Donald Trump confused 9/11 with 7-11, so of course Salma Hayek threw shade


Donald Trump won the New York primary last night. Which… I was expecting. Didn’t everyone expect that? While I’m absolutely not a Trump fan, I did enjoy seeing Ted Cruz get “trumped” so thoroughly, because Ted Cruz is an ass and he smack-talked New Yorkers and you just can’t do that. Trump has been victory-tweeting all night and thanking New York for their votes, plus he’s been mocking Cruz, tweeting: “Ted Cruz is mathematically out of winning the race. Now all he can do is be a spoiler, never a nice thing to do.” Menacing!

While Trump’s victory was unsurprising, he did manage to beat the odds in one particular and awful way. On Monday night, the night before the primary, Trump gave a speech at a rally and he confused 9-11 for 7-11. Seriously. Here’s the video.

What kills me about that is that he didn’t catch himself immediately. I misspeak (and make writing mistakes) very often, like every day of my life. My brain knows when I misspeak and I immediately catch myself and say, “I mean, obviously I meant to say September 11th.” It would not have been that big of a deal. But Trump just kept on going. That’s what makes it… odd.

And so noted Trump-hater Salma Hayek had to take a swipe at Trump on Twitter:

Pretty much.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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108 Responses to “Donald Trump confused 9/11 with 7-11, so of course Salma Hayek threw shade”

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  1. paolanqar says:

    If Trump needs a manager for his fanbase I would highly recommend Yolanda Saldivar.

  2. Mimi says:


    • JenYfromTheBlok says:

      “Even the construction workers” were among the “most important New Yorkers”. Even those lowlife invisible peasants were special on 7-11 day

  3. Farrah says:

    Eh, people misspeak. It happens.

    • K says:

      You don’t use the worst day in US and most importantly New York history and talk about how you were there and mis-speak. He is using an event were over 2000 people tragically lost their lives, where my city and county was forever changed to get elected you damn well know the day. Those people and their families deserve that!

      • Farrah says:

        Oh, spare everybody your phony indignation over a simple mistake. Did you think Obama was disrespecting our Armed Forces when he repeatedly referred to our corpsman as “corpse-man”? Sometimes people just mess up, even perfect little flowers like yourself.

      • K says:

        Yes I think Obama (whom I love) was wrong not to pronounce the Marine Corps correctly and should have made sure he practiced so he was saying it right. That being said he shows nothing but respect for all people and has never lied about a terrorist attack, used it to insight violence or get elected.

        I allow people to make a mistake but this is inexcusable and maybe since you don’t know anyone who’s life was shattered by that day you don’t care but I do. I know people who lost people, who have never been the same. So maybe you shouldn’t be such a hateful insensitive person and realize that it’s not hard to get that ONE DAMN DAY RIGHT. Or to apologize for doing it! If the worthless son of a bitch apologized then maybe I could shrug it off but since he has blamed people for that day, said a religion cheered and told countless other lies he can get the damn day right. If he is going to disrespect the dead that much at least remember the day they died.

      • doofus says:

        Farrah, I think it’s kind of rude to refer to that post as “phony indignation”. you have no idea how K feels and for you to attempt to diminish what he/she is experiencing is unfair.

      • Jaded says:

        @Farrah – messing up the date of 9/11 wasn’t a simple mistake, it was a heinous f*ck-up revealing how insincere Trump is if he can’t even get the date of one of the worst acts of jihadist terrorism right.

        Mispronouncing corpsmEn (plural) is, however, a simple mistake in syntax. “K” is totally correct in her opinion and her indignation (not “phony” I might add). No reason to be so aggressive.

      • Michelle says:

        Trump will release all documents about what happened on 9-11. He wont cover for the Saudis like Bush and Obama . We will never know the truth if Hillary is elected as the Clinton Foundation received millions from the Saudi’s while she was SOS. The FBI is also looking into the Clinton Foundations and the donations received while she was SOC. According to the FBI, Sanders is the true frontrunner! She should be indicted.

      • Farrah says:

        @Jaded – How convenient, one’s a “simple mistake”, while the other is a “heinous f*ck-up” that reveals Trump to be the devil incarnate. Gee, I wonder if your ideological leanings are pushing you towards that opinion. Hmmmmm…

      • notasugarhere says:

        Oh goody, the Trumpettes have arrived to claim poor Trump is the victim of something else again.

        An error in syntax vs. a New Yorker touting his personal stake in 9/11 – while forgetting the date and having never visited the site until recently. Trump is only a victim of his own idiocy.


