“John Oliver called Donald Trump a sociopathic narcissist” links

John Oliver did a long take on the DNC & it was glorious. [Pajiba]
Margot Robbie is all about the ruffles for some reason. [LaineyGossip]
Kanye West wants Apple to just buy Tidal already. [Dlisted]
Princess Charlene looks gorgeous in these photos. [Go Fug Yourself]
Jill Stein is still Anti-Vaxx. [Jezebel/Gizmodo]
Draymond Green was Snapchatting his business. [The Blemish]
Stella Maxwell in lace at Maxim Hot 100. [Moe Jackson]
Margot Robbie is also all about red pants. [Popoholic]
Julianne Hough, still keeping it tight. [Celebslam]
Yikes, Kim Richards does not look well. [Reality Tea]
A volcano gave us a smiley emoji. Volcanoji? [Mashable]


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75 Responses to ““John Oliver called Donald Trump a sociopathic narcissist” links”

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  1. LinaLamont says:

    A sociopathic narcissist

    No. Ya think?

    • what's inside says:


    • SusanneToo says:

      I’ve been calling Trump a narcissistic sociopath, but I’ll bow to John.

      • LinaLamont says:


        Hey. JO’s very late to the party. You don’t have to bow to anyone. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • delorb says:

        He’s said that he didn’t want to discuss Trump until he absolutely had to. Something he said several months ago. The only reason he skewered him with Drumpf is because Trump went after his friend and former boss Jon Stewart. I heard a catch in his voice during this segment. I don’t think he likes Trump all that much. LOL

      • LinaLamont says:


        I was joking in my response to SusanneToo. That’s the problem with posts/texts. Even my lifelong best friends and I, sometimes, often, get confused without hearing the inflection. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Rayya Kirt says:

      I don’t know how well he was raised, but that was an extremely polite description. My father has a different description.

    • Azurea says:

      And the other one isn’t? ๐Ÿ˜‚

    • Rayya Kirt says:

      Dude held back. Note to Trump: this is how you restrain yourself.

  2. Nancy says:

    Truth be told…….

  3. Patricia says:

    I’m excited to watch this with my husband tonight. And I just saw John McCain gave a strong statement against Trump. Please please let this country right itself!

    • Mia V. says:

      The problem is the people who are voting for Trump won’t even listen to any criticism, they will see it as an attack, they will always see Trump as a victim of evil others.

      • EM says:

        Deflection is such a classic Trump supporter tactic. Many Hillary supporters have no problems seeing her faults but side by side they are nothing like Trump’s. Let’s take this latest example, Trump has equated his financial “sacrifices” with those of the military men and women fighting for the US and most importantly equated his “sacrifices” with those of a family who had their son KIA. Hillary has not. He has questioned whether the grieving mother of a patriot KIA is permitted to speak despite the fact that the third Mrs. Trump rarely speaks. He equates a challenge by Mr. Khan as a vicious attack and in standard form goes after the speaker because his ego can’t handle any criticism. Hillary despite 20+ years of vicious attacks by the Republicans has not whined nearly as much as Trump – she rightfully says it nonsense and moves on and that’s what he should have done. Instead he adds people to his “I’m going after” list and goes crazy. Not really the temperament or actions of a sane leader

      • India Andrews says:

        I think a lot of people are choosing between what they see as the lesser of two evils. I don’t see true blue enthusiasm among the people I know are voting for Trump. I even know one Californian who didn’t vote for him in the primary even though Trump had the primary sewn up but will vote for Trump in the general election because he would rather eat broken glass than have Hillary and Bill back in the White House.

      • CeeCee says:

        True. It’s insane. People are seriously criticizing his critics. Crazy town!

      • Rayya Kirt says:

        Well if we can attach their Budweiser’s to lead to going for a democratic voting like a string following the smell of beer and Newport cigarettes…they won’t realize what hit them until it’s too late.

      • Tina says:

        @India Andrews, what exactly did Bill and Hillary do that was so awful? I can promise you that whatever you come up with, it won’t be as bad as what George W Bush did.

    • Jayna says:

      He denounced his statements. He didn’t denounce him as their nominee, unfortunately.

      • Patricia says:

        Thanks for clarifying. I’m reading more about it now.
        The Republican Party must speak out against Trump. I am a lifelong democrat but I have compassion for republicans who are losing their party. I am so proud of every republican who speaks up against Trump. This is country over party, it’s that important .

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Exactly. McCain still endorses Trump for President, even though he attacked McCain as a POW and has attacked this family.

        Standards are too low!!!

      • minx says:

        Exactly. Most of the GOP have been using weasel words to sort of condemn what Trump said, but not to pull their endorsement. Cowards.
        This whole incident with the Khans has been so upsetting. This brave, dignified couple have been such a contrast to the venal lying Trump.

