Ryan Gosling: ‘Women are better than men. They are stronger, more evolved’

gosling ES

Ryan Gosling covers the latest issue of ES Magazine (the Evening Standard’s in-house mag) to promote The Nice Guys, I’m assuming. Ryan’s promotional tour for The Nice Guys was simultaneous with the confirmation that not only was his girlfriend Evan Mendes secretly pregnant AGAIN, but that Eva had already secretly given birth to another daughter. Ryan now lives in a house with three women: Eva and their two daughters, Esmeralda and Amada. I bet there are more women in his house though, because Eva has a mother, aunties, cousins, etc. I bet Ryan is surrounded by ladies every time he goes home. And Ryan is fine with that. As he tells ES Magazine, women are better than men.

On his move to comedic work: “What’s nice with comedy is that you know it’s working if it’s funny. With drama you can watch people in the wings [of a theatre] and you don’t know if they are suffering [with you] through your movie or they are just deeply bored. A long time ago I went to see a shrink and he wrote me a prescription that said: ‘Do comedy.’”

On the fan hype that surrounds him: “It’s our time as men to be on the receiving end of the stick. I grew up with women so I’ve always been aware of it. When my mother and I walked to the grocery store, men would circle the block in cars. It was very, very scary, especially as a young boy. Very predatory — a hunt.”

Being surrounded by women: “I think women are better than men. They are stronger, more evolved. You can tell especially when you have daughters and you see their early stages, they are just leaps and bounds beyond boys immediately.”

What percent “woman” is Ryan? “I’d say 49 percent, sometimes 47 percent, it depends on what day you catch me.”

On who should be the next POTUS: “I think it needs a woman’s touch. I’ve always liked women more. I was bought up by my mother and older sister…My home life now is mostly women. They are better than us. They make me better.”

[From ES Magazine]

So is Ryan Gosling “woke”? I know some of you hate that term, but I think it applies here. Gosling is a woke dude. A woke bae, if you will. He’s happiest when he’s surrounded by women. He thinks women are smarter than men. He thinks women are more evolved. He thinks America needs a woman president. And he’s fine with memes, because Hey, Girl, this is what a woke bae looks like.


Photos courtesy of WENN, ES Magazine.

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86 Responses to “Ryan Gosling: ‘Women are better than men. They are stronger, more evolved’”

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  1. Bey says:

    no lies detected. finally a man who gets it. of course women are better than men.
    i also love “It’s our time as men to be on the receiving end of the stick.” YES!!!!

    he moved up in my book!

    • Kitten says:

      Oh boy. Everyone’s going to scream at you 😉

      I know men who have grown up surrounded by women who feel the same way as he does. This is similar to Momoa’s comments–he also got slammed for it.

      Meh. During a time when we have men (and women) siding with Johnny Depp, a clear and proven abuser, and slamming Amber Heard, the victim, I actually don’t mind hearing a man say this.

      BTW, I have room in the bunker and fresh water if you need a place to hide.

      • Bey says:

        thanks but no need. i know there are other women like you who agree with me and i also know that more and more women think like that when they take a look around the world.
        we dont need to worry, the future is female!

      • ell says:

        that said, the women siding with depp are most certainly not better than anybody. so, sadly, the idea that women might be better is incorrect. the world is made by assholes of all genders (in fact tbh i consider myself a feminist and i’m far more let down by women siding with depp. men siding with him could have been predictable).

      • Saraya says:

        The problem with the comments is that they are sexist (against women) and condescending.

        Men make comments like these not because they actually think it, but because they think women are these delicate, emotionally fragile little flowers that require a constant watering of ego-boosting compliments – “Oh, women are soooooo smart, and soooooo strong, and soooooo evolved, and soooooo much better than us dudes.”

        In my opinion, men who pat women on the head are just as bad as the ones who pat them on the rear.

      • Kitten says:

        @Saraya-But if a woman made the same statement then it’s ok? That doesn’t seem like equality…

      • Saraya says:

        What are you talking about? It’s what drives the statement that matters.

    • What has smartness got to do with gender. Men and women are complex beings, no one is more evolved or better than the other. Equality people!

      • Bey says:

        women outperform men at college because women are smarter.

      • Name says:

        “Smart”? Are we talking about ability to learn or access to education? Because women have historically had less access to education and if you take a look around the world little girls are still getting shot at and acid thrown on them for ATTEMPTING to learn. Women and minorities have always been kept down by keeping them uneducated.

