“Paris Hilton and Cisco Adler” Links

Paris Hilton and wonder balls Cisco Adler were making out in public [DListed]
Kim Kardashian gives an exclusive interview to Bossip, says she’s had no plastic surgery (at least to her nose and boobs) and that there might be a reality show with her family in the works [Bossip]
Beyonce falls down the stairs at a concert, tells people not to put the footage on YouTube. (site NSFW) [Drunken Stepfather]
– Is Nick Lachey going to propose to Vanessa Minnillo? [I’m Not Obsessed]
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows ties things up nicely, but sadly (there shouldn’t be spoilers, but don’t read it if you fear them) [Pajiba]
Victoria Silvstedt & Friends Playing “Hunt A Sugar Daddy” in St. Tropez! [Bastardly]
Naomi Watts will be in the new Harry Potter movie [ICYDK]
Johnny Knoxville had Luke Wilson’s cell phone number put on a banner and flown over a beach in Malibu [Evil Beet]
Nicole Kidman goes on a shopping spree with her 4 month-old niece [Just Jared]
Jessica Alba dumped Cash Warren finally [yeeeah]
– Suprise: Usher’s fiance is an ex-con [The Blemish]
Posh Discovers New Style American Bra [Agent Bedhead]
Natalie Portman used a body double for nude scenes in Goya’s Ghost [Hollywood Rag]
– The evolution of The Hoff [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Is Britney Spears’ sister Jamie Lynn pregnant? [popbytes]
Amy Winehouse crazy lady behavior [CelebWarship]
– Did Jessica Simpson break up Reese and Jake?! [PopSugar]
Shemar Moore got off with probation for his DUI [Rhymes with Snitch]
Britney Spears is not OK! [Pretty on the Outside]
– Kid gets owned by hot pepper [Horny Oyster]
Tom Cruise regularly rents out an entire theater in Telluride, the only one in the city, when he’s there [Glitterati]
– Best caption of TomKat dancing [CelebNewsWire]
Courtney Love keeps planning more plastic surgery to fix the bad work she had done before. She will never learn [Derek Hail]
Bridget Moynahan and Naomi Watts are both still pregnant [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Melanie Brown says her baby with Eddie Murphy was planned [Socialite’s Life]
Lost spoiler: someone is coming back [Lifeline Live]

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