warning that something is going very wrong.’

Miss Paltrow also cites campaigner Christopher Gavigan, saying: ‘Ever read the chemical ingredients list on your shampoo or lotion? Not an easy task. Sixty per cent of what goes on the skin is absorb [sic] into the body – so avoiding chemicals here is super important, especially for pregnant moms.’

[From the Daily Mail]

Here’s the thing: there is legitimacy to at least part of what Gwyneth is saying. Many, many people experience chemical sensitivities that can range from skin reactions to severe headaches and an inability to breathe. There could be all sorts of causes of autism: it’s a hotly debated issue. So while I’d like to say hogwash to everything out of Gwyneth’s mouth, I can’t. But that said, I think an important thing to note is what bacteriologist Professor Hugh Pennington told the Daily Mail: “‘It does annoy me when celebrities use their position to spout nonsense. They have a perfect right to their views, even if they are loopy, but they do hold a position of influence. [But] You may as well ask someone on the Underground.’”

Gwyneth is not the person to be saying this stuff, especially on her Goop website. She’s acknowledged that she knows the site grates on most people’s nerves. She’s also said it doesn’t matter to her that it has that effect. If she really cares about this issue, then she should not discuss it via Goop, and should find another way to get the message out there. The problem is that people will focus on Gwyneth, and how she is once again lecturing everyone. They will miss the message, which is a shame.

It appears that the missive has been removed from Goop. I browsed around and searched without any luck. When I stop to think about it, Gwyneth has actually said a few good things in her emails. The problem is that both she and her website are so loathsome that the good stuff gets lost.

Header of Gwyneth at the ‘Valentino: The Last Emperor’ premiere in Los Angeles on Wednesday. Images thanks to WENN .

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56 Responses to “Gwyneth Paltrow blogs that shampoo causes childhood cancer”

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  1. Annie says:

    Oh man, it’s a good thing we have Goop. Otherwise, the world might spiral into utter chaos.


  2. Monkey Fist of Justice says:

    Could this bitch be any dumber?

  3. nanster says:

    Why does this pretentious bitch think that anyone wants to hear what she has to say? She’s a freakin’ moron.

  4. Roni says:

    She is “truly” an ass!

  5. kiki says:

    she has a point
    look at your shampoo bottle and see all the chemicasl that are in it.
    there are many people who are made sick and ill by our toxic products around us.
    look at China and how they put poison in baby food, dog food, dishes, plastic ..

  6. BOGART4017 says:

    Gwen honey—shut the eff up ok?

  7. KateNonymous says:

    Wow–and she hasn’t even played a scientist in a movie!

  8. kiki says:

    its a shame she is being bashed
    look at our modern day living all the toxins we put on, ingest , breathe in.
    look at the children born with problems
    the young men going bald in their 20’s.
    women having problems getting pregnant.
    our bodies cannot break down chemicals they sit and fester into something worse in our bodies.

  9. lara says:

    Goop excites allergic reactions and it is suspected of causing brain damage. When is she going to write about that?

  10. Pamarama says:

    Are her legs hairy????

  11. Jag says:

    Wow, I actually agree with some of what ol’ Gwynnie has to say this time. Studies are being done right now to determine the effects of the chemicals that are being found in alarming numbers of children. Organic is the way to go, if possible, and not just for children. It’s amazing to see the petro-chemicals that are added to everything from face cream to hand soap. (I love Dr. Bronners hemp liquid soap for body wash, diluted as hand soap, and to clean with.)

    As for autism, I’d love for there to be a large-scale study done of the effects of antidepressants linked with autism. Supposedly, they’re safe to take while pregnant, but if you look at the rising number of women on the drugs, it seems to correspond to the rising number of autism cases. It would be interesting to see if the theory has merit, because that’s easy to change.

  12. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Ah the internet, where if you’re famous and have 15 minutes and an opinion, you can spew the most asinine unproven psycho-babble and it’ll be taken as gospel.

  13. drm says:

    “Peace out?”

    What the hell is that?

    Puleeze…that should only be her sign-off when she decides to shut her site down for good…giving us all some ‘peace’ and getting her the hell ‘out’ of cyber space…

  14. HEB says:

    Shampoo has worked out very well for me thank you very much

  15. Orangejulius says:

    I actually agree with a lot of what she says also, but it’s too bad it’s her delivering the message.

    Off topic: those are some of the ugliest shoes I’ve ever seen.

  16. Feebee says:

    The problem with Gwynnie is that if she believes this then she should invest some time, energy and money into the cause. But she won’t. She just pops a few lines in a nonsensical newsletter and leaves it at that.

