Amber Heard feels limited by her looks, wants to play ‘substantial’ roles

MC December '15 -Amber Heard-Newsstand

I think the only movie I’ve ever seen with Amber Heard is Magic Mike: XXL. Is that enough to judge her acting skills? Probably not, but I still think she’s a charisma vacuum. Maybe she’s different in person, and I think it’s very possible she’s even more beautiful in person. But she has the on-screen presence of a damp dishrag. It’s no surprise to me that her career is sort of in a holding pattern of fifth-credited leads and whatever Johnny Depp can get her. So how is that Amber Heard deserves the December cover of Marie Claire? That’s a great question. She’s the like the fourth credited person in The Danish Girl! That’s why she’s on the cover. It should be noted that Alicia Vikander is the co-lead, along with Eddie Redmayne, and that most critics believe Alicia will be nominated for an Oscar. Still, here’s Amber on the cover of Marie Claire.

On her life: “I’ve been on the road or on the run since I was 16…. A horse became a bike, a bike became a car, a car became a plane,” Heard explains. And now, when I ask her if she likes flying, she looks puzzled. “It’s like walking, I guess,” she says. “It’s just how I get around.”

On rumors of her separation from Depp: “I try not to react to the horrible misrepresentation of our lives, but it is strange, and hard.”

On being a stepmother: “[It is] an honor and the greatest, most surprising gift I have ever received in my life … I feel new flavors that I didn’t know existed. New colors that I didn’t know existed have been added to my life. I’m so happy.”

On being limited by her looks: “I wish I didn’t have to pick between being seen as sexually viable and something more substantial.”

On gay rights: “No matter what people want to label me as, I still fight for equality, and I think popular opinion will catch up. I think it already has, actually. I think our generation sees themselves as part of a larger global community, and therefore, it’s harder to enact basic tribalistic prejudices based on ignorance and hate.”

On her strong work ethic: “You respect what it takes to earn it [money], and it also gives you a certain resilience, because it minimizes this false notion that that’s what matters. I know that to not be true, and I know I’m fine without it. That’s why maybe I’m so independent. I never expect anyone to give me anything—the notion of someone supporting me would be absurd to me.”

[From Marie Claire]

“I wish I didn’t have to pick between being seen as sexually viable and something more substantial…” Don’t get me wrong, I get it. I think that’s a problem so many actresses face. But again, she has the on-screen presence of a dishrag. Producers aren’t breaking down her door with quality scripts for a reason! Why hire Amber Heard when you could hire Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley, Alicia Vikander, etc? Also, I love that she’s so insistent that she’s not with Johnny Depp because he’s rich. I sort of believe that. She’s with Scarfy so he’ll help her career.


Photos courtesy of Boe Marion/Marie Claire.

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129 Responses to “Amber Heard feels limited by her looks, wants to play ‘substantial’ roles”

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  1. Santia says:

    Bytch, please.

    • CORAL. says:

      Did I miss the part where Amber Heard was declared rival to the Angelina and Charlize’s of the world in terms of beauty? I mean she’s a pretty girl, but so’s Amanda Siegfried…and I don’t hear her whining about sexual viability, and having to choose blah blah.

      Point is, Heard’s never been popular enough to amass consensus about…anything really.

      Take Megan Fox, who’s around her same age. I actually do recall when she and others we’re saying she could be Angelina Jr. I remember when the words ‘Megan Fox,’ generated a bit of a buzz. I could see her maybe saying something like this….at the time….

      But this woman? Come now.

      • arabella says:

        This!! The first thing that came to my mind is “she’s no Angelina”.

      • teacakes says:

        yeah, she’s no Angelina or even Scarjo (who IS very much seen in a sexual way and is a men’s-mag fave but still gets substantial roles)

    • Sarah (another one) says:

      Exactly. Because the real substantial working actresses are all so unattractive. So “unviable” sexually. SMH.

