Jennifer Garner goes to church with wet hair: have you gone out with wet hair?

Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children
These are photos of Jennifer Garner arriving at church on Sunday separate from her likely no-longer-estranged husband, Ben Affleck, and their kids, who were there first. In the photos where her hair is dry, she’s leaving church with her daughters. Judging by Garner’s wet hair, she may have hit the gym or had a personal training session just prior to church and couldn’t be bothered (or didn’t have the time) to dry it. We’ve seen Jen out with wet hair before, it’s not new. It does seem a little bizarre to go to church with wet hair, but that’s her prerogative and it’s becoming more common to see people do this. I saw a college-aged woman out at a very nice restaurant the other night with wet hair. My girl Kaiser does this sometimes, as she lets her hair air dry and doesn’t own a dryer. (I think her hair is so healthy and thick due to genetics not just air drying, but that’s my jealousy speaking.)

As I’ve mentioned many times, I am the kind of person who puts makeup on, every day, without fail. I also either pull my hair back into a ponytail or blow it dry. I save time by only washing it every other day. Only twice in the past 15 years can I remember going out with wet hair and once was because the new spinning studio I tried didn’t have any hairdryers to use (they told me they were available before I took a shower!) and the other was when hairstylists at a new salon were trying to stealthily gossip about me, so I told them I didn’t want my hair done after all. I am all about doing my hair and makeup, it’s somewhat ritualistic at this point and I truly enjoy it. No judgment on women who don’t wear makeup or fuss with their hair! I admire that attitude and sometimes wish I could do this, I’m just too self conscious otherwise.

So what do these photos mean for Garner and Affleck’s relationship? We know he’s promoting Live by Night, which is out in limited release by the end of the year, and we know he’s gunning for more Oscar nominations. Along with that comes playing the family man, a role which often eludes him. Sometimes his professional life requires that he convincingly play that role, and that’s when his urges to self destruct aren’t quite as compelling, or he just gets better at hiding them. Garner has said she values family above all else and she continues to show that with her actions.

Thanks to The Daily Mail we know that the shoes Garner is wearing are Chloe brand and that they retail for $545. Just in case you have a lot of disposable income and are wondering where to get nondescript overpriced flats.

Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children

Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children

Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Attend Church With Their Children

Photos credit: FameFlynet

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127 Responses to “Jennifer Garner goes to church with wet hair: have you gone out with wet hair?”

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  1. perplexed says:

    Not if I’m going to get photographed.

    Going to church with wet hair seems a little strange to me. The grocery store or anywhere else where nobody knows who I am, I can understand. But church?

    If I’m going to wear $545 shoes, I’m pretty sure I’d feel inclined to do my hair. Just because.

    • OhDear says:

      Yeah, the wet hair at church/place of worship seems a bit disrespectful, IMO. At least tie it back so it’s not as obvious? But I’m old school about dressing up (more accurately, not dressing down) at/in religious services.

      • Jenn4037 says:

        Disrespectful? As opposed to not going at all? Incidentally, this is why I no longer attend church. It is supposed to be church. Not a sorority meeting.

      • Kate says:

        Don’t think whatever God your worshipping really cares that your hair’s wet…lol. “Thou shall not have wet hair in church”. C’mon man!

      • BJ says:

        I go to church,work,store,etc with wet hair.I usually wear it brushed back and my hair is shorter than hers.So I am biased,I don’t have a problem with her going to church like that.

      • Mary Mary says:

        Except for the red carpet, neither she or the children ever leave the house looking well-groomed.

        Why is that?

      • perplexed says:

        I think I’m baffled because her shoes cost so much.

        When I’m wearing expensive items, I suppose I feel the need to make sure the rest of me goes with the expensiveness of what I’m wearing. Although, to be fair, $500 for shoes is probably chump change for her.

      • asd says:

        > Although, to be fair, $500 for shoes is probably chump change for her.

        EXACTLY. She doesn’t put them on and think “Ooh, better get all dressed up, I’m wearing my expensive shoes today!”. They’re just shoes.

      • perplexed says:

        “EXACTLY. She doesn’t put them on and think “Ooh, better get all dressed up, I’m wearing my expensive shoes today!”. They’re just shoes.

        Unfortunately, that’s what I think when I put on something expensive.

        To me they’re not just shoes. They’re a lot of money! (possibly down the drain).

      • Hfsni says:

        I used to think this too especially for men when all u have to do is trade yourjeans for khakis, but then i realized its cultural. In europe not dresing up for events is a sign of disrespect like a slight jab…but america is so casual now that its no longer purposeful not to dress up…its just how ppl dress…the new normal…thats y old ppl still dress up its their normal

        She only did the wet hair for attention same with the no makeup its an image statement

    • Angel says:

      Ugh I can’t do it because it makes me feel COLD

      • Sabrine says:

        I like that she’s not a slave to vanity. Women are obsessed about their hair and makeup and I’m wondering if that ties in with a lack of self-esteem and confidence about showing their natural self. Good for her. She’s going to church. There’s your respect. Giving hair the power to be disrespectful is ridiculous.

