As we discussed yesterday, Brad Pitt’s lawyers requested an “emergency hearing” so that all current and future custodial documents could be sealed. Sources claimed that Brad was very irritated by Angelina Jolie’s filing last Friday, which basically solidified the temporary custodial situation which has exists since October, meaning that Brad’s visitation with the kids is still monitored, and he only sees the kids when the shrink says so. Brad’s irritation was that Angelina “publicized” their custody situation, only it felt like he publicized (and has been publicizing) it too, with strategic leaks to People Magazine and TMZ. Well, long story short, Brad got his emergency hearing, only his request was denied. Nothing will be sealed… for now.
Brad Pitt‘s request for an emergency hearing to have all his and Angelina Jolie divorce documents sealed has been denied, PEOPLE has confirmed. A judge ruled on Wednesday that the filing did not meet the requirements for sealing details at this time. Both Pitt and Jolie’s attorneys were present in court for the decision.
Laura Wasser, Jolie’s attorney, says the actress does not oppose sealing documents to prevent details from becoming public, but that Pitt’s team didn’t consult with them before their hearing, which is why she opposed it at this time. While the two sides continue to hash out legal custody, per previous agreement, the couple’s six children remain with Jolie, with Pitt granted visitation accompanied by a therapist.
And because Brad and Angelina are both pro-privacy, it seems both their sides went to TMZ to talk sh-t about the other side. Brad’s side says Angelina is hellbent on airing their dirty laundry. Angelina’s side says that his bad behavior started this whole thing and he’s trying to push around his weight and short-change the system:
His side has been fuming since Jolie filed their temporary custody arrangement in court last week — a move Brad believes only served to air their dirty laundry in public and damage the children.
We’re told Angelina felt it necessary to file the docs in order to have the court enforce the terms — specifically the part about letting a therapist make the call on when Brad can start having unmonitored visits.
In docs, Angelina’s lawyer says Brad’s effort to seal the whole case isn’t so much about protecting the children — as his side has claimed — but more about keeping his own actions hidden … because it was “[Brad’s] conduct at the center of the DCFS and FBI investigations.”
Sources connected to the case tell us Brad has been trying to “push past the process.” As one source put it, he was acting like a “celebrity who is used to getting whatever he wants” … and after the DCFS investigation cleared him of criminal wrongdoing, what he wanted was to have solo time with the children.
Our Brad sources deny he’s made any effort to change the temporary custody deal. We’re told Angelina also wants the whole case to remain private — as long as Brad sticks to the custody arrangement they both signed off on months ago.
Yep, SUPER MESSY. After that, all hell broke loose with tit-for-tat leaks to TMZ. Pro-Brad sources got the ball rolling, with TMZ reporting that Brad “thinks he’s getting the short end of the stick when it comes to his visitation time with his kids, and has a plan to change that.” His plan involves extra monitored visits every week with the kids, broken up into two-kids per meeting. Brad has apparently been pleading with the therapists and the court that he wants more time with the kids and he’s been trying to circumvent the custodial deal, in which those visits would be approved by the therapists. Like, his lawyers have been emailing Angelina’s lawyers, trying to get more meetings without consulting the therapists. That’s why Angelina wanted to ensure that the current custody arrangement was enforced. After that, TMZ did another story which seems to come from Angelina’s team. Angelina’s lawyers have been imploring Brad’s lawyers to allow the kids (and Brad and Angelina) to participate in trauma counseling following what happened on the plane. Sources say “Jolie thinks the kids are so bad off because of what they witnessed on the plane, and the therapy process they’ve been going through isn’t getting the job done.” Apparently, Pax and Maddox still have no interest in seeing Brad either.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
I don’t understand why anything relating to kids isn’t automatically sealed, or why on earth a judge would choose not to seal these documents?
Surely protecting the children’s privacy should come way above protecting adults public images. The documents could be sealed and Jolie could sue any outlets that slander her. She has options, but the children have none and it’s disgusting that their private turmoil is tabloid fodder because their parents have chosen to bicker in the press.
That is what I did not understand.
The adult egos trump the kid’s privacy.
Why did you drag the soon-to-be President of the USA into this? LOL
I don’t get that either and totally agree with you. The children are the ones that are losing in all of this.
Playing this out so publicly is so damaging to the kids. I read that the request to seal may be reviewed in January: I think it was eonline.
As I understand it the judge merely refused to treat the petition to seal as an emergency. That means theres still going to be hearing regarding this and I am pretty sure, it will be sealed then. For the record, I disagree with the judge but maybe he is so accustomed to dealing with more horrific custody emergencies that this one doesnt seem like such a big deal. Like I said, the judge is wrong here.
Angelina’s lawyers opposed sealing the documents and argued against it, so maybe they were able to just delay it.
What’s the point of that though? They were already in court, and ordering documents be sealed isn’t a drawn out process. Making people come back to court after a delay to make a point is a ridiculous waste of the courts time.
I hope someone watches Brad Pitt not to overdose on privacy protection right now. He must have also been in ‘privacy protection’ mode when he let Marion Cotillard take on the US promotion for Allies.
Maybe if Brad wasn’t so hellbent to prove to the world that he is perfectly fine and this whole mess happened because of his crazy, evil wife, these leaks that affect him so much wouldn’t happen.
The best solution is for him to deal with himself and with Angelina, not with the court. Otherwise, with a court ruling or not, there will always be leaks.
als….whatever Brad’s motive is to have the records sealed, I cannot help but think that it would be best for the children to have them sealed. I don’t understand why AJ, who is all about protecting her children, would put up a fight about this…
@MRSBPITT: she said she wanted the temporary custody agreement sealed by the court, that she was afraid Brad qould undermine it sonce his legal team has been sending her messages that he wants more time qih the kids. He was also leaking to the press that AJ was keeping him from seeing the kids. So she wanted a secure agreement in court. She wants the kids.
Wih all due respect this privacy matter is grossly explited by everyone that wants to ignore Brad’s obligations in that temporary custody agreement. They are superstars, the kids are as protected as they can be.
Brange are not our neighbours. These kids have always been exposed to a certain degree and they both agreed. No one is digging into their everyday lives. We are discussing their father here. A father that wants our money for his movies and is now fighting to keep it.
Brad is subjeced to regular alcohol and drug testing and his visits are in the hands of a psychiatrist. I am not saying let’s burn him at the stake but the stuborness wih which people ignore that he has several serious issues is amazing. I don’t care who he wife is.
Being upset with the lack of privacy in this case is like being upset with Trump’s hair. There are bigger concerns here. And I am saying it as a person that admired Brad for his producer work and for lovig his family. What is worse is that the public’s support is probably encouraging him that he has nothing to solve.
Related. This is from Wassers email to Brads lawyer as posted on Lainey sent BEFORE Angie filed the custody agreement
“Angie’s reluctance to enter into a stipulation to seal the file stems from her firm belief that litigation is the wrong decision.”
So it looks like 1) Angie was aware that Brad wanted to seal the files and was refusing 2) Brad wants to seal the files and then get the court to review the temporary custody arrangement 3) Angie is betting that Brad wont make his petition while the files are unsealed because it would be damaging for him and the kids.
Your thoughts on the ethics/morality of refusing another party access to legal recourse by placing your kids privacy on the pathway to court?
This entire saga spells out Angie’s need to control the proceedings in her preferred way. She is definitely not putting her children’s needs before her own.
Firstly, I don’t believe for one second that Brad did anything that was detrimental to the children – if there was a whiff of wrongdoing DCFS would have pounced on him like anything. Is there any doubt of that ? Secondly, I don’t believe he has ever been an addict. Same thing -if there was a whiff of addiction or any doubt about it then the numerous drug tests he has done would reveal it and DCFS would have been all over him.
From what I can see, Brad Pitt is proceeding patiently and carefully. He first submitted to each and every of Angie’s demands. That shows a clear conscience and a cool head. Then he systematically established his credibility through DCFS and FBI. Now he wants to make sure that the kids are protected before he goes ahead and challenges the original temporary custody arrangement. Which is logical. He is an involved father and has done nothing wrong. Why should the kids be kept from him ? The fact that he has gone about it so systematically and coolly actually shows how level headed he is.
Many men would have dragged Angelina through the mud from day one. He took the gracious route and the high road in a major way.
One of the big revelations of this case is exactly how messed up Angie must be as a person, and that many of the industry rumors about her are true. She has allowed all these rumors to float about him, she stood aside while her husband was investigated for unfounded rumors by the DCFS, is subject to these humiliating drug tests and is now refusing further access to the children, even though he is a great father. This is harmful for her children and I hope she wakes up sooner rather than later. People fight and maybe they differ in their approach to discipline or other childrearing decisions .. but to keep the kids from their father who has not done anything wrong, that is unfair.
From the legal point of view BearcatLawyer posts below are spot on.
My personal opinion: here we are speaking all time about kids, often not taking into account that those kids are children of two celebrities. It is absurd to hope they will be insulated forever from all the proceedings, public or not.
I am no fan of either (although I was a fan of Brad in his heyday), but I am under the impression that Angelina will get a lot more flack than Brad when everything is concluded. And honestly, if I was one of her children, reading all the venomous tripe about her would hurt me; what about Brad, you could argue. I think he has issues and his children are aware of it (as I was aware of my father’s since I was a child); miss Jolie has a double stake in that, image in front of public yes; but also legacy, in a certain way.
(I am not a native speaker so I apologise if my reasoning sounds convoluted).
I do think Brad is doing all this because he is the one who has a particular interest in sealing them. I am also doubting, at this point, that he is trying to shield the kids with the emergency measure he attempted.
Firstly, your post was very articulate and I couldnt tell that you are non native speaker. (I’m not one either by the way….we are legion!) Secondly, with due respect to Beercat, I think Anna has the more comprehensive and neutral legal analysis. I certainly dont agree with Bearcats assertion that sealing it would have no impact since their parents are celebrities. There are lots of high profile custody battles that we never hear the details of because they were sealed. We might get the occassional heads up from one of the parties but usually all we hear is how things turned out. In any case, thats no reason not TRY to protect them.
