Jennifer Aniston: Some of my movies, ‘I bow my head in slight shame over’

April NS Cover

It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve seen Jennifer Aniston on the cover of a major fashion magazine, right? Even when she was campaigning for an Oscar nomination in the 2014/15 cycle, she was mostly doing interviews with trade papers and entertainment outlets, not fashion mags. Aniston covers the April issue of Harper’s Bazaar. The cover, to me, seems cartoonish, but the rest of the editorial is rather pretty and striking. If you’re wondering what she’s promoting, I think this is a early piece for Aniston’s role in Mother’s Day, the latest Garry Marshall-holiday-themed ensemble film (in which every major character in Atlanta is white). You can read Aniston’s full profile here. Here are some highlights:

On her marriage with Justin Theroux: “Married life is so normal and fun and not much different. We felt married for so long…”

On Justin’s career: “As they say in the business, ‘He’s on fire.’ I’m so proud of him.”

How she chooses projects: “I really have to love something to be leaving my home, my dogs, my husband. The older you get, the more you realize that.”

On her career: “There’s a steadiness, for sure, but also this desire to peel away more. You know, like ‘F–k it.’ What’s a more graceful term?”

What ‘Cake’ proved: “I can do other things. I feel a sense of freedom that I hadn’t necessarily felt before. Also, you have to start taking chances in an industry that’s very insecure about taking chances on people. People forget who actors are. They say, ‘You’re too known to play that part. You can’t disappear.’ And we’re like, ‘Give us a chance. We’ll disappear.'”

How she feels at the age of 47: “I feel better in my 40s. Not only do you feel better in your body physically, but you’re mentally better. Because, say, in your 20s, you didn’t know sh-t. For me, in my 30s I was just trying to figure it all out. Then when you hit 40, you’re like, ‘Oh, okay. I got this.’ ”

The idea of turning 50: “There are women who’ve hit 50 who are stunners, like shocking. We just take better care of ourselves. I had somebody say to me, ‘Women these days in their 40s look pretty good!’ And this was a much older person. I mean, who says that?”

One of her favorite routines: “Puttering. I stay up late. The house is empty; it’s nice, it’s quiet. I usually go to bed at about midnight, 1 A.M.”

Learning how to say no to work: “There was a time when I worked and worked and worked. I loved it. I’m trying to be better at that. I’m a bit of a people pleaser. I’ve got to stop. Some of the movies I’ve made, I bow my head in slight shame over.”

Her dream costars: “Julia Roberts. I had a big tease because we did a scene together in Mother’s Day, but it was a moment. And Emma Stone I’m dying to work with.”

On political correctness: “Man, I think everyone’s so freakin’ politically correct lately. It’s becoming a real drag. I like making jokes. I’m lucky because Justin is the funniest person I’ve met, and we make each other laugh. Laughter is one of the great keys to staying youthful.”

[From Harper’s Bazaar]

Does she really disappear into her roles? Or is she just “Rachel Green in wedges” or “Rachel Green with a dark wig” or “Rachel Green with scars”? I’m really asking, but I’ve never thought much of her range as an actress – she’s a gifted comedienne, but she wants to be seen as more than that, and I’ve never been sure that she’s got the goods to back it up. As for The Man Who Wasn’t There, Justin Theroux… I don’t know what to tell you. It really doesn’t seem like they’re ever in the same city, but maybe that works for them.


Photos courtesy of Camilla Akrans/Bazaar.

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147 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston: Some of my movies, ‘I bow my head in slight shame over’”

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  1. Anoushka says:

    She is not promoting her movie – she is promoting herself, her marriage and her beauty products. Not a single thing about the movie.

    Sorry but Justin is not on fire – he has just been universally ripped for his role, writing and directing of Zoolander 2. This was his 3rd major flop of his writing career. Jennifer and her fans can stop acting like he is a big deal.

    It seems to me that they live apart and happy with that – Justin in NY hanging out with pedo Terry and hunting for young girls at bars. Jennifer in LA with her dogs and goddess circle. She talks about waking up and spend time with her dogs and ending the night alone. Weird way to be married and let’s see how long this lasts.

    • Chinoiserie says:

      She did mention it in regards to Julia Roberts (and this is just a snippet anyway). Celebrities often do not mention the movie they are promoting but that is why they are doing the interviews, the reporter mentions in some sentence the upcoming film.

    • Alix says:

      How on earth does this woman keep getting magazine covers? She’s not terribly relevant in the entertainment industry anymore, and there are loads of FAR more interesting celebrities to interview…

    • Laura says:

      She embarrasses me too.