      • Magnoliarose says:

        K I agree. It haunts me to this day. I will never forget frantically calling relatives and friends. I was out of town thankfully but had been there visiting my cousin at his job just days before. He was also out of town but I didn’t know that for a horrible day. It was shocking to realize how many people knew someone who had touched by the tragedy.
        He misspoke but he should have known better.

    • doofus says:

      I would agree if he were just speaking off the cuff like he usually does, but he specifically said that he “wrote this out” because it’s so near to his heart. so, did he WRITE “7/11” or did he misread his own notes?

      either way he’s not fit to be prez. (not because of his misspeak, because he’s a know-nothing misogynistic bigot.)

      • Sabrine says:

        Slip of the tongue. That’s all it was. Not sure why everyone is making such a big deal out of it. Sometimes I call my son by the dog’s name. It happens. Relax.

      • doofus says:

        funny, I’ve never made that slip of the tongue. nor has anyone I know who was SINCERELY touched by 9/11.

        kinda like that Senator who referred to Barney Frank as “Barney F-g”. “just a slip of the tongue”…yeah, had nothing to do with them calling him that behind his back.

        But Frank had a great retort. something to the effect of “nobody ever called my mother ‘Mrs. F-g’.”

    • epiphany says:

      Of course. During the 2008 campaign, Obama stated at a press conference that he had “visited 57 states, and had a few more to go.” Good grief, these people exist on nerves and caffeine. Anyone would get punchy after doing this month after month. Whatever you think of Trump, his not a stupid man, and obviously just misspoke.

    • KB says:

      I think he’s in the early stages of dementia. He didn’t even correct himself immediately, that’s not normal.

      • Farrah says:

        Ah, that explains the fictitious “ducking bullets” story Hillary told (which she later blamed on being tired). Talk about not normal – she doesn’t get her 8 hours a night and suddenly she thinks she’s Jason Bourne? She’s the mayor of Dementia City.

      • KB says:

        @Farrah What does Hillary Clinton have to do with this post or my comment?

      • Kitten says:

        Well this certainly explains Farrah’s posts from yesterday’s thread.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        Didn’t we know from Farrah’s first post that this is a Replicans v. Democrats opportunity? Only a political wonk would defend an obvious and outragious faux pas by bringing up errors from members of the opposing party – it’s called deflecting attention. Heaven forbid anybody simply acknowledge an error and apologize.

      • Farrah says:

        Only a political wonk would declare Trump’s comment an “outrageous faux pas”. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill (solely for political reasons).

    • Michelle says:

      Exactly. They all misspeak. Only Trump’s get blown up. Remember when Obama said there were 56 states? Not deflecting attention but stating the obvious, it happens to everyone.

  4. aims says:

    He’s a dick. I’m sorry that I’m not more eloquent, but he’s a jackass.

    • doofus says:

      with him, you don’t need to be eloquent.

      he’s a dick and a jackass. and a bigot. and a misogynist. and a faux-successful business man. and he incites violence. I don’t think he has even one redeeming feature.

    • Kitten says:

      Since we’re not being eloquent I have to say that dicks are fun, Trump is not.
      He’s a human period, a menstrual cycle. He’s labor pains, a colonoscopy, a root canal, a cold sore, a giant painful cyst on the ass of humanity.

      And other terrible things.

  5. D says:

    I don’t know how everyone here feels about Trump, so sorry if this offends anyone. But the thought of him becoming your President is a ‘little’ scary, he seems so unstable.

    • AnotherDirtyMartini says:

      D, it’s A LOT scary! Agree. I’m terrified of that creep, Ted Cruz, as well.

    • SamiHami says:

      Maybe, but I can’t think of a single candidate that’s running (from either party) that would be any better than him. Honestly, it’s not like his competition is exactly worthy of the office.

      • Lambda says:

        So he’s the best? If all candidates are equally unsuited then I’m choosing those who make the fewest numbers of demeaning comments about women. Because, as a woman, I’m not awash in self-loathing.

      • SamiHami says:

        I am a woman and I an not “awash in self loathing” either. Still, of all the candidates Trump is, in fact, the best choice.

      • Kitten says:

        “in fact”? No. That’s not a factual statement you made, it was an opinion. An opinion that a lot of Americans disagree with.

      • says:

        And … that’s frightening.

      • Joannie says:

        Actually Kitten you are mistaken, he’s leading right? I’d choose Trump over Cruz. Other than Sanders they are all frightening to me.