      • Amide says:

        The funny thing is Amber Heard looks facially very much like Teresa Plamer, who manages to get on with working and headline films that make money. But the way Heard talks about her looks, you would think she has no peer in Hollywood, and every one else has been flogged to death with the ugly stick!.

    • Wentworth Miller says:

      Sanita, 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😂😂😂!

  2. original kay says:

    Jessica Biel 2.0.

  3. MrsBPitt says:

    Amber Heard is not limited by her looks, she is limited by her lack of talent. If anything, she should be grateful for her looks, because that is all she has going for her. Well, that and the money she will be getting when her and JD split, and we all know that will eventually happen….

    • Hawkeye says:

      No more calls, we have a winner!

    • It'sJustBlanche says:

      Yeah that’s exactly it. She has nothing else going for her. She cannot act but she’s pretty. That’s why she’s married to Johnny Depp and being married to Johnny Depp is why she’s getting attention because there are thousands of pretty girls in hollywood. She should stop taking herself so seriously and enjoy the ride. Because it will not last.

      • Holmes says:

        As I stated below, I actually find her quite unattractive–but she appears to be considered beautiful or at least generically pretty by most, which is precisely why she has nothing else going for her. Most people who are considered beautiful never have cultivate a personality, or a sense of humor, or anything like that. They haven’t had to–they’ve been given everything because they’re pretty, no work required.

      • Annie B says:

        See also…Blake Lively.

  4. Betti says:

    Substantial roles require substantial talent, which she lacks.

  5. Pedro45 says:

    You don’t “feel flavors”, Amber.

  6. MrsBPitt says:

    Yup, she is with JD to help her career…the money is just the cherry on the cake!

  7. Manjit says:

    What she lacks in talent she certainly makes up for in self-confidence.

  8. Tiffany says:

    Soooooo……this is happening.

  9. Cee says:

    She’s limited by her talent. Her looks are what took her this far along in the industry. She would be better as a commercial model.

    • BadAssCompass says:

      I was thinking the same, and I don’t think I have even seen her in motion. Oh, wait I have, in some shots from a campaign that’s been turned into a Lady Gaga fanvid. She’s frolicking on the beach with some guy and kind of resembles golden era of supermodels. But she would be a B class model as well as I don’t see her having very transformative looks and kind of appears dead inside ever since Depp.
      Also, we don’t hear Margot Robbie complaning about her looks (which I find quite generic/Hollywood, but girl’s got fire, it appears)

  10. lassie says:

    I, too, am limited by my looks…but not in the same way. :9

  11. Lirko says:

    This again? She’s like a broken record…

    • Jena says:

      Yeah always complaining…she thinks we are fool or what???? AMBER YOU CANT ACT AND YOU KNOW IT!!!!! Just shut up!!!!and there is a lot pretty girls in Hollywood…and prettier cause they dont complain, they can act and have charisma AND DONT NEED DEPP NAME TO GET MAGAZINE COVER AND STUPID MOVIE ROLE!!! sHe will be easily forgotten when he dump that stupid/vapid-notalent girl!!!!!

  12. Lilacflowers says:

    Oh, poor Amber, yes, yes, your looks limit you. Well, your looks and the fact that you cannot act and pick projects like the Playboy Club show. But just keep posing for pictures with your mouth open like that and the jobs will come pouring in. I hear that’s how Meryl and Glenn Close and Jessica Lange did it

    • Amide says:

      Pretty much.
      This was a woman who used to stage pap shots in random LA garages for attention, and played up her sexuality for column inches and for roles in tash TV and B flicks. Its been flop after flop after flop, but she’s still getting the magazine covers and will likely walk the Oscar red carpet this spring. Marrying Depp has been a lifeline, and an avenue to spout constant gibberish about how her incredble ‘depth’ and ‘talent’ is being held back by her looks.