    • Lex says:

      Is this an American thing? I don’t see why going anywhere with wet hair would be weird.

      Or why you need to “dry” your hair before going anywhere. Let it air dry! Better for your hair and for the environment.

      • perplexed says:

        I don’t think it’s an American thing. I think this is more of a “perplexed” thing. I probably wouldn’t want people I know to see me with wet hair because I know they’d think I look bad (which is why I’d probably only go to places with wet hair where I won’t be likely to run into someone I knew from high school or one of my parents’ judgemental friends). I, however, am not as good-looking as Jennifer Garner. She can go out with wet hair and still be considered attractive enough.

      • Dani says:

        If I go with wet hair and let it just do its thang…I might as well switch spots with the lion at the zoo because holy frizzy thin curly mess. So that’s why I wouldn’t do it. Plus it gets your shirt damp and leaks and stuff.

  2. Shambles says:

    If I waited until my hair was dry to leave the house, I would never go anywhere.

    I have extremely thick, long, coarse, curly hair, and I wear it natural because doing anything else adds 2 hours to my getting-ready time. It dries really slowly, so you’ll see me with wet hair a lot.

    • LadyMTL says:

      My hair takes a long time to dry too, it’s medium length, frizzy-curly but not that thick. I actually plan my shampoo days around whether or not I have to leave the house, though I work from home, so it makes it a lot easier. For example, I know I have to go out for our office party on Friday, so I’ll wash my hair Thursday after work and let it air-dry.

      I don’t like going out with wet hair, especially here…it’s cold outside! Once I went out in the winter with damp hair and it actually started to freeze, lol. Not fun.

    • Sarah says:


    • Krysten says:

      I am one of those people that run hot. So I dont own a blow dryer because the thought of it makes me want to die. I have super thick straight hair and it takes forever to dry. I can go to sleep with wet hair and itll still be damp. But i leave all the time with wet hair even in winter. I also wear sandals tho til snow is on the ground and I make everyone cold around me lol.

    • Scal says:

      This. Air drying takes at least 8-9 hours before it’s dry to the roots (and this is with shoulder length hair-it used to take way longer)

      Even if I go at it with a dryer it takes at least a hour and even then it’s still damp underneath. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

    • Annika says:

      Yes, exactly.

    • sherry says:

      I have thick, long, straight hair and only blow it dry if it’s absolutely necessary. I think it’s the lack of styling appliances I use that keep it as healthy as it is. I only get a “wave” in my hair by twisting it in a bun on top of my head and then taking it down after an hour.

      So yes, I go out with wet hair, though I try and time my washing to days/times when it has time to dry at the house.

    • Wilma says:

      I definitely go out of the house with wet hair. It takes friggin forever to dry and does not take well to blowdrying.

    • Agapanthus says:

      My hair is very similar to JG and I like to wash it everyday, esp after working out (I’m a clean freak). So, because it takes ages to dry with or without a hairdryer I sometimes go out with wet hair on a non-work day. I often get compliments about the condition of it and I think taking a break from heat styling really helps.

      I quite like the fact JG goes out with no makeup/wet hair/awful shoes, seems to suggest a lack of vanity. Although she is naturally gorgeous!

    • teacakes says:

      Same. I live in a tropical place, I have long thick crazy hair and hate the way hair driers feel —-> lots of wet hair days. Or at least damp hair days.

    • Madailein says:

      I’m the same way. My hair is straight, but very long and thick and I’m rushed most mornings so I leave the house fairly frequently w slightly wet hair. I guess if I still lived in a cold climate, I’d have to dry it or risk catching cold, but ever since I have lived in a mostly warm place, I don’t feel it’s any risk not to always blow it dry.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I’m a curly girl too, and if I used a blow dryer I would be a poof ball. Defusers never really worked for me. I don’t “scrunch” my curls, though, it roughs up the cuticle.

      My hour drive commute to work gets my hair about 80% dry.

    • kibbles says:

      I searched for the word “curly” so I could see if people already wrote what I was thinking. I have curly hair and often wet it to activate my curls before going out. My curly hair does not respond to product when it is dry. I also air dry my curls and suspect a lot of people with naturally curly hair do this. I go out with wet hair and it typically air dries in about an hour. I don’t see anything wrong with this, but I’m also the type who doesn’t put any makeup on other than foundation when I go to work.

