“Ben Carson can’t hide his disdain for women with working microphones” links

Ben Carson had a spectacular meltdown this morning. [Jezebel]
Gemma Arterton’s premiere dress is… sort of okay, eh. [Go Fug Yourself]
Black women get blamed for Nate Parker’s artistic & personal failures. [LaineyGossip]
David Arquette is going to have another baby. [Dlisted]
Seth Meyers has been doing God’s work. I mean, good work. [Pajiba]
Bethenny Frankel’s apartment sold really quickly, even for NYC real estate. [Reality Tea]
What is Lindsay Vonn wearing?! [Moe Jackson]
I wonder how many votes Deez Nutz will get in this election? [The Blemish]
So did Blac Chyna & Rob Kardashian break up or what? [Starcasm]
Tara Reid went to the Latin American Music Awards…? [Celebslam]


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43 Responses to ““Ben Carson can’t hide his disdain for women with working microphones” links”

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  1. Santia says:

    I feel like the sane Americans are getting punked. What in the world happened to the Republican party??

    • Cat'sMeow says:


    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      The Tea Party and the white trash took the power.

      • Melly says:

        Exactly. Being loudly ignorant is now a good thing.

      • Justjj says:

        It’s like everyone is suddenly spray tanned and holding a Big Mac with a ‘Can I Speak to the Manager?’ haircut and Sarah Palin sounds like the long lost voice of logic and reason for the Republican Party. Aren’t they embarrassed??? Honestly wtf. Failures of our education system is right. Maybe you dingleberries shouldn’t constantly obstruct every reasonable piece of legislature and constantly vote against better tax laws and funding for schools and academic programs. America has turned into Honey Boo Boo’s Wild West Gun Show and some guy in a Tapout t-shirt is like “Hey girl I got two tickets right here.” and kisses his own biceps then takes a selfie. Wtf is happening. I’m pretty sure the end is nigh.

      • Don't kill me I'm French says:

        For the note: we have the same problem in France.

      • Flan says:

        @Justjj, I think you make a good point.

        This is what you get if you defund education and make sure libraries disappear. The Republican party wanted its voters dumb. They now reap what they sow.

      • jwoolman says:

        Not sure that educational level has too much to do with it, although incorporating logic into the curriculum might help a little. But countries elsewhere with good educational systems and high literacy rates and even good access to reasonable healthcare are having some similar troubles. Maybe it’s not really about smarts and education so much as fear and uncertainty and changes in ethnic mix that unnerves some people while invigorating others. If people weren’t so worried about losing jobs and losing buying power with the $ they have, maybe they would be more reachable in ways that would calm their fears about “those other people”. Fear and uncertainty tend to make people shut down and look for someone to blame.

  2. Delta Juliet says:

    Good God what decade is this anyway? The racism and sexism in this country as of late defy explanation.

    • sherry says:

      Weeks ago I told my husband I felt like Trump’s supporters wanted to take us back to the 1950’s. I was wrong! After yesterday’s hashtag of #repealthe19th because they wanted to take back a woman’s right to vote, I now realize they want to take us back to 1900!

      The worst tweet I saw was a woman who hashtagged it and said she’d be willing to give up her right to vote if it meant getting Trump elected. These people have gone crazy!

      • Neil says:

        I disagree. GOOGLE old newspapers from either era and the one thing you will notice is a kind of formality of manners. Yeah, there was certainly shortcomings and oppression for certain segments of the population but I can’t think of a time that matches the degree of coarseness, ignorance and fear-mongering Trump and his “Trumpites” display. The closest I can come up with is pre-war Germany and Hitler and his Brownshirts (Sturmabteilung) during the years 1921 to 1933 who disrupted the meetings of Hitler’s political opponents as well as defended the halls where Hitler was making a speech in public. Side note; as Hitler steadily gained power the Sturmabteilung and their tactics became more and more inconvenient to him till he finally had them all murdered in the infamous, “night of the long knives”.

