Mike Pence was booed at ‘Hamilton’ & Donald Trump wants people to ‘apologize’


Vice-president-elect Mike Pence is currently heading Donald Trump’s transition team, following a Stalin-esque purge that ousted Chris Christie and all of Christie’s people. While I basically loathe everything about Pence’s political views, even I don’t envy the tight-rope on which he’s currently walking, between Trump, Trump loyalists, Trump’s family, the Christie faction, Paul Ryan, Establishment Republicans and anti-establishment Republicans. So, Pence decided to take a break from it all on Friday night. He attended that musical he’s heard so much about, something about one of America’s Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton. I’m assuming that was what Pence heard, that Hamilton is about the Founding Fathers and everyone thinks the musical is great. I’m assuming he walked in to the theater not realizing that he was stepping into a sh-tstorm. But step into it he did.

First off, when Pence walked to his seat, he was being booed and cheered by the audience. There were more boos than cheers, and reportedly the boos went on and on for a while before the show started. Still, Pence sat through the whole musical and when it ended, he got up to make a hasty retreat, probably hoping to avoid being booed yet again. Little did he know that when the Hamilton cast did their curtain call, actor Brandon Victor Dixon (currently playing VP Aaron Burr) would ask Pence to remain for a moment so he could hear their message. Dixon then told Pence:

“Vice-president elect Pence, we welcome you and we truly thank you for joining us at Hamilton: An American Musical. We really do. We, sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us … or uphold our inalienable rights, sir. We truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us. We truly thank you for sharing this show, this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men and women of different colors, creeds and orientations.”

Here’s the video:

To his credit, Pence stayed and listened to what Dixon said, then Pence left to a chorus of boos (again) from the audience. I personally think that was the best way that whole situation could have gone down – the audience members were enjoying their free speech, and Pence got to see an amazing musical (which is his right too) and he also had the respect for the cast to stick around to hear their message. As I said, Pence has terrible politics, but I can’t find fault in his reaction to this situation at all. Of course, once word got out about Pence’s presence at Hamilton, everyone was trolling him on Twitter. But again, that’s free speech. Not according to Donald Trump though, who just had to tweet about it:

WTF? Pence wasn’t “harassed,” he was booed in a public place… for good reason, because he’s an anti-gay, anti-woman nutjob. And “apologize!” FOR WHAT? For booing a cisgender hetero white man in Trump’s America? Yeah, that’s about the long and short of it. Brandon Victor Dixon responded to Trump’s tweets with this:

Yep. I also appreciate that Pence stopped and listened – that showed that at least he had enough respect to feign interest. And notice Pence hasn’t said anything about this incident too.

After Trump tweeted that, the Deplorables started the #BoycottHamilton hashtag, because they’re really dumb. The musical is sold out for months, if not years. It’s like people living in trailer parks trying to “boycott” Hermes Birkin bags.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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263 Responses to “Mike Pence was booed at ‘Hamilton’ & Donald Trump wants people to ‘apologize’”

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  1. Shambles says:

    If you need a sprinkle of genuine happiness, please check out the #NameAPenceMusical Twitter tag in response to this. It is AMAZING.

    And that darn Donald Trump, always whining. Such a sore loser. Needs a “safe space,” what a whiny little snowflake. They must’ve given him too many participation trophies growing up.

    Some favorite #NameAPenceMusical’s:
    Into the Hoods
    Hitler on the Roof
    Joseph Isn’t Allowed to Wear His Technicolor Dreamcoat in Public Anymore
    Bye Bye Birdie, Fish, and Glaciers
    The GrandWizard of Oz
    Thoroughly Modern Misogynist
    Grab My Fair Lady by the Pu$$y
    How the Grinch Stole the Electoral College

    • Miss Jupitero says:

      You beat me to it!

      I also loved this response:


      • Wiffie says:

        See this is what happens when people grow up getting participation trophies, nobody saying no, and they get so butthurt and OFFENDED when people have opinions. Sorry they weren’t pc, pence! Get over it!

        Is that right, Trump? Did i get that right?

      • bettyrose says:

        LOL, Wiffie!

      • Nic919 says:

        True, but Trump is 70 and did not grow up in that era of participation trophies so that doesn’t explain him. He is simply a white privileged man baby who has never had to face real criticism because normally the people around him are his employees and he can fire them at will.

        He won’t be able to control the opposition and it will kill him. He tweeted a third time about Hamilton today and bitched about SNL not giving equal time. Suck it up buttercup. When you were saying Obama wasn’t born in the US you had the right to do it. Now everyone gets to make fun of your orange tiny handed self.

      • Mieke says:

        Well no, he did not have the right to spread lies. Freedom of speech comes with responsibilities like not lying and understanding the implications of your words. If some hick tells his drinking buddy that Obama fellar ain’t born in the US, it’s not him expressing his freedom of speech, it’s the rest of the world not knowing nor caring about what comes out of his mouth.

        If a well known hick business man says the same thing on television, his proven lie is heard by many voiceless hicks and therefor does have an implication. It results in people who do not care about truth, but just in the justification of their own narrow and shallow mindedness, to feel renforced in their destructive thinking.

        Trump is an egotistical individual that considers the world mallable to his own needs and considers everyone else unimportant. Completely bypassing the fact that his riches are based on pure dumb luck and his winning the election on his mindless lies.

      • Wiffie says:

        @nic919 i was being tongue in cheek.

        He likes to say all those crazy liberals who find everything offensive are crying like babies becaus this is the first time they have lost and felt failure. So the fact that he’s asking for apologies because SOMEONE ELSE got booed is just delightfully hypocritical.

    • SusanneToo says:

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Thanks for the laugh.👍👍👍👍👍

      • jwoolman says:

        Ha, ha. 🙂

        Alas, when we oldsters were growing up, no participation trophies. Just forced membership in the Camp Fire Girls. We were supposed to earn “beads” to sew on our incredibly cheap vests. (Nothing like the quality badges and uniforms for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.) I recall going through the manual and picking out everything for a “bead” that I could honestly say I had already done. I was soon a lapsed Camp Fire Girl, needless to say.

      • SusanneToo says:

        I quit Girl Scouts because I was pissed that Boy Scouts got to go on overnight camping trips and we didn’t. This was back in the fifties. Memories🙄🙄🙄

      • PowerToThePeaceful says:

        The birken bag comparison. Oh Gawd. I forgot what laughing felt like- Thank you thank you 😊

      • Snappyfish says:

        ADORED the trailer park Hermes comparison. That was as funny as Trump’s a theatre must be a safe space comment. Uh…Lincoln was shot at at a play but then I don’t think US History is the President Elects strong suit. Trump making a safe place comment while complaining about millinials & their want is safe places is quite rich

        I firmly believe Mike Pence is a closeted gay man. One currently involved in a lawsuit to make his emails private. Hypocrisy much? He is a conversion therapy sadist & the cast of Hamilton were far kinder than I could ever have been

    • EM says:

      Brilliant – thanks for posting.

      Does Pence remind anyone else of the young Hitler youth from The Sound of Music?

      • Shambles says:


        If you mean that he has an impressionable, easily-molded mind and will soon be a fully-fledged Nazi, then yes, Pence definitely reminds me of Rolfe. Looks wise, not so much. I had a yuuuuuge crush on pre-Nazi, 17-going-on-18 Rolfe when I was young. I thought he was so cute. I was devastated when he turned out to be one of Hitler’s Youth. Mike Pence, on the other hand, looks like the final incarnation of Lord Voldemort with a nose.

        If you look closely at the Trump camp, you can find all the stages of Lord Voldemort. You have young Barron, the young Tom Riddle, before he was evil. A victim of circumstance with some very questionable DNA. You have Jared Kushner, the school-age Tom Riddle we see in the second movie (seriously look it up, the resemblance is freaky), already doing evil, shady sh!t but still able to put a pretty face on it. Then you have Mike Pence, Lord Voldemort himself. Freakishly beady eyes, soul split up and stored inside several various artifacts, being straight up, openly evil and rewarding the loyalty of those who support him. Just with a nose. Donald is Peter Pettigrew. A spineless rat.

