“Kaley Cuoco’s doily dress was actually close to being cute” links


Kaley Cuoco wore a fancy holiday doily to her Why Him? premiere. [Go Fug Yourself]
Everyone was going crazy over these Justin Bieber photos. [Dlisted]
The FBI warrant used to sink Hillary Clinton was flimsy as hell. [Jezebel]
Common interviews his ex-fiancée Serena Williams. [LaineyGossip]
Hilary Duff climbs the wall. [Celebslam]
I can’t believe they made a movie about emojis. [Pajiba]
Tom Arnold is the one to bring down Donald Trump, apparently. [The Blemish]
Kate Upton does squats, sure. [Popoholic]
Andy Cohen hopes Countess LuAnn’s new husband is a drama queen. [Reality Tea]
La La Land and the privilege of nostalgia. [Buzzfeed]


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29 Responses to ““Kaley Cuoco’s doily dress was actually close to being cute” links”

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  1. prince says:

    over 4 million signatures encouraging the electoral college to ditch trump and vote hillary. it backfired, hillary lost more electoral votes than trump. hillary lost 5 electoral vote while trump lost only 2.

    hillary was suppose to lose more ekectoral votes if they didn’t force the hands of some of the electors.

    biggest loser of 2016-hillary clinton
    lost the election to trump
    lost the recounts to trump
    lost more electoral vote than trump
    lost time’s magazine person of the year award to trump.

    • k says:

      The biggest loser of 2016 is Americans whose ugly fate was left in the hands of a few misinformed states with outsize electoral power.

      But you keep on being you, troll.

    • Kitten says:

      Your obsession with Hillary is quite disturbing, actually.

      • Nancy says:

        Kitten this is how most of his sheeple are. It seems they are more obsessed like you said with Hillary than with trumpty dumpty. This isn’t random, I think it will be the new normal in 2017. A whole bunch of kind of scary princes chugging the kool aide in vats. Happy New Year! Lol, got to keep laughing….

    • lightpurple says:

      The biggest losers are all those who will suffer as a result of the Trump presidency and that may very well include you because it does include most living creatures.

      And now, I look forward to the day Ivanka gets sent to prison for insider trading. The day will come.

      • Original T.C. says:

        “And now, I look forward to the day Ivanka gets sent to prison for insider trading. The day will come.”
        True dat! And the Trump boys will join their sister in orange jumpsuits for setting up pay-to-pay schemes for their Dad, discovered by TMZ of all people. Amazing.

      • ShoeAddict says:

        lightpurple, we will all suffer except for Drumpfs cronies, his businesses and big oil/coal. More importantly, those who voted for him will never admit that they have been conned, like so many before them with his “deals”.
        I suspect that his presidency will cause an effect that will take generations to recover from. I thought GW was bad, but this will be catastrophic.

    • Kasia says:

      I still don’t get your American system. In most countries the person who gets the most votes wins. I know you are a conservative and backwards country but this seems extreme even for you.

      Too bad for the rest of us that you have so many nuclear warheads. I’m sure some Americans are nice…but people like you scare me. Dumb and violent is a dangerous combination.

    • lightpurple says:

      Actually, Prince, I’m responding a second time to tell you that it is time to move on. Yes, I know Trump supporters like yourselves are all over the internet screaming at those who don’t support your Dear Leader that we need to move on, that he is the President-elect (some of you have actually already put him in office and drop the “-elect” part) but you are the ones who really need to move on. It is not about Hillary. Not now. It is not about Bernie. Not now. It is not about Benghazi or Comey or votes in the Rust Belt. Not now. It is not about the Electoral College. Not now. That is all over. The issue of the popular vote does matter because now your Dear Leader must be president to all of us who did not vote for him and we far outnumber those of you who did. He has to reach out to us and he has to unify all of us. That is what matters now. And so far, he is failing. He is failing miserably. Instead of reaching out to us, he is insulting us. He is also endangering all of us with his provocations at China and his kissing-up to Putin. He is behaving like a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum on Twitter. He is soiling the Office of the Presidency before he even takes office with his multiple, unethical business dealings. His appointments show he has no respect for the institutions or the people that have made our nation great. His appointments show that he wants to hurt us and you. If his Carrier shenanigans are any indication of how he will proceed, he will bankrupt this country in no time and the taxpayers will have nothing to show for the money he gifts upon his business cronies. We have moved onto those problems. It is time that you and all the “but Hillary lost” people did the same.

      • NastyWoman` says:

        Perfectly said.

      • Kitten says:

        YES! Can we copy and paste this as a response to every Trumpster on the planet?

      • lightpurple says:

        @Kitten, feel free.

        Also, I have taken to calling or emailing our governor daily to tell him that his “wait and see” stance is ridiculous in light of Trump’s HHS appointment, and that he, as a former director of MassHealth, former Secretary of Mass Health & Human Services, former director of a health plan with the highest national ratings, former member of the committee that brought us the Massachusetts Health Care Reform Act, knows it.

        I also have developed a major girl crush on Maura Healey.

      • misery chick says:


      • Redgrl says:

        Three cheers for Lightpurple!

      • Amy Tennant says:


    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Hitler and Stalin “won” person of the year, you idiot. But you can win Celebitchy troll of the year if you want.

    • Harryg says:

      Oh hi Trump Jr.! Now please go away.

    • jerkface says:

      Yes Prince, but how do you feel about Kaley Cuoco’s g-d damn dress?
      Eye rolls forever, son!

    • isabelle says:


    • Nancy says:

      Most attention seeking, nonsensical post on Celebitchy in 2016: Drum roll please…………………Prince by a landslide, without an assist from Putin.

    • minx says:

      Why are Trump supporters such poor writers and spellers?

      • Nancy says:

        You mean ekectoral isn’t correct? Ha! At least he/she didn’t capitalize trump, which I refuse to do, however immature that may be. The sad thing is trump is just the imbecilic puppet with the real bad guys pulling the strings. His twitter rants about SNL, etc. are just a diversion to keep us from knowing what is happening. Putin and company won the election for him not for love of our country, but with the glee of having him in their pocket and sadly as leader of the Free World. Scary times ahead. Day by day living. I won’t live in fear though, as somehow we will overcome this atrocity of president elect trump and his guidance counselors. It’s been said before by a smarter person than I, we shall overcome.

    • antipodean says:

      I think it is only here for attention, let’s hum and whistle and it might go away! Pity the same couldn’t be said for Herr trumpenfurher.

  2. Ceener says:

    Gawd Prince. Hillary may be a loser, but not as big a loser as you. Go find a bridge to troll. All you have done is to once again prove what level of stupid the deplorables function on. I feel I am all the dumber for reading your post, however I will go cleanse myself with some NPR to regain the IQ points I lost engaging with you. Please note, there was a time when all us lefties, quietly sat back and rolled our eyes at the likes of people like you. That time has passed. Anytime you post on here you will only be greeted by a 💩. I ask all of Celebitchy to join me in the shunning of you and only reply with a 💩 to you. We will stop feeding the troll in hopes you and your kind starve and die.

    • Original Kay says:

      Absolutely not.

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        On my FB we all ignore the trolls. They need attention to thrive on, so not one person engages. I don’t have a ton of friends, just an handful of awesome humanitarians who contribute to my intelligence and peace.

  3. robyn says:

    Kaley looks very pretty in that dress and Putin’s puppet Trump is ugly as ever as prez-elect. When are they going to put that corrupt conman in jail for treason?

    • LoveIsBlynd says:

      Trevor Noah held up a photo of fat bastard (remember Mike Meyer’s character from the way back?) next to the orange dictator. ScareLarious resemblance.