Katy Perry on her favorite men’s grooming look: ‘The less hair, the better’


Here are some photos of Katy Perry last month at an event for Harper’s Bazaar. I totally forgot that she changed up her signature black hair – I barely recognize her as a redhead. Seriously! I had to double-check the photo ID. Katy has a new interview with Glamour Mag which is mostly about beauty stuff, her natural hair color and what kind of grooming she prefers on a man. Spoiler: I’m going to fight with her about some of this stuff.

Her onstage vs. off-duty look: “I’m Katy Perry onstage. At home I’m Katheryn Hudson. I’ve created this cartoon look when performing, but offstage I don’t always have three hours to put it together. That’s when I’m just about lashes, shaping my brows, and more natural skin. I use CoverGirl mascara, and I like lash extensions too—they make you feel like Bambi. Then a nice bronzer and a good powder. I just learned how to shade a little bit so you slim your face down and take care of your undercarriage underneath your chin.”

Her hair-color-as-accessory mind-set: “I’m naturally the most boring dishwater squirrel brown. So I’ve been playing with colors since I was 15. I loved the grunge green, and shocking blue was fun. Colored hair is such a huge accessory that you don’t even need to add extra stuff.”

Her best nail-art moments: “I’ve done election nails, royal nails. I’ve used BuzzFeed for ideas. But now I’m really into a gel mani. People talk about, “Oh, you know, it hurts your nail beds.” I’m like, “Listen, nobody is talking about how strong your nail beds look. They’re saying, ‘Oh my God, that mani is incredible.”

Her favorite flaw: “Well, I don’t know everything; I don’t have a great education. Some would consider asking questions about mundane things or what a word means a flaw, but I love that I do that.”

Her forever scent: “My signature scent now is, and always has been, a blend of vanillas. And I never spray it on my skin. I spritz and walk through—or levitate through. I like to spray it on my hair too. With Mad Potion, the two main ingredients are exotic vanillas and androgynous musks. It’s definitely a sweeter perfume. I like to be edible. I want somebody to…eat me.”

Her getting-ready anthem: “I’m Every Woman,” because who knows what kind of woman I’ll be that night?”

Her favorite grooming look on a man: “If your teeth and nails are good, you’re a candidate. If you can’t clean under your nails and you want to touch me, forget it. And personally, the less hair, the better. I like a trimmed man but not completely waxed. I’m not into that f–kboy look.”

[From Glamour]

Man-grooming: I’m with her on teeth and nails – there are few things so gross to me as a dude with filthy hands and nails. But “less hair”??? This coming from the woman who married Hairy Dude Russell Brand? Is that it? Did Brand make her want to never date a hairy guy ever again? Personally, I enjoy a furry guy. Different strokes, etc, but I’m with her on not liking the completely waxed look on a man (or on a woman, for that matter).

As for this: “I don’t have a great education. Some would consider asking questions about mundane things or what a word means a flaw, but I love that I do that.” Girl… we know you don’t have a great education. Like, we know that at a profound level. But she still turned it into a humble-brag, like she’s an amazing person because she asks what a word means?


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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32 Responses to “Katy Perry on her favorite men’s grooming look: ‘The less hair, the better’”

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  1. nora says:

    I really like that hair color on her.

    • We Are All Made of Stars says:

      Me too! Oh my God I am totally showing this to my hair guru next week! Katy’s an ex natural blonde and I am too, so I feel like this will look great on me. I have it dyed a copper red right now, but it’s definitely not this punched up. Will look into it asap.

      • Susan says:

        Me too! I’ve always been fascinated by how hair color can change/improve/sometimes kill your look. I remember seeing a movie one day on TV and it was Zooey Deschanel and I didn’t recognize her…I thought she was Jenna Fischer from the Office. Her hair was sandy brown and while she was still cute obviously she wasn’t stunning you w those blue eyes like usual. I fret that I’m wearing the wrong color too. Lol.

  2. Wannabeparisian says:

    What’s happening with her feet/shoes here???

    • Wren says:

      That’s what I was wondering too! Her toes look freakishly long in those shoes, it’s not a good look.

      • SamiHami says:

        Eh, it’s better than hammertoes and the other mutilations you see on some women who have apparently spent wayyyy too much in heels.

  3. Moffa says:

    Hmm. I didn’t see it as a humble brag at all. The way I took it was that she liked that she would ask, even if it meant she might look a little stupid from time to time. Like she was okay not knowing everything and sometimes needing it to be clarified or explained. I’d prefer that to Taylor Swift and her gang telling us how smart and nice and talented and such a good cook and the best decorator but always has time to be such a best friend. Seems a tad more real.

  4. Elizabeth says:

    I’m with her on the male grooming, including “the less hair the better” bit, although I prefer men who are naturally non-hairy. But, then, I was raised with American Indians.

