Kim Kardashian: ‘I am empowered by my body, I am empowered by my sexuality’


Kim Kardashian was genuinely upset/thirsty about the reaction she got to her nude Instagram photos this week. Personally, I think Kim always loves the attention, good or bad, and of course she posted her nude photos to get a reaction. And Kim has always gotten insults and shade too, so I’m not entirely sure why the insults and Twitter comments were suddenly her breaking point this week, but whatever. After she threw some clapbacks on Twitter, Kim wrote an essay on her subscription app about everything that went down and how she’s proud of her body.

Hey, guys. I wanted to write a post elaborating on my tweets last night. In all seriousness, I never understand why people get so bothered by what other people choose to do with their lives. I don’t do drugs, I hardly drink, I’ve never committed a crime—and yet I’m a bad role model for being proud of my body?

It always seems to come back around to my sex tape. Yes, a sex tape that was made 13 years ago. 13 YEARS AGO. Literally that lonnng ago. And people still want to talk about it?!?! I lived through the embarrassment and fear, and decided to say who cares, do better, move on. I shouldn’t have to constantly be on the defense, listing off my accomplishments just to prove that I am more than something that happened 13 years ago.

Let’s move on, already. I have.

I am empowered by my body. I am empowered by my sexuality. I am empowered by feeling comfortable in my skin. I am empowered by showing the world my flaws and not being afraid of what anyone is going to say about me. And I hope that through this platform I have been given, I can encourage the same empowerment for girls and women all over the world.

I am empowered by my husband, who is so accepting and supportive and who has given me a newfound confidence in myself. He allows me to be me and loves me unconditionally.

I feel so lucky to have grown up surrounded by strong, driven, independent women. The life lessons I’ve learned from my sisters, my mother and my grandmother, I will pass along to my daughter. I want her to be proud of who she is. I want her to be comfortable in her body. I don’t want her to grow up in a world where she is made to feel less-than for embracing everything it means to be a woman.

It’s 2016. The body-shaming and slut-shaming—it’s like, enough is enough. I will not live my life dictated by the issues you have with my sexuality. You be you and let me be me. I am a mother. I am a wife, a sister, a daughter, an entrepreneur and I am allowed to be sexy. #happyinternationalwomensday

[From Kim’s app via JustJared]

Various celebrities were supporting Kim on Twitter now too, like Emily Ratajkowski and Rowan Blanchard. I agree with the argument of “you do you, it’s none of my business.” Like, so Kim is posting nudes? Who really cares? It’s her body, her business. If she wants to feel sexy and confidant, God bless. What I still don’t understand is why Kim suddenly chose this week to manufacture this controversy?


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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220 Responses to “Kim Kardashian: ‘I am empowered by my body, I am empowered by my sexuality’”

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  1. Sam says:

    If this woman and her family fell off the face of the Earth, there would be peace all over the world. The reason I don’t like Kim Kardashian is because she is promoting a very unhealthy image and she’s hypocritical. She talks about slut-shaming and body shaming and yet her and her family slut shames and they also body shame others (like her brother Rob). She’s talking about being confident in her own skin, yet she almost doesn’t look like herself anymore, after all the plastic surgeries. She’s talking about being proud of her flaws and showing off her body, yet she edits her pictures to REMOVE any flaws. Don’t even get me started on the fact that she mentioned Kanye and yet in the past month he sexualized Taylor Swift and slut shamed his Ex. It’s all so so so hypocritical. And I don’t want to hear “well other celebs do it!!” You don’t see anyone complain about all these other celebrities posting provocative pictures on the internet, because they don’t photoshop every single picture and they actually work. They have professions outside of posting nude selfies. This woman and her family make the Blake Lively’s of the world bearable even with all the nepotism and white privilege, because they actually WORK. What does Kim and her family do again? I’ll be keep waiting for an actual answer to that question. And one last thing…no one is taking Kim seriously because we all know this was part of her plan. All of it. The photos, the terrible clap backs and this horrendously written letter. This letter would have felt more authentic coming from someone who had their nudes posted online without their consent like a Jennifer Lawrence and countless other celebrities.

    • Snowflake says:

      Thank you! She’s so full of shit! She just wants to show off her body and get attention! This isn’t a slut shaming incident, this is a were sick of seeing her naked. Does she have anything else to offer? Never mind, I know the answer. If she did, she wouldn’t need to get naked every 5 minutes. On the plus side, she won’t get as many naked pictorials anymore. Why buy the naked lady’s pictures, when you can see it for free on Twitter?

    • Lizzie McGuire says:


    • Fee says:

      Bravo!!!Excellent!!!! To think she has the audacity to say slut shaming? That’s all they do. All she does is post naked selfies,or glam or her “looks” to buy.Those r the values u wish upon our daughter. I don’t think Kanye would love to see North posting her boobs n vagina for the world to see. Entrepreneur? Lol. And this porn video that shamed her? It made her, of she hated it so much why did she sell it n make millions off it. Trash

      • SydneySnider says:

        Yep. Yep. The porn video… It would be fine if she’d really moved on from it, but none of them have. Firstly, they brokered a very lucrative deal to compensate her for her “embarrassment and fear”. Secondly, their rabid, brazen and never-abating addiction to attention and publicity makes me think that part of it is still connected to that tape. Without them constantly being in the public’s faces, that tape would have been long-forgotten. Instead, it’s still selling and they are still making money off it. As usual, she’s full of shit.

    • frantasticstar says:

      SAM you said all that needed to be said. *mic drop*

    • Naya says:

      This comment is everything. So proud of her body that she not only surgically alters it, she photoshops the hell out of the result? Where are her ghost written “think pieces” when her sister, her brother and her husband slut shame others? Several seats over there, Ms Kardashian.

      Also, I caught a clip of one of the recent episodes. She was at her pre-natal check up for Saint and she isnt wearing any make up. All the footage of her face was out of focus and the camera kept cutting to anything in the room but her face. I dont think there was even one clear shot of her face longer than two seconds.

      • Rachel says:

        And if she’s so empowered by her body and her flaws, why did she post an old photo instead of a photo she took that day, showing her body post-pregnancy??? Because she’s not empowered by her body and especially not by her flaws.

      • anniefat says:

        Amen , my thoughts exactly!

    • Sarah(too) says:

      Amen! I will also add that she feels empowered by “her body”? Really? Then why has she tweeked and jacked it so much that it is beyond anything she was naturally blessed with. As for the sex tape, without that, we would not be talking about ANY Kardashian. Period. Maybe a little Robert because of the O.J. Simpson miniseries going on now. Sorry Kim. You let Ray J pee on you and that is why you and your family are famous.

      As for why she is doing this now…..Kanye silly! She’s taking one for the team. She has a Twitter meltdown and it distracts from Yeezy’s. #delusion

    • Alex says:

      For me its not about Kim’s sexuality. Own it because I don’t love when guys or other women slut shame each other. For me (and here’s where I think Chloe was getting at) all they do is sell an image of fake fake fake and shill crap products to get ahead. They COULD talk about body confidence but they only (rarely) talk about the deep things when it affects them.

    • lucy2 says:

      Excellent post. Almost everything she said can be contradicted by things she has said and done, and there’s barely a hint of truth to any of it.
      If she was truly a “you be you, I’ll be me” type of person, she wouldn’t care what people thought of her, she’d ignore them and go about her life. But she needs the attention and the validation.

      And everything comes back to the tape because she and her mother used it to launch their fame and fortune, and haven’t done anything else worthwhile to earn it.

    • Janie says:

      Bravo!! Well said!!! I wonder why the coat for over a year now? How about hiding behind your car door? I see how empowered you really are. It’s become sad!

    • kri says:

      Well said, Sam.

    • TreadStyle says:

      Agree with every single thing you said Sam!!!!! especially her saying the flaws and what people say part: you literally photo shopped all of your flaws out of that picture and obviously did care what people said bc u fired insults back. But every bit of what she said is hypocrisy in its finest.