      • Andrea says:

        I let my hair air dry since its wavy/curly and takes forever to blow dry. Plus, sometimes when I blowdry it, it gets into that half curly half straight stage and then I have to straighten it all the way and it takes even more time!!!

    • bettyrose says:

      Shambles –
      I wish I’d had more time to check in today. Your comment was like looking in a mirror! If I ever felt self-conscious leaving the house with sopping wet curls, I’ve long since gotten over it. But there’s a point where the curls are semi-dry when I think they’re like magazine cover awesome. Then they dry, and frizz up a little. Even so #curlyhairrules

    • isabelle says:

      Same. mine takes forever to dry and have went out with it wet many many times. My work dress code lists not showing up to work with wet hair. So think if a work place has the rule its pretty common for women to do it.

  3. MissMerry says:

    can’t go out with wet hair. my hair is so fine and gets oily within 24 hours of washing, if i just let it air dry, it dries flat against my scalp and gets super shiny (not in a healthy way, but in a greasy way).

    come to think of it, even if i don’t go out with it wet, it still looks oily within 24 hours…any tips?

    (dry shampoo doesn’t help, my hair is either clean and doesn’t need dry shampoo or too oily to put any sort of powder in it…yeah, it’s that bad). I wash constantly.

    • Lucinda says:

      You might be overwashing and causing your head to produce more oil to compensate. My hair is very fine too and I found it looked better if I only washed a couple times a week. It is awful at first but gets better over time. But I’m not an expert at all.

      • KiddVicious says:

        I agree with this. And don’t use shampoos for oily hair. My oily hair ended up a huge damaged mess from over-washing and drying shampoos. Now I shampoo two or three times a week, my hair doesn’t get oily until the third day. You do have to get used to not having squeaky clean hair, but really, it has more body the second day.

      • VSK says:

        Same here! Very fine and oily hair which I used to wash every day. Then I decided to try and wash less, so I am down to twice a week. First few weeks were rough, but now it is ok. I use dry shampoo in between and B&B Sunday shampoo (which seems to be the only shampoo that I actually like).

      • AG says:

        I have fine and oily hair too, and ever since I switched to a sulfate-free shampoo it has definitely improved. I use Not Your Mother’s Beach Babe shampoo. It just really agrees with my hair somehow. I wasn’t looking for sulfate-free on purpose, was just looking for something new to try and I loved the coconut scent. But I do think there must be a connection to the lack of sulfates and my hair acting better, so you might want to give it or something similar a try. Also it’s cheap!

      • belama1 says:

        I also agree. I use a shampoo bar that has coffee in it (I have a lot of very fine, dark hair) – smells so good and lasts a long time! I used to use Aveda volumizing shampoo but was still having issues with my hair falling flat immediately after washing and looking dirty the next day. I switched to only washing my hair 2x a week and every two weeks rinsing with apple cider vinegar (it only smells for the first couple of minutes – not at all when it dries). It took about 2 weeks to adjust and now I find my hair looks thicker, shinier and, overall, healthier. It’s worth a try…

    • Rianic says:

      I have the same hair and can finally make it 2 – 3 days. Before bed, I use dry shampoo in layers of hair then put it in a big ponytail or bind on top of my head. In the morning, I use a good board bristle brush that touches my scalp to brush the dry shampoo out.

      • MissMerry says:

        what is your favorite dry shampoo for your fine hair?

        I am realizing that spray dry shampoo is better for me because if I have to pour or shake powders into my hair, it clumps and doesn’t go through evenly to work well and leaves white patches.

        I’ve tried the “stick it out for as long as you can without washing” and “only rinse with water for a month” to try and ‘get past’ that hump of ‘overwashing’ hair…I couldn’t come to work with my hair looking the way it does after 48 hours. Legit. It’s not an appropriate look for anyone, anywhere outside their own home lol.

        my hair is fine and brunette so when it starts to become oily…it looks wet. Like I have globs of DEP hair gel in it…it even gets so slick I can’t backcomb it.

    • iseepinkelefants says:

      Im like you but my hair isn’t fine. It’s medium, not as thick as when I was a kid. Nothing keeps it from greasing. It’s sad but there’s a shampoo here in europe by Shu Uemura (the blue bottle) that lets me wash it every other day. That with Klorane dry shampoo (the only one I’ve found that works) and I’m good. But the shampoo is like 40€ a bottle so I only use it if I really need it. I tried the nopoo thing but after a month I caved. I can’t train it to not need shampoo. I’ll always have to wash it. It’s sad because I bet it make my super long hair split end more easily but I need to go out everyday so I can’t not wash it.

    • Saras says:

      Hey Missmerry! I had the same problem with being super oily / acne also until the last 6 months when I discovered mineral salt deodorant spray. Same brands as the solid salt sticks just mixed with water (or dissolve in water yourself). Spritz your face ( avoid eyes) and scalp after showering daily and it dries up the oils/ eliminates acne / and encourages rapid skin turnover. My skin never cleared up this well with any method / rx! Cheap and natural too!

