Megyn Kelly: ‘As women, we must reject the urge to fight with pigs’


Megyn Kelly was one of the many high-profile women in media/Hollywood being honored at The Hollywood Reporter’s annual Women In Hollywood brunch event yesterday. Megyn was all over the place during the election, from questioning Donald Trump about his misogyny, to being trolled and bullied by Trump and his Deplorables, to being one of ringleaders in the successful movement to bring down Roger Ailes at Fox News. As I keep saying, I have such mixed feelings about Megyn. Sometimes, I just want to dismiss her as a racist idiot. Other times, I actually feel some respect for her. Anyway, during her speech at the brunch, Megyn got booed when she tried to say some nice sh-t about Trump. Here are some assorted quotes from her speech:

The subject of women: “What a way to end a year that really has been so much about women. From that question that I asked Donald Trump at the first GOP debate, to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and beyond, the subject of ‘women’ was everywhere this year. And sometimes, let’s face it, in disturbing ways.”

Name-checking the women of the year: “Carly Fiorina with her mic-drop moment at that debate after Trump publicly mocked her face. Katy Tur of MSNBC, who was savaged by certain Trump supporters relentlessly for her fair coverage, but never backed down. Melania Trump, who was slut-shamed for her modeling photos, called a ‘trophy wife’ by a very well-known newspaper, but held her head high and spoke of loving America. Michelle Obama, who set the example in how to stand up for what you believe in with grace and class. And Hillary Clinton, who broke a barrier no other woman has ever done in America, and told little girls: ‘Listen up — you’re next.'”

She admires Trump: “Despite the tweets and all the rest of it, there is much to admire about Donald Trump…There’s room for the loyal opposition in this country, absolutely. [But] the more we understand that and the more we understand why he won this election, the better off we’ll be. We should appeal to his best angels … and hold him to account when the little devils appear. When and if the dark forces rear their heads, we must maintain our dignity. As women, we must reject the urge to fight with pigs — which gets us dirty and the pigs enjoy. But if a fight is unavoidable, then fight … with composure, and grace. And we let our children see us do it — standing tall and sometimes playing hurt.”

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

Megyn got booed (by Kathy Griffin and others) when she said the part about “admiring” Trump. As for the crux of her argument… I disagree, and I also think, “What f—king century is this?” Don’t tell women that they can’t fight just as dirty as Donald Trump and his Deplorables. Don’t tell women to maintain an air of grace and dignity in the face of violent misogyny and fascism. Are we supposed to clutch our pearls and fetch the smelling salts when the president of the United States grabs our p-ssy? No.

Also, just FYI: Melania Trump wasn’t slut-shamed. The conservatives tried to make that happen, but it did not. Melania’s nude photos came out in a Mudoch-owned press outlet (the New York Post), likely as part of some Trump campaign strategy. People commented on the different standards used for potential first ladies, but no, Melania was NOT SLUT SHAMED. As for calling her a trophy wife… walks like a duck, talks like a duck, etc.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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85 Responses to “Megyn Kelly: ‘As women, we must reject the urge to fight with pigs’”

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  1. QQ says:

    As women we must reject the urge to Listen/Deck/ Professionally cuss the f*ck out/engage/Discuss/Look like/Admire/engage with Megyn Kelly

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Thank you! She’s abominable.

      • prayforye says:

        she is the greatest hypocrite i remeber during the arnold S scandal and steve seagal scandal she was saying women were fabricating stories to extort men because when you get sexually assaulted you go to the police not an attorney. Karma feels good.

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      Can’t stand her. She never seems to take a clear, unambiguous position. Plays to everybody and nobody.

      Frankly, I would have been happier if she had let her journalistic confrontations with Trump speak for themselves. Now she seems to be constantly qualifying her opinions, which just undercuts what she has said. She’s lost all journalistic credibility. The story is now all about her. Yuck.

    • Embee says:

      Thank you. Also, that cold shoulder look looks terrible on almost everyone, including Megyn.

    • Kitten says:

      ILY, QQ.

      She sucks so hard.