  2. Who ARE these people? says:

    Why only slight?

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Because, God knows you can’t be politically correct and funny at the same time. It’s only funny if you’re stereotyping other people. Got it.

    • Lex says:

      Yes! I was going to say something similar but you nailed it.

    • Naya says:

      “Why cant people just learn to take a joke?”, says the individual belonging to a social group that is rarely the subject of the “joke”.

      • Luxe says:

        Right! “I don’t mind when people call me a cracker, tee hee!” Because that’s totally the same thing.

    • WTW says:

      @GNAT Well, she is friends with Chelsea Handler and this is the sort of thing Chelsea says and does. If anyone watched her new Netflix series, Chelsea doubled down on these sorts of comments.

    • My mind went to Zoolander 2 when she said that (and that she was trying to “defend” her husband). But this is the stunning example of empathy who said “retard” on tv, and didn’t apologize or acknowledge that she said a hurtful word.

      • BB says:

        Hand to God, I didn’t even know Zoolander 2 had come out, let alone that it absolutely bombed.

  4. minx says:

    She sounds so juvenile in some of these quotes.

  5. lisa2 says:

    Another interview that says the same things said before.

    Wonder why they don’t have any front face shots.. Are they all from the side and covering her face. That cover looks like every cover HB has done on her.

  6. Mimz says:

    I liked her in racier and crazier roles. Where she’s not sweet and innocent, like in Horrible Bosses and We’re The Millers. I HATED The Breakup, and I enjoyed Just Go With it. Well I haven’t watched most of her movies, but I guess what I’m saying I’m not a huge fan but I enjoy her as an actress. I like her brand of humour. Not too goofy and silly.

    • Gisy says:

      to be honest, I want to marry Horrible Bosses Jennifer Aniston

    • Anoushka says:

      I like her movies and comedy acting talent but cannot stand her personality. She is one of the most fake and media manipulating people in Hollywood.

      They way she controls every single aspect of her media presence is just off putting.

    • Truthful says:

      One movie where she proved she can do something else and was good in it was surprisingly “the good girl”. I was surprised. pleasantly

      • Emma - The JP Lover says:

        @Truthful, who wrote: “One movie where she proved she can do something else and was good in it was surprisingly “the good girl”. I was surprised. pleasantly”

        Yes, but the “The Good Girl” was released in 2002 and it’s now 2016. I actually thing Jen was much better in “Picture Perfect” (1997) and “The Object of My Affection” (1998). She doesn’t get dramatic role offers because she was mediocre in the last strictly dramatic role a Studio offered her. I’m talking about “Derailed” (2005). There is a reason why she had to create … I mean … why it took so long for a distribution company to release “Cake.”

    • Grant says:

      I hated the Break Up, but only because I HATED Vince Vaughn in that movie. His character was such a fat, selfish, sloppy douche.

      • lucy2 says:

        I hate Vince Vaughn in almost every role. In the past few years, seeing his name attached is a deterrent from me going to a movie.

      • mp says:

        I thought I was the only who hated vince vaughn too. I hated wedding crashers, and pretty much every movie he’s ever been in. As they call him, “That puffy guy.”

      • Naya says:

        I really hate that guy too. I gather the Breakup wasnt supposed to have a villain. It was just supposed to be the story of a relationship that fails but Vince spreads the doucheness all over that character so that all you can feel is relief when she finally walks away. And dread when they hint at the end that they could reunite.

  7. Jayna says:

    Every actor does.

  8. Naya says:

    I finally watched Cake and yes, she can disappear in a role. I think also anyone in an iconic role that runs ten years is going to have trouble getting the audience to let that character go. All the other Friends actors have had the same problem. We hadnt seen Schwimmer in years but his Kardashian role is still being described as “Armenian Ross”. Courtney still brings that frantic Monica energy to Cougar Town. Kudrow and Le blanc have been smart to try and play parodies of themselves (really their Friends characters). So being permanently viewed as Joey is actually a bonus on a show like Episodes.

    • Luciana says:

      Friends character are quite iconic (I’ve never undestood the hype but…) so sometimes it’s difficult to set them apart in other roles. But Cake has nothing to do with Rachel or Friends. We may discuss if Jennifer was bringing it or not but I saw no Rachel.

  9. Zapp Brannigan says:

    So political correctness is aging, who knew?

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Look at how youthful the Donald is.