      • MissMerry says:

        OOO! I’ve tried the solid stick for my underarms before, didn’t realize it came in a spray! I will be trying this! thank you!

      • Jade says:

        @Saras, what brand is it and how long did it take for the acne to improve? Thanks!

      • Saras says:

        Any brand will do as long as it is only mineral salts/ water. Thai crystal ect… It’s amazing and so simple I can’t believe I have suffered for so many years with painful breakouts and sebum oil slicks and it’s all gone thanks to salt water! Makes sense when they use saline for wound care. So great to have non greasy bangs and clear skin!

    • Erinn says:

      I’ve put a bit of dry shampoo in pre-emptively. Even though my hair was freshly washed, but after blowdrying. It prolonged the time I could go without washing again, but not by a ton.

      I’m the kind of person who has to usually wash their hair every day for it to look good. Otherwise I’ll wash the first day, then the second day I’ll put it up in a ponytail and blast my bangs with dry shampoo.

      I bought a travel sized Perfect Hair Day (PhD) from Living Proof – and holy crap. I managed to have two days in a row with my hair down, and then a third with it up in a ponytail. I used some dry shampoo before going to bed so it worked its way through during the night, then sprayed my bangs in the morning. My hair felt GOOD too. Since trying this shampoo I’ve managed to wash my hair 2-3 times a week instead of every day, or every other day. It’s supposed to help you wash your hair less frequently.

    • Arpeggi says:

      You’ll probably hate this answer but try to not wash it everyday. It’s easier to try that while on vacation when you don’t have to dress up on a daily basis (because yes, your hair will look like hell for a while), but skip a few days. Your scalp is overproducing sebum to compensate for the washes, it will calm down after a while with a new wash cycle (you can still wet your hair and massage your scalp after a workout to get the sweat out). My hair type is the total opposite of yours (thick, unruly, with too much volume) and I spent too many years washing it daily because itherwise it’d get oily. It took about 3 months to adjust but I can now wash it every 2-3 days.

    • Chaucer says:

      Sounds like we are hair twins!

      Stop washing it. Seriously. Mine was the exact same way, sad, limp, and super greasy. I stopped washing every day, went to every other day. It was horrible for that second day for about a month, then I went two days without washing. Again, terrible for about a month, but it settled. I only wash every three days now, and still have to use a spritz of dry shampoo at the roots, but I’m getting there.

      I swapped to Living Proof as another comment did, life changing. I use their PHD shampoo and conditioner, I don’t blow dry, and very rarely do I use a hot tool. The issue I’ve run into now is that my ends get really dry. Which I’m trying to combat with an oil in the morning. I think my hair will be a never ending battle, but it’s getting to where it’s at least somewhat decent!

    • Mop top says:

      Miss Merry, a good friend of mine had this problem! She found that if she gets highlights in her hair, that process dries out her hair a bit and it looks much better. It might be worth a try. Good luck!

    • Becks says:

      Badlands dry shampoo paste by R + Co is my go to . It’s amazing! I used to wash my hair everyday, and now I just wash it 3 times a week.
      It’s pricey but a little goes a long way….it has volcanic ash that really absorbs the oils. Since it is a paste, I also use it style my hair….it gives you that beachy tousled texture. It gives my hair some serious volume which I love!

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree, try to cut back on the every day washing. I have straight, fine, thick hair and it was the same way, looked bad after 24 hours. Now I go every other day, and sometimes even a 3rd day looks ok if I haven’t been doing much.
      Glad to see all the shampoo suggestions. I recently tried an Argan oil one- my hair felt amazing but it had a super strong fragrance, which I can’t deal with.

    • TerracottaTerror says:

      I have exactly the same hair. I did the whole not washing thing hoping my scalp would normalise. Never happened. What works for me? Shampoos, in general, are just too strong and strip too many oils from the hair. Either heavily, heavily dilute the shampoo, or use a heavily diluted natural soap (I like Dr bronners). When washing use the soap more like a rinse (you can scrub a bit but you need to figure out what level of cleaning is best for your hair), the idea is to clean the hair but NOT strip all the oil from the hair. Sounds pretty counterintuitive when you’re trying to get rid of the oil, right?

      However, you need this oil in order to absorb the wet shampoo. I just use straight cornstarch, and again, you need to figure out how much cornstarch is suitable for your hair. The starch absorbs pretty quickly and my hair still looks shiny afterwards. The combination of the oil and starch also adds much needed bulk to the roots. Yay! I often add it to my hair straight after I wash it. However, more applications of the cornstarch over the week will make your hair increasingly more dull, just like normal dry shampoo.

