The GLAAD Media Awards were held over the weekend. This year’s awards honored Robert DeNiro for his years (decades) of work on LGBT causes and issues. DeNiro’s father was a gay man who lived in the closet for most of his life, and DeNiro has always been pretty sensitive to LGBT issues throughout his career. Apparently, DeNiro asked Jennifer Lawrence to present him with the award, so that’s what happened – they’ve worked together on several films, and they seem to have a nice father-daughter-esque bond. J-Law’s speech was funny (sample line: “GLAAD and Bob have a lot in common. They’re both gay”) and Classic J-Law. DeNiro’s opening line was “Thank you, Jen. If I were a lesbian, I’d be all over you. Being a father figure has its limitations.” Here’s the full video:
Do you find Jennifer’s shtick grating at this point? I’m a long-time J-Law apologist, but she annoyed me a few times in this video. I think she’s the kind of celebrity that I can handle/like in smaller doses. Still, it was nice that she came out for DeNiro.
Here are more photos from the event. Mariah Carey was also honored at this GLAAD event, so she put on one of her best ice-skater gown and brought along her fiancé James Packer. I know people aren’t excited for Packer and Carey’s upcoming wedding, but I’m all about it. I love them.
Laverne Cox looks AMAZING. My God.
And (cough) Diane Kruger went to the event (cough) without Joshua Jackson (cough).
Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet and WENN.
They’re both gay? How is that funny?
But Mimi looks good.
@Denisemich …
Yes, she really does, doesn’t she?
Agree. Though I’d have to say she probably got some liposuction- she lost a lot of weight really fast.
she does look good and I think that is the first time I have ever thought that.
Yeah, I do not get that. It isn’t funny or factual?
get your ‘effin’ sh*t together, Lawrence.
pretending you don’t know what to do when the audience claps isn’t cute, it’s annoying, it makes it seem like you didn’t prepare, you’re unprofessional and you’re not taking it very seriously.
I’ve absolutely had it with this girl. on screen, in interviews, in photos.
and still you’tre writing in a post about her. You aren’t so done with her Lol
JLaw has always gotten on my nerves.
Never saw her appeal at all.
My entire family loves that movie – what was the name – with DeNiro and Bradley Cooper (can’t STAND him either) when they did that dance competition or whatever – I could barely get through watching it.
She annoyed the entire time.
Silver Linings Playbook…. The movie was okay, I thought. Just not sure how it (and she) won Oscars for it. That was crazy.
I thought it was good, not great. I thought she was good in it but not Best Actress good. I wish she would have won for Winter’s Bone. She was incredible in that movie.
Laverne is one of the only ladies that shoots for Old Hollywood and really pulls it off IMO. Like, a lot of people go for that style and look good but she really looks like a 40s or 50s siren. The only other ones I can think of that do that are Catherine Zeta Jones, and sometimes Jessica Chastain. Blake Lively can pull it off and look pretty but lacks a sophistication that the others have.
A million yes. What an annoying, overrated movie. I hated every damn character.
I loved that movie.
Yeah, obviously not done with her if you’re still going to her posts and stuff, lol.
Her voice annoys me ahhhh. I don’t like that everything has to be about her…. You’re presenting an award, stop trying to draw attention. Meh, I’m probably biased. I find her greatly over hyped.
Being very hopeful over here… Could his: “Being a father-figure has it’s limitations.” be a little punch against Woody Allen?
I’d hope at an event like this with him being honored in this way he wouldn’t take this particular opportunity to jab at somebody like that…I think he’s trying to be funny and (like Lawrence) is failing.
Possibly Trump.
She was great at GLAAd and you can feel that the room really loved her.
And she was funny and amazing on The Graham Norton Show
She was annoying and over the top on Graham Norton.
Yes, sure. Stay pressed!
Looks like the JLaw stans are out in full force today. They seem to forget that this site is called celeb*tchy, because they go cuckoo for cocoa puffs any time someone criticizes their special snowflake.
Agree with Locke. She was overdoing it on Norton. Maybe she should have just jumped James Mcavoy and called it a night.
I loved her Graham Norton episode. Her interviews are always fun and slightly self deprecating so that was no surprise.
Gotta give an entire separate post to say how incredibly healthy (albeit probably still batshit crazy) Mariah Carey looks since finding this guy.
Happy to see her looking so well!