      • Magnoliarose says:

        Donny Trump is only 2 years old and pulling a Benjamin Button on us.

      • Jem says:

        If Donald is Benjamin Buttons, 2 years old, does that mean he’ll turn into an orange-tinged zygote in a few years, then disappear?

        Ah, what a fantasy. If only

  10. funcake says:

    She should really give us a chance to miss her.

    • Nancy says:

      She had a very bitchy reputation in her younger days. She was so difficult, Steven Spielberg called her Stinkerbell. She was relentless with her husband’s wife at the time and mocked her openly Aloe Vera. Openly hated her brother, hated her sister or step sister who ended up committing suicide. No, Julia didn’t have anything to do with it, but bet she didn’t feel too great after it happened. Time seems to have mellowed her out, or she isn’t being offered too many roles. Don’t see much of her any more. Bless her heart. Well here I am talking about Julia Roberts… is Friday, right?

  11. Gisy says:

    she looks amazing and beautiful . I really like her. now let me see myself out

    • FingerBinger says:

      I’ll join you. She doesn’t bother me.

      • Kitten says:

        None of us belong here, obviously.

      • Nancy says:

        I like Jennifer and make no apologies about it. She seems like the type of woman I’d like to sit down and have a drink with. After just posting a lengthy comment about another actress, that drink seems very appropriate…ah hah….she said Julia is someone she’d like to work with. Dear God I thought I was getting dementia at 37…check please.

    • Shannon1972 says:

      I will go with you…I think she looks gorgeous in this spread.

    • tracking says:

      Lol. Love HB’s elegant pictorials. She’s wise to stick with them.

    • Carol says:

      I’ll join you too! She looks great in HB’s cover and pictorials. Although she has done a few too many Rachel-like characters in movies, I really like it when she branches out a little, like of Life of Crime and Cake. I didn’t see much Rachel there. I’m a big fan of hers for sure (I’m also a fan of AJ too, so there!).

    • Joschultz47 says:

      Totally agreed. There seems to be a ton of jealousy and hatred for someone who seems completely harmless. Someone interviews her and asks her questions, and she gives answers. Her answers are then dissected like nothing I’ve seen. There are so many awful celebrities (all Kardashians, Kanye, Farrah Abraham), people in this world who do truly terrible things, and yet so much vitriol is spewed in her direction. I’ve never understood it and never will. Live and let live people!

  12. Aussie girl says:

    The picture of her and the eagle is the best I’ve seen her in a photo shoot. Thank god she wasnt shilling smart water in this interview.

    • doofus says:

      I think that’s actually a peregrine falcon…def not an eagle, but I agree, it’s a fab shot.

      • Aussie girl says:

        Oops my bad. I’m really not a bird person.

      • doofus says:

        no worries…I’m not SURE it’s a peregrine…but I do know it’s not an eagle…

        I’m lucky enough to live in a place that has not only nesting eagle pairs, but a TON of red-tails and a few peregrines, too! the falcons are BAD ASS.

    • Colette says:

      She does.It comes in a sparkling variety now.Get your Sparkling Smartwater.

    • Chinoiserie says:

      That picture was stunning and the one in her black dress was great too, shame more artistic pictures do not make to covers.

  13. Ally.M says:

    I love that photo with the bird of prey, she looks stunning.

  14. Jenns says:

    She doesn’t have great range as an actress, which is why the movie thing will never happen for her.

    However, I could see her headlining a Netflix series. I think that’s what she should be aiming for.

    • Heat says:

      You’re absolutely right, Jenns

    • doofus says:

      agree about netflix or some other type of cable/premium channel series.

      SO MANY of those kind of TV series are WAY better than the crap that hollywood has been putting out lately. HBO, SHO, FX, AMC…a LOT of those channels have shows with excellent writing and production. and netflix has had some really great ones over the past few years.

    • tmc says:

      I think she rode Friends and her other fame to jump on this rom-com bandwagon but then she just started doing these bad movies and the landscape shifted beneath her. (The Jim Carrey movie? Ugh. Picture Perfect but that was during Friends was sweet. Friends with Money not bad. The Break Up. Sad as a movie. it is true as someone wrote that Vince Vaughn character was just hard to watch, too overbearing. etc. Gone Girl was not my type movie but she was good in it. The movie with Ben Stiller – she was cute, movie not great.)

      But now when I see her acting in these movies, something feels hardened about her and her acting seems less light, less fluid. Like in We re the Millers, maybe that is the direction she is getting, I do not know. Cake seemed fairly real although Anna Kendrick was just so fantastic that it made me wonder a bit about Anistons acting.