    • Zwella ingrid says:

      This has probably been posted 200 times already but if she is really proud of her body and all why is she posting old pictures? I would believe her empowerment more if she would do it now and without Photoshopping the sh!t out of it.

    • I Choose Me says:


    • nikko says:

      WoW!!! Reading the comments. For someone not to like her, you sure know alot about her. I don’t understand if I don’t like someone I don’t keep up w/ their life and how they live it.

      • Jwoolman says:

        We can’t avoid her. E! runs endless long promos of their show – I know too much about them accidentally just watching other things. They’re everywhere. Like cockroaches….

        As long as we can’t escape them, might as well try to figure out the phenomenon. Kim is a pathological liar and so makes an interesting case history of the way such self-absorbed liars operate.

      • Trillion says:

        I’d like to pretend that McDonald’s crap doesn’t exist but the golden arches are everywhere I look.

    • Dlo says:

      Slow clap to standing ovation

    • sassy says:

      I stand and take off my hat to your speech. (Raises coffee cup) here! Here!

    • Carol says:

      +1 Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    • Daria Morgendorffer says:

      @Sam, you said it all so perfectly. To add to that, all I can even think to say is that her mentioning of “slut shaming” is rich when her whole family pretty much tried to slut shame Amber and basically played an enormous role in Amber setting up her “slut walk” as a response. Let’s not forget that Khloe bashed her for being a stripper and Kim did also before wimping out and deleting her tweets.

      I love that you mentioned how she (along with the rest of her family) try to pretend to be literally perfect and then have the nerve to talk about loving their flaws. Kim has been photographed by paparazzi outside of a cosmetic dermatologist/laser center like 20 times since she had her kid. On their episode Khloe is ALWAYS getting something done.

      I know that this sounds stupid, but It’s so important that people actually make note of the fact that these women sell a FAKE image of perfection that is surgically enhanced or photoshopped because the amount of young girls who believe the hype is fucking staggering.

    • Joschultz47 says:

      I am struggling to understand the defense of Kim Kardashian. She is vapid, shameless and a horrifying person for any girl/woman to look up to. If she was not a vapid, shameless and horrifying person and she wanted to celebrate her nudity, bombs away! But she is all of those things, and she is bad for society, bad for women, bad for impressionable teens. She brings no value to this planet and I desperately wish she and her narcissistic sisters, mother, husband would just disappear forever. I love this site, but the fact that I see so many intelligent women fighting for her and defending her, as if she has a message, let alone a positive one. Ugh.

    • DrM says:

      My only comment is that putting your naked ass on the internet is not some sort of empowering statement. Its boring af. Be empowered by your intelligence, your compassion, your history, your future. Not by your own nudity. That is about all the commentary/analysis this woman is worth.

    • Daphne says:

      I totally disagree with you.She is the best thing that has happen for feminism.Women fought to be able to work what happen men decided to be professional gigolos to live off women.Women have fought not to depend on men yet men all over the world cheat on honest,hardworking,patient women who have had few partners.What more do men want from women.This is how women shall start behaving from now on since you cannot control your urges.We shall be vulgar,selfish,self promoting and ask others to accept us as we are if you do not like Kim it is your problem not ours we are totally tired of your fake ways and you know what I say to Kim bravo for being a genius and standing up for women in ways they will never understand#unleashthebeast you know why because we tired of you guys.Injustice for all.

    • Birdie says:

      Yup, thank you! She is a famewhoring hypocrite.

  2. lovemesseg says:

    ‘I am empowered by my body, I am empowered by my sexuality’

    If she is so empowered why not help empower other women?

    • LadyMTL says:

      Seriously, she is interested in “empowering” only herself (and maybe her bank account).

    • DeeDee says:

      This is precisely why I find her so off-putting. It’s all well and good that she feels empowered by herself but empowered to do what?!? Empowered to take more selfies? It’s so inward-looking and superficial.

    • Bettyrose says:

      I feel empowered by the use of Photoshop on her waistline. I too can have manga-esque proportions in my own doctored photos. #empowered_woman

      • Christin says:

        And for when clothing must be worn, the empowerment of Spanx, especially during pregnancy.

  3. lilacflowers says:

    If she were proud of her body, she would not have repeatedly altered it. It is a shame she is not empowered by her brain or an education.

    • mssnarnd says:

      And, thus, what is she “passing on to her daughter?”

    • Tate says:

      Not to mention her constant use of Photoshop

    • Lizzie McGuire says:

      She’s empowered enough to get someone else to ghost write her essay.

      • Sea Dragon says:

        I’m glad a couple of you mentioned this. Even the thoughts she shares are fake.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Exactly. Does she feel empowered to anyone who’s reading this? She has had plastic surgery, lypo and implants on every part of her body that can be nipped or tucked. What is empowering about that?

    • Kitten says:

      Exactly. Ugh, if I could roll my eyes any harder.
      Right message, wrong messenger.

    • Katy says:

      What is going to empower her when she is 50 years old or even 40 at the rate she is going? She is so wrapped up in her looks – that’s everything to her. What will she do as the looks begin to fade? She has nothing else. That’s ALL she has.

      • Bettyrose says:

        I’m actually sort of curious how that much plastic surgery is impacted by time and the body’s natural aging process. Have we ever before been witness to someone who was extensively altered in youth as they enter middle age? We’ve seen plenty of middle aged women get a nip/tuck to look 40ish forever, but anyone to the degree of Kim K in their youth?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I don’t think something is empowering if the “power” is dependent on the approval of the masses.

      • Christin says:

        Nor is one truly independent when relying on such validation as a ‘career’.

    • Moneypenny says:

      If she had posted current pics of her post-baby body (or a couple of weeks after she had the baby), I would have given her so much credit. That would have been empowering to women. This isn’t. Just desperation.

  4. Carnivalbaby says:

    She had that essay ready to go huh. Name recognition to keep brand awareness high so she can keep making the paper. It’s how she does business.

  5. Tiffany27 says:

    I agree with what she’s saying, I just wish she wrote this when her husband and sister were slut shaming OTHER women. Just like her husband, it’s only a problem when you attack her.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Good point.

    • annaloo. says:


    • lucy2 says:

      Excellent point. The contradictions in this multiple with every line read.

    • Sasha says:

      I agree with what she is saying especially the part of how people still penalize her over the sex tape from 13 years ago. People will never let her forget that. I empathize with her in that regard.

      • Tiffany27 says:

        I sympathize with it too. Who honestly even cares at this point? But lately it keeps being brought up because of the misogynistic attacks HER husband and HER sisters have launched at other people. I’m not saying it’s ok, because it’s not. It just comes off as disingenuous when she tries to chastise others, but won’t call out those closest to her. It reads as it’s not ok to attack her, but she doesn’t care if you do it to other people.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “It reads as it’s not ok to attack her, but she doesn’t care if you do it to other people.”


      • Ennie says:

        they (Khloe and Kanye, he® husband) have attacked Amber rose for being a stripper… how many years ago?
        They did not care how long ago the “slutish” action happened, just that is something to shame someone.
        She is still profiting for it. One thing is to make a tape.. other thing is to sell it. To me, that and all the ways she makes money are nothing to brag about.
        They want to sell themselves higher, but they are a bunch of Instagram models, nothing much higher than Blac Chyna.

      • Sasha says:

        At the same time, these are her sisters and her husband — not Kim. Why is she responsible for the actions of others. I agree that attacking Amber Rose for her past as a stripper is wrong- but I have never heard Kim do that, only others around her.

      • Jwoolman says:

        Sasha- Kim has a history of letting others do the public dirty work. Khloe and Jonathan are her personal attack dogs. She could rein them in if she was bothered by anything they say. Or she could make a public comment that she disagrees with them.

