Miss California Pageant directors in impassioned press conference

Yesterday Miss California Pageant co-directors Shanna Moakler and Keith Lewis held a compelling press conference outlining the ways that Miss USA runner up Carrie Prejean has violated her contract. They don’t have the deciding vote as to whether Carrie will be stripped of her crown, and were just airing their grievances along with giving a public recommendation to pageant owner Donald Trump, who will make his ruling known today at 11am EST.

The press conference was full of drama, with Lewis impassionately discussing the reasons that Carrie should no longer represent the organization. He was pissed off and you could tell they wanted to go on record and pressure Trump to take her title away. Moakler was haughty, talking about her qualifications in her introduction. She declared “I am now Shanna Moakler, ex-beauty queen, California director, actress, mom and most of all my own person.” It was the most entertaining press conference I’ve ever seen and there was a lot of feeling and frustration behind the statements.

It all boils down to the way that Prejean repeatedly and publicly violated the rules, including failing to disclose the fact that she had posed for semi-clothed photos, and especially becoming a spokesperson for an anti-gay marriage association. The Miss California Pageant contract stipulates that title holders must not represent other organizations without permission:

On admitting they paid for her boob job
Lewis: We did not leak personal medical information. We instead did not lie when we were asked a direct question, and accepted our role, even if it caused some people to criticize.

On the semi-clothed photos, which Carrie did not discuss with Pageant directors
Lewis: We saw the photo in question, and follow-up photo, that Carrie has claimed to not authentic [sic], at the very same time as the public. As a matter-of-fact, up until now, we have just been riding along pretty much a passenger on this runaway train, but as of today, that ends.

On the nude photo: severity of nudity is not the issue
Moakler: When you decide to enter Miss California USA you are given a document that asks for full disclosure. It does not say that any disclosed violation will result in your ineligibility. In contrast, it says “tell us, and we will evaluate the situation before determining eligibility.” For us, the severity of nudity in the one photo Carrie Prejean has admitted is her is not the issue. The fact that she entered a pageant and admitted it, is… She in fact entered the contest under false pretense.

On Prejean’s public endorsement of a same-sex marriage organization
Moakler: No one knows the difference between the comments, endorsements and activities of Carrie Prejean from those of the Miss California USA Title. That is why her contract forbids such activities without our written consent. In spite of that, she has recorded a telemarketing message that is calling for donations and signatures to protect marriage. Regardless we have never asked her to apologize or recant her opinions or her beliefs.

On Prejean shirking her responsibilities and failing to contact them
Moakler: Accepting the title comes with the responsibility to represent everyone in her state, not just those who share her opinion. It comes with an obligation to fulfill the duties of the job and to the people who paid to help get her ready for Miss USA at great expense and sacrifice. You have a responsibility to adhere to the regulations you agreed to when you accepted all the prizes, support and notoriety of the title.

Carrie has been unavailable to us, to her sponsors and to her responsibilities of Miss California USA because of her commitment to outside organizations.

[Transcribed from Press Conference with Miss California Pageant co-directors given 5/11/09, video above]

Then Lewis chimed in again, it’s at about 3:30 into the video above, and had a stern message for the organizations that courted Prejean’s public endorsement, as if they lured her into becoming a spokeswoman against same sex marriage without her full knowledge of the implications. He said “shame” multiple times, scorning them in a frustrated tone:

Lewis: Shame for taking this young woman and exploiting her to further your own agenda… Shame for doing it all the while knowing that you placed her in a position where she stood to possibly lose her crown, not for her beliefs… but for the breach of contract you so willingly encouraged. How sad that your message is so isolating that you reach out and grab any glimmer of an ally with no proper investigation or preparation even if it means destroying a young woman for your own good.

[Transcribed from Press Conference with Miss California Pageant co-directors given 5/11/09, video above]

Lewis got personal then, and called out the other organization Carrie represents, The Insitute for Marriage, saying that director Maggie Gallagher pocketed 42% of all donations given to the organization in 2007 but that “you still have the nerve to say that Mr. Trump is trying to silence free speech by stopping your NOM commercial. Use of copyrighted footage from Miss USA, that you’re using as a fundraising tool? Sounds like someone is looking for a free ride… It’s time for you to find someplace new to recruit your henchmen.”