        If women were more EVOLVED than men, we would already be operating on a 4 finger system because the pinky finger serves no purpose and we would have no appendix either.

        I feel this Goose guy has highlighted the real problem which is that peoples vocabulary skills suck and no one knows the real definitions of words anymore. That how you end up with woke bae business in the first place. There were already words invented that would better describe what a woke bae is but people don’t use them because humans are lazy and there is no dictionary app on your iPhone.

        blah blah right? I know, I know

      • Bey says:

        im obviously talking about universities in the west, my point is that only where women are banned from education men are better educated. the moment women are given a fair chance they are way better than men. the gender ratio in education is only going to widen. we still live in a society that hates women, imagine how it would look like in a society without misogyny.

      • Saraya says:

        “Women outperform men at college because women are smarter.”

        Whites outperform blacks in school, but that hardly makes white people smarter than black people, does it?

        Academic performance isn’t solely determined by one’s intellect. Many factors are at play.

      • Bey says:

        white people have advantages that blacks dont have. women dont have advantages that men have. that comparision does not hold any water.

      • Saraya says:

        You did nothing to refute my point.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I’m not screaming at you, but I think it’s unproductive to say one gender is smarter than the other. I know smart men and stupid men, and the same goes for women.

      • Snowflake says:


      • @Name, summed it beautifully.
        @bey, i agree with you in that mostly girls outperform boys in college( happens in my country as well, proudly so) But it has nothing to do with being one gender more blessed over other in the long course of evolution. It is pure hard work, again irrespective of gender.

        Estradiol, a female sex hormone produced mainly by female ovaries differs from testosterone, a male androgen, only in a methyl group which is oxidised to ketone in estradiol. All the vast difference between he and she is basically this little chemical structural difference.
        Socially,women were always denied of education , because men were supposedly smart, more evolved and capable. And now, we say women are better? it is just reversing the situation, isn’t not?
        I consider myself a feminist and does not think men are beneath me. I want #equality.

      • PrincessMe says:

        I agree, GNAT.

    • Erinn says:

      I mean, I think it can come off as condescending. But you know what? Meh. In a world where we have men burning their girlfriends alive, and battering the crap out of them – I’m not going to spend an ounce of annoyance with Gosling.

      He seems to genuinely mean what he’s saying, and I’m not going to worry about anything other than that.

  2. Sara says:

    My father said the same thing to me
    not that we were biologically superior but that we could do whatever men could do in the work field and on top of that because of socialisation could access our emotions and keep circles of friends around us. He would always point out how few married men kept their friends and how it made them vulnerable if they divorced,, became widowed etc.
    It made me proud to be a woman.

    • Erinn says:

      I grew up with a dad saying the same kind of stuff. And he knew that often women had to work extra hard to just show the world that we’re equals – and more often than not, we’d knock it out of the park with that kind of determination. He knew it would be a sexist, biased world out there, but kept reassuring me that HE knew we were just as capable, if not more than our male counterparts.

      • mp says:

        I think people are getting all mixed up, is not that women are smarter, or more in touch with their feelings…no, I think it’s educational, if you raise a girl with a good a head, then she’s going to eat the world. I’ve seen it in college, in school at work, maybe it’s not biological; the fact that “women are better”, but women know they have to work harder in most aspects of life, that doesnt mean every women is perfect, but most of the time women are indeed “better than men”.

  3. BP says:

    Reason # 846793 why I LOVE him!!

  4. Lucy says:

    He definitely is. But then again, I am pretty biased due to my unpopular love for him.

  5. WTW says:

    Um, no, this doesn’t make him woke. This is just drivel in my opinion. It’s the same mindset that led people to think women couldn’t be killers when Lizzie Borden clearly hacked her parents to death. Women were the gentle, fairer sex and couldn’t possibly commit such a heinous crime. Um, no. …Yes, there would be wars if women ran the world. Yes, there are women who are awful, despicable human beings. They are not more evolved. I say this as a feminist. There are scumbag women just like there are scumbag men.

    • meme says:


    • Jegede says:


      Also I like Ryan but he’s not saying anything different to what other famous guys with daughters have alluded to in interviews – John Krasinski, Ryan Reynolds e.t.c

      On another note I can’t wait to see The Nice Guys, and am bummed it did poorly at the US Box Office.

      • Neelyo says:

        I saw it on Monday and it was great! Gosling was hilarious and I predict stardom for the young girl who played his daughter.