    • Hurricane says:

      And you know this how? Do you have access to her tax filings to see how much she has donated, access to her diary to see or God forbid the number of causes to which she commits her time?

  17. Codzilla says:

    JAG/kiki: Can you please post a link to a scientific study (endorsed by an MD) that concludes without a doubt that organic food is better for us than non-organic? I’ve checked the National Library of Medicine’s online database in the past, and haven’t found anything to back up the “organic is better” claims. Thanks.

  18. I Choose Me says:

    What in the holy frak is she wearing on her feet!!!!! Did she lose a bet?

  19. b says:

    I thought everybody knew there are carcinogens (cancer causing agents) in shampoo,face creams, soap, makeup…
    Check out “skin deep cosmetic safety database” and find out what toxins you are using. It’s scary!

  20. Codzilla says:

    Sorry, I meant any studies endorsed by the AMA.

  21. Pufft says:

    That’s it, no more shampoo for my family! I’d rather have my children grow deadlocks and breed unknown species of head lice in their hair. I’m almost certain Bob Marley knew this very fact before he died and came to Gwyn in a dream.

    *rolls eyes*

  22. my take says:

    Codzilla: This study is from 1999 but it does prove that even 10 years ago the AMA admitted genetically modified foods (non-organic foods) are not safe.

    Remember who backs the AMA: dollars. They’re reluctant to change anything status quo unless there is a payoff in it.

    Besides, it’s often (always?) individuals who bring the “bad news” to consumers… companies/organizations have too much to lose.

  23. the original kate says:

    please tell me gwynnie didn’t write “peace out”.

  24. lrm says:

    hey there have been many studies showing that their are more nutrients in organic food. what is laughable is how so many think *science* is the well-researched model that trumps all else.
    If only you knew how little many of our drugs and foods are ‘researched’ for safety,or even efficacy….but,hey,it’s the paradim you’re raised with,so what do i expect?
    You cannot even see that it’s a paradigm.
    And,yes,you can still have logic and intelligence outside of the bastion of ‘science’. In fact,often you must look outside of that realm to find the logic. Not always,but often. They are,indeed,mutually exclusive at times.

    But that’s okay,you go ahead and keep saying ‘ooooh,where’s the research that putting pesticides [that kill rodents and insects],on food is less nutritious than not…
    have fun,and in 50 yrs,it’ll be even more fun to say I told you so….
    When lawsuits pile up against the FDA and major food cartels,just as they did with the tobacco industry.
    Food industry is next,followed by the pharmaceutical monopoly.
    History repeats itself,and intelligence shows [as does experience,if you actually have a clue about how your body works,and do your homework,take responsibility for your own health,etc.] that these industries are indeed about profit,not people.
    That’s about all I really want to say-DUH. Big fat freakin’ DUH.
    I’ll continue eating my organics and avoiding chemicals,thanks…while you wait for that ol’ research. Sounds fun. To each his own.

  25. pfft says:

    There is an ability known as critical thinking, which she obviously does not possess.
    Kids, stay in school and finish college or you may end up as illogical and moronic as Ms. Paltrow.

  26. Codzilla says:

    my take: Thanks for the link. I may have misread the article, but to me, it didn’t really seem like the AMA was admitting anything. More like they were going to reevaluate their stance on non-organic food. It will be interesting to see if anything becomes of it.

    And I don’t agree that the AMA is purely profit-driven. I’m not saying they’re saints, but the theory that every judgement they make is rooted solely in dollar signs, rather than professional integrity and a concern for the public, sounds more like propaganda than truth. Doctors get a bad rap these days (sometimes deserved, sometimes not), but there are plenty of honorable physicians whose opinions get lost in all of this back and forth. Which is a shame, because they’re the people most qualified to determine the true physiological effects of environmental toxins, whether in our food, shampoo, etc.

  27. Codzilla says:

    lrm: I didn’t notice a link in that poorly-written pile of drivel. Why should I take your word for it? Hell, you don’t even understand basic sentence structure. Give me concrete evidence, and I’ll be the first one in the organic aisle.

  28. whatever says:

    What I really want to know is what causes the conditon where crazy celebs name their kids Apple and Moses? Is it
    breakfast cereal? Strawberries? Ego? Madonna? Or, too much time on your hands? Tell us about that, Ms. Goopie.

  29. Rosanna says:

    Oh my! Poor woman!

  30. lisa says:

    Whatever: I vote for too much time on her hands.