      Not continually stripping oils from your scalp will help your scalp normalise and not produce as much oil. The cornstarch will stop your hair looking oily all the time. Doing this I went from having to wash my hair everyday to once every four or five days with a bonus of having much more body in my hair. However it took over a year for my scalp to get to this point. Eek. But definitely worth it.

  4. SW says:

    I don’t get why this is a thing…She had wet hair. lol At least she showered?

  5. Lucinda says:

    I HATE wet hair in public but that’s just me. I know it. I think it looks tacky and when my hair was very long, I always took time to dry it. I would never go to church with wet hair. But, it’s probably better to go with wet hair then not go at all.

  6. Erinn says:

    I’ve gone out with pretty damp hair, but never soaking wet. I’ll gently squish out as much water as I can, put some curl products in it, and scrunch it a bit. Then I do my makeup – even if it’s just some under-eye concealer and blush or bronzer, then get dressed and go. By the time I’m in my car, it’s never THAT wet. But if I’m going out for supper or to a party or something, it’ll be dry because I’ll just wash it earlier in the day.

    • perplexed says:

      That’s a good point. Is her house that close to church?

      I have gone out with wet hair but it doesn’t look as wet as that because the air dries it to some extent. Or I could be delusional about how my hair looks.

      I’m pretty sure Garner has better hair than me though. It takes time for me do my hair because it’s so frizzy and thick, but for some reason I think she would have an easier time with her hair. Blow-drying seems like it would be simpler for her. I could be wrong however. Although maybe that’s why she’s confident enough to go out with wet hair. Maybe it just dries naturally and looks great without her doing anything to it. After my hair dries, I do have to flat iron it to take out the thickness and frizziness. For me to just let it air dry would make it seem as though I didn’t bother to comb my hair.

  7. Sayrah says:

    I have but not down like that. If I go out in public with wet hair I pull it up in a bun.

  8. Babyswans says:

    All the time. I have two kids and am pregnant with my third (the last two will be 20 mos apart-that was super smart of us…sarcasm). The toddler is a boy and is on a constant suicide mission. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I literally don’t have the time unless someone else is watching him. But I guess my real problem is that my hair is super thin and requires daily washing-super annoying.

  9. Nancy says:

    She’s never been a fashionista but she’s got the middle aged mom I don’t have time and I don’t care look going on. Whatever works for her I guess.

  10. Lalu says:

    I have long hair and don’t own a blow dryer. I can’t name one place I haven’t been with wet hair. I never thought anything of it… But maybe it is weird. I think it is probably something I should have outgrown but I never did.
    I won’t leave the house without my mascara though. I guess we all have our things we do.

  11. Crowdhood says:

    I was immediately bummed when I saw this article because this is me m-f at work 🙁

  12. iseepinkelefants says:

    I always go out in America with wet hair. Blow dryers do too much damage and my hair dries in 30 minutes in Texas heat and humidity. A gir at work once saw me dry hair and she was like wow you look really different, I didn’t even recognize you because your hair is always wet *eyeroll*

    But I never go out with wet hair in Paris. It’s too uncouth. You’ll never see anyone in Paris with wet hair in public. Even the swimming pools have hair dryers.

    • says:

      You must have missed me.
      Seriously, ever walked or took a bus/metro between 7 and 9 ? (You know the going to work hours). There’s a lot of women – people actually- with wet/not dry hair.

  13. Lightpurple says:

    I go out with wet hair all the time. I love when it freezes in the winter.

    • MC2 says:

      That sounds way too cold. Brrrr…..

    • Lightpurple says:

      It makes a little noise when it freezes, and it has to be really, really cold out for that. And when I walk, I can hear the little iced strands clicking together. When it melts and dries, it leaves little waves in my otherwise stick straight hair.

  14. minx says:

    All the time!

  15. trillian says:

    I do that all the time, I never blow dry. Now in winter I just put a hat on outside. I hardly ever wear makeup, either. It’s not good for my skin and I feel like my pores can’t breathe. I find it kind of bizarre to see women out in the supermarket or at school with a full face of makeup. to me that always seems way too festive 😉

  16. Jenfan says:

    There was a video of her leaving the gym with Nicole on Sunday morning. My guess – she was running late – told him to take the kids – ran out of the shower and to church. There is a video of them all arriving (separately) – when she goes in the back door – you can hear church music playing – it was quiet when he and the kids arrived.

    There is a funny part – where an older couple is leaving and says to the photogs – bet you want our picture.

    I do have to say one thing – the video does capture some really creepy pap moments – there is a whole pack of them – I think I counted 9 or 10. And they run around as Jen/ Ben and kids move positions. How can this not be scary for young children? Is the interest in this (non) couple so great that 10 photographers wait in the parking lot to capture a few boring shots?

