Renee Zellweger thinks that only tabloid-readers believe she’s had work done


Over the past month or so, I’ve started to wonder and worry about Renee Zellweger. I genuinely feel sympathy for her, because I think she’s done a good job of maintaining her privacy and being a low-key person, and she doesn’t deserve to be the butt of so many jokes and the subject of so many invasive conversations. But on the other hand, I wonder if Renee might actually have some no-joke issues? She just seems particularly fragile during the promotion for Bridget Jones’s Baby, and the way she brazenly lied in her HuffPo essay has been eating away at me for a week now. Like, she thinks she ended the conversation about her face work when she wrote: “I did not make a decision to alter my face and have surgery on my eyes.” And in this DuJour interview, it seems like she’s lying about several other things. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

Where she’s most at home: “I guess I kind of feel at home wherever I go, most places. But I really know I’m home when I go to Texas. My boyfriend is also from Texas and his family is still there, so we go back quite a bit now, which is nice.”

She claims a famous Vogue incident never took place:
“Someone had me talking to penguins in my own special language at the zoo. But we sat on a bench, we never went to the zoo!” She’s referring to a Vogue cover story from 1998. I gesture shock. I’d read that story; the part where they “went to the zoo” was a substantial part of the narrative. “My reaction exactly!” she exclaims. “I don’t know. I guess I have bigger things to worry about. But that’s one of the things I’ve had to learn to make peace with. The truth is…It’s wobbly.”

Internet gossip: “I get excited about the internet because it seems like it should make our culture less naïve about the effects of misinformation. But I still get phone calls from people I’m close to like, ‘Oh my gosh, congratulations!’ The big question is why there is such an appetite for [vicious tabloid coverage]. Snark has somehow replaced intelligent wit, and it’s pervasive… it’s in the political spectrum, it’s everywhere. There’s no shame anymore. It’s an interesting time, and I wonder where the cycle goes from here. I guess I just think a lot about this new idea we’re presenting, about what you need to do in order to be considered a person of substance in our society. I know I feel overwhelmed by whatever that standard is. Could that be what fuels this need to read negative things about people you don’t know? Or to take out aggression by humiliating people who are in some way recognized for something that they’ve done?”

Upon being told the Variety critic complained about her new face: “But that’s really too bad. He wrote this because he read a tabloid story and it played into his imagination when he watched the trailer? I can’t comment on it because I don’t know specifically what he was talking about, but he’s misinformed. He should have called me… But I disagree with him, if what he’s talking about is that there can’t be a character who represents every woman at different stages in her life—a character who is flawed, and who represents the truths about our humanity. I don’t know why he thinks there’s no value in that. I see it differently. And I won’t apologize to him for disappointing him that I’ve grown older because that’s the goal.”

[From DuJour]

The last half of the DuJour article is an interesting read because you can tell that the writer feels bad about having to bring up the plastic surgery story and the assorted sub-stories involved (the Variety critic, Rose McGowen’s defense of Renee and more), but Renee feigns ignorance throughout, like she’s a freshly hatched chick who has never seen one negative story about herself, except that she was just making all of those pointed references to internet negativity just minutes beforehand. Renee is exhausting. Also: the Vogue story, where Renee claims that she and Vogue journalist Bob Ickes never went to the zoo… Ickes told Page Six, “We certainly went to the zoo. The article never says she was speaking in her own special language to the penguins. That would be insane.”


Photos courtesy of DuJour.

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60 Responses to “Renee Zellweger thinks that only tabloid-readers believe she’s had work done”

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  1. Esmom says:

    I don’t know. I know I’m in the minority here but I’ve never thought she looked unrecognizable, although I do think her eyes did look more open and round for a while. But if you see the trailer for her new Bridget Jones s%$*show, she looks the same she’s always looked, albeit older. Seriously. Maybe I just can’t see past my sort spot for her. I think she’s always been a bit fragile.

    • Little Darling says:

      When I saw the coming attractions, I too didn’t think she looked that tweaked.

    • Asia says:

      +1. She looks the same to me just matured

    • Calico Cat says:

      I have to disagree. When I saw the trailer with Mom (who doesn’t follow gossip sites) she asked me “Is that Renee? What happened to her?”

    • Naya says:

      Me too. The only change I saw was her eyes, which is such a “so what?” moment. I mean really. Its ridiculous that people turned into such a big deal. But its clearly affected her and now I just want to give her hug …

    • mander says:

      I just saw the trailers too, and I, along with 3 other women thought she looked fine. She looked slightly different, but not anything over the top. We were surprised after all that has been written.