      • Sixer says:

        He reminds me of the (actually ex-Nazi!) bad guy in a horror thing the Sixlets watch. Played by Richard Sammel.


      • Birdix says:

        Love, love, love this, Shambles. my entire SOM- (we stayed at their villa), HP- (they still reread at the breakfast table every single day), Hamilton-obsessed family have been debating this post. The kids put down their books and iPad and mr birdix turned off sports–you’ve united all of us on CB today.
        How about Christie as Peter Pettigrew? And our thought is that Trump still has the power and should be Voldemort, with Pence as Lucius Malfoy. Barack is of course Dumbledore, what about Hilary? Kellyanne Conway as Bellatrix Lestrange? Megyn Kelly as Rita Skeeter? But who will be Harry? We need Harry!

      • Birdix says:

        And who could be Snape? Is Romney an appeaser, or could he be going in and trying to derail it all from the inside?

      • lightpurple says:

        @Birdix, Romney is a kiss-ass. A Deatheater for sure. Possibly Barty Crouch Jr. BTW, Romney and Trump go back as business friends for many, many years.

      • Reece says:

        @Birdix and lightpurple I think Romney is Malfoy or even Pettigrew. Big old establishment “pure blood” family, following behind whomever is the biggest baddie. Maybe Ryan is Pettigrew…
        Sadly Harry is still with the Dursleys ignorant to his true identity and future.

      • Shambles says:

        Alright Birdix, here we go.

        Obama is 100% Dumbledore. He even has a Dumbledore’s Army. Check NYT, there’s an article about how Obama’s Washington loyalists are gearing up for a fight. I read it and was filled with glowing hope, and also yelled, “DUMBLEDORE’S ARMY!!” much to the chagrin of my cat.

        Hillary is Professor McGonagle, a tough b!tch who gets sh!t done.

        Kellyanne Conway is definitely Bellatrix, and I’m totally down for Megyn Kelly as Rita.

        Ivanka is Draco Malfoy– “Wait til my father hears about this!!”

        Steve Bannon is Delores Umbridge. Lol.

        I agree that Mitt Romney is a kiss-a$$ death eater, with Binders Full of Muggles.

        I’m not too sure we have Snape, sadly. We need one. And you’re right, we do need a Harry. Desperately. By 2020 I hope we have some Harry’s, Hermione’s, and Ron’s ready to kick some dark-lord booty.

      • IlsaLund says:

        “Dark and difficult times lie ahead. We will all be faced with the choice of doing what is right or what is easy.”
        -Albus Dumbledore

      • teacakes says:

        @Shambles -Obama totally is Dumbledore. And hearing about how his loyalists plan to stick around and fight, both gives me heart and reduces me almost to tears.

        (and I am not even American, just terrified of what’s going to happen to the world when the Orange One starts trying to flush the US down the tubes and leave the rest of us caught between Russia and China…. we all need to be the Order of the Phoenix now)

      • Deering24 says:

        Shambles–_we_ are Harry. Every one of us. Every one who sends money to the ACLU, PP, Sierra Club, Southern Center for Law and Justice, etc. Every one of us who stands up in real life and doesn’t let racist/facist crap happen without saying or doing something. Every one of us who don’t become Good Germans and lets Trump’s plans go down–or falls for that “we should unite and obey” crap.

      • Shambles says:


        Hell. Yes.

        I’ll add my sentiments to my CB sisters who have said that they love this place, especially during times like these. I mean… I f*cking love you guys. We just had a discussion about who our current political circus performers would be cast as if the world was Harry Potter, which ended with an inspring message of hope: WE are ALL Harry. And yes we are. So much love!!!!

      • Birdix says:

        Beautiful sentiment Deering. And thanks CB–you made our day.

      • I Choose Me says:

        Love, love, love this entire thread. Seriously I love you guys. Special shout out to Shambles. If I knew you in real life, I would hug you so hard.

      • Deering24 says:

        You’re all welcome. 🙂 The folks posting here continue to give me hope this electorial disaster won’t lead to a cakewalk for TrumpCo.

      • Ama says:

        You guys, don’t want to be the spoiler of your fun, but Trumps Twitter reaction braught up all the hidden fear in me again. Also the reactions to the Hamilton “speech” online: http://www.broadway.com/buzz/186795/exclusive-brandon-victor-dixon-on-the-hamilton-fams-speech-for-mike-pence-i-hope-he-remembers-us/
        …one commentator being gay and voting for Trump?!! I even thought Kanye (West) Kardishian would make a better President, before I read the article here: “if I had voted I would have voted for TRump”.
        I wish we could all put it down on trailer park folks voting Trump…
        Same thing happening in Europe right now. Ignorance or even fascism has become socially acceptable again: I am Austrian and we have elections this December and the chances are high that we will have a rightwing president (this office has more of presentational duties, but it will give the right wing party new momentum).
        Then look at France and the Dutch…without their Nazi past is seems it is even more acceptable to speak their fascist mind…
        Humour is a good remedy against fear but right now I am unable to laugh.
        I love your spot on comments on this sight, though. Keep it going!

      • pato says:

        Gosh I love this thread!!! Trump would never be Peter, the rat is nothing and Trump is a scumbag but kind of smart, and he needs to be the center of attention. He is definitely not a follower. Pence is the dangerous one, he and Bannon will be the ones to destroy every single right, every victory for women, for the LGBT community, for everything, as we know them, they maybe keep the right to vote for women but besides that.. forget anything good for minorities. Maybe Pence is Grindelwald and Trump is Voldie (in the end he will be the one taking all the money and the secrets and the power). And then Dumbledore will come back and rescue all, or Mrs Dumbledore if we are lucky and the misogynist white males that didn´t want to vote for Clinton learnt their lesson.

    • mia girl says:

      Yes, funny how Trump and his supporters are all ok with safe spaces all of a sudden.

      One of my favorite tweets about the whole thing was:

      “Trumps so angry at theater, he’s gonna to try to build a fourth wall”

      • Shambles says:

        Lol lol. Lol.
        Salty theatre nerds are the heroes of our time. Right here when we need them.

      • Esmom says:

        mia girl, I love it. And Shambles, preach. It’s the salty theater nerds at my kids’ high school are the heroes throughout this s%^tstorm, too.

      • mia girl says:

        Shambles & Esmom – Yes! Theater nerds unite!

        Taran Killam had a funny one too:

        “FOLKS WHO VOTED 4 TRUMP: “He’ll make America strong!”

        TRUMP: “The theater kids are harassing us!”

      • Mieke says:

        We’ll ask Ryan Reynolds to put The Trumpster in an infinite wall building loop…

        “Fourth wall break inside of a fourth wall break? That’s like… 16 walls!”

    • Nicole says:

      I love that tag. Gave me life. As did the boycott Hamilton tag with people offering to graciously take Hamilton tickets off others hands. It works as well as their dumb Starbucks protest.
      Hilarious that trump suddenly wants apologies when his entire campaign was based on hate rhetoric. Also the play is about an immigrant played by an LGBTQIA member who is also HIV + and if you don’t know Pence’s record on both of those issues…

      It’s going to be a long 4 years with the president probably boycotting the UN, NATO and every other sane country when he’s being “bullied”. Funny enough I don’t remember these people being “over it” when Obama won. I believe they threw an obstructionist tantrum for 8 years

      • Betsy says:

        I missed the Starbucks protest. I’d go google it, but it seems like they do this annually. Are they mad about holiday cups that do not bear the likeness of the infant Jesus?

      • Nicole says:

        Because they are being discriminated against (eyeroll) they are going to Starbucks and ordering drinks with the name trump to make the baristas say it. I’m not quite sure what the point is but whatever

      • kacy says:

        The point of the Starbucks protests is to force the largely minority staff at Starbucks to publicly acknowledge the win. It’s throwing it in their face.