    • Kate says:

      I don’t care for Garner or Batffleck but I feel for the kids. It would be nice if their famewhoring parents tought about them.

  17. Lorelei says:

    i wish i could just let my hair dry out on it’s own, i’m so used to a blow dryer i feel like my head is freezing without it. I wonder how she’s not cold, she’s wearing a sweater and he has a jacket on so it’s not that hot.

  18. Rhiley says:

    I am sure that sweater cost hundreds of dollars but it is so fug. Boring color and bulky. But we know how Jen likes to (t)roll, and that is by wearing clothes that don’t fit so the gossip mags will come out with their covers: ” Jen Pregnant and Ben is so Happy.” And then in small print, “Church on Sundays No drinking or Gambling Ben and Jen are back, and they are hotter than ever!”

  19. Crystal says:

    I go out with wet hair all the time!! Sorry to hear that my wet hair offends people! I have long thick hair that takes forever to dry with a blow dryer so I usually just let it air dry because it is just not a priority to me to spend such a long time drying my hair.

  20. KiddVicious says:

    Her hair would look better if it had been towel dried or at least scrunched up a bit. The slick comb-out makes it look like she put in too much product.

    I air dry my hair so I’m often in public with wet-ish hair. But I do towel dry and don’t comb it flat on my head like that, I give it more of a beachy look by messing it up.

  21. Amy Tennant says:

    Too often I have gone out with wet hair, even arrived at work with it. I’m basically just a highly-educated redneck.

  22. Esmom says:

    I laughed out loud when I opened your pages because I was just watching the clock hoping my hair would dry enough before I had to go out to work. I have no problem going to the grocery store in sweaty workout clothes but I absolutely hate going out in public with wet hair, it makes me so self conscious for some reason.

    So if my hair is still pretty wet I’ll blast it a little bit with a hair dryer before I go out so that it looks semi-presentable (to me). My hair is long and somewhere between curly and straight so I don’t need to put a lot of effort into styling it.

  23. Annika says:

    Yes, all of the time. But my hair can’t handle being blasted w/ a hair dryer. I have thick, curly Taylor Swift type hair.
    But I lightly blow dry w/ a diffuser. Have any of you curly-haired ladies tried one? For me it was LIFE CHANGING. I scrunch some curl products into my hair, then with the dryer set on lowest speed & lowest temp I work it around my head, including flipping my hair upside down. Because the diffuser is cup-shaped I can maneuver w/ 1 hand while my other hand brushes my teeth, lotions up face & body, etc. This takes me 5-10 minutes, depending how much time i have.
    I don’t like my hair as soaking wet as Garner’s, b/c my hair is so thick I don’t like the feel of it clinging to my neck. The diffuser will get it about 1/3 of the way dry, which is good enough for me.
    If I don’t have time even for that, I’ll put my wet hair up. Which is how it is today. And no makeup either…
    Crazy morning with a 2 yr old! 😉

    • Lady D says:

      Love your dog, Annika. What a beautiful animal.

    • Emma says:

      Does using the diffuser for a little bit make your curls mor defined when they fully dry? Or it just helps with decreasing wetness without adding frizz, unlike a dryer?

      Was going to reply to Celebitchy that lol, no have never used a hair dryer as hair dryer + curls = 80s style frizz. So wet hair for me! haha

  24. Nimbolicious says:

    I don’t mind though yeah it’s def not a polished look. My hair is fine and on the oily side so sometimes I’ll go out casually with it wet and then flat iron later once it’s dry. I don’t do it often because my grandma used to freak out and tell me I would get sick if I went out with wet hair and that has always sorta stuck with me.

  25. Alleycat says:

    I wish I could. I literally cannot let my hair hair dry because it is incredibly frizzy and poofy. I get so so jealous of anyone who can air dry their hair 😭

    • MrsBPitt says:

      @Alleycat….me too! My hair is thick, curly and frizzy! If I let it air dry, it looks like the episode of Friends, when they went to the Caribbean (I think) and Monica’s air got all big from the humidity!!!! That’s me!!!! I hate my hair!!!

  26. nemera77 says:

    I’ve never gone out with wet hair.. but black women and our hair is different. I don’t have a problem with people running around.. but going to Church or an event with wet hair is to me a wrong thing. It just doesn’t seem respectful to the occasion. I get running late. They say “Come as you are”.. when going to church. It just seem that today; people are too casual for Church for my taste.. I guess I’m still old fashion that way.

  27. Marianne says:

    Every once and awhile. I try not to, as it doesnt look very professional but sometimes you’re just running behind and dont have the time.

  28. littlemissnaughty says:

    Never. It’s just so uncomfortable, I hate the feeling of wet hair at my neck. And outside it just looks a little ridiculous on me because my hair air dries to a frizzy mop.