    • Sarah says:

      It’s so confusing to me when people said “they couldn’t even recognise her”
      Like, what? Do your eyes not work?
      She is a middle-aged woman who was out of the spotlight for a time and you see her and act all shocked that she looks different? It doesn’t matter if she did have her eyes worked on because that is actually a legitimate thing that can need correction. It is absolutely no one’s business and she doesn’t owe a single explanation to anyone.

      If she wants to keep it secret, that’s her right. I am fairly irked when people start demanding confessions about beauty from women in an industry and society that disposes of women who have aged out. If she wants to do something to feel good about herself and get roles, POWER TO HER!

      • Bailie says:

        To Sarah :

        I did recognize her although she looks significantly different to me.
        I have no idea what she did to her face, it’s her business not mine…
        I’m guessing face lift, her eyes probably got done and the common injections in Hollywood : Botox and fillers.
        We all change as we age, but in Renee’s case and many, many other celebrities cases plastic surgery is pretty much a given.
        Renee can do whatever she please to her face it’s her face after all.
        I just wish famous people would not lie about the work they had done,
        because it makes me think that they believe that the public is stupid and has a bad eyesight. I can’t even begin to imagine what enormous pressure must be on women in the public eye…still I don’t think they should lie about it.
        I would just say…no comment.

    • Doc says:

      I just watched the trailer. And everyone in there has aged – specifically I mean Emma Thompson and the actress who plays her best friend in the movie and they look like women that have aged (relatively) naturally (?). RZ looks tightened. Her facial expressions are strained.

    • Dinah says:

      I think of what would be said of Dianne Wiest if she ever had her “eyes” done. Like Renee, their eyes are so much a part of how people perceive them. It is such a distinctive facial feature that can’t be ignored.

  2. als says:

    Renee going away in order to maintain her privacy implies that she was still, somehow involved in doing movies and being a public figure, which is not accurate. She quit doing movies all together and rarely we had a few photos of her coming out or going to gym. Don’t think she produces either.

    I used to watch her in everything and then she fell off the face of the Earth. Glad she’s coming back as Bridget Jones but I think her going away wasn’t just about privacy, she seems really sensitive to criticism and yeah, she’s missing some sense of humor and a bit of detachment which makes life in the spotlight very difficult.

  3. It depends what her definition of “work” is. I consider everything that isn’t natural work, but a lot of people don’t count things like fillers and botox etc. Not that I really care, but I have seen pics before where I had to double take because something was off with her face.

  4. ctgirl says:

    Renee, did they also do surgery on you brain? I saw the changes in your face for the first time online on an actual news site. After I choked on my coffee I came to the conclusion that the news site hadn’t mislabeled the photo. Just own that you had cosmetic procedures done and roll on. The rest of us have. That is all.

    • HK9 says:

      Exactly. The “work” has settled now, so it’s not as jarring but she had something done and we all know it. The more she denies it the worse it gets.

      • Tate says:

        That is just it, HK9, the work has settled so she now resembles her old face but without a doubt she had work done. Makes me nuts that she and others can’t just own up to it and move on.

    • ronaldinhio says:

      She’s been having things done for years and years
      She went from Ellen Pompeo to SJP to Bride of Wildensteinish

      I get why she had work done, especially around her eyes although there are cultural difficulties in her admitting to that.
      Other than that face lift ton of fillers laser Botox etc as have the vast majority of HW
      Her natural eyelid made her work most noticeable

      She and Kylie Jenner’s natural lips

  5. Anna says:

    That’s kind of odd that she denied going to the zoo, and a little worrying. Like, why would she deny that? It’s not scandalous or anything. I genuinely wonder if she’s experiencing some kind of memory or mental health issues. Poor Renee.

    • Intuitive says:

      I sincerely hope she hasn’t mental health issues. However, on a lighter note: Hugh Grant did an interview recently where he was asked if Renee was down to earth. His reply was…mmm, I wouldn’t say down to earth…maybe out to lunch! Made me laugh.

  6. Luca76 says:

    I’ve seen people speculate that she had blephoroplasty for medical reasons. If that’s the case at this point she should just say it flat out and maybe people would move on and she wouldn’t have to keep speaking on this topic.

    • Timbuktu says:

      I feel like she almost did. That “I didn’t CHOOSE” sentence seems very carefully worded. If I flat didn’t do something, I’d just say so, I wouldn’t say “I didn’t choose to do it”.

      • lulu3 says:

        exactly….surprised no one else is commenting on this. “I didn’t choose’ could well mean it wasn’t an option, it had to be done.

      • ronaldinhio says:

        I think this is her get out clause.
        The natural hooding of her eyes may have impinged upon her vision and her docs made have advised surgery as necessary
        But if so, why not say so? I guess to not offend background of origin/ethnic make up?

