Dakota Johnson: ‘When I’m feeling… fragile, I just won’t leave my house’

MC March '16 - Dakota Johnson- Newsstand

Well… I’ve spent the last week defending Dakota Johnson and telling all of you that I think she’s pretty and she has some kind of “It Factor.” And then this cover shows up and I might have to eat my words. What is this mess? The shot is too close on her face, the hair is a disaster, the lipstick is not her color and if they were aiming to make her look dead-eyed, they succeeded. Sigh… so bad. Dakota covers the March issue of Marie Claire to promote How To Be Single, the rom-com which comes out this weekend. The best part of the piece? Tilda Swinton likes her enough to provide a lovely quote about her: “She’s more of a pro than any of us. She knows those territories inside and out. She is extremely experienced and knows exactly what she’s doing.” If Tilda said that about me, I would get it tattooed on my forehead. Some highlights from the interview:

Dakota on having a normal life: “The idea of being at home and picking up kids from school and cooking dinner and then the husband comes home–there’s something that seems really nice to me ’cause I never had that growing up. And it seems so enticing. But in my mind, I’m like, Well, I’ll just play that in a movie and go about my own life, bizarre as it is.”

On the paparazzi: “I don’t feel tough enough to be accosted by people. When I’m feeling particularly fragile, I just won’t leave my house.”

On her extra workouts for the Fifty Shades sequels: “I think the human body is so sexy, and if I’m going to be naked, I want to look great.”

On dating: “I don’t have a boyfriend–why? You got one for me? Right now I find myself having the capacity to love my family and friends, and that’s it.”

On actresses she admires: “Gena Rowlands is my all-time love. Nicole Kidman, Michelle Pfeiffer. I grew up watching their work; they are extraordinary. [Amy Schumer] I admire her so much. She’s fearless.”

[From Marie Claire]

There’s some nothingburger happening here, right? I want people to like Dakota, but she sounds really bland here. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with her. She’s just not scandalous or crazy or anything. The one thing I will say about her – which many commenters noted – is that she seems like an empath, someone super-sensitive and prone to weeping over lost glamour and people taking photos of her.

Dakota Johnson

Photos courtesy of Txema Yeste/Marie Claire.

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15 Responses to “Dakota Johnson: ‘When I’m feeling… fragile, I just won’t leave my house’”

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  1. shoochai says:

    nothingburger until she mentioned Gena Rowlands. Then I perked up. Love that lady!

  2. Angelica says:

    Girl, I don’t need paparazzi to not leave my house. I’m working part time since I had my son a month ago and a few days ago my hips hurt so…I ate ice cream and didn’t leave my house. Woke up to a tummy pain the next day and thought “meh, I don’t have to do anything today” so I figured I’d continue not leaving my house. Today, since I haven’t combed my hair in 3 days, I’m not gonna leave my house. I got food here. See how that works? I’m not famous or anything, I just thought I’d share the reasons for not leaving in 3 days with this website. Lol! 🙂

    • Hudson Girl says:

      LOL! I just call it wintertime in New England, and “working” from home. Maybe I too am an Empath?! I need to learn more about it/this.

    • ab says:

      oh, it’s sad how easily I can talk myself into not leaving my house! I haven’t been out for more than five minutes (to get my kid off the school bus) since tuesday. and now it’s going to be record-breaking cold this weekend (in NYC) so I’m likely to continue to stay in until monday …

  3. Locke Lamora says:

    She looks stunning in the second photo.that’s my dream haircut, if only my hair wasn’t thick and frizzy.
    What is a nothingburger?
    She sounds fine. Not ot exciting, but not bad either. And as far as nepotism actors go, at least she seems to have some talent.

    I saw her on Seth Myers ( his interviewing skills did not get better) and she’s pretty funny, but with a very deadpan delivery that seems to fly over the audience.

  4. Patricia says:

    Nothingburger indeed.
    But that last picture is the most beautiful I have ever seen her look. Wow. Stunning.
    Also she’s quite funny in skit comedy, I was impressed with her on SNL. She’s witty.

  5. Allie says:

    I like her. I think she’s funny and I would probably hang out with her if I was famous. What I don’t like is that she dated Matthew Hitt, he’s smoking hot. The jealousy over that would cause tension in our imaginary friendship.

  6. minx says:

    I have to say she looks really beautiful in these pictures.
    My inner jury is still out on her. She’s really young. And I was always a big Don Johnson fan!

  7. Paris says:

    I like her and I hate her.
    I think that she was great in “Ben and Kate”, she did a good job in “50 shades of Grey”. The movie was bad. Lovely Jamie Dornan was bad. But … she tried to act. She wasn’t great, but was good, very good.
    I liked her in “Black Mass”.
    But she needs to work hard to become a good actress.
    She is funny … sometimes… She is smart… sometimes … She is nice … sometimes… She bitchy … sometimes. I think that she is a little bit nerdy. And i like it. I like that she is not a party girl (I hope).
    She is very beautiful. I like her very much – her lips, her face, her eyes! Gorgeous!
    But sometimes I hate her. I just hate when celebrities complain about the paparazzi, about privacy and a normal life. Her parents are celebrities, She knows the show business world very well. From her childhood. It was her decision to become an actress. She has to deal with the paparazzi and her privacy. She has to find the way to live a normal life. Don’t complain. Learn. And work hard. Prove to people that you are a good actress, not just a Melanie Griffith’s daughter.

  8. ell says:

    well, i might be in the minority but i like her. i find her interesting and witty (maybe not in this interview, but so what?), and far from bland. i’m an introvert and i find extroverts often exhausting, so i tend to like celebs and actors who are not so in your face at all times. she doesn’t need to be crazy or scandalous.

  9. Me ThreeI says:

    I have to disagree…this woman does not have “it.” She’s boring. She makes me sleepy when I see her. I don’t get why she’s in any movie. She kind of reminds me of Brian Williams daughter. Forgettable. But I will agree that Don Johnson, in his day, was pretty nice to look at.

  10. Classy and Sassy says:

    There’s a real fresh and understated beauty to her face. And she’s clearly an introvert, which is rare in the entertainment industry – and something I can relate to. I hope we get to see her develop into more interesting roles in the future.

  11. Anare says:

    I think she has an “it” factor. She beautiful and a little mysterious, shy, a little quirky, funny, charming. I love to see pics of her, what she is wearing, etc. she has an interesting fashion sense. I like these pics of her she looks fab.

  12. dippit says:

    For some reason I still can’t fathom, I’m rooting for her to be the only one to make it out of THAT franchise somewhat intact.