In fact these emails circulating now (posted by a couple of outlets including Lainey) are apparently from that file. They were submitted to the court as part of the recent filings and now have ended up on display for everyone. And thats where my question lies. In refusing to seal, she is hoping that he is too afraid of public humiliation and harming his kids to get a judge to look at the case. How is this an ethical or moral strategy? Surely if you cant agree with somebody you let them make their case to a judge and you make your own and let the system work. She seems to be trying to keep him from having his day in court to fight for more visitation over the holidays. This just seems downright wrong to me in a very fundamental way and also implies she doesnt think she could actually win before a judge.
Ramona- very factual and well stated.
@Maia: I understand it exactly the same way. I also believe that when she’s done with someone, she’s done. Whenever she doesn’t feel supported anymore (be it her idea of their children’s upbringing, or her UN work, probably both), she’s trying to ‘dispose’ the person. In many ways, it seems to resemble her mother’s separation from her father. There’s no looking back, and I do think she’s not really having the best interest of her kids in mind. She wants it HER way. Brad seems to have kept his cool so far, and I seriously doubt he has anything to ‘hide’ from the public. We all know about his love for pot already, since he openly talked about it. It’s very possible Brad wanted out of the relationship, but stayed for the kids. Maybe even told her so, and she felt betrayed…I’m not a fan of either of these two, but I do worry about those kids.
As I wrote on an earlier post, there are advantages to having family court records treated as public. Angelina has a clear interest in ensuring that everyone knows Brad is getting tested for drugs and alcohol (so if anyone sees him using they should report it) and that he is not allowed to visit the children unattended (so it is also reported if he tries to see the kids at school or at friends’ homes). Courts often only seal records that would be personally damaging to or would reveal potentially harmful information about the child(ren). For example, it is common to seal records relating to children who have been the victims of sexual abuse.
The court also has the option of leaving the records unsealed but redacting certain information from the publicly accessible versions. Some information is almost always redacted (e.g., Social Security numbers), but the court could redact things like visitation schedules, physician/therapist information, medical records, police reports/investigatory records, etc. without sealing the entire document or case.
Obviously, in a perfect world family breakups would play out in private and would not be treated as news events. But we do not live in a perfect world, and in a high profile and contentious divorce case like this, I daresay that the kids will suffer no matter what.
fantastic and informative comment, thanks!
Agreed. Thank you. That all makes perfect (common) sense!
Thank you for this perspective.
Thank you for being a voice of reason.
You beat me to providing the legal perspective here. Thank you for your comment!
Not on either side but lately I’ve been wondering why Angelina didn’t just press charges after the plane incident? If it was so egregious that she would seek sole custody, why not press charges? Otherwise why not just file for divorce and do joint custody?
I am completely ignorant about American Law. In many countries abroad starting proceedings for abuse of any kind or domestic violence complicates things, especially if there was not a long term pattern.
It always struck me she wanted the sole custody of the children though; called me naive here, I don’t know them so I can only speculate… however, I have always been under the impression she wanted to serve him a wake up call, a way to acknowledge he had issues.
I really found strange he has to undergo drug/alcohol tests.
Is it some procedure that it is used in USA in divorce proceedings?
I agree with you.
Also reading thru this thread is sad. Mostly, I agree with v4real and Anna (legal analysis) although v sure is getting hammered for her opinion.
It seems that Brad’s great crime is wanting more time with his kids. Yes, there was a horrible incident of some kind on the plane but, in totality, even Jolie has reported that he is a great father. I wonder what the commentary would be if he wasn’t willing to fight for more time with his kids? According to what has been reported, he is doing voluntary drug testing, voluntary therapy, and is only trying to see his children a bit more often.
I understand Angelina wants to protect her children. I also think that she wants Brad in their life in some capacity. I just think that filing for sole physical custody shows that she wants to call the shots. That may have worked in their relationship but divorce changes all of that.
Maybe in January, the courts will ease the burden of this situation by appointing the children a lawyer, a court chosen therapist, and sealed documents. This is for the children’s sake. Both parents are slinging mud.
Agreed. I have zero sympathy for Brad but the children do not deserve to have the ugly details of this story published for the world to see.
Right,So Brad had no trouble with Angelina looking like the bad guy…As soon as Facts are provided (Which were HIS doing)..he wants things private?…I’ll never look at Brad Ever the same..What “A man”…
He is not what we all as fans hoped and dreamed on.
My husband calls him a coward for trying to make it seem like Angelina is at fault.
I think so,too.
I have started to feel the same…..
Tell your husband it’s a pattern with him. Every time something goes wrong with Brad’s relationships, it’s always the other person who is to blame. He never takes responsibility for anything.
His drug and alcohol testing is voluntary or court mandated? Still doesn’t mean a thing. Brad knows how to play the game and he’s playing to win and, in the process, hoping to make Angelina look like the fool. The only thing wrong with Angelina is she fell in love with what she thought, was a man who would love her back. But in the end, stabs her in the back. I’m also curious. Some have said Brad could have skipped the promotional aspects of Allied. Angie skipped her London obligation. Guess she thought her obligation to her children was and is more important. Brad took a nice vacation. And ria your husband is right. If he didn’t want to be married any more, why not ask for a divorce and leave? Then this incident on the plane, although some people swear nothing happened and Angie turned him into all those people to be vindictive, would never have happened.
I read some of the emails between the lawyers and I’m baffled how people can still claim that Brad is the innocent victim and Angelina is an evil b!tch. It seems that Brad wants to break the agreement and Angelina is saying no. She’s basing visitation on the therapists’ recommendation not her own decision. If a professional feels that the kids shouldn’t be alone with Brad right now I don’t understand how people can criticize that decision.
Both should first heal the 2 boys if the carry on like this they will damage their relationship with their father
It appears quite clear that *he* has already damaged *his* relationship with the boys as evidenced by that fact that they still do not wish to see him.
Heal them? With what, one of those memory erasing flash devices from Men in Black? They’ve got a therapist but the man ruined his relationship with his sons.
Considering how famous they are, I think it was irresponsible of the judge not to grant the seal. It would be in the long term interests of the kids. Cant believe aj’s side refused to go along with the request while at the same time claiming to desire privacy too. Hoping for a gag order to shut both sides up.
That shows that she’s playing the game just as dirty as Brad. Is she really thinking of her kids. They both are playing dirty . They are both messy.
Right, and Angie’so lawyer to deny the document being sealed based on the fact that she wasn’t consulted before Brad took the case to court is ridiculous. he’s his own person with his own lawyers he can’t make that motion separately from her seeing as how they are divorcing, and why no agree to it since it would be best for the kids.
This struck me too. Wasser did have a days notice of the filing and her problem appears to be that Angie wasnt consulted. Why does there need to be a discussion over something so basic to the childrens best interest? And sure the seal currently also benefits his pr but so what? You know what, if doing something for my kids benefits my worst enemy, I swallow my bitterness and do it anyway.
They both need to be consulted because them’s the rules. It also establishes a tone for co-parenting going forward, because both need to be consulted and involved in any decisions involving the children. Maybe he does have their best interest at heart, but she as their mother still deserves to be consulted. He has the right to expect the same behavior from her. Together, and with the help of the court when necessary, they co-determine what is in the best interests of the children. Just because “he said so,” it isn’t enough. They have 2 parents, and right now the court says they are best off with her, with limited contact with him.
Was he consulted on filing the agreement though? If this is about tone then she set it with that move.
Wasser did the right thing. You always have to give your opposing counsel fair notice and an opportunity to respond – Constitutional law 101. I would never acquiesce to anything like this if I had less than one business day to review the motion, and I darn sure would challenge any failure by the opposing counsel to comply with the court rules. Not doing thus would be a breach of my ethical duties to MY client.
I have to comment as a legal professional with many cases in this court. First, ex party applications in family court are as common as tap water. Second, the comment “the court says they are best off with her” wrong. The Court hasn’t said anything. The judge signed a STIPULATION which is temporary and was ironed out with the attorneys. Third, the motion to seal was not denied, it was placed on regular calendar for hearing in January because there was no emergency situation at hand and it’s the busiest courthouse in the world. Fourth, Brad can file to modify this temporary stipulated order any time he wished no matter what a therapist says. Both parties argue their side and the judge determines the details of the modification. I will speculate on this: my family law case in the same courthouse is sealed…the judge will seal it. And, this is not speculation, Angelina was given appropriate ex parte notice. That was NOT an issue here. The judge simply continued the hearing due to a full docket
Thank you Anna. That was an objective informative response.
I agree- both of them should want this sealed for the kids’ sakes. I don’t get the judge not sealing it, but the way both parties are playing this in the media is depressing.
ITA. Sad that this got so messy. Those poor kids.
As I posted above…no matter what Brad’s motives are to have the docs sealed, it is in the children’s best interest to do so. I’m having a hard time, trying to figure out why AJ, would, not only agree to this, but would have requested it herself. Is her hate of Brad, stronger than the love for her children? She is only against this idea because she was not “informed” prior to Brad’s request. That sounds like AJ wants Brad to know who is in charge. And, before I get yelled at, I know that Brad’s bad behaviour on the plane was reprehensible, but, they should both have the best interest of the children in this divorce. I never thought that, if Brad and AJ split, it would be this messy!
Please read BearCat Lawyer’s post, just above for the *legal* explanation to your wondering.
Neither parent is thinking straight at this point. Angie is mad at Brad because of whatever went down on the plane, and Brad is mad at Angie for being mad at him. And the lawyers are just complicating the situation and making it worse. Neither lawyer is thinking about the best interest of his client; each one is only focused on winning at all costs and the children be damned.
At this point I’m just disgusted with both parents. They got engaged because of the kids. They got married because of the kids. Now they say they are getting divorced because of the kids. For Christ sake they need to stop hiding behind the kids, stop trying to score points off each other and fix their own problems. I’ve heard of some ugly divorces in my time, but this is getting ridiculous.
It sounds to me like Angie is mad because Brad doesn’t want to stick to the custody arrangement they both agreed to and is trying to get around it. I’d be mad too.
