Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban was denied by the federal appeals court

This is going to be another one of those days where everything is political and even the somewhat “good” stories still have a depressing taint. So, let’s get to it. The past 24 hours have been crazy. Can you believe we’re just shy of three weeks into the Baby Fists administration?? My god.

The “Blue Lives Matter” Executive Orders. On Thursday, Trump signed three more EOs, all about police authority and protecting police and federal agents from civilians, and giving the police more broad authority to punish anyone committing crimes against police officers. I have a lot to say about all of this, but I’ll save it. You should read this article and this article and this article.

Et tu, Justin Trudeau? It was my sincere and honest hope that every world leader would simply refuse to engage with President Trump. I’m not being facetious – I think that’s the best way for other countries to handle the fascist president that a minority of Americans elected. But Justin Trudeau is a nice guy and, being Canadian, he wants to be a good neighbor. So he’s going to visit Easy D in Washington on Monday. This will be their first face-to-fascist meeting. And you just know it’s going to end badly. I’m sorry already, Canada. I’m sorry that your Disney-prince of a prime minister has to shake The Baby Fist.

The Ninth Circuit ruled on Trump’s Muslim Ban. Anyone who listened to even part of the oral arguments understood that there was only one way to interpret Trump’s executive order: as a racist, unconstitutional power-grab aimed at discriminating against all Muslims and brown people. So, obviously, the ninth circuit court of appeals ruled against Trump and upheld the federal judge’s stay. Meaning, Customs and Immigration can no longer detain Muslim immigrants and Muslim citizens at will. Meaning that those thousands of visas which were revoked will now be reinstated, hopefully. This isn’t the end, of course. But it’s a good start. Here was Baby Fists’ hot-take on the ruling. He went full KANYE CAPS LOCK.

As many were noting last night, throwing a tantrum and screaming “SEE YOU IN COURT” when a federal appeals court just called you a power-mad dictator is…. unusual. Twitter threw a party.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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218 Responses to “Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban was denied by the federal appeals court”

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  1. LP says:

    Don’t leave out Hillary Clinton’s tweet!!!!

      • Jenns says:

        Of course, Kellyanne Conway could help but tweet this:

        Hilary should reply back with 3,000,000.

      • lightpurple says:

        To which Kellyann Conman replied: “WI, MI, PA:” demonstrating that, while the rest of the world has moved on to current events, Kellyanne is still stuck in November.

      • robyn says:

        Yes, Hillary should reply with 3,000,000

      • Esmom says:

        Kellyann isn’t the only one stuck in Nov, Baby Fists can’t seem to let it go either. So gross.

        One of my favorite “see you in court” tweets was something like “ok, since this is where we work it is very convenient for us.”

        Thank goodness we have Twitter to make us laugh, otherwise I think my rage would be eating away at me even worse than it is.

      • Tate says:

        @esmom Twitter is saving my life these days. I was just reading a thread where @gop said they stood with @potus. Do you?

        The responses are hilarious!!

      • Esmom says:

        Tate, no, thanks for the tip! I’ve only been on twitter for a couple weeks but it’s given me a new lease on life. The only problem is I don’t have nearly enough time to check out everything I want to read.

      • Eric says:

        You’re correct, Emperor Zero. Everyone apparently likes the EASY D!
        The judges ruling in SF claim too also.

        How’s THAT EASY D feel?

      • Esmom says:

        ST, I saw that Rosie pic and she’s honestly way too good looking to accurately portray Bannon. His face looks like it’s in advanced stages of decay. I also wish she’d step out of this because I think her past baggage with Trump complicates and takes away from any satirical portrayal of Bannon rather than enhances it. Also this photo creeps me out because it’s just a photoshopped version of her face on top of his vs a “real” impersonation.

        One more thing, though. We all do need to continue to give Bannon attention, I think. It will enrage Trump enough to hopefully cut him loose.

      • Ramona says:

        To the Rosie campaign to play Bannon – NO. Let me remind you that the goal should be to force Trump to reduce Bannons influence. So far its clear that Trump is bothered by the idea that Bannon runs him and as a result we have seen him question how Bannon got on the Security Council. He also views casting a woman to play Spicer as evidence that Spicer is seen as weak. If you cast Rosie as Bannon you will ease Trumps discomfort and he will actually enjoy seeing Bannon “reduced” in that way even if Rosie is bossing him around.

      • SusanneToo says:

        @Esmom. How about Kathy Bates as bannon, if she’ll consent to being so uglified.

    • Syko says:

      I liked the one about “you’ve got 3000 lawsuits against you, everyone has seen you in court”.

    • Mary mary says:

      The three federal judges in the immigration case are receiving threats which has lead to increased security.

  2. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    Some of those meme’s are great. But equally terrifying is what he will do get to his way – he’s not a man who takes kindly to being defeated or humiliated.

    At least KellyAnne is going to get hers after her shameless shilling yesterday.

    PS. Love Hillary’s tweet (3-0). She now has a new twitter follower. Lets get her more followers than Baby Fists – that will really get him going.

    • Megan says:

      I am very worried his real goal is to destroy Marbury v Madison.

      • Sixer says:

        Is that about separation of powers and/or rule of law? If so, I think you are right.

        *goes off to Wikipedia to look up the case*

      • lightpurple says:

        Separation of powers and the right of judicial review. It was practiced prior to Marbury but the case put the Supreme Court stamp on it. Thomas Jefferson responded with the 19th century version of the term “activist judges!”

      • Sixer says:

        A full-on institutional assault is underway then.

