Donald Trump sexually harassed the crap out of Marlee Matlin too, btw

I don’t think I’ve ever had the opportunity to gush about how much I love Marlee Matlin. Seriously, I LOVE HER. So much. She’s a wonderful actress, a passionate activist and she just seems like a lovely person. Well, apparently Marlee appeared on one season of Celebrity Apprentice. And Donald Trump kept hitting on her. Or as Donald Trump would say, he moved in on her like a bitch. While we’re still waiting for Mark Burnett to release a supercut of all of the misogynistic, racist and terrible things Trump said on-camera during The Apprentice, it seems like some of the cast members of Celebrity Apprentice are coming forward with their own stories of Trump’s deplorableness.

Donald Trump is facing a set of negative allegations regarding his treatment of female contestants on Celebrity Apprentice, according to a new report. Former contestant Richard Hatch recently spoke to People, claiming the Republican presidential nominee made sexual comments toward Lisa Rinna and Marlee Matlin while filming season 11 of the reality competition series in 2011.

“Watching him in the boardroom making sexual comments to Marlee Matlin, to all of the women on the Apprentice, it was obvious that that’s just a part of who he is,” Hatch recalled to the magazine. “It was obvious and it was grotesque. It was blatant and it was frequent. He did it with Lisa Rinna; He did it with Marlee Matlin. He did it with whomever happened to be there at the time. He went back and forth with Marlee. No matter how she responded, no matter how politely, he would push it a step further with comments about her looks, and how she was making him feel, and about what he thought of her, and how happy he would be to do something sexual with her. It was a lot of innuendo, far beyond the norm. It was odd and weird, and people in the boardroom would look at one another, but he didn’t care. [Matlin] was with her interpreter, Jack, and I thought, ‘Gosh, I wonder if he’s comfortable with this?'”

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign dismissed the allegations, telling the mag, “Marlee Matlin is such a nice person, and Mr. Trump has great respect for her, but this report is completely false. Just take a look at Richard Hatch’s record, or lack thereof.”
Additionally, Hatch said he found issue in Trump displaying such behavior while daughter Ivanka Trump was in the same room.

“He did it in front of Ivanka,” he said. “That was not just uncomfortable for me. It was weird… He didn’t care that she was there; he didn’t seem afraid that she would hold him accountable or say anything about his boorish behavior. None of that happened. He was just that way, and it didn’t matter to him one bit that his daughter was listening in.”

[From E! News]

That’s so gross. I mean, every story we hear about Trump is disgusting, but just imagine how uncomfortable Marlee felt. It wasn’t a one-on-one situation, she was in front of other contestants, she had her interpreter there, the cameras were there. And to be subjected to that kind of sh-t, to have to watch her interpreter sign all of that disgusting sh-t… ugh. Also: Marlee has been married to her husband, Kevin Grandalski, since 1993. They have four children together. But we already knew that Donald Trump likes to take married women furniture shopping so he can move in on them like a bitch and grab them by the p-ssy. Think about how disgusting that is.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Getty.

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77 Responses to “Donald Trump sexually harassed the crap out of Marlee Matlin too, btw”

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  1. Nicole says:

    Ugh gross. This gets worse by the minute.
    Love her as well more recently her episodes on Switched at Birth. Such a well done show

    • naomipaige says:

      Yeah, but then you have those fools that are still in his corner rooting for him. WTF is up with that!!!

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        I heard one supporter Vicky something or other say “God chose him stop hillary from killing babies”. So donald the sociopath knows to manipulate the lack of logic God only base.

      • Tiffany27 says:

        And what gets me is his supporters, Trump wouldn’t go anywhere near these people unless he needed their votes. And he purposely bates them and encourages them to be absolutely heinous. I truly fear for Hillary. The hatred he has built in his campaign and amongst his supporters is horrifying.

      • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

        They might be of an older generation, but they are still reddit bros at heart.

      • Nicole says:

        Did your SEE the craziness of the repeal the 19th tag? I wanted to rage flip my desk and yes there were women tweeting in support as well

      • paranormalgirl says:

        @LoveisBlynd: and these people actually believe he’s anti abortion. He is just selling them a line they want to hear. He’s not anti abortion. And he’s not Christian.