    • Sixer says:

      I agree. He seems to be lost in some kind of chivalric fantasy. It’s bunkum. And it’s certainly not feminist. More like patronising.

    • KHLBHL says:

      Yes, and this kind of mindset sets us back! In a way it reinforces gender roles. This is the kind of argument idiotic MRAs make to claim that feminists use their gender to get away with things like (or get lighter sentences for) child abuse, murder, rape, and why there is unfair treatment when it comes to custody battles, etc. This line of thinking gets twisted to actually support anti-feminism. So it’s a dangerous slippery slope. Also, it sounds very much like pandering. Makes me uncomfortable.

    • Bey says:

      Take a good look around this planet and tell me who the better gender is? Men are succesful at killing and hurting and women are succesful at universities where we wipe the floor with men.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Oh what a bunch of crap.

      • Bey says:

        Goodnamesalltaken: lovely way to inject yourself into a conversation.
        tell me why do women get better results at universities? why do girls develop faster?

      • DutchBlue says:

        @GoodNamesAllTaken it’s not really a bunch of crap. Women have more degrees conferred upon them than men and are more likely to seek out higher levels of education. And are largely seen as the “peaceful” sex.

        Now I do want to know what Gosling means by “better”. That’s a bit of a broad term.

      • KHLBHL says:

        This kind of well-intentioned but misguided sentiment is what sets us back in the wider realm of public opinion and overall social progress. If you say this kind of thing to a majority of people, men and women, it actually hurts the feminist cause. It also bolsters the “wage gap is a myth” argument, because the majority of women in colleges are getting degrees in “feminine” subjects, like English and teaching and sociology, all of which traditionally pay lower than “masculine” fields like math and engineering. So while women graduate in greater numbers than men, this is partially the reason why. This is what people use to support the idea that women don’t get paid less than men, that in fact if women had selected a different field, they would get paid more. We as women know this is untrue and doesn’t include all of the facts, but all of this just bolsters the opposition and makes them more defensive. I know it is offensive and maybe even demeaning to be conciliatory to stupid people who couldn’t be bothered, but we are the ones who need to educate. We need to be the leaders and the role models, and we have to do this by example. This kind of strong, polarizing language doesn’t do any of us any favors.

        Also check these out:


      • Bey says:

        ” If you say this kind of thing to a majority of people, men and women, it actually hurts the feminist cause.”
        im quite sure im not holding womens rights back by myself. we are here among ourselves, this is a feminist site and we can speak frankly.

        what you are talking about is tone policing, something thats always used to silence feminists. google it.
        its not feminists fault that women are better than men and if there are men with such fragile egos that they cant deal with someone saying that they would have never done anything for feminism anyway.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        So women never hurt anyone or kill anyone or abuse or neglect their children or abuse or neglect their animals? They’re just allll out getting an education and being perfect while all men are killing everybody and never helping anybody or doing anything good? There are no smart men, because, you know men have only invented 99% of EVERYTHING up to about 100 years ago as there were maybe two women scientists in the world until then. Your statement is the opposite of true, the opposite of enlightened and the opposite of feminist. So I guess you needed an explanation, but to me, “what a bunch of crap” sums it up perfectly.

      • Bey says:

        Goodnamesalltaken: i dont know why you have to pull a #notallmen

        if you are so worried about men you are a little late to the game, the gender ratio at universities is getting wider, single young women outearn young men and by 2025 the majority of primary breadwinners will be female. we are heading for a huge flip in heterosexual relationships and thats about time. it will give women way more power. as i said above the future is female.

    • ell says:

      yeah i also find it disingenuous, not to mention that it puts women on a pedestal as ‘better’; i don’t want to be better, i want to be equal.

    • Neelyo says:

      Thanks for saving me a comment. 🙂

    • Val says:

      Yes, like Hillary Clinton for instance, who has supported quite a few wars over the years.

      (Sorry for making a political comment, but he was asked a political question)

      • @Goodnamesalltaken, Thank you for putting a rational thought!
        “Why do girls develop faster than boys?” Biology happens! Biologically, female body is destined to carry a child. So nature starts preparing female body much earlier. Meiosis starts in boys at puberty, while for gals it starts when she is 3 months old foetus in the uterus of her mother, then it suspend till puberty hits. So, as a female, am i better now?
        Because when we reach menopause, female body cease egg production and menstrual cycle. But our male friends will continue making sperms, does that make them better???