      • Lambda says:

        SamiHami, Hmm, let’s see, Trump says: if you’re attractive, that’s clearly the reason you got your job; if you’re a short woman, you come up to you-know-where (he means his dick); if you ask him questions he doesn’t like, you’re on the rag; if you’re a woman in the military, of course you can expect to be sexually assaulted; if you’re a beautiful, and young, ‘piece of ass’ he’s going to appreciate you. And there’s so much more. Care to rationalize all these comments? Is there even a way to do it?
        I don’t know you, but maybe you could help me understand how a woman could lump up all this trash, and then be convinced that this clown could be president over a population where the majority is female. Could it be his architectural vision for the Great Wall of Trump?

      • JenniferJustice says:

        Doesn’t the fact that he bought and owns the beauty pageants say it all?

        Seriously, you want our president to be the dude that owns the friggin’ beauty pageants? How do you reconcile his misogyny? I’m not being facetious. I want to know. This is a man who bought himself his very own real life Barbie factories – all three of them – Miss USA, Miss America, Miss USA, Jr. You don’t see the sexism in that alone?

      • Kitten says:

        @joanie-No actually. “out of all the candidates, Trump is the best choice” is still not a factual statement.
        I mean, if you’re a real Sanders supporter, I would assume you would disagree with Trump being represented as the factually best choice out of all the candidates, no?

        @JenniferJustice-+1,000,000 to everything you said but sadly, you’re wasting your breath.

      • doofus says:

        what makes him “the best choice”?

        is it his racism? the fact that he encourages his supporters to act out violently? is it his misogyny? his (many) failed businesses? his four bankruptcies? his inability to form a policy proposal other than his “big, beautiful wall” (which is financially unfeasible)? his call for mass deportations (also financially infeasible and likely illegal)? or is it his call to exclude anyone from a certain religion from entering the country?

        oh, wait, it’s because he says he has a big d*ck, right? G-d help us if “the best choice” is one that thinks discussion of genital size is an appropriate topic for a presidential debate.

  6. SusieQ says:

    Fair is fair, how many times did I have to listen to some of the morons on the right go on and on and on about Obama mistakenly saying he’s visited 57 states?

  7. Citresse says:

    Trump was in Buffalo during the misspeak. He cares about the misspeak as much as he cares about Buffalo.

  8. aang says:

    I’m sure all these candidates are exhausted so I’m not surprised they stumble, but I was loving the twitter responses, hilarious. It’s the Trump supporters that irk me more than Trump himself. I went to gawk at the spectacle at one of his speeches. The grotesque racist and misogynist t-shirts and signs I saw were infuriating. It looked like a frat party, flip flopped guys standing around with red solo cups, while “hot chicks for Trump” (real slogan) primped and giggled. Then throw in some old white men straight from the golf course, and a few red necks in what I assume was their dressy Sunday camo. A real cross section of white privilege.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      God please you for even trying to enjoy the spectacle. At a certain point ‘protestors’ (even those standing quietly and minding their business) were being thrown out repeatedly to much violence so I’d have skipped that nonsense.

      • aang says:

        I didn’t go in. I stood outside and watched his fans make rude gestures at the protesters. I felt actual shame walking past the people parking cars and selling hotdogs, I didn’t want them to think I supported Trump or was a racist.

  9. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    Okay, the Big Gulp “Never Forget” picture is hilarious!

  10. PunkyMomma says:

    I’m surprised Trump even knows what a 7-11 is . . . does he ever say something that isn’t cringeworthy?

  11. TOPgirl says:

    It happens folks. Get off your high horse cause people do misspeak sometimes. It’s like farting…sometimes it just comes out the wrong way.

    • aims says:

      The problem is that when you want to exploit a tragedy to get a reaction is, that you should at least get the name right.

    • anne_000 says:

      I think there are larger points involved than just a misspeak. One is that he didn’t have the ability to go back immediately and fix his mistake, either out of the lack of humility or having a sense of humor about it or that his ego kept him from admitting fault.

      Another is that he only recently (this month iirc) went to the 9-11 memorial (for about 30 minutes) for the first time even though he’s lived in NYC all these years and had plenty of time to go visit if he was as emotionally involved as he now says he is. And when he was there, he cut in line in front of people who’ve been waiting a long time to go on their tour and they had to wait for him to finish his private tour. So it seems as if it was just a PR stunt, rather than actual interest.

      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        Geez, a real angel that man.

      • lucy2 says:

        That’s terrible.

        I can give someone a pass for misspeaking, especially when exhausted, but there’s no excuse for the other 99.99999% of the stuff he’s said.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      but when people fart, most say “excuse me.”

  12. Magnoliarose says:

    Orange Julius misspoke but his rabid fan base won’t care or mock. They never view his mistakes as anything worth paying attention to.
    As creepy and crazy as he is I do like that he beat Lyin’ Ted.