  6. LookyLoo says:

    Bytch, please. This has nothing to do with female empowerment and everything to do with you being thirsty as f–k. If you’re so proud of your body, why are you wearing fur coats in 60 degree weather? Why are you posting old pictures of your body?

    • Mgsota says:


    • Kitten says:

      She always looks incredibly uncomfortable in her own skin. She is not illustrative of someone who is “empowered” by her body. Quite the opposite-she seems almost trapped by it.

    • Lisa says:

      Exactly. She spent all of last summer wearing ridiculously heavy coats to hide her growing ass. So empowering, hypocrite!

  7. Nancy says:

    Her coat looks like a cow hide. Appropriate. She can babble on about the sex tape being years ago….so what. In another 13 years, it will still exist. You can’t change history, it’s her most identifying piece of work…lol. She shouldn’t complain, she should covet it, it made her what she is today whatever that may be.

  8. Melibea says:

    “It always seems to come back around to my sex tape. Yes, a sex tape that was made 13 years ago. 13 YEARS AGO”.
    No, you haven’t moved on from that sex tape,you’re a constant reminder of why you’re now famous by showing every part of your body!!

    • aurelia says:

      Agreed, she is still in the one dimensional commodifacation of her body mode. why wouldn’t we still associate her with her porn past.

      And Amber Rose you ain’t. Now she is a woman who is body confident. Remember when Amber was at some awards post baby and she waswearing next to nothing? Her body certainly was not perfection. But she was proud and comfortable nevertheless.

  9. Who ARE these people? says:

    Also where is QQ to comment on that outfit?

  10. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    Dressing up like a cow on its way to an S&M club is empowering huh?

    Personally I’m a little over it. I think there’s a valuable discussion to be had about not limiting women’s sexuality or forbidding them to make the choice to display their body how they want…that being said that isn’t what it’s about.

    It’s about Kim being boring and predictable and trying to ‘break the internet’ with something we’ve seen a dozen times. Sorry if people aren’t impressed by a photoshopped picture from a year ago. We have seen her nude so many times the only thing left to do is mock it. It’s her go to ‘look at me’ move but she underestimated how numb we’ve all gotten to it. Bette’s tweet ran true because frankly I can’t think of a single way Kim could look sexy or shocking by simply posing nude or wearing sheer clothing. If she’s mad her organs are the only secret left then she’s in for a painful slide to mediocrity.

  11. Why did she manufacture the drama? Easy! Her photos no longer “break the Internet”. So she has to create interest by starting controversy.
    I’m actually a little peeved at her co-opting slut shaming and body shaming when that is her family’s default insult.

  12. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    Also does slut shaming trump age shaming? Or insinuating someone is having affairs?

    Get your life Kim before someone scalps your whole wig + edges at you trying to be tough/’insightful’ on Twitter.

  13. paolanqar says:

    If she really felt so empowered by her body or sexuality (or at least know the meaning of ’empowering’) she wouldn’t get undressed at any chance.

    • Colleen says:

      Thank you! I don’t think enough people get this. Women are constantly throwing out the empowerment argument as a basis for putting their bodies on display, and it’s just not solid. A truly empowered person has no need for exhibition. Period.

      It’s not about slut shaming… it’s just about trying to make women understand.

    • Kitten says:

      When I was in my twenties I always dressed so extra with the cleavage and the short skirts. Looking back, no regrets at all. I’m glad I had fun with how I looked and enjoyed wearing outfits that I could never get away with now. But those outfits were to get male attention, they had nothing to do with “empowerment”.
      (although I’m pretty sure my twenty-something feminist self was convinced otherwise)

    • Lucrezia says:

      Nudity is not empowering in and of itself. But neither is modesty.

      What is empowering is CHOICE.

      Why not just let her do what she wants? It’s her body. Shouldn’t it be her choice?

      • Nev says:


      • Kitten says:

        …but who isn’t letting her do what she wants?

        I just don’t get it.

        What is the appropriate reaction?

        She’s constantly putting herself out there but nobody is supposed to have an opinion? We’re all supposed to applaud her and compliment her on her physique and anything outside of that is automatically seen as “slut-shaming”?

      • paolanqar says:

        I don’t slut shame anyone but
        1. that pics is obviously photoshopped
        2. she fills her mouth with big words just to get people’s attention while she doesn’t even know what a specific word means
        3. how can you feel empowered when your husband takes credit for other women’s hard work and success and posts pics of a naked you for the world to see?
        is this empowerement?
        No i think it’s using a trend as an excuse to show yourself off because you feel like all the attention is not on you anymore.
        People stopped caring about Kim a long time ago.

      • Kitten says:

        The thing is, Kim has never been known as a complex, deep woman for whom her sexuality is just one facet of a layered persona. She became famous for her ass and her penchant for nudity and she never really developed beyond that superficial level. Is it any wonder that people distill her down to just a vapid, self-obsessed vessel for selfie-delivery? Now all of a sudden she wants to play it like she’s some symbol of female empowerment?

        It’s all so disingenuous.

      • Lucrezia says:

        @ paolanqar: Now those arguments I can get behind. I’ve got no problem with people calling Kim out for being an attention-whore. Or for failing to see the contradiction between being body-proud & photo-shopping your surgically altered body into something that bears no resemblance to you.

        However, that’s not what you said at first. You said a woman who is really empowered wouldn’t get naked all the time. How is that not slut-shaming? Disapproval/social stigma (she’s not really empowered) applied to a person who fails to meet conventional standards of sexual behaviour (she gets naked all the time).

        @ Kitten: You don’t have to applaud. I didn’t take issue with Bette’s original tweet, that was just saying ” yeah, we’ve seen it all before”. But I do have a problem with people saying empowered women don’t get naked … I have a problem with any statement that sounds like: “real women don’t do X” . Whether X is ” get naked” or “wear a burka”, it doesn’t matter. It’s just so limiting. Empowered women can do whatever they bloody well want to.

      • Kitten says:

        Thanks for clarifying, Lucrezia, and I agree with you.

      • colleen says:

        @Lucrezia: It’s all about context (well, as I see it anyway). And in the context (as Kitten clearly described), I don’t feel Paolanqar’s opinion is slut shaming. We aren’t talking about a well rounded (intellectually speaking) individual who decided one day to use her notoriety to elevate women everywhere by giving voice and life to our secret desires to pose naked and not be seen as sex objects.

        This is a tiring woman doing the very tired thing that everyone expected of her… Because she truly cannot think of another way to feel empowered. She (with the help of her mother) has built her entire concept of self esteem around her appearance and perception as a sexual being.

        This woman grates on me like no other, but had she posted an authentic un-touched photo of herself sans makeup and without the obvious attention to that glorious hair of hers, and had she made it a point to highlight the need for acceptance (self included) of our bodies and faces au natural, I think that despite probably viewing the gesture as cliche – I might have been able to muster up some form of respect for her message.

        Really, more than anything I’m just very sad for her and her entire clan. The money must be nice, but I can’t imagine feeling fulfilled with that kind of life. But maybe she is, who knows?

        But, Lucrezia, in another context, perhaps even with another individual, I can understand the frustration behind slut shaming. I just don’t think this is that situation (but that’s just my view).

      • Lucrezia says:

        That’s fair Colleen. I almost edited my last post to point out that I was reacting to the phrase itself, disregarding the context. But it was late (Im in Oz) and I couldn’t make a coherent sentence, so I gave up and went to sleep 🙂

        Really, we’re on the same page, it’s a minor quibble, but I do believe we should all be careful about our language, even we’re talking about a Kardashian. I’m sure people are saying things they wouldn’t say about any other female, so I understand in that sense, but deep down I don’t think context as a valid excuse. We don’t only have to defend the good people.

    • SloaneY says:


    • Otaku Fairy says:

      “If a woman is really empowered, she wouldn’t be conservatively/properly dressed at every chance and feel the need to be looked at as a classy woman saving something for the imagination. A truly empowered person has no need for classy, ladylike modesty.”