        If Harry potter has taught us anything it is that Bellatrix lestrange was as cruel as you know who. She wasn’t better than the dark lord but equally sadistic. Women are capable of cruelness as well as extreme dumbness. No one is superior.

    • Sophie says:

      Thank you for writing this so I don’t have too. I don’t like this line of thought where women should be put on a pedestal, that’s not equality. We are all people and we can all be good or bad. There are differences between us that have more to do with how we are raised and culture than with something within, biological that makes us “better”.

      It’s not us against them, we are all together and should work together and learn together and help each other. Men and Women, side by side, shoulder to shoulder.

      And yes, I am also a feminist.

  6. Saraya says:

    Take it, Gillian . . .

    “How do you know you’re not Cool Girl? Because he says things like: ‘I like strong women.’ If he says that to you, he will at some point f**k someone else. Because ‘I like strong women’ is code for ‘I hate strong women.'”

    Any guy who spouts that “women are better than men” line is straight-up shady, in my book.

    • Bey says:

      i dont think a quote from a ficitional book shows that he is wrong. mind you, a book thats used to attack Amber Heard.

    • Val says:

      I also side-eye anyone making this type of comment. As someone said below, it’s kind of patronising and just…. eh. Why say that anyway?

  7. anon says:

    Woke my arse

  8. Susanne says:

    He’s woke isn’t that true fellow kids?

    But yeah he just sounds patronizing as hell

  9. Kitten says:

    LOL I don’t even have to read the quote in its entirety to know that everyone here is going to be pissed off.

    • Jegede says:

      Hey Kitt,

      I’m not pissed.
      But speaking as half Nigerian where quite a few of our women leaders and CEOs are under investigation or custody for bilking the country to the max, right now this point feels like “Huh?”.

      WTW is spot on that women are every bit as bad/good as men in all dimensions. (See also the former Argentinian president)

      This is not on Ryan Gosling.
      It’s just a sad reality because I won’t lie, I used to think we women were better.

      • Kitten says:

        I totally get it, Jegede (hi btw!) and I understand all the counterarguments but I just think it’s such a…I won’t say the word.
        I’m just f-cking tired of people projecting and reading into every little innocently-made comment from a celeb.

        Maybe this is just his personal opinion and not a sweeping statement on gender politics and feminism and on and on…bleh. Whatever. I don’t feel like spending hours arguing and typing up replies to every person who is pissed off.

        Rage on, y’all.
        I’m out of here.

      • Jegede says:


        Yeah I don’t think Ryan G meant anything by it.

        He’s surrounded by oestrogen.
        Like I said similar to other actors outnumbered by women at home and who have said the same thing e.g Kransinski, Reynolds, I believe Gosling was trying to pay a compliment in how he’s enjoying this experience and learning from it.

        No outrage from me, just sads that the reality is uglier.

        Have a good day.

      • PrincessMe says:

        I’m not outraged either, but I just think it’s a silly thing to say. And I find it even more silly to label him “woke” because he said this.

    • Bey says:

      internalized misogyny. its so sad women putting their own gender down.

      • ell says:

        how is wanting to be seen as equal, a complex and 3d human being with good and bad sides without being put on a pedestal as ‘better’, internalised misogyny? pray tell.

      • Kitten says:

        @ell-Or maybe he’s just speaking from HIS experience? Maybe he just prefers one gender over another. Does it HAVE to be symptomatic of some deep-seated sexism and reinforcing gender stereotypes and…ugh I said I was leaving.

        Ok bye now.

      • ell says:

        @Kitten, that’s not what i was asking though. i was asking how is wanting equality internalised misogyny?

        gosling can say whatever he likes, and can prefer whatever he likes, and i can dislike it as much i want. i don’t think what he says implies sexism tbh, although i do find it patronising and off putting. again, for me feminism is equality. i want to be THE SAME. i don’t want men telling me whether i’m worse or better than them, i want to be as good as the best of men, and as worse as the worst of men. this is equality to me.

      • Kitten says:

        @ell-This is a man who was raised and homeschooled by his mother and his older sister. Maybe he never had a great male role model and thus, from his personal experience he finds women to be stronger.

        Why does every personal comment by a celeb have to be parsed and reframed as some sort of statement about feminism?

        You know, growing up in France my now seventy-year-old mother had her teeth kicked in regularly by her abusive father until her mom finally had enough and left him. She also thinks that women are stronger than men. That was the example that was set for her: men are weak and prone to vices, women are strong and can take care of themselves.
        Should I revoke her feminism card? Or is it ok for her to say because she’s a woman, and not a man?
        But what about equality????

