Final presidential debate recap: puppets, nasty women & bad hombres

As soon as the debate was over, the Republican commentators on MSNBC were freaking out about Donald Trump’s admission that he might not concede to Hillary Clinton if and when she wins this election. Nicole Wallace called this moment “disqualifying.” And while I understand what those people are saying, I do have to ask: “Hello, have you been listening to Donald Trump at all this whole time?” Why is that moment the straw that broke the GOP’s back? Is it because Trump’s words undermine American democracy? Again, everything he says undermines our democracy. He is a wannabe despot, a baby-fisted dictator. The fact that he doesn’t believe in the orderly and nonviolent transition of power is just one of a million reasons why no one should vote for him. Here are some other highlights from the final debate, also known as Hillary Clinton’s Best Performance Ever, also known as “the moment when Hillary Clinton became the Shade Queen and the Sassy Grandma of our dreams.”

Hillary Clinton was amazing on reproductive rights. It makes me feel so good that we’re on track to elect our first woman president who has been one of the greatest allies to reproductive rights in history. Every anti-choice scare tactic Donald Trump tried to employ, Hillary fought back with facts and empathy.

HRC is the Master Baiter. I lost count of all of Hillary’s magnificently bitchy asides, jabs, real-time fact checks and shade. It was amazing. I loved “he choked” (regarding Trump’s meeting with the president of Mexico), “Donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger,” I loved that she brought up the loan from his father, I loved that she invoked Alicia Machado AGAIN, I loved when she called him Putin’s “puppet” (that’s when he started shrieking “NO PUPPET, YOU’RE THE PUPPET!”). As Maureen Dowd says, HRC baits him again and again and every single time, he loses his cool.

The audience laughed at him. Trump said “no one has more respect for women than I do” and the audience LAUGHED.

Trump lied about charity work. First, he just smeared the sh-t out of the Clinton Foundation and then he lied about his own shady foundation.

“Such a nasty woman.”
Those words were uttered by Donald Trump as he spoke over HRC in the final moments of the debate. That’s what he thinks of women with opinions. That’s what he thinks of smart women. He thinks they’re nasty.

Bad Hombres. As soon as Trump mentioned “bad hombres” (in the part of the debate devoted to immigration), Twitter exploded. Donny Trumpkins learned a Mexican word, how exciting! Now everybody wants to be a Bad Hombre and a Nasty Woman.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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212 Responses to “Final presidential debate recap: puppets, nasty women & bad hombres”

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  1. hnmmom says:

    I so want that “Nasty Woman and the Bad Hombres” to be a band name and I want a t-shirt.

    • Miss Jupitero says:

      Tshirt makers all over the country are hard at work….

    • boredblond says:

      I was on another site, and everybody wanted a ‘such a nasty woman’ tee..the Clinton campaign should start selling them like he sells red hats.
      She looked presidential..he looked like he always does. Nuff said..

      • SusanneToo says:

        Like his cultists sell the “deplorables” tees.

      • hmmm says:

        Has there every been another presidential election where looking presidential was a talking point? It seems so ludicrous to me.

      • Melly says:

        I want a Nasty Woman and Bad Hombre hoodie NOW! I don’t care what the price is.

      • doofus says:


        since at least the 60s when Kennedy “looked” more presidential than sweaty, disheveled Nixon.

      • Lightpurple says:

        @Hmm, “looking presidential” was a major talking point during the 1988 race between Bush and Dukakis. Apparently, presidents can’t be short. But I think it may even pre-date that and may be a Reagan thing.

      • nicole says:

        She was amazing, very proud of her performance, thought she was much better than the last debate, not that she was bad then, but felt she was more fired up last night and ready to take the scumball on. He was his usual horrible self, and when he called Hillary nasty, I thought to myself how nasty are you for calling a women that on a debate stage, he is a lowlife, and s o glad Hillary won all three debates, lets hope she goes on now and wins the election, big time.

      • lucy2 says:

        They did well selling “The Woman Card” earlier in the campaign, I could see them doing something with this.

    • Esmom says:

      I almost choked when he said “bad hombres.” Can you imagine McCain or Romney saying that? Instantly a friend on FB posted a photo of these little dogs with sombreros, saying they were the original bad hombres. The mockery just writes itself.

    • LadyMTL says:

      I was reading some comments on Jezebel a few minutes ago and one woman posted that she and her hubby (she’s white, he’s Mexican) are going to make Nasty Woman and Bad Hombre costumes for Hallowe’en! I almost cracked a rib from laughing, it’s too brilliant.

    • vava says:


      Love it!

      I only watched the first hour of the show. I caught the bad hombre remark, but not the nasty woman comment. All the name calling this election season is truly epic.

    • mbh12 says:

      Hillary cleaned his clock last night. No contest IMO.
      She was masterful, well spoken, intelligent, well thought out.
      Loved her. She can handle herself on the world stage.

      • Kitten says:

        It was no contest. She was presidential, capable, and she won my vote. And I’m not voting for the “lesser evil” I’m voting for the best, most experienced presidential candidate we’ve seen in a while.

        HRC has me really excited to go to the polls in a few weeks.

        But what blows my mind is that on Twitter last night the Trumpsters were out in full-force, declaring victory. They’ve set the bar so low for their boy that as long as he doesn’t start yelling and insulting everyone, he’s a “winner”. Ugh.

      • Coconut says:

        He could be mute the whole time and the Trumpsters would say he’d won.

      • Esmom says:

        Kitten, Yes. She is not “the lesser evil.” I really think anyone who thinks otherwise is living in some parallel universe.

      • Annetommy says:

        And yet one poll showed that 22% of undecided voters were more likely to vote for Hillary after this debate, but 23% were more likely to vote for Trump. I am baffled. But Hillary did a great job, and has handled the nonsense thrown at her in all three debates with great class. The GOP should be disowning Trump after his not conceding response. But then they should have done that a long time ago.

      • Jezi says:

        Yay Kitten!!!

        I think undecideds at this point are utterly ridiculous. If they are so blatantly oblivious to Trump’s crazy and still aren’t impressed by Hillary then screw it. Don’t complain if he wins and destroys this country. I’m more angry at those who are not voting or voting 3rd party then at the Trump supporters. His supporters are totally ignorant but the ones on the fence or throwing the vote away are completely irresponsible. That’s MO.

      • Christin says:

        I just finished reading the transcript (after watching last night). As usual, the transcript heightens how poorly he speaks and how little he seems to know.

        I think she mastered the art of defeating the schoolyard blowhard bully. He started unraveling based on just a few words here and there from her.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        She is so strong, knowledgeable and capable. He is petty and ignorant. He didn’t deserve to share a stage with her, he is such an amateur.