      I’m sure you can see the problem with that sentiment.

  14. Kate says:

    Eh…that was a pretty little message if only it hadn’t been written by KK. You feel so empowered by your body, but yet post a pre-pregnancy nude. If it had been a pst-baby nude I would’ve found that inspirational (kinda) about continuing to love your body and not feel ashamed of the extra weight and stretching like so many women. That would’ve been “empowering”. Instead it’s like she posted a pic of when she WAS happy with her body and setting it as a goal.

  15. Jwoolman says:

    She’s still trying to play the victim. She wasn’t “slut-shamed”. She completely misunderstood the conversation and responded in a foolish and junior-high manner.

    And letting your husband toss out all your clothes and dress you bizarrely is not being empowered by your husband.

    The odd thing is that for all her talk about sexuality, I really don’t get a truly sexual vibe from her. She definitely loves posing nude, but that’s not the same thing. That seems more like Narcissus admiring himself in a mirror (or in her case, a camera lens). There’s no energy there. She seems like someone who is faking it. There seems to be no passion between her and her husband, for instance. They barely look at each other except for an occasional posed shot.

    • Maum says:

      I was just coming to say that! She is not ‘sexy’- she’s too self conscious and pose-y to be truly sexy.

  16. Josephine says:

    She’s the very opposite of body-acceptance, and that’s what is so sad and so troublesome. I guess she’s the spokesperson for doing anything you want to your body to get the body/look you imagine for yourself.

    But can you imagine how much women could actually accomplish in the world if we free ourselves from thinking that we had to look a certain way? All of the time and money spent on “beauty” treatments, plastic surgery, make-up, fake hair, hair coloring, weight loss, age-defying anything … the list goes on.

    I’m waiting for that spokesperson who actually does accept the innate beauty we all have — without a single change or embellishment. I’m interested in those women who shine because they’re confident, brilliant, creative, interesting, helpful, brave, tough. Those women exist, but we don’t celebrate them nearly enough.

  17. Esther says:

    why this time? so she could use International Womens day for her immense struggles of being taking seriously for her various talents and incredible intelligence.

    feminism is the new claim to fame or at least shield from valid criticism.

    if you post something on social media, a picture, a text, a song its up for criticism. if you are not fine with people not liking your stuff dont post it. why would you post any kind of selfie it if wasnt about the feedback? you cant only accept positive feedback and if you are a public person everyone has the right to make jokes about you, thats part of the deal.

    btw i think its time to retire the word empowered, its really overused and lost its meaning.

    • Melibea says:

      I really love your comment, thissss +1000000

    • Betti says:

      She did it purely for the attention and press space she knew it would get particularly on IWD. Plus she won’t be happy at all the attention her sister Kendall is getting cause it’s was fashion wk in Paris. She periodically pulls stunts like this when her family get more press attention than she.

      Typical K Klan media savvy.

    • Ming says:

      This was a calculated, perfectly timed move by Kim. She had this naked selfie pic ready to go and trust, she knew exactly how it was gonna play out…and cue the women’s day rant filled with hot button words.

  18. Melibea says:

    so why does she photoshop all her pictures if she is ok with her flaws? Lol

  19. yolo112 says:

    I’m glad I don’t have to show my T&A to feel beautiful, sexy or empowered. I feel these things when I see the smiles on my kids faces and when I find time in the day to slap some make up on between my college classes. KK is from a different world. She feels so EMPOWERED by something that’s not even real. She measures the feelings of beauty and empowerment by how many tweet likes she gets and the amount of $&!t she stirs up. She’s so gross. I feel ill every time I see her now. It pains me to think of how many young girls look up to her.

  20. Jen43 says:

    “I am empowered by showing the world my flaws and not being afraid what anyone is going to say about me.”

    Except you are not. You correct and over correct and then correct again your self perceived flaws. And you always care about what people say about you, as is evident by this statement you felt the need to make.

  21. Adrien says:

    She’s right about the sex tape. Why should she be punished for it? She was going to be shamed anyway even if she faded into oblivion and Ray J will still get off scot-free. Might as well make money out of that.

    • Jwoolman says:

      She wasn’t shamed by the sex tape and it wasn’t accidentally released. I saw a very brief clip from it- she went right up to the camera and introduced herself by name. You don’t do that for a video intended to be private. She always intended it to be widely distributed, as part of her long-term plan to achieve fame. She should just admit that and move on, if she is really “empowered”. She did an amateur porn video and managed to actually get paid well for it (not sure if that was part of the plan or a happy accident). It’s not the porn that is bothersome but her dishonesty about it.

      • Chem says:

        Excuse me, but wherever Kim is mention there’s always someone slut shaming her, no matter what and they always mention the sex tape, always, and I think it’s so stupid, it’s a freaking sex tape, do people watch it every day or what? I’ve never seen it a I don’t care about it.

      • swak says:

        @Chem, from all that I have read (and always take with a grain of salt), apparently people are still downloading it and watching it. Both her and Ray J are getting residuals from it. And when it first came out there was a cry of it being stolen and put out there without permission, which was quickly shown to be a lie. I think people are tired of the lies that constantly come from this family.

      • aurelia says:

        Kim and lucifer’s home gal saw the reaction a semi nobody like paris hilton got from her sex tape with that sleeze rick solomon and they wanted in. Jeez, the lies these people tell themselves. Narsicissts have the habit of rewriting their own history.

  22. grabbyhands says:

    Can you not, Kim?

    The nude selfie had nothing to do with her feeling liberated and empowered and everything to do with her needing attention and those are two different things.

    If she is so frigging independent and empowered, maybe she needs to tell her husband and sisters to dial it back a few thousand notches and quit shaming other women, which is something that actually has happened instead of the imaginary shaming she thinks happened to her.

    • word says:

      Exactly. How many times did Kanye slut shame Amber? In fact it was KIM who told Kanye he needs to take 30 showers after being with Amber !!! Kim is the biggest hypocrite alive. Khloe as well, called out Amber for being a stripper and God knows what they say about Black Chyna behind close doors. You know because Kim is so much classier than them. Don’t be fooled by this stupid “essay” she wrote. She is NOT a victim.

  23. tifzlan says:

    I just came home from a long day of work and am too tired to coherently string my thoughts together, all i want to do is watch the season premiere of Drag Race, but i would like to respond to this story so forgive me if my thoughts sound incomplete.

    The crux of Kim’s essay is true. However, i can’t take her seriously whatsoever because she has about nothing else of substance to offer the world other than her body and her sex appeal. Personally, posting her nudes every two seconds feels like it’s just feeding the game instead of changing it. No wheels are being reinvented here. Also, she was damned the fffff quiet when, hell EVERY SINGLE TIME her narcissist of a husband slut shames his exes. Or her sisters with her former best friends.

    So i’m sorry if it all just sounds like a load of horse shit to me – nothing about empowerment at all, it’s just the same ‘ol same ‘ol self-absorbed and selfish walking Tupperware we’ve all come to know.

    Edit to say that i feel terribly for North with regards to Kim wanting to pass these “lessons” on to her daughter. God bless that child and may she have other female role models outside of her own toxic family to look up to. Between a grandmother who actively pimps out the female members of her clan and her father who is a raging misogynist, she’s gonna need a lot of help.

    • Christin says:

      This entire family lives for attention and apparently they work 24/7 to cultivate it.

      I am exhausted from watching them toss around the latest batch of manure, just to see if anything takes root in it.

      The little girl really doesn’t stand a chance.

  24. Pepper says:

    I doubt she set out to manufacture controversy, she pretty regularly shares nudes/semi nudes on social media, it wasn’t noteworthy coming from her. But of course other celebs had to jump in and grab some attention, giving her an opening to make it into a thing. And of course she took it, because that’s what she does.