  5. Zip says:

    Furry men are a complete turnoff for me. Also, when I’m expected to be clean shaven those standards apply to guys, too. Hair only belong to the head and maybe the legs and forearms (on guys). Everywhere else it should go. Shaving only takes like five minutes. Should be doable.

    • Jay says:

      Shaving takes WAYYYY longer than 5 minutes on a super hairy guy. Especially the parts they can’t see, like the back. I’m trying to get my man to let me wax him.

    • amilue says:

      lol. Shaving only takes 5 minutes for a hairy guy?! Nope!

    • TwistBarbie says:

      I wouldn’t date a man who “expected” me to be clean shaven. Obviously I care about my partner’s opinion but how I style my muff shouldn’t really matter too much to him. My husband always says “If you’re happy, I’m happy”.

  6. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I like hairy chests on men. I loathe gimmic nails. I think these bedazzled manicures are one of the worst trends to come along in the last 20 years. If I were a man, that would definitely be a deal breaker for me.

    I thought it was sort of touching that she wants to learn more and admits it?

    • Kitten says:

      My man has a hairy chest and I love it.

      I used to be into men that are manscaped when I was younger but I’m so over that.

      • QQ says:

        i’m for all the hair everywhere dudes too personally I’m into hairy arms hairy legs … Naturally that means I always end up with the most naturally hairless dudes out there

    • Wren says:

      I like hairy chests on guys too, and more furry men in general, but to a point. When it gets into Sasquatch territory then I’m not so into it.

      I too used to think the manscaped look was hot, but that was an adolescent thing. Now those guys are just unappealing to me.

    • amilue says:

      Fluffytufts on a man’s chest forever!

  7. Leggomyeggo says:

    I think men men and women both have gotten too uptight about body hair period. It’s supposed to be there! My man has a nice furry chest and I find it a huge turn on – feels like I’m actually touching a man not a boy. Plus I don’t find vanity in men sexy.

  8. Mimz says:

    I’m 100% with her on teeth and nails, which are part of the first things i notice in a guy i like. Teeth are especially a deal breaker, since the nails you can just tell them to wash their hands, but the teeth … have a deeper meaning.
    About the hair, i don’t mind some hair but i’m not into hairy shoulders and hairy backs. Chest hair, even down-there-hair, no problem, legs, arms, face. OK nobody needs to be super shaven. But that’s it.

  9. Toni says:

    I love her hair it complements her complexion. The shoes looks ugly though.

  10. Rainbow says:

    I hate her shoes here.

    I don’t like her style so I can’t say I care for her beauty tips. I prefer natural make up and I hate fake nails,especially the long pointy ones (cough kardashians).
    I have read that gel manicure not only can destroy your nails but may increase the risk of skin cancer ; the light that is used to put your hands under, destroys the skin cells, just like solarium does.I dont like them but if that is true, anyone should stay away from this kind of manicure.

  11. Kitten says:

    WOW she can “levitate” through perfume? Wow wow wow wow.

    She’s like a more annoying, less talented David Blaine.

  12. Bethie says:

    I think a medium level of hairy is ideal.

    The hands thing is interesting. The hubs works on helicopters and sometimes he comes home with oil and stuff on his hands, and he cleans up real nice after, but something about a flight suit and helicopter engine oil is rather sexy.

    • Danielle says:

      If you’ve ever been with a guy who works with his hands, they and the nails will never look completely clean. My dad was a welder and my current sweetie is a mechanical engineer who does alot of work on our house. I remember my dad scrubbing at his hands with special stuff and I give my bf weekly manicures – nails still look dirty. That being said, if u work in an office, clean under your nails!

  13. Naddie says:

    She’s dumb, talentless, immature, sometimes annoying, but I can’t help liking her. Also, she looks gorgeous with this hair color , but the Snow White look is a signature of her, so eventually she just might come back to the black hair.
    And I hate men with arms/chest/legs hair. The less, the better.

  14. ella says:

    At first I did a double take about the “less hair” comment considering she was married to Russell, but on second read I think she was referring to hair “down there” and not necessarily length of hair or beard. And maybe Russell was quite “groomed” in that respect. Just because a guy has long hair doesn’t mean he has more than the normal amount of hair elsewhere.

    Also, it was during their marriage that Russell shaved his beard off and waxed his chest. That was partly for his role in Arthur, but I seem to remember him saying Katy preferred it also. So, maybe she married him for other reasons, *despite* the hair, and then tried to get him to change it. I personally like him with all his hair!

  15. ella says:

    P.S. This red hair was a wig or weave! She didn’t dye her hair red. It was only red for this one night and then went back to black or black/brown or whatever her usual color is lately.

  16. Breanna says:

    Eh, I actually enjoy that she talks about her lack of education, and I don’t read it as a humble brag that she says she’s eager to ask questions. Ignorance combined with no desire to learn is far more off-putting.