People: Kanye West was not placed on an involuntary 5150 psychiatric hold


So what exactly is going on with Kanye West? Apparently, he’s still being hospitalized, although there are different reports about whether he’s being “held” versus Kanye making a “choice” to stay and get treatment. TMZ reports that Kanye’s personal physician was the one to call 911 on Monday, and that the physician’s initial diagnosis was “temporary psychosis due to sleep deprivation and dehydration.” The doctor and the people around Kanye at the time were concerned that he could physically hurt someone, which is why the doctor placed Kanye on a 5150 psychiatric hold, which is an involuntary hold. But People Mag tells a different story.

Kanye West was not placed on a 51-50 psychiatric hold before he was hospitalized for exhaustion, a source confirms to PEOPLE. Despite reports claiming that the rapper was committed against his will, a source tells PEOPLE: “There was a small altercation at the gym but he was deemed medically stable and decided to seek medical help at his doctor’s request.”

The source adds: “We’re super confident he’s going to pull through.”

PEOPLE confirmed that West, 39, was hospitalized for exhaustion on Monday afternoon after canceling his Saint Pablo tour.

“He is exhausted and currently dealing with sleep deprivation,” a source told PEOPLE. “He went to the hospital at will under the advice of his physician. He’s fine.” The source added that “he was not restrained” and that “he went freely.”

The source also told PEOPLE that Kim Kardashian West is “being amazing” as his family and friends support his recovery. “Family and friends are around. Kim is being amazing. As are all of his friends and team and inner circle.”

[From People]

So, the Kardashian version is that Kanye agreed with his doctor and that he went to the hospital voluntarily. Sure. At this point, I think everyone is just happy that Kanye is getting help and seems to be accepting help. It’s my hope that that this was some kind of wake-up call for both Kanye and Kim, that they both need to take his mental health seriously. I’m not saying Kim enables him – because I don’t think that we should put it in those terms – but I do think Kim protects him a great deal, even when there are warning signs that he’s spiraling out of control.

As for the cancellation of the Saint Pablo Tour… TMZ reports that Kanye had great tour insurance, and it’s possible he could file an insurance claim based on his hospitalization and recoup the tens of millions of dollars he’s losing.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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42 Responses to “People: Kanye West was not placed on an involuntary 5150 psychiatric hold”

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  1. Belle Epoch says:

    Confident he’s going to “pull through” exhaustion? Well that story went off the rails.

  2. Whatabout says:

    I’m glad he’s getting help!
    But I can’t help but think the timing of this is interesting. The first time Kim has left LA and is in New York his doctor sends him to the hospital. I can’t help but think they may have acted quickly because Kim wasn’t there.

  3. Jack Daniels is my patronus says:

    You aren’t handcuffed for a voluntary hospitalization

    • Jesie says:

      Possibly he calmed down and once at the hospital agreed to go in voluntarily.

    • Lightpurple says:

      And your doctor can arrange transport that doesn’t involve EMTs or the police.

      As far as the tour insurance, he is better off with the first version. The second version raises questions of fraud.

      • Swak says:

        With the diagnoses of sleep deprivation and dehydration, would the insurance pay out totally. Not sure how many more dates he had but could the insurance only pay out for those in this week and next and say after that he should be able to perform. I say that because sleep deprivation and dehydration seem easily fixable.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      A 5150 hold doesn’t have to be the full 72 hours. He could have initially been brought in on a 5150, then was stable enough to be voluntarily admitted.

  4. minx says:

    “Super confident” “Being amazing”–sounds like PMK or Khloe.

    • HappyMom says:

      This whole version sounds like PMK.

      • jwoolman says:

        Especially the doctor’s initial diagnosis given in TMZ. A doctor wouldn’t reveal that, but the Kardashian Krew would. The doctor must have told Kim (next of kin) and she passed it on, making it public because that’s what they do.

