I seriously don’t know why Jennifer Aniston gave an exclusive interview to People Magazine this week, or why People is parceling out the quotes to make it seem like Aniston can only talk about dieting and bikinis. People released more quotes from their interview, and as it turns out, Aniston wasn’t just waxing poetic about her #LifeGoal of wearing a bikini at the age of 80. Some additional highlights:
She & Justin love their infrared sauna: “Justin and I do it together – We get a lot of good stuff taken care of in the sauna. I love the infrared sauna. I discovered it a few years ago, and it went from a little portable igloo thing that you put your body in, to a little sauna we have now in our gym.”
Justin’s great body: “It’s sort of a genetic thing. He can work out or not and he has that body. It’s not fair!” Aniston, 46, does give credit to her 44-year-old husband, whom she wed last August, for his “very healthy eating” (he also shuns sugar), but insists that Theroux is also just inherently blessed. “It’s sort of God-given. And an ‘F You’ to all of us!”
Justin does seem to have a naturally good body and I bet he doesn’t even adhere to Jennifer’s strict-ish diet. I bet when Justin is in NYC, he’s eating junk food and pizza and greasy Chinese food. He probably just has a great metabolism. And beyond that, guys just have an easier time of staying in shape, dieting and losing weight. It sucks.
Meanwhile, you know how Aniston signed on for a supporting role in a Robert DeNiro film, The Comedian? The DeNiro project has been gestating for years, if not decades, and the Aniston-associated Cinelou Films agreed to produce the film with Aniston playing a supporting part. Well, Cinelou is still producing, but Aniston has dropped out, citing “scheduling conflicts.” Now Leslie Mann will be starring alongside DeNiro. I don’t know… this one has my gossip antennae up. It’s not like Aniston is a workaholic – she didn’t work for a long stretch in 2014/15, then she filmed a supporting part in that Garry Marshall film last fall, and she’s been filming another supporting role in The Yellow Birds this year. And that’s it. Sure, another project is coming up for her, but I’d be willing to bet that she could have easily scheduled everything.
PS… God, it’s been so long since The Jorts Photos.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
This woman is just So.Incredibly.Shallow.
Ahahaha! This couple is so blah.
I don’t care what body he has, to me he always looks weird.
This gal is vapid and shallow. If he’s such a great DNA specimen, what took her so long to walk down the aisle to this dreamboat? I bet he spends more time getting ready than her and that’s probably saying a lot. Congrats to both. Lol!
Yes! How long did it take her? Maybe it took so long because he had to read the small print in the pre-nup.
I know. I never think of him as being “built” but I guess he actually is. I can see he’s probably kinda cute in a quirky way, but the metro style and the layering stuff masks his body. I tried to really look at his body in the photos up top and the only I could get a good look at it in was the jorts one. it’s challenging to see the body inside those things – all you see is jorts and instant judgment happens.
I’m not into the whole 2% body fat thing, but on the Leftovers the man’s body does look good.
PS Aniston dropping out of a film?… 3.2.1 until tabloids claim it is because she’s preggers.
Eyes….have..rolled….so far…cannot type…send hel…………………….
what exactly is an infrared sauna?
In the bottom photo his torso looked like a face. Particularly one that’s about to burp.
Or a surprised clarinet player.
I had to go back and look but both of these comments are full of win.
good ones!
Pull the shorts up, please.
GOD: “With all my super majestic divinity, I hereby select you, JT, to be the future soul sugar of the female to whom I am endowing the One Gift of endless lute-string hair, and thus in her honor, I shall bestow upon you, JT, all my most interesting man parts: The Highly Flexible Brow of Moses (“Red Sea? What the — !!”), the Tiny Busy Legs of Infant Cupid to pair with the boots of Thor (trust me on this, or stick with pants, but you’ll thank me on long airplane flights), the brawny forearms of St. Michael (so don’t just sit around writing on earth, do something, like, you know, carpenter for humanity stuff — wait, maybe I’ll give that to the one to be known as Pitt….), the Engaging Grin of Pan (you’ll need it), and the smooth ever-tanned skin of this girl I once met at Venus’s party. Now go forth, and delight the humans! Crunches are optional, to make up for the way your hair may depart — we all have our crosses to bear, eh, get it? Har!”