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        He and Bannon are following the same steps Hilter and his cronies made when it came to taking complete control of the state. They want a police state. They want to create a 4th Reich. And they WILL try and tear up the constitution.

        Trump is like Hitler, incompetent and a narcissist. Bannon is Himmler, the power behind the throne. Conjob is Goebbels, a propagandist with a bad attitude. Spicer, well he’s just a tool.

      • Godiva says:

        I am worried by the many Trump-critical commentators, who talk about just staying strong for four years. Because the logic underlying that, is that this man will uphold democracy. And absolutely nothing indicates that he would leave all this power voluntarily, simply due to an election.

      • steerpike says:

        I’m also worried that they will break up the ninth circuit court.

      • Megan says:

        Republicans have wanted to break up the 9th circuit for years. They will never achieve cloture in the Senate, and they aren’t (I don’t think) crazy enough to go nuclear on creating judicial districts, so I think this is political posturing.

        My primary concern is that Trump/Bannon seem to be gearing up for a direct attack on judicial review. If the president gets to decide what is and is not constitutional, we will officially be living in a fascist dictatorship.

    • swak says:

      KellyAnne will be publicly slapped on the wrist and privately praised for schilling for Ivanka.

      • Luca76 says:

        Yeah nothing is going to happen to her although normal standards she should hand in her resignation.

  3. robyn says:


    He probably also inoculated himself quite cleverly so is thinking: IF ANYTHING BAD HAPPENS, I WILL BLAME EVERYONE ELSE BUT ME HAHAHAH!!!

    • greenmonster says:

      That is exactly what he will do. He WANTS something bad to happen, so he can tweet about being right all along. You could even think Trump is forcing an attack, so his supporters will gather around him and he can start a war and make a lot of his friends richer.

      • Esmom says:

        Yup. I’m sick just watching this unfold like a slow motion train wreck.

      • grabbyhands says:

        I definitely think this is the situation-he is enraged that he is being thwarted and I think he will do absolutely anything to reverse that and he has someone like Bannon whispering in his ear who wants the same thing, so very shortly I think they will either manufacture an attack or they will deliberately ignore intel and “let” something happen. I don’t mean a 9/11 size attack, but something bad enough to bring everyone around.

      • NastyWoman says:

        Grabbyhands – I wouldn’t put it past Bannon to pay someone to make it happen. That’s the scary part; nothing is off-limits for these people.

      • SusanneToo says:

        He has never heard the word No before. He can’t handle it.

      • bleu_moon says:

        He’ll tweet congratulations to himself for being right if something does happen- just like after the Orlando attack.

      • Christin says:

        Bleu Moon, Spicey said it was the Atlanta attack. But everyone should have understood what he meant, of course.

      • bleu_moon says:

        @Christin- Sorry, I’m not following? I was referring to Trump’s tweet, “Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism,” after the Orlando shootings and how he will use another attack as vindication for his immigration policies.

      • Christin says:

        Within the last week, his ‘competent’ press secretary repeatedly referenced the terrible Orlando attack as ‘Atlanta’. Some thought he was making up another Bowling Green, but he later claimed they should have known he meant Orlando.

        Merely pointing out how ignorant his team can be; that’s all. I think any chance to do that is needed.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Not really, this is Trump we are talking about. He doesn’t follow the normal politician playbook. He doesn’t need anything to happen in *real life*, he will just make up a lie about a terrorist attack and decide on Marshall law. And his followers will believe him. This is what he has done from day one of his election. Make up stuff.

        I mean in the Muslim ban the justification used in court by Trump’s justice department was “because the President BELIEVES so”. LMAO! See voter fraud too, no facts to support it. Or his made-up high crime rate to justify giving police absolute power over us citizens.

        A TRADITIONAL Republican politician would need an *actual* terror attack to happen. But even if a terror attack happens, the odds are it will be committed by a US citizen or someone from a country not on his banned list. Which means again the facts won’t matter. We are going to be ruled by Trump’s delusional world and lies.

      • Esmom says:

        bleu_moon: Yeah, that tweet about Orlando might have been the moment that I completely lost faith in humanity — that he could say something so appalling and that people would STILL support him. And vote him into office.

      • Disco Dancer says:

        Who’s to say that Trump couldn’t pay some of his Saudi friends to go and attack USA; then trump gets to gloat how he was right all along and then launch his assault on any institution that can oppose his fascist policies like the judiciary? Remember, this extremist Wahabbi version of Islam was exported from Saudi Arabia with the douchebag kings there turning a benign blind eye to it, for the purpose of fighting Russia. And also another suspicious fact is that Trump hasn’t banned Saudi Arabia in his list, even though Osama bin Laden was Saudi national and most of the 9-11 attackers were Saudis.

  4. vauvert says:

    Canadian perspective: yes, I would prefer that Justin (who I voted for) wouldn’t meet with the orange Twitler. But I have to be realistic – our economies are tied together in so many ways, there is no choice. He has to do it for the sake of Canada (and frankly, the US). Hopefully he’ll be successful, although I have no idea what that means anymore: keep NAFTA negotiations open and friendly, not send Drumpf into a Twitter frenzy, not get threatened with bans or bombs or lawsuits… who the heck knows what can go wrong – but so many things can with a madman in charge.

    • Tate says:

      Good luck with that. Twitler is not a rational or sane person.

    • lala says:

      At least Trudeau is going to meet Trump in the US, if Trump came here, I’d protest the shit out of our gov’t welcoming a fascist, racist, piece of human feces into our country. I hope Trudeau, at the very least, stands up to Trump…

    • Chrissy says:

      I’m waiting for him to say that he’ll built a wall along the 49th and we Canadians will pay for it. He’s such an infantile tool. I hope Justin doesn’t give too much away just to appease the Orange A**.

