The Johnny Depp & Amber Heard story got better coverage in the tabloids

To be fair to US and People, on their websites they’ve somewhat objectively reported the latest news in the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp case as it’s released. For instance People published photos of Amber’s facial injuries following Johnny’s alleged abusive incident in December of last year. People also took the admirable move of putting Amber’s bruised face on the cover. Their article strives to be balanced, and they gave a lot of lines to Johnny’s side despite giving Amber a say. They also insinuate that Amber cheated, which she has denied. People continues to publish “poor Johnny” stories online, including their recent article on how Johnny is coping, which Kaiser covered earlier today. US Magazine’s piece was blatantly slanted to Johnny’s side. This of course speaks to the fact that they get their cover stories from publicists. US floated the idea that Amber could be making up allegations to smear Johnny and extort money from him, which is his side’s very transparent press strategy. I hope it blows up in their faces, and it looks like it already has. Here are excerpts from People and Us’s print editions this week:

People: non-stop drama
Since [they wed in February 2015], “there has been nonstop drama,” says the source close to Depp’s circle, adding that the actor “has had jealousy issues in the past. He is very insecure when it comes to Amber. She likes to be free and do her own thing. She was really too young and experimental to settle down. Johnny knew this but was blown away by her. He was attracted to the same things about her that he couldn’t handle.” (A source close to Heard denies she was ever unfaithful to Depp.) “Johnny tends to get moody and difficult and go into himself when things aren’t right in a relationship,” says another source who knows Depp. “When he gets like that, he can act nasty. It doesn’t make for a good marriage…

“A divorce is the best outcome,” says the source close to Depp’s circle. “Johnny and Amber should not be married.”

US Magazine opens with Stanhope’s letter and gets worse from there
[When Us recounts Amber’s allegations in her restraining order request, there are multiple references to her dating women and possibly cheating on Johnny. They don’t just recount her side without throwing in jabs at her. As for the iPhone incident from May, Us’s Depp source states]:

“Johnny was only there briefly to get his stuff. He absolutely didn’t touch her…

“They fought, but she was always the aggressor – he was always just defending himself,” says the source, who claims Heard is after a large payout. “Amber is doing all of this out of revenge and to get money. She knew the world would react this way. She planned it.”

[Johnny] “is going to do all he can to protect his assets… He’s going to defend himsef then give her what is ordered. He was hoping to resolve this quickly and amicably until she made this decision. now it’s in the hands of the court.”

[From People and US, print editions, commentary added]

In contrast, both The Enquirer and Star went with the most obvious angle, which is supported by Amber’s court filing and all of the evidence (which doesn’t seem to have been released by the time the tabloids went to press), that Johnny abused Amber throughout their relationship. Unlike the celebrity-friendly outlets they don’t insinuate that her bisexuality made her “experimental,” (which is ridiculous) nor do they go with the angle that she’s setting him up at all. Here’s what they reported in the print editions. (Online, The Enquirer did run a salacious story about Amber’s “lesbian past,” but their print article is more pro-Amber):

The Enquirer reported the details from Amber’s filing and quoted a psychologist who says he looks like sh*t
Amber Heard was imprisoned in a marriage marked by constant fear, verbal abuse and physical maulings at the hands of her violent husband, Johnny Depp!

Those are the horrifying allegations the National Enquirer uncovered after the 30-year-old actress begged a judge to protect her from the star…

Problems with women are nothing new to Johnny, who once got in a public shouting match with former girlfriend Kate Moss in New York.

Johnny’s bizarre behavior in recent years has damaged his looks, reputation – and fading career. The boozy star was even banned from the set of his latest film until he cleaned up his act!

“If he has had a lot of pain in his personal life and his professional life has also nosedived, his appearance leaves reason for a lot of concern – especially for someone who has battled alcohol abuse,” said psychotherapist Dr. Gilda Carle.