      That being said, I like her but I also wonder if she is bland in interviews because she got sort of burned via the whole during-and-after Pitt marriage scenario. Also, I think she should drop at least one endorsement. Those are embarrassing. But maybe it is all working for her in some way as far as money and profile, if not exactly career. Netflix would be considered prestigious a la Robin Wright type scenario.

      But these are the best photos and most unique we have seen of her in awhile (other than cover which could be better).

    • FingerBinger says:

      @Jenns She has range as an actress. She can do drama but she isn’t taken seriously.

    • Jaxx says:

      Well, she has made over 30 movies, so it appears “the movie thing” happened a little bit.

  15. Barrett says:

    She was excellent in a serious movie w Jake Gyllenhall where she pays a down and depressed Walmart type store cashier.

    I think she has more range than we give her credit for……

    • Nancy says:

      Agree @Barrett…..she was perfect as Justine. People were so used to her at the time being Rachel, I don’t think they were prepared for her to be anything other than one of the six at Central Perk. Actors/actresses get typed cast continuously but that doesn’t take away from their talent. Most of them can’t find a role after a ten year run on a comedy, but she did just that. Look at Courtney, she went to Cougar Town and played the same character only older with a glass or bottle of wine in her hand. I’ve always found her likeable and relatable as opposed to some of the divas out there.

    • Crumpet says:

      Yes, I was also going to bring the ‘The Good Girl’ up as an example of her disappearing into a role. Cake was not a great movie, I felt like they tried too hard to make her look ‘hard’ if you know what I mean. Ugh, I need more coffee.

    • kai says:

      I thought she wasn’t half bad in “Friends with Money” either. She has a lot of darkness about her actually.

    • Josephina says:

      Oy vey…

      She has had MANY chances at drama roles. And this is where critics give her feedback.

      Love Happens
      Friends With Money
      The Switch movie with Justin Bateman
      Marley and Me
      Life of Crime
      Movie with Gerard Butler

      The fans on this site do not seem to be aware of her films that she made between 2005 -2010.

      Those were the ones I am guessing she is referencing. I am not a fan (used to be 10+ years ago) but I liked her best in The Break Up. WE’re the Millers and Horrible Bosses (especially #2) could have been easily replaced by Kate Hudson, Olivia Wilde or Megan Fox.

      • Emma - The JP Lover says:

        @Josephina …

        You forgot “Derailed” (2005) with Clive Owen. I believe she never got more ‘dramatic’ role offers after “Derailed” because that film showcased her limited range as a purely dramatic actress.

    • Joschultz47 says:

      She was heartbreaking in Cake, dry and funny in Friends with Money, sad and wasted in The Good Girl and a dominant bitch on wheels in Horrible Bosses. She deserves more credit.

  16. Luca76 says:

    I think her appeal is that she’s very, very likable and relatable on screen= which is what makes a great TV star. She’s not really a great actress though. I don’t think she’s got great range. Even in Cake (sorry folks).

  17. Nancy says:

    She always comes across as normal as a multimillionaire actress can. These actresses all seem to say they embrace becoming older. I wasn’t less unaware in my 20’s or early 30’s, just had less life under my belt. Maybe as I get to the fifty mark, I will feel like they do or at least say it. Right now, I like being on the light side of 40. Jennifer usually takes a lot of unnecessary hits on this site, but like always, don’t think she should would care. Seems to be living her life on her own terms and enjoying it. You don’t stay In the business for this long and get so much love and/or hate…..if you’re not doing something right.

    • Anoushka says:

      Living in her multi million mansion, constantly talking about her exercise and beauty regime, shilling products she doesn’t use is not what I will call normal.

      The character she played on the Emirates advert is who she really is and nothing wrong with that.

  18. Luciana says:

    She’s not the best actress out there but in Cake she wasn’t Rachel with scars. Also I quite enjoyed her in that mess of a movie She’s funny that way and she didn’t play Rachel with a bad wig. She’s a fine comedian. Let’s give her that!

    • doofus says:

      comedy is hard…so say a LOT of “dramatic” actors/actresses who’ve tried it. I don’t think she’s the greatest actress, but I do think she’s a very good comedic one, with great timing.

    • Jayna says:

      I saw Cake on Netflix a few months back and I agree. I was very surprised but enjoyed her performance. She was actually very good in that, and I never thought, oh, Jennifer Aniston/Rachel, etc. She pulled it off.