        I doubt Kanye would voluntarily stay in the hospital if all he needed was fluids and sleep, though. Or for other reasons. More likely they are keeping him for more thorough evaluation and adjustment of dosages if he is taking/will be taking any drugs for his conditions. If he’s been off meds, it might take a while before he would be able to voluntarily cooperate because missed doses can mess up your judgment, depending on the drug used and the condition. If Kim can stay with him, that might help get him to cooperate until he’s stabilized enough.

  5. Leah says:

    That sounds like Kris Jenner trying to sugar coat what happened.

  6. Tiffany27 says:

    If he went voluntarily why did Kim have to leave New York? Why did the people in his trainer’s neighborhood say they SAW Kanye leaving strapped to the gurney? I hope Kanye gets all the support he needs, but this is just an example of why people don’t believe a word that comes out of this family’s mouth. These people would lie and say the sky was purple if it made them money and/or protected their image.

    • Capepopsie says:

      I really don’t think Kim leaving New York is
      strange, at all! If you heard your husband
      had been admitted to hospital and you were
      far away, would’t you do the same? I know I
      would. It ‘s actually a sign of a healthy
      relationship to me. (One of few)

  7. Scout says:

    Anyone else have a problem with sources explicitly stating the doctor’s exact clinical diagnosis? I think “exhaustion” would have sufficed without flagrantly violating Doctor/Patient privilege and his right to privacy.

    • tback says:

      Is “exhaustion” even an actual medical diagnosis? I believe exhaustion, or more accurately, fatigue, is a SYMPTOM–not a diagnosis

      • Scout says:

        What I am saying is that we don’t have the right to know his exact medical diagnosis – temporary psychosis due to sleep deprivation and dehydration – and that the PR standard “exhaustion” statement would have sufficed. Exhaustion is a symptom but why are we entitled to know confidential information between a patient and their doctor? We don’t even have a right to know the symptoms, especially when this man is at the very beginning of getting help for something.

      • tback says:

        Completely agree with you on your privacy point….we don’t have any right to know his diagnosis. My point is, don’t release some ridiculous sounding statement citing “exhaustion.” As someone up the thread said, one doesn’t get admitted for “exhaustion”….you get a bag or 2 of fluids & some sedatives & then get sent home. People aren’t kept overnight for most surgeries these days much less a few nights for fatigue. Just release a statement that he is being treated for a medical condition, or better yet say nothing. This exhaustion BS isn’t ending speculation.

  8. valkenburg says:

    I’m not a doctor, but I imagine if I was a medical doctor who made house calls and I had a patient who was “sleep deprived and dehydrated”, I would probably inject him with a sedative and give him IV fluids rather than call 911 to have him admitted to the psych ward, especially when said patient is probably the most high-profile celebrity who is known for crazy rants and behavior. Who knows what the truth is, but my guess is Kimye will have a lot of trouble in the future getting insurance for a.) tours and b.) very expensive jewelry.

    • Val says:

      Of course it’s not “dehydration”, that’s just a Hollywood code-word. Every celebrity that has collapsed or whatever, it was because of “dehydration” lol… and then they go talk about how they drink 2L of water a day.
      *rolls eyes*

  9. Wellsie says:

    The “source” that gave this statement should have slept on it first, because it sounds ridiculous.

  10. Citresse says:

    I read a source which said Kim and Kanye have been bickering quite a bit before Kim’s trip to NYC. If Kim mentioned divorce then maybe that’s what pushed Kanye over the edge.

  11. QueenEllisabet says:

    i always thought ‘exhaustion’ was code for ‘coked out of his head’

  12. sam says:

    Exhaustion, sleep deprivation and stress can cause extreme emotional and mental health issues, such as panic attacks, erratic behavior, or severe health crisis like a nervous breakdown or hallucinations. Which is not to say that there are not other issues also involved here – I’m sure we don’t know everything that is going on.