      • Rae meissel says:

        First, you’d have to have been raised like Megyn Kelly! !! Obviously you weren’t.. your language already states that.. Megyn, before she ever.became a journalist was in fact an attorney and practiced in a real live court rooms for 9 years in Chicago and New York. So insulting you can’t fix Stupid.. is where you sit.

      • Kitten says:

        I do agree with the “you can’t fix stupid” portion of your comment, though.

      • Nancy says:

        Wow we have a disgruntled contestant here. And what was it that Princess Megyn was raised not to say….. sh!t even if she had a mouth full. Trust me doll, I am an attorney, my husband, sister, brother, father and father-in-law are as well. We talk like regular people, but dog gone it, we can’t fix stupid, just incarcerate it. So before you attack one of the brightest, kindest, down to earth people on this site, take a minute to read your post before you hit submit. Whisper words of wisdom, Let It Be.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Attorney here. We aren’t all raised the same. Although “f*ck” does tend to get added to our vocabulary in law school.

      • Nancy says:

        Effen right it does and in real live court rooms in Chicago as well! Lol…..

      • paranormalgirl says:

        I’m a psychiatrist. And I have worked in a real life psychiatric hospital. I can use rather colorful language in occasion. And I am strong and don’t mince words. And I won’t have someone tell me how or how not to “play with the boys.” I know all too well how to deal with the boys’ club. I was in med school. You sure can’t fix stupid, but thanks for playing anyway.

  2. Pedro45 says:

    Megyn Kelly says words.

  3. Krakken says:

    Her message is gobbledegook.

  4. Nancy says:

    It appears to me she is swallowing her changing sentiments to keep that paycheck rolling in. Talking out of both sides of her mouth. Think she hates Trump like we all do, how could she not when he said she was bleeding from wherever….God he is despicable, If she’s trying to attract a new audience, she has to lose the bullshit or remain the Fox puppet that she is.

    • Kitten says:

      Isn’t that always her way though? Fake poseur.

      • Nancy says:

        It is now Kitten. I was repulsed by her on Fox the few times I saw her. I think trump struck a nerve that had never been exposed. She received some kudos from the left for standing up to him, but it is a façade since she can’t balls up to the right when she isn’t selling a book. She’s lost too far in her conservatism to make a difference… I said trump hurt her on a personal level and she’s used to having her butt kissed, so she temporarily went mad and became a real person and sadly is now back to Foxism.

      • Kitten says:

        Exactly this. She and Trump are cut from the same cloth in a lot of ways: vindictive, prideful, defensive. Ugh.

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        She was threatened with her life and her family were threatened too. Look at Ana Navarro- she said she’d give the orange suck wad a chance too! All the mighty are falling, but are they threatened? I am beginning to wonder.

  5. QueenB says:

    Calling Michelle or Hillary a trophy wife would be wrong but Melania certainly is.

    Megyn Kelly seems to wanted to go in the line of Obamas “if they go low we go high” but is not smart and charismatic enough to pull it off.

    • Nancy says:

      You got it. She’s not likeable and doesn’t appear particularly bright. She took all of trump’s hits personally and in her position, that doesn’t work out too well for her. At least some of the right are on to him, but like you said she’s not smart and/or charismatic to make a difference. Good post QueenB.

    • Locke Lamora says:

      She might be a trophy wife. But mail order bride and prostitute ( and I’ve seen these used multiple times on this site and others)? It was both sexist and xenophobic and it just distracts from the things Melanija should be criticised for.

      • Original T.C. says:

        I”m sorry but many people’s problem with Melanie is she CHOSE to back up her husband’s anti-immigrant and xenophobia. I hate the short-term memory that people have on this topic. She is the classic example of hypocrisy. I don’t care if you chose to label her a victim but I DO care that she CHOSE to victimize others after ‘she got hers’.Can we stop feeling sorry for women who do bad things just because they are women??
        “I follow the law,” [Melania] Trump said. “I follow a law the way it’s supposed to be. I never thought to stay here without papers. I had visa. I travel every few months back to the country, to Slovenia, to stamp the visa. I came back. I applied for the green card. I applied for the citizenship later on after many years of green card. So I went by system. I went by the law, and you should do that.”