        I listened to the first hour on the radio in my car, and it was hard not to think it was Alec Baldwin up there. “Wrong!” and “You’re a puppet” were just such pathetic, childish outbursts. I still can’t believe that he is a candidate for president.

      • Nasty Little Darling says:

        Omg I thought you said she cleaned his clock take out the “L” and I was alll, hoooollllld up! Haha.

      • Fallon says:

        I am terrified by the posts by his supporters on social media. Terrified that there are people in the world who believe what he espouses. Especially on Facebook – these are real people that you can peek into their lives. And they really believe this crap.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Yes! Great to hear that you have finally decided to vote for HRC @Kitten. I hope other Sanders voters come to the same conclusion as you “she is NOT the worst of two evils, she is one of the best candidates for the office of Presidency!” Happiness to my Hillary fan girl heart 🙂

        P.S. That white suit was the bomb!

      • Flan says:

        I love that she defended pro-choice.

        Why do men always make women’s bodies a battleground? Somehow men’s bodies are never a battleground like this.

    • Melody says:

      I’d want it with a pussybow if it wouldn’t obscure the design…

    • Annetommy says:

      Andy Dwyer has already called Nasty Woman and The Bad Hombres as the next name for Mouse Rat.

    • Melly says:

      There already is a “Nasty Woman” t-shirt available and 50% of the proceeds go to Planned Parenthood. I just bought one.

    • nicegirl says:

      just made my own nasty woman tshirt

    • Stella in NH says:

      NARAL has free bumper stickers. “Nasty Women Vote.” I ordered one as soon as I got home from work.

  2. Tate says:

    I was initially a reluctant Hillary supporter. After watching her handle the orange idiot I am now an enthusiastic Hillary supporter. She is strong, smart and can clearly handle any situation.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, as I said last night, she just crushed it.

      • Nasty Little Darling says:

        Beyond smashed it. I have been so pleasantly surprised with how amazing she’s been representing herself all around.

    • Becky says:

      Tate, as a Brit this is what I’m not totally aware of, why do some people hate Hillary she much? Is it to with her Wall Street ties or is it her personality?

      • Megan says:

        Becky – Hillary has been a controversial figure going all the way to back to Bill’s first term as governor of Arkansas. Basically, she wasn’t and has never been a traditional politican’s wife and that lead to enormous criticism and distrust by some.

        Some questionable business deals and a too cozy relationship with Wall Street have added to the distrust.

      • Size Does Matter says:

        @Becky – It is complicated. HRC has been around a long time. For people who want to dislike her (Republicans), they can find a reason. There have been several allegations of shadiness and investigations that have mostly turned up nothing (Whitewater, firing people from the White House travel office, Vince Foster’s death, “carpetbagger” issues in New York when she ran for Congress, conspiracy theories about her health, Benghazi, the whole email mess).

        And she isn’t as naturally charismatic and likeable as, for example, Bill Clinton. She’s more workhorse than show pony. After watching these debates, I have gained a new respect for her. She has prepared her whole life for this job.

      • Belle Epoch says:

        @Becky The whole Trump campaign is really an anti-HILLARY campaign, since Trump has nothing else to offer but hatred. He spews a lot of lies and whips the crowd into a frenzy until they are shouting “lock her up”. I worry for her safety.

        HIllary is extremely warm in person, but on stage her lawyer brain is thinking about all the ways her words could be twisted and all the legal ramifications of each question. She is beyond brilliant and has VAST knowledge of every topic, so she has to process all this information while she is speaking – and people think she is being cold or even devious. Also – MISOGYNY. Bush deleted 22 MILLION EMAILS and no one gave a shit. Petraeus conducted his affair on Google Mail and no one cared. The double standard in painful.

      • Esmom says:

        It really has been a “vast right wing conspiracy,” as Hillary said back when Bill was still POTUS. The seeds of Hillary hatred have been nurtured for years. Most recently, before this election cycle, you could see the Benghazi incident instantly being spun in real time to be used against her. I remember being horrified and feeling insanely helpless that The White House and Hillary could not get ahead of that relentless, inaccurate spin, when clearly the faux outrage and misrepresentation of facts was manufactured solely to smear her.

      • bleu-moon says:

        Hillary was disliked in Arkansas because she was a governor’s wife who continued her law career and kept her maiden name. That’s how it all started. She was labeled as a feminist and the right wingers hated her for it. American political wives are suppose to look pretty, smile for the camera and stare adoringly at their husbands. They’re not suppose to have a brain or a career. Since then the conservatives have tried everything to discredit her. If you’ve listen to the right over the years Hillary is an adulterous dishonest lesbian demonic murderer. Or you know, an intelligent, ambitious woman- which is probably far worse in their eyes.

      • Annetommy says:

        I am fed up with UK threads about her being unlikeable. She’s knowledgable, experienced, calm, tough. Shove likeable. Many women worry far too much about being liked. I find her perfectly likeable, but it’s not an essential part of the POTUS job description. And anyone that finds Trump likeable is very strange.

      • Esmom says:

        Annetommy, yes the “likability” angle is such BS. So subjective, too, because I’ve always found her pretty appealing. She might not have the charisma of Obama but who does? I remember in the 2008 primary Obama commented about how she was “likable enough,” and it’s true. It should not be a dealbreaker when it’s clear how intelligent, capable and tough she is. I also see real warmth and compassion in her. Also so very unlike Trump.

      • Christin says:

        I view the highest office in the land similar to placing my life/future in someone’s hands.

        If I were choosing a surgeon, I would take experience and capability over having a charismatic personality.

        I am confident she’ll perform the demanding job very well. Dealing with decades of mostly unfounded crap, plus her unhinged opponent, shows she is resilient. Orange puppet boy cannot even handle 90 minute debates.

      • kay says:

        Internalized, systematic misogyny

      • Becky says:

        Thanks for the responses, this is what I thought. I understand why Republicans and right wingers throw so much hate at her (she doesn’t fit their feminine ideal or they don’t like a female politician) what perplexes me however is why some Sanders supporters hate her so much.

        There was a programme on the BBC the other night about the US election where a young woman, a social media journalist who supported Sanders, said she was voting Trump because she believes HRC is “a terribly dangerous person” and referred to the Clinton Foundation and some of the deals made at the State Dept (I’d be interested to know if Bill gets the same criticism about the foundation since he set it up).

        I read recently that some psychologists theorise that Hillary is an INTJ. This explains why she may come across as cold, calculating or ambitious, but some people misinterpret her personality and think she’s unfeeling, power-hungry or even evil.

        Annetommy, I don’t know which UK threads you’re referring to but I’ve always liked Hillary. She’s an incredibly intelligent, strong capable woman, who has a wealth of legal and political experience.

