Colton Haynes on rumors that he’s gay: ‘was it a secret? Let’s just enjoy life’

TV star and He of the Mesmerizing Eyes, Colton Haynes, is kicking the New Year off right; by having no regrets. He came out last year with the admission that he suffered from anxiety and wanted to send a message to fellow sufferers. This year, he may have come out again, but this time about his sexuality:

Arrow star, Teen Wolf alum and former model Colton Haynes drew much attention on social media on Saturday when he replied to a person’s comment about his supposed sexuality.
On Tumblr, a user had written, “When I found out Colton Haynes had a secret gay past, I got so excited even though i know it makes absolutely no difference in my life.”

“Was it a secret?” Haynes, 27, responded on his own official Tumblr blog. “Let’s all just enjoy life & have no regrets :)”

Colton, who is immensely popular and very active on a number of social media platforms, has always remained private online about his sexuality and love life and has often sparked speculation about it.

[From E!Online]

The E! article, as well as a few others, cite the fact that Colton posts many pics of his brother Joshua, who is gay, as possible corroborating evidence that Colton is gay. I don’t think that’s how it works, guys. I mean, I post many pictures of my cats, that doesn’t mean I sleep all day and only show up for food. Oh wait…

There have been rumors about his sexuality for a while. I have absolutely no gaydar – I was surprised when George Michael came out – but when I was researching Colton the first time, I didn’t really get the impression that he was trying to hide his sexuality. I just don’t think he makes it a topic of conversation. People speculated about him and Lauren Conrad back in 2011. Other than that, some thought he was dating his co-star Emily Bett Rickards due to a shared vacation, but Colton seems to enjoy vacationing with friends. It seems like he put his anxiety out front in a strong message and did a shoulder shrug on this one because I think anxiety is where he wants to do the most work currently.

Colton tweeted on New Years Eve, “No fear this year. Cheers #2016” You know what? I am totally on board for that. Let’s all join #TeamNoFear.

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photo credit: WENN and Getty Images

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34 Responses to “Colton Haynes on rumors that he’s gay: ‘was it a secret? Let’s just enjoy life’”

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  1. Pri says:

    I always side-eyed this guy after going in brown-face as Gandhi for Halloween. SMH.

  2. platospopcorn says:

    Have no idea who this kid is, but he’s GORGEOUS. And if he’s resolving to live the new year with no fear, I say “Bravo!!!” #TeamWhoeverThisKidIs

    • Locke Lamora says:

      Yeah, I first heard of him after the anxiety stuff, but good God he’s so pretty. And I usually don’t like guys that pretty.
      And this is a really good way of handling such comments.

    • I Choose Me says:

      My sentiments exactly. I love it when people smile with their whole face and he does.

  3. Lou says:

    Who cares? The incessant need people have – and i include people on here – about if celebs are gay/bi is really creepy. ‘When is he/she gonna come out’????’ ‘She’s hiding because she is ashamed!!!!’ – How about its nobody else’s damn business. We all claim we want equality yet demand the LBGTQ community make big announcements and confessions about their most personal desires. I can’t stand the hypocrisy.

    • Jellybean says:

      I agree. Those hypocrites can also be vile about their target’s partners, friends and family and they justify their vile behavior on the grounds that those people must be complicit in perpetrating a lie; even though the hypocrites don’t really KNOW anything about their target’s real life and relationships.

    • PrincessMe says:

      I don’t get it. I don’t understand why people feel the need to speculate about someone’s sexuality. Funny thing is, if someone “outs” someone else, people on here get all huffy and yell at the person doing the outing for being an a-hole. Yet have no problem speculating and perpetrating rumors about the same thing.

      • Lou says:

        So true PrincessMe and Jennybean. I wish the writers on here would try and eliminate that sort of speculation (as in ‘when are they coming out??) because its really unnecessary and as i said, hypocritical to a lot of their other posts that discuss equality/support for LGBTQ.