      • Locke Lamora says:

        So she’s a hypocrite. I still don’t understand how that justifies calling her a prostitute and a mail order bride.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        I don’t want to defend a Trump on anything, but agree with you about THOSE comments, Locke Lamora. Those are different from the ones pointing out the hypocrisy of people who said misogynistic and racist things about Michelle Obama (and the Obama girls too) or were ok with those things being said but then are quick to defend someone like Milania Trump or Bristol Palin.
        But with the faux news crowd (not you), complaints about slut-shaming do always have a bit of a phony, manipulative feel to them that’s more about protecting ‘their own’ and not liking their hypocrisy being called out than genuine concern about inequality and not enabling discrimination and violence against ALL women. (and girls). They’re all too happy to perpetuate it and dismiss those concerns as ‘PC-whining’ when it’s directed at women they don’t consider one of theirs.

    • robyn says:

      Telling it like it is … Melanie IS a trophy wife and that is why Trump used her picture to put down Cruz’s wife. Unfortunately, that trophy wife is looking a little haggard these days. She is probably setting up another appointment with her cosmetic surgeon as we speak.

      PS: She is also his enabler.

    • isabelle says:

      So true.

  6. Jayna says:

    Exactly. Those photos came out in the NY Post. I knew the Donald was behind it and didn’t get the reaction he wanted from the Democrats. Just imagine if the Democrats had someone running for president in the primaries or the nominee with their wife having completely nude photographs out there. And those photos were not even close to art as far as nude photos. The right would have gone all holier than thou and touted their family values party as the beacon of morality.

    The Republican Party and Donald is a joke that is now my nightmare.

    • robyn says:

      I had a hunch Donald was behind those pictures too. He figured they’d get out eventually anyway and he hoped Democrats would react so Melania could play the victim of a mean media. True she is not likable so she needed some pity-help. But calling these ridiculous nude poses “art” is a true Donald twist on reality. Anyway, the whole thing revealed that Melania was in the US earlier than she said and most likely “working” illegally.

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        The cult of the alt right/ nazis has made the orange thing it’s puppet. The brannon nazi probably threatened ana navarro and megyn kelly- this is just my hunch. And for the nazi there are the us and thems- the us being white males and hot white/euro females. The them being anyone who doesnt’ suck up to the us’s.

    • K says:

      I would like to point out that Democrats and liberals that I saw anyway were pretty universally bashing the NYP for putting the pictures out and saying that it was wrong to try and attack her like that.

      It was Donald that said she looked hot and basically objectified her and some of the christian right that got upset with the morality of it.

      I will say that as a flaming liberal I have no issue with the pictures if she wasn’t the First Lady but I do think its wrong we’ve seen her naked. I get she was a “model” but still. However, in the grand scheme of things her past career is the least offensive thing about her behavior.

  7. Lightpurple says:

    We must not fight the pigs? Why? Because they won’t find us pretty? Trump’s little angels? He has none. I will stand up and fight the pigs and their puppets like you, Megyn. Melanie plagiarized and Santa Claus is any color he wants to be. Go take a seat with Kelly Osborne

  8. Locke Lamora says:

    Melania was slut shamed. And the recipient of thinly veiled xenophobia. Just because it came from the other side doesn’t make it okay. It makes it worse actually. But we had this discussion already.

    • Kitten says:

      We have had the discussion innumerable times and while I agree with your stance, there are far FAR more worrisome things to concern ourselves with than Melania’s hurt feelings.

      • Locke Lamora says:

        Oh, I completey agree. But it was written in capital letters above so I feel the need to adress it.
        And to be honest, being from a country next to hers, I take it a bit personally.

        Having said that, I don’t know what to say. I feel so sorry for you America. For all of us because what happens in the US matters to the whole world. I don’t really see a silver lining in all of this.

      • Kitten says:

        I get it, I really do. I think she’s an easy target for people’s frustration with her husband’s administration and that isn’t fair at all.