    If all the dumbasses who get riled up about her and her family would just ignore them, they’d be like Paris Hilton by now, still around in the background, but not remotely relevant. It’s the hatred for this family that made them household names, if the haters had just let them have their shitty E! shows and a few sponsorships, that would have been it. They’d have just been the stars of a reality show, not a cultural phenomenon.

    • swak says:

      Had she not responded to those tweets by other celebrities then it would have ended there and had not become an attention grab for her. That is true for anyone. You need to know when it is best to keep your mouth shut. She knows she will cause controversy and she courts it.

    • Jess says:

      “If all the dumbasses who get riled up about her and her family would just ignore them, they’d be like Paris Hilton by now, still around in the background, but not remotely relevant.”

      100 percent agree. I’m personally indifferent to the kardashians but it’s always telling when people make comments acting outraged over their popularity when they themselves are willingly adding to her exposure. No one is forcing them to click on the article or comment yet here they are.

  25. Jaana says:

    She is slowly losing relevance and I am truly happy.

  26. Lucy says:

    I agree with her body being hers and it’s her right to do anything she wants with it, sure. What baffles me to no end is that there are so many people who ser her as some kind of feminist icon/ambassador of body positivity or “empowerment” for other young women, when the reality is that she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone feeling empowered but herself.

  27. NewWester says:

    I honestly think Kim(with Demon Mother’s backing) will be announcing a separation/divorce from Kanye soon. Just watch for the quotes about how she is a”strong and independent woman” and she wants to get out from under Kanye’s shadow. Everything the Kardashians do is calculated for maximum effect.

    • Belle says:

      Agreed! If they’re still together this time next year I’ll be truly shocked.

    • aurelia says:

      I think the final nail in the coffin was finding out via the media that kayne is heavily in debt! No go for her.

  28. Tifygodess24 says:

    This is how I know she reads every single comment people leave whether it be on her posts or in blogs. The people who defended her used these exact words- exact statements- to try and change the conversation back to Kim is some kind of Hero for showing her coochie all the time. Now Miss can’t think for herself Kim is using these exact key words because she knows if she says she’s empowered or that she owns her sexuality blah blah that she will be less likely to be criticized since empowerment and owning your sexuality etc are some of the fundamentals of feminism. But what Kim doesn’t get is we already know her game and this has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with her constant need for attention and validation. Calling her out for any of this isn’t slut shaming. We are tired of you using your naked body to get attention. Women fought long and hard to be taken seriously and to not have to get naked to do it. Take a seat Kim.

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      I didn’t see a single person calling her a feminist hero or icon for getting naked though. And a group fighting hard to not HAVE to do something doesn’t mean that every member of that group should never choose to do something. But yeah, I agree that she and the celebrities involved have totally milked this situation for extra media attention. I hate that this letter had to be ‘written’ by Kim K, over this situation.

  29. JudyK says:

    Kim is empowered by all her plastic surgery. To Kim, everything is about exteriors. That’s probably because there is nothing on the interior. Her message is another cover-up to promote images, whether real or photoshopped, a message that is neither lofty nor relevant.

  30. Bria says:

    Kim is generally an hypocrite and the queen of faux concern but her message isn’t wrong. Why are some women so hellbent on shaming fellow women who post their bodies? Why are they so quick to call it a disgrace to womanhood? As I said yesterday, we are not a monolith; so what if someone wants to be naked all over the internet? How is that detrimental to other women? I can feel empowered by my sexuality and still be smart AND deserve respect.

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      The ‘showing your body to the world is a disgrace of womanhood and detrimental to other women’ trope comes from victim-blaming. It’s the whole ‘fighting for equality and against oppression of women and girls means dressing, presenting, (and some people will even go as far as including fucking) in a way that proves to men we’re ‘respectable’, not ‘easy’ and ‘wh*res’ mentality. I guess we’ve been waiting thousands of years all over this world for the right combination of ‘Our husbands and fathers aren’t above us, but we’re not that kind of girl’ that will get us equal pay, control over our bodies, and an end to sexism and violence.

  31. One2 says:

    Everyone is entitled to how they feel and if she feels empowered then great. But for me the problem is she’s using a guise of empowerment to cover her attention seeking thirst. She wanted attention and nothing more. I have a problem with the fact that her family body shames and slut shames others but then when someone makes a comment about her, she’s being shamed and bullied. I didn’t hear Miley or any other celeb come to the defense of Amber rose when they called her a stripper and Kanye spoke on her child! I hate this new “Selective Feminism” Its like “Im going to only be a feminist on Mon, Wed, and Leap year and only going to stand up for some women i find worthy of the cause”

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      Good point. Not trying to pull a Demi Lovato, but why is it that none of them- Pink, Miley, Kim, etc. said anything when Amber Rose was getting slut-shamed, but suddenly have a lot to say when it’s Kim Kardashian? I don’t think proving you’re a feminist requires every individual to hunt down every misogynist or jump into every single situation where a woman is a target of some form of misogyny (although it’s tempting and calling out sexism is important), but it would have been great if Amber received the same support as Kim, because the comments she got were really slut-shaming. I think part of the reason why so many of the celebrity feminists spoke about this one is because of international women’s day. To me it’s an empowering thing when famous women call out sexism, racism, homophobia, or victim-blaming directed at other people.

      • Naddie says:

        Because supporting Amber wouldn’t bring the spotlight to them, since Kim is world wide known and Amber is not.

  32. amadabasura says:

    If she whittles her nose down any more there will be nothing to rest her sunglasses on.

  33. Greenieweenie says:

    Idc what she posts about herself, but your body is the easiest thing to be empowered by. From the turn you hit puberty, you can take off your clothes and turn men on. I just don’t think it’s that important, unless you’re someone with a lot of body issues and you’re working through them. It’s so much harder to be empowered by your intellect or your creativity or your drive (in the sense that these things have to be cultivated over years, usually)–especially as women, where people kind of try to knock these things out of us one way or another. Our bodies are just the most basic common denominator. Not that interesting.

  34. Skins says:

    Empowered now huh? That’s nice. Wonder if she even knows what empowered means? Or if she can even spell it

  35. Nothing Clever says:

    Amber Rose, you in danger girl. Someone is Single White Femaling you hard.

  36. HeyThere! says:

    Kylie and Kendal are getting covered ten times more than her lately…she needed to create some drama so she could be talked about. Lame. Idk why her posting a nude is news? She’s always nude. Lol. If you have wifi you have probably seen her pretty much nude at least ten times.

    • word says:

      Her naked selfie didn’t get that much of a reaction. I mean you can see her doing all sorts of things on-line to Ray-J plus 10000 naked pics of her. People paid attention to this particular selfie because they thought she was trying to pull it off as a NEW selfie. What really got the most reaction was Bette Midler’s tweet. I don’t see how anyone was slut-shaming her or making fun of her “fake body”. They were laughing at Bette’s hilarious tweet. Kim just loves attention. She’s mad no one was talking about her.

  37. laura says:

    But the whole point is Kim, you can’t possibly be empowered and confident or YOU WOULDN’T HAVE CHANGED EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR APPEARANCE WITH SURGERY. You might tell your daughter to be comfortable with who she is, but what she will SEE is a woman who changes her appearance constantly and doesn’t bat an eyelid at surgery, so what kind of message will that really send?

    • dawn says:


    • aurelia says:

      Hmm, even photoshopping her own baby daughters appearance. Soon she will be suggesting bleaching her skin, straightening her hair, slimming her nose (as kris dermanded khloe get done) and getting a tit job. All because Kim is pushing the message to her daughter that she is good enough and should be comfortable with herself. LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz . Gotta love a narsicisst.

  38. Hannah says:

    I have no problem with her posting nudes. I have a problem with her calling it empowerment and all those first world feminists who think porn is feminism.

  39. Green Is Good says:

    Kim didn’t write a word of this. She can barely string 2 intelligent sentences together.

    And where did she find the time to write this this statement? She’s too busy taking selfies.