Star claims that Amber wants $200 million, but are sympathetic towards her
“Amber has been saying for months that Johnny is a nightmare to live with,” the source claims. “She says his drinking has spiraled way out of control and his behavior is totally erratic and unpredictable. And on top of that, he has a vicious temper.

Amber has repeatedly threatened to walk out unless Johnny – who has insisted he isn’t an alcoholic, but merely “self-medicates” with booze – got sober. A source close to the actor says his team is now eager to get him into rehab. “If he goes in, they’ll make the public claim that it’s for depression and exhaustion, after suffering through his mother’s death and the divorce,” says the insider.

[From Star and The National Enquirer, print editions]

The Enquirer, Star and Radar are all owned by the same company, American Media. Radar originally published the audio recordings of Mel Gibson’s tirades against his then-wife, Oksana. People like to dismiss The Enquirer and Star out of hand, but they often get the big stories right and they do get scoops. Some of that is the result of working on hunches but they also do original reporting and research.

Since the tide has turned in Amber’s favor, the new overseas commenters who were previously defending Johnny and claiming Amber planned it all out are now saying we need to look at this from both sides, because it takes two, etc. This is again a classic abuser move and I’m going to leave you with a quote from the book Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft:

It is not possible to be truly balanced in one’s views of an abuser and an abused woman… “neutrality” actually serves the interest of the perpetrator much more than those of the victim and so is not neutral. Although an abuser prefers to have you wholeheartedly on his side, he will settle contentedly for your decision to take a middle stance. To him, that means you see the couple’s problems as partly her fault and partly his fault, which means it isn’t abuse

[From Why Does He Do That?, print edition]




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60 Responses to “The Johnny Depp & Amber Heard story got better coverage in the tabloids”

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  1. Ak says:

    I’ll wait for the court hearing.

    • CornyBlue says:

      What’s stopping you ?

    • Calico Cat says:

      Don’t bother waiting, I’ll tell you how the court hearing goes right now: Depp’s a rich white guy with lots of Hollywood connections. He’s found not guilty.

      • saras says:

        If the blinds are right and Marilyn Manson got him into meth the last few years he will be dead or so disfigured/debilitated he will be unemployable. He is going down one way or another…

      • Sara says:

        Omg I looked at him and immediately thought meth.

    • Emma - The JP Lover says:

      @AK, who wrote: “I’ll wait for the court hearing.”

      Agreed … I will as well.

      • Ican't says:

        @ AK and Emma- JP lover

        Can o ask you a question, what do you think about Ray Rice?

        Was the video of him knocking his wife out and dragging her to the car like she was nothing not enough evidence for you to lable him an abuser or did/do you need for that case to go to court to make that judgment.

      • Amy says:

        Amber’s accusations are suspicious as are her bruses, she has lied and made false statement to court before and caused a worldwide circus (Australia), changed her story multiple times, instead of filing charges against Depp she sells pics to tabloids for $$. If she has video of him attacking her she needs to release it. But that story has changed too as now she is saying it’s a video of Depp having a meltdown. Amber has been caught in countless lies over the years that’s why it’s hard for many people to believe her.

        There is a website called Jambernews that has been exposing her for years. Those of us who know what she is about have a hard time believing her ever changing story

      • K2 says:

        I just googled. It’s a weirdass site run by one individual crank. That’s hardly investigative journalism.

        The only lie you’ve cited is someone wanting to bring their dogs into a country and not understanding that it’s a huge big deal for that country that you don’t do that. That’s light years away from falsely accusing someone of a serious criminal assault on their spouse. If that’s all you have as solid evidence that she lies – and given how often the stans cite it, it appears it is – then you have jack.

        You are assuming the images are paid for. Why? Why assume that, when you don’t assume Depp’s side are paying to get their side out? They pay for info, incidentally. An Aussie journalist was offered cash to give his informants up by Depp’s main bodyguard. So why assume the images aren’t solely leaked to get her side out there? Why invent something to make her look bad, if as you claim there is ample legitimate reason? Why need to reach and embellish in this constant way?