      • Kitten says:

        @Becky-Sanders-supporters generally view themselves as to the left of HRC (although one wonders how accurate that is when we see some of the comments from Bernie Bros) and HRC has been a pretty consistent ally to the fracking industry and has supported the pipeline, which most Sanders-supporters are vehemently against:

        Between that and her Wall St ties, many Sanders-supporters view HRC as just another corporate politician who doesn’t advocate for or represent their most important causes.

      • Tessy says:

        Google the “we came, we saw, he died ” video where she laughs hysterically about the brutal killing of Gaddafi. She is as big a warmonger as Bush / Cheney in fact all their supporters have moved over to her because they know she will continue their policies of invading, stealing resources and murdering. She promotes fracking all over the world. Distasteful foreign donors paid Bill huge dollars to make a speech for concessions from the state department when she was secretary. I could go on but you get the picture.

        She and trump are both bottom feeders and honestly I don’t know which one is worse.

      • Flan says:

        People started hating her because she did not want to take Clinton’s last name at first. Lots and lots of sexism is involved in it.

      • Becky says:

        Tessy, comparison bias, you obviously hate Hillary already.

        I found that video: it’s 12 seconds with no context. Gaddafi was a nasty pos, the only reason he was in power was a CIA c***up. The number of politicians I’ve seen who make jokes – with more context. The comments on that vid are full of haters like yourself.

        Here’s an example of a president- now st Reagan – making a joke about bombing Russia.

      • Oya says:

        I am not a Hillary-hater, but have always been suspicious that she is such a hawk and will exercise US power much more aggressively to prove that she’s not a weak woman. She made me angrier when it started coming out that we had gone to Iraq on a lie and she said she still would have made the same decision (although she has since walked back on that.) Every time Donald (since it turns out he hates his first name, it is all I will use) talks about her being weak, I am gobsmacked. She will be worse than Margaret Thatcher, but with much better clothes. That said she is a super-smart, hard working person who will make choices she sees as being good for the country’s future (and I will disagree with her)–the polar opposite of Donald who will operate out of narcissism and a misguided sense of the past.

        Last night when she gave a full throated defense of women’s reproductive rights in the face of Donald’s barbarism, I was actually glad I was voting for her instead of grudgingly conceding that I have to vote for her.

      • Tessy says:

        @Becky, there is are longer videos that give you better context. But I don’t know what context you need when she walks in to an interview, makes a comment like that and then laughs. Yes others have joked about killing and bombing and they are every bit as despicable. You have the gall to call me a “hater” at least I have the decency to be appalled with warmongering and lying politicians.
        And as for Gaddafi, you are swallowing propaganda there too. Libya was actually quite progressive. They used oil money for public good, check out the great man made river which was the first thing that was destroyed by the west when they invaded. He proposed that women be allowed to study, serve in the army, and move up the social ladder. I’m not saying he was perfect but he wasn’t as bad as portrayed. He made the mistake of going against western oil interests and nobody gets away with that.

      • jwoolman says:

        I should back up what Tessy says about Ghadaffi, there were some very good aspects of his government particularly for women. Equal education, for instance. A good chunk of oil profits were sunk back into social programs that redistributed the wealth enough that people lived comfortably. It is a very small country with only about two larger cities, I think. They had a very interesting problem-oriented approach to the legislature, which would be convened to deal with specific problems and people would be elected from communities to deal with those specific problems.

        That 12-minute raid back in 1986 was such a shock to the Libyans, who had still had good thoughts about Americans left over from WWII. The raid was at 7pm EST, obviously timed to divert US media from a planned civil disobedience action in the Capitol by various leaders against illegal funding of mercenaries (contras) trying to destroy the elected government of Nicaragua. The major media were actually pulled away from the protest scheduled to begin at 7pm EST to go to the press conference about the bombing raid. So the raid occurred at about 2-3 am local time when Libyan civilians were asleep and most vulnerable. The deaths and injuries were beyond their local hospital capabilities, so many people were sent to Europe for medical attention.

        The US government was fine with Ghadaffi until he put a cap on profits by foreign oil companies. Past that cap, the profits went to Libya, where it mostly funded the social and educational programs. Yes, he was a mouthy guy and he had internal opposition as well (like our Presidents don’t?!?), but even then there were cultural misunderstandings. Before we bombed them in 1986, Libyans themselves paid little attention to any anti-American rhetoric. The police in Germany said Libya was not involved in a terrorist attack in a German club that included off-duty US soldiers, but that didn’t prevent the US from claiming that as a reason they had the right to try to assassinate Ghadaffi in 1986 (killing one of his children and seriously injuring others in his family, how Trumpian), bombing apartment buildings and embedding in the ground anti-personnel cluster bombs to make it the gift that keeps on giving.

        I don’t see Hillary as any worse than all the other Presidents we’ve had in such matters as military action, though. Honestly, sometimes I think we had a military coup long ago but they didn’t tell us. They all do it once they get into the White House (yes, Bernie would have also), although the Democrats within recent memory have been much less likely to do it on a large scale as a full blown war. So I fully expect to have to push against President Hillary Clinton in such matters, just as I have had to do with all the rest. But I do think she is at least reachable and will listen to those offering other approaches.

        Hillary definitely is interpreted differently because she is a woman. For instance, the latest WikiLeaks – none of it that I’ve seen is actually damaging if you look at the context, but even the comedians like Trevor Noah blather on as though it is. For instance, the thing she said, referencing Lincoln, about needing to have a private and public position (which simple-minded Trump sneered at as maligning Honest Abe) was just as she explained, you need to approach people with different arguments depending on where they are in the issue. That’s not being two-faced or dishonest, that’s being pragmatic about how you persuade people to accept a change in policy. For example, my real motivation for working to stop bombing of civilians is that killing unarmed people is morally repugnant and we would never accept it as necessary if it were being done to us. But many (probably most) Americans do not agree and feel very uncomfortable with the moral argument. So often I simply use the equally true argument that bombing civilians is terribly counterproductive. The best way to radicalize a certain number of people in a population, to turn them into terrorists wanting to hurt us, is to kill and injure their friends and families, destroy their homes, destroy the infrastructure civilians need to live, contaminate their water supplies with deliberate targeting of the bombing, damage and destroy their medical facilities, and promote epidemics (resulting from the bad water and lack of medical care) which are a major killer especially of babies and young children. The miracle is that only a small number decide to take the mosquito approach against a larger enemy and turn to terrorism. We would react the same way if a much more powerful country did such things to us. So bombing civilians (trivializing them as collateral damage) not only is incredibly expensive, it also makes us increasingly less safe.

        I’m not being two-faced when I use the moral argument with some people and the counterproductivity argument with others. I am simply recognizing that different people may respond better to different aspects of the issue. That’s all Hillary was saying.