    • Mia4S says:

      Yeah unfortunately Trudeau has little choice but to engage thanks to economic issues. I’m nervous….however…as much as so love Justin Trudeau, he can be quite manipulative when he wants to be. If he turns the full force of that on the Orange Menace he will absolutely be my hero.

      • nic919 says:

        Trudeau is smart enough to work around Twitler’s pathetic ego. All he needs to do is flatter him in person and he will be able to get what he wants from the Cheeto.

    • bleu_moon says:

      Getting into a trade war with Canada would costs the US millions of jobs too. Let’s hope Trump actually reads a briefing this time and realizes he can’t unleash his petty ego without doing real damage to Americans. I can hope, right?

      • swak says:

        As long as it benefits him and his cronies he won’t care who it hurts and what damage is done.

      • nic919 says:

        35 individual states have Canada as their largest source for exports… they need Canada far more than Twitler realizes..

    • Annetommy says:

      Beauty and the Beast…

    • Petrichor says:

      I did strategically vote liberal in the last election (the Conservatives won in my riding anyway, as they always do), and even though I’m no fan of Trudeau I was willing to wish him the best. I’ve been incredibly disappointed in him in the last few months.

      I know Trudeau has no choice but to engage Trump, but I can’t see him doing anything but pulling a Theresa May. All signs point that way.

      I, too, wish that all other democratic world leaders would band together against Trump. Don’t engage, and work to strengthen their own trade partnerships to replace anything lost from the US. Despite what Trump seems to think, the US can’t stand alone. What would happen to all those manufacturing jobs if no foreign, democratic countries wanted the products?

    • Canada says:

      I struggled with this too. I hate the thought of Trudeau legitimizing Ferrethead with an official visit, but the idea of Ferrethead anywhere in our country….that’s a bigly, BIGLY no. Then it occurred to me that Trudeau knows that our usual friendly official invite to the new US Pres would have thrown Canada into a rage meltdown. He’d never do that. Our guy may be pretty, but he’s also waaaaaayyy smarter than Ferrethead. By going there, he’ll have a chance to see up close how dysfunctional this administration actually is. That might be useful down the road. We’re just as stuck with this psychopath as the Americans are (sorry decent, sane America), if from a bit safer distance.
      And just think about the photo….yup, it’s going to be the giant orange poop emoji seen round the world.

    • Scotchy says:

      I did not vote for PM Yobro, nor do I think he is that smart,but, like the rest of the Canadians here, I agree this was an unavoidable meeting. At least it isn’t happening in Canada.

      However seeing as the Libs reneged on electoral reform, along with approving pipelines under the same Harper admin guidelines, I don’t think that YoBro will stand up to the cheetoh in any way shape or form.

      • Fiorella says:

        That’s right Justin Trudeau is not a politician who has shown any integrity since being elected. Funny that he has changed nothing people hated about Harper (policy wise). Just see videos of him answering questions on electoral reform and Chinese donations on yotube. He doesn’t even muster the respect or energy to come up with a plausible response (conservatives and ndp both seem outraged)

      • Petrichor says:

        I agree. I’ve never been a fan of Trudeau, and even though I’d hoped he’d be a good PM, he’s been a huge disappointment for all the reasons you cite, Scotchy. A born politician through and through. Don’t even get me started on pipelines & electoral reform.

        I tweeted Trudeau last night to say I hope he’ll do the right thing on Monday and stand up for the Canadian values we should all aspire to. #multiculturalism #acceptance

    • Disco Dancer says:

      Yea as a fellow Canadian here, feel nervous about PM Trudeau (voted for him) meeting Trump. Wonder if that daddy banger Ivanka will be there and her “hubby” Master Military Attack Planner/Mid East Peace Envoy Extraordinaire and all around asshole, Jared Kushner, alsowill be there?

  5. Lindy79 says:

    See you in court

    Eh they did, and you lost.

  6. Tate says:

    So much shit is being thrown at us by 45 that I completely missed the Blue Lives Matter EO.

  7. Sixer says:

    I read that more than 80% of law enforcement officers voted for Trump. Is that right?

    • lightpurple says:

      Probably. They tend to be very conservative and the right-wing talks a great deal about “supporting law enforcement” and “law and order” but in reality, the right-wing fails to pay much attention to them when it comes time for things like salaries and benefits and working conditions.

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t know the exact figures but I know it was high. I do remember the outrage here in Chicago when the police union endorsed him. I also work out with a female police officer and her blind support of Trump is beyond disconcerting. She and her fellow female officers had lots of snarky things to say about the women’s marches, too. She disgusts me.

      • Patricia says:

        Esmom do we know the same woman?! I had to unfollow an old acquaintance because she kept trashing the women’s march and saying she “earned her rights by herself” by becoming a police officer and carrying a gun. No awareness of women she suffrage, no awareness that not every woman can or wants to run out and become a cop. I went from the respecting her as a strong women to realizing she’s a self-congratulating moron.

      • NastyWoman says:

        I unfriended a woman in my neighborhood for the same reason. Blind allegiance. It’s unsettling. I loved President Obama, but I could see the things he did wrong. These people’s see, hear and speak no evil against Trump is rattling,

      • Esmom says:

        Patricia, funny — my acquaintance did a lot of reposting of that vs actually posting stuff herself so I’m thinking we probably aren’t thinking of the same person, although it sounds like just a couple degrees of separation. I wish I could just unfriend her but there’s still the problem of seeing her at the gym. I try to keep my interactions with her as brief as possible now.