  13. Saphana says:

    i always hear good looking people complain about that (Rob Lowe also comes to mind) but they NEVER EVER complain how many privileges they have for being pretty:
    way more options in sex and love life obviously
    higher pay (in the USA about 200,000$ life time earnings)!
    less likely to go to jail, lower sentences for same crimes
    seen as more intelligent, trustworthy and kind
    often better grades
    more likely to get promoted
    greater liklihood of getting hired
    less likely to be bullied in school

    physical attraction is a huge advantage, good looking white people are the white people among white people.

    • Decorative Item says:

      “good looking white people are the white people among white people.”


    • EN says:

      Very true.
      I didn’t realize how much advantage the good looks provide until I left my own country where I am a run of the mill average and came to the US where for whatever reason my looks are the current flavor. Oh my, it is a completely different life but you wouldn’t know it until you experience both sides.

  14. Naya says:

    Well, I hope she eventually scores the role she is looking for. And lets be fair, shes on the cover because she will probably move far more copies than Alicia Vikander. Sure Ambers brand benefits but so does the movies profile. This is just typical actor/movie promotion symbiosis, the shade is unnecessary.

    • vauvert says:

      How is she benefitting the movie? Do you seriously suggest that even one person would watch this because of her? I am guessing you are being sarcastic.

      • Naya says:

        I wrote “the movies profile” benefits. That means many more people now know this movie exists that wouldnt otherwise. It also means tgat people who enjoy Amber will show up (I’m guessing that doesnt include you though)

    • Luca76 says:

      Sure she will sell covers as Mrs Johnny Depp. Alicia, and Margot Robbie are just as stunning as Amber but they are also much more charismatic and compelling onscreen. She’s blowing smoke up her own bottom and people are calling her out on it. I also think you should check out the shade court on Jezebel and find out the true definition of shade. None of these comments are shade they are just bitchy.

      • Naya says:

        I was referring to the main post not the comments. I wish I cared enough to google “bitchy v shady” but i just really don’t. And if you read my comment, I didnt say Amber was more charismatic or talented (I cant make that judgement since I dont know either of these womens work). I said she is on the cover for the only reason a sane editor would put anybody on the cover ……it will sell copies.

    • moot says:

      I doubt that. In what world do people care about Amber …whatever? Would this magazine’s readers even know who she is unless she gets introduced as J Depp’s wife? I’m pretty sure I could take a survey in my office and in my apartment building, asking people who Amber Heard is and the only people who would know her would also know that she’s married to Depp (probably about 25-30%). Anyone who couldn’t care less who Johnny Depp married would have no idea who she is. You’re seriously overestimating how well-known a 5th listed cast member on a movie poster is to the general population.

  15. Claire says:

    I don’t care about her quotes but she’s so beautiful. God, I cannot stop looking at her.

  16. Luca76 says:

    She’s so, so, so forgettable on screen. I honestly think Jessica Biel is more compelling onscreen which is a scary thing to say.

    • JaneFR says:

      So do I. And i’m waiting to see Amber naked face to see how pretty/beautiful she actually is. Until then, I will call her “hoping to be JB 2.0”

  17. Bridget says:

    Amber quite enthusiastically promoted herself as a muscle car loving bisexual (literally). When you make your sexuality your biggest selling point, is it any wonder that people can’t see past that?

    • Luca76 says:

      Honestly that’s not her issue she just has no charisma. I saw Magic Mike 2 with a friend and that movie is really sexy and suggestive and she’s playing a bisexual party girl. You’d think this would be her moment to exude something just the opposite. She just fades into the woodwork. She’s just barely there saying her lines and if you didn’t know who she was you wouldn’t remember her in the movie.

      • Bridget says:

        I was just pointing out that she’s complaining about the image that she herself constructed. Which was because she didn’t have the talent to actually make people remember her otherwise (can anyone actually remember her role in Pineapple Express?).