    I can’t decide if she truly does not care about her styling or if she’s trying to prove something. Like “See, I can do THIS and he’ll still beg me to come back. Take that, blonde nannies!” I don’t even know. It’s Monday.

    • Emily says:

      SAME. I hate the feeling of having wet hair. Literally I have never done this and never understood people who could stand that feeling.

  29. manta says:

    I guess we all tick for different things. The wet hair for church didn’t strike me as much as one of the daughter’s tank top and sneakers and the other’s slipper shoes I can only picture at the beach or the pool.
    It’s been a long time since I set foot in a church though, maybe dress code for it isn’t a thing anymore. So , why not wet hair?

  30. JenB says:

    Yep it’s certainly not unusual for me to run errands with wet hair/partially wet hair. I call it the “but I DID shower” look.
    I can still remember running to the bus stop with wet hair when I was 15 and it it was a really cold winter day. I got hair icicles!

  31. Jayna says:

    I think Ben is a father who loves his children, who is in therapy, and while not off on location is doing what he always does, spending time with his children. Nothing different is happening now than has been going on with him and his children all year. At home, they have a daddy they jump all over and love. Maybe he should do some home magazine photoshoots and covers just to prove it to everybody. Oh, wait, that’s other stars who do that, so it must be true, They are the good dads. LOL

    • MrsBPitt says:

      Jayna…I agree with you! Ben seems like he is doing everything he can to win his family back! There have been tons of pictures of Ben and the kids all year, not “just before his movie comes out”! Why is it so hard for some people to believe that Ben loves his kids?

    • Diane says:

      I recall an interview he gave once when he was talking about a TV show he did not direct because Jen asked him not to. He could have gone a different way in that interview but instead made the comment that it’s because of her that his kids know his name. I believe he meant that and he has the same struggle many successful people/men have of balancing the career and taking enough time with his kids. I don’t think he had a good dad example, so kudos for him working on being there for his kids.
      I also wish as Jen said in a speech, the question of balance that she gets in every interview should also be directed at men to raise awareness of the importance they have in the home. Not holding my breath on that.

  32. Mop top says:

    I wouldn’t dream of going out with wet hair. I look like a drowned rat.

  33. JA says:

    I often shower right before a night out at dinner, movies and sometimes even church!!! IDGAF what anyone thinks about it because if you care so much about the dampness of my hair you got some issues. The Lord has seen me naked so doubt he cares if i visit his house/church with wet hair…get a grip people 😉

  34. swak says:

    All the time – even in winter! But usually it’s dry by the time I get where I’m going.

  35. nicegirl says:

    I actually really like it when people feel ok about going out in public without their hair all done up, or their ‘face’ on, (as my grandma would say!). I think it is especially important as a mom of girls (and even boys too!) that she does not always have to be all gussied up, she is functional either way.

    I try to be like this as well, I do not wear makeup on the daily because I want to be ok seeing my own face, and after a few years of wearing makeup on and off (always for special events), I do not fret the entire time I am out, and can speak to folks easily – although they do not reply/respond the same as when I am all done up!! –

    but when I do end up going out with wet hair it is because I am running way behind and have to get my butt out the door, and I feel super insecure every time. my hair dries into a frizz mess without care. it looks like I washed the floor with it! ahahaaaa

  36. Isa says:

    I never dry my hair. Although it never looks that wet, I don’t think it’s a big deal. At least she’s clean.

    • LaDiabla says:

      That’s my motto….”at least I’m clean!” haha. I used to go to work with wet hair all the time, though I always put it up with my trusty tortoiseshell clip. My hair used to be way thicker though – I went through some personal stress in my late thirties and it began to fall out. It was terrifying. The anxiety I was going through at the time was compounded due to the loss of my hair. I had my thyroid checked, negative. I’m on the pill now after being diagnosed with endometriosis, which has made it better, but it won’t ever be what it was. So now I blow dry, but don’t style, which is where the “at least I’m clean” comes from. I make my stylist (my best friend since I was 5) try to only color the grays I have, in order to avoid damaging it. I know I’m fighting a losing battle, but I’m really trying to preserve what I’ve got. I so wish I could do short hair (would do a pixie cut in a second), but with my round face, I simply cannot.

      Oh, and I second the ladies above. Both the Klorane and Living Proof dry shampoos are great. Another to try is the Elizabeth and James Nirvana White Dry Shampoo. I’m currently on my second bottle…it’s got a nice clean scent that’s a little less strong than Living Proof. Works really well, though I can only skip a day between washes.

  37. Amelie says:

    I never blow dry my hair. I have wavy, thick hair and I just don’t have the patience to style it with a blow dryer. I usuallly braid it or put in a pony tail when I air dry it. Leaving it down to air dry will just make it get frizzy.