      • melior says:

        What’s up with that hashtag? Did it really get popular? It gave me shivers was honestly the scariest shit I came across in this campaign. How far will thèse people go? This campaign needs to end lest civil war is upon us

      • sherry says:

        @melior – There was an article that came out with statistics stating if only men voted (particularly white men) Trump would win in a landslide, whereas if only women voted Hillary would win in a landslide. From there, the hashtag started trending by Trump’s freak supporters and those making fun of them.

        The only demographic Trump is winning right now is the blue-collar white male and I don’t think that surprises anyone.

      • imqrious2 says:

        Sherry, I think this is the one you’re talking about: http://ijr.com/wildfire/2016/10/713507-this-elections-map-shows-what-would-happen-if-only-women-voted-if-only-men-voted-its-just-stunning/

        It truly boggles the mind how *anyone* with a functioning brain cell vote could for that piece of human garbage. It’s just beyond me.

  3. Aiobhan says:

    I really wish black women had as much power as some of those Nate Parker apologists think we have. If we did, I think more things would get accomplished. His protectors seem to gloss over the fact that he is a narcissist and unrepentant criminal who on top of everything co-wrote and starred in a bad movie.

    I will never support a black man or woman whose belief system is fundamentally different from mine just because she/he is black. As a black woman, I feel that this is morally reprehensible and just done right dumb. There are too many options nowadays to still be stewing in this mindset. Black people will survive and thrive without Nate Parker’s bad film and criminal un-Christ-like behavior. And honestly, I have a feeling that Nate Parker would never support a black woman the way he wants all black women to support him.

    • JRenee says:


    • Dolphin7 says:

      My blue collar in laws are voting for Trump but they love Dr. Carson more because of his religious beliefs. Before he started defending Trump and sticking up for him, I just thought Dr. Carson seemed like a decent person and respected neurologist. I don’t share his political beliefs but I admired that he wasn’t mudslinging like the other candidates. But after he’s twisted defending the “locker room talk” and implying these women are lying and asking her to turn off the microphone I’m like who really is this guy? My in laws posted a video of Dr. Carson talking about Hillary admiring Saul Alinsky and that he admired the devil so Hillary is the devil. It was beyond insane. I did see an article floating around I wanted to post back but now can’t find. It said the real life Jesus was a brown skinned Middle Easterner and do you really think he would be supporting a reality star billionaire who donates nothing to charity? No, he would probably be involved in something like Doctors Without Borders and helping people around the world which the Clinton Foundation does. It is mind boggling how crazy the Trump supporters thinking is.

  4. JustCrimmles says:

    Serious question, did good medical degree come from a box of CrackerJack? Because yeesh.

    Also, let’s not forget, traditional Judeo-Christian values treat women as property, so no, let’s NOT return to that, thanks.

    • jwoolman says:

      I think some neurological event must have happened to Ben Carson, maybe he had a stroke. He once was a well respected neurosurgeon and also head of his department at one point. The man we’ve seen in this campaign could never have handled that.. He started to have malpractice suits for rookie mistakes, so my bet is that the cost of his malpractice insurance went through the roof and that pushed him to retire. Hard to say how much effect such an event would have had on his basic framework, though. Maybe he always had a problem with women who asked too many questions…. People talking over each other give me a headache, though.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        I agree with this. Something happened there. I’m sure he always had issues, but no way could he have reached the heights he did in his career with his current level of cognition.

      • SpunkyPR says:

        Didn’t HBO do a movie about him starring Cuba Gooding Jr.?

      • Kat says:

        I saw the video and thought his facial movements were strange, wouldn’t surprise me if your stroke / neurological event theory was correct.

  5. can't even says:

    gawd he’s just cray. All different layers of crazy to peel back. You know, I could respect Carson a little more (like, a liiiitle more), despite my utter distate for Carson’s blending of religion and politics, if he actually stood for his archaic beliefs rather than ignoring them because Trump will fix things?

    • BritAfrica says:


      Seriously, the purge of ‘Trump’s inner crew’ by the GOP is going to be a bloodbath of epic proportions should he lose! You guys are going to be entertained for a long time. I’m jealous!