    • Mimz says:

      Ok now I want to watch this movie.

    • Teri says:

      She was also good in the movie Life of Crime. That’s one to check out on Netflix.

      • Luciana says:

        That’s another one when she’s not in Rachel character. I don’t know why people keep saying that.

      • Jenna says:

        I think it’s because the big studio movies she’s in are usually terrible and variations on the Rachel character. Dig through her filmography and you’ll find a ton of really great performances. Life of Crime completely died but she was fantastic in it. And She’s Funny That Way was sort of a mess but she was crazily funny in that.

      • lucy2 says:

        I didn’t know that was on Netflix! I’d been wanting to see it, I like a lot of Elmore Leonard’s work. I’ll have to check it out.

  19. Skyblue says:

    I like her. Always have (dodging stones as I exit). Really enjoyed the movie Cake. And think she’s probably fun to hang out with…not that I have celebrity daydreams but I really could imagine drinking pitchers of margaritas with her and laughing ourselves silly. Chips, salsa, swimming pool and naps…okay…I’m leaving now!!!!

    • Jayna says:

      I like Jennifer also. She’s harmless, and she’s been in some rom-coms I’ve really enjoyed. Her interviews are blah, but I rarely pay attention to her interviews. I still like her in that movie with Justin Batemen, because I love him and thought they had chemistry. The Switch, or whatever it was called.

      And, yes, she was quite good in Cake.

  20. vauvert says:

    I used to really like her, both IRL and in Friends, but over the years I got to the point where I find her terribly boring. For a while I tried to see her movies post-Friends and my impression is that she was great in that role because it was almost like playing herself – pretty girl in the big city, going through various bad relationships, relying on her girlfriends, finally finding success… I haven’t watched Cake (I live with chronic pain and have no desire to see more of it onscreen) but I don’t think she can disappear in anything. To me, she’s always JenA playing Rachel.
    I disagree that after a long TV career people can’t rebrand – Julia Louis Dreyfus, anyone? Or my favourite TV actor of all time, Alan Alda, who has gone through a number of truly remarkable roles after Hawkeye? Nathan Fillion after Firefly? It can be done, but you need actual talent.

    The other thing that doesn’t help is that she seems so very bland, with practically zero interests outside of shilling whatever brands she is signed up with. I never hear of her visiting a museum, going to a foreign country that’s not Mexico (on a beach with a drink), talking about a hobby… when she tries a different topic it comes across so phoney and uniformed, like a few years ago(? I think) right here on CB there was a post about her Greek cooking. And thats when it finally hit me, she has no idea what she is talking about, because the dishes she mentioned do not take 7 hours unless you leave the house for a hair appointment and a pedicure in the middle. Anyway, I do wish her well, and hope her opposite coasts marriage works, but I think she should try and find another TV comedy if she wants to find real success again. Even if it’s a trope, playing it well will work for her.

    • GoOnGirl says:

      As a chronic pain sufferer, I concur! Bravo! You hit the nail on the head.

    • Karen says:

      I couldn’t have said it better. She has zero hobbies or interests. Her interviews are always the same. She can’t even speak about her husband in an interesting manner. Is he a slob? Does she go on his motorcycle? Do they travel besides Cabo? Is she close with his family? She can still reveal tidbits and remain private.

      Personally I believe it is a business arrangement marriage. He got exposure and she had to get away from the Brad story. They do not have couple chemistry.

  21. KikiGee says:

    Lawd. This woman.
    She brings everything back to looks; getting older’s fine, as long as you can keep your looks.
    She serves to remind us that most celebrities – entertainers – got into performing arts because they couldn’t get good grades at school.
    Just sayin’.

    • rosalee says:

      a number of actors have degrees in finance, law and journalism. A number continued to act and attend post-secondary institutions..difficult to believe but John Cleese Gerrard Butler obtained their law degree and Butler practiced law before becoming an actor. David Duchovny has a Masters degree as does Sigourney Weaver and
      Peter Weller. Heck Dolph Lundgren has a masters in chemical engineering.

    • Magnoliarose says:

      I disagree. Most entertainers do it either for fame or because they love it. It is not easy to be successful or be very good at it. You may not like someone or many come and go for a variety of reasons but it is no fall back career for the serious ones. Plenty of them are educated and plenty aren’t but so are people in other professions and it doesn’t mean they are stupid either.
      Jen is not my fave but she hustles her brand to her audience well. I’m just not buying what she is selling.