  40. victoria says:

    I had never seen any of her nude photos so I Googled “nude Kim Kardashian” and WOW there are a lot of nudes of her!

    • noway says:

      Bingo!!! The funny thing is no one mentioned the sex tape but Kim. First Bette’s tweet was funny; with as many nude photos of Kim that she has personally posted she is right the only way to see something we haven’t seen of Kim is to swallow the camera. Now I am supposed to believe Kim’s empowered women talk, when her husband, family and even her sometimes bash other women. All I see is hypocrite.

  41. Jh says:

    This is all so totally manufactured. Post nude pic. Get negative tweets. Respond to negative tweets. Post pre-penned feminist statement. I agree with the statement, however, this is all so contrived it feels cheap.

  42. tinamarie says:

    If she were empowered by these things than she wouldn’t feel the need to photoshop and airbrush these pics to within an inch of their lives. There is nothing real about these photos. Look at them, she doesn’t have a mark, a blemish, a line, a crease, a wrinkle anywhere. This is not even closr to how real women look. A freaking barbie doll has more flaws than a picture of Kim. I guess this is my biggest problem with all of the nudes that she post. That an I just don’t want to see them. But she doesn’t have anything else to offer so this is why she does it. This is who she is.

  43. annaloo. says:

    I don’t want to look at her body anymore than I want to listen to a person a belch. Does that make me a slut shamer? So be it.

  44. meme says:

    she is so full of crap. feminism and empowerment have nothing to do with constantly posting naked selfies. NOTHING.

    • word says:

      Yes, naked photoshopped to hell selfies too.

    • Anne says:

      yeah. IMO, her vulnerability is coming through with this defensiveness. If you put your naked body out there and everybody loves it – great. But if you put it out there and all you get is **crickets** – people who have seen it all before and are tired of the one-dimensionality of what you are offering, then what have you got? Her schtick is wearing thin and her claims of “empowerment” are just a defensive, weak grab at relevancy and self-preserving self-respect.

  45. Cassie says:

    So empowered by her naked body that she has to post a 2 year old naked selfie. If you are so proud of your body, show us how it looks after 2 kids…and without perfect lighting. And if you are empowered by your sexuality, why does it matter when people bring up your sex tape. If you are going to own your naked self in front of the world, Own the sex tape too. She is a walking contradiction.

  46. jeanpierre says:

    I agree with part of her statement. Kim Kardashian is being slut-shamed since her sextape. But I think if she owned it no one would care anymore. I don’t remember Paris Hilton being shamed for her sextape, because she simply didn’t care, for real. KK cares and that’s why this will never go away. Despite all what he is saying, Kanye West cares too. This is telling about what they think deep down.
    This statement is hypocritical. Where was she when her stan army started to treat Amber Rose like a Babylon wh*re, and still do to this day. Why can’t she check her husband who doesn’t own his past relationship. I mean clean your house first.
    She seems so insecure. Her career is legit at this point. I’m not happy about it but KK is here to stay. Just own your tape, nudes, vapidness and thirst and much of the criticism will go away. None of this is a big deal in 2016. But it must not be what she wants.

    • Anne says:

      True. She is a superficial caricature that resonates in the culture and, by playing into that, she’s found her place. If she just laughed about how silly it all was – she’d look like a savvy girl who valued money and took advantage of the opportunities afforded to her by her looks. But the criticism GETS to this family and they want to be seen as more meaningful and substantive than they are. It doesn’t play.

      Stay in your lane Kim. Make your money. Play the part you’ve chosen to play. Don’t pretend it’s more than what it is.

  47. word says:

    Oh come on. She shows her “flaws” huh? Yeah ok. She’s proud of her body huh? Yeah ok. She’s moved past her sex tape? That’s why she did Playboy and other various nude photoshoots after the tape was released? What embarrassment did she feel? She leaked the damn tape herself to get famous. No one in her family was doing anything before that sex tape came out. Kim was a stay at home step mother at the age of 19. No education, nothing. She needs to shut up already.


    “I am empowered by showing the world my flaws.”

    Except… she photoshops her flaws out. She’ll post nudes that have been photoshopped into oblivion all day, but ask her to show the original one? LOL.

  49. drnotknowitall says:

    I’m going to have to say nope to this BS she is spouting. From my vantage point, she is a very insecure, incredibly needy person whose only sense of worth comes from being admired. She can’t handle that she is getting older and that her body has changed after having two children. Because she literally has no depth or sense of purpose in life other than dressing up or undressing, she will never be anything other than an insecure, heavily botoxed, badly dressed mess who will keep posting old nudes of herself to try to find value. I would feel sorry for her if there was a person of value inside of all of these layers of fur and spanx. But she is vapid and useless and is married to yet another vapid, spoiled, self absorbed twit. The whole family has managed to take feminism back a good few decades.

  50. Shayla says:

    Post nudes if you want. As an adult, you are free to do so, you know what the consequences might be, and you’ve decided to go ahead freely. Bravo.
    So, when North is 18, you support her posting nudes of herself. How about 16? Maybe 14? Because you have taught her again and again that the way to get attention and popularity in the world is to post naked.
    I would admire your body empowerment speech if it were not for the fact, the photo’s your posted were from two years ago. That is not how you look now. You photo shop all your pictures and claim you feel sexy. |But you only feel sexy in how you want to look not how you actually look. That message is idiotic and harmful to young girls, especially your daughter.


    Shame on you.

  51. Wolfie88 says:

    I think if you quipped to put yourself out there into the void of the internet like they do, then you should be prepared to hear/see the wave of negativity and yes, at times, hurtful, things that come back from it. I mean if you want positive, fairy tale feedback all the damn time for validation of your existence, keep that sh*t in your diary. Your diary loves you – the internet, meh.

  52. Roller74 says:

    “My accomplishments.” Oh that makes me laugh, lolololololol!!! Sad will be the day for her, when Kim finds out what this word means and how it in no way applies to her.

  53. word says:

    Objectifying yourself is not empowerment. She needs to learn the difference.

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      Public sexiness/nudity is not automatically objectification. People need to learn the difference.

      I know this is Kim K so the point will probably be missed, but people always scream ‘objectification’ when an entertainer, actor, or model chooses to be sexy, naked or semi-nude in front of a camera. When real objectification is about dehumanization.

      • TwistBarbie says:

        On the flipside of that it seems like many people now automatically associate female nudity with empowerment. Are most of these women genuinely choosing to be nude or semi nude because it makes them feel good, or are they doing it because it will get them attention, or sell magazines or whatever? I have no issue with nudity (in fact I’ve done a fair amount of nude modelling myself) but I’ll be happy when every damn woman on a magazine cover, regardless of her profession, isn’t half naked. It just feels like society is still saying women are only important if they’re sexy.

  54. Belle says:

    She’s empowered by her plastic surgeon is more like it.

    Can someone give this woman a soother, her temper tantrum is getting old real quick.

  55. Pickles says:

    Do you see what you did Ryan Seacrest? DO YOU SEE!?!

  56. Defaultgirl says:

    Kim Kardashian isn’t sex appeal, she’s JUST NAKED all the time. She just seems vapid and naked. Maybe if I we’re a guy I could see sexy but it’s missing me so far.

  57. Nike says:

    She looks like Cruella Deville… and is that bull sniffing her butt?

    Further more, wasn’t her very accepting and progressive husband slut-shaming his ex last year?


  58. Anne says:

    Isn’t this transparent? She wouldn’t bother responding to the criticism if it didn’t hit a nerve. She tells us she’s “empowered,” like she’s here showing us her tweaked and airbrushed self for the cause of Women Everywhere. Her letter reads like a list of mantras she HAS to tell herself to keep her self-respect, to keep herself steady in the face of growing criticism. Go at it, Kim. Keep telling yourself that.