    • Nibbi says:

      what’s more, i’m pretty sure he was more pro-choice before being anointed by the republicans.

      • Annetommy says:

        I bet. It’s interesting that the obsession about whether candidates are religious doesn’t seem to apply in Trump’s case. In previous campaigns the suggestion that someone was not a Christian would have been a big disadvantage. All the angst about Romney being a Mormon. While personally I think it’s totally wrong for someone’s religion or lack of it to be an issue, Trump seems to have got a free pass. As on so many issues. And btw the recent footage of the horrible comment he made to a 10 year old girl may win the gold medal in the Boak Inducing Trump Remarks League.

      • MC2 says:

        This! From all reports he was pro-choice and registered as a democrat. But he’s not just doing this for money & power……Wtf.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        I just posted that above (I really do need to read before posting. He is so far from anti abortion and Christian that it’s not to be believe. He’s selling his pro-life Christian snakeoil and people are buying it.

      • Youbetcha says:

        One tries not to cast baseless aspersions at people one doesn’t know, but I would bet a fair amount of money that the Donald has paid for an abortion or two in his time.

      • Vox says:

        Yeah, I’ve been saying this for a while. He’d donated to women’s clinics that performed abortions many times and seemed genuinely pro choice. That he can flip a switch about such a serious issue just to impress an audience is scary even though it’s part of politics.

  2. Don't kill me I'm French says:

    With my temper,it was directly a kick in his balls.

  3. Nikki says:

    I mentioned in a comment months ago: my son worked for “the Donald” on the Miss Universe pageant for 2 years, and said he acted like a pig to all the women, and could be very vindictive if a girl refused his advances. The contestants had to try to rebuff him with believable. “Forgivable” excuses! Ugh.

    • Soprano says:

      Nikki…provided he feels comfortable doing so, he should email buzzfeed! They have a ‘trumpstories’ email address where (I think) you can submit stories anonymously

    • jwoolman says:

      I saw a clip from that time period that explained to me why Trump is still vengeful to Machado after all these years. She was still Miss Universe in the clip and the two of them were being interviewed together. Trump was going on and on about how great she was, how she was the best Miss Universe they ever had, etc. , although at one point they had a little problem when she gained a lot of weight. Machado, who had been quiet and smiling, turned serious at that remark about her weight and clearly said, “I don’t think so.” He tried to dismiss it, but she repeated her “I don’t think so.” I suspect that’s why he never paid her the promised 10% of ads, and why he is still in a rage about it, and why he is still claiming she gained 60-70 pounds when just a glance at her pictures in the gym tell us that is not true (she gained a few needed pounds since she was underweight during the Pageant), and why he now tries to say she was an awful Miss Universe, the worst they ever had. Her unforgivable sin was that she dared to contradict The Donald in front of a camera. He doesn’t take it well when women contradict him off camera, either. But that simple “I don’t think so” put her on his hit list forever.

      • Catherinski says:

        Near the end she is asked: “Any advice for the new Miss Universe?” She replies, “Uh … good luck. She’ll need it.”

    • Adrien says:

      Pageant watcher here. I remember him saying he wants to see a Caucasian or a Latina girl to take home the crown because he is tired of seeing beautiful women losing to undeserving women, meaning black and Asian girls. He said that in front of Miss Japan, Riyo Mori who was the titleholder that time. There were rumors he rigged the pageant in favor of Olivia Culpo because he thought Miss Philippines wasn’t attractive enough. Those were just speculations, it is a beauty pageant after all.

  4. Soprano says:

    Aaaaand now people want to repeal the 19th amendment just so he can get elected.


    • NOLA says:

      His female supporters are shouting for the 19th amendment to be repealed too. I don’t even know what to say about this. Absurd; heartbreaking; giant step back in women’s rights; disgusting – take your pick. 😡

      • Betsy says:

        Let’s call it what it is: a relief. After decades of being gaslit by Republicans – “no, we value women! We do! You aren’t just baby machines and sex partners!” – we have confirmation that Republicans are in fact misogynists. Terrible news, but a relief to hear that what I’ve imagined is the truth.

      • MC2 says:

        Betsy- I totally agree!

      • AreYouKittenMe? says:

        OH. MY. GOD.

        You guys…I don’t think I can take anymore.