      Kind of like our purge of the ‘Bullingdon club buffoons’ over here.

      • lucy2 says:

        We just heard the other day that Chris Christie, the Grimace to Trump’s Ronald McDonald, could be facing a possible criminal indictment for official misconduct in Bridgegate.

  6. HK9 says:

    You know if a store or a pub bans someone, there’s a list with people’s names so they know who can’t come back? Well, it appears that TV stations in the US need to start one and Ben Carson’s name should be on it. That man should not be allowed on TV anymore. He just needs to stop.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Please add Ann Coulter and Kellyanne Conway.

      • Chrissy says:

        I’d add Katrina Pierson too!

      • lightpurple says:

        Coulter was insane on Bill Maher last night. She claims the sexual assault stories are just typical “October surprise” and should be ignored because “issues.” Maher was smart not to put her on the panel last night and just talk to her (or try to talk to her) one on one.

  7. KasySwee says:

    Good on Seth for taking on Trump like that. I am not a sexual abuse/assault survivor but I am a female survivor of other types of interpersonal abuse, and I am no stranger to how society conditions people to always suspect a woman’s motives when we open up about abuse or assault, to grind us down and silence us with gaslighting, mockery and dismissal. Trump does the whole spectrum, from insisting it’s normal male behavior, to trying to turn an issue of power and violation by the perpetrator into a question of how “attractive” the accusing woman is, to flat-out trying to distract and drown out everyone so only he gets heard. It is absolutely fatiguing to watch, and certainly fatiguing to endure as someone trying to get society to hold these predators accountable. And that’s what they count on, for people to get tired and quit so they can continue preying on and abusing others. This is the exact time we need more people to speak up and not let Trump think he can get away with this anymore. So bravo, Seth.

  8. Anni says:

    Enough of these people being interviewed refusing to answer a yes or no question! I think we’re just going to have to supply anyone speaking on Trump’s behalf with two buttons: one for yes, one for no.

    “Question: do you think the women are lying? Hit a button, please. If you do not do so within 5 seconds, a half-ton of cow feces will be dumped on you in your booth. This represents the American voters being tired of all the bullshit you shovel. Time is ticking, Dr. Carson.”

    • lucy2 says:

      Man, ratings would SKYROCKET. I’d tune in.

    • imqrious2 says:

      👍👊👏👏👏 Now THAT is something I’d pay top dollar to see!!!!! Brava, Anni!!!!

    • North of Boston says:

      I used to work with someone who would just stop conversations in meetings, cutting people off who tried to bloviate. He would say “It was a “yes” or “no” question. Which is it? Yes or No?” and if they started to ramble again, he’d just repeat that. It didn’t make him look warm and fuzzy, but usually everyone in the room knew his target was someone who was trying to bulls**t their way through, so we pretty much appreciated it. Though one time, someone couldn’t deal with the pressure, and physically backed away from the “it’s a yes or no question!” follow up so dramatically that they flipped backwards in their chair, hit their head on a wall and just about knocked themselves unconscious. Ooops, but I guess that’s what happens when you are a shifty, obfuscating, lying blowhard.

    • jwoolman says:

      Sounds like an old-fashioned Nickelodeon green sliming….

  9. jill says:

    After throwing down the word Lucifer at the convention why is he even being interviewed as a serious guest

  10. Juniper says:

    Does this man still practice medicine? Because he just strikes me as mentally deficient quite a lot of the time. I don’t get it.

    • lucy2 says:

      Thankfully no, he retired a few years ago. It sounds like he was a brilliant surgeon at one point, but now, who could take him seriously?

    • JudyK says:

      Totally agree w/ your assessment, Juniper. Could he possibly talk any slower.

  11. Joanie says:

    The Repugs were smart enough to get rid of this dolt early on, but they let Drumpf slip through? Jesus wept.

  12. Nn says:

    His voice grates, good god

  13. Chisom says:

    That was painful to watch.. *Need a hug*