        I don’t know why people assume that her words about the need for the experts in the industry to self-regulate was fox guarding the henhouse talk either. She wasn’t saying there would be no government regulation, as a matter of fact it was kind of a warning that they either had to get their act together themselves or the government would do it for them. Some countries emphasize primarily government regulation, but we have a different model in the US. I’m most familiar with techie areas such as oil and gas, chemistry, metals, materials science etc. The standards for quality and testing are typically set by non-governmental groups within the industry (the experts with practical experience). Government regulations relating to public safety and worker safety are on top of that, referring to the industry standards and giving or confirming guidelines for compliance. Whenever profit is involved, we obviously have to monitor closely. But what she said was quite reasonable.

    • Nancy says:

      I think I posted this comment last week but I’ll risk being redundant. I wasn’t an avid Hillary fan, but now I am a Hillary groupie. I am a Nasty Woman who stands next to my Bad Hombres.

      • Kitten says:

        Me too. I’m like full-force Hillary stan now.

        She was SO good last night.

      • susiecue says:

        Same! I was always voting for her, but I’m a freaking fan now. I want to hug her. I’m so excited to vote for her. I think she rocks.

      • Melly says:

        Hillary stan here too. I don’t understand this “likability” bullshiz. I don’t want to get a beer with the president, I want the president to be too busy working and getting shiz done.

      • Tris says:

        Nancy, I might have to steal that! “I’m a nasty woman who stands by my bad hombres!” Love it.

      • nicole says:

        I cant wait till she is in the Whitehouse, I think she is going to do a lot of good for all women around the world, and be a good role model for young girls in the future.

    • Cheryl says:

      Totally! I was unsure of her as a candidate, but after her graceful, aggressive, respectful, intelligent performance in these last three debates, I’m an enthusiastic supporter!!!

      I mean really, her restraint is AMAZING. How she never looked at his ugly little mug and said “What the FCk are you talking about, you are completely full of SHT” – that is amazing. I would have lost it on him long ago….

    • Betsy says:

      As someone who’s been hoping for this Madame President since 2008, I am so glad you’ve all joined the team!

    • bonzo says:

      For someone growing up in deep red, evangelical Republican household, it has taken years for me to warm up to HRC. But I voted for Obama in the last two elections and HRC’s policies are more in line with my progressive views, so it’s never been the choice of Trump or Clinton. I don’t like the secrecy that seems to surround her, but I do trust her ability to make sound decisions.

      Now if we can get the Dems in control of the Senate and the House, maybe they can get some work done.

    • nicole says:

      She was amazing, I thought that was her best debate yet, and he just looked like the idiot he is beside her.

    • Flan says:

      Her depth of knowledge is so much greater than Trump’s as well.

      He knows a few talking points, but whenever she mentions Romania, for instance, he has no clue what’s she’s talking about.

    • Sarah says:

      Me, too. I loved Bernie. But now I would walk on fire to,vote for her. She is cool, calm, collected.
      As far as his not conceding, I think what he said about Hillary is the reason he won’t concede: he said that she shouldn’t even be running, she should be in jail, etc. he thinks he should decide who runs, and that she is illegitimate, just like he did to Obama. He’s a monster.

  3. wood dragon says:

    Janet jackson’s old hit Nasty Girl abruptly started trending last night too. Pretty awesome.

    • Little Darling says:

      He walked into that one SO EPICALLY. I mean, of all the names to call her, he happened to call upon the feminist pop culture anthem of Miss Jackson. And the song. The lyrics. Just about describe all of the Billy Bushes of the world.

      Well played Trumpy. Thanks for practically giving that one to us! And for generating a new world of memes for this election.

    • Senaber says:

      It’s Hillary…Madame President if you’re nasty!

    • JeanGray says:

      Janet sang Nasty Boy… It was Vanity 6 who sang Nasty Girl, fyi.

      No shade 🙂

      • wood dragon says:

        Both were trending last night, simultaneously so it is not surprising I blended both in my memory! Still so awesome, right?

  4. lightpurple says:

    She baits him and he falls for it every single time. Imagine what Putin would do to him? He can’t stand or handle that a woman is standing up to him, not being deferential to him, and correcting him.

    The Republicans were freaking out about Trump’s refusal to accept the election results because they are afraid that if he challenges the electoral college, it will call into question any wins their down-ticket candidates get. This adds to their fears that his “the election is rigged” mantra will persuade party faithful to stay home, losing votes not only for Trump but for their Senate, House, and gubernatorial candidates.

    • Neelyo says:

      The only joy I’m deriving from this election is watching the GOP realize too late what all of their obstruction and greed has wrought. They should all be tarred, feathered and run out of DC on a rail for the shit they’ve pulled these last eight years.

      • Little Darling says:

        Just 8? Hahaha.

      • Radley says:

        The Republicans are Dr. Frankenstein and Trump is their monster. He’s the product of years and years of race-baiting, fear mongering and lowest common denominator pandering. Enjoy the fruits of your “success” and good luck controlling your torch and pitchfork wielding supporters after this sh*tshow.

    • Ninks says:

      For years I’ve heard about attempts by several states to crack down on voter fraud, to bring in tighter controls on voter identification, making up rule so that only certain types of identification was acceptable. It confused me, because I didn’t know that voter fraud was such a problem in the states. And then I actually read a little about it, and turns out the whole thing is just an attempt by the Republican party to disenfranchise minority voters who are more likely to vote for the Democrats, and the actual instance of voter fraud is something like 30 in 1 billion.

      And now they have a candidate who is crying fraud/that the election is rigged/refusing to accept the legitimacy of the whole process. Wow, I wonder how that happened.

      The Republicans have been trying to deny women access to their basic human rights such as restricting access to abortion, blocking maternity leave, cutting welfare. Now they have a raging misogynist as their candidate.

      The Republicans have been denying rights to minorities, immigrants, refugees for years. They brought in policies that actively discriminate against people of colour. Now they have a racist, xenophobe as their candidate.

      Trump is a monster. But the Republican party is Dr Frankenstein. They created him. All the nasty, horrible parts of Trump and his supporters are there because the Republican party put them there. They fostered sexism, racism, homophobia, anti-intellectualism. They’ve tried for 8 years to delegitimize Obama. Now they’re reaping what they’ve sown. Trump has succeeded because the base that the Republicans have been playing to for all these years see a talisman in him.

      • Nona says:

        Beautifully, just beautifully said.

      • Cyra says:

        What Ninks said x 1000000

      • Jayna says:


      • Sadezilla says:

        Totally agree, and what’s even scarier than Trump himself is his followers, who are talking about revolting if HRC wins. Because if she wins, that means the election was RIGGED! Even though their candidate is woefully unqualified in skills and demeanor, and his campaign has tanked and gone down in glorious flames over the past weeks. But Crooked Hillary and Rigged Elections, I tell you!