  13. anne_000 says:

    From @OwensDamien on Apr 19:

    Donald Trump has spoken movingly about 7-Eleven. It reminded him, he said, of the way Americans came together in 1941 after Pearl Necklace.

    • Snowflake says:

      Haha! She wore a pearl necklace 😂

    • karen scharps says:

      Yes, and he also said 9/11 (or 7/11) was more important than Pearl Harbor because in NY, “really great people died.” ??? I guess if we had family who died at Pearl Harbor, we need to accept the idea that those service men and women weren’t, “really great people”? What does a stupid man, with dementia, have any business running for president?

  14. Lucrezia says:

    I tend to read rather than listen to audio, and I just realised that I’m not entirely sure how Americans normally say 9/11. Obviously “seven eleven” is wrong, but is the correct phrase “September eleven” or “nine eleven”? Or are both acceptable?

    • anne_000 says:

      We (Americans) usually say ‘nine eleven.’ Sometimes, some reporters, when trying to sound formal, say ‘September 11th.’

      That’s why Trump didn’t say ‘July 11th,’ because it’s usually said ‘nine eleven’ and he got that mixed up in his head as ‘seven eleven.’

    • Lambda says:

      “Nine eleven” is the usual shortcut.
      Anne, just posted, without seeing your comment.

    • LadyWish says:

      We usually say “nine eleven.” I don’t think “September eleven” is used, but “September eleventh” is.

    • Luca76 says:

      i think I get where the confusion comes in. I was in South Africa for 2 months back in 02 and one of the things that confused me the most was the date. I think people in the British system write their dates out like 11/9/01 where we in the U.S. write 9/11/01.
      In the U.S. We’d never say eleven September we would say 9/11 or September 11th and in fact we would read that first date as November 9th.

    • Lucrezia says:

      Thanks for the replies 🙂

      Because American-style means you write September 11, without a “th” (it’d be 11th of September in British-style), I assumed you weren’t pronouncing the “th” either.

      In my defense, that wasn’t a totally random assumption, since you’d say two-thousand-nine, which sounds weird to me, since Aussies say two-thousand-AND-nine. I thought you’d drop the “th” like you drop the “and”. However, it’s made me wonder about the content of the American TV shows I watch and/or my attention skills. How on earth do I know how Americans say “aluminium”, but not how you’d pronounce a date?

      • CoKatie says:

        We also say “the hospital” rather than the British preferred usage of “hospital”. I’ve never figured out why you guys (another idiom of ours!) always drop the “the”.

      • Lucrezia says:

        Oooh, I know that one.

        When we say “she’s in hospital” we actually mean “she’s a patient”. If we were talking about a non-patient (doctor, nurse, or visitor), we’d say “Jane’s in THE hospital (she’s visiting John)”.

        I’m pretty sure you do the same thing with prison? If you’re talking about someone’s freedom (or lack thereof), you’d just say “John’s going to prison”, right? But if John’s not going to be a prisoner, you’d include the “the”. John’s going to THE prison, to visit Jane.

        You’d also drop the definitive article for college when what you really mean “he’s a student”. Even if it’s a Saturday night and he’s actually out partying, he’s a student, so he’s “in college” or “at college”.

        So the British “in hospital” is just like the American “in prison” or “in school”. It’s about the role, not the actual location.

  15. Tiffany says:

    I think he did it on purpose, he is in New York of all places and made such a blantent error. Does not have the humility to admit this has gone to far and he wants to drop out.

  16. Colleen says:

    That QuoththeRaven tweet is everything. I nearly peed myself laughing.

  17. Catwoman says:

    I read in Time magazine last week that the Republicans have given up on the presidential election and are concentrating on Congressional races. Cruz will get the nomination and lose to Clinton. Such money being wasted on this whole mess that could have been put to good use helping people.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      They really need to examine their party because they’ve created a mess:

      The slightly less than maniacal candidates never stood a chance.
      The candidate who’s using the party as a national platform for his next reality show is most popular.
      The second most popular candidate has repeatedly done everything in his party to the brink of failure.

      I think the majority just realized they’ve got shit soup and every ingredient in it sucks. Of course them being stubborn asses is what got them into this position, so just like they refuse to do hearings on Merrick they’re hurting those Republicans in battle ground states for Congress.

      It’s actually fascinating. Too stuck to go back, so stuck you can’t move forward. They’re gonna get creamed.

      • Jackie Jormp Jomp says:

        They bred this themselves when they implemented the Southern Strategy.
        Play to the uneducated and role them up for votes and you eventually crest a golum. That’s what Trump is. He is the culmination of stoking stupidity and urging it to act. Well it has. And it is unstoppable because stupidity does not respond to reason.
        I hope it sinks them, but I am terrified for your country that it even has this much momentum.