        Her story is not ever changing. It’s remained the same. It just does not jive with Depp’s side. That contradiction is not evidence of her changing her story. It’s evidence that she is telling her own story, and it differs hugely from his. Contradicting St Jack Sparrow is not, in and of itself, evidence of lies.

        You write as if you know them. You don’t. None of us do. All we can go on is probability, and the probability is that the guy with the long and proven history of serious anger issues and drug and alcohol dependency caused the bruises she has sensibly recorded. And his team will now do whatever it takes to muddy the waters, so the public lose sight of that probability. How better to do that than character assassination of the victim?

  2. Kitten says:

    Meh. I guess I don’t see why all of these things can’t be true and I’ve said as much on prior threads.

    Depp was probably both enthralled and threatened by Amber. That doesn’t excuse any of his behavior nor does it mean that Amber is to blame. If anything it speaks to a classic abusive relationship and makes it very easy to see how one moment Depp would be showering her with praise and adoration and the next, threatening and abusing her because he can’t control her. I believe that Amber was the first woman that truly challenged Johnny and I also fully believe that he was a nightmare to live with. No sympathy for him.

    • Wren says:

      This is one of the few cases where nothing that has been presented is mutually exclusive or contradictory when you think about it. I’m kinda leaning towards believing everyone, because it can all be true.

      His denials aren’t even really all that strenuous. His team is simply playing up the “troubled soul” aspect which I have no doubt is true. He is troubled and has enormous problems. Doesn’t excuse anything, which again I believe he thinks it should.

      The “Amber sucks” campaign I also believe as the truth from his perspective. He was bowled over by her but she did not turn out to be the obedient manic pixie dream girl he desired her to be. Of course he’d say she was using him and was going to try to “take him down”. How else would his ego be satisfied?

  3. CornyBlue says:

    I think People putting her abused photo on the magazine cover created more influence than probably anything else. It made the general public realise this is something that has happened and is not going away. Also the Editor from people strongly defended this stance on some talk show. I feel they have to say some good things about Johny to not totally isolate their target population.

    • mab says:

      The problem that I have with the quote above is that it means that once a woman claims abuse, she should not be questioned under any circumstance. I could claim here and now that Obama – thats the most unlikely one I could think about – for whom I worked, abused me for years, hitting me every time he saw me on the corridor. Planning this for several years I carefully hit myself or asked someone to do it on several occasions and I took pictures each time. Following your reasoning, you should never ever question me because I have proof.
      I want to hear both sides in order to have an opinion.

      • FingerBinger says:

        The quote,imo implies you’re a bad person because you don’t automatically believe abuse claims.

      • Emma - The JP Lover says:

        @Mab and @FingerBinger …

        Exactly. Well said, both of you.

      • Guesto says:

        I had the same reaction to that quote. Perhaps it needs context?

      • Carol says:

        @MAB That’s how I feel too. I can see how this way of thinking can seem unmindful and that we don’t care about DV victims to others on this site.

  4. dimsummum says:

    Even if Amber did cheat on Jack Daniels/Johnny Depp, that’s no excuse for abuse.

  5. detritus says:

    That quote.
    I want to print it and just wave it in the faces of the people in my life who take the ‘see both sides’ stance.

    Actual quote from a loved one.
    ‘I’m going to stay neutral until the verdict comes out. Besides, Stanhope always thinks through his opinions, so I believe him’

    How do you respond to that in a convincing way? I’m worried about providing a crappy argument that will then inoculate against my point.

  6. forgotmynameinthewoods says:

    What bothers me the most is the way people (often through and due to the media and stories in People AND in the tabloids, regardless of whose side is being taken) perceive a narrative of abuse as having to be told a certain way.

    The victim of abuse must always be angelic, bold, brave, fearless, courageous, delicate-but-strong, purehearted, and noble. The abuser must always be a malicious, nasty, disgusting, repulsive, vile human being. And this narrative serves no one.

