“John Oliver devoted last night’s episode to Donald Trump & fascism” links

Here’s John Oliver’s episode devoted to American fascism. NSFW language. [Jezebel]
Did Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton set a wedding date? [Dlisted]
Why People Mag’s Donald Trump cover was so gross. [LaineyGossip]
Lupita Nyong’o looks like a princess in Elie Saab. [Go Fug Yourself]
Isla Fisher’s dress is not “jaw-dropping.” [Popoholic]
Takeaways from Donald Trump’s 60 Minutes interview. [Pajiba]
Yeah, Kylie Jenner has implants. [Celebslam]
Recap of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. [Reality Tea]
Perfect metaphor is perfect. [The Blemish]
Oprah Winfrey got a lot of sh-t for saying this. [OMG Blog]
Billy Bush got a job offer from Breitbart News. [Wonderwall]


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70 Responses to ““John Oliver devoted last night’s episode to Donald Trump & fascism” links”

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  1. Melly says:

    John Oliver is the flaming torch of truth in a dark and desolate Trump-America

  2. prince says:

    trump is president for the next 4 years deal with it. mainstream media are the cancer to the world.

    laughing at the meltdown in Hollywood.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      i don’t think it will last as long time !!

    • Ncboudicca says:

      Strange, I’ve always though a lack of empathy was the “cancer of the world”

      • gwen says:

        Thank you. I’m getting sick & tired of Trump supporters saying “he won, deal with it”…They have no idea what they’re in for with this man as our President.

      • SilverUnicorn says:


        That’s also what Brexit supporters has been telling everyone else since June. Deal with the rise of the New Fascism, I guess.

      • Trixie says:

        @ Ncboudicca, exactly the lack of empathy is gruesome.
        We feel with you!
        We all have “to deal with it” in the worst imaginable scenario, we will all suffer…

        I’m so glad that so many People refuse to “deal with it” .

    • Melly says:

      Yeah! Screw facts and science! The liberal mainstream media had the audacity to report on what Trump said and did, what a bunch of losers! They were dumb enough to question him and expected him to have thought out policies. Don’t they realize that he has the best brain?

    • Lindy79 says:

      Hello Sarah Palin

    • Lightpurple says:

      Having survived cancer, I tend to lose respect for anyone who describes anything other than cancer as a cancer. But I’m sure you don’t care.

    • Sixer says:

      Prince – wrong site, darling! You must have a faulty redirect loop going on or something. May I direct you to the Mail Online website. This week’s cancer list:

      Monday) Lego
      Tuesday) Japan
      Wednesday) Empathy
      Thursday) Wind power
      Friday) Promiscuous gay men
      Saturday) Beetroot
      Sunday) Not funding hate

      (Everyone other than Prince: the Fail is renowned for deciding that everything it doesn’t like is a carcinogen.)

    • Becky says:

      “Mainstream media are the cancer to the world” and yet they helped him get elected.

      There I was thinking “cancer to the world” – what a poor use of phrase – was poverty, hate and bigotry – how wrong I was clever arse!

      What an insult to your namesake.

    • Malibu Stacy says:

      Is that you Trump?? I thought your handlers took away your internet privileges…

    • mazzie says:

      I always thought cancer was the cancer to the world. But hey, science.

    • jerkface says:

      Honey, I don’t think the people here want your extra time or your….kiss or the blatant trollery either. They don’t like it. Stop it. Go sit in the corner. Boo. Hiss. Fart noises.

    • EM says:

      Trump has perfected the Nazi regime’s communications philosophy – what’s obvious is that Bannon & Trump will keep unjustly attacking the media until people like prince don’t know any better. These people are not critical thinkers they have just bought into the Bannon/Trump/Putin narrative ‘media bad’ and although most are pretty factually correct these people will continue to buy the warped narrative.

