Octomom Nadya Suleman went shopping at a high end baby boutique and took one of her newborns and a camera person from Radar Online along. She bought nearly $300 worth of baby stuff that mostly consisted of new clothing in the 3-6 month size. She also felt compelled to show us her long tongue and brag about how healthy she was during her pregnancy:
Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman stopped by a Los Angeles baby boutique with her infant son Noah in tow on Tuesday afternoon. Suleman, who said her prematurely-born octuplets are the size of “normal babies” now, snapped up a number of onesies at Nomi boutique in Los Angeles to outfit her quickly-growing infants. The store is popular with celebrities including Halle Berry and Jessica Alba. Suleman stocked up on 3-6 months sizes and also picked up some wooden puzzles, plastic plates and books for her 14 kids.
Suleman left the shop with more than $280 in baby booty after deciding to put two diaper bags—at about $150 and $650 each—back on the shelf. She said that when she’s away from home, she calls the nannies often to check in, but never worries about the kids at home.
[From Radaronline]
I can count on one hand the times I bought baby clothes in an actual store. Most of my son’s clothes up until the age of one were given as gifts by friends and relatives and there were plenty of people who donated used clothing to us. Of course it’s different when you have eight newborns at once, but she has six older kids, the youngest of which are two year old twins, and would presumably have plenty of hand me downs. And aren’t people giving Suleman donations of used clothing? There are always plenty of baby clothes to go around, and it seems pretty wasteful to drop so much money on clothing your kids will grow out of soon. This woman isn’t known for her frivolity frugality and had to declare bankruptcy last year. She also bought a bunch of new toys for her kids with the excuse that the old ones were dirty. It doesn’t make sense to me to waste money on kids’ clothing, but from what we’ve seen of Suleman the past couple of months shopping is her favorite past time. At least she doesn’t have to go back to stripping in order to get cash for her habit.
Photos of Suleman dropping her kids off at school on 5/1/09 are from Bauergriffinonline. Other inset photos are screenshots from Radar Online’s video.
yup she’s living the good life, like any other person on welfare with hundreds of thousands of loans to pay back.
Is the boy in the photo the same troubled little freak she always seems to spend so much time with? Something tells me he’d rather be an only child. He’s dangerous to those babes. Go get ’em, Gloria!
And, what’s a measly $300. compared to what she’s spent on herself?
What a piece of human garbage she is.
These are our tax dollars at work, folks.
A woman can have 14 kids on the taxpayer’s dime and shop in a high-end, expensive store frequented by millionaire celebrities? If she has enough extra money to shop in a store like that, she should be putting that money elsewhere…saving for a rainy day (and with 14 kids, there should be many of those), or college funds or something. But babies don’t care if their clothes are secondhand, come from WalMart or from an expensive designer. She is wasting money given to her by the taxpayers. Considering that we are all supporting her kids, I would think she should be held accountable for spending our money more wisely.
You might mean to say that she’s not known for her “frugality.” I think she IS known for her frivolity.
Wow, I’ve never seen her with her kids (plural) before.
Gene Simmons look out, that tounge is a nasty piece of work, I’d rather kiss you than her!
So, am I daft for asking how she can afford all this, being unemployed and all?
that is THE GROSSEST tongue i have ever seen!!!!!!
$300 on clothing, puzzles, books and games for 14 children? That’s just over $20 per child. Hardly the most extravagant spending spree when you break it down.
With all of those kids and running around, I’m more surprised that she hasn’t cut some of that hair off. It has to get in the way running and playing with the kids.
Evil wombat, what she bought were just clothes that were 3-6 month sizes. So that money wasn’t spread out over all her kids.
Wow, if I was a person who had ever given her a donation or some gently used baby things (I haven’t), I’d be pretty pissed to see this. If she can afford to drop all the money she does on herself, plus shop in high-end baby botiques, she obviously doesn’t need any donations from anyone.
Oh and that’s really sweet of her to call and check in on the nannies to see how her kids are doing during the day when she’s out and about shopping. God. She probably hasn’t bonded with a single one of those babies. No wonder she was never worried about it before they came home, she figured she wouldn’t be taking care of them anyway.
This woman pisses me off to no end.
shes loving it
Gloria Allred? Come in Gloria!!! Bejebus!!! She infuriates me. I have to admit, I am a bit obsessed with this chick. I have to believe that this house of cards will come crashing down around her. She has no job, she is a narcissistic famewhore that puts her own needs and desires in front of those of her children. We can only hope they take them away from her and she fades into obscurity. I think that would be a fate worse than death in her mind.
come on !give her and her kids a break!!!what is 300 on 14 kids!!??????she seems to manage well 14 kids,so whats the problem here!!!!go ahead nadya!!u deserve everything for raising 14 american babies or (else)!!and take the welfare and whatever comes between ur hand!go ahead girl,and dont worry about theses people saying,like u can see everybody has a say dor u,they re just obssessed by you!;)
If she can afford to spend 300 dollars on baby clothes that will only last a few months, then she should use that and pay the hospital bill she owes in excess of 1 million. She has many other children and they certainly have used baby clothes and I”m sure she’s getting donations.