    • isabelle says:

      Still hasn’t disavowed him though and won’t say not to vote for him. The Republican party is now the party of trump and these Republicans need to disavow him or their party is ruined forever.

      • sarah says:

        If the gop speaks against him, it only rejustifies his anti establishment storyline

      • Kitten says:

        What Sarah said. I’ve said it a million times around here: Trump is not popular despite the GOP’s disapproval, he is popular BECAUSE of the GOP’s disapproval,

    • Sam says:

      Notice that Sarah Palin is staying quiet on this one. She’s the mother of a veteran and the MIL of a Medal of Honor winner. I will be very curious as to whether she opens her mouth on this one or chooses to remain silent. It will be very, very telling.

      • Nancy says:

        She’s too busy still trying to put lipstick on that pig or perhaps starting another reality show……..she’s too afraid to speak if the truth be told.

      • Judy burke says:

        You do not win the Medal of Honor. It is earned by acts of extreme bravery not by winning a lottery.

      • Sam says:

        Judy: no, it’s not. The process is a long, lengthy one that is highly political. Plenty of veterans have been passed over it due to factors such as race, ethnicity, etc. Look it up. It’s such a convoluted process that yes, it is essentially winning.

      • isabelle says:

        Isn’t it sad that she looks downright Presidential compared to Mr. orange slice.

      • Zuzus Girl says:

        Sam- thanks for tarnishing those who actually earned it.

      • Kitten says:

        @Isabelle-No, Palin doesn’t look “presidential”, she’s just excited that the Republicans finally have a candidate who knows even less about foreign policy than Palin does. She’s probably breathing a huge sigh of relief that it’s not her idiotic ass on the chopping block this time.

    • Sarah says:

      Those who are voting for Trump LOVE when he does this stuff!! My thought is that he isn’t going to make it to Election Day – the media are starting to hit him hard, and actually act incredulous at the answers his aides are giving about the Khan family. It’s beautiful to see!! But if he doesn’t make it, if he walks away or ends up having a narcissistic breakdown, I don’t think anyone has any clue as to what will happen next.

      Scary times in America. I just got back from France, and I want to go back. ๐Ÿ™

      • Lisa says:

        Don’t hate me and I’m not American, but wouldn’t it all fall on Mike Pence if Trump drops out for some reason? He’s the other side of the same coin and would be just as bad it not worse IMO.

      • sarah says:

        Really?? France aint much better with recent terrorist attacks…

      • Tina says:

        There are more gun deaths in the average week in the US than terrorism deaths in a year in Europe, even in 2015 and 2016. I’ll take my chances over here.

  4. Reece says:

    Could not agree more.

    And, I love him so much!

  5. GingerCrunch says:

    Charlene is drop-dead gorgeous in those photos, and AWWWW, smiling volcano is adorable! I have to laugh at some of the sentences I put together here!

    • minx says:

      Charlene looks stunning. I’ve always liked her and hope she has found happiness with her two adorable babies.

  6. lisa2 says:

    For someone that is suppose to be such a great businessman; he is the most inarticulate person I have seen. He has the vocabulary of a 3rd grader. (NO offense to 3rd graders). He can’t answer a question. He only line is Hillary is a terrible person. Obama is a terrible person. Hillary is horrible. Obama is horrible. Hillary did a bad job. Obama did a bad Job. To this day he has yet to reveal what is Policy agenda is. And the election is in 3 months.

    I agree strongly with something Mr. Khan said. He talked about how Trump has no Moral ability to lead this country. But that the Republicans need to come out in force and refute the things he is saying. That the world is watching. And the USA has become pretty much and embarrassment all over the Globe. Best though he said that Trumps family and friends need to get him some help. And that is the truth. He has lose what little mind he may have had. He is a complete unhinged fool. Someone needs to make him get off twitter.

    • Jag says:

      One theory I read about how Trump speaks has to do with his followers, in that he’s speaking at a fourth grade education or lower in order to reel them into supporting him. Most newspapers were written with a sixth grade education in mind at one time, so reading that really astounded me.

      • Esmom says:

        I don’t know, I think that theory gives him too much credit. Somehow I don’t think he speaks more intelligently or articulately outside his campaign stump. Plus, it is possible speak intelligently to younger/less educated people…plenty of people are able to get their message across to the masses. Trump can’t really seem to get any kind of coherent message across, other than vague, hateful platitudes.

    • holly hobby says:

      I read he was stuck in an elevator and blamed it on the fire marshal for being a democrat. He actually told the masses this!

      He also told the crowd that the fire marshal won’t let more people in because he’s a dem. Ugh, there’s something called safety. What happens if the building caught on fire? There would be pandemonium.