      • Leah says:

        First time i saw her was in “never let down” which my then boyfriend wanted to see and i begrudgingly obliged. Needless to say that is a really forgettable B movie and even at that time ( which was years before she had started irritating me with silly quotes like this and being the number 1 manifestation of my childhood idol midlife crisis) i thought who is that, she’s a terrible actress. I remember cringing at some of her scenes. She just not talented. The sort of standard pretty girl looks are why she even has a career in my honest opinion.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        She completely disappeared in the scenes with Andie MacDowell

      • Bridget says:

        And Andie isn’t exactly a heavyweight herself.

      • Luca76 says:

        Yeah but at least Andie is likable onscreen and seemed to be having fun. It’s like this girl can’t even do the bare minimum in fluff forget real acting.

  18. Decorative Item says:

    Yeah, if Charlize Theron can play Monster then it’s not your looks that are limiting you.

    • Denise says:

      That’s exactly what I thought when I read this. Does she not watch other movies? On a lesser note, Cameron Diaz in Being John Malkovich. I have a feeling Amber wants the meaty roles but as her glamorous self.

  19. InvaderTak says:

    Yeah no. Don’t even have a quip about it. That’s just dumb.

  20. sills says:

    “I never expect anyone to give me anything—the notion of someone supporting me would be absurd to me.”

    …the notion of supporting my wobbly drunken old snaggle-toothed husband (the bazillionaire movie star) as he totters through airports in hobo garb, however, is not absurd to me at all.

    • SilkyP says:

      ‘I never expect anyone to give me anything…’ says Heard. And still I have a strong feeling that her relationship with Depp has been one of the biggest reasons for the roles she has scored since 2010 (basically since they co-starred in the Rum Diary). I even think films like ‘One more Time’ (with Christopher Walken) and ‘The Adderall Diaries’ (with James Franco) wouldn’t have been made at all without Depp backing them (financially or otherwise). By the way, Amber has another interview this month, with ‘C Magazine’ (what’s in a name) in which she says she thinks Depp, as a Hollywood power player, could change things for the better for women in the movie business. She says ‘I think that it takes people like him who have the ability to change and challenge this very old and tired system. And I think he and I are looking for our own ways to do that. I want to see him get behind the camera and direct.’

      • JaneFR says:

        “… because he would have to give me the big roles.”
        Seemed to me the quote was missing a little something.

    • anon33 says:

      So, she’s claiming that she doesn’t take any of JD’s $$$?? Somehow I doubt that.

    • Joan says:

      What does that have to do with what she’s saying??

  21. Elsa says:

    I like her but I find it odd that she complains about people viewing her as a sex object while posing like that. Other than that I find the negativity against her unnecessary. And I know everyone here is against them but I’ve read so many nice things about Johnny that I wouldn’t be surprised if she actually loves him. And I hope she does have a good relationship with the kids because being a step mother is a very complicated and difficult thing especially if it has to do with teenagers. I want to believe her. She also mentioned that she would love to have children of her own…

    • vauvert says:

      The negativity she received is entirely due to her lack of talent, her try hard posing, her snobbish attitude (evidenced on the RC) and her actions which are entirely at odds with her statements. Not to mention the Yorkies incident when instead of pleading mea culpa and being humble she is acting like a put upon diva.
      She is very beautiful on the outside. That has already provided her with a lot of advantages. But that is all she has, beauty. No talent or personality or character.

  22. Hazel says:

    Oh God, this girl. “I’m too beautiful to work, so I’ll get a sugar daddy instead.”

  23. mmm says:

    She’s on the cover for the same reason she has been convocated to every premiere/press conference/and promotional activity of this movie, because people doesn’t know Alicia Vikander, so it’s make to Eddie Redmayne and to Amber to promote the movie to the masses
    Her interview is way more interesting than this quote about her limited by her look. I feel she has the same problem than Johnny with the media…Johnny was the past weekend at AFI and told tons of anecdotes, including unknows about her bad auditions for the Cohens, still the media keep spreading that OLD known story repeated over and over again since years ago, about how Disney wanted to fire him and thought Jack Sparrow was gay…
    Same with Amber, she has another sister, she talk about her every day life with Johnny, why she speaks sign language and even said she want to be a mother, still the quote repeated over and over again is the same old about how hard it’s for her to find roles

    • mp says:

      aw, your defense of her is so cute

    • Bert says:

      People don’t know who Amber is either. She got invited because she brought The Depp along.