    There’s inner power and there’s outer power, I guess. Sure her celebration of her body has given her $ and attention. And, if she measures her power by that, she’s winning. More “power” to her. But VANITY ISN’T SELF-EMPOWERMENT, my dear. Far from it. It’s arrogance. It’s sick.

    Too bad she doesn’t know the difference.

  59. New_Kay says:

    ugh…enough with the hair already. I’m so sick of her and her cultural appropriation.

  60. perplexed says:

    Sure, do what you want. Doesn’t mean I want to see it on Yahoo though.

  61. Elleno says:

    Its fine to feel empowered by your body and sexuality, but that’s ALL SHE HAS GOING ON. There isn’t much else there, behind that. That’s why she cant be this emissary of female empowerment, sorry, not on my watch.

  62. angela says:

    Yes…SO empowered that you are CONTANTLY seeking the approval/attention of millions of strangers…. SO empowered that you spend hours photoshoping selies… If you were actually empowering yourself, you wouldn’t feel the need to constantly defend yourself, or explain yourself….. With every picture you post their is backlash….and then you throwing out insults to counter,the backlash….yes….you sound very empowered

  63. Janey says:

    Lol at empowerment of women and calling out slut shaming. Why doesn’t she try calling out her husband and sister when they slushame..
    And so much for female empowerment just ageshamed bette Miller and put down a 19 year old because her films aren’t blockbuster.
    And what flaws exactly? Everything is airbrushed that is the bits that hasn’t been surgically enhanced.
    She’s as hypocritical as her crazy husband.
    Its insulting to everyone’s intelligence really.

    • me says:

      Not to mention she always fat shames her brother. She also used to tell Rob to “get a real job”. What “real job” does Kim have? Her income is based on how much skin she is willing to show.

  64. Gabrielle says:

    I am always a shameless Kim apologist on here. I agree with her. How is she a bad role model just because she has taken nude pictures and made a sex tape 13 years ago? Has nobody else ever had an embarrassing moment in the last 13 years? Everyone gets naked and everyone has sex. Who cares?! She doesn’t do drugs or drink, has never done anything to hurt anyone. How is she a bad role model compared to the majority of celebrities out there?

    • GoLightly says:

      The whole foundation of her fame was the shameless peddling of her contrived sex tape. It wasn’t just an embarrassing incident in her past. It was created with the sole intention of making her famous and it is the basis of her entire celebrity (as well as being the entry point for her entire family to be rammed down our throats). What exemplary thing has she done since to deserve her fame? Marrying Kanye doesn’t count.

      Role model? For what? Maybe for you she has qualities that are admirable, but personally, to me, she displays no extraordinary talent or character trait, and as far as I can see, she exists only on the good graces of a gossip and scandal-thirsty public.

    • me says:

      The part about not drinking is not true. She has been shown on her reality show piss drunk before (who knows how real that was though). I do know she was a paid spokesperson for a Vodka company. That’s all I gotta say.

    • Suzanne says:

      Kim’s sex tape wasn’t a “mistake”- it was a choreographed attempt by her and her mother to garner fame for Kim, just as it did for her former friend Paris Hilton.
      You can be an “apologist” for Kim, but don’t for one moment fool yourself into thinking that sex tape wasn’t PURPOSEFULLY placed for public consumption.

    • HK9 says:

      Wendy Williams falling down on stage by accident is an embarrassing moment. Making a sex tape, and having one’s mom do a deal with Vivid to make money from said sex tape with the sole aim of being famous is on purpose. There’s a difference.

      • word says:

        Not to mention the fact that she STILL gets a monthly check from Vivid for that tape. She’s still making money off of it and the sales always go up whenever Kim puts out a nude pic. She “leaked” it on purpose because she was jealous of Paris Hilton’s fame.

    • TwistBarbie says:

      Personally the qualities that makes someone a good role model in my eyes are:
      1) They have or or trying to benefit society or the world in some way.
      2) They have overcome adversity and exhibit strength of character and coping mechanisms acquired during this time of adversity.

      So what qualities make Kim a good role model in your eyes?
      And why does the fact that she doesn’t do drugs or drink matter? Because those things are illegal or because you think they are immoral?
      Genuinely curious! 🙂

      • Gabrielle says:

        Drinking and doing drugs are unhealthy and self-destructive. Many celebrities do these things and glorify them (including Kanye) and I do not respect that. That’s why it matters. Kim doesn’t do those things and I watch the show and have never seen her drunk on it. I’m not saying she is Mother Theresa. I’m just saying I don’t see how she is so horrible that she gets this kind of reaction with whatever she does. To me personally, I enjoy her show, I think she usually comes off as nice and pleasant and mature. As a mom, I enjoy the fact that she still places importance on her looks and being sexy. To me that is a little inspirational. I don’t appreciate the attitude that moms should just let themselves go and not be seen as sexy anymore. Kim defies that.

  65. JRenee says:

    I always chuckle when people say it’s all Kanye. Nope Kim is Kim and they are 2 peas in a pod.

  66. Suzanne says:

    Kim is a hull of a human being. There is nothing empowered about her. She was a vehicle for money and fame for her mother and family. This woman was married first at what, 19? And has basically been living with her mother ever since her first divorce, I believe. An empowered woman she is NOT.

  67. Elleno says:

    But, work ethic! (Sitting in makeup chairs 24/7 posing for said nudity)

  68. Mango says:

    Dear Kim, you’re missing the point. Objectifying yourself as a point of spectacle isn’t empowerment; it’s marketing.

  69. Otaku Fairy says:

    Agree with the letter itself, but because it’s coming from Kim Kardashian, there’s hypocrisy in it. Like how she talks about being empowered by her body and her flaws. I could see the “Before I got all my work done argument, I was ashamed of my body but now I’m proud of it” argument, but even now she posts an old picture of herself and can’t go without photoshop. Plus her family’s body-shaming and slut-shaming of other people, and how she has nothing to say when another woman is the target of things like that. Hopefully the buzz around all of this Kardashian stuff will die down in a little while so I can go back to ignoring her.

    • word says:

      Isn’t Kim the one that said Kanye needed to take 30 showers before she would let him touch her because of Amber Rose? Ewwww a stripper’s germs…gross. Kim you are no better.

      • Sasha says:

        No Kanye said that. Shame on Kanye- not Kim.

      • word says:

        KIM was the one who said he had to take 30 showers before she would allow him to touch her. Kanye just repeated what Kim demanded. Shame on both of them.

      • Jwoolman says:

        Kim needs to realize that how Kanye treats Amber today is how he will treat her tomorrow. Someday she will be the ex.

      • Lisa says:

        Funny how Amber has stated that Kanye was cheating with Kim while they were together. So why wouldn’t Kim be worried about Amber’s so-called cooties while she was on the down low with Kanye then but now that she’s his wife, it’s an issue? It seems the 30 showers thing was BS or just more lies to slut-shame Amber with Kim’s participation. Either way, Kim’s nothing but hypocritical trash. Empowered, my a**. Poor Nori.

  70. word says:

    Ha ha this coming from the person that made E cameras re-shoot the “surprise proposal” by Kris Humphries because she didn’t like how she looked in the footage. Shut up. No one is buying your lies. Also, does anyone remember the nude shoot she did last year where she had her ass up in the air while leaning on a pile of dirt? You call that empowerment ???

    • MinnFinn says:

      I agree. She is not empowered. She wants us to think she is empowered by defying social convention when in fact she’s confined within a long history of the objectification of women’s bodies.

  71. me says:

    What’s interesting is that her nude pic only got 240k likes on twitter…yet she has 41 million followers. The math is not adding up. How many fake followers does she really have? No wonder Kanye went broke lol it cost money to buy those “followers”.

    • Mango says:

      There have been articles published about this. Some tech-savvy bloggers have really high estimates for her fake followers. I can’t remember exactly but it’s in the millions, definitely.