  3. isabelle says:

    Giving Trump a chance, actually feel at more ease with him after his 60 minutes interview. Even though I’ve woken up everyday this week with a “dark cloud” of a what have we done. Holding his feet to the fire and will donate money to womens reproductive centers and have bought several subscriptions to newspapers. Also plan on volunteering at my local ACLU. We need to be active rather than just wallowing in our depression of this on this election. Releasing our emotions on the internet. social media is an outlet but not an active solution. Hope the big positive out of this, it has woke up the apathy deeply present in liberal circles.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Don’t forget, he’s a liar. And look at the people on his team. I wouldn’t relax.

      • isabelle says:

        Oh I know he is liar but think he has hugely lied to his own so called party/supporters. He will butt heads way more with Ryan than he will with Dems. Him & Nancy Pelosi (whom he has donated) are already working together. He has trolled/lied to everyone: media, liberal, Republicans, his own campaign staff. He is a wild card at this point and we will see how it plays out. True pathological liars play everybody. Also just calling him a liar really does nothing except us typing on our keyboard. Saying it out loud. Action, action, action matters not just words.

      • gwen says:

        Especially with Steve Bannon closest to Trump’s ear.

      • Keaton says:

        Yeah any willingness I had to “give Trump a chance” died when he named Steve Bannon his Chief Strategist.
        Here’s the thing: Let’s say every single thing people like Reince Preibus said about Bannon are accurate- e.g., “Oh he’s not really a Neo-Nazi” “Oh he’s a smart good man!” Appointing him to this position is still a nasty hateful signal to people.
        Trump doesn’t care. His people don’t care.
        They really are authoritarians and don’t care about bringing people together.
        They just want us to obey.

    • ichsi says:

      What SusanToo said. Also don’t underestimate apathy.

      • Aquamarine says:

        Sure. The Orange One is a bit of a wild card on its own. But the issue is that he’s surrounded by Team Evil. He has no clue what he’s doing. He will have someone whispering in his ear 24/7. And that someone will be a white supremacist, a homophobe, a racist, an anti-semite, a xenophobe and a misogynist. His cabinet looks like the alternate cast of Dynasty. He is going to be the GOPs puppet. They’re in control of everything now. And if The Orange One doesn’t do whatever they say, they’ll just threaten to impeach him. His fragile ego could never take that. We’re all utterly screwed.

  4. Reece says:

    The end of this episode felt so good to watch! That’s all.

    • Reece says:

      Clarification: I meant to blowing up of 2016. Not the end of the episode.
      Haven’t been online all day, came back to check in and realized that that sounded not how I intended.

  5. Lilyfield says:

    Can we just get a daily open post called “Celebrities and Celebitchies Are Sad Over Election 2016”? It’s a downer enough without having multiple posts on the topic.

  6. Soprano says:

    I feel for Barron Trump. That kid looks utterly miserable.

  7. lisa says:

    i’m legit scared

    and i’m so mad/scared/you name it at the trump voters i know that wont even take responsibility for all what their vote meant

    i have no problem cutting them off. life is too short. but ignorance and selfishness is a powerful cocktail.

    • Sisi says:

      I’m scared, too, and totally relate to your rage. That said, I’m trying to extend some grace to Trump voters (but not the devil himself). I don’t have any close friends who voted for Trump, despite running in some conservative Christian circles. But as I read comments from his supporters, I sense their ignorance is often unintentional and motivated by personal fears (death by terrorists, job insecurity) instead of fear for others (inequality, police brutality, etc). It seems most whites believe their vote should reflect their needs rather than the welfare of all, with blind faith that the greatest need will always win.

      As unfair as it seems, I think we must create and support formal opportunities for white voters to experience diversity and understand privilege. For example, statistics show more crimes are committed by people of color than whites, per capita. Of course, you and I know that has little to do with race or genetics and everything to do with education, poverty and opportunity. I’d argue it goes the other way. Yes, lots of whites are racists, as proven by Trump’s success throughout the election, but it’s not a conscious choice for many — it’s a lack of social education, exposure to diversity and invisible privilege. Living in homogenous neighborhoods and media exposure that portrays people of color as criminals or vengeful protestors has seeped into their consciousness. They’re afraid of what they don’t understand, but no one wants to extend any courtesy to them.