        Yeah you have the right to view his statement however you want, ell, but where you see condescension I see admiration.


    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      For good reason.

    • Mel M says:

      Right. In some ways I think he is right and in some not so much. To use sweeping generalizations here, men haven’t had to evolve from their caveman thinking. I see it everyday, some of my friends are married to these men that still have the mind set of the last centuries and women, not matter what, will be inferior and are here to serve men and our world hasn’t punished them for this. It still reinforces it for the most part because we are still very much a patriarcle society. Look at other countries where there are still laws that back this type of thinking. Women, on the other hand, have come a long way from always being treated as second class citizens and just taking it to where we are now, at least in some countries. Do we have a long way to go? Yes, obviously. Is this a giant generalization? Yes. Are there men that aren’t scum and women that are? Yes. But I think his words ring some truth.

      • Kitten says:

        Thank you. I’m glad I had the chance to read your excellent and fairly-made comment before I exit this sh*t storm.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        My only problem is the over generalization. It’s simply does not make sense to say that men are better than women or women are better than men.

      • sanders says:

        I think that sexism and patriarchy prevent both men and women from reaching their best potential. Stereotypes and gendered norms create barriers and can produce problematic behaviour from both men and women. This is why I find his comment nonsensical.

    • I Choose Me says:

      I like Ryan Kitten, a lot and I appreciate his sentiment. But I’m with GNAT and Sixer and everyone else who says women are not ‘better’ than men.

  10. InvaderTak says:

    Thanks, baby goose. I just love being pandered to and patronized.

  11. Name says:

    I don’t know about being more evolved but I will concur that yes, Ryan, I am better than you. Putz

  12. ladysussex says:

    Maybe I’ve become too jaded and cynical, but whenever I hear a male celebrity saying this kind of stuff, I think they must be promoting something (they usually are) and/or trying to improve or sustain their Q-Score.

    • boredblond says:

      Agree..since this mag labels him the ‘world’s most famous heartthrob ‘ they are obviously aiming at a female audience and it sounds like pandering. But it’s harmless pr for him..can you imagine the wrath if any female celeb hinted at the superiority of men–she’d be toast.

  13. Angelica says:

    I love him to pieces but I disagree about one being better than the other. Equality isn’t about a better or worse. Although, he may genuinely feel that way, what do I know?

  14. melior says:

    I agree with him. From my experience women generally ARE wiser, more grounded and emotionally mature. This is not recognized and put forward enough in a world of “I hope I won’t have a girl. Girls are difficult to raise” or “That bitch got hit by her husband. She must have provoked him” and such …This doesn’t negate that there are also women out there who are scumbags. But I don’t see why you’re harping on him for being patronizing. He’s not.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I wouldn’t have a problem with him saying “I prefer women to men” or “most women I know are more mature than the men I know of the same age” or something of that nature. To be honest, in most cases, I prefer women to men, or rather I feel more comfortable with women than men. Certainly I have more women friends than men friends. But he said “I think women are better than men. They’re just stronger, more evolved.” That is ridiculous. Some of the dumbest, meanest most selfish people I know are women. This shouldn’t even be an argument.

  15. me says:

    As a female myself, I can say that not all women are more “evolved”. I have met some really backwards thinking women…and also men. But I love the fact that Ryan is raising two daughters. This is the type of man that should have daughters.

  16. Leigh says:

    I have to agree with those who hate comments like this. Look, claiming an entire gender is better is some bullshit, whether I’m the gender being told it’s better or not. It would be appalling if people claimed men were better than women, and it’s appalling the other way around. And honestly to me it’s always come across as condescending and patronizing, “oh, you women are so much smarter and purer, you’re like perfect dolls, here let me just put you on this high shelf”. No thanks, women are human too and just as prone to being good and bad as men, we aren’t goddesses.

  17. jammypants says:

    I’ll always have a soft spot for him. In my life, women are 100% so soooo much better.

  18. TOPgirl says:

    I’m still secretly wishing that one day Noah and Ally will get back together. Sadly, I know that will never happen…but one can never tell.

  19. raincoaster says:

    I saw his movie Lost River the other day (he produced it, didn’t star in it although Eva Mendes was in it). It’s pretty good if you like creepy Lynchian things. Slow, yes, but quite good and very original.