        And it’s more than just blind allegiance. It’s ongoing anger. Everyone seems to just lash out at anything and everything that dares to question Trump. I don’t get the degree of anger and rage.

    • Sixer says:

      So it’s a win-win for Trump in some ways? Pander to base? Tick. A step towards a dissent-crushing police state? Tick.

    • Shambles says:

      Yeah, probably. They’re indoctrinated into the police force with the same cult mentality that’s characteristic of Trump supporters. Plus, many many of them come from the military and have that “MURICA” type of attitude.

    • bleu_moon says:

      There was an FBI report several years ago that the “alt-right”- white supremacists and neo-Nazis- had begun to infiltrate local police departments. The conservatives had fits claiming it was unfair to say such things, even though there was research to support it. The Obama government ended up backing away from the report and dismantling the group investigating under extreme political pressure. There have been a few reports about it in smaller media outlets recently, but it’s such a political hot potato the main stream media and politicians don’t want to touch it.

      • Sixer says:

        Wow. So this is really a complex issue here. Ok. Thank you. I read the stat a while back and had a sneaky feeling that it was significant for reasons I didn’t understand. I’ve been meaning to ask for feedback on it here for a while now.

      • Esmom says:

        I don’t know about other cities but in (highly segregated) Chicago I don’t think they need the alt right because the institutionalized racism goes back generations among police officers (firefighters and EMTs, too). I know guys on the force, I grew up with them, knew their families and their bigoted ways. Their ignorance and hatred is very deeply ingrained. It’s sad.

      • MellyMel says:

        This is not surprising at all. I’m from the south and it is common knowledge in my area that KKK members from back in the 40s-60s were members of law enforcement. As were judges, lawyers and other elected community members. This has been going on for years and seems to be getting worse.

      • bleu_moon says:

        This is from the Intercept which is Glen Greenwald’s news site (the guy that broke the Edward Snowden story). There have been a few other articles of late, but this one gives a good round up of the issue.

      • Sixer says:

        Thanks. Reading now.

    • Kitten says:

      Lots of police officers and lots of first responders as well. My BF (a paramedic) says almost all the firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics he works with are Trumpsters.
      My liberal guy is basically a unicorn.

      • Sixer says:

        Mr Sixer says that when he was in the British Army (although it’s almost 20 years ago now) and election time came around, all the officers would say it was best to vote Conservative because you couldn’t trust Labour with the military budget.

        I’ve no idea about the police here, but I’m pretty sure the fire service and paramedic service would be more likely to be liberal than not.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Police tend to be conservative here; although they should NEVER trust Republicans with the budget. Republicans like to brag that the military votes conservative but the vast majority of them are not registered to vote. So, they may be conservative but they don’t vote conservative because they don’t vote.

        ETA My dad was a firefighter. I get my political views from him.

      • SusanneToo says:

        @lightpurple. And if they would check the Chickenhawks website they would see that Repub politicians and mouthpieces are the biggest draft dodgers in the world.

      • Andrea says:

        Not to do a broad statement about law enforcement, but I have dated and met several police officers in the US off duty. They tended to be racist, undereducated, and white. I dated one and I ultimately had to call the cops on him for pulling a gun on me and threatening me(this was a long time ago, my first boyfriend of 3 years in college). The ones I have seen tend to be loose cannons with anger issues.

      • Lady D says:

        @Andrea, I think it’s similar with prison guards. I bartended in a town with 2 prisons and a few low-security juvenile detention camps, and I met a lot of guards. Most of them were wife beaters. Not all, but a scary high proportion of them were, enough so that I decided I probably wasn’t ever going to date one. I know they’re not all like that but a lot of them had anger issues.

      • Flan says:

        @Lady D
        I wonder how they treat the prisoners…

    • MAC says:

      @Sixer defends what state in the U.S.
      Texas Yes
      New Jersey No

    • Kelly says:

      It’s somewhat accurate in Wisconsin too. The only public sector workers that have active unions are the police, fire fighters, state patrol, and some larger school districts. Walker wasn’t endorsed by all of the law enforcement unions back in 2014. He also didn’t get the cooperation of the Madison Police Department, UW Madison Police, and the then superintendent of the State Capitol Police during the Act 10 protests in 2011. He had to rely on the state patrol to bully and harass legally assembled protesters. That being said, I think he has more support from law enforcement in rural areas and outside of Madison.

      Wisconsin is going to be very interesting for the 2018 elections. It’s not just the Senate and governor’s race. There’s going to be national attention on the Milwaukee County sheriff’s race thanks to David Clarke’s antics. He seems to spend more time on Fox News, giving paid talks nationally and campaigning for Trump than he does in Milwaukee. When he is in Milwaukee, he just manages to create more headaches and lawsuits for the county and city all while riding a horse and wearing a black cowboy hat. Milwaukee County has spent over $400K to defend him from lawsuits since he was appointed by a Republican governor in 2002. He barely won in 2014 against a real Democrat and my feeling is that people in Wisconsin and Milwaukee have had enough of him.

  8. RussianBlueCat says:

    Has anyone mentioned if Donald is using a government device when he tweets? Because I can just imagine if it is a private phone and not on a secured server. Sending tweets all over the Internet and also government emails.
    Because remember Hillary and the EMAILS!!!!

    • robyn says:

      Everything about so-called president and p*ssygrabber Trump reeks of hypocrisy and he gets away with it sadly. Most republicans really do put party over country and seem to lack a spine.

      • SusanneToo says:

        I stumbled on laura ingraham’s twitter last night, and, yes, her repub followers don’t give a shit. Everything their master does is right-how dare those so-called judges question the king’s dictates, they say.