        It defies logic, and it’s frightening. Stay safe at the polls, everyone. And as I think a commenter here posted the other day, complaints regarding voter intimidation (among other voting law violations) should be referred to their Public Integrity Section.

      • Dippit says:

        *round of applause* from the other side of the Atlantic.

      • Kitten says:

        I hope you don’t mind if I share your comment with my mom. We’ve been talking so much about the GOP getting the candidate they deserve and I know my mom would appreciate how perfectly you summarized that.

      • hmmm says:

        So beautifully said! Yes, the Republicans sowed the wind and are now reaping the neon orange whirlwind. It’s about time.

      • Esmom says:

        Yes, thank you, very well said.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        So accurate and well written, Ninks!

      • Abbess Tansy says:

        Love this comment, so true.

      • bonzo says:

        Ninks, you are on point and I say that as a former Republican. They created the environment for someone like Trump and will be dealing with the fallout for years to come. They need to cut ties with him and his alt-right, racist, xenophobic ilk if they want to ever be a viable party in the future. Even evangelicals are splitting off and refusing to vote for him — once they start losing that voting base, along with women, they’re toast.

        The Washington Post wrote an enlightening article on how to legally rig an election via gerrymandering and the GOP has been winning that game:

      • Radley says:

        I posted similar thoughts then scrolled to see your comments. Much better said. Agree 110%.

    • Kitten says:

      What really stood out for me last night was how extreme Trump’s level of xenophobia is–like through the roof. He’s so terrified of immigrants, yet he has the biggest boner for Russia and Putin.

      He is such a dangerous individual.

      • Nasty Little Darling says:

        For me it was the abortion language. I knew what hatred and type of zealot he was raising up. I could see the pro-lifers crying at all of those babies being ripped out of the womb. It scared the fuck out of me, but maybe because I’m a birth worker?

      • Esmom says:

        He was scary on both of those counts. He was playing to his base and in no way reaching out to anyone undecided. Big mistake if he actually cares about winning.

  5. Amelia says:

    You guys, redirects to HRC’s campaign website.
    Her social media team are basically guaranteed a job anywhere they apply after this!

  6. Miss Jupitero says:

    Bad ombrés? Man, you should hang out at the Watertown bus stop…. I’ll show you bad ombrés….

    Oh wait….

    • Esmom says:


    • Little Darling says:

      Hangry hambre hombres? Like hungry hippos. But better. Bigly than little piglets. Stronger. More very yuge.

      • Pip says:

        “Bigly than little piglets … More very yuge.”

        This makes me laugh SO MUCH. Tempted to get it tattooed somewhere. Bahahahahahaha.

      • lightpurple says:


      • Kitten says:

        I was actually listening to the live stream on PBS for most of the debate. I did catch the intro on my TV, but I wanted to focus on their words and not be distracted by Orangina and his onslaught of superlatives.

        It was interesting to just listen without having the visual accompaniment. It really emphasized how bereft of policy and how completely unprepared Trump was, contrasted with HRC who smoothly articulated her political stance. She was really masterful when discussing policy–concise, articulate, unwavering, contrasted against Trump who just kept repeating “terrible” and “disaster” per his usual style.

    • lightpurple says:

      I’ll avoid the Watertown bus stop but I do fear I will be shot down at lunchtime in Downtown Crossing as I make my way to the Watch Hospital. Because, you know, that’s what happens in inner cities every minute with all those bad HOMBRES hanging around.

  7. aquarius64 says:

    What a mess. Trump had a meltdown again and people want to put this in the White House. Can’t wait until Nov. 8 to vote and to send a message to Trump and his GOP elected enablers: this is a throw-and-keep-the-bums-out election.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      My local (Texas) news did a poll on who won. Something like 6,000 votes. Trump 70%. My God, I’m surrounded by idiots.

      • AG-UK says:

        @Size Does Matter
        I am from Texas and hate to say yes idiots all over but there are a few “normal” people but they are outnumbered. (:

  8. Jezi says:

    She totally waited until the final debate to drag his ass back and forth on that stage. He’s so easily provoked and I had to step back a couple of times because a few times he actually was saying things my 8 year old would! “It’s my turn”, etc. Like a tantrum throwing child. Then saying the women who accused him of sexual assault was debunked? What, where, when did that happen. Funny he used debunked two seconds after Hillary said it. Orange angry baby man learned a new word to use over and over again. She made me so proud last night.

    • Little Darling says:

      She sure did drag that ass and then drop it like it’s hot. Trumpeter fire.

    • LinaLamont says:

      Mrs. Trump, in her most recent defense of her husband, stated that he apologized to her for Pussygate. Last night, in denying his culpability, he claimed that he never apologized to her. Whose pants are on fire?

      • Esmom says:

        Yeah, I caught that too. They can’t even get their stories straight.

      • Bonzo says:

        The Onion was live tweeting and it was glorious:

        “Trump: ‘I Had The Bad Luck To Grope Ten Liars’ #debatenight”

        HRC cleaned his clock. Got my mail in ballot on my desk and this nasty woman will be taking the GOP down with it.

      • Christin says:

        Anderson (who did the interview) actually laughed over that during a post-debate panel discussion. She clearly said it, and it aired just a couple of days ago!

        One of my favorite clock cleaning moments was when he started a thinly veiled promotion of his Vegas hotel and she smashed him with another reference to Chinese steel.

  9. G says:

    That debate was something. I was reading one recap and people said he did well on certain policy questions and I said…when? He has policy now? Why do we lower our standards so low for this guy when he doesn’t owe any of us anything?
    As for her, some of her answers were messy but that abortion answer made up for a lot of it.

  10. Jess says:

    Fudge! I was working so I missed this debate and it sounds like it was the best one. Way to go, nasty woman!

    • Kitten says:

      It was a real debate where they talked about real issues. It was excellent but it made me wish they had all been like this, because it really allowed HRC to shine.

      • Little Darling says:

        Kitten I got called into work early by my HP clients and they were freaking HOSTING a republican fundraiser. This a mere days after the mom practically accosted me about who I’m voting for, at night, TRYING TO CONVINCE ME while I helped her nurse her baby. “If trump does something wrong in office he’ll just be impeached” was one argument. The other was her LITERALLY trying to tell me about that right wings undercover heavily edited video. I was like, not today. Not today Satan, not today. Hand me your sweet smelling baby and know that I ONLY bite democrat.

        I felt violated!

      • Kitten says:

        LOL @ “if Trump does something wrong in office, he’ll just be impeached”.

        Well now if THAT isn’t a vote of confidence, I don’t know what is.

        It’s like hiring someone for a position with the caveat of “well if they really f*ck up, I’ll just fire them” instead of hiring the best person for the job and having the utmost confidence and faith in their capability.