    Amber Heard doesn’t have to be an Amazing Courageous Brave Innocent Woman to be a victim of abuse. She *can* be those things, but needn’t be. She can be a manipulative scheming gold-digger who snaps at her mother and is petty and money-grubbing and after fame and celebrity and who didn’t really love him at all – and none of that should invalidate the fact that abuse is abuse and it is not okay to abuse anyone, period, for any reason.

    Similarly, it’s easy to assume that an abuser has a particular look or appearance – that is to say, that an abuser looks like a gross addict who is falling apart and unattractive and unable to keep himself together. And, well, Johnny Depp is telling that story in every picture that gets taken of him. But perfectly handsome, charming, charismatic abusers also exist and they look like the sort of person who would never hurt a flea.

    If magazines like People or even the tabloids could capture that, or complicate the narratives a little bit, it would be a refreshing change.

    • Crackkin says:

      I’m guessing by his look that Johnny is very pro-flea. Also, I agree with your other points

    • tracking says:

      There’s been a lot of discussion of this issue on threads here and by Lainey (the so-called “perfect victim” and “perfect villain” tropes). I don’t expect that kind of nuance from tabloid pubs, but let’s see what happens when the story is covered by more serious publications.

    • Luca76 says:

      Yes! Thank you! I’ve said the same in other posts but both sides need that narrative. It’s a shame.

    • Carol says:

      Yep, agreed. DV happens in all sorts of relationships by all sorts of people.

  7. Vanna says:

    Johnny Depp is tight with Jann Wenner, US Weekly owner, that is why they are blatantly pro JD. When he split from VP they were also putting the blame on her. I remember Lainey wrote about it at the time.

  8. Brittney B. says:

    Thank you for breaking this down for us and holding these news sources accountable for their coverage.

    Like many have been saying, CB is a beacon right now, and if Amber is aware of any coverage, I hope it includes THIS coverage. (Pajiba & Lainey have been great too, but the comments section here give me hope.)

  9. Montréalaise says:

    I looked at the Enquirer story at the supermarket – they also published a series of photographs of Amber, taken at various times during the last two years, with close-ups of her arms. You can clearly see bruising and other injuries – I wonder how Depp’s supporters explain that?

    • Saks says:

      They’ll claim she did those to herself or something stupid like that. After reading someone who didn’t trust her because her story was “way too consistent” (wtf?!), I can expect anything from his apologists

  10. whirldly says:

    Speaking of Depp’s supporters, has it occurred to anyone else how easily Vanessa Paradis’ letter regarding her ex could be interpreted as a recognition of a profound change having occurred?
    Note the last rather ambiguous sentence:
    “Johnny Depp is the father of my two children, he is a sensitive, loving and loved person, and I believe with all my heart that these recent allegations being made are outrageous. In all the years I have known Johnny, he has never been physically abusive with me and this looks nothing like the man I lived with for 14 wonderful years.”
    Maybe it’s a French person writing in English, or maybe Paradis has chosen her words carefully to dovetail with any outcome.
    It’s clearly supportive – but it may also be a quiet acknowledgement that people can change and those changes can make them unrecognizable even to those who would be expected to know them best.

    • Kitten says:

      YES. Thank you for this.

      When her statement was originally issued, people kept getting hung up on the word “outrageous” but the definition “exceeding the limits of what is usual” could absolutely apply here from Vanessa’s perspective. It doesn’t necessarily speak to an attempt to invalidate Amber’s claims, it could simply mean that this news is “outrageous” as in “shocking” to Vanessa, when compared to the Johnny she knew. I think a lot of people took “outrageous” to mean “impossible” or “untrue” but it doesn’t necessarily mean that within the context of Vanessa’s statement.

      Needless to say this interpretation is predicated on the belief that Vanessa was being truthful and forthright about her experience with Johnny.