  31. Shannon says:

    Ugh. I am sick to death of celebrities telling me what THEY think caused my kid’s autism. The hundreds of thousands of highly-educated, trained scientists who spend 100% of their working hours researching this issue have yet to come up with a consensus, but Gwyneth has got it all figured out. (After all, she was asked to give a QUOTE for book, for pete’s sake. A whole quote!) Jeesh.
    I wish Gwyneth (and Jenny McCarthy*, and all other poser, new-age, pseudo-scientist pop-off artists like her) would focus on what she is (at least arguably) actually qualified to discuss: occasional acting, being a celebrity, being born to or married to a celebrity, and spending money.

    *At least Jenny actually has a kid with autism, although she is still an idiot.

  32. orion70 says:

    and those boots cause temporary blindness….

    seriously…who dresses this woman…?

  33. Judy says:

    She dresses hyerself because no one else would bother to dress her as she would bitch about it.
    Organic sites always say organic is better and it is not by the AMA.
    I am sure that if anyone wouold ahve gotten cancer from the shampoo it would be her loonybins. I feel so sorry for her children having a woman who firt of all names them ungodly strange names , puts up a weird blog, won’t be seen together with their father, tells other people how to dress and cannot even dress herself and now thinks she is a doctor and can tell us that shampoo is going to give our kids cancer and as for her fan club in here…please just go to her blog and slather all over really is disgusting to think there are people out there who actually believe her nonsense.

  34. Tanya says:

    It’s true. Only buy organis shampoo and conditioner. Your scalf absorbs everything. She hasn’t plucked this out of thin air. Autism has gone up 2700%. This girl has healthy children for sure, good on her!

  35. Tanya says:

    Now let’s spell it correctly!;
    It’s true. Only buy organic shampoo and conditioner. Your scalp absorbs everything. She hasn’t plucked this out of thin air. Autism has gone up 2700%. This girl has healthy children for sure, good on her!

  36. yae says:

    Who here researched the ingredients to shampoo and their effects?

  37. jaym says:

    link for shampoos with ingredients that are associated with health problems.

    if you just google some of the ingredients in these products, you will see that the chemical(s) have been proven to harm humans.

  38. Obviously, chemical sensitivity is a very real issue that affects many people.

    However, Gwyneth seems to forget that she has, at most, one semester completed for an undergraduate degree. Of course, she speaks as if all her wealth and nourishment of her “inner aspect” qualifies her as a doctoral level scientist.

    Her unending pretention just makes me ill.

  39. frewt says:

    I’m seizied with fear at the sight of that hideously unnattractive outfit… I increasingly wonder what the lovely Chris Martin sees in this pretentious, confused twat.

  40. Trashaddict says:

    Now who’s smokin’ banana peels, Amy Winehouse or Gwyneth. Hope the organics out there keep it up – you think the companies selling you organic shit don’t have $$ in their eyes? They are laughing their asses off all the way to the bank. Many people on a living wage can’t afford what’s passed off as “organic”.

  41. Nicole says:

    Someone made a claim about a possible health hazard.
    Unless you think that claim is ludicrous, or you couldn’t care less about your own health, wouldn’t you want to investigate this for yourself?

    Coincidentally, this website is sponsored by “Organic skincare” – how fitting.

  42. Goddess711 says:

    Something tells me a chick that wears socks with pumps shouldn’t be doling out internet advice but in this case she’s partially right. The dies and artificial scents are carcinogenics, we all know that. The garbage that is put into today’s vaccinations are the blame for autism.
    Don’t dis Goop-head because she’s right on this, dis her because of her horrible fashion sense! GEEEZ! Somebody help that woman!

  43. Blah blah blah says:

    Ok, if it’s really necessary to question the merits of some organic food…

    Forget about being more nutritious. I mostly think about the pesticides.

    Do you feel comfortable with the idea of directly inhaling roach spray?

    If you sprayed your apple with Rid and then washed it off, would you still want to eat it?

    Some produce absorbs pesticides more than others, so not everything necessarily has to be organic but I think it matters.

  44. CB Rawks says:

    She so gangsta.

  45. Liz says:

    The only good idea that has come from Gwyneth Paltrow is Goop, and that’s only a good idea because people are now able to identify her as the goop and laugh at the absurdity of it all… on a different note I really love The Royal Tenenbaums so I tend to be conflicted with my goopy ambivalence towards her, same thing with Tom Cruise. Damn him for Interview w/ a vampire! and magnolia!! and Legend! and Tropic Thunder! Ok I’m done now.

  46. Anna says:

    Gwyneth doesn’t have a PhD so and scientific facts/medical advice from her should be taken with a pinch of salt.