        My GOD, the GOP and Trump’s followers are all babysitting him. I want to say that it’s embarrassing and shameful, but we all know these people don’t feel shame or embarrassment.

      • Little Darling says:

        Exactly! Like, what?!? So let’s just get him in there and then impeach him when he does something wrong. Like what, the impeachment life vest? The Impeachment “break in case of emergency” tactic??

      • Kitten says:

        There is no thought process with these people…it’s terrifying.

    • jwoolman says:

      Just check YouTube, I’m sure it’s there in full. Try

      trump clinton third debate

      as search terms.

  11. Incredulous says:

    In all fairness to Trump, he was up past his bed time and probably over-tired. #youknowhowkidscanbe

    • ElleBee says:

      ..and no one offered him a bottle or a pacifier. Shame on his zookeeper…I mean campaign manager

  12. Jenns says:

    Hillary was on fire last night. Especially when she was talking about women’s rights.

    And I have to hand it to Chris Wallace. I was a little nervous about a Fox News moderator, but I thought he did a good job.

    • Little Darling says:

      He sparred a little! I appreciated that.

    • Kitten says:

      His voice got really high-pitched and wavered several times. You could tell he was nervous trying to coral that bull in a china shop–but I agree that he did do a good job.

    • Giddy says:

      Chris Wallace was a very pleasant surprise.

    • vava says:

      There were instances where Chris Wallace allowed Trump to avoid answering the question, and for that reason I didn’t think he did an exemplary job.

      • Christin says:

        I thought he led questioning to DT at times. I’d give him a B-minus at best.

      • pinetree13 says:

        As a non-american he seemed VERY biased for Trump. He often let Trump go over time but would interrupt Clinton if she did not even letting her finish her sentence. A lot of his questions were leading and he definitely soft-balled trump. I loved his closing comments though about how everyone should vote. I give him a solid D+.

      • Esmom says:

        He might have revealed his bias at times but it didn’t prevent Hillary from wiping the floor with Trump. Do you hear anyone from Clinton’s camp complaining? Such a contrast to Trump, who’d be screaming “rigged” yet again had the moderator shown any favoritism toward Hillary.

      • jwoolman says:

        He was biased but not impossibly so. Nothing that Hillary couldn’t handle. Probably good for the moderator to be kindly to Baby Boy Trump, helps fend off the baby’s usual cries of “Rigged against MEEEEE! Wahhhh! Sad.”

  13. JeanFan says:

    “You’re the puppet.”

    My god the man is an idiot. I honestly think he is unwell and should be evaluated both physically AND psychologically.

    “I never met Putin. This is not my best friend”?!?!?!?!?!?!?! The man should not be running the country and if I were one of those creatures he calls children, I’m not sure I’d want him running what’s left of the family empire. He’s clearly unstable. I’m not even a Clinton fan, she’s the best of what’s on offer as far as I’m concerned but she did very well tonight. The Republican’s shot themselves in the foot because I think a Rubio or even a Cruz, would have been able to take her.

    I want it to be Nov 9th so I can hopefully know that this monster will NOT be our President and then I can go on to avoid any story with him in it.

  14. SusanneToo says:

    the donald jr. is saying that it would be a demotion if sr. won the White House. He knows it’s over but like all the trump a$$holes has no sense of graciousness.

    • Christin says:

      I saw that, plus how arrogant he acted after the debate. Hopefully the results will be so overwhelming they’ll all slither away.

  15. Marty says:

    Just to illustrate how bad Trump is doing, he’s only leading by two percent here in Texas. Two percent! If Hillary wins Texas that will be the first time the state has gone blue since 1976. I’m in shock.

    And I about died laughing at the debate last night. Hillary was almost perfect last night and really showed him up.

    • Bonzo says:

      There are a lot of evangelicals in Texas. I know plenty of them voters who are planning to vote for Evan McMullin. Perhaps seeing that Hillary is likely to win the election by a wide margin, they don’t feel the need to plug their nose and vote for Trump. They don’t expect Evan to win, but they want to send a message to the GOP as to the kind of candidate that better represents them.

  16. JudyK says:

    The Donald showed what he’s really made of all over again. Please don’t talk about being a different person today than you were 11 years ago…you are the same person.

    Hillary has class; Donald has none. So proud of Hillary, and she looked beautiful last night.

    • Kate says:

      She did look so beautiful! Obviously looks are not the important thing at all, but I admit I was struck by how regal she looked. She has wonderful posture.

      • Annetommy says:

        Dress, hair, makeup impeccable in all three debates. She gave them no ammunition in that department.

      • Jayna says:

        And Trump looked tired, slack-jawed most of the time while she was talking, shifty eyes, and tried to control his sniffling, but wasn’t successful.

      • Esmom says:

        Jayna, yes, I thought Trump looked like he was concentrating very hard on staying composed. He is ridiculous.

    • nicole says:

      I agree, I loved her white suit and her hair was styled really nice, she is a very sophisticated women to me.

  17. Insomniac says:

    Ezra Klein wrote a really good piece about the debates:

    I read a few months ago that Clinton was planning to figure out how to really make Trump lose his composure during the debates. Mission accomplished, sounds like.

    • Kitten says:

      Thanks for this..gonna read in a sec.

      Vox’s political coverage has been pretty outstanding throughout the election.

    • Guesto says:

      @Insomniac – thanks for link. It is a good piece and I like that the writer solidly kicks into touch the idea that Hillary Clinton is only impressive when compared to Bigly Boy. She is impressive, full stop.

  18. Jayna says:

    Some have asked why Hillary is hated. Others think she is status quo.

    This is a great interview with Hillary back in 1992, when Bill Clinton was running for president, and she was being vilified because she was not what was expected of a “traditional” first lady. One comment by a man on this link was she was a “very aggressive woman” and “overly ambitious.” WOW. She was a lightning rod even back then. You can say a lot of things about Bill Clinton, but he always respected Hillary’s intellect and drive and supported that and relied on that. Few men back in that period would ever have felt that way who were politicians.

    The link gives an overview of her and then an interview with Katie Couric showing what she was up against as a smart, driven wife of a man in public office for years in Arkansas and then when he was running for president.. Hillary has broken a lot of ground over the years. I find her fascinating and brilliant and passionate about the causes she believes in.

    • VirgiliaCoriolanus says:

      I think that is what I like about both of them–together………I think it says something about them, that they are a TEAM in every sense of the word, and that it really says something about Bill that that’s the kind of woman he dated and married. It really seems like most guys who go into politics and high profile jobs like that, either get trophy wives and trade them in every few years or they get wives that are not as ambitious. Which is fine, either way, I think that it is important for YOU to decide what you want vs. what looks good…….but most of the criticism of Hillary in this campaign has been sexism laced insinuations that she’s going to do what Bill tells her, or vice versa–she’s a woman showing too much ambition, etc.