      • lisa2 says:

        She is selling a lot of stuff. It is hard to settle on what is worth believing and what is not. But I have never bought anything she sells.

    • Mimz says:

      “She serves to remind us that most celebrities – entertainers – got into performing arts because they couldn’t get good grades at school.”

      I find your comment quite disrespectful for those who are actors and entertainers. Many parents “force” their kids to go study something else because “being an actor/musician/artist/dancer doesn’t pay the bills”. And acting is not an easy job or career with all its ups and downs, rejection, casting couches, harassment, bullying, etc.
      Like @rosalee said, plenty of actors, successful ones or not, have degrees in other fields, but have always loved acting, and that’s what they are doing. Doesn’t mean they had bad grades so they just decided “well I’m going to act”. have you every tried acting? It’s not easy, at all! People need to have a talent for it.
      I am so appalled by your sweeping statement.

      ETA: I am not saying that every actor out there is doing it for love, many look for fame and “quick” money too, but it still requires some level of artistry.

      • KikiGee says:

        @ Mimz; it IS a sweeping statement. Sweeping statements speak to the ‘population’ (in the statistical sense of the word). Would you say that the entertainment industry is generally populated by people with further education ? (Or the ability to achieve academic qualifications?)
        I, at no point, indicated that those in the entertainment business did not have talent; I implied they weren’t the most intelligent people in the ‘population’.

    • maggie says:

      I know plenty of actors and some are the most intelligent people I’ve ever met.

      • Lucy826 says:

        Late reply to @Kikigee ” Would you say that the entertainment industry is generally populated by people with further education ?” Yes. Speaking as a NYC based actress, the first thing any agent or casting director here wants to know is where you went to school. No BA, BFA, MFA or conservatory? Guess what – nobody’s interested in you and you will not be taken seriously. A few loud celebrities (who usually had a family contact that got them in the door) make up less than 2% of the population of working actors in this country.

    • lucy2 says:

      “got into performing arts because they couldn’t get good grades at school.”
      No, most people go into the performing arts because they have a deep passion and talent for that work, and follow that dream despite the low chance of fame and fortune.
      Of course there are some less educated/less intelligent people who manage to end up celebrities, but if you look at the people with solid, lengthy careers, the ones who aren’t on every tabloid cover but are steadily working actors, singers, musicians, etc, a LOT of them are educated and intelligent people.

      • Karen says:

        That is a ridiculous statement. How about Yale Drama School? Nyu Tisch school which my daughter attends for film is very competitive to get in.

  22. Jenni says:

    She is amazing. I adore her.

  23. roses says:

    Think she really go back to TV or do something on cable (i.e. Netflix, HBO, Showtime). There is a lot of interesting work being done in these 2 area, I think she would really shine there. The big Hollywood movie star thing gets too much hype anyway these days. Not sure why her management team hasn’t went this route but then again its her career choice in the end.

    • Jayna says:

      I thought she said in an interview she would entertain that or could see herself going that route down the road. I think she’s doing a bunch of indie work now or producing, but I too see TV/Netflix, etc, as where she ends up.

  24. Rux says:

    If you ever see her in “The Good Girl” you can see that she does have range. It’s the only movie I have ever liked her in. Of course, she did not want to do the film but Brad Pitt convinced her to do it and then she got critical acclaim for it.

    • Jayna says:

      She was good in that indie, and then she was so mediocre in her next indie, the one where she played a pothead who ends up cleaning some guy’s house. Very meh performance.

      I think Jennifer was at her best early in her career. I will always have a fondness for Object of My Affection with Paul Rudd, who was great. It was such a sweet movie with a lot of heart. I loved her in that movie as a younger actress and loved the actual movie. She did a couple more very early in her career where she showed a uniqueness. She was different.

      • Rux says:

        Oh I totally forgot about that one! You are right that was pretty cute. You know I did like her in The Break-up…..I still use the “Why would I WANT to do dishes” line. I thought that movie was pretty close to what couples are typically like when fighting/breaking upn– minus the Hollywood plotted perfect, body/hair/house/make-up, etc.

    • OrigialTessa says:

      Jake G at his most beautiful and unusual. I love him in those kind of “off” roles. And JA is great, as is the rest of the ensemble. It’s a good film front to back. Great re-watch too.

      • Jayna says:

        I watch any and every Jake G movie. He is really building a great body of work, and it’s interesting watching the building blocks to his career, performance by performance.