        Trump provides us with an infinite number of reasons to be scared and angry right now without bringing Melania into it.

    • isabelle says:

      Every single woman in the spotlight will receive some form of sexism. I believe a lot of sexism was thrown at Sarah Palin, do believe there is sexism toward Melania. If its her choice to be a trophy wife so be it, its her choice, and honestly don’t think we should judge her for it. However, stating the truth isn’t shaming or sexist. She is nowhere close to being a Michelle, Hillary or a Laura. Just like her husband isn’t qualified to be President. Marrying someone isn’t an instant qualification to be the FOTUS.

      • Bonbon says:

        Actually being married to the president IS instant qualification to be Flotus.

        Sorry but it simply is. Now what you make of the role is as different and unique as each individual who holds it,

      • Vivivoom says:

        I think Laura is closer to Melania than to Michelle and Hillary.

      • K says:

        exactly @Bonbon she is the only person qualified for their job in the Trump administration based solely on the job requirements. Now can she handle it? I don’t think so, I really don’t and I will be honest this is the first time in my life that I think the First Lady is something that young girls shouldn’t look up to or aspire to and that makes me sad but based on job description she is qualified.

        @Vivivoom- I can’t stand her husband but don’t dismiss Laura Bush she was extremely smart and accomplished. She was an educator and did a lot to promote literacy for youth and adults this was not some trophy wife she had a lot going for her she was just quiet. Laura Bush was no Michelle Obama but no one is, we will never have another person grace the White House like Michelle. And Again I can’t stand her husband or agree with their politics but don’t compare her to someone who married a hateful man for money and is basically a barbie.

      • isabelle says:

        @bonbon, I do see your point and agree in hindsight. It does qualify you. Maybe I should have stated, it doesn’t mean she has some of the traits or career/educational experience some of former first ladies have had in recent history.

    • LoveIsBlynd says:

      Her husband mean tweets the world at all hours, she poses in lascivious photos with obvious bolt ons, and now has a life’s mission to end cyber bullying? They are the magnets of ridicule for genuine reason- no one slut shamed her, FFS she porno posed. I worked as an artist’ model. We know the difference between soft porn and art- education means something, and trump won’t brainwash me by trying to re-frame the obvious. The first lady doesnt’ need to have a subterfuged past- own it- make it your platform, not CYBER BULLING, UGH. Am I living in a cartoon? These are the leaders of the free world? I….cant…..

  9. Radley says:

    Does she admire the way Trump is a lying, flip-flopping, untrustworthy, morally bankrupt, snake in the grass who will do and say anything to get ahead? Because she seems to be modeling herself after him in that way lately. Bye Megyn!

  10. Bonbon says:

    being an @$$hole just to be an @$$hole out of self righteous anger and indignation may feel good (for a period of time) but it is ugly and accomplishes nothing, And after a while you won’t feel good about yourself either. Because you ultimately become what it is you profess to hate to begin with, You are indulging in the same behavior you say you despise and regardless — there is no excuse for that,

    I am all for and completely behind fighting against specific issues,,,,,,,any legislation or enacted policy / order that takes us backwards on LGBTQ matters for example will have me swinging everything I have to defeat. But choosing anger and hatred against any one and acting on it out of GEneral Principle ……it hurts your soul and it lessens you. I really don’t care who it is…..even if you think they deserve it and you can’t stand what they stand for…….then fight the stances, pick your battle. But be productive about it.

    Because whether you like it or not……yep he is president and if you want to make an impact in the next 4 years it really won’t be by just internet warrioring generic hate. Because yes he is president elect……so deal with it productively and dont be a contributor to that which you profess to despise, It makes you no better a human being.

    • robyn says:

      Maybe you should take your thoughts and give them to Trump. He could really use them to be a better man. Good luck with that.

      • Bonbon says:

        I agree. They are good thoughts for Trump….and a few million others…..

      • Lightpurple says:

        Last week, her thoughts were that she was going to eat popcorn and enjoy the reactions of liberals while Ryan and Trump dismantled our health care system

      • Bonbon says:

        I never ever applied that to healthcare, I said it in reaction to histrionics about the election. I did not say that about healthcare. Although candidly …..the legislation that passed expanded coverage and did nothing to control costs of Care. It also didn’t include tort reform…….because its champion and his wife are attorneys perhaps.

