Russians fearful of Madonna’s upcoming concert


Surprisingly, the Russians aren’t really enthused about Madonna coming to their country to perform a loud – and one could assume raunchy – concert. Madge is scheduled to perform in St. Petersburg in August – right in front of the Hermitage Museum. And the museum’s director is going all-out old school in his attacks, practically bitching about kids and sex and rock and roll in his hissy fit over Madonna’s concert.

MADONNA is planning a concert in the main square of St. Petersburg, Russia, home of the Hermitage Museum, in August. Local authorities — the ones who haven’t yet been bribed — are up in arms, branding the event a “natural disaster,” and the museum’s director Dr. Mikhail Piotrovski said, “We want guarantees that there will be no blasphemy.” Maybe Madge should think twice about wearing those ugly horns she sported Monday night at the Met. Piotrosvki will also demand Madonna sign an agreement limiting volume levels.

[From Page Six]

I’m thinking there might have been a little translation issue with the whole “natural disaster” comment. Though the NY Post seems to be having a good time poking fun at it. Perhaps Piotrovski meant “national” disaster? Or was simply trying to convey that – to him – this is a huge, huge debacle in the making.

I’m wondering what kind of guarantees he wants about the blasphemy. Blasphemy is one of those terms that I wouldn’t trust to Madonna’s definition. He might want to get that n writing. And really… what right does a museum director have to tell Madonna what to do? It’s in front of his museum, not inside it. I’m sure the Russian government will be all over her with rules, but why does this guy think he gets to dictate her show?

Regardless, I wouldn’t really trust Madonna to stick to the rules. Even at half a century old, she’s still a rebellious teenager. You tell her not to do something… she’s going to do it, and twice as big as she would have otherwise.

Madonna is shown performing in Vancouver, Canada on 10/31/08. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.


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23 Responses to “Russians fearful of Madonna’s upcoming concert”

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  1. Patrice says:

    Um, shouldn’t EVERYONE be afraid of Madonna at this point? I mean, anyone who would do that to their own face….

  2. gia says:

    such an old has been.

  3. Enonymous says:

    “You tell her not to do something… she’s going to do it, and twice as big as she would have otherwise.”

    Ha! that is why I like her.

  4. XxX says:

    I cant take seeing her making pretend she plays guitar. Now THATS blasphemy

  5. Noname says:

    He is probably scared someone will think her a “lively” embalmed corpse from outer space and call in the museum guards to remove her from the stage and put her in her coffin. God, I used to adore Madonna, now she is just a travesty.

  6. neelyo says:

    That headline made me laugh out loud. It’s like she’s Godzilla or something. Well…

  7. Amy says:

    Didn’t the same thing happen on her previous tour?

  8. boomchakaboom says:

    Hell, they should fear her concert. It means she will be visible and wearing her ghastly getups.

  9. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    God, if I were her, those photos would make me die of embarrassment. Stop pretending you’re relevant, Louise. Stop pretending you can play the guitar, while you’re at it.

    She looks horrible and I can’t blame Russia for being worried. I don’t particularly want her here, either.

  10. N.D. says:

    Actually the main objection was not blasphemy – it was rather a side comment from Piotrovsky, he was like refering to the official verdict of the Russian Orthodox Church (which is similar to the Vatican’s one btw) on M’s Live to tell. Main objection was sound level limits that are set for any performance on Dvorzovaya square and must be accepted by any performer beforehand. It’s to do with Hermitage being too close and all the art pieces in there being in danger because of vibrations and everything. But that is all settled now as I’ve heard.

    But to be honest there are a lot of people here in St.Petersburg (Piotrovsky included) that are against the whole idea of rock shows on Dvorzovaya square. It’s just not the place for this kind of events. Too cramped, too close to many historical monuments that could be somehow damaged either by sound vibration or crowd gone wilde or whatever (For example there was a fire a few years ago on New Year celebration, took 2+ years to repair the damage).

  11. paranel says:

    Why can’t this “it” face has been old hag go away already? Not enough dough in the bank?

  12. ! says:

    Gee I think Ophelia’s comment is the first piece of spam I’ve ever seen on topic.

  13. tony says:

    she’s got that old smelly look.
    and all those accessories and guitars and makeup make her look that much older.

    she must be looking in the mirror way too much.

  14. cherryblossom says:

    It seems to me that what Madonna needs is a little reverse psychology.
    “Madonna, you know what the kids are really into these days? Not wearing pants! It’s the new trend.”
    “I don’t follow trends, I make them.”
    And she puts on a pair of pants and all the angels in heaven begin to sing.

    Is that too much to ask?

  15. Kevin says:

    xxx, I was thinking the same thing when I saw her holding those Gibson guitars. I’m somewhat of a guitar snob myself. But in the first picture it looks like she’s fingering an F# power chord and in the bottom one she is definitely fingering a C natural chord. It would be possible to teach just about anyone, who wanted to put the work in, to learn enough to get by. As far as the Ruskies are concerned they are probably afraid she’s gonna wear those nuclear war head bra’s that she wore in the “I’m a total fucking attention whore” tour.

  16. shesnotsoldout says:

    she’s old old old. can we just accept she’s old. done over gone bye she can try but she’s old old old. let it be she’s gone. over bye bye bye.

  17. queenie says:

    yep, damn those women who just don’t know their “proper place”

  18. JM says:

    It’s not about blasphemy, it’s about Madonna performing on Palazzo square with a pillar headed with angel in the center of the square facing the Russian tzars’ palace (that is Hermitage now). Outdoor rock’n’roll concert means lot of people, some of them drunk, stinky little red wagons all around. Imagine Madonna at Palazzo Ducale – eh? I’m absolutely sure that it is possible to find another place for Madonna’s concert in the largest country on this planet. iF it was her choice (and I believe it is) it shows how preciously she sets herself.

  19. TT says:

    queenie — it’s not about knowing her proper place. that may be your issue — but nobody on this blog is going there.

    no, queenie — you’re bringing that to the page — nobody else.

    do you have something you need to share?
    bring it on. let’s hear it.

  20. barneslr says:

    Maybe she’ll kidnap some Russian children while she is there. Preferably children that have living parents that want them. ‘Cause that’s how she rolls, right?

  21. Think Again says:

    Is it just me or is she looking TERRIBLY O L D…. these days. Give it up Madge – you looking your age : )

  22. barneslr says:

    I agree. 50 really is not old, but she just is so used up…she has prematurely aged.