        Education, man. Science and logic. F*cking provide it. Or this senselessness becomes the standard.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        JJJ That’s exactly right, they did it to themselves. But in the process, they did it to all of us, too. : (

      • Magnoliarose says:

        Yes so many times.

  18. Luca76 says:

    Just in defense of my state Hilary got a million votes. Sanders 750,000.
    Trump 500,000 the majority of us aren’t jerks.

    • lucy2 says:

      Cruz barely broke 120,000. Man, NY really hates him.

      • K says:

        It’s our New York values :).

        Yes I’m thrilled to see that my state didn’t give him a fraction of votes. He also lost his home town. The city went to Kaisch (in republican ville).

      • karen scharps says:

        New York voted for Trump over two decent men. Even after Trump took the 9/11 fund for $150,000 for his small business (over 500 employees!!) and is under investigation for that? New York has no values that I can see, if they prefer a crook.

    • Goo says:

      ….and you live in a Liberal state.

      • Veronica says:

        NYC is pretty liberal, but doesn’t mean the rest of the state is. Pennsylvania has the same issue. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have major Democratic leaning, but the rest of the state is redder than an undercooked steak.

      • Lambda says:

        I guess how you put it is nicer than Pitt and Philly with Alabama in between.

      • Kitten says:

        Cities are generally far more liberal than rural areas.

  19. Veronica says:

    It’s an obvious slip of the tongue, but I still find it incredibly gross that, more than a decade later, 9/11 is still being waved around for purposes of fearmongering to act as a lightning rod for political support.

    • Meh says:

      Exactly this. And waved around so thoughtlessly that it’d be mixed up with a convenience store.

  20. mp says:

    I feel like this calls into doubt his NYC cred at the very least. Every NYC-er has told me their stories of 9/11 and how they can really never forget that day – like a post-traumatic stress kind of thing. Even the people who ran the marathon that year, who weren’t from NY, couldn’t shake the debris from 9/11 from their minds. And first the “muslims were celebrating in Paterson” thing and now this, and I just feel like for him it was another day that he lived through the news, but not through his soul.

    • Honeybee Blues says:

      This struck me instantly, because you are absolutely right. How do I “know” this? I live in Boulder, but for three years, 2012 – 2015, I lived in the tiny town of Niwot, seven miles from Boulder. It is situated geographically in such a way that the town was virtually untouched on, coincidentally enough, September 11, 2013, by the worst floods in the area’s recorded history. It took lives and destroyed not just homes, but entire towns. I had long-distance friends calling, texting, emailing, etc., for days to make sure I was ok. My response was, “Other than a lot of rain, the only evidence I’m seeing of this flood is on my screen just like you. ” I did live through that horror “through the news,” as you say, and for that I’m eternally grateful, particularly as I was in a garden-level condo at the time. The difference between myself and Orange Julius (yes, stealing that!), is that just by virtue of Boulder being “my” town, I’ll never forget that night and the ensuing days, as word came in from friends who’d lost everything, and one acquaintance who lost his son. He has exhibited yuge signs of narcissistic personality disorder since my first awareness of him in the mid-80s. I’ve always thought him a childish bully (spent years living in D.C. and NYC), and the first (and only) time I entered Trump Tower, I recognized a brutal level of medium abuse between the pink marble, copper and brass walls, and AARRGGG! Ok, I got off track, but in the final analysis, September 11th was probably not much more than a time of inconvenience for him. It didn’t affect him personally, so it isn’t a date of much consequence to him. You nailed it.

  21. Nancy says:

    Big high five to Salma. All of us type A’s go too fast and make word farts regularly. And…it is understandable as he has been on a nonstop schedule for months. BUT……if Hilary or Bernie or Ted anybody else said 711 as opposed to 9/11, he would pound them to the ground until his orange hair turned brown. Keep screwing up Trumpet, It makes me happy to hear you apologize over and over and over every time you put your foot in your mouth…

  22. Amelie says:

    This is not exactly a malapropism, but close enough…Donald is currently 69 years old and misspeaks happen at that age. Now Pres. Obama has had multiple misspeaks over the years-even when he was younger- and he is 15 years younger than Donald. One of these misspeaks of BO’s was a statement that there are 57 states,

  23. Meadow says:

    Slip of the tongue and unlike many of the outraged nay sayers he was actually in NY at the time. However as I’ve said before he is a classic case of someone who suffers from Hypomania and wouldn’t want him anywhere near the Big Office.