    • Jess says:

      Depends what you mean by attention. Alicia vikander wins breakthrough award, Amber heard presents award at same awards ceremony and gets photographed with Depp. Who is going to Get exposure in the gossip press? Heard of course. Who is going to get more movie offers and further her career. Vikander of Course. Heards exposure is not too far away from a child of a celebrity, or a product of nepotism, nobody is really interested in her for her.

  24. Crocuta says:

    Is there a “star” actor or actress in Hollywood that isn’t ridiculously good looking? OK, tastes vary, but there’s not many actually unattractive people in this industry. When Hollywood needs to create an ugly duckling, they take a pretty girl, give her retainer, huge weird glasses, mess up her hair and give her terrible make-up and clothes. They don’t even have an “unattractive” actress to play the part.

    That’s why I love British cinema. All the people there look so normal.

  25. lucy2 says:

    The ones complaining their beauty holds them back are usually the ones with little to no talent, who are only there because of their looks.
    I’ve seen a few things she’s been in, but don’t remember her at all. If she wants better roles, she needs to work harder. But I guess it’s just easier to whine about being pretty.

    • moot says:

      Sadly, I think it’s because they’re beautiful that no one will ever tell them the truth: you suck as an actor.

      Mind you, being a terrible actor never stopped Cameron Diaz, Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu and a slew of other good-looking women from getting interesting work.

      So, the difference is not so much she’s a terrible actor but that she has zero *It* quality on screen. Without that presence, the bad acting is too painfully obvious. With It-ness, at least there’s something to draw you to the character that makes you care about them because you instinctively like them (or want to be liked by them).

      I also think it’s a slap in the face to all the other super attractive women in the business who get substantial roles and are sexually viable. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.

      When the Heards and Biels of Hollywood complain about how their looks and sex appeal make it so hard for them to get meatier roles, one wishes they had at least one person in their lives who could tell them the painful truth. They just seem so delusional.

      Their lives are so difficult, they were forced to marry much wealthier men with more viable careers and more influence. Poor poor Amber and Jessica. What a terrible curse.

  26. Kaye says:

    So many comments I could make, and somehow all I can think is . .

    Girl. Please.

  27. Fd says:

    Btw she is not that beautiful. She is a run of the mill pretty blond. That’s all. There have been way better actresses than her who are also far more beautiful than she is.

  28. prissa says:

    I feel people throw around the word “beautiful” too easily nowadays. Angelina is beautiful. Halle is beautiful. Amber Heard is just average and quite plain. IMHO.

  29. Newgirl says:

    Wait… She’s still getting roles? 😑

  30. Kitty says:

    I don’t think she’s spectacularly beautiful. Just a run of the mill white girl, actually. She’s attractive, but not so beautiful that she is automatically sexified. And anyway she came into the game talking about her sexuality, so I’m not sure what she’s going for here. But certainly I do think she’s with Depp for the money and the fame. She’s not a great actor, but she still gets to live like an A lister with him.

    • Leah says:

      Exactly! She quite generic looking she looks a bit like Kstew and a bit like ScarJo a bit like sharon stone. There is nothing unique about her beauty and she is not a spectacular and exotic beauty like a young Angelina Jolie, nor does she have any of Jolies sex appeal. Her beauty is run of the mill in hollywood. As an actress she verges from really bad to forgettable.

    • Holmes says:

      I don’t even find her run-of-the-mill attractive–in fact, I find her quite unattractive. That’s a really strong chin/jaw.

    • Wren33 says:

      I think she is beautiful, but unrecognizable. Not just generic, but she weirdly looks different in every picture.

  31. KB says:

    Looking at her is like looking through a booklet of beige swatches for me.