    • EM says:

      The most hopeful thing I’ve heard this morning is that Obama may be active/vocal against Trump policies once he leaves office.

      I hope it’s true and also hope that Obama opts against helping Trump during the transition. Frankly since his voters basically said eff off to many Americans it would be great if Obama would do the same thing. That plus we all know that Trump and team are going to blame Obama for everything so why actively participate…

      • Nicole says:

        It’s not maybe he’s said it several interviews (before trump was elected) that he was looking forward to going back to his activist roots as a private citizen and not being quiet. So basically 100 levels up from No f**ks Obama

      • original kay says:

        I hope Obama helps him in any way he can. That’s a true leader, one who puts the needs of his followers ahead of his own agenda.
        Obama, imo, is attempting to lead by example, in some small hope it rubs off off trump.

      • EM says:

        @original kay – but there’s zero chance it will rub off on trump. Frankly I’m just sick of Obama, and many of us, taking the high road. Sure, it’s the right thing to do but I’m sick of it being manipulated and to have his actions spat upon. That’s what trump, cabinet, ryan etc are all doing and not just with words but with actions.

        Trump is soon to be president, has bragged about how he is the expert, will have the best people and how Obama has been the worst president ever; as such let him go because it’s not as if 1-3 months with Obama will change anything. Trump and family have proven their lack of “goodness” and will do what they want, when they want.

      • Petrichor says:

        @EM, but look at it this way: if Obama assists Trump during the transition period he’s doing his job well, and with class, which will be part of his legacy as President. Trump & Co can say what they like, but history will remember Obama fondly. Then, it’ll be that much sweeter when the new administration starts to screw the pooch, which they inevitably will, and Obama-the-activist comes at them, as others have said, with 0 fu*ks.

      • Lama Bean says:

        I’m looking forward to Obama-post presidency (not bc of what we will get as president). Obama is still going to be highly popular. Imagine how many interviews and late night shows he will still be part of and how many Trump will not. It’s going to grate at him, hurt his ego, make him more explosive and insulting. Which equals humorous twitter meltdowns.

      • hmmm says:

        Drumpf just wants to waste Obama’s time.

    • Jess says:

      I’m with those who think this was a plan by Trump/Bannon to troll liberals and distract everyone from the fraud settlement.

    • Sarah says:

      @ Shambles. LOL. Loved your comments and the “revised” musicals – Hitler on the Roof!!
      Pence showed class by staying to hear the comments and then in not jumping into the twitter war zone that Trump prefers to live in. Trump sounded like a “whiny little b**ch” (one of my favorite insults now) with his comment that the play “Hamilton” – “which I hear is overrated”. So overrated that it is sold out!

  2. Rachel says:

    I think Trump fanning the flames of this latest controversy is his attempt at deflecting attention from the nightmare that is his transition so far.

    But in general, I can’t stand ~political~ messages or lectures at the end of theatrical performances. It reminds me of seeing Benedict Cumberbatch in Hamlet and his ‘fuck the politicians’ speech directly after the play. It’s just unnecessary – in the case of Hamilton, the show’s political and social messages speak for themselves, and I highly doubt that Pence didn’t realise it was a hip-hop musical with an entirely PoC cast considering the tsunami of publicity over the past year. Can’t help feeling turned off by virtue-signalling showboating by the cast.

    • IlsaLund says:

      But these are not normal times. At every opportunity Trump and his stooges must be held accountable for their actions. If we all sit back and say/do nothing it would only normalize and embolden them further.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        Exactly. These are not normal times. And with Pence being there, the timing for their message couldn’t have been better. It’s not show-boating, it’s people genuinely being worried about their rights right now sending a message to the vice president-elect.

      • Jess says:

        Exactly – agree with this 100%.

    • Jenns says:

      Yes. He is deflecting from his cabinet nightmare appointments and his fraud settlement. I honestly believe his team sent Pence to see Hamilton, knowing that something would go down. Because do we really believe that someone like Pence wants to sit through two hours of hip hop about diversity?

      • Coco says:

        Totally agree, we should be discussing the fraud settlement and instead everyone is blowing up the Hamilton performance.

      • SusanneToo says:

        And the brief statement was very polite. Does anyone here think trump’s cultists will even bother to read it?

      • Birdix says:

        Yes, he has far more reason to apologize for the fraud debacle than Hamilton cast.

      • lisa says:

        this is 100% deflection

        no one will ever convince me that pence chose to spend the evening watching a bunch of non whites and gays rap. no one.

    • Shambles says:

      He’s also trying to deflect attention from the fact that he settled his Trump University lawsuit. 25 million.

      “It was a remarkable concession from a real estate mogul who derides legal settlements and has mocked fellow businessmen who agree to them.” – NYT

      • swak says:

        Considering Trump has stated that he could easily win the law suit. Seems fishy that he now settles.

      • jwoolman says:

        Hopefully people got their money back. It was quite a scam. They were rooked out of tens of thousands of dollars each.

        Trump really needed to settle and not because he was studying his high school civics book. There were three class action suits and at least one of them would have put him on the stand to give his true net worth under oath. I think that might really be the main reason he doesn’t want to release his tax returns. He might not be anything close to a billionaire. But doesn’t he have to release them within a few months of inauguration? How will we know they haven’t been doctored?

      • Trashaddict says:

        Oh, this is juicy. What I come to Celebitchy for! (Grins happily)

    • Christin says:

      This is exactly what the campaign was — a constant deluge of deflection (which spun attention away from the real issues and weaknesses). We still don’t know his financial conflicts of interest.

      • Coco says:

        I called up my congressional rep who is on the house oversight committee. I’m livid that he is seemingly forgoing a blind trust and having his kids run the business but had his daughter and son in law sitting in on a meeting with the Japanese prime minister. And no tax returns? We have no idea how far reaching his business holdings span. So livid

      • MissMarierose says:

        I totally agree with you, Coco. The Hamilton thing doesn’t matter at all. And frankly, the fraud settlement -while it is disconcerting and emblematic of his crooked nature – is in the past.

        We need to be focused on the things that will affect the future, and that includes his conflicts of interest with his business. He’s going to use the American government to enrich himself and his family.

        We need to be focused on those issues to stop his kleptocracy instead of getting distracted by things that don’t really matter.

      • lightpurple says:

        I contacted my congressional representative this morning to ask for an investigation into: Trump’s meeting this weekend with Indian businessmen; Ivanka’s presence at the meeting with the PM in breach of security and protocol; Trump’s encouragement that foreign diplomats stay at his hotels; and how did Pence get those tickets? I also contacted Paul Ryan with the same requests.

    • lightpurple says:

      The cast made the statement because the audience booed Pence’s arrival. He then hid in the lobby until the lights went down and took his seat. The cast made the statement as he was trying to escape again without being seen at the end, and they asked the audience not to boo him.

    • cynic says:

      I also think that Trump and Co. set up Pence’s appearance (I read that he requested tickets on Friday) to deflect from the news of the settlement – and it worked; the media fell for it.
      I’m also laughing about all these conservatives, ridiculing “social justice warriors” about safe spaces, now wanting safe spaces of their own.

      • lightpurple says:

        I’m smelling ethics violation. It is an ethics violation to ask for favors in the form of tickets. it is an ethics violation to accept any gift valued at more than $20.

      • Snowflake says:

        Reading the Daily Mail comments about it makes my head explode. Oh they were rude, blah, blah, blah. But i guess classifying all hispanics as drug dealers and all muslims as terrorists isn’t rude? Gmab.

    • ol cranky says:

      @Rachel if this were a showing of Annie, Oklahoma or Cats, I’d wholeheartedly agree but the show Hamilton is about politics. It was making political statements from the get-go, including in its casting. It’s not just great entertainment, it’s meant to be provocative and make people think

    • Betsy says:

      But Pence was actually in the audience; that’s a bit different than an actor just going off.