  19. hmmm says:

    Hillary had killer eyes last night. She went for the jugular and finally nailed him to the wall and finished him off. She floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee. It was a thing of exquisite beauty. I am officially in love. He didn’t have a chance. What a puppet! She kept yanking his strings and he kept dancing.

    And oh, yeah, you got knocked out by a girl, orange Donald. He’s really a wuss when it comes to a real fight. I love how his surrogates deny reality. I never realised there were so many mendacious people in the world willing to sell their souls for a mess of Cheeto.

  20. Rhiley says:

    I didn’t watch the debate last night because if I had I would have been up all night ruminating over it, and I didn’t sleep well the night before. But from what I gather this morning, Hillary did well, very well. However, I was in a pretty heated discussion this morning because there are some at my workplace who say that Trump is going to win. That polling shows Trump winning. That America is going to be Brexit 2. Granted, I listen to MSNBC, read the New York Times, and check 538 religiously sooooo I am a little left of center. But nothing I have read or heard has Trump even remotely close to winning, and it looks like Dems are going to get the Senate. I live in a red state so it is going to Trump, but do any of you have any insight as to why some are still saying that Trump is going to win. One guy kept saying if you look at the individual state polls, blah blah blah- but 538 has Hillary winning almost all of the swing states. Supposedly though 538 got Brexit all wrong. Again, I followed my usual sources during Brexit and yeah, it was shocking and not predicted.

    • Jayna says:

      You have to watch the debate when you have the time. It was a thing of beauty the way Hillary handled most of the questions compared to Trump and his limited vocabulary and grasp of issues and also how she handled (or woman-handled) Trump. LOL

      I tune out Republicans and their delusion at this point.

      • Rhiley says:

        I will listen to the NPR political podcast at the gym tonight- and I did watch bits and pieces online last night but didn’t turn on MSNBC because I really ruminate on stuff and didn’t sleep at all after the last two debates. I saw the abortion section, and man, I knew Trump was twisted but his answer about ripping a baby out of the womb at nine months was awful, and really showed how out of touch with women’s issues he is. So very very very out of touch. I have voted for Hillary in every primary in which she has run. I realize she is flawed and hasn’t handled some things well. But I do think she is going to be a great president. I really do. And I think her emails in many ways show that. Don’t we all have a public and private self? I think any professional person has to be a bit bifurcated in order to work with as many people as possible and get sh*t done.

      • Esmom says:

        Yeah, his responses in the abortion section were really appalling. I also got the sense that underneath the bluster he also knew he didn’t know what the eff he was talking about. I sensed panic a couple times under his very thin and fragile veneer of confidence.

    • Insomniac says:

      Rhiley, I look around at various polling sites just to see what the consensus is. But even at Real Clear Politics, which is not a left-leaning site, Clinton/Kaine are up to 260 projected EV on the “toss up” map (which leaves some close states out of the count). On the “no toss up” map they’re at 333. I’ve never seen anything like that.

      And wasn’t the Brexit vote always projected to be very close either way?

      • Rhiley says:


        Also, Hillary has never been below Trump, and Trump has never been in the lead nationally. It has been close but he has never been ahead.

    • bonzo says:

      Political analyst Larry Sabato is predicting that HRC will get 352 electoral votes.

      I see only predictions of a Clinton victory — potentially a landslide. All the more reason to us nasty women to vote and make it a reality.

      • Annetommy says:

        Totally. No complacency. I won’t be happy until the results of the vote are in. And it would be better if it was fairly clear cut to make any talk of “rigging” more difficult.

    • The Other Katherine says:

      Rhiley, there is a yuuuge amount of wishful thinking among Trump supporters. They love to reference Rasmussen polls, which have a history of consistently overstating support for Republican candidates, as well as totally unscientific garbage polls like the ones Matt Drudge throws up on his website. They also love to reference Brexit confounding the received wisdom and showing that polls are all crap, when in fact there was no way to estimate the level of Brexit support with anything remotely resembling the same level of accuracy that pollsters can gauge support for presidential candidates, due to Brexit being a one-off event and it thus being difficult-to-impossible to weight likelihood of support based on the demographic characteristics of the poll respondents. Among statisticians who do it for a living and who are genuinely concerned with the quality of their methodology, U.S. political polling is a very sophisticated and well-understood discipline. No, it’s not impossible for Trump to win, but it is unlikely and becoming unlikelier all the time, and there is no way for him to win a landslide victory. As long as Hillary gets a reasonable level of turnout in her base, and peels off enough married middle-class white women who tend to vote Republican, she’s got this.

      Trump has shot himself in the foot by alienating women and Latinos, and he’s doing nothing to expand his likely voters beyond his base. He makes endless appeals to his base, and it’s like he doesn’t realize that someone’s vote doesn’t magically get counted more times because they’re more passionate about voting for you. At some point you have to bring in people who aren’t actually that keen on you as a candidate, and he fails at every turn to do this.

  21. Chef Grace says:

    He reminds me of that evil Chucky doll.
    I am in Texas as well. I was so not going to vote, but after last night, HRC gets my vote.

  22. Sixer says:

    #TrumpBookReport is the best hashtag ever.

    That is all.

    • bonzo says:

      Hello luvvie! I just came here to say the same thing. That hashtag is awesome. The Narnia ones are my favorites:

      “Kids are immigrating to Narnia illegally & they’re stealing jobs. We have to help that white witch make Narnia great again.”

      “Narnia? Disaster. Very open borders in that wardrobe which is Hillary’s fault. Many many people pass through illegally.”

      “Some kids go into a closet into Narnia and then screw up everything for the queen, who, like me, creates thousands of jobs.”

      “There are some who say those Pevensie kids weren’t even born in Narnia. I mean, where are their birth certificates?! “

      • Sixer says:

        Hello! Sorry not been about that much. Have you? Or have I kept missing you?

        Usually British Twitter is better for the p!ss-taking hashtags – you should have seen the ones around the pig shagging time. But this one is divine and the best US mocking one I can remember. I’m doing a horrid job at the moment but am taking five minutes every half hour to snigger at the tweets. It’s giving me life today!

      • bonzo says:

        I’ve mostly been on Facebook the past couple of weeks, so I haven’t been here either. I’ve got a lot of evangelical friends that I’ve been hoping to convince not to vote for Trump. A Mormon threw himself into the race in August that better represents the party. A growing number are rallying behind him, more to let the GOP know they need to divorce themselves from the alt-right, racist, xenophobic crazies that Trump is stirring up. I won’t convince any of them to vote Dem, but at least they wouldn’t be tainting themselves by voting for someone as repugnant as DT.

        My friend in St Louis said one of their aldermen started that hashtag. We can be witty too, sometimes!!