She does look great. But it seems weird she’s getting hitched so soon, seems like she just got divorced.
Mariah looks amazing. The best in a long while.
That photo of Laverne Cox. Dayum. I forgot everything else.
I know, perfection.
Laverne Cox is a GODDESS. Mariah should take notes.
I find her so incredibly annoying and overrated, I can’t stomach her even in small doses, thanks for asking.
Agree 100%
that is two of us then.
Funny, i always see you commenting on her posts, saying how annoying she is, but yet, you can’t stay away from her…. I’d think people would avoid someone they can’t stomach.
I finding her annoying far too often.
I see the J-Law bashers are out in force today. Not her best speech – her gags usually work better – but nice to see the mutual respect De Niro and herself have for each other.
I like her. You like her. Other people don’t. That’s ok. That doesn’t make them “bashers.” It’s so tiresome when people can’t think differently.
Thank you, GNAT! If we all agreed on everything, this site would be a total snoozefest. 🙂
I like her too. Although I found her a little grating at the GLAAD awards. I think she was trying to keep it light but she sort of disrespected the carefully written words she had to read when she’d make stupid remarks about the teleprompter etc. I still like her though.
I dislike J.L she is annoying.
I get it, your not like the other “hollywood girls”. You don’t take yourself too seriously…blah blah….
Okay… Great. So go do that somewhere else.
Do that somewhere else? she can do that wherever she wants. She’s not making you watch everything she’s in… That’s you problem. Don’t like it? Ignore it.
What was the cough about on Diane Kruger photo? What am I missing?!?!
Yeah, I’m wondering the same.
Maybe it’s implying that she and Joshua broke up after she cheated?
Not sure.
Joshua Jackson isn’t with her. Did you miss the whole Norman Reedus debacle?!
They did move in together recently, so either that was PR or they’re fine. Open relationships can and do work, but Kaiser was referencing the breakup rumors. She’s been flying solo lately but I never followed her enough to know if the solo/joint appearance ratio actually increased or people are just paying more attention to it.
Rumors imply that Diane and Josh are broken up but meet occasionally for paparazzi strolls or for a casual dinner and continue to follow each other on social media – to keep up the facade untill timing is right for the breakup announcement.
Diane insist that the “moving in together” was a misunderstanding: a reporter misunderstood what DK said in an interview (the interview was corrected after that)
Josh and Diane missed Coachella and the MET ball this year, the last event they attended together was in Feb.
I still like her. I think it’s kind of funny all the hate she gets. She’s still very young, only 25 years old. She’s in this crazy industry where everything you say and do is critiqued and criticized. I think she’s doing okay. Better than most, not as polished as others. She can be annoying and awkward…that seems pretty genuine to me and quite normal.
she doesn’t get a lot of hate. She’s so huge and people really love and like her
I am not a fan of hers but even I can admit she gets mostly negative comments on this site.
Maybe in this site, but in general Lawrence is loved and isn’t easy for an actress with her huge fame
@vivianne….have you read the comments on this thread? Not so nice.
In this thread but public love Lawrence, her likability score per Vulture’s Top 100 list was in the mid 70s – one of the highest percentages on the list. And she was in the top ten of the favourite actors at the box office.
I don’t hate J.L,but I don’t have to like her. Not that me disliking her will discount everything that she has done, or make her lose any money.
There is no better person to present at GLAAD Awards that someone who made so many homophobic and transphobic “jokes”. But she’s relatable so I guess it’s cool… “Gay rights!”- never forget.
Are you one of those people who read that dumb blog on tumblr? Lol
BTW she never said “Gay rights!”
She has said some not nice things about bisexuality and about Mystique being a lesbian. So I have no idea why she was invited. But then again mainstream LBGT organisations are all about allies.
She went to this event even in 2013. And that Mystique things were said when she was 19 so probably she grew up
She’s made some slightly insensitive jokes when she was 20 or so, which are the ones you’re mentioning. Subsequently, she has very publicly gone out on a limb to criticise her fellow Kentuckian Kim Davies, and supported LGBT rights in very strong terms (see her Vogue interview last year). So why wouldn’t she be invited? Serious campaigners about LGBT rights worry more about that sort of thing than policing the correctness of a few off-hand comments in an interview – only tumblristas with nothing better to do worry about that nonsense.