    Also, people should really close their mouths when posing for the camera because all I can see is a mouth-breather who probably has chapped lips and makes everyone else around them listen to their runny noses.

    Want to guess some random things about a co-worker of mine?!

  32. lower-case deb says:

    i think she really struggles, because she looks like Scarlett Johansson. i’m sure there are a lot of roles written for Amber that Amber never got to see because it got accidentally sent to SJ.

    scriptwriter/director’s assistant: i uh.. can you deliver this script to her? the director and producer really hope she can play the lead actress part.
    delivery boy: she who?
    assistant: uh… oh i haven’t slept for ages i forgot her name. something color something.
    delivery boy: that’s not helping.
    assistant: ughh she came here about a month ago. uh.. (saw a marvel billboard across the street) she looks like that.
    delivery boy: oh! black widow? scarlett johansson? scarlet’s a color, right? reddish?
    assistant: nooo it’s that thing. the thing that traps insects on trees.
    delivery boy: black widow is a spider. probably trap insects too. maaann i’m going to see Scarlett Johansson. dope.
    assistant: you maybe right. okay go.

    and thus another script that Amber never Heard of. truly a face of many limitations.

  33. JenniferJustice says:

    But she was specifically asked “about being limited by her looks.” I don’t care for her, but that’s a bit of a set up to ask a question parsed as “how do you deal with being beautiful in the industry?” They already know she’s talked about her looks hindering opportunities (in her mind) so why ask again if not purposely to set her up for fail because the intereviewer knows her answer already and is just looking for a general eye-roll from all who read it. Kinda’ not fair and definitely old news.

  34. Beckysuz says:

    Oh honey, no. You have all the charisma of a paperweight. That’s why you don’t get jobs unless the scarfy hobo helps you out

    • Lizzie says:

      Scarfy hobo? Have you seen him lately? All he’s been wearing is elegant designer suits without any scarfs. Not that his iconic “scarfy hobo” looks don’t cost a fortune.

      And she’s been getting jobs way before him. She’s only more famous now.

  35. lita says:

    I thought she was the least talented in Magic Mike 2…which is saying a lot

  36. Denise says:

    This is the same as women who complain that they have no girlfriends because other women don’t like them because they’re jealous. It is ALWAYS something else.

    • Veronica says:

      LOL, I always love when women make those comments around me. The first thing I respond with is, “You really think 50% of the planet cares that much about you?”

  37. Joni says:

    Get over yourself, sweetie.

  38. Pondering thoughts says:

    Amber Heard is in fact limited by her looks.
    She is limited by how she looks when she acts any scene.
    She is bad at acting. That is all.

  39. dippit says:

    OR, given she’s yet to exhibit any screen presence or acting chops, conversely it could be argued, her look (and connections) have secured her roles which may have been better realised with the casting of an actress with more substance and skills in her craft.

    Just saying.

  40. Jaded says:

    So clearly marrying Johnny Depp hasn’t catapulted you into the stratosphere of stardom. And as a result you have to get into bed with a sweating, drunk, bloated shadow of his former hot self every night now. At the same time, you pose for provocative magazine covers complaining that your good looks are holding you back, not your obvious lack of talent. Sounds like a Faustian deal with the devil that just didn’t work out for you did it.

    Be careful what you wish for, it comes with a hefty price sweetheart.

    • Joan says:

      It clearly has seeing as she’s become way more widely famous than she was.

      I bet she doesn’t think of JD as a “sweating, drunk, bloated shadow of his former hot self.” I don’t. He’s still an attractive, nice and kind man, and I bet he is great in bed.

  41. PRINCESSDI says:

    So she’s “honored” by the “new flavors” and “new colors” that come with being a step-mother?

    Who’s acting now?!

  42. Whitney says:

    I’ve never found her very interesting to be honest. She just doesn’t seem unique to me. I probably couldn’t pick her out of a lineup.

  43. MND says:

    When someone suggests I get with someone I’m not attracted to I think to myself “That’s’ like telling a lesbian to get with a man.” Then I think of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp.

