Guy Fieri on Anthony Bourdain’s insults: ‘He’s never talked sh-t to my face’


To many people, Guy Fieri represents everything that’s wrong with America. He’s like the Duck Dynasty of food, the Walmart of cuisine, the deep-fried Twinkie of culture. Which is double-edged sword – his Food Network shows are immensely popular but never acclaimed. He’s beloved by a certain segment of the population but loathed by the judgy food snobs. Personally, I don’t hate the guy, which is probably why I went into his GQ interview with an open mind. Fieri spoke to GQ because he’s launching a wine company and expanding his empire. He honestly doesn’t come across as a bad guy here – he’s somewhat vulgar, for sure, but he’s not a total buffoon. And he doesn’t shut down when asked about his harshest critics, like New York Times food critic Pete Wells (who wrote a scathing review of Fieri’s Manhatan restaurant back in 2012) and Anthony Bourdain, who never misses an opportunity to slam the sh-t out of Fieri. You can read the full GQ piece here. Some highlights:

What he feeds his huge tortoise: “You know what his delicacy is? Hot, steamy, fresh dog sh-t. It is the foie gras of the turtle.”

On Pete Wells scathing 2012 NYT review: “Yeah, I read it cover to cover…He could’ve made such a great comment. But he dropped down to third grade and said every mean, vile thing that he could say and discredited himself. Do I have faults in the restaurant? I have faults in the restaurant today! Everybody does. His assignment was to give me no stars. He had it already planned.”

On Bourdain’s continuous insults: “It’s actually disappointing. I don’t like him making fun of people, and I don’t like him talking sh-t. And he’s never talked sh-t to my face. I know he’s definitely gotta have issues, ’cos the average person doesn’t behave that way. It’s not that I’m not open to the reality that the food world was like this from a few people’s perspective. It’s just, What are you doing? What is your instigation? You have nothing else to f–king worry about than if I have bleached hair or not? I mean, f–k.”

Fieri isn’t so different from his foodie critics: GQ writes: “He composts. He hates soda. He doesn’t like hunting. He doesn’t even like fried food all that much (“As soon as you wanna take away the flavor of anything, just fry it”). Ask him about why he started an organic winery, and he’ll launch into a disquisition about how Europeans are so much more enlightened about alcohol consumption. He’ll talk about putting his hands in the soil and making a connection with THE LAND and keeping “lost arts” alive. Every fifth word out of his mouth is “sustainable.”

Losing his sister to cancer: “Losing my sister to cancer was… That was the worst thing in the world, man. I can’t even f–king… Nothing you can do about it except hold on, love your family, love your sister. Do people talk sh-t (about me)? Yes. And not that it doesn’t bother me, but you know what? I got so much bigger f–kin’ things goin’ on in this world.”

[From GQ]

I do think Bourdain might need to stop sniping at other chefs in the press. I mean, it always makes for a good headline so I hope Bourdain keeps unleashing his bitch, but Guy Fieri has every right to be irritated by it. Anyway, it’s interesting to learn that Guy Fieri has quietly been a composting, sustainability-obsessed, anti-frying, wine-making food snob this whole time. Who would have believed it?


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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34 Responses to “Guy Fieri on Anthony Bourdain’s insults: ‘He’s never talked sh-t to my face’”

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  1. Lou says:

    I enjoy his show because i LOVE my food but he is such a chauvinistic pig – you can tell by how he talks to the female chefs v the male ones.

    • JudyK says:

      Surprisingly (to me), I really enjoy and try not to miss Guy’s Grocery Games.

      BUT…looking at him turns my stomach…he always looks dirty. That pointed blonde thing hanging from his chin…his signature look…so NASTY.

      • Sugar says:

        I’ve watched his cooking show once. Fieri seemed to be having trouble breathing and his breaths were audible and labored. It’s not really a good advertisement for his cooking if he’s so out of shape that cooking and talking makes him out of breath.

    • joan says:

      He had a scandal involving former partners or employees, and they claimed he wanted to be “warned” if he was going to have to be meeting “gay” people, which really goes against his image.

      There was a big dispute over who created the show, etc. and this tidbit came up.

  2. A says:

    i love watching diners, drive-ins and dives. Guy seems like an easy going man

    • Lucky says:

      Triple D is everything. He makes such connections with all the people on that show and showcases places in OUR towns where real people go and enjoy food. I haven’t seen him in anything else but I LOVE him in DDD 😉

  3. polonoscopy says:

    Team Bourdain.