    • Bex says:

      How many people would believe her though? She’d probably get accused of lying about that too.

  7. mytake says:

    I need to know everything about this penguin language situation. Why can’t she remember the zoo? Was she thinking in a special penguin language the whole time and the reporter didn’t realize?

    (I’m currently reading Hitchhiker’s Guide, so, yes, the fantasy part of my brain immediately wondered, “Is Renee an operative from some penguin planet who has been trapped on earth for decades!?”)

  8. tracking says:

    She’s coming across as a few cards short of a full deck.

  9. Kate says:

    I don’t know why she doesn’t just say she had work done. She clearly did. At this point I have to assume she’s just doing it because it gets her the most attention she’s gotten in a decade, because it would be no big deal to say ‘I don’t want to talk about that’ or ‘Yes, I had eye surgery because my hooded eyes started causing me problems’. She’s chosen to double down on a blatant lie instead. It’s odd.

    • Timbuktu says:

      Because that would be admitting “old age” (sagging eye lids)?

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      If she had done that, this story would’ve been over within a week. Possibly someone would have mentioned it again when the movies comes out. Done. This way it’s the gift that keeps on giving and now she can’t backpedal.

      I need to know the details of that Vogue story. Vogue is not the publication I would associate with making sh*t up but who knows.

    • Sarah says:

      She doesn’t owe truth to anyone

      • Pepper says:

        No, but if she’d going to so obviously lie in public she’s going to be called on it and the story’s going to grow much bigger.

        She didn’t even need to tell the truth, no comment works just fine.

  10. Chetta B. says:

    She must think the public is as stupid as Khloe Kardashian does, lol, denying all her surgeries and procedures after she’s practically had her whole face rearranged and gigantic butt implants “installed.” SO hilarious. There’s no butt implants involved here but she clearly, clearly has had work done! Why do they deny it all?

  11. OrigialTessa says:

    In the trailer, she looks the same to me just older. The one scene where she’s reenacting “All by myself” it’s uncanny how much she looks like her younger self, if you can even call the resemblance to yourself uncanny. Botox may have lifted her forehead enough to open up her eyes, and as soon as that settled she was back to normal. It’s easy to deny now that she looks like her old self again.

    • Timbuktu says:

      You know, when those photos came out a while back, I was 100% “she had work done”.
      But now I’m with you: I don’t see it.
      I know nothing about plastic surgery, so I’ve no idea if the “worked settled” or what, but if I didn’t see those earlier photos, I’d believe her for sure.

  12. Ann Carter says:

    Why should this rise to the level of conversation? Is she lying, maybe, she’s trying to cling to privacy and dignity.
    She’s not a politician. If your future earnings were based, almost entirely, on your ability to stop the passage of time, you’d do what you could to protect yourself.
    Leave her alone.

  13. fiona says:

    I don’t blame her. Hollywood is so cruel to women. Who cares if she had a little surgery. People are making such a big woop about it. I’m just angry that people pick on individuals who try to improve themselves when they neglect to point the finger at how crappy society is towards women and their appearance.

    She’s the same person, I still didn’t have any trouble recognize her. She just looks a little tweaked. Love how nobody seems to point out Kendall Jenners massive eyelid/eyebrow surgery. Cherry pickers.

  14. jferber says:

    Could we please leave Rene Zellwegger alone? She obviously feels backed into a corner and denied plastic surgery. It’s not like she’s denying the Holocaust. At this point, I don’t think it’s reasonable to hound her like this. Does anyone have the right to feel “betrayed” by Rene and get into her face about “lying” and looking completely different? Seriously? Give it a rest. If you really want to fight evil, go after Donald Trump, who deserves all this and more. Geez.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      Well if we all adhere to that advice, we need to leave this site. I feel like she thinks we’re all stupid and that’s what p*sses me off. Because celebrities do it all the time. The only thing missing is “I just sleep a lot and drink water all day.” It’s getting ridiculous and if someone wants my money, they better not tell me to my face they think I’m a moron.

    • Sarah says:

      Haha I love your comment jferber.
      It’s her body and her choice and her decision to say something or say nothing. She shouldn’t feel bullied into it by people who think they are owed something. Her face still moves so it won’t affect her acting in any way so don’t give her your money if you don’t to but it’s a pretty silly reason.

      • elle says:

        I don’t know… I see littlemiss’ point… it’s like Olivia Munn’s insistence that Japanese potatoes turned her into a Melissa Gilbert/Megan Fox hybrid. Sure, she shouldn’t have to comment on it, but there’s a difference between, “no comment,” and insisting people believe in a lie. In the industry in which I work, there’s a woman who calls herself the daughter of a company founder and has a whole narrative about how he raised her in the industry and to follow in his footsteps to take over the family business. Except she’s not his daughter. She’s his FORMER daughter-in-law. And she loves and courts media attention. So it puts the journalist in the awkward position of either having to print a falsehood or contradict this nutty lady’s wishes.