You literally typed out an entire paragraph defending a girl you did not even know who has actually done homophobic shit and has not apologized for it. Ever. I love JLaw but I am not gonna go around pretending she was not wrong when she was
Zaccak, I’ve never had a tumblr and I know the girl says homophobic stuff. See: THIS ARTICLE. Calling a straight man gay as a “joke” is not funny or cool; it’s downright offensive. Because gay isn’t a punchline under any circumstance.
Anyway, I find her pretty harmless in general… but I’m really sick of seeing the “tumblrista” thing used to dismiss contrary opinions, because it’s almost always another way of dismissing the voices of women and implying that certain women are too young or crazy or unstable to have valid opinions of their own.
It seems to me that there is a big and very important difference between throwing out a few one-liners that aren’t as sensitive as they might be, and being ‘homophobic’
@ Gill: Thank you. People are so casual in throwing terms like homophobic, transphobic etc around, not just concerning JLaw but with everybody. The real homo/transphobes can hide in this swarm of calling everybody not 100% pc a phobe.
Ironically, Mystique IS actually a LGBTQ character and was in a lesbian relationship for part of the comics. 😛
I think she has a very off the cuff kind of humor that sometimes needs to be better edited in a large public domain. I use a lot of non-PC humor among my friends with intentional irony – but I’m aware it needs to be toned down for a bigger audience. She seems to becoming a little more aware of that lately, so maybe that’s a sign of maturation on her part.
I feel no specific way about her but i always find it hilarious how much people come out to hate her which makes me want to like her more. People use to treat Kristen Stewart this same way… I don’t get that either.
If you step back and look at it, she’s not that overhyped or bad as people perceive. There are far worse examples. lol
Stewart isn’t loved even half of Lawrence. There is a real obsession with JLaw
I know I always find myself defending her on here, even though I feel pretty indifferent toward her overall. I’ve only seen her in a couple things, but she seems pretty good. I’m baffled by the vehement backlash! Harsh!
Where are you seeing vehement backlash ?
On many, many posts about her on here. Most recently, here:
Mariah Carey’s eventual wedding dress(es), tho. Epic costume changes ahead, yay!
JLaw has changed a lot over this past year. I use to think she was funny and goofy, unfiltered but in a refreshing way… But these days I feel like she tries too hard to be funny. You can’t be trying and it come off the same way as when you say something spontaneously. So I have not enjoyed her interviews lately and found her trying so hard to get everyone to laugh or to make herself sound like she’s just so crazy! I much prefer the old her where she was just herself. Actually I feel like she just started doing this when she started hanging out w Amy Schumer. That’s just my observation!
I disagree. She’s always the same and you can see that on old videos (even before Winter’s Bone).
I really love her, but the worship outside this site is annoying to the point of start to dislike her.
Mariah looks yuck as usual.
Laverne Cox looks beautiful, but try-hard, the opposite of Diane, who seems effortlessly pretty.
I see half hate and half love everywhere… Actually, i think i see more hate on her. Which actually makes me like her, because i find it pathetic. I’ve seen terrible comments about her, you’d think she killed a member of their families.
JLaw is not my jam. Talent-yep. Looks-yep. Annoying human-triple yep. Laverne looks lovely, tho.
@Kaiser: You love Packer? But he’s part of the loathed top 1%
The comments on JLaw posts are getting so tiresome. You find her annoying? Then why on earth are you watching every little video and reading every interview and sound bite? It’s one thing to see her at the Oscars and find her grating, but actively seeking out posts about her, then bitching about how she’s everywhere is just silly. It’s like the people who hate the Kardashians yet very obviously watch every damn episode of their show and click on every post about them.
I’m not saying everything should be positive, not at all, but it’s frustrating when every single post about her contains the same commenters reiterating that they find her annoying and don’t see the the big deal/don’t think she should have won an Oscar. Just like the Cumberbatch posts where the same people have to inform us again and again that they think he’s ugly, or the Gwyneth posts that include the same 20 comments about peasants and privelige no matter what the posts about. We’ve all read it a million times before, at least come up with some fresh content now and again.
Couldn’t have said it any better myself. I ignore everyone i find annoying or that i dislike, Would never put up with, or torture myself with annoying ass people. I don’t know why other people do. I always see the same ones complaining about her, lol.
Okay, I don’t care how ice-skaterish or thirsty-half-naked-cougar it is, Mimi looks amazing in that dress!