      • OrigialTessa says:

        Yep, me too. I’ve seen all of his films. I love almost every single one of them. He makes great choices and always brings an interesting take to the character.

    • Bee says:

      The Good Girl from over a decade ago?????? If you have to go that far back, it is a fluke

      • Granger says:

        Totally agree. I’m biased, though, because I never thought she was that great in Good Girl. I thought she just kept her face slack and her arms hanging limply at her sides and suddenly everyone was all, “Oooh, look at her act depressed!” I also could *not* get past the fact that she was this small-town girl who worked at Wal-Mart… with the most perfect, expensive hair highlights I’ve ever seen. I don’t call that disappearing into a role.

  25. Grant says:

    She looks gorgeous in these pics. She did great in Cake and the Good Girl, I’d love to see her take more dramatic roles.

    • Bee says:

      Wow two great roles in how many years?? She can’t get the more dramatic roles over the much more talented actors out there.

      • Rux says:

        I think she says that now about wanting more dramatic roles but she did all those shitty rom-coms for the paycheck; rom-coms have low budgets with high profits and they pay more then indie flicks….girls gotta pay for her tanning bed, yoga and ‘I could buy a house’ with what she spends on her highlights.

  26. Magnoliarose says:

    She needs a gritty drama with some comedic moments for
    a series on Netflix. But she should do it soon as her accolades for Cake will be ancient history in the short attention span of the public and Hollywood.

  27. Jem says:

    Ive actually walked out of some of her movies before, they were so bad. I’ve always loved her style, and she looks amazing – but good God: outside of a sitcom she’s just a bore on screen.

    As for the rest: I’m 50 and I’ve taken up ‘puttering’ late at night when I have the house to myself, too. And early weekend mornings. I love puttering!

    • Pandy says:

      Yup. Puttering is the best!!!

    • Christin says:

      I completely identify with puttering and her comment about it must be something she loves to leave her home, family, dogs.

      The more years you live, the more you understand how precious time really is.

  28. Tallia says:

    I love the photo with the hawk. That dress is stunning.

  29. sofie says:

    This woman is so grating. I would love for her to just bugger off out of the public eye. All she does is sell products. I never liked her as an actress and thought hers was the most annoying character in friends. I would rather see talented actresses more in the limelight and those not with a personality of a bowl of porridge, you can add Gwyneth, affleck and many more to that category also.

    • tracking says:

      I like her, but agree she does too many endorsements. She should take it down a notch (or three).

  30. Tiffany says:

    Okay Jen, do not be that person no matter how you try to spin it. The one thing I have always respected about you is that no matter how bad the film is, you promote it as if it the greatest ever.

    Don’t be that person that craps on pass films. Ones that you were well compensated for.

  31. Jayna says:

    I think Jen can act. She’s not the greatest actress, but I’ve seen strong acting from her at times. Some on here may not like The Break Up, but I thought her acting was very strong in the movie.

    Watch this scene and tell me she can’t do drama. This is my favorite hair color of her also, instead of the played-out blonde.

    • tracking says:

      Ha, my husband loves this line: “You want me to WANT to do the dishes?!” Also, her PPD scenes in Marley and Me, plus her work in indies like the Good Girl and Cake. She can definitely do drama, but, as she herself has said, rarely gets the opportunity. Looking forward to seeing her work in The Yellow Birds later this year.

      • Jayna says:

        OH, how could I forget Marley and Me? I loved that movie and thought she and Owen Wilson did a really great job in that movie and all of the Marleys also. I need to watch that movie again. There was a lot of depth to that movie.

        I liked her in Derailed also, but it was an average movie. And she had her darker hair in that movie.

    • hogtowngooner says:

      Agreed. And I thought she was quite good in The Breakup. That fight scene is so real for anyone who’s lived with a significant other.

    • tracking says:

      I also wish she’d ditch the blond, somewhere in her more natural caramel-toned brown is more flattering. She’s been very blond since getting with her husband–maybe he prefers it?

      • doofus says:

        good lord, I need more coffee (or reading glasses?)…I read “caramel-toned” as “camel-toed”. YIKES.

        Though I agree on the “caramel-toned” color. I’d even go a little darker than that.

      • Jayna says:

        I also love the caramel color best on her. I remember going and asking for caramel lowlights to my hair once because of the color of her hair at the time.

      • Christin says:

        The warm caramel brown tones are flattering to her eye color.