        A hell of a lot of change is needed in healthcare. What we have isn’t sustainable at all. I’m to the point I champion single payer because anything else is deck chairs on the titanic……and the cost of the ship is going down.

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah….as much as you want everyone to just fall in line because “kumbaya and good feelings”, it’s just not gonna happen. If you bring forth hatred you should expect to be met with hatred. The lectures about being a “bigger person” don’t mean much when our rights are on the line.

      BTW, a lot of us who are here expressing dissent are involved with activism as well. Don’t assume that we’re just here keyboard warrior-ing and not making phone calls, writing letters, marching, etc.

      • Bonbon says:

        Again .. I support advocation on issues….just not generic hate regardless of who it is directed at. An ad hominem argument to support hate is no better Than that which you rail against.

        If specific legislation or policy arises,,,,,,please — everyone — have at the advocation process. I hope you do, but if the low tun out of democrats in this election is a barometer of interest in taking action……

        But sport hate ad nauseym? Truthfully you lose all credibility with others because that is a one trick pony. Turn this around to Trump all you want — deservedly so, he did engage in it, AND ……it still applies to the person in the mirror as well. I see I everyday everywhere I look. It’s no better on us than it is on him.

        Children respond with “he started iT.” And like mama, we can all end it.

        We can all choose better and wisely.

      • Lightpurple says:

        @Bonbon, sorry but you did great damage to your own credibility when you made comments about planning to enjoy watching the reactions to Trump and Ryan shredding the ACA and Medicare and Medicaid. And please stop trying to portray those of us who are addressing the issues, who are advocating against specific legislation with Congress, who are planning strategies to address regulatory changes through the Federal Register as a bunch of hate-filled lunatics pounding out venom on Twitter because we might sound shrill or not look beautiful. I have testified at congressional hearings. I have testified at regulatory hearings. And I have done so in a clear, calm voice and looked gorgeous while doing so. But I can’t help that and I have no desire or need to be pretty for those trying to legislate hate.

      • Bonbon says:

        See above light purple. Your memory is wrong. Dead wrong. You are creating false news! Didn’t happen as it relates to healthcare. An industry I spent a lot of time professionally in btw. So no…..I wouldn’t say that about healthcare. I said that about emotional histrionics about Trump that is generalized in nature and not directed toward legislative or policy change.

        But yes — the current ACA is a msss. Insurers pulling out, Prices are astronomical. It’s a mess that must be fixed.

    • Lambda says:

      Bonbon,your message is wishy-washy and rather unsubstantive. It mixes issues of political practicality, such as fighting against possible legislation (don’t assume people don’t) with ‘concern’ about people’s souls and moral altitude (maybe don’t assume anything about souls and character). You ignore the fact that anger is a paramount motivator for political action, that productive side you so desire. You also ignore that resolute marginalization of Trump’s administration, from the beginning, is in itself a political act.

      And while we’re at it, man, what a waste of your productive capabilities to police aggrieved people on the internet!

      • Bonbon says:

        I was more or less agreeing with MK. I can do so as easily as anyone else can disagree. I’m sorry you find my position lacking, I find humanity lacking and I also find self responsibility for behavior lacking,

        Perhaps “policing aggrieved people on the internet is s wast of productive time…”. Agreed……….No more so than staking out hatred for sport on the internet.

        But then again — I’m retired. I have the time, 😊

      • Lambda says:

        Again, you said stuff without saying anything. My opinion, your opinion, you do this, I do that. Must be nice indeed to have the time for that.