A “Beauty of California ambassador” was named in preparation to succeed Prejean
A new “Beauty of California ambassador,” Miss California runner-up Tami Farrel was named. This was undoubtedly a nudge to Trump to let him know that another, less controversial contestant is ready to step in as Prejean’s successor, just in case he decides to take Prejean’s crown. Yesterday it was widely anticipated that he would side in Prejean’s favor, as he made positive statements about her and made it seem like her activities weren’t a big deal. He also let Miss USA Tara Conner keep her crown after a 2006 scandal in which she failed a drug test and was photographed kissing Miss Teen USA. If Trump lets Prejean keep her title now we’ll know for sure that he’s going against the wishes of the Miss California Pageant directors.

This woman has received more publicity for her statements than any beauty contestant in recent history and it doesn’t seem like it will affect her career much if they take away her crown. She wants to be an ambassador for opposite marriage, and plenty of groups are willing to embrace her with or without the Miss California title.

New topless photos of Prejean from another photoshoot are on TMZ
I wrote this whole article when I found new, nearly full topless photos supposedly of Prejean on TMZ. I’ll spare you a whole separate article about this and we’ll just talk about it here. It doesn’t look like her to me, and while the woman looks similar it’s hard to tell if it’s her.

Her previous photos had her covering her chest and were more on the level of a men’s magazine type of “nudity,” but these new photos, taken pre-breast augmentation, show her in a vest with her top exposed. I don’t think nude photos should disqualify pageant contenders and these aren’t scandalous or anything, but Carrie failed to disclose that any of these pictures existed and then went on to fib about when the last set of photos was taken. She also represented another organization against the terms of her contract with Miss California.

I have no problem with her expressing her opinion on same sex marriage. I think she handled herself well both during the pageant and in her first interview on The Today Show afterwards. I don’t agree with her but feel that she has the right to express her opinion. If she violated her agreement with the pageant, though, she should face the consequences. The co-chairs obviously feel strongly that her title should be revoked, even if Trump may think it’s ok to bend the rules.

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19 Responses to “Miss California Pageant directors in impassioned press conference”

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  1. neelyo says:

    Moakler’s an actress?

    For all of the reasons they mentioned, it sounds like she should go, but I bet Trump will keep her because he’s an ass.

  2. Obvious says:

    I wish I was in control. Buh-bai Carrie.

    I have no problem with the nude photos, but she willingly and knowingly entered this contest lying, and then proceeded to lie about it. THen as if to rub it in their faces she decided to represent another organization without permission and then fail to do her duties for the organization who got her here. I’d fire her for breach of contract.

    While I despise everything she stands for (not about Gay Marriage, while I’m Pro Gay Marriage, I’m more against her ‘God says it’s wrong’ stance-Marriage is no longer a religious institution, so stop treating it as one!!!!) I don’t think she should have been fired for her remarks-just everything she did afterwards.

  3. kiki says:

    Porn is in her future and probably in her past.
    Dont pagent officials check these girls out? how hard is it for them to google them and see if they done anything that comprise the pagent. but come .. pagents are a huge joke and especially this one owned byTrump  it seems every girl has a dirty past. Dont be fooled  Trump is loving the attention. 

  4. MmMmMm says:

    Everyone should have equal rights – gays as well as churches who believe that homosexuality is a sin. Legalizing gay marriage will force churches to provide marriages or being subjected to law suits and/or loss of tax protections. If rights are equal for all then not only should gay rights be protected but also the rights of churches to teach and believe as they see fit. The situation with Carrie is as much about pro-gay rights as it is about anti-church. Prejudice against anyone is wrong no matter who is doing it! Carrie is a self righteous, lying hypocrite – but she has the right to have an opinion; just like Shanna does.

  5. ! says:

    Oh, I see, so our Miss USA’s can be coke addicted little camera whore skanks now.

    I’m sorry, while I don’t think there’s anything wrong in posing topless, I DO think its a big deal when a professed Christian who has deliberately enrolled in a program meant to make role models of young women decides to lie and take nude photos. A true Christian would never want to cause others to sin (by causing them to lust) and would be concerned with modesty. A true Christian would not go on an all out campaign to promote ideas based in hate.

    This country is going to hell in a hand basket.

  6. duh says:

    no, MmMmMm, legalizing marriage will not “force” churches to provide marriages.

    religious marriage and legal marriage are two different things. the marriage license is what makes it legal, but some like to have a religious ceremony in addition to (or in place of) the legal ceremony. not everyone gets married in a church.

  7. NotABeatuyQueen says:

    Shawna Maokler should be the next to go. She’s malicious.

  8. sarcra says:

    It doesn’t look like her to me either, but it could be.