      Ungrateful A$$—-. They should have left him in the stuck elevator!

    • Jayna says:

      It’s funny. A few weeks ago my sister said the same thing, the vocabulary of a third grader. And he’s all word salad. Just repeats and talks in circles saying the same thing over and over with his buzz words thrown in.

      • sarah says:

        Really? I think the opposite. Politicians go round and round, but when i hear trump its simplified and direct. You dont have to like him, but he definetly says whats on his mind.

    • Sarah says:

      Mr. Khan had the best comment of the year. He said Trump has a black soul. I’ve been commenting on all of Trump’s Twitter comments with #blacksoul, #tinyhands and #trumpsacrifices. Responding to his supporters is like shooting fish in a barrel – their ignorance is breathtaking!

  7. jferber says:

    Top Republicans, including Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell (sp.?) and the two former Bush presidents must do more. It’s not enough to say they disagree (and not even mention their candidate’s name). They must denounce and repudiate Trump. They must withdraw their endorsement and, in the case of the Bush presidents, tell the country they must not vote for Trump (the latter two never endorsed Trump in the first place). It’s good that Jeb Bush and John McCain spoke out (I admire McCain tremendously for this), but we need more people to do so. Maybe it won’t matter to those supporting Trump, because those people aren’t thinking anyway. They’re feeling disenfranchised, disempowered, forgotten and rooked. They are angry as hell and will blow up the world to prove their point (or to feel validated). But people must go on record and speak out against this Trump, this would-be dictator, because history has taught us to fight and fight hard against hatred and evil. People not wanting to get involved and isolationism are what got us Hitler, the Final Solution and World War 2.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      I would not expect Ryan or McConnell to stand up now. They will wait until he takes office and then try to impeach and remove, setting up Pence as Ryan’s puppet. Ryan is an evil, power-hungry man, whose views are similar to those of Pence.

    • Chrissy says:

      I kind of admire John McCain for finally speaking up today. His statement was damning and very well done but he would not refuse to vote for Trump because he himself is fighting for reelection in Arizona. The Bushes are staying very quiet and stated their cases earlier but none of them have the cajones to go against their Party. Although interestingly, Jeb’s longtime advisor (sorry, can’t remember her name), today denounced Trump, has decided to leave the Republican Party and will vote for Hillary. It seems she has more cajones than the boys. And I think you’re right. Ryan and McConnell are rubbing their hands together waiting to impeach Trump and be puppet-masters of a President Pence, someone no American wanted as President. All are spineless cowards and shamelessly anti- America for being self-serving and for not doing the right thing.

  8. jferber says:

    Also, more business leaders and billionaires (like Bloomberg and Cuban–kudos) MUST denounce Trump. Other “strong men” must tell Trump supporters that they are wrong. They must convince the undecided to vote for Clinton. Country DOES come before political party. To Trump’s constituency, business leaders are more influential than a boat load of politicians. Seriously.

    • Sam says:

      I applaud Mark Cuban. He’s generally a pretty big Libertarian type, so for him to come out and stump for Hillary – you know it has to be bad. Like, really bad.

  9. Juliette says:

    He nailed it

  10. Sam says:

    The problem is that Trump supporters will see McCain as bitter and vindictive because Trump trashed him months ago (because he’s a hero for “getting captured”). They will not listen to him for that reason. The VFW has also condemned Trump’s attacks on the Khans, but you should see the backlash – people claiming the VFW has “sold out” and that they do not care about “radical Islamic terror.”

    They are also claiming that Mr. Khan is involved in terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood because he’s an immigration attorney who helps people “buy citizenship.” In reality, he helps people obtain visa through what’s called the EB-5 program. It’s a program that creates a streamlined residency process for foreign citizens who have invested serious money (generally a minimum of $500,000.00) into American companies. It does not “buy” citizenship. They also gloss over Trump’s serious exploitation of the H1B1 program to import fashion models, but hey, whatever.

    It’s insane. You can point out every single lie and misstatement Trump makes, and they will never accept it. They believe it’s the media, or “the system” or something else. My husband came home the other night and said, “It’s getting to be some Jim Jones sh*t now.” And you know what? It is. It really is.

    • SusanneToo says:

      I heard on NPR today that one of Trump’s advisers claimed that Mr Khan was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and his son was a terrorist. I will be in a permanent state of rage for the next three months.

    • Keats says:

      Ok but if you’re going to call everyone that Trump goes after ‘vindictive’ then pretty soon there’s no one left. Criticism of this line of thinking, not you obv ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Lama Bean says:

    sooooo draymond green…wow-his camera takes some really clear pictures. dumb on his part, but thanks for that little mistake, dude.

  12. Jayna says:

    OMG, I just watched this. It was brilliant. Thanks.