@mich: I think there may be more to it than that. These are two very angry and hurt parents, and each one is more focused on their anger and hurt feelings than they are on the children.
@Carmen I disagree. I think Angie is most likely listening to her children. Insisting on therapy and even family trauma counselling (which would help Brad really understand things from his children’s perspective) are healing measures.
>they need to stop trying to score points off each other
This! The whole – Jolie’s attorney says the actress does not oppose sealing documents to prevent details from becoming public, but that Pitt’s team didn’t consult with them before their hearing, which is why she opposed it at this time – is totally point scoring.
And Jolie’s strategy of saying one thing and doing another is silly – just say no comment. I’m inclined to believe that Jolie wants full custody (she filed for it, and that’s what counts) and wants Brad to only have supervised access to the children, and she may well have good reasons to do so… but she should be upfront about it, not throwing out these declarations as sops to the public. She does not want a conscious uncoupling, she wants him out. She may well be right, and I think most people would support her if she came out and said it.
Or she should say nothing, and keep this completely private.
@ oriane: She has said from the jump that she wanted full custody and she has not wavered from that position, as far as I can tell. And when a woman asks for NO alimony and NO child support, it usually means she just wants the whole thing over with and him out of her life as expeditiously as possible.
I doubt that most people would support her if she just said she wants him out. She’s already being crucified in the tabloids as the evil scheming bitch who broke poor Brad’s heart and turned his children against him.
I surely would like to know what went down on that plane. I worked in child welfare for many years and I never heard of a situation where a court ordered weekly random drug tests and supervised visits for a parent who supposedly has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
Please reread the article, then go upthread to read BearCat Lawyer’s post.
Does she have make up on her arm in that white dress pic?
Yep, silica-powder, poorly blended.
Is it covering a tattoo?
don’t think so – I remember it being one of these “too much of the HD-powder everywhere”-messes, where she had it everywhere – in her face, but also on her legs and arms. Silica-powder is tricky that way: it’s almost invisible so it’s easy to “overdose” on it. I believe it was a Maleficent photocall.
“And because Brad and Angelina are both pro-privacy, it seems both their sides went to TMZ to talk sh-t about the other side”
Has anyone read the Lainey post on this? She said she heard around that Pitt is asking the media to not come for him ( just like his friend Clooney asked for protection from bad reviews in the Sony emails) in return for exclusives later on. Looks to me like no matter who wins Pitt is going to use the media as a weapon long after all of this is done. Messy indeed.
@jinni..Messy indeed. No matter what his ‘sources’ put out, the court documents paint him if not guilty, at least as the source of the family’s issues.I wonder if Pitt is at all concerned about what exactly the nature of his relationships with his children will look like after the storm has passed.
No thats not what Lainey is saying at all. She is saying that had the judge agreed to have a hearing, the media would have been allowed to make a case for why records should not be sealed. I doubt they would have succeeded but still it would have unnecessarily complicated the process for Brad. So his reps went around asking the usual suspects (like TMZ, I presume) to not oppose his filing in exchange for exclusives.
Maybe, but it is still shady that he is trying to control what the media writes. I have been wondering why the media has not been coming for him like they did Depp I guess this explains it. I get wanting to protect oneself but I do wonder what else is he getting to media to do on his behalf in exchange for interviews later on.
“Controlling what the media writes” is without a doubt the best thing in a child custody battle. But even that doesnt quite describe what he was doing. He wasnt threatening to sue an outlet for a story, he was trying to block access to actual court documents and offering a quid quo pro for the medias cooperation. TMZ could well write anti Brad articles even after the exclusive (and they probably will, they side with whoever is talking).
@Ramona: It doesn’t seem that he’s trying to control things in order to protect the kids but to protect himself from more bad press and from people questioning his actions. If he has enough clout to stop the media from spreading things about the divorce why not ask them to back up from the beginning? Why not ask for the sealing when everything started? It only seems that now because some unsavory things that can’t be disregarded as tabloid lies are coming out now and all of a sudden he wants things sealed and he’s calling up the media to “protect the kids”.
I am just side eyeing him and his motives.
I completely understand that suspicion but my honest response is “so what?” The most important thing must be the kids wellbeing. So even if his motives are selfish but the end result benefits the kids, you just have to leave it be.
Its kind of like if your kids are trapped in a burning building with a mass murderer and putting out the fire also benefits him. Would you refuse to try extinguish it because it benefits him or because you may not succeed in putting out the whole fire?
I agree. I just can’t understand why either side would oppose sealing just because they weren’t told. Seems tit for tat to me to score points and not thinking about the kids.
@Ramona: Neither parent is thinking about the kids well-being at this point. They are both too engrossed and too busy being mad at each other.
He asked the media not to challenge the order if the judge sealed the documents because they can file freedom of information acts to get details. We know the name of his kids’ therapist, FFS.
Interesting indeed! I was wondering why every tab is pro Brad, well now I know. Sneaky but smart move on Brads part.
He is definitely playing the sympathetic role in this divorce…and winning.
It’s not that the tabloids are so pro-Brad, but that they are so anti-Angelina, as they have been ever since Brad left his first wife. As far as the tabloids have been concerned for the past 12 years, Angie combines all the worst characteristics of the Wicked Witch of the west and Cruella De Vil.
Read on another post that Pitt wanted to visit when he felt like it and didn’t want to follow the DCFS agreed upon custody/therapy visitation. Hence, the need for Angie to file the S&O. I can believe Pitt made an agreement to the press to be “nice” to him for exclusives later, as seen by the way he’s thrown his wife under the bus. And to state that if the oldest children didn’t want to see him, he’d take that time to visit with the others. What? Do the two oldest not matter? Is it because they’re adopted? There is a reason for therapeutic visits, and, in this case, Pitt sorely needs them. Especially with the older boys.
Where did you read that? E online has seen the email exchange between the lawyers and Brad was asking for; an extra session per week ranging between 30 minutes to an hour with the kids in pairs. It appears the leaks about the two older boys walking out of previous meetings was correct because he says that if the two boys dont want to then they shouldnt be forced and can he please spend that hour with the other four. I find it not only reasonable but I would have a serious issue with a father who was content with what he is currently getting. So his requests themselves are a good thing and to be expected. What should have followed is a rational sitdown between A and B in which compromises are made and conditions set.
That’s not what she said. She said Brad was asking media outlets not to apply to unseal the court documents, which is something they are free to do.
He wasn’t asking for positive press only, he was asking they don’t go the extra mile in digging into his and the kids personal life.
I can’t stand these two anymore. Isn’t that amazing? I used to love them, but what they’re doing to their kids right now is disgusting…
I’m getting to the stage where you are now.
Well Talie, they did start their relationship by causing pain and suffering to another so I guess karma is truly is a bitch.
Jennifer said they didn’t screw around on her. So did Jen’s bestie, Courtnay Cox.
@Lady D No, Jen said I don’t think they screwed around. She didn’t say it as fact.
I don’t think is not the same as saying I know he didn’t. And what would Cox know, was she there every time Brad and AJ were together. Was she on the set of M&MS?
No, you just like schadenfreude.
Please don’t confuse that with karma (which is a very real concept with religious roots and isn’t supposed to kick in until your NEXT life)
Er, no they didn’t. Did you ever stop to think Aniston caused pain and suffering to Pitt when she put herself before her husband continuously, and chose a career over her own husband’s wishes to have a family? What about what she did to him?
Also, Aniston herself, even as recently as early this year, has REPEATEDLY said there was no cheating, there “was no bad guy”, etc etc, so WHY won’t you listen to her? And she clearly was not in any pain or suffering, since she moved onto Vince Vaughn before Pitt even got together with Jolie and was dry-humping Vaughn in public on a balcony. Oh, and what about the pain and suffering Aniston with the help of Theroux did with Heidi Bivens when she broke up a FOURTEEN YEAR relationship, in cold blood? Why would Aniston do that to another woman, if she underwent such ‘pain and suffering’? Karma truly will be paying Aniston a visit the most, out of all of them. Or do you believe that Aniston gets a free pass for all her horrible misdeeds and pain and suffering she causes, because she is such a special snowflake that rules don’t apply to her? Such double standards. Such hypocrisy.
V4Real, don’t play at that. Aniston REPEATEDLY said it and REPEATEDLY said there “was no bad guy”. MANY TIMES over the years. Lets be honest: that says it all.
@Stella. That’s why it’s called cheating, you don’t cop to it. Like I said Aniston said I don’t think he cheated, meaning she doesn’t know as fact. Also if you are so convinced that Aniston said Brad didn’t cheat t why wouldn’t she tell one of her closest friends, Chelsea Handler to stop saying Brad cheated on her with AJ. Handler constantly calls AJ a home wrecker.
You just don’t want to believe it.
Where are the people who were commenting in the past and accusing Angelina Jolie of pulling a Kelly Rutherford e. g LAK
Since this document was released and the truth is out they have all gone quiet.
I find this take by Lainey interesting
I’m right here . The post just opened so no, people haven’t gone quiet. Like I said AJ is showing that she is just as messy as Brad. To defy him she would rather keep the records open . How is that thinking about the health of your kids when you are allowing the dirty details of your divorce to remain public. She claims she wants privacy but yet allowing the records to remain unsealed. Brad and AJ are messy, they both leak crap to the media but some of you are so obsessed with AJ you will defend her innocence to the end. Neither of them are putting their children first.
I will add that Brad wanting the files sealed shows he is concerned about what the kids will read while AJ keeping them public shows she just wants to win, but at the expense of her kids. I’m not saying that’s true but that’s how it could seem to some people.
But the kids know what is happening so nothing there would surprise them. Pitt seems more interested in his public image which validates the necessity of limits on his access to the kids and the frequency of drug testing. If he issued a statement indicating his own interest in the health of the family, as she did, it would go a lot further than his current approach. Good parents know it’s about the kids, not about them.