      • Tina says:

        “It seems most whites believe their vote should reflect their needs rather than the welfare of all, with blind faith that the greatest need will always win.”

        Brilliantly said. That’s why you have these sad Trump voters saying, “oh well I don’t agree with him on the whole Mexican/Muslim thing, i just wanted a change/lower taxes/whatever.” Too bad. You voted for his whole platform. That’s how this works.

    • gwen says:

      Never underestimate people’s ignorance, hate and fear.

  8. Eric says:

    In a strange turn of events, Trump has just named Dr Josef Mengele as Surgeon General.

  9. Jenns says:

    F**k 2016.

    • Elle R says:

      Agreed. Now the year took Gwen Ifill too.

      (Dear Universe: Don’t take the good reporters. We need them now more than ever.)

      2016, thou art a heartless orange turd.

  10. Frosty says:

    People need to take it down a notch. He was elected prez in a fair election — and let’s be honest, if Hillary had won the electoral college instead of the popular vote, we would not be complaining. The world is not ending, America is not ending, there’s a possibility he will get some things right, like ending one (or any) of our many many wars of intervention. Yes, he will choose at least one supreme — but doesn’t every president? And we’re all still here. This is not the end. Get to work.

    • Melanie says:

      Don’t tell me to take it down a notch. See this, THIS is the disconnect that we are struggling with, and so angry and sick over. Was I happy with either Bush presidency? No. But I didn’t feel like this. I knew we would be ok. I feel sick, every day. Physically sick. My heart aches over the friendships I see being destroyed left and right. Families that can’t have Christmas together for actual FEAR of it turning so soul crushing, they’re terrified to think of it. When a large portion of this country is so pleased with themselves, that they’ve lost all compassion for the fear and heartache of their fellow man and woman, well I personally don’t know if we will ever recover from this. My aunt, who was an active civil rights protester in the sixties is despondent. She can’t believe we’ve reversed course. She knows deep down people aren’t bad, but today, she feels like it’s all been a lie.

      So in four years, if everything is peachy keen, you have my full support to come right back here and gloat, and tell me I overreacted. Until then, I will remain skeptical at best, terrified at my worst.

      • Frosty says:

        Melanie, what are you raving about? Do you think I voted for Trump? Because I did not – in fact I’ve posted repeatedly what a monomaniac he is and that I fear the white supremacist wing of his followers more than the man himself. Be skeptical or terrified, but if you refuse to dig into why the democratic party has failed, if you insist on demonizing people who voted for him — millions of whom voted for obama in 2008 and 2012 — rather than trying to understand the failed policies that led to this insurgency, than you’ll have simply allowed your suffering to shut you down.

    • Crox says:

      Do you think he wouldn’t be complaining if Hillary won the electoral college instead of popular vote? Because if I remember correctly, he was once mad at the system, saying it’s unfair. If he lost because of this system, the way Hillary did, he probably would comment. He even questioned the election itself in advance. And if he wouldn’t rage about it, his supporters would.

      I personally would prefer if the president won both sides. Then it’s a clean victory. This situation only makes people additionally angry or desperate.

    • virginfangirl says:

      There is no harm in being hyper vigilant. But much harm might occur by assuming all will be well. Let’s be well organized and ready to fight if we see our rights slipping away.

    • bluebella says:

      i agree with you frosty. I’ll also add that Im from UK and the comments on this forum about brexit and usually insinuating that all the brexit voters are racists etc is so over the top. I live in an area that voted for brexit by a large majority. I haven’t noticed any more racists than usual and that’s not many at all. (I am not white) Yes I agree that some who voted for brexit had a racist agenda but I don’t believe that the majority of brexit voters did. But people on this forum talking about how racist UK people are-OMG. This is not my experience at all.

  11. Rapunzel says:

    The inclusion/ascension of Steve Bannon in Trump’s staff means the “give him a chance” folks need to STFU. Trump is already proving himself to be what we thought. Until I see evidence otherwise, I am expecting him to be just as bad as I feared. If not more.

    I’ll hope for the best of course, but I’m expecting the worst.