    • lightpurple says:

      He is using his personal phone, and no, it is NOT secure.

      • Chrissy says:

        Shall I call the FBI or will you?

      • Ramona says:

        He has been using his unsecured android with an interesting exception the other day. The tweet about Evil Nordstorm dropping Ivankas line was sent from an iphone. It later emerged that he was in a security briefing when he sent that tweet which explains why he didnt have his unsecured android in the room. Good luck America.

      • Kitten says:

        I heard on a podcast that Tweets from the Android are from Dump and tweets from the iPhone are from his administration. I guess you can tell pretty easily the difference in tone i.e. the former sounds like a bratty child with rudimentary grammar skills and the latter is a bit more polished-sounding.

  9. Jenns says:

    SEE YOU AT THE WEDDING! – Trump screams at Walder Frey after the red wedding massacre.

  10. Clare says:

    How is this even happening? I have no words.

  11. Sixer says:

    Taking the light moments where we can, this just happened:

    Mr Sixer decided to come home for lunch.

    Mr Sixer: Did you eat that leftover curry?
    Me: Yes.
    Mr Sixer: SEE YOU IN COURT
    Me: Burp.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Thanks for the reprieve Sixer!

    • lightpurple says:

      Thanks. I needed a Mr. Sixer story this morning.

    • Sixer says:

      He’s having a cheese sandwich and glowering. He only came home for the leftover curry. Oops.

    • Esmom says:

      Lol. Love it.

    • PGrant's Girl says:

      Lmfao Sixer! 😂😂😂😂😂

    • Shambles says:

      You guys just sound so charming and adorable and witty. I Heart The Sixers. New sitcom title?

      • Vivagal says:

        Yes Sixer, you are the best. Not only funny but super smart. Always check your comments first. Never leave us !

    • Pip says:

      Crucial question: what type of curry was it? & do you always eat your lunch so early or was it a deliberate ploy to wrong-foot Mr Sixer?? Have to confess, I’m slightly suspicious ….

      Leftover curry sounds delicious, especially when it’s SO bloody cold.

      • Sixer says:

        It was an allotment facsimile of sag aloo (kale, not spinach) and tarka dhal.

        If he had SAID he was coming home, I’d have left him to eat it. As he didn’t, I ate it. I always eat yesterday’s leftovers for lunch if there are any because hippy food waste reasons! And I lunch at whatever time I finish a chunk of work. Could be 11.30, could be 2.30. I think he was home early to beat me to it. Foiled, Mr Sixer, foiled.

        Or, in short: I win. Because he is SEE YOU IN COURT and I am SIXER.

    • Sixer says:

      He’s gone now. Parting shots:

      Mr Sixer: Are you doing dinner or am I?
      Me: You can. Not curry though.
      Mr Sixer: SEE YOU IN COURT.

  12. Jenns says:

    Also, being president is hard.

    Bonus points for the picture they chose to use. LOL.

    • HK9 says:

      That picture is glorious! And with regard to the article, of course you can’t run a country like you run a business-if it could don’t you think someone would’ve done it already? Stupid.

      • IlsaLund says:

        But yet these idiotic politicians and ignorant voters think it can be done. The purpose of a business (profits for shareholders) and a government (needs of the people) are entirely different. It induces rage in me that people can’t grasp or accept the fact they can’t and shouldn’t be operated the same way.

      • Christin says:

        Even if a businessperson could do it with little to no political experience, how about getting a genuinely SUCCESSFUL one who wasn’t handed millions to start and have multiple bankruptcies.

  13. Happinessinme says:

    I’m loving this. The message “even the President of the USA can’t do what he wants when he wants”

  14. lightpurple says:

    On a side note: several Republican congressional representatives held town hall hearings last night and the clips from them are life-affirming in ways, maddening in others. At Diane Black’s meeting, (Black, who claims to be a nurse of some type although she’s been in government for decades, is leading Ryan’s attempts to destroy the ACA) several of her constituents outlined in very clear, fact-based ways the damage that a repeal of the ACA would cause. Black replied with “and now, some facts” before spouting off Ryan’s #BetterWay rhetoric, none of which is factual. She tried to gaslight her own constituents in front of them and they were having none of it. Meanwhile, out in Utah, Jason (let’s sell off the National Parks and use the money to continue my investigation of Hillary’s emails while Trump sells Ivanka’s accessory line out of the oval office ) Chaffetz faced a large angry crowd that wanted to hear none of what he had to say and chanted him down.

    • SusanneToo says:

      An interesting Fresh Air yesterday – quite a few Kentucky ACA enrollees/trump voters are now going, “Huh? He might take away my health insurance? Why would he do that?”

      • PGrant's Girl says:

        @Susannetoo: Did you see a few weeks back something went viral about a guy (in Kentucky IIRC) spouting off on Facebook about Obamacare being evil and Republicans need to repeal it — but it turns out his insurance is through the ACA, which he did not realize is Obamacare? Facebook went off on the guy for being a moron. Seriously, how do people a) not know that Obamacare = ACA and b) not realize that Republicans want to get rid of it? Smh!

      • Ashley says:

        @Susannetoo Really? I haven’t heard anything about that. Where did you hear that?

      • lightpurple says:

        Because Republicans lied about the ACA from the start.

      • SusanneToo says:

        @Ashley. Fresh Air interviewed Sarah Kliff, a Senior Policy Advisor for Vox, who focuses on healthcare. Some of her interviewees thought trump was just saying things to get elected. They thought he’d only punish those nasty liberals, not them!