    Anthony Bourdain is an enlightened, entertaining man who writes about food in a thoughtful, funny, edgy way, and honestly cares about the message he sends into the world. He talks to people in the Congo about how they can even get up in the morning when their world is coming apart. He talks to Jews and Arabs Israel about whether like.. maybe.. they’re more of a part of the problem then they think? Jamie Oliver personally annoys the shit out of Bourdain but he defends him because he’s making the world a better place. He shits on Guy Fieri for good reason – he hosts shows about fried food in coca-cola reduction and has nothing to say except “cinnamon!” “coca-cola!”” Whoa!!!!!! Man, this is some flavour!! YEEAAHHH!!!”

    • JudyK says:

      LOVE Anthony Bourdain…will never say one bad thing about Bourdain.

    • Kitten says:

      Love Bourdain.

      RE: Fieri catchphrases, don’t forget: “Out of bounds!” “This is so money!” and “That’s gangsta!”

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Bourdain is my free pass. I’d hit him even if he was covered in Guy Fieri’s Donkey Sauce.

    • lizzie says:

      i agree. i don’t think guy fieri is a bad buy by any stretch of the imagination but if he is a real chef – he is certainly not showing it! i ate at one of his restaurants and the menu was truly grotesque. a burger topped with bacon AND bbq sauce AND onion rings AND mac n cheese. nothing sounded good and it was actually hard to pick something off the menu that didn’t have some revolting twist. the food itself wasn’t so bad if you like greasy bar food – but he is clearly pandering on his “personality” not his prowess as a chef or knowledge of what tastes good.

      i have eaten at many places at the recommendation of diners, drive-ins and dives and been pretty happy but bourdain makes some solid points about what a joker this guy is in the world of food.

  4. NewWester says:

    He looks like Snow Miser from that animated film”The Year without a Santa Claus”.

  5. PunkyMomma says:

    Guy has always struck me as disingenuous. I can’t pinpoint it, but there it is. And having Bourdain talk smack about you means you’ve made it.

    • tmot says:

      You could prove it if you did some digging. 🙂

      He’s definitely sexist and homophobic. According to a former producer, he cut short one of his episodes when he realized the two men who owned a restaurant he was featuring were also life partners, saying “You can’t send me to talk to gay people without warning! Those people weird me out!”

      He is also said to be a lecherous drunk behind the scenes. AND his food is gross. If he doesn’t like fried food, why does he serve it?

      I think the organic, sustainable thing is just an act.

      I think Celebrity Eater Bourdain (he has not been a chef in years) is an incredibly mean ass – although some of the things he says are funny, his “angry food snob” act is getting old. But he is an ass that knows food. If you got both of them together there would probably be some kind of ego vortex that would bend the spacetime continuum.

      I cannot resist repeating this one from AB: “Fieri looks like what you’d get if Ed Hardy f***** a juggalo” which is funny, and true enough, but at least go after the dude’s awful food.

      I haven’t got much use for either of them, really. They’re both just being outrageous for attention.

      Cite for homophobia quote:

      • PunkyMomma says:

        OMG – I’m dying here – your “ego vortex that would bend the time space continuum” is nothing short of genius! Spot on!

        And IIRC, didn’t Fieri bitch slap his male hairdresser – it was caught on video. Me thinks he doth protest too much.

      • Neelyo says:

        Thank you. This is what I came here to point out but didn’t have the sources. Fieri is an ass and knows nothing about cooking or cuisine. I’m sure whatever Boone’s Farm swill that comes from his winery will be bottled with a twist-off cap.

      • Wilma says:

        I’m not sure about the homophobia. Fieri officiated at a mass gay wedding to celebrate the end of prop 8.

  6. Nancy says:

    I can’t stand this guy. He is a swine and a glutton and always has his big mouth full, kind of like a Paula Deen stand in. He hit the lottery getting on that network, he can afford to buy a lifetime of bleach for his hair. Bourdain knows food and appreciates it, if that makes sense, the polar opposite of that novelty act Fieri. I know he has his audience who thinks he’s the pig’s blanket….but when I want to learn about food preparation, I watch the pros. Once again Ina Garten, class act who can cook her ass off. Cornish Hens with cornbread stuff. My kind of gal. I wish she was my aunt or something. I’d move my family in with her!