    I totally get why everyone is questioning the stories coming out, but I think its important to realise that things like this an episode like this can happen to anyone; normal or unwell people, nice people and narcissists. For example several years ago a friend of mine who was normal and healthy experienced experienced a week long period where she did not sleep at all. She began to feel extremely unwell, fearful and delusional and was acting out in scary ways. She sent herself to the doctor, who immediately asked her what drugs she was on (she had taken none she literally just stopped sleeping one day). A day or so after being admitted, and sedated she finally managed to sleep and made a full recovery. There was no detectable imbalance, chemical or ongoing health issue that anyone could find to have caused it.

    It is possible to have an ‘episode’ and recover a great deal in a short amount of time just as much as it is possible that there is more going on here than what we know.

    Also, just another random thought – often if you are living with someone with mental health or behavioral issues, you become used to a level of behaviour that other outside observers might immediately see as frightening or dangerous. Its not that you are ignoring symptoms, its just that you think you can manage it, or that you become used to seeing a certain level of behaviours. (Think about people in slowly escalating violent relationships versus someone who is suddenly physically hurt by their partner on one occasion).

    • tback says:

      Thank you for your comment…this can absolutely happen to anyone…just as a physical illness can happen to anyone…mental illness does not mean the person is somehow flawed.

      • jwoolman says:

        Mental illness is really physical illness that affects behavior because the brain is the organ involved. It really can happen to anyone at any time and is not indicative of a spiritual or character flaw. It’s especially rough because it changes what we usually think is our true self. But really what we think of as our true self is very dependent on body chemistry and the physical condition of specific areas of our brain. Damage to the brain can make someone seem like an entirely different person, because in a sense they are. Some effects are more reversible than others.

    • Scout says:

      Thank you for this. Mental illness does not discriminate. I hope people remember the judgement they’re boasting when someone they love has any sort of medical problem or someone they care about – celeb, family, friends – attempts to take their own life and they’re left scratching their heads about why they couldn’t see the signs or why that person didn’t seek help.

    • Mae says:

      Good thoughts. I’d only add that there’s always a chain of causality, even if what is currently available at the hospital cannot detect it. More sensitive tests are being developed all the time, and our understanding of the combination of factors that trigger illness is improving.
      Kanye looks like he was on this road for a while, though (and that doesn’t have anything to do with character flaws, just that people with milder symptoms tend not to seek treatment until things have escalated, whether through ignorance or lack of self-awareness). These types of conversations are useful for increasing awareness, so that’s something.

  13. The Original G says:

    Even an annoying fame whore deserves privacy when seeking medical treatment.

    • Susan says:

      Agreed. It’s my opinion that his family or other sources should have said absolutely nothing at all. It’s irrelevant why he was admitted or under what circumstances. It should all be kept private on his behalf.

  14. Erica_V says:

    I don’t care so much about the millions HE personally is losing but I care a great deal about the crew & back up singers/dancers/band that have all lost their upcoming expected paychecks with the tour being cancelled. I hope for their sake he has good insurance and whoever is planting these stories thinks of them before putting out more stories that could confuse or compromise those payouts.

    • Val says:

      Yes, thank you! But I assume the insurance payout would cover their salaries? Hopefully someone professional and grounded will take care of it.

  15. KaterinaP says:

    I really hope Kim wasn’t sexually assaulted during the robbery. It seems she’s very traumatized. I mean a robbery like that would be very traumatic but I hope there isn’t more too it.

  16. Tessa says:

    I’m a doctor
    Please tell me that strapping patients, psychotic or otherwise to gurneys is just reserved for Kanye. Really? Hague convention anyone? It’s not 1816

    • tback says:

      The Hague (and Geneva) conventions are both specifically related to war…Geneva conventions dealt specifically with treatment of people during war…however, neither apply in this situation.

    • valkenburg says:

      A doctor would probably know what a 5150 hold is…and that the Hague convention has to do with what is allowable in war, and international abduction of children.