      • Christin says:

        Apparently a significant percentage of people still do not realize ‘Obamacare’ and ACA are one and the same. There are so many rude awakenings to come, including no giant revival of coal and rust belt jobs.

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      ‘Do your job’ was epic. But he caved in didn’t he? Conjob is being investigated.

      • Lucrezia says:

        I’ve been reading up on this and the pathway of responsibility here is absolutely stupid.

        Chaffetz and the House Oversite Committee wrote a letter to the OGE (Office of Government Ethics) asking that OGE investigate. (Note: OGE is independent, they can’t demand it do anything.) Problem is, OGE is supposed to be a resource you use to prevent ethics violations before they occur. They have no enforcement authority. They can only refer ethics violations to the appropriate department. In this case, that’d be the White House. But Trump has a clear conflict of interest.

        What does the OGE do if the appropriate department isn’t following their recommended sanctions? They … tell the president. That’s the big ace up their sleeve. It’s a move that would normally work, but not if the President is the problem in the first place!

        It’s like having a HR dept that simply reports complaints to management. Works fine until the manager is the one with the conduct problem.

        The biggest irony is that OGE was actually trying to develop some teeth. They were full-on trolling Trump over his failure to divest from his businesses. So Chaffetz summoned the head of the OGE to explain himself before congress. NOW Chaffetz wants the OGE to investigate something? He needs to make up his mind. Does he want them to have teeth or not?

      • lightpurple says:

        But only for the Ivanka stuff. There is so much more that should be investigated, like the emails on the RNC server.

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        @LP – its a start. The small victories/cracks will turn into bigger things.

    • NastyWoman says:

      fox News and New York Post are reporting that “those darn liberals” packed the rooms and “made it seem” like his constituents are angry. LOL They will never see the light.

      • Lacia Can says:

        I see that Congressional GOP is asking for more security for their town halls. “We love free speech but it has to be non violent,” Ryan said. Can you think of any violent protests at these town halls? No, me nether. They just want to intimidate people from speaking out. Can I just say again how much I loathe Ryan? As the saying goes, he’s the stupid person’s idea of an intelligent man. He’s actually just a terrible human being.

      • Lightpurple says:

        There are fewer than 3 million people in the big state of Utah and I doubt many of them are liberal. His constituents are angry

    • Bonzo says:

      I was watching the Chaffetz townhall online and it was such a beautiful thing to see him get tarred and feathered by his constituents. The #chaffetztownhall hashtag was on fire last night. I had no idea that Utah folks could get pumped up like that.

      • Esmom says:

        Lol. I didn’t see it but NPR played clips this morning and he sounded like such a weasel trying to insist that “the President is exempt from conflicts of interest.”

        The question is, will he listen at all to those folks or just continue on with his single minded agenda?

      • lightpurple says:

        Utah went for Trump but a third party candidate did well there. It is a very red state but they don’t like Trump. And Chaffetz is doing a great job of hoisting himself on his own petard.

        @Esmomn, he’s tone deaf. He’ll continue as he is doing.

        And keeping on Utah, Orrin Hatch is up for re-election in next year when he’ll be 83. Will he run again? Will there be an open seat in Utah? And will Chaffetz go for it?

      • Bonzo says:

        Esmom, he was being very condescending with the audience members. He was also heard to say he was never doingoing a town hall outside of Provo again.

        He has big ambitions, and I think he’s more scared of what Trump will do to him than his own constituents.

        In the meantime, Evan McMullin is garnering a bigger and bigger following for being the conservative who will stand up to Trump. People may disagree with his positions, but there’s no denying he’s got the integrity that Republicans lack.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Yeap. Getting a kick seeing the Republican politicians taken to task at the townhall meeting. Yes, the Christian teacher explaining why Obamacare is important from a moral view is awesome! They made a mistake thinking abortion is the only thing Christians care about!

  15. grabbyhands says:

    Countdown to the “incident” that will mysteriously happen so he can be “right” and get everyone back in line.

    • IlsaLund says:

      Totally agree. Some manufactured terrorist event will happen to prove his case and he can tweet I told you so. It’s so obvious and if course his supporters will buy it.

  16. SusanneToo says:

    “…aimed at discriminating against all Muslims and brown people.” Not entirely, not in Muslim countries where his tacky hotels and businesses are located. Those Muslim countries are A-OK. It’s not personal, just business.

    • IlsaLund says:

      Exactly. The three countries where actual terrorists have come from and he just so happens to have business interests aren’t on the list of banned countries. How obvious does it get? You don’t have to be a judge to see the craziness in that. He’d have had a stronger case if he’d included those 3 countries in his ban, but then of course that would affect his business interests….no conflicts there….smh

    • swak says:

      Try pointing that out to his constituents. Someone on my FB feed put up a graphic showing those banned and those where he had businesses with no ban and someone answered something like “What’s that have to do with it”. They don’t want facts.

  17. lightpurple says:

    Just some legal notes: Last night’s 9th Cir decision was to keep the Temporary Restraining Order in place. The lower court decision issued a TRO to lift the ban until the case could be heard on the merits at a later date; that has not happened yet. The 9th Cir Appeals Court upheld the TRO pending the lower court’s decision on the merits. The Orange Toddler has several choices: 1. he can stop wasting our tax dollars and revoke the ban, which we know he won’t do; 2. he can do nothing now and wait until the lower court holds another hearing and issues a decision on the merits, which could be in his favor or, if not, he has appeal rights back to the 9th Cir; and we know he won’t do that either; 3. he can appeal to the 9th Cir en banc, which just means more 9th Cir judges review what the 3 judges just did on the TRO, and only the TRO, probably rendering the same decision; he probably won’t do this; 4. and his most likely stupid choice – he can take the TRO directly to the Supremes. Justice Kennedy can decide whether to bounce it back because it is not a final decision with that case still waiting to be heard on the merits back in Washington state OR Kennedy can bring it to the rest of the Court to review at which point, they’ll either all rule that it isn’t ripe with that case still pending back in Washington and bounce it out OR they will split 4-4 and the TRO will stand. A colossal waste of our tax dollars so that is what he will do.