    • TheOtherSam says:

      Agreed @Rapunzel. This cabinet so far is a sh*t show. Bannon, Gingrich (what is this 1992?), Sessions, Giuliani?? All elderly or near elderly very conservative white men. It’s like a bad joke. Will our new Pres even consider appointing a woman or POC to his main cabinet posts?

      Am still trying to comprehend what’s happened here. I feel like I’m in a time warp, going backwards.

  12. Alex says:

    Democracy is DEAD, together with freedom of expression soon it started with The New York Times letter

  13. Georgia says:

    I’m going to give Donald trump the same chance the Republican Party and the right wing media gave President Obama.

    • jmacky says:


    • virginfangirl says:

      Hitler was given a chance.

      • guest says:

        Exactly! I am as liberal as liberal can be, and I have spent a lifetime devoted to tolerance. But now is not the time to be tolerant. Trump has never misrepresented himself, he is exactly as horrific as he seems to be, and he is following Hitler’s handbook to the letter. Now is the time that we liberals refuse to tolerate, unless we are willing to sit back and allow him to turn the US into a fascist state.

      • jmacky says:

        i believe Georgia’s comment was sarcastic. i.e., Obama was NEVER given a chance by right wing.

  14. Bettyrose says:

    Here to discuss Brandon Dassey’s release. A small bit of justice in the world.

  15. wolfie says:

    I am not giving him a chance. I will not be quiet. He said he is going to continue to hold his rallies. In other words, an hour of hate speech that will continue to embolden his followers. We are headed for civil war. This may well be the last election we will see, so we cannot afford to “settle down”.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Every so often my terror subsides, and then something like your post reminds me this is real. We need people like you to keep sounding the alarm. Complacency will end us.

  16. jerkface says:

    Yeah but did you guys see The World Series? That was something eh? I got nothing. Carry on.

  17. Deeanna says:

    I say this not as a joke: We all need to read (or re-read) “The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich” by William Shirer. Written more than 50 years ago by an American reporter who was stationed in Germany throughout the pre-WWII period, it tells how Hitler and his henchmen took over Germany.

  18. JRenee says:

    I have a few LGBT friends who have never carried before, applying for theor FOID card and coneared permits.
    I have a Muslim friend who said tge same.
    They are worried about the uptick in bold attacks that have been occurring since the election. This breaks my heart.
    Another gay friend is afraid his marriage will be invalidated with the next SC appointment.
    I have 2 minority friends who were accosted & told to go back to Africa.
    So when people say, give him a chance and we see who he’s appointing to his council, I say stay vigilant and trust nothing.
    Hope for whatever you wish, but it is heartbreaking to actually know people who are being harassed and are afraid they will be attacked.

  19. Some guy says:

    Is that the same John Oliver that openly mocked trump last year and begged him to run for president?

    Think he ever made that campaign contribution he promised if he did run?

    I, like many a people, voted for Trump almost specifically because of people like Oliver.

    Oh yeah, did he mention anything in is rant about the Clinton Foundation contacting his people back in 2015?


    • guest says:

      Some guy:

      A vote for Trump was a vote for fascism. People voted for Hitler despite all of his obvious craziness because they thought he was just exaggerating his Anti-Semitism to gain votes from the extremists. People voted for him and ignored who he was because they thought he would boost the economy. And he did. But what a Devil’s bargain that was.

    • embertine says:

      You voted for a white supremacist rapist because a talk show host made you mad? Sure, Jan.

  20. SusanneToo says:

    What an intelligent way to vote.

    “I, like many a people, voted for Trump almost specifically because of people like Oliver.”

  21. ElleBee says:

    I have a crush on John Oliver. Weird, I know but I can’t help it. He makes me smile.

  22. Keaton says:

    BTW y’all Trumpy is tweeting again:

    Donald J. Trump
    Verified account
    If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily


    LOL Just as petty and thin-skinned as ever. Clearly he’s butthurt that Hillary is winning the popular vote. How long until Kellyann confiscates his phone?

    I hope you Trump voters are proud of putting this asshat into the Oval Office.