      • bettyrose says:

        Exactly! Just one click on any news site comments thread reinforces why the protests have to continue, daily. This isn’t about whining or being sore losers, it’s about letting them know we’re watching every move, as is our right. It’s about ensuring that we are all keeping a close eye on this administration and not letting civil rights get stripped away while we’re busy with our lives. The Hamilton cast handled it beautifully and set the bar high for how to maintain an ongoing intelligent, respectful dialog.

        Even if Trump’s people deliberately put Pence in the line of rhetorical fire as a media distraction, the cast response is still empowering.

    • Tate says:

      Sorry, but this is a time to speak up. I am glad this happened.

    • mee says:

      It seemed like a completely respectful and appropriate statement to be made by the cast at a time when it is unclear that the current administration will act respectfully toward all groups. Applause for the cast for their words. Also agree – what a shameful way for Trump to deflect from his settlement and other issues.

    • isabelle says:

      Part of the reason why he won this whole thing, the media focused on his Twitter versus hitting him hard on bigger scandals: Russia, his lawsuits, his taxes and his business dealings. He knows exactly what he is doing by deflecting attention from his real problems. The media always falls of it.

    • Scout says:

      Trump is not that smart. This is par for the course with Trump and people are giving him way too much credit in theorizing this is all a smoke screen. It may now be dawning on his “team” how this can be used in their favor but that’s an afterthought.

      • Junelou says:

        I disagree. This is exactly how he won the presidency, by being underestimated. He’s an experienced showman, he’s created a thoroughly engaging persona (love him or loathe him: you’re talking about him), and he knows exactly what to say and when in order to evoke specific reactions. This is deft. And when people start realizing that, we can actually start fighting back in a substatial way instead of engaging in these superficial skirmishes.

  3. IlsaLund says:

    I applaud the Hamilton cast for taking a stand. Trump and his administration cannot be allowed to be “normalized.” Trump and his cronies need to be reminded at every opportunity that they do not represent the shared values of the majority of Americans. The more people show their disapproval for Trump’s actions, the more it gets under his thinskin. He hates the fact that not everyone adores his narcisstic orange a–.

    • Alix says:

      ITA. Good on Pence for responding appropriately — more than I would’ve expected from him.

      I think Drumpf is going to have his mind blown with all the free speech that’s coming his way. He needs to remember that he is merely the president-elect, not Autocrat for Life. D-bag.

  4. nina says:

    LOL Pence doesn’t even say anything, so Trump needs to STFU.

  5. Cdoggy says:

    That last line just made me cough out my coffee. Funny!

  6. Miss Jupitero says:

    To the Hamilton boy otters who are urging people to sell their tickets to upcoming shows: just send your unwanted tickets to me! I would kill to see this, but right now the cheapest seats are going for $600 +

    • Victoria says:

      Me too! I want tickets but prices are too damn high, le sigh

    • Crowdhood says:

      This is not a trolling grammar/spelling post because it was clearly autocorrect but I must really tired because I tried to figure out what the slang term “boy otters” meant for WAY too long

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        It was autocorrect, and I was too late to edit by the time I noticed. But now I kind of like boy otters.

        The other brain donors are the ones who are boycotting Starbucks by buying their lattes so that they can write Trump on the cups. Gotta love that one.

      • lightpurple says:

        And some barristas are responding by writing “Drumpf” or “Dumb” or “Dump”

      • Annetommy says:

        I thought boy otter was a reference to the young Benedict Cumberbatch.

      • jwoolman says:

        I love “boy otters”. Sometimes autocorrect comes up with really creative things. Other times, it comes up with obscenities…. Since there is a delay, it’s too easy to hit send before autocorrect has done some damage. At least we can usually edit here (not when things are going slowly, though).

    • LolaBones says:

      Im with you, send the tickets over here!

      That said, its hilarious to think of male otters pressuring people to sell their tickets lol

    • grabbyhands says:

      Boy otters may have been an autocorrect mistake, but I love it and I vote for keeping it.

  7. SusanneToo says:

    Has trump apologized to the people who were punched and beaten at his rallies? Has he apologized for the wide open racism and xenophobia exhibited since November 8th? Didn’t think so.

    • swak says:

      Has he apologized to the disabled person he mocked, the mother with child he kicked out of his rally, the parents of the dead soldier he has put down, . . . The list goes on and on.

    • ol cranky says:

      the Trump supporters are actually saying that Trump has spoken how against all the hate crimes and harassment – you know, when pressed to address everything done in his name, he said “stop it” because, you know, that’s a super forceful comdemnation

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      All of those things are a huge reason why I just can’t take whiny Trump supporters (and some of their thin-skinned pathetic wives, daughters, and friends who have been bending over backwards to defend them across the interwebs) seriously when they bitch about not name-calling/insulting the Trump voters. Basically they want Trump and their fellow Trump enablers to get a pass, and have been screaming ‘Free Speech! He says what he thinks! Down with political correctness! People are too oversensitive!” this entire time, but anyone who dares to criticize or question the intellect, judgment, or ethics of the Trumpsters or point out the fact that a vote for Trump functions as an act of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, or transphobia is ‘bullying’ and should just stop saying things like that. Self-absorbed hypocrites.

      • Kitten says:

        I just think it’s so odd how all Trump-supporters have the same voice. People keep reiterating that these folks come from a myriad of different economic backgrounds and that there’s not just one type of person who voted for him.

        But damn if they don’t all sound the same.

      • Esmom says:

        Kitten, I think it’s because they get all their talking points from the same Fox and/or Breitbart playbook. It’s scary how they eat up the fake news and parrot it back so mindlessly.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Yes, some moron on twitter kept on about only 7% Clinton Foundation money going to charity when it’s actually 88%. But, of course, he wouldn’t believe that.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        I got told I drank the kool-aid (sic) and that I’m “leftist” and a bunch of other worn phrases. They seem to shop at the same “Sticks and Stones” depot.

  8. Kate says:

    Love it. He tried to get some easy, no work required brownie points by using Hamilton to make himself look cultured and tolerant, and it got turned around on him.

    Musical theatre is an LGBT stronghold. The current lead of Hamilton is a gay, HIV positive man. A man who hold’s Pence’s views and acts as he does shouldn’t get to waltz in and try and use it for positive publicity.

    • Rachel says:

      So why haven’t the cast called out every single conservative politician with problematic views who has gone to see the show? Dick Cheney went to see it but I don’t recall anyone making a speech about how he advocates for the unlawful use of inhumane torture.

      • vava says:

        Probably because he’s no longer in power.

      • Senaber says:

        @Rachel, to be fair Cheney’s damage is done. The cast expressed a hope that pence would protect them as he has not protected his constituents before and they were very respectful in doing so. They articulated the audience’s boos very politely.

      • Sixer says:

        Because this particular conservative politician attended the show in the wake of an election that put a fascist into the White House, which seems a rather urgent thing to address?

      • lightpurple says:

        Was Cheney booed by the audience, did he retreat to the lobby until the lights went down, and then try to sneak out at the end?

      • ol cranky says:

        As bad as Darth Cheney is, he was not trying to take money targeted for treatment of HIV/AIDS patients and redirect it to gay conversion “therapy” as Pence has tried to do.

        BTW @Kaiser – I don’t think Pence is walking any tightrope between the groups, his agenda is clear and he’s planning his ascent to become the leader of the new Christian Democratic Republic of America when Trump resigns. The GOP will threaten him with impeachment some time in first year of office and, if that doesn’t work, they’ll present him with facts that will be used against him & his precious daughter Ivanka (and, maybe, the boys) in a criminal case that would lead to jail time. He will cave and they will give him a really nice cover about leaving office due to some family tragedy (we’ll get a story about Melania or Barron having some sympathy inducing illness). so he & the party who knowingly let him commit those crimes can save face. If Trump’s megalomania is a threat to those plans, I expect a more shocking solution as they already have their scapegoats identified to take the blame.

      • Tate says:

        Because we have to focus on what is ahead of us. Trump\Pence now have the power to cause us a lot of damage and my feeling is they will do just that.