  18. Margo S. says:

    Whenever I see a trump tweet my first thought is, is this doctored? No Margo, it’s real. We live in upside down world now.

  19. Tiffany27 says:

    This clementine colored psychopath will ABSOLUTELY coordinate a terrorist attack when his ban is struck down by the SCOTUS. He’s that narcissistic and evil. Just take him already Satan.

    • Angela82 says:

      I remember when 9/11 truthers used to say the same about Bush 2. I never really bought into it (and I am not a Dubya fan by any means). But this orange “EASY D” shit-gibbon – I absolutely believe he would orchestrate an attack just to be proven right so he can brag on Twitter and bring back his racist ban.

  20. lassie says:


    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 9, 2017

    As an English teacher, I take umbrage to this comma splice.


    There are two independent clauses in the sentence; both sides of the comma have a subject and a verb. (The first clause has the understood you as the subject.)

    But I’m sure Betsy Devos will tell him that.

    • Giddy says:

      Of course she will. Right after she explains the Oxford comma to him.

    • Grey says:

      I am a reasonably intelligent person and I still mess up commas and semi-colons all the time. My grammar can be terrible. I wouldn’t even think about running for a job like Betsy DeVos, and yet here we are.

  21. Nina says:

    The nerve of these judges! Tryin’ to be all lawful and everything!

    • Chrissy says:

      LOL! How dare they do their jobs?!!

    • steerpike says:

      Well, apparently senators John McCain and Jeff Flake have introduced a bill to break up the ninth circuit court. A similar bill has been introduced in the house. Both bills would carve out a new twelfth circuit court from the ninth circuit which could, of course, be staffed with judges who are a little more favorable to the republicans.

  22. Tania says:

    Meh, Justin Trudeau isn’t all that great. I mean if we’re grading on the scale, yeah he’s better. But he’s shallow, inept and two-faced. With baby fists at least you know – or at least sane people knew – what we were getting into.

  23. Eric says:

    Yes, the next event will be the Reichstag Fire. If the Emperor Zero Administration follows that with what the Nazis did, then American civil liberties will be suspended, the press will be censored, and US citizens will be living in fear of the Enabling Act whereby executive government rule will be legally absolute.

  24. Bringbacksassy says:

    Yes, and it’s only week III …week 3!! Remember him wiping out Obamacare with one brushstroke? That felt like 3 years ago because SO MUCH has happened since his first day in office. I only read the news now because seeing agent orange’s anus of a mouth move when he speaks in his caveman/twitter sentences makes by body twitch. It’s embarrassing and disturbing to be around – and this guy is running the show. Well now he is reminded that there are checks and balances, and that a dictatorship won’t work in this country. He’s exhausting and mindnumbing, but let’s try to see the positive in all this for what I hope will be many examples of democracy prevailing. This win is crucial and reassuring – stay active and alert, people!! Complacency is death. He’s banking on exhausting everyone, including the system so that he can win at every turn.

  25. SusanneToo says:

    Slightly OT, but whee!! Caroline Kennedy just responded, “I don’t know; we’ll see,” when asked if she’d run for office.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Looking forward to her next appearance at the JFK Library, whenever that may be. Love Caroline

      • SusanneToo says:

        Me, too. I’ve “known” her since she was three, as I was 16 when JFK was elected President. It’s wonderful that she embodies the best of the Kennedys – the public service, the liberal values, the intelligence.

        PS Her son was at CBS Morning Show with her and he’s a knockout. Resembles JFK, Jr. a bit.

      • Lightpurple says:

        I’ve met him. Yes, a knockout. Caroline often attends or hosts forums at the JFK Library. She is quite approachable, gracious, and funny.

  26. lizzie says:

    depressing taint is trump’s new nickname

    • Eric says:

      Actually, I prefer Bannon’s Leaking Colostomy Bag because of all the BS that spews from his mouth.

  27. I'mScaredAsHell says:

    Anyone else think Kellyanne Conway was trying to get herself intentionally fired by making those “buy Ivanka” products remarks on tv? A friend thinks so and said Kellyanne doesn’t have the courage to quit and run for cover so why not do do something to get yourself fired. I’m not willing to give her that much credit, but hey who knows.

    • Neelyo says:

      I thought the same thing. She desperately needs sleep and probably sees no other way out.

      However, she’s also one of the more dispensable members of Trump’s cabal. Getting rid of her and Spicer is easy. Bannon is the one who needs to go.

    • swak says:

      If she wants to get fired then she needs to go against Trump not shill for his daughter.

    • Liz says:

      Perhaps. She keeps making ridiculous statements and mistakes in interviews that make her look dumber everyday. Who would want to work with the most hated orange brat in the world?

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Or she could just submit a letter of resignation and go to work in the private sector.
      She could say she did her job and got him elected and it’s time to move on.

    • steerpike says:

      In the past, I would have been pleased at the idea of Kellyanne leaving. Then one day I heard Trump’s deputy assistant, Sebastian Gorka interviewed on PBS. It was absolutely chilling. I suddenly felt like I was living in the world of the Hunger Games. Since then, I have found Kellyanne relatively benign in comparison.