  72. kanyekardashian says:

    Being “empowered” by one’s body or sexuality is the height of narcissism. Sexuality doesn’t make you unique, it makes you as common as every other human being because nearly every human being identifies in some sexual way. Kim K doesn’t have anything I don’t have on my chest and lower torso, yet she thinks having t*ts and a$$ and a vag is something to be “empowered” by? Please. Be empowered by having the ability to think critically, to think of others before yourself, by the good deeds you do for others. THAT’S empowering, not your lame body.

  73. Pepper says:

    😝 Kim K and the other phoney Kardashians & take Caitlyn with you

  74. mytake says:

    Hmmmmm. Here’s a potentially different thought (potentially, because, admittedly, I haven’t read every single comment on this thread, so someone may have brought this up already). OK, so…..where to start?

    Yes, KK’s business is attention seeking. That is how she makes her money. People have a huge problem with that. Fine.

    But what if that is her only option to make money? I mean, perhaps she genuinely doesn’t have any other skills but her looks and passion for attention. After all, not everyone is smart or cut out for academic or technical pursuits. Now, you may say, “then she should work at [insert a profession that doesn’t require academic acumen]!” Sure. Fine. But in a way, I think that is an option that sounds good on paper, but not very honest. After all, our society measures success by money. We NEED money to survive. It’s lovely to pretend like we don’t — but we do. Right or wrong, that is the way of our world.

    So, here we have a woman, possibly short on intelligence, who is making attention seeking and sexuality into cash-money for her and her family. She’s not exploiting anyone. Heck, she is not even hurting anyone. So, are her actions that different than someone who marries for money? Plus, her actions spark important conversations about gender roles and sexuality — which makes us sit back and reflect. I don’t know about you, but commenter Otaku’s posts in the “Pink” thread are amazing and thought provoking……smart, well thought out arguments like Otaku’s would be largely relegated to an academic setting if we didn’t have people like KK and Miley pushing the sexuality envelope in pop culture.

    So, she posted naked selfies. Is the female body that offensive that we freak out over it?

    Again, not everyone is naturally talented or academically gifted. So, she’s making what she’s got work for her. Doesn’t hurt me in any way, so I have trouble getting worked up about the fact that she doesn’t follow some arbitrary puritanical script about what is and is not appropriate.

    • Naddie says:

      Then the blame is on people who support someone whose only talent is to be naked. Honestly, we’re talking about an obvious narcissistic behavior that resulted in tons of cash for someone that does. . . what exactly? There’s something really wrong with a society like that.

      • mytake says:

        But that is the society we live in — whether we want to believe it or not. We value money; we worship money (as a society) — so what are people who don’t have the natural intelligence or talent to make money supposed to do?

        Most people are narcissistic, and just don’t realize it. We all think we have the right answers — but we’re all probably wrong in one way or another. It’s just as narcissistic to pull the “SHAME! SHAME!” card as it is to be a professional attention seeker — we just don’t make money off of it. Heck, if I could figure out a way to turn my opinions and face into bucks, I’d do it.

        I don’t know — maybe it’s because I DON’T have natural talent or intelligence — I couldn’t have gotten into a school if I tried, and am such relegated to a a low-paying job — forever. So, I have a hard time getting on a high horse about someone who has managed to turn her looks and personality into financial security for herself and family.

        And, I guess, ultimately, I’m not offended or grossed out by sex or nudity, so it doesn’t bother me. And, I guess, I also recognize that our society is messed up, and there is little that can be done at this point to change that.

      • Naddie says:

        Actually, a lot can be done, my friend. Anyway, when it comes about Kim, it’s more about her emptiness and less about her nudity.
        On a personal note, I find it hard to believe you don’t have intelligence. Just look at your writing and the way you put your ideas on it. And the ideas as well.

      • Freebunny says:

        Oh my…. Kim comes from real priviledge, she HAS CHOICES.
        Tons of people who are not academic makes themselves a good life, but yeah, they’re not famewhores.

  75. SuMa says:

    I think this family, among other tv reality families, is making a living from exhibitionism. They sell their life and in this case, her body, as a commodity. We purchase the commodity if we watch. The thing that I thought was most tasteless was K’s flaunting of her wealth. Ageism is also ugly.
    But empowerment to me is: going back to school or training so you can support your family, going to work everyday to pay your bills, looking in the mirror and seeing wrinkles and shrugging, smiling at a child with disabilities, saying hello to a person of another culture, learning something new everyday. These things are empowering.

  76. Franks says:

    1) you haven’t moved on
    2) your husband doesn’t love you unconditionally (sorry, but true)
    3) you aren’t sexy

    P.s. It’s thirteen years ago, yes. What have you done since then? What have you done unrelated to attention-whoring or sexuality-exploiting since then? If someone loves their body and sexuality and feels empowered by it, they don’t constantly inject shit into it and cut themselves up and then lie about it. They just don’t.

    P.p.s. Sorry for cursing.

  77. Jana says:

    B.S. on how “Empowering” her body is to her…the only times it has been empowering, is when it birthed two children. Kim is a one trick pony, she has no talent other than exposing herself. She knows once that body goes, so goes her “career”. I for one, hope that day is coming soon.

    • Elleno says:

      By the time that day comes I fear she will have her daughter fully hyper-sexualized to take her place. 🙁

  78. Nik says:

    Right 13 years ago and your still naked and showing all you’ve got. Who has not moved on? Unfortunately she thinks this “essay” is helping. It just makes her more hypocritical and contradictory

  79. Ming says:

    Ok, so rewind:: what was her original PURPOSE behind posting a nude pic?? What is the reason?
    Someone mentioned above, she is confusing marketing herself/her body as empowerment.

    Kendall has said recently that Kim is the best at PR and how to simmer down a waiting and purposely posting things at certain times to steer the story and keep their preferred spin on things.

  80. mollie says:

    Post any photos you want to of your own body.

  81. Anare says:

    I’m so tired of this notion of slut shaming, how that is a bad thing and women should be free to do what they want with their bodies and if you criticize then you’re the bad person. Please. I think posting pictures of yourself standing naked in front of a mirror saying you have nothing to wear is the height of vapid narcissism. It’s not slut shaming. I’m not criticizing her for being sexual. I’m criticizing her for being so shallow that she thinks that makes her appear empowered, also that she identified herself as an entrepreneur. Lol!

    As I see it she allows her face, body, likeness, name…to be used to make money for larger entities and she gets a cut of the money. There is a name for that but I’m not going to use it as surely I will be jumped for slut shaming.

    She has become very wealthy trading off her face and her body. But that should not be praised as talent. She is living in the lap of luxury but has little self worth. She gasses on about being a wise, strong, empowered woman, yet if she were any of those things she wouldn’t have a need to post old nude pictures of herself to try to stay relevant.

    It’s not slut shaming. No one finds her pictures sexy, they find them sad and desperate. And you know what else is sad? All the hard earned money people have spent on the crap this family shills. Kim is laughing all the way to the bank. Did you catch her Twitter comment about all her money? Yeah. That’s what it’s all about. She will say and do anything to keep her name in the media and keep the money rolling in. If you’re a fan of that you can spend your money supporting her. And if I want to stand up and say you are a sucker for doing so, I can. It’s America!

  82. EM says:

    The level of flesh shown is proportional to the level of insecurity.
    It’s not about pride, sexiness, degree of comfort or feminism. It’s all about insecurity and this is the example Kim provides to her stupid fans. Only stupid people follow her and her ways.

  83. Hannah says:

    Wrong post.

  84. Maxybabe says:

    In the words of Chandler Bing shouting at Ross on “Friends” when they were moving the couch up the stairs: Shut UP! Shut UP! Shut UPPPP!!
    No-one is interested in seeing these images, no one is interested in your constant wittering about how great you are, when you have to go on the defensive. A woman can be empowered without behaving like this. There are other things in life ffs. Put some clothes on or you may as well be posting images of yourself in a sex tape. Oh wait….