    • Kitten says:

      So you’re saying that you’re a Fieri fan? 😉

      I am Team Bourdain always and forever because I love that man but for some reason I always feel bad for Guy Fieri and I don’t know why…I guess because he seems to be the culinary community’s favorite punching bag.
      Also, I do occasionally watch DD&D and I enjoy it.

      • Nancy says:

        LOL…….I am rather passive aggressive, aren’t I?!!

      • I Choose Me says:

        I enjoy DD&D for what it is and I don’t mind Guy but the way he gets his grubby hands in and on anything even while they’re prepping annoys the feck out of me.

        Interesting that he hates fried food. He must be a good actor as he greedily gulps down enough of it on the show.

  7. Arock says:

    Guy fieri is a douchecanoe for a couple really legit reasons, but I’m petty so I’ll stick to making fun of his ridiculous appearance.
    “An Ed hardy tshirt fucked a juggalo and he’s the end result.” A human thumb ring, if you will. Slim Jims, ketchup and axe body spray is what I think of when I look at him…and clowns…he’s a clown.

  8. Whatever gurl says:

    I do feel like I have learned a thing or two after watching Bourdain.

    Yes, he can be so pretentious. And his whole “I’m so edgy and deep because I’ve done the rock n roll lifestyle” just screams trying too hard.

    So Bourdain does come off as insecure when he criticizes everyone, including Rachel Ray.

    We can’t all be the same. We get it Bourdain is way more refined than Fieri and Giada.

    Why can’t he be a bit more calm and let his show speak for itself?

  9. ruby says:

    My husband loves diners, drive in’s and dive’s. We have planned vacation’s around eating at the restaurant’s on that show.

  10. Pants says:

    Anthony Bourdain is a dick in a lot of ways, but he’s not trying to pretend that he’s not, and I respect that. I also unabashedly love him.

    But I find Guy Fieri to be likeable, and I do enjoy his shows too. Particularly Diners, Drive Ins and Dives.

    I don’t think they can really be compared, they’re doing totally different things with their careers at this stage. I think they can both be enjoyed for what they are without having to compare and contrast, because really, it can’t be done.

  11. Anon says:

    I went into this post not a fan of Fieri, but I’m actually coming out of it with a slightly adjusted view. I love what he says about Bourdain and basically how he pities him because he clearly has some things going on that make him so unhappy. I love that he commented on his sister’s death by basically saying “When you deal with actual heavy shit, you don’t care so much about petty drama.” I had the same feeling after my mom passed away, so I’m probably biased, but I think he’s dead right.

  12. Jaded says:

    Comparing Guy Fieri to Anthony Bourdain is like comparing Madonna to Mozart. While I find Fieri to be a modestly entertaining tool of a guy, he’s good pals with a few people I absolutely loathe, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent to name a few. He’s homophobic, misogynistic, he’s like Larry The Cable Guy of the food world. Bourdain earned his bitchiness by starting at the bottom and truly learning about food, good food, the best way to prepare it. His travel program really digs into not only regional food, but the cultural and societal history of the people, and anyone who’ll take a rickety boat upriver into the deepest jungles of Borneo to get sh*tfaced drunk with the locals at the end of their rice harvest and eat (and appreciate) God knows what gets my vote.

  13. Betsy says:

    I have no great love for either of these people. But, no poop, Fieri’s just got a sht icky image that sells? How is that surprising?

  14. kimbers says:

    Guy is such an ass. Come to my house …I certainly wont have an issue saying what I think of your food, taste, and tv!

    He shows people how to be fat off of processed food excellently, is the only positive thing I can say about this cook. And of you eat processed food and are fat well….I don’t feel sorry for you. Been there..did that…learned my lesson

  15. Bridget says:

    Want to know why people don’t like Guy Fieri? Eat at one of his restaurants.

  16. L says:

    Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives is a guilty pleasure of mine. Fieri seems like a somewhat ridiculous person, yes, but oh my goodness, the food on that show! Some of it looks totally delicious. Also, those smaller restaurant owners and chefs featured on the show really benefit from the publicity he brings to them. I know I have been to a few restaurants in my hometown that were on the show and they were fantastic. They were places I don’t know if I would have gone without seeing them on the show. So…I guess I would say I’m a fan of the show for those reasons but definitely don’t think I would eat at Tex Wasabi’s. 😉