      • whirldly says:

        Absolutely. The word “outrageous” – especially when used either by a person whose first language isn’t English, or by a person who is particularly articulate and enjoys playing with language (or both! ) – can be applied effectively in a variety of meaningful ways.
        Also, can anyone deny that Johnny Depp today literally looks nothing like the man Paradis lived with for 14 years?

    • siri says:

      I disagree. It’s not just about the use of the word ‘outrageous’, which, by the way, you have in French as well (outrageant=insulting). I think her first concern was not at all Depp but her own reputation, and to preclude the question if he ever was violent towards her. They were together for 14 years, and from old interviews I assume she does know about his moods, and temper. So, why not stand back instead of jumping in on this after a couple of days? After all, it’s his wife accusing him of DV. If you quietly acknowledge people can change, why not KEEP quiet for the time being?

  11. Ashley C says:

    This sounds crazy but Amber gave me the courage to leave my own emotionally, verbally, financially and abusive marriage. The last straw came on Wednesday when he smacked me in front of our children. I grabbed them (my boys were in diapers) and left and went to the police and filed a PFA. I’ve become so brave and empowered these past few days. I am taking my life back and its wonderful to feel free again.

    • Emma says:

      Much love AshleyC, that’s a courageous but very difficult move. Well done to you, and congratulations on the new life you’ve begun for yourself and your boys. Xx

    • ida says:

      much love! you are so brave @Ashley C. I wish you and your boys the very best. be careful and look out for support. and never go back!!!

    • Izzy says:

      Great for you, and your boys! Please keep commenting on this site, even if it’s not about this, so we see you and know you’re doing OK.

    • Capepopsie says:

      Good for you!!
      It was a very brave move on your part.
      I hope you will be okay and that things
      Will turn out well for you and your boys.
      I wish you the very best.

    • Sister Carrie says:

      Congratulations on your courageous decision: all positive thoughts and feelings going out to you . . .

    • thelazylioness says:

      Good luck and blessings to you! You are very brave and if this story has helped just one person (you!) then I’m glad it came to light. Stay well sweetheart.

    • anniefannie says:

      Congratulations Ashley C.!
      Very brave of you! Protecting your boys from DV is the best and wisest gift you can give them!
      I hope you have a wonderful road in front of you….but when it gets rocky print screen these remarks to give you strength! All the best to your family!

    • Sara says:

      It doesn’t sound crazy, it must be so painful for you as as mothers we desperately want to keep our family together. You are brave and I wish you the best.

    • Miss S says:

      Oh Ashley I’m crying while typing this. Much love and strength to you and your children! 😀

    • rosalee says:

      Don’t look back, don’t go back. It’s difficult I went back three times he was very convincing when he said he’d loved me and would never hurt me again. He would beg me to stay after he ripped up our wedding photos and threw the frames at me or kicked me so hard I limped for days. After the final assault the police said I’d have to change my lifestyle because he’d look for me – I moved to a village just minutes from the city and avoided my routines because he knew my favorite coffee shops, knew which books stores I frequented – knew my Saturday morning habits. I changed jobs, changed my life all he knew was I worked for the government – HR was notified I was in hiding. They received regular calls from an aunt, a cousin – old friends who wanted to reconnect and in the most mind numbing maneuver he used his young niece and nephew to call to say they were looking for their aunt. The court case took two years of delays…finally when the day arrived – he said I fell down the stairs..he didn’t say he viciously kicked me as I was laying on the floor nor did he say he sat on my back and held a knife to my throat. He and his lawyers tried to paint me as a jealous, nagging, gold digging bitch who cheated and lied. None of it was true..while I was in the women’s shelter he closed our accounts and cut off my credit cards because he said I threatened to clean out the accounts..the last time I saw my house was with a police escort I had 15 minutes to pack. He claimed our daughter was not his so my lawyer moved fast and got me sole custody, no child support but I got her away from him. He didn’t see that one coming, he thought I would come begging. My lawyer navigated me through the darkest days.
      See a therapist now don’t wait and get into a support program listen to the stories of survivors. After three years of therapy I recognized who I was and why I was attracted to that loud, reckless, obnoxious, violent creep. Therapy gave me the courage to become my authentic self and the courage to love again. So please, please don’t go back..there is hope..