      • jwoolman says:

        Cheney might not have been so well recognized and he’s old news.

    • Madailein says:

      I absolutely loathe Pence–perhaps even more than Trump–but he was there w his daughter, who probably is a lot more modernized (despite her father) than he is, and was likely the one who actually wanted to see “Hamilton” to begin with. So I suspect his being there was *not* a publicity stunt (he doesn’t care enough about minorities to pretend he does) and I read that he said he was NOT offended by the speech to him at all, despite Trump’s demand for an apology. He evidently doesn’t feel any apology is necessary, and for that–grudgingly–I give him a point–only one. (Though only b/c the bar for Trump and Co is so damn low!)

  9. vava says:

    Trump further tweeted this morning:

    “Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago

    The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior”

    Highly overrated? I don’t think so, ‘SIR’.

    • Senaber says:

      For the love of God- if you can’t see this as highly inappropriate and a danger to American democracy you are an Idiot of epic proportions. Someone take this man’s Twitter please!

      • ol cranky says:

        @Seneber he already plans to find ways to restrict freedom of the press through fear and intimidation, if not other more direct attack on the first amendment

    • Alix says:

      NO WAY! He actually said “…which I hear is highly overrated”?? Bwahahahaha! By WHOM? Yeah, Pulitzer-prize-winning, multiple Tony-award-winning musicals by MacArthur-grant recipients DO tend to be mediocre, with poor ticket sales… OMG, this would be hilarious if this moron weren’t actually our next president…

    • SusanneToo says:

      Keep it up, trump. Continue to be a laughingstock.

      • Esmom says:

        That’s what I keep thinking. But unfortunately his supporters will continue to support him no matter how ignorant and petty his tweets are. I scrolled through the FB comments on a NYT piece last night and I could not believe all the fervent support he had. Some of them almost read like satire they were so OTT in their love and adoration.

      • EM says:

        It’s the cult-like support and hypocrisy that is making me ragey and disgusted.

        The parallels to Germany in the early 30’s is so heartbreaking and all of his supporters and those that abstained from voting own what’s coming. From his words and “cabinet” it appears that he will go after Muslims and Hispanics first with white America complicit in all of the crimes.

    • lightpurple says:

      He is whining about SNL again this morning too.

      • vava says:

        And isn’t he definitely showing his true colors! LOL! The SNL skit was pretty good, I hope they keep this up for the next 4 years because we are going to need SOMETHING to laugh about!

      • Christin says:

        In addition to Alec’s cold open, the news segment had some biting comedy about having to sleep in his NYC big boy bed that I suspected would push him over the edge. He can absolutely be baited.

    • Tate says:

      Good thing this egomaniac is concentrating on transitioning to the highest office in the country. We are so f@cked.

      • robyn says:

        I remember Pence used to paint Trump as being “broad shouldered” in his commitment to America. With his reactions at the tiniest little thing, it is easy to see that Trump wears a lot of padding under those shoulders.

    • mee says:

      Amazing that the soon to be President of our country has time to tweet about such minor issues. but this is part of his war on Blue State culture, isn’t it? Is it part of a campaign to de-legitimize freedom of speech?

      • Esmom says:

        He’s always been that way, tweeting about minor beefs when you’d think he’d have more important things to do. You’d think he’d be frantically doing his homework on how to do the job of POTUS right now but as usual he’s distracted by perceived slights. It’s appalling.

  10. Jess says:

    He’s so insincere. If anybody thought he was serious about being a president for ALL Americans this proves he has no such intentions. He’s playing people against eachother as he did during the elections.. And yes he’s probably also using this to deflect from the fraud case.

    • RussianBlueCat says:

      This has overtaken the news of the settlement in the Trump University class action lawsuit.

    • vava says:

      Agreed. He settled the fraud case and that no doubt was distasteful for him. He’s trying to deflect attention on that. From what some have said (I’m no lawyer, I don’t know for sure), if he hadn’t settled he could have potentially been impeached over this.

      • kiki says:

        I see. I knew it. Excuse me for my Christian values…. (p.s. I am not an ignorant Christians and I happen to love everyone, that includes the LGBT people) but I believe in Karma and God has a way for turning things around for evil brutes like the Trump administration. GOD DON’T LIKE UGLY and they will reap what they sow.

        However, more good come out of this than bad and I am very proud of the Hamilton cast for cordially standing up against HATE.

      • Nic919 says:

        There is also the business meeting with Indian investors which is also very sketchy. Lots of stuff Cheeto is trying to distract the world from

      • Nic919 says:

        There is also the business meeting with Indian investors which is also very sketchy. Lots of stuff Cheeto is trying to distract the world from

    • lightpurple says:

      He wants no attention to that fraud and racketeering settlement. $25 million is NOT go-away money.

  11. Senaber says:

    Herr Drumpf is so tragically unfit to be president. Seriously… I thought I could not be any more disturbed, but here we are. Feuding with the cast of Hamilton. What a disgrace.

  12. RussianBlueCat says:

    I would hate to see Donald’s reaction if the audience had booed Melania Trump or even worse Ivanka. What will he do when he goes on his first overseas trip as President? Donald may not exactly get a warm welcome. He better learn to get a thicker skin and someone should take away his Twitter privileges.
    Plus making comments that the show is “boring” etc, is just giving the show more attention. I bet ticket sales will go through the roof now!

  13. Mia4S says:

    Hamilton cast did superbly! Bravo!

    And yes, Trump is trying to distract from the fact that he defrauded vulnerable students and is in bed with white nationalists and probable neo nazis.

    On a lighter note, congrats America on electing a whiny, hissy fit throwing baby who just told the world he felt bullied by theatre kids. Oh yeah that will inspire fear in America’s enemies. 🙄 He’s making you look ridiculous.

    • Alix says:

      Um, yeah, no congrats needed…

    • SusanneToo says:

      Hey, you don’t have to tell us!

    • Tate says:

      @Mia4S I can’t look at some co-workers and friends in the same way I used to because I know they voted for this unqualified egomaniac. I am bracing for the shit storm that we are about to face and I am so pissed at my fellow Americans for putting us in this position.

  14. Franny says:

    It’s a joke that he would defend Pence but not any of the minorities or girls who have been harassed or attacked during the past 10 days.

    • Jess says:

      Ikr? His half arsed”stop it” w/re to racist/ anti gay harassment and violence was so unconvincing compared to the self important indignation he feels w/ re to Hamilton casts polite speech. Ridiculous.

  15. robyn says:

    This childish man has NO comprehension of what is going on. I want to scream at the hypocrisy. He worries about RUDE. He is KING of RUDE. Trump and his team deserve not an ounce of respect or courtesy anywhere.

  16. Jane says:

    When Trump and Pence take the oath of office in January to throngs of people possibly booing, is the Great Orange One going to start his inauguration speech by saying, “I’m not going to start my speech until all of you apologize to me. You were all rude. I am your President now and you must obey”?

    Heaven help us on that day.

    • Chrissy says:

      OMG! I can totally see this happening. Him, red-faced and ranting at the podium in front of America and all the world. SMH. I hope it snows in DC and someone throws a snowball at him during his speak. He such a whiny asshole!

      • Jane says:

        I’ll tell you one thing: For the first time in my 30+ years of teaching experience, I will not have my students watch the inauguration in my classroom and we will not write a letter to him for President’s Day.

  17. IlsaLund says:

    ITA with other posters who stated this fake feud with Hamilton is all about deflection. And of course the useless news media is sensationalizing this instead of reporting on the fraud case settlement, the horrendous cabinet picks Drumpfs made and the numerous conflicts of interest that are happening. Did anyone see how he had Ivanka in the meeting when he met with the Japanese dignitary? Just fricking incredible….and this is supposed to be our new normal?

    • SusanneToo says:

      What was she shilling this time?

      • Esmom says:

        Speculation is that the Trump hotel chain is trying to expand into Asia. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry as I’m typing this.

      • jwoolman says:

        Another bracelet? Or maybe the dress?