  32. Susan says:

    Sometimes I wish she’d change up her look just a little….to keep us interested. I’d heard she LOATHED the Friends bob from toward the end of the series but I loved it….and while her dark hair and bangs was not my favorite look of hers, I loved the change and how it kind of changed everything about her. Otherwise, I feel like she looks the same in every pic of her from mid 2000s to now. Clothes, hair, makeup. Everything.

    And I recognize I’m being a hypocrite as I am pretty basic in hair and clothing. But rules are different for famous people. 🙂 lol

  33. Granger says:

    I hate, hate, hate how the magazine title says “Fabulous at Every Age” — and yet Aniston is photoshopped into oblivion to look 25.

  34. Moi says:

    She was so good in ‘Cake’ that she made me feel uncomfortable. She looks really beautiful in these pics.

    I think most actors/actresses have been in at least one movie that they are embarrassed about.

  35. TreadStyle says:

    I agree that comedy is her niche, and yes sometimes it gets repetitive and seems similar bug that is what she does well in my opinion. I mean she is ok in serious roles but in the background and not the main character. Also omg could she please where a dress like the picture w the bird she is wearing in real life?!?!?! She looks beautiful in it, why is she such a boring red carpet dresses when she could totally pull this stuff off?! I love that dress.

  36. Carmen says:

    I find her very irritating. She seems to have as much substance as a fluffball. It’s a type that has never appeals to me on any level.

  37. The Original G says:

    I think her acting range is limited to *Rachel* and *not Rachel*.

  38. Tara says:

    Best Jennifer has looked in ages. She should make whoever the makeup artist, costumer and photographer follow her around all the time. And it would be awesome if she got a peregrine falcon; probably not responsible, but interesting.

    People always say she plays most of her roles as Rachel Green. I honestly think she doesn’t. Rachel Green was pretty sweet in the earlier episodes. Later on, she got an abrasive, bitchy quality… Which I think seems closer to Aniston’s personality. And that’s how I see her playing most of her roles, as Jennifer Aniston. So not much actual acting there.

    I did like her in Friends with Money. Haven’t seen Good Girl but assume I’d like her in that too. Overall, she’s fascinating in that she’s made so much lucre out of so much boring; what irks me about her is that I always thought she had it in her to be interesting, but she bowed out of the challenge. Squandered potential.

  39. Guesto says:

    She is so relentlessly and vapidly passionless.

  40. Christin says:

    Office Space remains one of my guilty favorites. Such memorable characters.

    • doofus says:

      ah yes, I own that movie…so many good and relate-able jokes.

      I had a friend that worked at TGIFriday’s for a while, and the scenes about “flair” reminded me so much of her workplace rules. they had to wear a certain number of items (just like in the movie) and had to have at least one piece of “hair ware”…a hat, ribbon, scrunchie, etc. at all times.

      • Christin says:

        Ah, the flair. Confession — Last year, I bought a red Swingline ‘office space’ stapler.

      • doofus says:

        lol…I read somewhere that Swingline had never made a red stapler but did after that movie because so many people inquired about it. not sure if that’s true but, if so, it’s funny.

        did you ever see the Mike Judge cartoon (I think they ran during SNL?) of Milton…the one that this movie was based on? Gary Cole (as “Lumberg”) did such a good job of the annoying “yeah….” boss from the cartoon!

      • Christin says:

        Seems like they had to paint the one in the movie.

        I did not realize the Judge cartoons inspired the Milton/Boss characters. From what I understand, the movie was not a huge hit when released, but has become a cult classic. It really does capture cubicle / routine office life. Such memorable characters!

  41. Bexington says:

    She is excellent in friends with money. I would love to see her do more with Nicole holofcener and Catherine keener, and other slice of life indies. I don’t get the criticism that she is boring because she doesn’t regale the public with stories about her oh so interesting life. She’s probably just a low key/private person as much as she can be considering how famous she is. I think it’s refreshing. It’s like she has nothing to prove, and I respect that.

    • Bee says:

      It is a fact that she is dull as watching paint dry. Any interview of her’s proves that point again & again. Her interests include her hair, yoga, smartwater, claiming she uses avenno, and her hair again. She has nothing to talk about in regard to her life because all she seems to do is go to the spa! With all her money she does not even bother to see the world and travel beyond Mexico for once.
      She is far from private when she invites reporters into her home, talks about her marriage in every interview, and her so called husband has a public instagram.
      This husband who by the way is in NYC while she is in LA, never together.

  42. Ollie says:

    wow wonderful pictures. The cover shoot is boring but the othe rtwo are awesome. She looks great!