    I am so sick of this story. She didn’t even win the Miss USA pageant. Why is this such a big deal???

  9. MmMmMm says:

    Duh – you need to read up more on legal ramifications. If any organization refuses to enact a legal action based on nothing more then perceived prejudice, then that organization is subject to court action. Current cases in legislation include a case against a fertility doctor who wanted to refer a lesbian client to another doctor in his practice because he personally felt it was morally wrong to inseminate a same sex couple. The lesbian couple has a case against him for refusing to treat them based on discrimination – even though they had other treatment options. The Boy Scouts, in refusing to allow openly gay leaders, lost their right to hold meetings in government funded places such as schools and national parks. I think EVERYONE should have the legal right to the pursuit of happiness. Taking rights from one group, so another group is promoted isn’t right.

  10. duh says:

    “If any organization refuses to enact a legal action based on nothing more then perceived prejudice, then that organization is subject to court action.”

    only if that org must comply with the EEO law (or accepts donations, either monetary or physical, from the fed gov LIKE THE BOY SCOUTS DID). churches do not. separation of church and state ring a bell at all?

    gay marriage has been legal in several states for a few years now. how many churches in those states have been sued, or faced court action, for not marrying a gay couple?

    perhaps YOU should read up on legal issues since you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about.

  11. MmMmMm says:

    Duh – Do you really have to be insulting to try and make your point?

    Catholic adoption agencies are currently in court because they refused to place children in the homes of same-sex couples. That church was told to comply or lose tax exempt status – instead they closed down their adoption agencies in the state of Massachusetts. How many children in need of homes are now not receiving services?
    Churches, in effect, receive government money through their tax exception status and for their members to get tax credit for church donations. The EEO has the legal right to enforce all organizations comply with legal decisions of the courts as in it could force churches to perform gay marriages or obtain PRIVATE status – thereby losing the legal protections they currently have.

    I’m not anti-gay people or anti-gay rights. A legal union would offer the same protection without churches being forced to lose their rights. Marriage has a religious connotation. I agree legal unions could take place outside of churches, but I do not think any one should be legally forced to accept the values of someone else.

  12. duh says:

    funny, I only suggested to you what you suggested to me. maybe you should take your own advice.

    “Catholic adoption agencies are currently in court because they refused to place children in the homes of same-sex couples. That church was told to comply or lose tax exempt status – instead they closed down their adoption agencies in the state of Massachusetts.”

    church? or adoptions agency? and which ones? can you give me a source? and did that agency accept state or federal funding? you know, funding that would force them to comply with federal or state EEO laws? give me the whole story, please.

    churches having tax-exempt status is different from receiving federal funding. as someone who is SO clearly knowledgeable in the law, you should know that.

    and you didn’t answer my question. how many CHURCHES (your original argument, you’re now comparing apples and oranges) have been sued for refusing to perform same-sex marriages?

  13. MmMmMm says:

    None, Duh – same-sex isn’t a federal issue yet. (EEO = federal agency) Do you own research – instead of trying to slam mine. You will also find that a sueing church was suggested by several gay activists as a means to get the issue in the courts.
    I advocate equal rights for everyone – even people who dare to be religious!

  14. MmMmMm says:

    As far as a personal comment, Duh – you are so hostile and irrationally nasty that further conversation with you is a waste of my time.

  15. daisyfly says:

    “Marriage has a religious connotation.”

    Perhaps to those who are followers of certain religions, but what about those who do not?

    The issue of marriage should be a legal one.

    Stop trying to make it one about religion

  16. Annie says:

    Marriage has religious connotations? Only to those who aren’t educated enough to remember the thousands of years where marriage was a contract that often occurred between two families and not the marrying individuals themselves.

    Have we so quickly forgotten the dowry stuff? What do you think that is other than payment?

  17. MmMmMm says:

    And those marriage contracts were typically arranged through a representative within a religion: A matchmaker in the Jewish religion, between royalty within the Church of England, between heads of families or the patriarch in Muslim families.

    Separation of Church and State is a relatively new idea because for most of history, religious beliefs have colored for good and bad the actions of different populations.

    Keep everyone’s rights protected and give churches their marriages while giving same-sex couples civil unions with full legal and social rights.

  18. Damaris says:

    Arizona shouldve taken that crown HOME!!! SCREW CALIFORNIA HIZZO

  19. Vex says:

    I’m sorry but shes a pageant queen. Its almost expected of her to do something that requires no more than a tiny lump of brain.