        I can’t imagine the pressure gay/bi celebs must feel when they read baiting and entitled commentary about who they like to sleep with and why they haven’t discussed it publicly. It’s so invasive and i still see sexuality used as a way to insult certain celebs, even if its not blatant homophobia.

        Seriously, i get defensive and annoyed when my aunts start asking me about my love life at Christmas or weddings – it’s like – stfu and mind your own business and if decide to get married then you’ll get a damn invitation so ya don’t have to keep asking me!!!!

    • I Choose Me says:

      I’m with you Lou and I used to get similarly annoyed but you have to remember that gay acceptance is relatively new to us as a society. It’s kind of a knee-jerk, conditioned response to think of being gay or bi as something scandalous. Then you add that the fact that whether gay or straight, people love to speculate about celebrities love/sex life.

      The speculation in and of itself doesn’t annoy me so much but it’s when people state that so and so is gay as if it’s a FACT and that assertion is always tinged with condescension and hypocritically followed by saying ‘he/she should just come out ’cause nobody cares.’

      I also really, really dislike the term gaydar.

      Here’s hoping for the day when people are not defined by whether they’re gay or bi, or gender fluid because it truly does not matter.

      • Jellybean says:

        Exactly! It is when speculation becomes FACT that things get really unpleasant.

      • Lou says:

        I agree, but i think people, especially younger people, should be more conditioned to see it as NBD. We can all do better so i think questioning/calling out the people who demand a big coming out parade is important, because they can’t argue their way out of their own ignorance.

  4. HollyG says:

    I, like Platospopcorn, also have no clue who he is but he won an immediate an permanent place in my middle-aged heart with his shiny wicker-weave jacket.

  5. Kennedy says:

    No idea who he is but good for him for keeping his private life private! No one is entitled to know about his sexuality but him and who he chooses to lay in bed with at night.

    That being said, he’s a little *too* pretty for me. Like, I would never feel anything less than hideous standing next to him.

  6. Esteph says:

    Even if he is gay or not, damn I love looking at him 🙂

  7. Lizzie McGuire says:

    I’m 100% sure this guy was dating Zachary Quinto I remember seeing pics of them together or maybe it’s all in my imagination & him & Zachary will look like an adorable couple. I like his response & he’s quite gorgeous. Good for him!

  8. OSTONE says:

    No clue who he is but he is pretty.

  9. Naya says:

    I’m with Colton in asking was this even a secret? I’ve seen his name come up many many many times on Datalounge and Queerty from former partners and such, so I assumed it was one of those situations that he doesnt hide but doesnt discuss with strangers either. Gotta be in the closet to “come out”.

    • H says:

      I think he was like Quinto, everyone knew, but no actual statements…until now.

      • qwerty says:

        I think I saw some pics of him kissing a guy leaked by an ex or something? Either way, no way he’s straight. Hot as hell too 🙂

  10. Algernon says:

    The twinkiest twink to ever twink.

    I miss him on Arrow. 🙁

  11. Word says:

    He was referring to a mag shoot he did for a gay magazine in 2006.He didn’t come out.

  12. Word says:

    The secret gay past is in reference to a shoot he did for a magazine in 2006.

  13. Madpoe says:

    Whew! I thought I was the only person who didn’t realize George Michaels was gay right before he came out.
    My “gaydar” is no existing, I was surprised with Boy George too lmao.
    Y’all just let me know about the fellas from Vikings tho’.

  14. siri says:

    Easy on the eyes, isn’t he? And it’s smart to handle the subject the way he did. Takes the wind right out of the sails. I’ll never get why people insist to want to know about someone’s sexuality. For a 27 year old, he reacted really well.

  15. alihar999 says:

    He is a pretty man but my Gaydar was going off like gangbusters looking at the above pictures. ‘Not that there is anything wrong with that’. 🙂

  16. pato says:

    I don´t care if he likes men, women or aliens. He´s gorgeous, not a bad actor and his smile is so cute. Didn´t know about the Halloween stuff mentioned above though. Still, go Colton for not hide how he is.