  13. Thinker says:

    Trump is sad case

  14. India Andrews says:

    Hillary is the same. Read what her Secret Service officers have said about Hilary, go through her Wikileaked emails and see the manic power hungry look in her eyes as she soaks up the adulation at her rallies.

    Being a politician Hillary is smart enought to know when to shut her mouth and dance around the truth and the changes in her previous comments over time. If you look at her statements over time you see her dancing around the inconsistencies.

    • Mary Mary says:

      All politicians dance around their inconsistencies.

      Who would you rather for president? Hillary at least has political experience. She is a lawyer and she is intelligent enough to know when to shut up.

    • Tate says:

      Hillary is not the same as Trump. Trump is in a scary league all of his own. A league that belongs no where near the Presidency.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      No, Hillary is not the same.

      As Obama noted, Hillary started public service long before she hit 70 years old. Trump serves no one but himself.

    • Naya says:

      What specific Hillary emails on wikileaks? Sounds like you are confusing the DNC emails which merely revealed that a major party strategised to defend their party from an INDEPENDENT who attempted a hostile takeover. If you dint think the RNC had a similar panic, you are deluded.

    • ol cranky says:

      I don’t give a fiddler’s fart if she does get a power hungry gleam in her eyes at all the adulation, what I care about is that she can do the job, can get things accomplished, is able to actually delineate her policies and has an overall work record that shows her to be capable. She has accomplished much in her time in public service. She can discuss policy and plans for governance that include ensuring equal rights and protections for all regardless of race/ethnicity, religion, sex, where you stand on the kinsey scale, etc.

      Trump rarely discusses policy and, when he does he rarely provides any details. Trump’s business record speaks for itself: a string of failed business endeavors in which he refused to pay his bills and drove companies into bankruptcy while making sure he could cash out any assets for his personal gain so the creditors got nothing (dear lord it only took him a year to bankrupt a Casino!). He refuses to make his tax filings public even though every other candidate for POTUS does so, he lies about charitable donations and he won’t even commit to agree not to use any campaign donations to pay back the personal loans/donations he made to “self fund” his campaign. The guy makes the sleaziest carpet-bagger look like an angel

    • Insomniac says:

      Squirrel! (That’s my line whenever someone tries to derail a Trump thread with ‘Yabbut Hillary …’)

  15. India Andrews says:

    There are a lot of Republicans who would rather eat broken glass than vote for another Clinton. So see their vote as a vote AGAINST the Clintons rather than a vote FOR Trump. I wouldn’t assume all Republicans in the electorate are true blue Trump supporters. There are many Republican voters cringing every time he says something prejudiced or face palming when he doubles down in fights there is no way he is going to win like with the Mexican-American judge or the Khan family. Trump doesn seem to know when to STFU. It is humiliating to many Republican voters to have Trump as the head of the party of Lincoln.

    • Naya says:

      Lincoln would keel over again if he found out that a party of bigots who obsess over state rights exploit his name like that. He fought a damn war to assert federal authority and he did it because he understood that human rights must never ever be left to the bigoted dumb hicks that populate much of the country. So all that Republican “let the states decide LGBT status or gun rights” business is in complete contradiction to Lincolns ideology.

    • Erinn says:

      And every vote they cast in his favor is enabling him to continue on with his racist, prejudiced, sexist rants. At the end of the day, a vote for him is just that. You’re endorsing him. You can wrap it up in a nice little package with a bow and tell yourself that it’s just a vote against Hilary. But at the end of the day, it’s a vote for a Trump presidency. It’s a vote that is saying “it’s okay that you’re human garbage – we support you”.

    • Tina says:

      If I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Clinton I’d vote for Gary Johnson, not for Trump.

  16. jferber says:

    Republicans have a lot of soul-searching to do if they prefer a Trump presidency to a Clinton presidency. Personally, I would rather chew on broken glass than vote for Trump.

  17. Mikey says:

    If we are being accurate, Hillary is the sociopath, Trump is the narcissist. Trump is a clown, Hillary is a killer. She arranged for the creation and funding of ISIS as the coming email leaks will prove.

    • Giddy says:

      Surely you are a troll, because the commentariat here is thoughtful, and well-spoken. No, Hillary is not a sociopath or a killer. What she is is an incredibly intelligent woman who has given her life to improving the lives of others since she was in college. As for your claims about ISIS, that is pure bullsh*t. Please go hang out on Reddit where you belong.

    • pinetree13 says:

      LOL yeah Hillary created ISIS. Once she’s in power, ISIS will rule all of America! MUAHAHAHA! That’s totally her end game!

      All we can do now is wait and slowly construct our tin-foil hats, layer by layer, they won’t hear my thoughts!!!!