Do you really think the kids know every little detail about their parents ugly divorce. Yes they know they are divorcing but it doesn’t mean they know everything that Brad and AJ did or might bring up during the divorce procedure. If the kids do know every little secret or dirty detail then they are both bad parents for allowing that to happen. I think there are a lot of things that Brad and AJ did not make their kids privy to, come on now.
Gah! Please read BearCat Lawyer’s posts above for legal explanations regarding the delay of sealing. There is nothing untoward about it.
As a kid who grew up in a very dysfunctional home, I feel pretty comfortable saying the kids already know a whole lot of what was going wring in their own home. Kids aren’t stupid, they are perceptive– and when substance abuse is involved the offending parent’s behaviors are glaringly obvious.
With due respect and kindness, I must refute Bearcatlawyer’s comment about ex party notice. (Notice of emergency hearing).
In this court, appropriate ex party notice was given. This is very common in family court cases. I’ve done hundreds of them. The notice required is 24 hours, actually, the other party must be given notice by 10 am the day before the hearing. I’ve been on the receiving end of many as well. The pleading notice must include how, when, and who was served. In this case, Brad and his team found that the detriment to the well being of the kids was an emergency as related to the filings being sealed. The judge has a full docket so in his court there are bigger fish to fry for that morning. Perhaps there were others without temp custody or support that took precedence. And I read no comment stating Wasser opposed it. Why would she. She is merely there as attorney of record for petitioner. No decisions have been made whatsoever in this court case. There was a stipulation by the parties which had nothing to do with the court except to ensure it followed the law and acceptable perameters therein
You’re not the only one who grew up in a dysfunctional home. But not every kid that grows up in that environment knows every detail of what went on in a marriage. Just because you knew a lot doesn’t mean you knew everything. Think about the things parents discussed when the kids were not around. Do you think Brad and AJ had the kids every day 24/7.
Sorry, Anna, but even if only one day’s notice was required (and I have not investigated whether said notice was properly given or the motion’s contents complied with the court rules), Wasser had little choice but to oppose the motion. All of the reports and leaks tend to prove there was no obvious emergency necessitating an immediate hearing and the sealing of the case records – a baseline requirement. Moreover, if Angelina does not want the case totally sealed (because keeping at least certain things public plainly serves her legal and/or PR interests), Wasser was ethically bound to advocate for Angelina’s goals and oppose this motion. I also would have opposed it because of the lack of time between notice and hearing (even if permitted by the rules). The whole point of due process of law is to ensure that BOTH sides have full and fair notice and an opportunity to be heard. One day is simply not enough time to analyze all of the potential ramifications of consenting to an immediate sealing of all the records, to attempt to negotiate an alternative resolution of the matter with opposing counsel, or to adequately advise a client about other strategies such as pursuing partial redaction or sealing of only certain records and anticipated responses of the opposing side. In a genuine emergency, lawyers simply must do the best they can in the limited time they are given. But that was seemingly not the case here.
Up until the judge signed the stipulation re: Brad’s drug and alcohol testing and supervised visitation, Brad had NO PROBLEM with the public nature of this case (and certain reports suggest that he will not be terribly upset if the media forces any future unsealing). Wasser would have been an idiot – and would have potentially opened herself up to malpractice liability – for failing to challenge this emergency motion under the circumstances.
Wasser at least appears to be seeking to resolve this case through an agreement and without a contentious public court battle, which makes Brad’s request to seal the case all the more suspicious. If he truly wants a quick and private end to this divorce, the best way to achieve that is by focusing all his energy and resources on negotiating a confidential settlement behind closed doors. By filing this motion (which arguably had little chance of being heard or granted immediately), Brad simply called MORE attention to his divorce and the fates of the children yet he is NO CLOSER to achieving his goals.
@Who are these people. Thank you so much for that reply I need not add anything further. I must say you’re on a role today and I’m loving it…. I guess they still feel she is pulling a Kelly Rutherford. God the misogyny is getting crazy. Do people still wonder how trump became president? Smh
The only thing AJ has in common with KR is that they are actors and mothers.
It seems like people have forgotten the reason we have courts and laws.
And it may get worse going forward.
*I meant roll not role. Couldn’t edit my comment
I totally agree with you. The courts are there for a reason.
@Who are these people I smile reading all your comments you state them so eloquently
I never mentioned KR. I was only responding to Andrea’s comment that people have gone quiet.
@v4real if you had read my comment and comprehended it before jumping In to comment you would realize I said people who were accusing Angelina Jolie of pulling a Kelly Rutherford have gone quite and I specifically gave an example of LAK who was always condemning Angelina and comparing her to Kelly. But then you made it all about you. Why you did I don’t know
Andrea, I can tell you that there are several reasons people could be going quiet. (a) they have jobs and lives, (b) they are no longer paying attention, or (c) they are but their posts aren’t getting through. Not everyone has the energy for this that you appear to, and there could be excellent reasons someone isn’t here that have nothing at all to do with your conjecture.
Yes, or d) they are getting upset because they are getting attacked for Having a different opinion. I love celebitchy and a good debate but some of the comments are getting personal. To call someone a misogynist because they are questioning the behaviour of a person who happens to be a woman is beyond rediculous.
So basically AJ is mad because Brad didn’t warn her that he wanted to seal the files to keep them private. So she fought against it so their dirty laundry could be aired. Is that thinking about the health of her children, I doubt it. How would she feel if Brad contested the divorce because she didn’t warn him about that.
This site is so anti Brad but AJ is just as worse. They are both dispicable people. They could learn a thing or two from Jen and Ben as well as Chris and Gwen. I don’t care what any of her so call stans say especially she who will not be named. I hope you did your homework to see how many times I posted on a Brad and AJ post in the last few weeks.
BTW TMZ was all for AJ when this crap first started but AJ lovers don’t have much to say about that. AJ leaks info to the press as well but they will never admit to that either.
Brads side did send notice of the filing to Wasser though. E Online has access to emails and therefore have the most accurate chronology of events. I wont link it but you can google it. For the record, it flatters neither side. According to the emails, Brad isnt asking for much. He wanted an additional 30 minutes to an hour per week of supervised contact with the kids, seems reasonable given he is submitting to testing and personal therapy. Angies contention is that this wasnt part of the deal they struck which leaves it to the therapists to increase visits.
I get both sides; Dad misses his kids over the holidays and is worried that time apart is making healing harder. Mum wants the agreed system followed including the role of a therapist. I do think filing that agreement publicly or resisting the seal was wrong. Like I keep saying, take a leaf out of Affleck Garners book and keep ALL custody issues out of the press.
Calm down. We get’re pro Brad. Whatevs. Go Jolie-Pitt kids, I’m rooting for you!
Please miss with your BS.
@V4R I’m not sure everyone is anti-Brad here. I suspect those with doubts or dissenting opinions gave up after being shouted at by those who are personally invested in this family and/or the Angie is a badass narrative. From the comments here, it seems that some posters are emotionally involved, and respond abusively when their fantasies are threatened.
Either that or it’s just two groups of astroturfers yelling at each other 🙃
I am going to have to agree with Lascivious on this one. I don’t particularly care for Brad (Don’t really get how people thought he was ever hot cause I don’t find him attractive in the least), and I’ve always thought Angelina was beautiful but strange (that stems from her Billy Bob days). With that being said, I personally feel both of them are spinning the media and leaking stories about each other. I think both of them aren’t angels in the least. However, in any comment I have written saying just that, that I think both are culpable, there is always someone whom will vehemently disagree and sometimes subtly and not so subtly believe I am a Pro-Brad supporter. When I am by FAR not one.
You might just be right; just look the comment from @L. Apparently my comment is affecting her.
@V4REAL: Riiight..Much like my comment & others’ comment affect you amirite? 😀
@L Do yourself a favor and revert back to my first response to you on this thread.
Thanks and girl bye. 🙂
@V4REAL: You do the same…thanks!
Bye now! 😄
I too have been accused of being a Brad stan and a misogynist for suggesting that both sides have messed this up and that there are periods in all of this where it appears that one side (ahem) seems the aggressor. I find it curious given I never see that kind of discourse on Ben and Jen posts. Nobody accuses me of being anti anybody for having an opinion there. I expect this is the new normal and henceforth any casual story on B will draw the same kind of vitriol we used to see on Aniston posts. Speaking of which, isnt it interesting how much calmer and more pleasant the Aniston comment section is these days. I dont have a point just making observations.
@L – I personally don’t get why you seem argumentative with V4Real. Maybe I am missing past comments, but I don’t feel that V4Real is pro-Brad within the context of her original post. Maybe it is the way I am reading the comment, but from the gist of what I gathered is, she is more inclined to dislike the unwavering pro-AJ rhetoric here, but doesn’t appear to be a gun-ho supporter of Brad either. If anything, it appeared to me that she thinks both of them are grotesque in their behavior, and she seems annoyed with what she believes is the bias favoritism for AJ that appears throughout the comments. And honestly, I tend to agree with her if that is the case. I mean, your original comment kind of proves that, since you stated she is Pro-Brad. Now I am not saying that she may or may not have other comments that would direct towards that, but what I am stating is that this post doesn’t seem pro-Brad to me. Like I said, just because there are those that feel that AJ is doing just as much shade throwing at Brad, as Brad is doing, doesn’t mean we support Brad. We just feel like both individuals aren’t angels.
Oh yes, there are some quite obvious individuals here who are so involved and have so many repetitive comments that you would think it was members of their own dysfunctional family they were yelling about!
If you don’t 100% support the showmance of the century, then your OPINION is automatically wrong. And if you dare question any of Angie Jo’s divorce “strategy”….lol…duck for cover!
@ Nicole: not being argumentative. Just posting my opinion just as you and others are. I see both pro & anti Jolie & Pitt comments so.. bye now..have a nice day! 😀
Man, you are so passive aggressive. It’s not funny.
THIS …. @v4real
AJ was the one who dropped the bombshell in the middle of the night/early morning on TMZ (at least thats when I saw it)
Why wouldn’t a judge want to seal these? I don’t really get why Angelina would want them to remain open either, both for the kids’ sakes and because she’s losing the PR battle by not making the filings private. I don’t understand either of them at the moment. Poor kids. I never imagined it getting this nasty.