  5. Suzanne says:

    I’ve maintained from the very beginning…this man will self implode…and it appears I was right!

  6. LinaLamont says:

    I’d like to hear it from Matlin, herself. It’ll carry more weight. She’s a pretty sympathetic figure.

    • jennifer says:

      Agree. I’m sure this is true but Hatch is hardly a credible source.

      • jugil1 says:

        Exactly what I was going to say. I have no problem believing Trump would do it, but Richard Hatch has been proven a liar himself. Hatch & Trump have zero credibility.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        But this was apparently all said in front of a boardroom of people. It would not behoove Richard Hatch to lie about this when it could easily be disproved. Richard Hatch is a piece of work, but he’s not a fool.

  7. Margo S. says:

    He’s deplorable. I’m just waiting for more and more crap to be released about this pathetic excuse for a man. It’s going to be glorious.

  8. Lucrezia says:

    Trump is gross and creepy.

    But I already knew that, so I’ve been sidetracked by the way Richard Hatch is talking about his own reaction. Clearly he can recognise harassment and doesn’t think it’s right, which is good. But the way he’s framing it … not great.

    “Gosh, I wonder if he’s comfortable with this?” Really? The woman is being harassed and you’re worried about whether her translator feels comfortable?

    “He did it in front of Ivanka … That was not just uncomfortable for me.” It’s just wrong to harass someone. Who the audience is shouldn’t matter.

    And I don’t understand why Hatch would think Trump would be worried that Ivanka might hold him accountable. If the non-related people in the meeting weren’t saying jack, why would his kid speak out?

    Hatch is obviously better than Trump, but he’s not coming off particularly supportive of women here. But (trying to think positive) I guess that means even guys who aren’t feminists find Trump’s behaviour beyond the pale.

    • Betsy says:

      Better that someone come out of a shell partway than stay holed up and ignorant forever. Baby steps.

  9. Clare says:

    Donald is disgusting and I believe all of this…but why didnt Marlee, Lisa or ANY of the other contestants speak up at the time? Why did no one tell him to f off and also talk about this to the press until now? These weren’t nobodies that he could dismiss/crush – these were/are ‘celebrities’ (albeit C list and below), with PR’ fans, and platforms.

    Not excusing Donald’s actions (he is vile), but also kinda mad at everyone who stood by and watched this happen.

    • jwoolman says:

      Same reason that every woman has shut up about it when there were larger goals at stake. They had reasons for being on Celebrity Apprentice in the first place, and those reasons didn’t vanish just because the top guy was a pig. He would just fire anybody who complained anyway, including the guys uncomfortable with it.

      • Clare says:

        Ok, I see what you mean and you are right. I would argue that none of these ‘celebrities’ needed this gig to put food on their tables, so they should still have stood up for a coworker/friend who was being harassed. They would have been fired, so what?

        But, lets assume that they really had no choice at the time BUT to stay on the show…why didn’t anyway say anything in the many years between the end of that season, and now? Why didn’t they say anything when this bag of dicks put his hat in the ring for republican nomination. Why did they wait to bloody long…that’s what makes me mad. Clearly they were legally able (given that he is speaking up now), so what on earth stopped them before? Don’t get it, don’t like it.

      • swak says:

        I haven’t watched The Apprentice the first or second season, but I think with the celebrity edition they were playing for a charity (maybe on top of them getting money). Could be wrong.

      • holly hobby says:

        Yes Swak is right. The celeb version doesn’t earn money or an internship. The contestnats were playing for money for their charities. Marlee was actually very savvy on this show. She finished #2 to the Big Rich singer. That’s only because he had friends with deeper pockets.

        I don’t know why people are surprised by this. The producers couldn’t erase all his boardroom comments. I watched all editions of apprentice. Orangino has devoted one boardroom to a woman’s period. He talks about the women’s looks all the time. etc. I remember watching and thinking he’d be sued for sexual harrassment with all these inappropriate comments.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Because he was the boss and because women were expected to “take it” and because the illegality of this behavior was not fully recognized. It was only relatively recently in modern history, for example, that husbands could rape their wives, which is why DT’s lawyer offered that defense against Ivana’s affidavit.

    • Colette says:

      Do you really think that Trump is the only man in Hollywood sexually harassing women? I am sure they have been sexually harassed by producers,agents,etc.If they don’t use their platform to expose producers,directors,why would they use it to expose some guy who they will work with for a few weeks?