    An oncogene is a gene that, when mutated or expressed at high levels, helps turn a normal cell into a cancer cell.

    A proto-oncogene is a normal gene that can become an oncogene due to mutations or increased expression. Proto-oncogenes code for proteins that help to regulate cell growth and differentiation. Proto-oncogenes are often involved in signal transduction and execution of mitogenic signals, usually through their protein products. Upon activation, a proto-oncogene (or its product) becomes a tumor-inducing agent, an oncogene.

  47. Granger says:

    Organic vs. non-organic is such a hot button topic these days. I agree with some of what Gwyneth is saying — we live in an over-toxified world — but I wish she’d keep her mouth shut. Stating your opinion is one thing, but stating it as though you’re an expert with THE final answer is another. Once again, Goopy overlooks the fact that she (like Julia Roberts, who also goes off about organic) is a multi-millionaire who can afford to eat/buy/use whatever organic products she wants. But the fact is, organic stuff is incredibly expensive, and the majority of us just can’t afford to go entirely organic, even if we want to. So it just ends up pissing me off when someone like Gwyneth Paltrow preaches about the virtues of horrendously overpriced shampoo.

  48. Hera says:

    Gwyneth Paltrow, has, understandably, upset the cancer industry with her claim that environmental poisons cause cancer.
     As the cancer plague has risen in parallel with environmental pollution, the cancer professionals have always stuck to the “bad luck” explanation.  
      When Richard Doll was top dog at The Imperial Cancer Research Fund, the latter issued a statement –  “One of the biggest myths in recent years is that there is a cancer epidemic caused by exposure to radiation, pollution, pesticides and food additives.”
    Although Doll, who was on the take from the polluting industries, has long gone before The Higher Court, his legacy is as strong as ever.
      Whilst the cancer business is totally inextricable from the petrochemical industry, which produces the carcinogens and the “chemotherapy”, the people will not receive proper protection or safe, effective treatments.

  49. Susie says:

    I gave up commercial shampoo years ago — so did the rest of our family. No more allergies, no more itching, no more fear of the consequences of bathing the head once a day 365 days a year in industrial chemicals. I think Gwyneth is right. The shampoo industry is heavily invested in making big-foam shampoos so that early morning folks have that luxurious but totally chemical experience. There are a few (not many) natural shampoos in healthy stores. Read the label — if you see any ingredients you wouldn’t come across on a nature walk, run for your life.

  50. shocked says:

    Wow. Most of commenters here are a bunch of idiots. Goddess711 – vaccines DON’T cause autism. That has been proven and proven again, but zealots like you just keep asserting it. But then again, maybe you are just like Hera, and are really drinking the “the-medical-community-conspires-to-lie-to-us-and-keep-us-sick” Kool Aid. Most of the rest of you have nary a clue about the scientific process. I pity you.

  51. my take says:

    Codzilla: Yeah, I went back and re-read that link and it sucked for the argument i was making.. sorry.

    As for Gwennie’s baby names, Apples are known to be anti-carcinogens. Gwynnie’s dad died of Cancer before his granddaughter was born. I have no link to support this evidence, but i believe this may have contributed to the naming of her daughter… it should have, anyway.

  52. morgs says:

    I thought she named her apple because it is biblical and innocent? I remember a quote from her about it.

  53. moe says:

    when she bleaches her hair all the time, does the hair coloring go into her scalp and come out of her toes?

  54. EURO says:

    OK, Gwyneth Paltrow is not a specialist… (Thinking autism could be a consequence of chemical products is stupid, indeed…) Anyway, there is more and more cancer because of all the chemical products you can find in the products you use everydays… In Europe the larger part of scientific communauty is sure of that. And at first, you have to take really care about the stuffs you are puting on your skin, like shampoo… Read the list of molecules in your shampoo… Are you really sure that cannot have effect for you after 10, 20 years of use ?… There is not real serious test by shampoo producers, so, indeed, there is really reasons to be anxious like Miss Paltrow…
    (PS, sorry for my bad english, not my mother language)

  55. Yes there are some very harsh cleaning agents on the market.


    The cleaning industry is as involved in the “Green” revolution as any one else.

    I personally utilize a cleaner that is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and contains no VOC’s

    I even use a carpet protector that is certified by the US EPA as “Designed for The Environment”

    My point is this. We are aware that many substances we use on a daily basis have a negative impact on us and our environment, but we are learning. With each passing day we as a society are becoming more and more aware of our steward ship of our planet.

    Jay Jetty
    Carpet Cleaning Pahrump

    Carpet Cleaning Las Vegas