The judge didn’t refuse to seal them down the road, only denied that this met the standard of an “emergency” request.
I think they’ve both leaked stories to the press, but to be fair, the most recent TMZ articles came from the court documents. At least Brad is trying to get them sealed. (regardless of his motives, it’s in the children’s best interest)
In my experience, ppl with substance abuse problems always downplay/excuse their behavior from when they were drunk/high. They don’t realize that behavior fundamentally altered their child’s perception of them. It can be a real head trip when other people enable that, like a mother who tells you, “oh, dad wasn’t that bad last night.” I think it is so important for kids to see lines being drawn, and for them to recognize
that they have a right to sober parents. It can also be validating to see public disapproval of that behavior…..I don’t necessarily think a public record of their parents’ divorce is a bad thing. I think it’s more important that they know Brad can be held responsible for his behavior.
Thanks for saying this. In this scenario, the person who has the most, and the most obvious, reasons for keeping his actions off the public record is Brad Pitt.
I agree.
I totally agree with you.
The one thing i do disagree with? is that angie could of made brad stick with the agreement with the court, but she could of done it sealed & not public. Everything else i think she has got a raw deal from media & public.
Gosh, now we know why these two fought a lot when they were married. They don’t know how to compromise. Brad wants to fast forward the therapies while Angelina wants to slow it down. They just can’t meet in the middle.
Wanting to move “faster” through treatment is the hallmark of someone who doesn’t understand the necessity of treatment.
Plus therapy is actually a painful process — especially trauma work. Sure, one can *clean up* a child fast and make them *function* but they will crash and burn later. Trauma doesn’t disappear just because a parent wants it to. Real healing takes time.
And so does real detox.
Honestly, it’s not about ‘meeting in the middle.’ It’s not like 1 parent can say, “12 weeks of therapy” and the other can say “6 weeks of therapy” and they settle on 9. It just doesn’t work that way!
Of all the issues on which they will need to compromise and negotiate over the years to come…length of therapy is not one of them. And the parent whose traumatizing behavior caused the need for therapy is the LAST person who has any right to weigh in on how to treat it. Saying they need less is a way to say he did less damage.
Hold on just a moment while I pick up my jaw from the floor…
i know, eh? i was so gob smacked by this comment i just walked around with “???” floating around my head for a good hour.
uhm, ANYONE wanting to fast track or speed up their therapy is obviously NOT invested in therapy.
@obsidian, IKR? It makes their 2014 public relations farce of a wedding “for the children” that much more laughable.
They both need to get in a room, put their differences aside & think what is best for their children & not what they themselves want & get this sorted so more damage isn’t done. The longer this goes on the more the media love it & profit. The problem is this is all going through lawyers & they themselves have not been talking face to face. You can’t solve your family problems through people, you need to be around one another.
They need to know that the vast majority of the people around them have a vested interest in keeping this going. They are ruining their kids childhood while lawyers, publicists and yes, maybe even therapists make money and get free advertising. Sit alone together and figure this out.
Comments like these make the big assumption that both parties are ready willing and able to come to the table. Here we have a father who was in an airborne incident serious enough to warrant investigation, followed by court orders to have drug and alcohol testing, supervised visits and a lot of therapy. You think he’s ready, willing and able to sit and talk?
Exactly. Trying to have a productive conversation with an addict is like trying to catch a greased eel. I believe that is why Angie is being a stickler for the rules: both for visitation and legal proceedings. If you give an addict an inch they take two effing miles. She HAS to hold him accountable, step by step.
This is why living with an addict sucks the life out of you, and why the partners of addicts tend to look like big meanies and buzz-killers. Eventually you learn you’re dealing with a greased eel.
Embee, excellent analogy. There really are rules and he will keep trying to get around them, for reasons of addiction/ego/career, but at least for now, there is a family court system for a reason.
I think he has demonstrated that he can come to the table. But lets deal with two things. Firstly, when allegations regarding kids are made, they are investigated. Theres nothing in this fact to suggest that the incident was serious, only that seriuos allegations were made. All of which he has been cleared of. Secondly, the court has never ordered anything much less drug testing or supervised visitation. Brad and Angelina came to a voluntary agreement on how to temporarily handle custody and that is what was filed. A deal that is now mutually binding but can be altered either by agreement or by the court.
Now that deal is what makes me believe that Brad can come to the table. The deal is clearly very demanding of him and perhaps humiliating too. He still agreed to it. Including the random drug testing clause. That indicates a lot of compromise on his part. Theoretically, he could have turned this into a court battle from day 1. I do think she is the angry party here and she has a longer way to go as far as compromise and forgiveness goes. That said, he should direct communication. Somebody has to start, may as well be the one to do it.
These thinly-veiled apologist comments make me nuts. People are just incapable of being objective, and seem to have a fair amount of difficulty with reading comprehension because of the stars in their eyes. smh
I agree with Ramona. I disagree with the basic premise of this conversation :
1. That Brad is a drug user. If he was DCFS and FBI investigations would have not cleared him completely.
2. There was a serious incident on the plane. Ditto on why. I think that there was a horrible scene but I do think that Angie took advantage of the situation by filing for divorce in a public manner, calling DCFS on Brad and putting everything out in the open.
My take, and believe the take of many silent observers (who are reading but not commenting because they are tired of constantly being pounced on, particularly by an overzealous commentator who is not here yet) is that Angie is magnifying and exaggerating everything that is going down, and has, from the beginning. I think that her own childhood and estrangement from her father is playing into how she perceives Brad and how she is acting today. I also believe that her opinions and her attitude may be coloring her older sons’ attitude towards Brad and that is sad, because they will lose out on the end. From the beginning and actually, historically Angie has been a woman who is hyper-focussed on her image and the narrative. I think that is what she is focused on today.
1 That’s what I was thinking. Him being drunk on the plane doesn’t make him an addict. That said, maybe his casual drinking or emotional drinking got out of hand and DCFS might not have seen that as having a huge impact on the family but the family might have been tired of having a father / husband who was more and more absent and then in an argumentative mood with their mother.
2 I think an objective professional opinion cannot change somebody’s subjective feelings. Especially not when it comes to children. I can see the only reason Jolie wanting to get out of the marriage is seeing Pitt as a non-devoted father. It was the main attraction to him as per her own words over the years. Then the older children having had enough and/or coming in between was just the end of the marriage. If he said something hurtful and the children are traumatised by it, then that is cause for concern but not enough for DCFS to deem him an unfit abusive father. I’ve seen cases where parents are capable and smart but they do things that are damaging to the kids but NOT to the point of abuse or wanting to cause damage. I can see how hard it is for professionals to make the ‘right’ decision when it comes to family matters.
Jolie being much more strict with the rules set by a third party might have something to do with the fact that she knows her own feelings and past might influence her behaviour whereas a therapist has a healthy distance and can observe the situation much better. With 6 kids and such a nasty public split, a third party will be more of a help than a burden in the long-term. Plus people tend to overlook the feelings of children anyway, it’s a good thing for the children to have advocates and a person they can talk to without feeling they need to please one parent or the other.
@WOTP, +1 to all of your comments. There’s no point in gossiping about this like it’s a marital dispute. One parent clearly has chronic substance abuse issues–probably akin to Johnny Depp in that he can sober up when he wants to but when you look at the past 10-15 years or more, he hasn’t been sober for much of it. Dealing with an addict in denial is so frustrating. And you can’t compromise or work together; one parent is sober and one parent is not.
@Artemis Great post. I don’t think Brad is an addict. I wish people would stop assuming that but it seems pretty clear Brad did something on that plane. Yes, he was cleared but something happened. And probably just wasn’t his behavior on the plane but past behavior. Maybe what happened was the last straw. Something led to a third party to stepping in. I’m in the middle. I feel like Brad should be able to spend more time with his kids but I do think the children feelings should be regarded. They are going through a tough situation. Based on the emails I read today, from Wasser the intentions are to share custody and for them to unite as a family in the end. It might not happen tomorrow but the goal is to have Brad and Angelina co-parent.
Opposing the request to seal it is vindictive, pure and simple. Anyone who says otherwise is twisting themselves in knots trying to defend it. They opposed it because he didn’t consult with them? She has to have total control. And he needs to wake up and petition the court. When you’re getting a divorce you don’t ask the person you’re divorcing if you can see your kids, you petition the court.
There is such a thing as procedure and it has to be followed. YEs, her lawyers must be consulted, that is how it works … it’s called the rule of law. He made an agreement and needs to play by the rules. BUT again…drinking problem…might not think he has to.
Good heavens. For all you know, if she’d been consulted she might have agreed. Please don’t play along with that “controlling woman” theme. How about she has to deal with an out-of-control husband? Who admitted he got drunk and scared his son? Any of us would look “controlling” if we had to push back against that kind of out-of-control behavior. It’s called setting limits and it’s 100% appropriate.
I couldn’t agree more.
I keep thinking of a friend who went through hell over her ex husband’s demands to see their children. Her son despised his father for what he had done to the family and didn’t want to/wasn’t ready to see him. Rather than wait patiently and let his kid come around in a healthy way, the father kept trying to force the issue and the son was falling apart over it. A therapist finally had to step in to tell the court that for all of the father playing the victim re not seeing his kids he was, in reality, a selfish jackass who was continuing to put his needs over his son’s.
An uncontrollable husband who hasn’t shut up for 2 months straight.
All of you are missing the point, don’t you see his eldest don’t want to see him both parents should try to heal the boys before anything else
And he want more time with the other kids but not with eldest so how can the kids heal when the father and the boys are not trying harder
Children NEVER should bear the burden of “trying harder” if they feel afraid of a parent.
And this is why Angie is saying listen to the therapist because kids are not ready yet
I don’t see how Angelina filing that document publicly is hurting the kids. If anything it hurts the narrative Brad’s people wants out. We all knew counseling was going on, but now we know it’s up to the therapist and kids if they want to see Brad or not.
People are so far up Brad’s ass that they’re not thinking what the hell did he do to get to this point with his children. This is so damn sad.