  44. Isabelle says:

    Way hotter women than her in the Hollywood and get those roles she describes. She has sold herself as a sexpot and presented her looks as her best asset. She isn’t a good actress plain and simple. So she used her looks to get ahead. Its called you get results from what you offer. She is a hack.

  45. Jess says:

    Girl sit down! You are not THAT good looking.

  46. Nymeria says:

    Flying is just how she gets around? She doesn’t get how many people can’t afford to fly, or how much pollution flying generates. Ho-kay then. But Johnny chose her because she’s “deep.” Yeah. Sure.

    Amber, 99% of us see through your BS. We know you hate being a stepmother because the kids take Johnny’s time and attention away from you, and we know you married him for your career and for his money. He married you because he’s over 50 and wants to feel young again. It’s not because you’re “edgy” or “deep.”

  47. Seraphina says:

    Two words: bi!$& please

    You want to is to think this. What ever. Next!

  48. anna says:

    oh amber dear if it weren’t for your looks you would have no career in hollywood at all

  49. She is a very beautiful girl. Who knows? Could she be the next Meryl Streep?

  50. MND says:

    She already has the money and the fame. If she REALLY wanted a substantial role I’m sure she and Johnny could shop around for a script with a strong female character, cast her and produce it themselves. It may not do big business at the box office but it’d give her a chance to prove that she had what it takes to play a substantial role.

    Shit, with my problem solving skills I should be working in Hollywood as an adviser to the stars. A thinking person’s Ray Donovan if you will. 😉

  51. Veronica says:

    So limited by her looks that she posed on a front cover with only a blazer on, leaning toward the camera with sex face.

    I don’t judge her for marrying Johnny Depp. Plenty of men and women have done similar to drive their ambition, and it’s not like both of them are getting something out of the deal. I just wish she wouldn’t pretend like we don’t all recognize the strategic aspect of it.

  52. Frosty says:

    She’s so full of shite.

  53. Dinah says:

    She has the icy cold eyes of Sharon Stone and Elizabeth Hurley. Up close, they’re scary. No depth. No light. No warmth. No soul. Behind most great actresses’ eyes, usually in candid shots, the warmth that draws you to them and compels you will shine through.

  54. Twinkle says:

    I don’t even think she’s that beautiful. She’s attractive but very generic. Funny how it’s the minimally talented actresses that complain about being limited. But the really beautiful actress with talent have no problems: Jennifer Lawrence, Michelle Pfeiffer, Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz, Marion Collard, Keira Knightley. Maybe instead of bitching about the fact that she’s actually getting work, maybe she should get her class into acting class.

  55. Liz says:

    And in the exact same interview she says “I have a love, hate relationship with acting…” For someone who almost everyone unanimously agrees could use more acting skills, she really shouldn’t admit that. Oh, and she made certain to call up the writer, months later, to update him about her husbands band’s charity trip to Rio and how it was “perfect” for her to be there and help because she has such a closeness with the deaf community. This woman knows how to play the game, that’s for sure! However when you read the entire interview, I sense an underhanded bit of snark from the writer, I don’t think anyone WANTS to interview Amber Heard. And I felt the same thing about her Elle write up. I sense the writers also feel how contrived she is but alas, they have an assignment.

  56. Anna says:

    She’s stunning. Love the cover.

  57. polonoscopy says:

    Can we talk for a second about how she claims to be totally independent and like, never have a man support her ever, but married an old guy with his own island? Yeah.

    • Oprah says:

      What does him being “old” have to do with anything? Her marrying a rich guy doesn’t necessarily mean that she relies on him.

  58. Blackbetty says:

    Her part in Magic Mike 2 was forgettable and useless. They shouldve edited her out.

  59. Naddie says:

    The cover is striking, that’s definetly her color. Now, she should join Megan Fox, Rob Lowe and Olivia Wilde and make the “too beautiful it’s a curse squad”. Poor good-looking people.