        Methinks the Trumps will corner the product placement market for the next four years.

    • I'mScaredAsHell says:

      It’s like they see a golden opportunity to cover the world with everything Trump….in every country. Think how their minds are working. This is the best business expansion opportunity they could possibly get…..and all on the taxpayers dime.

    • lightpurple says:

      And he met with business partners from India yesterday. Conflict of interest is not in his vocabulary.

      • Chrissy says:

        Why is there no oversight? Surely, someone currently in power should be saying something. He is making America a complete laughing stock with this behaviour (as well as everything else he’s said and done).

      • lightpurple says:

        Reince Preibus came out this morning and pretty much said that they have no intention of adhering to conflict of interest rules. My congresswoman Katherine Clark filed a bill this past week for close oversight of Trump’s conflicts, which, given that she’s a democrat will probably go nowhere. Ryan and his cronies are always happy to look away when it is one of their own until it benefits him to throw one of his own under a bus.

    • Shambles says:

      And apparently foreign diplomats are racing to book rooms at the Trump hotels as a way of bribing him.

  18. Louise177 says:

    Pence probably has no idea what Hamilton is about. As soon as he saw the multicultural cast he probably wanted to runaway. Brandon Victor Dixon didn’t even say anything bad. Just a hope that the Trump administration would protect all people not just white men. It was the audience that was disrespectful in the sense that the cast had to stop several times because of the booing, from what I have read.

    • jwoolman says:

      Trump probably didn’t bother reading the transcript or watch video of the statement. The full transcript indicates that the cast member tried to stop the booing, saying there was nothing to boo here. He just wanted the VP-Elect to hear a very brief and respectful message of concern, sandwiched in between a longer welcome and thanks for coming, and Pence was gracious enough to actually listen (although understandably I think he listened just outside the roomful of rowdy playgoers).

      Obama said that every President faces protesters, it’s routine. Can’t please everybody. But Trump is going to be endlessly tweeting about it. And there are likely to be protesters everywhere he goes, here and abroad. That’s what happens when a significant number of people find your policies atrocious and mean-spirited. Tends to rile them up.

    • Lindsey says:

      The crowd because, animated, let’s say at certain applicable moments. When Hamilton and Lafayette turn to each other and say, “Imgrants, we get the job done!” And when King George sings “When your people say they hate you don’t come crawling back to me.”

  19. giulia says:

    Trump was originally scheduled to see the show that night and cancelled at the last minute. I also heard the understudies stood on the stairs leading to the mezzanine and booed pence

    • jwoolman says:

      Donald goes to the theater?!? Would have expected him to mention that. Hamilton doesn’t really sound like his taste.

      I kind of think understudies would have instead been keeping in the frame of mind to go on stage in case a cast member fainted…

      Where did you read this?!?

  20. Jayna says:

    The cast didn’t boo Pence, Donald. Get your facts straight. The audience did.

  21. grabbyhands says:


    Theater has ALWAYS been a place where art and politics intersect. This is not new.

    I swear my head is going to explode because I honestly don’t know what is more upsetting-the transparency of sending Pence to this particular show KNOWING that there would probably be a negative reaction from SOMEONE thus distracting everyone from his fraud case, his tragic cabinets picks etc, the fact that it worked so well, the juvenile tweets the morning after, the DEMAND for an apology, the blatant lies about what the cast said when it was caught on a thousand camera phones or the fact that all his followers are taking it as gospel,

    It makes me feel angry and hopeless, and I’m tired of it.

    • Senaber says:

      @grabby i totally understand your feelings, and I hope that at least the feeling of hopelessness does not stay. There are many, many like us. We are the popular vote. His tactics which were once discounted and ignored are now being called out by people who literally have a stage and captive audience. Keep the hope alive. Keep the anger alive. We will make it through.

  22. JudyK says:

    A President-elect who has zero impulse control and thinks he is a Dictator. There was nothing the least bit offensive or disrespectful from the Hamilton cast.

    • lightpurple says:

      What is offensive and disrespectful is that the man pitching these rants probably does not know the difference between Medicare, Medicaid, SSDI, and SSI but is set to eliminate all four programs.

  23. HappyMom says:

    Oh please. I think the boo-ing was ridiculous. But if for no reason other than optics, he needs to stop tweeting such stupid, petty things. He is the President-Elect, he needs to fricking act like act it.

    • Zoe says:


      Are you not following? It was the audience that booed pence. Is America not a land of free speech? We don’t have the right to express our opinions now that trump is president? We must bow to his rule and apologise if we disagree with him?. What trump supporters want evidently is a dictatorship. Funny that after banging on abort free speech and PC now they cant take free speech? Double standards much? America is so effed up right now.

      • HappyMom says:

        Yes-I saw that it was the audience boo-ing Pence. And no, I don’t think that boo-ing someone during a musical performance on Broadway is free speech. I think it’s rude and boorish. I’m all for protestors standing outside the theater waving signs and yelling at him as he leaves. But not in the theater.

      • Tate says:

        I can’t get too offended at booing after a year of watching people being pushed, shoved and punched all while Trump is bellowing that he will pay the legal bills of the attackers. Yeah, booing seems mild in comparison.

      • Trixie says:

        “I don’t think that boo-ing someone during a musical performance on Broadway is free speech.”

        Apparently you don’t understand what free speech is. The audience has every right to boo no matter what you think of it.

      • HappyMom says:

        @Trixie-just because “they have the right” doesn’t mean they should. By your argument, people can just boo or yell out at whoever they want about whatever they want. So you’d be fine with people screaming at President Obama if he was out to dinner with his family? TIME AND PLACE, people.

      • MellyMel says:

        Being booed by people who don’t agree with you, who don’t support you is part of the job as President and VP. Obama has been getting booed since day one. Pence and Prez Snow should get used to it honestly.

      • Leah says:

        Mike Pence disagrees with you. In response to the boos he said ” Thats what freedom sounds like”

    • cr says:

      @HappyMom, they booed before and after. And booing of public figures during public/private appearances, whether it be a theater showing, showing up at a sporting event, is quite common.
      It is free speech, whether you find it ridiculous or not.

      • HappyMom says:

        They boo-ed during the show as well. Just because you’ve deemed it “common” doesn’t make it right. There’s a time and a place. By your argument of “free speech” you would think it’s fine that a Congressman yelled “You lie” at President Obama during his speech to the joint session of Congress?

      • Lambda says:

        You’re conflating ‘polite’ and ‘articulate’ with free speech. Of course booing is free speech, whether you find it pleasant or appropriate. Obscenity, burning the flag, ‘trump that bitch’, all forms of free speech.

    • Original Kay says:

      No, HappyMom is right. They should have just grabbed him by the pussy.

      Time and Place People!!

  24. I'mScaredAsHell says:

    Just like all the sore losers that vilified, obstructed and tormented President Obama for the past eight years, huh. You Trumpeteers love to dish it out but you sure can’t take it. Kiss off.

  25. Zoe says:

    Twitter › BetteMidler
    On the other hand, re Pence being booed at #Hamilton: Anyone who says “yay” to gay conversion DESERVES to be booed at a Broadway musical,

  26. lightpurple says:

    How did Pence get tickets? Did he buy them months ago? Or were they a gift? If a gift, from whom? Federal ethics laws prohibit the acceptance of gifts valued at more than $20 from anyone over whom the employee would have dealings. I suspect Indiana, where he is still governor has similar rules.

  27. lightpurple says:

    It infuriates me that a man who is about to become President but who knows so little about the job is wasting his time on nonsense like this. And he golfed Friday, causing massive problems in the Lincoln Tunnel at rush hour. And while this was happening at Hamilton, just a few miles away, Trumpets were spray-painting his name and swastikas all over the equipment at the Adam Yauch playground. Not a word from him because apparently asking the VP-elect to represent all the people is far more insulting than children seeing such a message of hate and evil and death equated with the President-elect.

    • robyn says:

      He is playing the media again. This is a distraction from the Trump University fraud trial he settled.