        To reiterate my point: anger is politically mobilizing. Being angry, loud, vigilant, and aware may actually prevent Damocles’ sword from falling instead of dealing with the severed head afterwards.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Fighting back does not make a person an a**hole. I refuse to sit back, smiling prettily, while anyone blocks my access to medically necessary health care because I dared to have the audacity to survive cancer and they think I should be punished for it. (I do recall and earlier thread on which you detailed your plan to eat popcorn and laugh while Ryan repeals the ACA and all its protections.) I will not stand quietly by while the US is sold to the highest bidder, while our air and water are polluted, while people are made to register based upon their religion, while union leaders receive death threats for doing their jobs, while hate crimes committed in the name of the president proliferate, while our education system, hospital system, and housing developments are gutted, while our reproductive rights are taken from us. I will fight. I will do so rationally, armed with facts. I will fight. And I don’t care if you or Megan Kelly or some man finds it unattractive. I may be pretty but I was not put on this earth to be an ornament.

      • Bonbon says:

        Don’t, Advocate on issues ….please. Referring to others with hatred though on general principle …….if you enjoy it and want yourself defined by it…shrug.

        It becomes tedious with time, and then it just doesn’t serve anyone. And after that point….then it is fodder for the amusement of others because it looks like a lack of self control.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Where did I say I would resort to name-calling or spewing hatred? And you’re telling me to advocate on issues after I just detailed above that I am doing exactly that? I have seen this trick you are using before many, many times before. Ignore the points the woman is making on the issues and tell her to stop making a fuss or people will think she is shrill and unattractive. I am not going to slink off and die quietly even though you made it clear in your earlier posts that you would greatly enjoy it.

        ETA and advocating IS fighting

    • Scout says:

      Are you kidding me? Why do all of you Trump supporters project your own spiteful anger and hate in your heart from the past 8 years because a qualified black man had the audacity to become President and actually did said job competently and with grace? No one is thinking of themselves when they fight back against Trump and his ilk mission to systematically strip everyone of their rights? We are the opposite of selfish. We have the capacity to think outside of our own needs and wants to lift up those around us and give a voice to the voiceless.

      I’m not Muslim, nor am I black, Mexican, part of the LGBTQ, etc. but you can be sure you’ll see me fighting among and FOR our brothers and sisters who are. There’s a fundamental flaw in a Trump supporter’s cognition and capacity for compassion that will forever divide us, not our own hate and anger.

      Get ready because we’re loud, we’re proud and we can’t be stopped.

      • Bonbon says:

        Not a trump,supporter. Didn’t vote for him. You assume that everyone with an alternative opinion is a Trump supporter and an enemy without merit.

        That is the problem in a nutshell.

      • Scout says:

        @Bonbon Ah-ha, you’re going with the “I have no legitimate answer to the question so I’m going to distract” tactic. Why do none of y’all claim this man you so vehemently defend? I’m sorry that you see your own capabilities limited to either arguing about something on the internet OR being active in the community. That’s your weakness, not anyone else’s.

    • Lightpurple says:

      You most certainly did say that in response to me on the issue of health care. Quite smug about it too. No, I most certainly am not creating fake news. The ACA did include tort reform provisions, which most states already had anyway. If you believe tort reform is an answer to health care costs, then you might also be interested in buying this bridge I found in Brooklyn. Paul Ryan already has his legislation drafted, which was done with input from Trump’s HHS nominee. It strips away all protections. It completely denies coverage to people like me, even though I work to pay for my insurance. It throws millions off insurance with no viable alternative. It defunds major hospitals. It slashes reimbursement rates to primary care providers, of whom we have a severe shortage as it is. But it gives you your precious tort reform so malpractice insurers can refuse to pay your when the surgeon removes the wrong kidney. Enjoy your popcorn.

  11. robyn says:

    We’re taking lessons about pigs from her? Her hypocrisy and people’s acceptance of it is astounding. Why does she deserve an award for heaven’s sake! As far as I know fence sitting does not deserve a prize. Trump slid into the election with her help and silence on many issues she is talking about now. He was threatening her and she is basically okay with that? Oh the idiocy of it all!!!! I’d be happy to never see her face again.

