The 2016 elections will go on without Will Smith as a candidate (not that things aren’t interesting enough right now). On last weekend’s CBS Sunday Morning, the 47-year-old actor and rapper discussed his role in the upcoming movie, Concussion. Will plays Nigerian forensic pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu, who went head-to-head with the NFL after publishing a paper detailing the brain damage experienced by a former football player.
In addition to showing off his (uncanny) impersonation of the good doctor – with the real Dr. Omalu sitting right next to him, Will hinted that movie and music stardom may not be his only life goals. He told CBS reporter Tracy Smith, “There’s a thing I’m supposed to be doing. There’s so much more that I feel I have to offer that I can’t reach myself.” When asked how he could find out that elusive thing, Will said “If people keep saying all the crazy kinds of stuff they’ve been saying on the news lately about walls and Muslims, they’re going to force me into the political arena,” and, when further prodded added, “I mean, I gotta be the president. What else would I run for? Come on!”
(Side note: if you have 9 minutes to spare, watch the interview. If you weren’t a Will Smith fan going in, I promise you that you’ll be one by the end of it.)
If it seemed like Will was kidding around about running for president in the interview, you would be right. At the New York premiere of Concussion, Will told ET, “I was really kind of joking when I said that.” He added that his role as Dr. Omalu in the film awoke some political aspirations, stating “Dr. Omalu has such a positive view of America and the American dream. As an actor, being able to be a part of that and to feel from the outsider’s perspective how great this country is, I sort of got inspired as I was looking at the current political landscape. I was inspired to defend the ideals that help build such a beautiful country.”
Sunday’s interview wasn’t the first time Will alluded to a possible career in politics. On an episode of the Awards Chatter podcast last month, he mused, “As I look at the political landscape, I think that there might be a future out there for me. They might need me out there. This is the first year that I’ve been incensed to a level that I can’t sleep, you know? So I’m feeling that at some point, in the near future, I will have to lend my voice to the conversation in a somewhat different way.”
Will might want to have a speech ready, but not for political office. Critics are saying that his performance in Concussion could earn Will his third Oscar nomination (he was previously nominated for Ali and The Pursuit of Happyness) – and they say that the third time’s the charm.
Will doesn’t have the time to run for president… unless he makes his reunion tour with DJ Jazzy Jeff into a series of political rallies. It would be kind of cool for him to revive his first hit and take the stage with “Politicians Just Don’t Understand”!
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Maybe he will change his mind in time for the 2020 election? I would actually like to see Will Smith and Kanye West( he did say he wants to be president) go toe to toe at a nomination debate.
They should have a battle of songs during debate and “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It” would totally be the winner.
Plus at some point in the debate Kayne would say ” no disrespect to Ben Affleck”
I don’t know…his Scientology ties are problematic for me and likely would be an issue for many voters.
Not to mention his hands off parenting, and the fact that he has lived in a rich, Hollywood bubble since his teens. I think he’s a nice person, but I would never consider him a serious candidate. Of course, I look at the field of candidates we have now and realize the irony of that remark.
I think it would really depend on who he was running against. Given a choice between a corrupt dishonest type like … Or a hate mongering, bigot like…. I expect most people would settle for that really likeable charismatic guy who grew up on their TV screens. Scientology notwithstanding.
But again, he is kidding about the presidency. If he does go into politics, he’ll start lower, say Governor or Senator and theres zero doubt that Will Smith couldd sweep a race at that level.
Uncanny my butt. His Nigerian accent is garbage but probably sounds great, legit and “uncanny” to non – Nigerians and the uninformed.
😂😂😂 My husband and I turned to each other and said the exact same thing the second we heard his “accent.” It’s simply awful. I cringe every time I see the commercial for the movie.
It was not the first time that he talked about a future like US president
Hi, don’t kill me, I haven’t seen you in a while. I’m so sorry for everything you and your country have suffered lately and I hope you are getting through it ok. ❤️
No way would i like to see him as the president with his Scientology ties and how his kids turned out.
but i’d love to see how he would deal with a reporter asking aggressive political questions and how fair he would be in the campaign.
I love Will but he is so incredibly arrogant. The underhanded shade Samuel L. Jackson has thrown at him lately is beautiful…..I still can’t get over him wanting Tarantino to rewrite an entire film for him.
Will always gives good interviews.
He was always a delight (along with Tom Hanks) on Jonathan Ross while he was still on the Beeb. So my impression of him was always really positive. Then I came here and found out all the strange Scientology stuff, which took the wind out of my sails somewhat!
It’s a scary time when being famous on TV and movies is even vaguely considered a qualification for the highest office in the country.
I like Will. He makes me laugh. He seems sweet. But he can’t even raise his damn kids and he has zero qualifications for president.
Just say no! Can’t stand the arrogant SOB and his bratty kids.
And that film looks like total Oscar bait and not in a good way. I cackled at him in the preview.
He handles interviews well. He needs to give tips to his son.
He should have been the president in the Independence Day sequel. I’d vote for that!
No one should be allowed to run for president unless they have had years of political experience and some higher education. You don’t want just anyone running for president…unless you’re ok with them just being the “face of America” while others do the real work. Yes, Will would give some great inspiring speeches (with a lot of Scientology splashed in), but what the hell does he know about foreign policy? Come on now…America is becoming the biggest joke.
Will Smith = overrated moviestar who is way too lost in his own nonsensical hype