      • lightpurple says:

        And the meeting with Indian business associates and the meeting with the Japanese PM to which he brought Ivanka, who has no security clearance, but did not bring a protocol expert or translator.

  28. Jayna says:

    Trump is so thinskinned that after a full day of meetings he lashed out again against the Hamilton cast on twitter yesterday saying they couldn’t even remember their lines and had to read the speech. He deleted it seconds later. He is our President-elect and days later he is still obsessing over this and focused on that? You can’t make this stuff up. And his tweet saying he heard the play is “highly overrated” anyway is just beyond immature and such high school behavior. This man is going to be our president for four years. Wow.

    • nicole says:

      He really is so immature, he should be praising the success of ‘Hamilton’ which has made millions of dollars for theatre in Newyork and has given plenty of jobs to people, instead he is criticising and lying about how popular and well liked it is by saying it is ‘over-rated’, he is really a miserable person and to think he is going to be America’s leader and spokesman around the world really is very sad, he is a complete embarresment.

  29. Zoe says:

    Lots of people on Twitter banging on about the cast being unprofessional and just do their job and poor people who payed their hardearned money and got 2 min political speech.
    Funny how none of them bang on about the hard earned money that the poor people who spent money on trump supporter Kanye shows. Kanye plays a few songs and makes speeches for 2/3 of his shows. Can you say disrespectful to the audience much?

  30. kri says:

    I can’t even believe that cisgender white men would be upset about getting booed. I am amazed at the reaction. So out of line. I wonder what went through that fool’s mind during the whole thing. Who does he think he is?!!! And I’m willing to bet that he doesn’t know the first thing about it, except that it’s fashionable to do “Hamilton”. Thank god people are still allowed to speak up!

  31. Luca76 says:

    This was a set up to distract from the 25$ million settlement for Trump University. Sadly it worked.

  32. Div says:

    Trump is such an as*. Apparently the cast actually told the audience to stop booing and were polite. Plus, even though the audience was booing they were exercising their right to free speech.

    Also, what the hell did Pence think? He’s a homophobic man who openly advocated gay people getting arrested if they apply for a marriage license, gay conversion therapy with electrical shocks aka torture, and more….who wandered into BROADWAY. This is like a KKK member waltzing into the church that my grandparents used to attend.

    I sincerely believe this may have been an attempt to draw attention away from the lawsuit settlement and the fact that several news outlets are reporting on foreign diplomats being encouraged to stay in his hotels. If the latter is true, it is grounds for impeachment on day one. I remember the political scientist that predicted every win, including Trump, stating that the Republicans would find a way to impeach him on day one because he was unpredictable….

    *Also, the irony of these super-religious Catholic guys going against the church. Pope Francis isn’t friendly towards gays and there is still homophobia in the church, but he also advocated leaving gay people alone…..so he is NOT advocating that gay people should be arrested or have shock therapy aka torture. He also has basically criticized Trump and many bishops have said they will undocumented families.

    • Kitten says:

      This. Everything you said.

      Media needs to do their damn job and cover the lawsuit! The story is already getting buried under the Hamilton incident.

      I just cannot wrap my head around the idea of a president-elect who just paid $25m (this is an admission of guilt as far as I’m concerned) to fraud victims.

      How the F*CK is this happening?

    • lightpurple says:

      These super-religious Catholic guys have absolutely no problem going against the Church in their support of the death penalty.

    • jwoolman says:

      Pence’s family is Catholic, but he parted ways with that church long ago much to the continued dismay of his mother. Catholics don’t believe the things he believes, such as that the earth is 6000 years old. (Source: survived 16 years of Catholic education.) Evolution was always taught in Catholic schools, the bible was never taken literally. He attends some evangelical megachurch in Indianapolis and is more properly described as an Evangelical Christian and Creationist.

  33. Marty says:

    Am I the only one who thinks Trump will not last a full term?

    • Redgrl says:

      One of his disgruntled “supporters” will shoot him. Or he’ll be impeached. Or quit because it’s too hard. Then Pence will slither into the presidency and the old Republican Party will laugh about how they managed to get back into power. Trump is the poster boy for affluenza.

    • nicole says:

      Lets hope so, fingers crossed.

      • Tate says:

        Except then we have a President Pence and if you are a woman that should scare the hell out of you.

      • Madailein says:

        My fingers are *not* crossed that Trump gets assassinated–simply b/c Pence actually scares me even more.

  34. Jayna says:

    Trump also found time to tweet about the SNL sketch and whined about that. Seriously?

  35. Kitten says:

    Every day is a struggle for me to accept the idea that this nightmare is actually real. I’ve lost hope that this administration will be anything short of a disaster of epic proportions.

    • Tate says:

      We have been given absolutely no reason to believe that this administration will be anything short of a disaster. Dark days are ahead of us. I hope we see our way through to the other side.

      • Kitten says:

        Absolutely. I truly believe that we are quite plainly, f*cked.

      • Tate says:

        @Kitten me too. My mind hasn’t stopped since Election Day. I know we still had a lot of work to do as a nation if Hillary was elected but I felt we would at least continue to move forward. With Trump I have so many fears about how far back we will regress. I keep apologizing to my kids that the adults in this country screwed up so badly. 😣

  36. IlsaLund says:

    I don’t think I’ll ever be able to wrap my head around this travesty that’s befallen us. My sincere hope is that people have been awakened from their complacency and will now actively join together to fight against this injustice. I think the years under President Obama had us lulled into a false sense of security that perhaps we’d turned the page on many of the human rights and social battles of the past. But no…..the same stupid fights have to be re-fought again and again. Why do zealots always insist on forcing their beliefs and culture on others? Why can’t they just leave people alone? A religious fanatic is a religious fanatic no matter what faith you adhere to.

  37. kNY says:

    The time is fast-approaching when he will be president (I feel ill typing that), with a Republican House and Senate.

    And that time will coincide with the end of him being able to play the victim.

    Playing the victim has gotten him far – the billionaire (maybe) with the gold penthouse managed to portray himself as the persecuted party because of the black man in the White House. He stoked racism from “latent to blatant,” to quote another LMM musical and ran on the perceived victimhood of every old white man.

    And now he’ll be in just about the worst place imaginable for him: he’ll be in charge and have to be held accountable. He won’t be able to blame anyone. Oh, he’ll try. But the reality is there is nothing behind those eyes. He has no idea what he’s doing . And you can’t run for re-election with the slogan “Make America Great Again…Again!”

  38. lightpurple says:

    Not sure what is happening out there but while http://www.senate.gov is working just fine, http://www.house.gov is timing out and crashing. Did everyone in the country decide to contact their representatives this morning?

  39. I'mScaredAsHell says:

    The MAJORITY elected HRC President…..she won the popular vote. The MINORITY (Trumpeteers) will NOT be allowed to bully the MAJORITY into silence and submission. We will build a wall against fascism.

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good (wo)men to do nothing.”
    -Edmund Burke


  40. Spiderpig says:

    This entire thing is a PR stunt to distract attention from the fact Trump essentially just admitted to criminal fraud in his Trump University court case.

  41. Who ARE These People? says:

    I know a lot of people think Chrissy Teigen overshares on social media but her responses were so righteously and furiously pointed:


    Hey remember when Rep. Joe Wilson (R) shouted “You lie!” during Pres. Obama’s 2009 speech on health care? http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/09/09/joe.wilson/

    It’s a classic case of ‘You can dish it out, but you can’t take it.’

    • MellyMel says:

      That “you lie!” moment was one of the most disrespectful and nasty things I have ever seen. I wish Obama had gone in on him in front of everyone but he was and still is a good and classy man.