      • MsGoblin says:

        But those people aren’t running for President of the United States, are they?

      • JenniferJustice says:

        And here we go with the “well, other people have done it, so it’s no big deal.”

        It is a very big deal that anybody harasses women in the workplace or outside the workplace. It is an even bigger problem when a presidential nominee has done it….proven a pattern of that behavior. But you keep up the stance that it’s okay for him to be a pig, a con, a liar, a thief, a rapists, a beater, an intimidater of young women, a narcissistic sociopath, because, hey….others are too.

      • Colette says:

        He wasn’t running for President when it happened.My comment was addressing why they didn’t expose him when it happened.IMO they didn’t expose him because unfortunately it’s not unusual for them to be sexually harassed in the entertainment industry.

    • Neo says:

      I recall him and her on the show. She deflected his comments like a champion but didn’t reprimand him… Basically she just kept her dignity and let him sound like an a**.

      Remember that the basic premise of the show was to suck up to Trump and co. To gain favour to win money for charity… And then watch him take credit for all the money they raised in the challenges. “We’ve made a lot of money for charity, folks.” We? These people called in support from their personal networks and DT would pose like he was a part of the process. No, you’re the host. And the amount of sycophantic behaviour contestants would have to display to win… Ick.

    • MsGoblin says:

      I believe they all must sign non-disclosure agreements before appearing on the program.

    • MC2 says:

      I think this is the golden question- “why didn’t any other people speak up?”. This should be the question for all of f-ing society right now! I worked in the field of dv and I have been a victim myself of extreme abuse & everyday sexism by men. I have been thinking a ton the past few days about all the people who just watched or knew & did nothing. Most people will do nothing when confronted with watching someone else be the victim of sexism (unless it is violent) and that sucks & needs to change. I worked in a place where off the cuff comments happened all the time and sometimes they crossed a line but nobody called it out. I take no pleasure in saying that I would make snarky comments and roll my eyes or say bitchy things back to hurt the men’s feeling so they wouldn’t do it again (like smacking a dumb dog on the nose) but they still did & I was the grumpy bitch.

      This is not unique and that sucks.

      • Clare says:

        It does bloody suck. thanks for sharing your experience.

      • AreYouKittenMe? says:

        When I was 26, I was sexually harassed by my boss and when I got upset about it, he and his partner decided to let me go.

        When they (predictably) tried to reneg on the severance pay they offered me, I told them they better give me the check they promised or I will sue the living shit out of them for sexual harassment.

        When I went back to the office to get my stuff, I went to snatch all the incriminating emails and of course, they were gone. They couldn’t erase the test messages off of my phone though 😉

        Anyway, I never told anyone except my boyfriend at the time and my mom.

        It’s not unusual–sometimes it’s just easier to make a clean break and put all the horror behind you.

      • I Choose Me says:

        A former female’s boss’ husband made passes all the time. He would also make sexual comments about me to my boss’ brother who also worked at the company. He was a constant cheater and a real sexist jerk.

        Once the chatter about his cheating got so bad, she called a meeting because she’d been told that he was having an affair with one of us ladies in the office. This woman actually sat there and looked her female employees in the face and asked us one by one if it was us. When we didn’t answer, just looked at her in shock (I think I may have laughed) she turned to the guys to ask if they knew who it was. A week later, I confronted him about his comments in front of her and you should have seen his face. He never said a word to me after that meeting but nevertheless, I resigned not long after. I just couldn’t continue to work for a woman who would blame her female employees for her husband’s inappropriate behaviour.

    • MSat says:

      All we need to do to answer that question is look at how he has behaved since being exposed. He is hell bent on destroying every single one of these women. Look how he treated Alicia Machado – going on a Twitter rant and claiming she did a sex tape.

      I personally know the People reporter who went public with her encounter with Trump. At the time, she was absolutely terrified of retaliation against her by Trump. She did tell her editor at People, and the decision was made to have a male reporter (also a friend of mine) take over covering Trump. That was as far as it went – no one did anything to Trump, or called him out on it.

    • Bubbles says:

      They all had to sign a non-disclosure form, which prohibits them from speaking bad ( The TRUTH) about him.