        I just started watching a Norwegian drama called “Occupied”. I liked the first episode. Have you seen it?

      • Sixer says:

        You are doing the job of the angels, my dear.

        I was saying to Kitten the other day – he’ll probably lose, but what about AFTER he loses? There will be a lot of angry people to whom Trump has given licence to spout the worst aspects of themselves and their views. It’s not going to be a case of saying haha you lost and then they go away and shut up, is it? Somehow they have to be talked down from the ledge. Funnily enough Wapo addressed that today:

        I think you rock for engaging. Honest.

        Occupied is the one where the prime minister has a clean energy plan and the EU helps Russia invade to restart their oil production, right? I loved it! I’m on 30 Degrees in February season 2.

        (It’s not so much that you guys aren’t witty – you are. It’s more that you don’t so much respond to impending doom by tweeting puns. We do!)

      • bonzo says:

        Well, I feel a responsibility to them as those are my people — raised in a fundie household, broke away from it as an adult but still follow Jesus. I’ve gone left politically (as a lot of younger evangelicals have) and am saddened by the way the leaders such as Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr, Pat Robertson have continued to sell their souls in exchange for amassing political power. We are not commanded to do that in the Bible — we’re to emulate Jesus’ love, be truth-tellers, promote justice and show mercy. Ever since the evangelical right began to mobilize as a political voting bloc in the late 70’s, they’ve been eroding their moral authority and Trump has revealed their thirst for power at all costs. Thankfully, that particular subset of evangelicals (most are over 50) is shrinking as Gen-Xers like myself and millennials are calling them out and being openly critical of them on social media. The leading Christian mag — Christianity Today — had a scathing editorial last week that went viral and leading Christian women criticized the men for not standing up for them against Trumps misogyny.

        I feel like there’s work to be done within the evangelical community — repenting of past sins and caring more about loving those who are voiceless, powerless and helpless than by seeking the power to make America “Christian” again. I want to see a pro-life position that encompasses all humans, one that makes contraception easily available to prevent unwanted pregnancies as well as providing whatever assistance is needed when it does happen, from adoption assistance to caring for those who do choose abortion. It should include helping the poor, the refugee and the immigrant.

        Since I also have non-religious friends on FB, it’s led to some great discussions with them as they see I have more in common with them than they realized. It’s taken up a lot of my time these past two weeks, but I feel I’m doing the Lord’s work in the truest sense of the word. It matters deeply to me and so I’m using my “prophet voice” to poke and prod those I’ve known for decades to wake them from their slumber.

        Wow, I really went off there… I hope that makes sense to someone outside of my particular religious culture. Now I guess you see why I have’t been on CB as of late. This kind of thing has a way of consuming a person!

        ETA: Yes, that’s the show I’m watching. I think I’ll learn a bit more about the political dynamics of the EU from it!

      • Sixer says:

        You didn’t go off at all. You know me. Confirmed atheist with feet made of nothing but clay so I have nothing of use to contribute on the religious front – except, in my very hazy understanding, the *point* of Jesus was to sweep away most of the blood and thunder Old Testament stuff in favour of forgiveness, so I do not understand the religious right AT ALL.

        Seriously: good for you. And I really, truly mean that.

        (The guy who plays the PM in Occupied is excellent. Don’t forget: Norway isn’t actually in the EU. Just a single market member.)

      • bonzo says:

        The OT holds many symbols that pointed to Jesus and while his *point* was a pretty significant thing, I won’t go into that here. Those convos are best when served up with a good, dark ale. 🙂

        I didn’t know that about Norway, I just assumed all of Scandi was in on the deal. I’m pretty dumb on the interplay of EU politicking… need some learnin’.

        As much as I’m enjoying the Occupied, I’m going through a JJ Feild withdrawl that is driving me to chocolate — damnit. His Major André had me leaning Tory.

    • Christin says:

      I’m finally at the point I can enjoy the comedic richness of the buffoonery.

      The puppet is toast, and she was just smearing him with jam and cream cheese last night. It was delicious.

      • LinaLamont says:


        “The Emmys are NOT rigged.”
        Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the actress who played Elaine on “Seinfeld”

  23. Nasty Little Darling says:

    He just said via press conference he will accept the results if he wins, to great cheers and then he followed that up that all the online polls say he’s winning. This guy!

    They were right though when they said that everything in the debate was going to be lost somehow in the fact that he said he might not concede because that seems to be what everyone’s talking about today is why won’t he can see them getting him to concede

    • smd says:

      Nasty little Darling love the handle! I was hopeful this morning looking at Facebook as many friends and colleagues had changed their profiles to pink with the following: “I’m a Nasty woman who Votes.” Oh DT that narcissist break is about to engulf you in 3, 2, 1. Unfortunately I don’t think he is going away, instead he will get a TV or radio show where he and the other crazies can continue to spew hate, conspiracy theories and discord. Can his brand please lose all value so he goes bankrupt and no longer has so many minions following him? Also, if I win the GA lottery I will gratefully accept but if my numbers aren’t chosen this time then it is a conspiracy and I refuse to accept that my numbers aren’t worth a lot of cold hard cash. I mean I used a tried and true system of birthdays, anniversaries and Secret favorite numbers sooooo……

  24. Kri says:

    Soon we will have our first female president. GO USA.

  25. Karina says:

    Trump declared that IF he wins the presidential election next month, he will graciously accept the results. He told his supporters, “I would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election if I win.”

    And WHEN he loses?
    Trump said, “…I would accept a clear election result, but I would also reserve my right to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result.”

    I am sorry for the judgemental namecalling – Trump is a nincompoop.

  26. smd says:

    Lovelies hey y’all! Please vote and don’t think HRC has this wrappedup. As I headed into work today saw more signs for Trump than ever before in GA and his supporters where i work were crowing that he owned the debate last night. I was incredulous that we even witnessed the same debate? The anti-Hillary rhetoric was terrible and I have no doubt that crazies are going to show up to “monitor” the polls. Every single Republican that hasn’t openly and brazenly denounced DT will forever be a bad hombre to me!

    • Tate says:

      Nothing will stop me from getting out and voting for Hillary. I don’t care what the polls say.

    • Karina says:

      I concur with you, SMD.

      I implore the peoples of Celebitchy to exercise your right to vote. Make sure that your choice for the electoral college is etched on Tuesday, November 8th, 2016. Whether you are “nasty”, “bad hombre”, BillyBushMadeMeVoteforHillary, etc. aka the populace to whom freedoms, liberty, and respect are fundamental.

      We cannot afford to be complacent based on the polls, news articles, and social media. We must vote to ensure that our choice and voice reverberate.

      Thank you for listening to my long-winded and passionate appeal.

    • ATLMathMom says:

      @smd Fellow Georgian here! And I did early voting yesterday!