  42. MellyMel says:

    This man is so thin-skinned and whiny! Ugh…and still on Twitter! But you gotta laugh at him asking people to apologize to Pence and show him respect when he never once showed respect to our current President. He’s been disrespectful for eight years and never said sorry for any of it. Also Hamilton (which he called overrated this morning on Twitter) is sold out for like the next two years. Imma take a wild guess, but I highly doubt the majority of people who bought tickets and the ones waiting to buy some for this show voted for President-elect Snow. Just a hunch…

  43. lightpurple says:

    Melania has announced that she will not be moving to Washington DC in the new year. Something about Barron needing to stay in school.

    • SusanneToo says:

      I’m so shocked! Yeah, really.😂😂😂

    • smd says:

      Oh Lightpurple I don’t think Donald plans to move either. This is going to be such a nightmare for the secret service and I’m not sure how they can shut down Trump Tower and redirect traffic around that big of an area in NYC….

    • robyn says:

      Supposedly it’s too big a sacrifice to take the boy out of a school he is familiar with. Trump’s are not big on sacrifice but have the audacity to compare his financial business dealings, for example, with the Muslin father who lost his son fighting for the USA. This family did not want the job and they sure as heck didn’t think voters were stupid enough to elect Trump.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Yes, as four deferments donald explained, he always wanted a purple heart. Just didn’t want to risk his sorry skin to earn one. It took a deluded vet to give him one.

  44. Abbess Tansy says:

    Thin-skinned tangerine. I like the way the cast handled the situation, polite but firm. How was Pence able to get tickets so quickly?!

  45. MellyMel says:

    Do Pence and Prez Snow even speak to one another. I just read that Pence has said he WASN’T offended by the cast’s comments, it was a joy to be there and he thinks everyone should go see the amazing show.

    • jwoolman says:

      The first thing Trump should have done before tweeting was to actually ask Pence what happened and how he felt about it. But you’re right, they must hardly talk.

      Pence obviously enjoyed the show and didn’t feel insulted by what the cast said. Doubt that he enjoyed the boos from the audience, but he’s been in politics long enough to know that this is going to happen.

  46. aquarius64 says:

    Trump is picking a Twitter fight with a cast of a Broadway play. Pathetic. What’s going to happen on Inauguration Day when there will most likely be protests in D.C. and across the country? Is Trump going to use the levers of government to stifle dissent in any form? Trump wants to be worshipped and feared and that is not a good combination for the Leader of the Free World.

    The media is in part responsible of Trump’s rise becuase its immediate goal was to get that interview. It did not do a deep dive into his questionable business practices until it was too late. The meet and greets in NJ are distractions because the media reported the transition team is a mess. And the press falls for it. SMH.

  47. Hazel says:

    We’re Americans, we get to boo our politicians. And I thought Mr. Dixon’s closing speech was sheer class. I do worry, though, about theater & the arts under the upcoming fascist regime.

  48. Harleyb says:

    Someone on twitter pointed out getting booed at the theater wasn’t the worst thing that ever happened to a politician.

  49. MFM008 says:

    fat maggot better get used to being booed and protested against, he hasn’t seen anything yet.

  50. jinglebellsmell says:

    Did the cast members have the right to speak and the audience to boo? YES.

    Was it in poor taste to bring politics into a social event, when the man was with his daughter and nieces for a night out on the town?? YES.

    However he is now a public servant and has signed up for such scrutiny. If he knew anything about “Hamilton” I am assuming that he may have even anticipated such a response.

    Yet, this was not the time and place. Send a Tweet, or post an Instagram message. If it were Hillary, some may feel differently.

    I’m a Hillary and NOT a Trump supporter.

    • Amelie says:


      Thanks for your post.

    • kNY says:

      Hillary got booed at Hamilton during the primaries, FYI.

      He walked into a play that is performed by people who are minorities or gay or BOTH. And he was met by a wonderful, calm, rational, necessary plea. After Trump’s rhetoric for the last year and a half – after Pence has stood by it and promoted it and that orange buffoon – these words needed to be said.

    • hmmm says:

      Amazing how people want protesting silenced because, manners. Shyeah.

      • jinglebellsmell says:

        It’s got nothing to do with manners. Like I said, they had the right to do it, and he should have expected it, but it still doesn’t make it the PLACE for it. And, kNY, I wasn’t aware that Hillary got booed at Hamilton as well, but I never said she wouldn’t be booed, I said some may feel differently if it were her. I think both of them are crap heads, but it wasn’t the time or the place, in my opinion. If Hillary walked into an all white, hetero play for some reason or the other, would it be the place for them to do such a thing? And boo her for her beliefs? Again, I am as liberal as they come, and the Trump Pence Whitehouse scares the hel* out of me for many reasons. My opinion, nothing more.

  51. SusanneToo says:

    Rancid Penis has confirmed they intend to move ahead with a registry of Muslims.

    • jwoolman says:

      Since I’m not very portable at the moment, I hope we all can register as Muslims online. The Jewish head of the Anti-Defamation League announced he will register as Muslim, which seems like a fine idea to me. I’ll just be a secular Muslim.

  52. smd says:

    Hey, how badly will traffic be affected with Melania and Barron staying put in Trump Towers? Any New York CBERS on here can update us on just how nightmare ish this logistics will be? I have a faint idea, used to visit the city as a teenager with my cousins who lived in Yorktown heights but I’m not familiar with where Trump Tower is located. But I have to imagine it is in a central area and this is gonna be a huge problem (pun intended).

  53. SusanneToo says:

    Fascinating On the Media today, covering, among other things, bannon, disinformation online, white supremacy, separation of the races. We probably all need to increase our support of NPR because it’s going to be on the neo-Nazis sh1tlist.

  54. smd says:

    Ok one of the funniest posts I’ve seen yet? Oh Donald get over it, it was just Locker room, um theater talk…..bwaa ha ha ha!!

  55. M.A.F. says:

    I’m more alarmed at the fact that Trump keeps posting Tweets at 3:00 am, 5:00 am etc. That is not a good sign to me and it spells of hidden dangers.

  56. BooBooLaRue says:

    wah, wah, wah, from the biggest bully-shitter on earth

  57. Saks says:

    “Safe place”????!!!!!!!!!! ¡No seas cabrón!…

    Orange monster made a whole country actually unsafe for millions of people with attacks and harrass being reported, but he is whining because special snowflake Mike Pence got booed. I just can’t.

  58. Lovely Rita says:

    This is just the beginning. There’s far more to come from Trump & Company. That is why I decided to March for Women in Washington DC on January 21st. My personal feeling is that if we don’t continue to speak out, we’ll be made silent quickly.

  59. khaveman says:

    The whiny little beotch is creating a diversion in the press because he just settled a large lawsuit and is clueless as fudge in becoming president. JOKER. “Boooooooooo.”

  60. SusanneToo says:

    Companies to support as they’re on the trump cultists boycott(boy otter)list.

  61. Mrs. Odie says:

    This is a STUNT! Trump and Pence want us distracted. Why? Always ask what they’re trying to divert our attention from. It’s what they did for the whole election by always throwing the “crooked Hillary” evasion into every conversation. It’s not about Hamilton. Be vigilant, my fellow citizens. Keep your eyes open. Don’t fall for their tricks.

  62. HK9 says:

    What?? Someone booed Mike Pence? Good.

  63. Mel says:

    Three things:
    one: yes, please boycott. I WANT a ticket!!!
    two: Pence walking into the Rodgers Theater sounds like the beginning of a very funny joke. What did his staff think was going to happen when he went there? The cast in itself represents every single minority being “harassed” (not to be confused with Trump’s definition of harassment. But then again, the guy doesn’t know assault either so…) during the campaign and Lin has been soooo vocal about his disdain (to be polite) for Trump and his administration, there was no way this could end well…
    three: media, you’ve covered it. Move on. Lord knows Hamilton doesn’t need the publicity. Focus on the “real story” hiding behind this.

  64. Crumpet says:

    Mike Pence said “I nudged my kids and reminded them, ‘That’s what freedom sounds like.” I wish Trump would be so gracious.

  65. CatJ says:

    A funny bit on another blog showed Trump’s tweet about the theatre being a safe place, and right below a response by Abraham Lincoln with “Bitch, Please!!!!