  10. Neo says:

    I remember her on that show. She always handled his comments with so much dignity.

  11. Brunswickstoval says:

    At this point wouldn’t it be easier to identify the women trump has crossed paths with and hasn’t sexually harassed?

  12. Kath says:

    I wish Mark Cuban would just front the $5 mill already so that someone from The Apprentice can release the tapes.

    Also, why was someone who has declared bankruptcy SIX TIMES be on The Apprentice in the first place? Successful businessman my ass.

    • boredblond says:

      It’s looking doubtful that he or mgm will do it..where are all those hackers when you need them? I can only hope this steady stream of accusers will make an impact, but in reality, the film got a hundred times more coverage, and can’t be denied. I’m wondering if ‘freedom of information’ laws apply for these privately held tapes, or is it only for govt info?

      • Original T.C. says:

        The Hackers are not fond of women nor Hillary Clinton. They are all about helping Trump win.

        Trump voters don’t care that he is a disgrace. They are mainly voting to him because:

        1) The want to give a middle finger to the regular Republicans.

        2) They want to go back to the 1950’s where White males dominated and White women were number two yet knew their place as inferior to men. Blacks and other minorities were servants.

        3) They hate Hillary Clinton with a thousand suns

  13. JenniferJustice says:

    I feel like Trump and his supporters won’t stop until the USA is nothing more than a trashy free for all….anything goes. And he is ‘conservative’……

    I do not feel sorry for any of his wives. That type of woman disgusts me and puts us back two steps for every three steps we move forward. They have no integrity – no self respect. They settled for money over love, money over respect, money over morality. They all sold their souls to the devil to live high on the hog….with a hog.

  14. Nibbi says:

    are you guys seeing this?

    like i’m downright impressed he’s managed to divide americans so badly on race, class, and now sex. unbelievable

  15. OriginallyBlue says:

    I will repeat my comment from Twitter. Donald has been a disgusting pig for decades. I haven’t been around long and avoid paying attention to him because he is ugly in and out. There is plenty of print of him being gross, plenty of him being gross on camera, so I’m trying to understand why people are acting shocked and like it is out of the realm of possibility for him to do what he is being accused of. For example he said that Paris Hilton didn’t get enough credit for being a beautiful woman and that he has known since he met her at 12 that she would be pretty when she got older. Gross. Even more gross, he admitted to watching her sex tape. That is disgusting.

  16. Jeanette says:

    Wasnt she the one abused by her costar as well? Wow..this woman could probably tell some stories given the chance and not just about the Donald.

    • holly hobby says:

      William Hurt was her boyfriend and he got all pissy when she won the Oscar. He was not nice to her.

  17. Tiffany says:

    I remember a comment he said to Brandi Roderick in the final boardroom. She said that she got on her knees to beg for the last of the money her team needed. Casino Mussolini said he imagined she looked great on her knees. There is no more misunderstanding BS to use. This made the final cut and to television so Mark, stop threatening staff and release the tapes. Stop being religious when it is convenient for you because you are a, guess what, hypocrite.

  18. Call me AL says:

    I am shocked that the child rape allegations are not getting more coverage. Why is Hill not slamming him with that?

  19. Jaded says:

    Please watch Michelle Obama’s speech in New Hampshire, it will make you feel like there’s hope!

  20. Anastasia Beaverhausen says:

    I’m going to have an ulcer by November.

  21. India Andrews says:

    The bark is removed from the tree in politics. This is something Trump’s oversized ego didn’t allow him to see. He wasn’t going to make it through this process without his secrets being revealed. That’s politics. That’s why we know so much about Bill and Hillary.

    And in this situation Trump can’t control the situation like he can an employee. He can’t just fire and sue. Trump’s usual fallback behavior isn’t going to work.

    In a way, Trump is applying for his first job ever. He worked for his dad and then, for himself. Needing to earn votes is the closest he has ever come to asking someone else for a job. Someone, the voters, who he can’t bully into submission.

  22. drea says:

    I wish Joan Rivers was here right now. I can’t imagine her holding her tongue about any of this and it would be epic!

    • holly hobby says:

      She will hold her tongue if she was here. She and Donny are besties (I will forever sideeye that). He let her win even though Annie Duke brought in the most money.