Yes, it turns out we already knew the details of that agreement pretty accurately. One guess who leaked that. Starts with A. Honestly, the amount of dirty games played by both sides here is downright nauseating. That God I had better parents than these.
Oh Absolutely!…The whole deflect the real reason why this mess happened is just astounding!…Had the roles been reveresed Angelina would be named everything under the sun…the sexism is real🙄
Yep, we know for a fact (that statement released by Brad’s people) Brad was drunk and something went down with his oldest, but Angelina is still the villain.
We do NOT know for a fact that Brad was drunk. All we know is that there was an “incident” on the plane.
Pitt — through a “source,” I think — acknowledged that he was “inebriated” (drunk) within days of the first report.
This is getting beyond the ridiculous , Jolie and Wasser opposed the request because they weren’t notified in advance? Why would notification of what clearly would be in the best interests of their children be necessary. Also I think it’s a leap to assume TMZ is being fed info from either AJ or BP in order to run a story about this….
Because there are rules and he agreed to respect them.
Respect the right to what amounts to an intrusion in what clearly should be a private family matter? Help me understand why the public airing of their divorce custody issues helps?
Because when you are dealing with an addict you must hold them to the rules or they will run roughshod over the process and nothing will be accomplished. It seems like a small concession to let him have the dox sealed, but the next time it will be less notice, and of more consequence and so on and so on until the whole thing is a complete mess. Anyone who has had to deal with an addict in a legal setting (esp divorce.custody) knows this to be the case. They feel the rules don’t apply to them and they test your willingness to bend said rules CONSTANTLY. The only way to have certainly is to never relent. It’s actually a blessing to the addict, and often the only real structure in their life.
Thanks Embee. I’m not an expert on addiction itself but this all makes so much sense. People forget so quickly what kicked this whole thing off and are so quick to assume both parties are in 100% good mental health. Pitt admitted to getting drunk on a plane while traveling with his kids, and then doing something that scared his kids. What else do we need to know?
Who is the addict we are talking about ? How do you know Brad is an addict ? What is the proof ? All of the pro-Angie comments here are premised on this. But there is ZERO proof that he is. In fact, I would say that since he VOLUNTARILY submitted to four drug tests a month BEFORE being investigated by the DCFS that shows that he is not an addict and has never been. This has been an aspersion cast on him through innuendo by Angie’s side aided by nonsense tabloids.
I am no fan of Brad Pitt – have watched maybe 3 of his movies. Never found him cute and was never ever interested in him. But the comments here are incredible. People are really going out of their way to bash him and it is not fair to do that. I used to really admire Angie and thought she was the perfect woman, but by golly that has changed.
I don’t know if he is an addict but I sideeye any parent who gets drunk on a plane in the presence of their children. Also I think it is highly unusual for a person to be required to take FOUR drug and alcohol test a month.There are people on parole or probation who aren’t required to be tested that much.So I find it odd.
@embee, +1. I think anyone who has had long term court dealings with an addict understands this.
I feel bad for Brad; something about him reminds me of someone I know from a similar background. He seems to have a chronic unhappiness. I can see why he would’ve thought he’d found the cure for his unhappiness with AJ and her work outside of Hollywood. But it looks like a bit of flameout–a lot of change happened really quickly, and then back into his old routines/habits. He seems like he needs a lot of therapy.
Keeping terrible family secrets from everyone only benefits one person: the abuser.
The point is the therapists are saying to leave the agreement as it is & not add more visits & angelina is going by their professional opinion. I can understand both sides. Brad must be so frustrated with that limited amount of time. Maybe they should refer to different child therapists for a second opinion. Maybe increase visitation gradually? That way brad has more time with them & the kids get use to seeing him on a regular basis. Surely the longer they are away from brad the harder it will be to reconnect?
i read somewhere that he had requested an additional or different therapist and that the sessions take place in a different setting. He is also asking for an extra half an hour or so a week under supervision. These are not huge requests, especially if he doesn’t trust the therapist or thinks the current environment is hostile to him. If they genuinely want the therapy to succeed everyone needs to have faith in the system. It sounds like what they now isn’t working for anybody. That is it from me. No more comments.
But being an abusive parent asking for extra time and another therapist with/for the child(ren) you abused IS TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR. Like, shouldn’t it be about the kid’s well being first, not prioritizing what Brad wants?! Shouldn’t the kids stick to a therapist stick to the one they trust and can open up to and not being dragged around until Brad feels satisfied? And shouldn’t the kids feel safe around Brad again before they spend more time with him?
Jellybean, I so agree.
I don’t think Brad is being unreasonable here. He is asking for very little extra time with his kids. I think the longer he doesn’t see them the more hard it will be to reconnect.
I feel like I have lost some respect for Angie. I still respect her humanitarian work but not the way she is handling this situation. It is like she is trying to punish Brad by using the kids.
The way I understand it, Brad had to miss some visits because he was committed to promoting his film overseas, and therefore asked for some make up visits. It doesn’t seem like an unreasonable request and I don’t know why Angelina opposed it. Now the situation has deteriorated to the point where both the older boys say they don’t want to see their father.
Angie needs to be very careful from a PR standpoint here. By not being willing to cut Brad some slack on the make up visitation issue, she is making herself look like she is really trying to keep him away from the children. She is already being savaged in the tabloids, and negative publicity like this is the last thing she needs.
The therapist is doing the opposing.
“The therapist is doing the opposing.”
But at whose request? How do we know this therapist isn’t bias and maybe that’s why Brad wants a second or different therapist.
Oh, @dotdotdot,
They just won’t see. I think it’s time to throw our reasonable, collective hands in the air over this one.
NSSB. I’m sorry you are so frustrated and I can see why. I can only speak for myself. I do not know what happened on that plane or in their marriage. For Angie it was obviously a drop-dead end-the-marriage situation. DCFS did not pursue the abuse case again him. That’s conflicting information. Jellybean and Dot both had reasonable comments depending on the level of abuse that occurred.
Pitt’s going to have to learn to live with frustration, then. He’s the adult, he should act like one.
Maybe they should both act like adults instead of all this vindictiveness, mudslinging shit storm they are both creating. Neither one of their hands are clean.
well i never trusted her motives and her ‘healing for the family’.. if she wanted that it could have been done quietly and without all this public drama. she’s moved on… she wants to keep SOLE custody like he’s not a parent? Also if he wants to play dirty all he has to do is pull out her mental health files….
Um…the court is going on evidence regarding their history as parents.
Please. He’s already a dirty player, too.
They are both playing dirty.
What mental files are they? I don’t think she has any mental files on her. If she did, she certainly could not work with the UN! Don’t confuse tabloid stories and her quirkiness for ‘mental health’ issues.
This whole situation has been really sad. It seems like neither one of them can set aside their differences to go about this in a private manner for the sake of their kids. It doesn’t reflect well on either one, IMO.
I don’t think Angelina is playing the long game, but she would be wise to do so. Now that the investigations are over,s he needs to see the writing on the wall that Brad will get joint custody. More than likely, most of the kids will come around to having Brad in their life permanently. She’ll be seeing a lot more of him, is all I’m saying. Instead she’s trying to hold on to the temporary agreement with the therapist (however legitimate her reasons might be) but I think she risks alienating her younger kids (in the long run) by keeping them from their father.
Actually the long game is to see whether their father can become a sober healthy person capable of parenting in a sober healthy and non aggressive manner.
And maybe he can. At one time AJ was an addict herself but she overcame it. Along with other issues she had and probably still dealing with.
I certainly hope he can. He’s a talented person respected in his field, so whatever his problems, his life and his family could work better if he overcame them.
Where is the evidence that Jolie was ever actually an ‘addict’, V4Real? Experimenting and trying every drug there is does not make one an actual ‘addict’. Not saying she wasn’t, but I’ve never seen nor heard any evidence that she was ever actually addicted.
From what I gathered from the filing by Angelina is, she was getting blamed for Brad not seeing his kids on Thanksgiving. She proved Brad not seeing his kids has to do with the recommendations of their psychologist. Brad’s side did not like that it was proven he was responsible for this whole mess on the plane, because he has restrictions put on him to see his children, because of his behavior in front of his children. I’m a fan of both, but I do believe Angelina is getting the short end of the stick. Imo, it appears Brad was drinking and/or smoking weed and it got out of hand and caused the split in the family. I’m not saying Angelina is innocent but I do believe Brad f’d up, jmo. Btw, I do believe Angelina is a very honest person. She has not hide her past drug abuse but I believe she is trying to shield her children from what she experienced as a young person.
I remember a friend of brad’s saying whenever he goes to his house it smells of weed. I don’t remember who said that. I guess Angie put up a lot and covered for him a lot because she loved him but the plane incident was the last straw for her children’s safety, jmo. Now, I not going to comment of them until they have something to say, or maybe I’m done comment on them. That’s their life and I should just leave them be to fix their lives.
Exactly this. When she was being accused of keeping the kids away from him for Thanksgiving he said nothing. Now that the truth is out he is crying wolf.
I am glad the request was denied.
You guys acting like these kids probably haven’t seen and heard worse. Brad by his own admission says he is composed in public but blows his s#it in private. I mean, there was a reason DCFS investigated him.
Anyway, the filing simply record their agreement with the court. If Brad wants to change it there is a legal process for that. He cannot circumvent the system.
If he did not like the agreement then he should have never signed it.
And if he wants to protect his kids, maybe he never should have acted the fool on the plane in the first place.
And it’s clear that Brad wants to play victim – that entire Thanksgiving story fiasco. People were ready to take Jolie down with pitchforks but low and behold, Brad’s visitation is determined by a third party. Not Jolie. We only know that because of her court filing. Otherwise Brad and his team would still be peddling this sad, pathetic tale. And the media is all too eager to lap it up.
Anyway, they are both leaking so that is obvious but Brad’s shady moves are finally exposed. Yeah Brad. Poor you.
You want more time with the kids? Then follow the legal process that you agreed to and signed.
+1000000000 comment of the day!
