Saccharine couple Heidi and Spencer of The Hills are getting married this weekend with a second US wedding to follow their Mexican commitment ceremony that wasn’t legally binding stateside. The only problem is that they haven’t obtained the necessary license to make this second wedding legal either despite filming scenes at a court house for their MTV reality show. Their wedding this weekend won’t be legal either, according to In Touch:
This time… they’re filming the new phony ceremony for the series finale of The Hills. “It’s all set up by the producers of MTV to get people to watch,” says a source. “It’s just a plot line. They’re not really getting married, of course.”
The over-the-top wedding will take place on April 25 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Pasadena, Calif., on a closed set with the entire Hills cast in attendance…
Though Heidi and Spencer’s nemesis Lauren Conrad will not be in the wedding, In Touch can confirm exclusively that she will make an appearance. “They want Lauren to do something dramatic,” the source says.
The couple agreed to another wedding in the hopes that it will land them a spin-off reality show, the source adds…
“Spencer and Heidi are so greedy for fame that they’ll do anything for it…
“They would have a fake baby if people would watch them on T.V.”
[From In Touch, print edition, May 4, 2009]
What’s more is that no magazine was willing to shell out the money they demanded for exclusive rights to the wedding photos. There’s just not enough interest in the couple and we can rest assured that we won’t have to see their phony smiles at the grocery checkout aisle for a whole week. The whole thing In Touch mentions about Lauren Conrad showing up is up to question, though, as other sources report that Lauren already filmed her scenes ahead of time because she couldn’t deal with going to the wedding. She also told David Letterman last night that she wasn’t going and joked that “my ticket is currently on eBay”:
Even though the new season of “The Hills” was watched by nearly 3 million people and the couple has been a newsstand success in the past, no magazine snatched up exclusive rights to photos for their wedding this weekend.
Why? No one weekly was willing to spend the cash the couple wanted. In tough economic times, not just any celebrity can command big bucks, and the couple could theoretically make more money by offering the photos to all the weeklies instead of just one.
“The total number that (Montag and Pratt) used to get from exclusive photos is down. It’s sometimes better to go all round with the deal and ensure you make money and get exposure, particularly when television shows are involved,” said In Touch’s Editor in Chief Richard Spencer.
The couple didn’t comment on their strategy, but a source close to them said that now that everyone’s watching their bottom line, there was no bidding war to drive up the price, and this all-around deal was the best way to make a buck in tough times.
“They’d rather be on page 50 of Us, People, In Touch or Life & Style than be on the cover of a magazine like OK! that isn’t going to sell. They need to make money, and so does the magazine. The formula is changing,” said the source.
[From MSNBC’s The Scoop]
Maybe Heidi and Spencer’s dreams of a follow-up reality show will similarly be dashed by lack of interest. We have enough photos of this couple posing, kissing, fawning all over each other. What’s the difference if they’re in formal wear instead of jeans? Who really cares if they even have a real baby?
Heidi and Spencer are shown out on 4/8/09. Credit:
I am so tired of people being famous for being famous. It seems just about anyone with a good publicist can craft an image to sell to the public. Never overestimate the intelligence of the American public – HL Mecken, and it is still true, even more so.
I would love to see all coverge of this couple, Octomom, Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, Denise Richards,… I could go on an on… to stop. There are still enough interesting people to read about. Leonardo DiCaprio, for example, was in Washington, DC at an Earth Day event. Why is there more coverage of the tired, the tedious, and the boring, than of a relevant event like this one. The hot angle to the Leonardo story is the coverage of his date. Just kidding, it was his mom.
I look at their pictures every once in a while because sometimes they’re funny but I would never watch their show because Spencer is just so damn annoying, thats why I dont watch the Hills anymore.
I don’t understand this couple. I never watched The Hills, but it makes me sad to see what’s happened to the role of women in Hollywood. These reality shows with Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and Heidi Montag have to be sending young girls the wrong message. If you want to be rich and famous, make a sex tape or pseudomarry some douche as many times as possible and most importantly, be as vapid and vain as you can. Waste.
She’s being wasted on him.
And I find it really sad that this couple can get fake married over and over for profit and loving same-sex couples aren’t allowed to express their commitment in most states.
We created these monsters, and it is up to us to stop them! Seriously…what if the sites like Celebitchy just stopped mentioning them…what if we just stopped talking about them? they would go away! Let’s rally the troops and give it a try!!!! PLEASE?
If you’d stop reporting on these talentless, useless twits, they’d go away. Seriously why does every site report on these idiotic nobodies in the first place? Did they discover the cure for cancer or something? What is their appeal?
@ Debbie:
I totally agree with you.
did she forget some jeans or is that underwear she’s got on? wtf?
what a pair of douchebags.
Your point is a good one, Sarah. What strange people they are, agreeing to live fake lives as a fake couple with as many cameras as possible watching them. Is there anything real left in them when they go home at the end of the day or is it the “Heidi and Spencer show” 24/7? Truly bizarre.
I’ll give them a dollar.
They’re like vampires, sucking the life out of people via their plastic faces and fake smiles.
when do *we* get to vote on banning them?
omg, why are people SO STUPID? how do you sit down and decide to have a fake wedding… twice… how do you justify that to yourself? how do you think you’ll get away with it? how??
some people’s stupidity just boggles the mind…
Great post, Nony. I am drained just thinking about them.
who tha hell fakes a wedding ? what douchebags heidi with her fake tan and fake hair and spencer with his creepy flesh colored beared. . . i know hollywood is full of douchebags and fake blondes but these 2 are just ridiculous . . they dont do anything and they get paid for fake fighting and making up on a stupid fake reality show . . . they should seriously go to hell already cause im tired of them and every other no-talented celebrities out there getting away with this dumb sh@t . . .
sorry for the outburst but i just am tired of all this ridiculous press coverage over all these useless celebrity wannabees
3 million celebrity stalkers in the world and not one of them is after either of these two? Shows that even stalkers have taste.