  15. Blackbetty says:

    Very odd. It is belatedly obvious she has had work done!

  16. Bex says:

    I go back and forth on this. On one hand, I don’t really care whether she’s lying or not, and I don’t like how much people on this site can pile on anyone suspected of having anything done whether it’s a reasonable suspicion or not. She hasn’t hurt anyone, and probably feels backed into a corner by all the media scrutiny and possibly her own insecurities. At the same time, it might just be easier for her at this point to say she had work done and let it blow over.

  17. Mich says:

    “I get excited about the internet because it seems like it should make our culture less naïve about the effects of misinformation.”

    Has girlfriend ever been *on* the internet?

  18. Shambles says:

    She comes across as unbearably pretensious.

  19. Littlestar says:

    She looks like a completely different person. She always got crap for her eyes though, maybe it really got to her. Or the natural aging process caused her already heavily hooded eyes to droop and she decided to “fix” it.

  20. Red says:

    Is there a link to the zoo story? I can’t find it and have no idea what she’s babbling about.

  21. QQ says:

    Good GOD Woman STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS!! the fact that now your pics are at odd Half angles and people that have ACTUALLY seen you in the flesh dont recognize you is PLENTY!! we all Have EYES!! stop these lead-to-nowhere Interviews!! You Got Stuff don’t you don’t want to acknowledge it, Fine, Let’s all move on, Get a new publicist or better talking points if you must talk

  22. Usain says:

    Everyone is asking why doesn’t she admit that she just had non-cosmetic surgery to fix her hooded eyes. Maybe she values her medical privacy?

  23. lisa says:

    I feel bad for her. My aunt had hooded eyes and as she aged, her vision became obscured, so she needed to have them trimmed back. My aunt still looks like herself and still has the “hoods”, they’re just not as prominent. For Renee, I feel like her surgeon went way too far. Or maybe Renee decided to remove the hooded look completely, not realizing that this was the defining feature for her face.

  24. JenniferJustice says:

    It may not be anybody’s business, but when you’re in the movie industry, people are going to notice things and talk about it. If she doesn’t want to share, then she shouldn’t talk about it at all and plenty of actors/actresses have a list of questions they do not want to be asked by interviewers, so she could avoid the whole topic. Denying it only adds fuel to the fire b/c people don’t appreciate being treated like they’re stupid.

    The zoo denying is bizarre. I’ve always thought she’s a few eggs shy of a dozen….and I still do.

    I think the laying low period was merely hiding out after the Kenny Chesney debacle.

    And yes, pretentious isn’t a strong enough word for her. Enough already with the attempt to intellectually stimulate. Why do some people try so hard to sound smarter than they are?

  25. cindy says:

    Off topic, but does anyone else see the resemblance with Jennifer Lawrence? Especially the eyes, and really all the facial features, with the exception of Jennifer’s fuller cheeks. Also, Renee is more petite, but I have always thought she is really beautiful. I don’t care about the plastic surgery, good god leave her alone.

  26. whirldly says:

    When I hear about stars and plastic surgery, for the very most part I honestly don’t care. That doesn’t mean I won’t look – I’m as interested as anyone in the quality of the work and how effectively it was executed on whomsoever ordered it.
    But having said all that, I’m not interested in Zellwegger’s cosmetic operations… to me the story about her is how exhausted, stressed and worried she now permanently looks. It’s as if she’s being pursued aggressively by a combination of tax collectors, doctors with “prognosis negative” (!) Lab results , agents calling to the list the roles she hasn’t won and house inspectors with bad news about mold.
    She looks old and tired and chronically disappointed.
    Surely plastic surgery in middle age is mostly supposed to eschew huge dramatic alteration and instead perform the miracle of subtle yet clever tweaks and nips and injections that leave you wondering what the change is, but being in no doubt that the recipient looks rested and refreshed.
    Zellwegger just looks exhausted and sad.

  27. Jezza says:

    How long did she go without oxygen when she went under the knife?!😬 Honey, you had work done – good for you, but don’t piss on my shoes and tell me it’s raining!

  28. Brasileira says:

    “Tabloid-readers” = “People with Eyes”

  29. naomipaige says:

    Who cares! In my opinion, she should just be happy people are still talking about her. I think she’s a horrible actress.

  30. Pandy says:

    She isn’t looking done lately. Maybe it is age and Botox?