Liberty’s back. Woohoo! Love your stuff.
Oh Liberty, so good to see you back lol 😀
He has a long torso and short legs so that’s why he appears shorter than he really is.
I wonder why she pulled out… Without a doubt she could have made the scheduling work.
Justin’s body looks average. We know he works out so that’s not god-given. It’s just his body type. Next She’ll tell us about the bedroom stuff… Has she already said that?
In any case so much for the deeper side her Jennifer she claimed from this time 1 year ago.
He has a great body but I find him extremely UN-sexy. His eyebrows look plucked or tattooed on and he’s just too hipster for my taste I guess.
Too hipster, too metro, to effeminate. I am a cavewoman who needs brawny, rugged masculinity and they must be low-maintenance. Any man spending more time preening than I do is a turn-off. To each their own so good on Jen A.
(My lumberjack husband could snap him like a twig.)
I’m going to be a blunt Aussie here. He looks like he stepped off the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras float, which may be great, if I was a male, but I’m a female and his look is just way too high maintenance.
Bless her little heart that she thinks he is the perfect specimen. One would hope that she would think her newly-wed husband is the bee’s knee’s! But, really, Jen, please don’t fool yourself that we are all gagging for him the way you are. He has nothing that you could force me to touch with a barge pole, and that face is really just very unfortunate. That said, he seems to have found his niche in The Leftovers, and his work there is very good, if you sort of look sideways and try to see past the stringy, sweaty, gristle.
He’s not well-proportioned. Too long in the torso and not enough leg.
I think he he has a damn fine body. Big step down from Brad, but big step up from Vince Vaughn, John Mayer…
I think he looks better than Brad currently looks. I didn’t think he was attractive until I watched the leftovers. He has a demeanour that I find attractive and a very expressive face. And not because of the eyebrows that seem to be a joke. His eyes are intense. I am surprised some ppl are calling him feminine when his demeanour is anything but. And most critique over his body seems to be targeted at things he doesn’t have power over.
Why do Jennifer’s fans always feel the need to compare any man she has a relationship with to Brad Pitt? I’ve never really understood that. It’s something you don’t see–well, that I’ve never seen–with any other divorced or ‘ex’ couples.
probably because they need to justify Justin in her life – all said and done Jennifer aniston is ” a” list and Justin is not he isn’t in brad’s orbit no matter how people may try and pretend that he is – unfair for Justin but that is the reality. Brad is top of the hw food chain so is recognized globally – the fact that he is successful in his company and films so naturally there is bound to be comparison etc – since pple cant compare Justin’s acting to brad’s they need to make it abt about the physical appearance since that is all that they really have. Justin may be “talented” but hardly a real mover and shaker – but yes how brad’s “opinion” is even relevant to Jennifer/Justin is still puzzling – they all have ” moved on” right?
His body is good but honestly, it’s nothing exceptional for a guy his age, especially considering that he has plenty of time to work out and watch his diet….no kids, enough income that he can probably pick and choose how much he wants to work, etc. Not to brag but my husband looks just as good and “built” and he’s just a lowly non-movie star plebe. Sorry Jenn!
can someone please ask Justin to throw his skinny jeans away – at least for one event ! doesn’t he have stylists- he looks so made up
He does have a great body! And he showed it on HBO’s The Leftovers.
Amazing body I want to have it! …. Both figuratively and literally.
His body in these real life photos are nothing like the show. It is all makeup and fake padding. If you had him in real life, you’d be seriously disappointed.
It’s always lovely when a newlywed gushes:)
Who knows she said she didn’t get married to her fiancé for three years because of scheduling .
Was anyone else kinda skeeved out by the “we get a lot of good things done in the sauna”? I have no idea why, but I didn’t want to know that.