  12. What was that says:

    I read somewhere he is a meth I am a bit ignorant of these things could someone tell me is that feasible and why that compared to heroin?
    Is that the reason for his appearance etc
    What are people’s views?
    ..I admit it I have no clue about drugs..which I am grateful for…

    • thelazylioness says:

      It would certainly explain the appearance of his skin and teeth. But with his money the teeth thing is unbelievable to me.

    • Sara says:

      I looked at him and saw meth.

    • mary simon says:

      Meth is an extremely intense and pleasurable high – more so than cocaine – and it lasts for a longer time. Long time heavy meth users can be unpredictable, and wild, and violent. A dose the size of a match head can keep a new user up and buzzing for a couple of days. Larger doses are required as the user develops a tolerance. Both meth and coke are deadly poison because of the solvents used in processing – but meth is all chemicals and is made by criminals in home labs and in bathtubs in the woods, (i.e the hillbilly junkies in the movie Winter’s Bone) because the process of making meth is dangerous and sometimes meth labs explode. I went to college in a rural area where there was a meth economy among some of the locals – mostly a hard core scary biker gang. It’s truly a gutter drug and you can see how it ravages the body. Maybe elites make it in more sanitary labs, for customers like rock stars and wannabe rock stars, I don’t know, but it must be the same basic recipe.

  13. Cali says:

    Us Weekly is probably swinging to Johnny’s side because People is getting the Amber exclusives. Seems to be the way things roll with those two outlets.

    I’m still disappointed that Vanessa spoke out at all. She should’ve just stayed silent.

    • Ican't says:

      US weekly is on Johnny swinging to his side because he is friend with the person in charge of the magazine.

    • whirldly says:

      We should be very careful about judging family members/wives/children of alleged abusers for their support. They might genuinely believe in the innocence of the abuser, or still be a victim of the abuser in some way.
      As stated above, I think there is reason to interpret ambiguity in Vanessa Paradis’ statement about Depp… words that might some day be understood as concern for his state of mind and possibly belief in the accusations.

  14. Shockadelica81 says:

    US claims that he was defending himself? By allegedly trying to suffocate her with a pillow? And nothing about the drugs and alcohol abuse right? And what revenge would she be getting? SHE LEFT HIM! And whoever this source is wasn’t there. They only know what Depp has told them which could be anything!

  15. B ODcpa says:

    Misogyny is alive and well as evident in these comments. Please people-this is a coddled man whose every move is orchestrated or covered up. Depp’s immense wealth and power coupled with his painfully evident full-blown addiction have created a monster. His delusions and yes men enable him and are perpetrators of his violence.

    I hope Amber Heard takes him to the cleaners, that he then hits rock bottom and straightens his ass out. Depp will always be an asshole-it’s his factory setting. Perhaps with some sobriety and recovery he can learn to manage his demons so he can live a life that doesn’t include disruptive, abusive and pathetic choices. And more importantly, that he stays away from women (and men as it seems he’d fight an old grandma if she got between him and his booze and coke) for a very long time.

  16. Miss S says:

    The confusions and “incongruences” some say to surround Amber’s allegations is the result of misguided media coverage. By design they want to confuse us so we doubt her version and it totally works. TMZ will never be accountable for it and even today there are people using arguments to discredit Amber that are false but read somewhere.

    Yesterday I listened to Perez Hilton’s podcast (I didn’t even know he had one and I don’t like his website) and even though he was cautious about the matter by not picking sides he knew very little about it, he was ignorant about the different stages this story had and it was obvious that he didn’t read any of the documents now public. This made me think that, DUH!, most gossip sites don’t care about being truthful or fair, they just want to use the current narratives and keep it superficial. The exceptions are Celebicthy, Lainey and ONTD.