Rep. Ron Paul fooled by pantless Sacha Baron Cohen

Republicans Debate

Republican/Independent Congressman Ron Paul recently admitted to being one of Sacha Baron Cohen’s many, many culture victims. While Cohen was filming his movie Bruno (also known as Bruno: Delicious Journeys Through America For The Purpose of Making Heterosexual Male) about a gay, Austrian fashionista and his triumph in America, Cohen somehow got Ron Paul for an interview.

Rep. Paul of course had no idea who Sacha Baron Cohen was, or for the matter, Bruno. Paul admitted his confusion on a radio show with Curtis Silwa. Paul’s famous last words about the encounter are “They said — better get in this back room here. And all of a sudden, I was in this room, which they had it all fixed up as a bedroom… by the time he started pulling his pants down, I, What is going on here? I ran out of the room.” Oh, God. Even though I don’t subscribe to the Ron Paul Revolution in any way, I feel bad for Rep. Paul. All I can say is that someone should be fired – bad, bad staff work.

Sacha Baron Cohen’s gay Austrian fashion commentator Bruno did conduct an interview with Ron Paul, the Texas Congressman has confirmed, as had been reported last month.

Paul just opened up about the encounter on the radio with Curtis Silwa, and he is not pleased, as he thought he had agreed to an interview on Austrian economics. Here’s a transcript from Rep. Paul’s interview with Curtis Silwa:

PAUL: We were in a studio situation. I wasn’t invited to a hotel room. A studio situation where they had a lot of lights burn and blaze and all kinds of commotion. They said — better get in this back room here. And all of a sudden, I was in this room, which they had it all fixed up as a bedroom. So, getting me there was sort of dishonesty. Getting me into the interview.

I was expecting an interview on Austrian economics. So, that didn’t turn out that way. But, by the time he started pulling his pants down, I, What is going on here? I ran out of the room. This interview has ended.

When this all gets out, I’m probably going to have to apologize to my supporters because I think most of them are going to figure out why in the world didn’t I sock this guy in the nose?

SLIWA: You ran out. But, did you actually see the original Borat film where he pulls these kinds of stunts?

PAUL: No, no. Movies I used to see are ‘Sound of Music.’ Tonight, I was sitting here watching ‘Gone with the Wind.’ So, I don’t watch that kind of stuff. And I understand he makes a lot of money. But, if he makes a lot of money, I have to permit the market to do this.

I don’t like the idea that he lies his way into an interview. That to me is fraud. But, the fact that he has raunchy material and people buy into it, it’s sort of sad that that is a reflection of our culture. To me, it’s a real shame that people are going to reward him with millions and millions of dollars for being so crass.

SLIWA: And you know he might actually end up using that piece to promote this upcoming film.

DR. RON PAUL: That means I’m helping him make money!

[From The Huffington Post]

With Borat, Cohen ended up being sued by at least a dozen people. I can just imagine that Bruno will be the same, although Dr. Paul is probably the one person who is not litigious. Ron Paul is having a rough couple of weeks – he and his supporters are really pissed that their whole “teabag the world” movement has been sucked into the gonads of the larger corporate Republican interests. Ron Paul supporters are throwing fits, but the teabagging continues. Happy Tax Day, America!

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17 Responses to “Rep. Ron Paul fooled by pantless Sacha Baron Cohen”

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  1. Alexis says:

    Well hell, he’s out there promoting tea bagging and then has the nerve to act surprised about an attempted “tea bagging”.
    Someone working for him doesn’t like him very much.

  2. Annie says:

    Is it odd that I find it endearing that he’s used to watching “Sound of Music” and “Gone with the Wind”? Classics!

    And what is this generation’s favorite stuff? Borat. Harold and Kumar. Etc. Etc. LOL

  3. Debbi says:

    Tee hee – I don’t know how much of “teabag the world” movement and “sucked into the gonads of the larger corporate Republican interests” was Kaiser and how much was Wonkette, but it is STILL hilarious.

  4. Bodhi says:

    I feel kinda bad for Ron Paul too. He is a nut, but an endearing one. He must have a crappy staff, I mean no-one told him what tea bagging is? Does he not have grandkids to stop him?

  5. annie says:

    ron paul is a patriot!

  6. yadira says:

    Is it just me that thinks that baron is no longer funny? He is so passe

  7. Annie says:

    I didn’t know what t-bagging was until I was like 20.

  8. Dan says:

    I thought Borat was more ugly than funny……I liked him in Ricky Bobby though. I’m probably in the minority on this.

  9. Ophelia says:

    That is hilarious! I can’t stand Ron Paul. His persona may be endearing, but his politics aren’t!

  10. jess says:

    im a total ron paul supporter and i think his politics are spot on. our government (past and current) is so effed up. they all have the same agenda and our wellbeing is not included in that.

  11. dizzybenny says:

    @Ophelia,what politics? the fact he wants to stop the war abolish the Patriot act and return to the Constitution to run the country?
    yeah i don’t like that either…pfff!

  12. posterboy says:

    For the record the press always (probably purposely) gets it wrong: it is not referred to as “tea bagging” except by the press, the protests are called “tea parties”

  13. Whitey Fisk says:

    I am a HUGE Sacha Baron Cohen fan, but his work is becoming more and more mean-spirited. I think he’s getting lazy. His characters are strangely nuanced and so funny, but at this point he could be out of costume just chucking raw eggs at homeless people and taping their reactions. He’s lowered himself to obnoxious adolescent hijinks without the underlying cleverness he used to display before he made it big.

    P.S. Oh my GOD – edit is back!!!!! Hooray CB!!!!

  14. Miss C says:

    I support Ron Paul as well. 🙂

    Sacha Baron Cohen bored me in his Borat movie, although there were funny parts, so I think I will pass up on his newest movie. I just don’t find the type of humor that he does as being overly funny.

  15. daisy424 says:

    Actually posterboy, it’s the left wing media (probably purposely?? Definitely on purpose) that are calling the tax/spending tea party protests; tea bagging. Note the source of this article.
    I find that premise insulting and childish. It is in the same league with a playground taunt, laced with Keith O. arrogance.

    I am not affiliated with any political party and think for myself. To say that all tea party demonstrations are right wing extremism is inaccurate and pseudo profiling.

    Personally, I’m pissed at all politicians period.

    But for those naysayers, I personally know people in Chicago who voted for the current President that attended tea parties yesterday.

    The tea party in Cleveland was inspirational, orderly & friendly.

  16. annie says:

    #5 speaking of having a crappy staff, who thought it was a good idea to buy the prime minister of England a set of dvd’s when he’s going blind, and who did’nt do their homework as far as protocol goes when it comes to dealing with royals, did anyone on obama’s staff look into these things, all’s they had to do was google it.