“Natalie Portman is moving to a medieval manor” afternoon links

natalie portman 240409
Picture thanks to WENN.com .

Natalie Portman is Moving to a Medieval Manor. Who says real estate is slow? [Fafarazzi]
Criss Angel stole Jeff Beacher’s cat. Yep. [Dlisted]
Christian Bale and the rest of the cast of “Terminator Salvation” at the premiere last night [Lainey Gossip]
– Swine Flu Keeps Jonas Brothers From a Date in Mexico [PopEater]
New Kids hangin’ tough with fans on 3-day cruise [MSN Wonderwall]
Ciara Gives Up the Goods in Jet [Bossip]
– “Passengers” review [Pajiba]
Cameron Diaz Talks Aging [I’m Not Obsessed]
Marisa Miller launching Victoria’s Secret SWIM 2009 collection at the W hotel in Westwood [Celebslam]
Tori Spelling Is a Horrible Person [Websters is my Bitch]
Lisa Rinna actually Twitters about getting the black hairs waxed off her chin [In Case You Didn’t Know]
Josh Lucas sure knows how to sell Dentyne [Crazy Days and Nights]
Matt Damon’s Game and Hair Change, But Not His Fans [PopSugar]
Adam Lambert is Totally Straight [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
– LeAnn Rimes is wearing her wedding ring. So everything must be fine [The Superficial]
Mariah Carey’s Big ‘Ole Cleavage [Hollywood Tuna]

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15 Responses to ““Natalie Portman is moving to a medieval manor” afternoon links”

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  1. Sauronsarmy says:

    Man I wish I had that kind of money. I’d probably buy an island somewhere.

  2. kiki says:

    we always say its not a Natalie Portman movie if she doesnt sob in it.
    seriously she crys like a stuck pig in every one of her movies

  3. Schmange says:

    Her legs are all banged up… what the heck has she been doing??

  4. Anna says:

    I thought she was moving to Europe when I read the headline! A medieval castle in California, now that’s humour!
    It’s a castle. It’s definitely NOT medieval. So funny, rofl!

  5. BigFish says:

    Damn, how unusual for a star. Big house and lots of money but we all know stars who have put that much blow up their nose.Way to go, young,beautiful, has morals, is smart. You must give her your dues.

  6. TT says:

    where might this medieval manor be? down the road from Sean Penn’s new nesting place?

  7. Joe says:

    Schmange…I was going to ask the same thing..dem legs are beaten up…..kinda sexy actually…

  8. Nony says:

    I laughed so hard. A medieval manor in California? Yeah right. When the rest of the world says that sort of thing, they actually _mean_ built in medieval times. Only in America it’ll mean ‘kinda old style’.

  9. paranel says:

    Medieval Manor in Los Angeles . And who made it ? Disneyland prop guys?

  10. saintdevil says:

    Did she get those varicose veins by humping Penn?

  11. JFS61 says:

    Who cares – Just another stuck-up, out of touch biatch. The fact that the she’s screwing Sean Penn also says loads about her character.

  12. Sakota says:

    I think it’s funny how a lot of these twits make a ton of cash and then proceed to buy a castle and play as if they were born to the manor.

  13. voodoobetty says:

    oh fgs its not a castle its a house with some gothic styled features. Stupid media blows everything out of proportion just to make stars look bad. And her legs look normal to me. She probably bruises easily.

  14. gg says:

    Ditto what Anna said. Medieval HICK, maybe.

    No slight on Nats though – she is fantastic.

  15. Cynthia says:

    Wow-Go Natalie!