Agree completely Abby. Something really f-up happened for Brad to agree to all his restrictions, and for the kids still not being too thrilled with him. I’m glad Angelina filed that document in the court.
Nothing in that filing hurt the kids, but it sure f-ed up Brad’s narrative that she’s keeping the kids from him. The public doesn’t know the nitty gritty of everything, but the people in the know (therapists) are putting restrictions on Brad. Says a lot.
Absolutely Abby👏👏👏👏👏
Also agree, Abby. It’s clear that Pitt is putting himself and his rep before everything else. I’ve never had the highest opinion of him but I never expected this degree of blind petulance from him. How anyone can cast Angelina Jolie as the bad guy here is seriously baffling.
“You want more time with the kids? Then follow the legal process that you agreed to and signed.”
YES! Be a fucking adult and act responsibly = Stop putting yourself first!
‘If he did not like the agreement then he should have never signed it.”
Brad signed a TEMPORARY agreement in the immediate aftermath of the plane incident/Angie divorce filing/DCFS investigation. Things change and progress or don’t progress. A desire to alter a temporary order at some point is to be expected.
Who hired the therapist? Why hired therapists you don’t trust? The third party is there to help the kids and parents, so if you don’t like their expertise fired them
The odds are he wouldn’t like any therapist right now. The court has a role in the appointment of therapist, yes? and both parents would have agreed?
Of course you will agree to the therapist who you just met but after your sessions with her you could determine if she’s the right fit for you. Perhaps you feel that therapist is bias or taking your ex partner’s side. If that’s how you feel you have every right to request another therapist who you think will be fair and not one-sided. Maybe this therapist is a fan of Jolie, who knows.
Do you realize that in that statement you put your bias as a fan above the integrity of a LCSW/ LSW? A professional? A degreed professional who has to abide by minimum professional ethics? Who has moral and professional and ethical responsibility to court and client????
Guys the court had NO role in selecting the therapist. He was part of what they agreed upon. It is also likely that he was proposed by Angelina. In the new emails, Wasser is seen proposing a trauma specialist too. It is very likely that SHE did her homework. She found a therapist with techniques suited to her endgame and Brad messed up by not researching him before accepting the name.
To be clear, i think Angelinas endgame is to have a slower reunification. In the emails, Wasser talks about 6 months to a year before Brads full reintegration. But therapy isnt a hard science. There are many schools of thought that believe that slow reintegration increases the relationship fructures. Brad should have found therapists from that school of thought.
Finally, this therapist is not binding on the court. The judge can just completely ignore this therapists recommendation or even appoint a different one to report to the court.
Are you kidding. Do you believe we live in a world where doctors, therapist, judges and what not don’t break the ethics code or release info they shouldn’t or bias. I have friends and co-workers who are therapist and they have told me stuff that they shouldn’t have. It has nothing to do with having a degree but it has all to do with being human and humans mess up or make mistakes all the time. Don’t be so naïve.
What the hell happened on that plane that they need trauma Counseling!?
He did something that even the 2 eldest sons don’t want to see him so I will suggest he try to understand the boys problems with therapists presents instead of looking more time with the other kids
Yup he still seems to think it *wasn’t that bad.*
then again people voted for DT after his history of assault so that *wasn’t that bad* either.
Well a very serious thing happened, dcfs, cps, fbi were involved. He is not an abuser but something wrong happended.
“The family’s privacy, remains a priority for Jolie. Of course Angelina does want to keep things private. That’s why details of what REALLY happened on the plane have not been made public.”
@fgirl,we know the details of the plane incident have not be told, and we all know their is a video,because everybody and embryo have cell phone,somebody tape it.
yep. the details of what really happened, the full story, is not leaking whatsoever.
anyone invested in screwing someone else over would not hesitate to have that out there.
Someone posted this comment at Jezebel – no details about inside the plane, but something seen outside:
I can’t resist dropping this: A friend’s neighbor is one of the TMZ leaks from the International Falls airport. Her boyfriend was working there when it all went down and said Pitt was drunk off his ass and did drive around on the tarmac in a fuel truck while Ang stood on the steps and screamed at him about what a fuck up he is.
Hmmm. Given how willing both sides have been to throw the other under the bus with zero regard for the kids, I dont believe for a second that the incident details are being witheld for magnanimous reasons. Those details are the ultimate ammunition and she knows it. But they are more potent as a threat than an actual release. For instance, Brad tried to seal the file because he wants to ask the court for more access to the kids. In the Wasser email it is clear that she is hoping he wont pursue the case further because that means the details of the incident will be leaked from his filing. The silence is strategy on her part.
Ha! Ramona nailed it again! In a nutshell- Angie’s team has the facts re: plane incident to hang over Brad’s head. These facts only remain powerful to Angie if records remain unsealed, which her team accomplished. Brad is currently balking at the restrictions imposed by the TEMPORARY agreement and wants more access to his kids. Wasser replied in legalese that she can make that request get tied up in litigation for a very long time and get very very ugly.
I’m guessing it goes well beyond that single incident. If Brad was spiraling down into addiction, home life likely got very ugly.
@Mich – absolutely. Anyone who still thinks the plane incident was an isolated one is as much in denial as Pitt plainly is. At this late stage, I think we can conclude it was the no-return tipping point.
There is a legal reason the judge denied the motion.
There is a reason the therapist requires him to attend twice weekly sessions( 50 minutes each),group therapy and get drug tested four times a month.
I have yet to read anything in court papers that says anything specifically about the kids.We don’t know how often they go to therapy,we don’t know where they go for therapy.Those papers I read on @ Extratv mention Brad’s therapy details,not the kids.So IMO he was pissed because we learned about what HE has to do. Yes the therapist named was mentioned but that is his therapist as well.So “his ” privacy was invaded and that’s why he is upset.
He has the right to issue a public statement to the effect of, “I want to be as good a parent as possible to my wonderful children, so in light of the circumstances, I am getting treatment for X, Y and Z to learn to live a sober life and parent my children in a safe, loving and healthy way with the full cooperation of their wonderful mother. “
In the documents, Brad explains that he plans on filing a request for more visitation with his children. That is why he is requesting that the documents be sealed. We haven’t read intimate details about the kids yet, because their custody hearings have not begun yet. If/when the case does go to court, testimony from the children’s therapists could be public record. I don’t blame Brad at all for trying to have the documents sealed, even if he trying to protect his own image.
@ BJ
The investigation was called off because there was no evidence for any wrongdoing. If there had been anything that is dangerous to the kids the authorities would have imposed stricter restrictions.
That therapy stuff and the monitored visits aren’t something the authorities demanded. Pitt receives therapy and has monitored visits because he has a voluntary agreement with Angelina Jolie according to which he has to attend therapy and according to which visits are monitored.
As I already commented once, while I do not know what happened on the plane I know that the investigation was NOT called off because there was no evidence for any wrongdoing. It was called off because there was no evidence for anything illegal.
He could have hurled racial insults at his kids, could have repudiated his adopted children – again I do not know what happened and I do not say it happened – it would not have been illegal but still very traumatising and damaging for the kids.
Then go to court and ask the agreement to be thrown out since he has been cleared.Has he done that?
This may have been said earlier in the comments, but I would think that as responsible father AND mother that both of these parties would want these documents sealed without squabbling about it. As their children grow older (this is probably always going to be in the news, at least for a couple of years or so…), they are going to be able to find all these things on the internet, I would hope that the parents would want to minimize as much as they could and one would hope that they would agree on that!
Brad sure has a lot of restrictions and the amount of theapy monitored visits etc I have to conclud Brad was getting really personal on that plane under the influence and said some demeaning like ‘your no son of mine’ yada yada. The point I want to make here is this happens in every family and people say hurtful things like that to people they love . In which case they need the opportunity to make it up or not. I can’t see how these processes are giving the family time to heal etc are helping or making it worse. Now these kids have to take ‘sides’ I am sure the older ones read this stuff and that’s what would be harmful and have long term effects. They need to get a custody agreement in place as a Christmas present for the family and stop this.
It’s clear that she is not denying to him more visitations, the therapists are doing that recomendations. Therapists said that the sessions were not enough: brad missed sessions with kids. Why? He was with allied promotion and on vacation time. I assume thar he missed the drugs and alcohol tests too.
Man needs to put his shit together.
I truly believe that angelina knows that she never will have the media/public opinion symphaty. She has zero chances when brad perfect pitt is your oponent. She is not stupid and knows that her career, paychecks and image will be not the same. And maybe she doesn’t care anymore. It’s a powerfull message for many women around the world.
I am seriously stumped. Help me brainstorm. What on earth could have possibly happened on that plane that demands this extremely limited monitored contact with Brad? DCFS cleared him of “abuse’ and he apparently is taking/passing drug tests. I have no doubt whatsoever that he acted like a total a** on that plane- don’t get me wrong. But does the punishment fit the crime? At my house there were a couple of incidents of parenting that were out-of-control, involving yelling, a shove and a slap. The other parent stepped in and stopped it. Sincere apologies were made, along with promises to do better and then DOING better. No court orders, no therapists required.
And now a specialized “trauma therapist” has been requested in addition to the team already in place?
Seriously, what is up?!
I’m wondering the same thing, are we making a mountain out of a mole hill here? First world problems? Kids running the show? OR are there serious problems? It’s all really none of my business, but my husband and I both come from divorced parents who fought like cats and dogs IN FRONT OF THE KIDS and had some real crazy moments. We are fine…no therapy, no court orders…it just seems a bit much, but this was in the 70’s, today’s world is sooo different.
What could’ve happened ? Brad was drunk and racist against his kids maybe even said “you’re not my kids anyway”…
I have been saying that my gut feeling is the same. I think he could also have taken a shot about Shiloh’s possible gender identity issues. Alcohol will really help someone stoop to the lowest of lows.
I really doubt that Shiloh speculation. She hasnt featured in any of this at all and Brad has in the past appeared quite comfortable with her gender exploration. I dont think it was a racial insult either because DCFS would be on his ass big time for that one. Thats not something he would be cleared for.