  12. Justjj says:

    I’m really sick of people normalizing this and trying to say we shouldn’t fight. We shouldn’t fight against oppression, violent patriarchy, horrible racism, this country’s dystopian future, homophobia, islamaphobia, senseless deportation, white collar thieves and plutocrats who steal from the poor, working, and middle classes? We shouldn’t fight against government sanctioned violence against U.S. citizens? We shouldn’t fight against every single public service in the country being parceled out and privatized so that not only does lobbyism buy our legislators but the evil billionaire plutocrats actually own our streets? What’s next our water? Our parks? We shouldn’t fight against a dangerous foreign policy that could very likely lead to violence on the homefront and bring back archaic atrocities in addition to more murder abroad? We shouldn’t fight for our planet when our president elect would sooner allow one of his cronies to strip mine every patch of land in the US and the moon than comply with an international climate agreement? Oh okay. I guess I’ll just hold my head high and pat my eyes with this handmade lace handkerchief. None of that is all that upsetting. We should probably just hug it out. I guess I’ll just buy some new lipstick and lingerie to make myself feel better… WTF. Fat Jesus on a bike!!! What’s wrong with these people??????? Jon Stewart of all people too. Thanks for making it all okay rich white people. All okay that everyone but you will suffer from this administration and the damage done could very well be irrevocable, if it’s not already. Omg. No time for this b|ch.

  13. bleu_moon says:

    Eh, Megyn wants to have her cake and eat it too. She wants to be seen as a bold woman who breaks the rules, but is terrified of alienating her core audience of conservatives. I’m not sure this is going to play well with anyone.

    • Tillie says:


      I heard her on Fresh Air yesterday (on liberal lamestream NPR in the worldview of Fox News). It was telling that when she talked about the fact that Roger Ailes had harassed her a decade ago she didn’t push the issue beyond her supervisor because she was not a powerful on-air personality yet and “if you’re going to take a shot at the king, make sure you kill him.”

      She doesn’t like Trump, but she hasn’t lined up her jump-off yet.

      She’s the worst of White Feminism (I know she rejects the word). It’s only an injustice if it’s happened to her personally.

  14. Who ARE These People? says:

    As women, we must reject and fight pigs.

  15. NeoCleo says:

    This woman is an enemy to women.

  16. arock says:

    “we should appeal to his best angle”
    “despite the tweets and all the rest of it” (all the rest of it???!!!)
    “loyal opposition” (wtf does that even mean in this context)
    What an asshole. This is her clucking her tongue and wagging a finger at way women address hypocrisy/men/business and really anything else. The fact that shes using melinia in the same comparable idea of michelle obamas and hillary clintons behavior is laughable, proving how much shes willing to placate. i understand and admire the ability to be adaptable or diplomatic, but her tone is patronizing- it almost reads like those 50s guide books on how to be a lady….Husband cheat? not paying attention? cook up his favorite meal…..again, what an asshole.

  17. Hazel says:

    It’s OK to get dirty! Sheesh. I think SHE thinks she’s being true to her jounslist standards on not by biased, but really, she’s just a wishy-washy craven opportunist. I’m tired of women being told to play nice.

  18. Rapunzel says:

    Don’t fight the pigs, just help them get elected and then try to convince everyone the pig is a cow.

    F off, idiot.

  19. HookedonCoffee says:

    I agree with her about that. An argument in a public forum is not about trying to get one over your opponent,it is about swaying the audience.

    If your opponent acts like a pig, it is a favor to you, because reasonable people everywhere can see that. If you keep your cool and eloquently address your opponents arguments while presenting your own views, the audience can respect the fact that your views are coming from a level-headed, articulate person.

    And Kelly did address Pussygate on her show…I thought she refereed that quite well. She never explicitly revealed her bias, but it was obvious which side reason favored.

  20. Scout says:

    LoL, is she seriously equating the lie that Melania was “slut shamed” and called her a trophy wife with all of the bike things Trump and his supporters did to women, Michelle Obama’s enduring grace and HRC making history?

  21. MAC says:

    I do not want her speaking for women. Golodryga did a great job today with Rep.Rohrabacher

  22. jerkface says:

    Fine Megs, then I’ll try not to fight you.

  23. Timbuktu says:

    Wow, she’s really milking that one time she tripped and disagreed with Trump for everything she can, isn’t she?