    However I recently discovered the Shea Moisture line of hair care and I LOVE it. I use the shampoo, conditioner, and curl smoothing cream and my hair has never beem so silky or soft when it dries instead of coarse like hay. I can usually go 2 days between washes though it would be nice to get to 3.

  38. nicca says:

    Wet hair who cares. God doesn’t.

  39. Sage says:

    He still looks so bloated.

  40. Locke Lamora says:

    In my neck of the woods we have an extreme fear of the draft so going out with wet hair means you’re going to catch a cold/pneumonia/kidney disease/cancer/EVERY ILLNESS EVER. It’s an stupid superstition but it’s so ingrained in society. It could be July, but walk around with wet hair anywjere other tham the beach and old ladies will tell you will die. Every 5 minutes.

  41. Lotta says:

    I go out with wet hair all the time and I don’t even own a dryer. I don’t know what is wrong with, atleast it’s clean.
    Right know it’s winter here in Sweden but I have a fluffy fake fur hat so It doesn’t feel cold anyway.

  42. smcollins says:

    Every time I wash my hair. I don’t own a hairdryer.

  43. Jenfan says:

    So there are pics on zimbio now of Ben and Sam at the country mart parking lot – no Jen in sight. What is interesting is that Nicole King (Jen’s manager and seemingly best friend) is also in those pics with her daughter. To me that sort of speaks to the state of Ben and Jen. I have to think if they really are continuing with the divorce, Nicole is not hanging with him doing a coffee run when Jen is not there. (She was there with them the last time Ben, Jen and Sam did a coffee run).

    I guess Jen is working this morning.:)

  44. poop says:

    who the hell cares

  45. Paisley says:

    Anyone know the brand of sweater? It is gorgeous!

  46. Miss Gloss says:

    NO! Going out with wet hair is against everything I stand for! But then again, I also do not leave the house without lipstick. I am probably a little too old school in that way–I realize this. BUT, she’s a public figure. WTF.

  47. Thaisajs says:

    I leave the house every morning with wet hair. I don’t think my kid’s daycare teachers have ever seen me with dry hair. I’ve got wavy/curly hair and it works better if I just put product in and air dry.

  48. Jenny says:

    I hate going outside with wet hair, but it happens quite a lot unfortunately. I have three kids, the youngest is 2 now, and getting them all ready and out the door in time for school or other activities is a constant struggle so I seldom have time to do my hair or makeup like I used to. I always pull my hair back in a pony or bun though, to make it not so obvious my hair is wet.

    That said, I do not understand someone like Jennifer, who has an army of help at her house at all hours of the day and night, going to church with sopping wet hair. That seems really disrespectful (and I’m not even religious myself) and/or attention seeking.

  49. Shannon says:

    I have very thick hair, and I let it air dry. It takes **forever** so I pull it up (dries a bit faster) and do what I need to do. I’ve got to church, work, you-name-it with wet or damp hair. Honestly, after years of total non-attendance, the fact that I show up to church and legit pay attention is more important to me than making a fashion show out of it (not that I’m shading people who do, I’m just not a big fashion/hair girl, so to me it’s exhausting not fun lol)

  50. Annabelle says:

    I go out with wet hair all the time. I have naturally curly hair and I let it air dry.

  51. Eden75 says:

    I don’t usually go out with wet hair because I wash it at night and french braid it. It’s still not dry in the morning but it’s about 70% dry. Good enough to go out of the house in. My hair is long enough to sit on and curly, so using a blow dryer is a long, painful, damaging experience. I only wash it every 2-3 days and dry shampoo in between. This includes gym days. I just wear one of the big cloth (lululemon) headbands and they soak up most of the sweat. I try to schedule super sweaty workouts around wash days.

    However, if I am too damn lazy to wash it at night, I have gone out with wet hair. It’s long and thick enough that it takes 8-9 hours to dry even in the summer, so I try to avoid being that lazy too often.

    Now, would I wear my hair wet to church? I have, when I use to go. I no longer go, so that’s a moot point for me. If I did still go, I really don’t think that whichever deity I worshiped would really care.

  52. Ana says:

    My sister is a doctor, single and no kids. She goes to work with wet hair and doesn’t care. I have gone to places like work with wet hair too.

  53. Britt says:

    I go to work with wet hair every day. Why? Because I’m a nurse and getting to work on time and having my kids at (before school care) on time seems to be more important.

    In the whole scheme of things, does it matter?

  54. LILAG says:

    Why is wet hair considered weird? I’m Brazilian and I go out with wet hair everyday and people do this everyday and I never even considered it to be an issue. Maybe it’s just a cultural thing. Obviously if I’m going somewhere fancy I’ll try to dry it but never obliged…