So it has to be big enough to get him to agree to the limited custody and therapy but small enough to get DCFS off his back. I would guess its something that reminds them that Maddox is adopted. Something like “you are ungrateful, you would have a different life were it not for…” Or maybe telling him he can return to the orphanage if he doesnt like Brads authority. Definitely something along the adoption line.
I can see why that would rightly piss Angie off but also why if it was a one off DCFS would treat it as a regretable incident but not something serious.
What ever happen seems to be focused on the two oldest boys.TMZ posted some emails regarding visitations and he requested to spend twice as much time with the other four.
Ramona. I can see the “ungrateful” scene happening. I’d considered that a normal teen phase/parent argument. With an adopted child though…lots of issues and feelings could bubble to the surface.
Exactly, I told my mother I hated her when I was13 and she slapped me in the face. Now she is 89 and living with me so we got over that ,
I love you, Sansa!
I read some of the papers and I don’t understand why Brad and his lawyer are against the appointment of minor’s counsel
Because he seems to want to force the kids to be with him.
The younger kids look up to the older boys and are probably feeling the same way they are.
Therapy is “safe harbor” therapy so Angelina is not poisoning them against Brad. It’s not possible.
It seems like Angelina is trying to force Brad to fix his relationship with the kids….
Very sad situation for ange and her kids.
And to think he was flying all over the world and taking a vacation while his kids were in such dire situation
fascinating that this little tidbit has been pretty much overlooked, no?
To me that is the most disturbing part.
I can understand that he’s frustrated with the amount of time he gets to see the kids but to oppose their right to unbiased minor’s representative is horrible.
Brad Pitt says he wants things to be private yet he threw his two boys under the bus.
They want nothing to do with him- even walked out of a few sessions – so instead f fighting for them his lawyer wants extra time with the other kids to make up for the missed time with his older children.
To me that’s totally creepy and childish.
A real man would fight like hell to fix the issues with his older children.
He doesn’t seem to care and it really seems like his racist fans were right. He only wants the white kids.
@YepIsaidit…Yeah, this almost tossing aside of the two boys and their needs also struck me as cold and wrong. It is as if he could care less about them. Brad Pitt is proving to be a piece of work.
@YepIsaidit – “He doesn’t seem to care and it really seems like his racist fans were right. He only wants the white kids.”
You have zero evidence to back that seriously offensive charge up. As much as I think Pitt’s behaving really badly here, to suggest that there’s a racist element to his behaviour is way below the line.
Pitt plainly has addiction issues, Let’s try and understand those and the chaos they cause, instead of going low and writing him so lazily off as a racist.
We have his own lawyers words. He wants extra time with the other kids to make up for the time he should be spending with his older kids.
He’s not fighting for them. He’s throwing them aside like greata said.
“Oh they don’t want to be around me because I’m an a–h-le? Oh well can I have extra time with the younger kids to make up for it?”
That’s a sh–y parent.
I agree. I think he said something that rely hurt Maddox s feelings and Pax and Maddox are tight. I think Brad needs to just forget his image and give the kids the time they need. I think Angie is trying to salvage a relationship between Brad and the two oldest boys but he doesn’t seem to want to put in the effort. He is the adult.
Lainey has now published the letters exchanged between the lawyers about this. Gives some insight into the situation. AJ wants limited visitation and therapy to continue (essentially letting the kids decide) and no litigation, BP says plane incident “isolated” and ample evidence about his positive parenting of the kids, wants more visitation, fine with going to court to get it. Without knowing exactly what happened on that plane, I find the situation difficult to evaluate and can see how both parties could feel in the right here. But I judge them both for all the leaks, which AJ seems to have started.
I think that AJ has huge issues as a person and is not easy to live with. Her mother was a role model and it is debatable whether her mother did the right thing in alienating the kids from their father, Jon Voight. People have affairs and do bad things in a marriage but usually good parents shield the children, they don’t draw kids into their marital problems.
I doubt anything huge happened in the plane that is outside of what happens in hundreds of families in the heat of the moment. AJ has been on record saying that she does believe in enforcing boundaries for children. There are massive amounts of problems that stem from that kind of parenting.
I meant to type “does NOT believe in enforcing boundaries”
Brad has talked about his parents and his strict upbringing,how his dad was tough and that he takes a different approach with his kids.So I am sick of people saying he is strict and she had no rules.Both of them have talked about being lenient.Brad talked about that as a reason for home schooling where they don’t have strict rules about what they are studying.
Apparently Maddox was causing trouble and Brad told him to sit down. Maddox told him to shut the fuck up and Brad lost it and shoved the kid into his seat. I dont know if this is true or not. Just repeating what I read.
We don’t know what happened,I read there was argument between Brad and Angie and Maddox got between and there was physical contact.We don’t know.
If you believe people magazine who has been kissing his butt since the beginning…
Brad “put hands” on Maddox because they were standing nose to nose.
Brad s team started the leaks to TMZ and People, both team Brad.
No, at least the first three leaks were from Jolie’s camp, on separate days if I remember correctly. Divorce “for the health of the family,” DCFS investigation leaked, then “something very very sensitive happened” on the plane, then some details. This could have been kept private, but Jolie wanted it out there.
I dunno what to say about this, the more i hear about healing, health and so.
I think brad discriminate maybe between the adopted boys and his young ones?
Maybe his kids follow their older brother idolize them more than him as they are always together?
I do believe brad loves Angie and his kids, but i get also a control vibe from him and bitterness. maybe hes jealous from the boys relation with their mom. many men feel marginalized in big families .
all Maybe
And maybe they are teenagers and there’s more strife in his relationship with them right now, especially if he has a drinking problem, and a marriage that had been falling apart probably for a few years, and two different parenting styles. None of this is black and white, one good, one bad. It’s very sad. Both love their children. None of us know the answers because we don’t begin to know a fraction of what has and is going down in the demise of this marriage and how it’s affecting the children.
I keep following this debacle even though I find it sordid as well as bringing back memories I thought I’d suppressed (because apparently the instinct of self-preservation is completely absent in me and I keep clicking on stuff I know is not good for me out of morbid curiosity).
I keep flipping between “they are weaponizing their children” and “they’re both messed up people but they do love their kids”. I also wish none of this was being publicised, but the fact that this crap gets clicks and one of said clicks is mine, well…. celeb gossip site runners need money too.
There are so many children in that family. We know the eldest two don’t want to have anything to do with the father. But the younger kids? Shiloh? The twins?
Damn I hope the parents will be able to realise that their public image will take a hit, but as long as the kids come out relatively all right it was worth it. Both Jolie and Pitt will recover. Kids, however tough they are, might not.
That’s a lot of projection
Dude, almost everything in these divorce threads’ comment sections is projection.
Good call Shijel.
I’m like you, Shijel, with the missing self-preservation instinct gene, lol 🙂 When it becomes a problem, for every day I don’t look at pictures and stories I know will hurt me, I stick a gold star on my calendar. A full row earns me a prize. Ha!
“I think brad discriminate maybe between the adopted boys and his young ones?”
Interesting. Where would that leave Z? She’s adopted also. Do you think he would be more accepting of her because she is a girl?
Brad has always adored that child. Angie said on more than one occasion that she has to be the disciplinarian with Z because Brad spoiled her rotten.
Carmen I don’t think it has anything to do with adoption. Simply, Zee is his first baby, rhe first child they adopted together
This is all so completely trashy.
@Maia yup. Angie is a control freak. Put the kids first, period.
I don’t think angie is upset so much about the plane incident? but more that she had child services show up on her doorstep & has had to deal with them for the last 3 mths. Just because brad was cleared, does not mean that dcfs automatically gets out of your life. All the therapy is a safety plan made by dcfs & that is also why angie is following their rules. Until you have to deal with child services & have the threat of your children being removed, it’s understandable they are not thinking clearly & making mistakes. The stress they are under is extreme.
As long as those files aren’t sealed they can (and will) be accessed by the press and that means that the children will suffer as a consequence, right?
Both of these people need to grow up. I dealt with a mother who was hell bent on me not seeing my father. She did everything to make something insignificant seem significant. CPS involved and all. This seems so familiar and I wonder why… By the way it backfired. I love her but don’t like her
It kind of seems like sealing the court documents would be in the children’s best interests…it should be possible for both of them to at least agree on that.
damn! An even young weirdo Angelina wanted to see princes’ space back in the 90s
The judge decided that the emergency ruling requirements weren’t met but there will be a decision made in January about the sealing of the documents. It was the judge’s decision not Angelina’s. Just as BP’s visitation is not decided by her. Also – what has been made public isn’t anything the children don’t already know since they actually are the ones living in the situation – father’s monitored visits etc. They have been the witnesses of their father’s behavior. What is probably more damaging and disturbing to them especially the oldest ones is to read how their mother is vilified in the media and subjected to slander encouraged by their father’s camp. Isn’t anybody thinking of this?
I’m glad the judge didn’t seal the files. Brad Pitt has been leaking stories and trying to portray it as Americas sweetheart made a booboo. Bullshit. His kids are in counselling. They are going to therapy. Whatever he did WAS bad no matter how he tries to spin it. He doesn’t want them to be sealed for the kids, he wants to keep his sh*t behaviour hidden AND to continue sh*tting all over his wife to sway public opinion.
Yep, all of this.
It’s not Angie’s decision whether he sees the kids. It’s in the hands of therapists. That’s a BIG deal. The DCFS tends to be lax rather than otherwise, especially with rich people, especially when it comes to emotional abuse, which is apparently what we’re dealing with here. They’re the ones who put a block on Brad visiting his kids unsupervised, and that means they don’t think he’s safe.
People need to realize emotional abuse is real abuse. And that this “evil ex-wife” narrative is utter nonsense. Though I, for one, don’t believe that it was “only” emotional abuse (which is soul-destroying, so “only” isn’t a good qualifier.) When a boy feels the need to protect his mother from his father physically, and the father whines that he didn’t hit the boy IN THE FACE so what’s the big deal — this is not just one red flag, it’s an entire North Korean rally of them. Oddly specific denials are a hallmark of abusers.