All that money she’s making now should go into paying off her hospital debt. Not buying crap for herself or her babies that they don’t need. Seriously!!! How many moms on welfare can afford a 500k house! 1k blown on makeup? 200 dollar shoes? etc? She’s conning us all and laughing all the way to the bank.
What a way to raise kids. I can’t believe that we only see her with one kid at a time. With 6 older kids, why isn’t she taking them all with her so the nannies can focus on the babies? She needs help, mentally. I will never buy anything from any sponsor for any reality show she is on. The woman puts real mothers to shame. She should be investigated over and over for monies that she should return to the government – I don’t want to support her.
She’s not the brightest person, is she? It would behoove her to make it obvious, when she shops, that Radar Online (or someone else) is paying for the shopping, not her. She’ll catch hell for that, too, but the way she conducts herself, she implies that she has the money to spend on clothes, nails, makeup, etc., and that flies in the face of her welfare request, inability (unwillingness!!) to pay her hospital bill, etc.
i’m so sick of this twat.
All of my nieces, nephews, godchildren, whathaveyou grew up for the infant-preschooler years in mostly hand me downs, goodwill, or walmart stuff. So this boggles my mind.
This puts everyone on welfare in such a bad light.
And did one of you just call that child and troubled little freak or did I misread? Because that strikes me as really fucking wrong.
300€ for 8 babies = 37.5€ per baby. Some of you just need to calm down. And how is it that taxpayers money spend on baby clothes is bad, but taxpayers money spend on greedy bankers is okay?
Why is she applying for state aide to pay for formular and diapers if she can drop 300 bucks like this.
i don’t think she’s living off the state anymore… the amount of money the state gives probably couldn’t sustain her shopping habit anyway. i think most of her money must be coming from these reality show, interview and blog deals she has.
take it easy though, we’re lucky all our shopping habits aren’t being posted online… though i agree she asked for it… whatever, who cares.
How is the unemployed mother of 14 children able to buy enough of anything for EACH of her eight(8)newborn babies at an exclusive store where wealthy stars like Halle Berry and Jessica Alba shop for their ONLY daughters?
What’s really a damn shame is her Jimmy Choo sunglasses cost 300.00 at least..
She was there pretending to be famous and hoping to see Angelina..
Sick chick!!!
someone said “its ok for the bankers”..
Well at LEAST they worked at some point, all she did was insert embroyos and then lie til it was obvious, her poor parents would have to struggle even more.
Let her keep on, insurance fraud for her “bad back” yrs of disability checks going to invitro..
oh Gloriaaaaa!!!!!
Lio neither scenario is ok to me as an American taxpayer.
I am quite disgusted by all of this. She’s abusing the system and wasting money on things for herself.
The worst part: all we can do is sit back and watch this freak show.
Constanza: what is your issue with the child? how can you call that poor child names when you see the environment he has been raised in? How can you say that child is a danger when all you have seen is a couple of pictures? You are a cow.
This bitch is giving decent people who have fallen on hard times who actually need government help a bad … scratch that … WORSE name. Where I come from, if your on welfare the shit at goodwill seems a little too pricey when your pinching every penny to make rent. This bitch needs to have her kids taken away and she needs to get a real job.
“Suleman stocked up on 3-6 months sizes and also picked up some wooden puzzles, plastic plates and books for her 14 kids.”
Anastasia, it states that she didn’t just pick up clothes for the babies. She also bought puzzles, plastic plates and books for the other kids. So yeah, that $300 was spread among 14 children. A bit over $20 per child.
I’m no fan of this woman, but I’m not about to crucify her either. The media’s doing a good enough job of that without me. If she were shopping for baby stuff in charity shops they’d paint her as a monster for not spending enough of the donated money on them.
So…3 – 6 months of baby clothes
Puzzles and items for other children
Genuine care and love forever for your 14 children
I can’t see that anything is priceless for her. Everything has a price including her ambitions for having all of those implanted embryos. She is reaping all of the ill gotten gains and this will never make her whole and happy not to mention the main sufferers are the innocent babies. Please someone take these babies and nourish them with love and good example.
Annabelle, I SO agree with you…Of all these comments, I found Constanza´s most offending, because it´s aimed at a young child. We can say what we like about the mother, she has put herself in the spotlight by doing extremely stupid things, but her kids are another issue altogether. They are underage and probably want none of this attention. They probably will have tons of issues when they grow up,so let´s leave them well enough alone, eh?