      • adastraperaspera says:

        I researched him a bit when I heard about him, and he is clearly a warmongering Breitbart evildoer. Masterminding the upcoming terrorist attack, most likely. With Bannon he dreams of a world where “the west” rains fire on Muslims.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        Yes, he is deeply disturbing and disturbed.

    • Original T.C. says:

      No, KellyAnne LOVES her job. She’s been making outrageous claims and bullying the press since her first day on the job. Most people just weren’t following her interviews and were busy following Trumps daily crazy. That’s why even SNL was making her out to be a victim. She is not a victim, she really is a mean, hateful person and as a corporate lawyer has no problems lying and hustling for her fellow rich boss.

      See her smug interview today where she says Trump supports her all the way. Spicer is the only person in that administration who was a decent person prior to getting hired by Trump, the rest were snakes before and enjoy being snakes.

  28. Cerys says:

    Poor old Baby Fists. He will be having major tantrums about this. Lol

  29. Eric says:

    Keep your eyes on the emerging Michael Flynn story regarding Russia. He may have acted as a US rep regarding removal of sanctions BEFORE he was allowed.
    First when asked he said “no” it didn’t happen. Now his rep says that he can’t recall or recollect if the topic of sanctions were or were not discussed.

    • Lightpurple says:

      And Russia is saying it didn’t happen, which means it did.

    • Annetommy says:

      That is a really really bad memory. Time for the the dementia tests. It was reported that nine people overheard the conversation. Fake people!

    • robyn says:

      Flynn seemed in cahoots with Russia early on for some strange reason. He was at a dinner for their propaganda network way prior to Trump being elected. Come to think of it, Jill Stein was also there. It had me wondering who actually financed Stein’s run for president as an option to Hillary. Every single vote counts when races are close. It seems someone might have been pulling the strings behind the scenes that we don’t know about.

      • Whiskeyjack says:

        I read a rumor yesterday that Stein is also Putins puppet. That she’s a setup to divide left leaning voters, also Johnson? Just a rumor but there is that photo of Stein at a gala sitting at the same table as Putin.

    • SusanneToo says:

      It reminds me of Reagan’s people contacting Iran and promising a deal if they’d hold the hostages until after the 1980 election, weakening Carter’s chances.

  30. Liz says:

    I wonder who changes his baby diaper and feeds him his baby bottles. Does he play with a rattle while making his immature tweets?

  31. Josefina says:

    I’m scared they’ll orchestrate a huge terrorist attack to prove themselves right. They seem just like the type of people who would do that, tbh.

  32. Pip says:

    It’s just been announced that the fascist’s visit to the UK will probably now happen at “the end of the summer or early autumn”. So, in other words, when Parliament is in recess – therefore, what a shame, no chance for him to address MPs/Lords. It also gives other people a great excuse to “be on holiday” to avoid his grabby little paws.

    Let’s hope it never happens at all.

    • Christin says:

      Summer seems an eternity from now, given how long the last 21 days have been. Hopefully the visit will be forgotten, or orangey will return to his wonderful NYC business life by then.

      • Pip says:

        Yup, my thoughts too, Christin. Surely by then he’ll either have imploded, been impeached or blown the world to smithereens.

    • Sixer says:

      And, Theresa May, our dear Prime Minister, has appointed a new official spokesman. Who is he? The political editor of the Daily Fail. So anybody still thinking that the UK is any less in fascist hands than the US, needs to BLOODY WELL WAKE UP.

      (Oops. Just read that through. I wasn’t directing that at you, Pip, in case you think I was.)

      • Pip says:

        What the what the …. hadn’t heard that. God in heaven, she’s a dreadful woman. WTF. Off to read about that now.

        & where is our Opposition ….

      • Sixer says:

        It’s worrying, is it not?

        As is the cartoon! (I read below). Speaking of cartoons and cartoonists, here’s Martin Rowson on Paul Dacre:

        I think the Opposition is panicking about losing in Stoke and/or Copeland. Fingers crossed, if they see off UKIP there, we might see some bolder oppositional work from them? Or, I’m having one of those pipe dream things out of desperation.

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        OMG – thou this doesn’t surprise me. David Cameron tried and couldn’t get rid of Dacre from the Fail. While its well known that the Fail is a lying rag people STILL buy it and believe it – why???

        Also which PM was it that hired that NOTW hack that got caught up in the phone hacking scandal? Was is BLiar?

        May at some point will be an out and out fascist like Trump and Bannon, she’s flying under the radar at the moment for most of the population as they are too busy distracted by Trump’s performance art (jk). As for our opposition, I’ve always been convinced that Corbyn has Tory leanings – why else would he let May shaft him anyway she wants to.

      • Pip says:

        Thanks for the link to Martin Rowson -. I think it really is time for me to succumb to Twitter. As someone says, very Mervyn Peake …. we’re living in Gormenghast. Not entirely sure who’s Steerpike yet though.

  33. CatJ says:

    And now he has argued with Putin on a phone call, which he had to pause because he didn’t know what the treaty entailed, (arms limitation extension) and had to ask what Putin was talking about. OMG….what are we in for…????

    • Disco Dancer says:

      Hopefully trump keeps pissing Putin off and Putin releases those golden shower sex tapes of Trump.

  34. SusanneToo says:

    Jeeezuz! trump just welcomed the Japanese Prime Minister to the “very famous” White House. What an orator. What a moron.

  35. SusanneToo says:

    Peaceful protesters blocked DeVos from entering a D.C. school. I hope this activism lasts and that the everydamndaysomethingnew doesn’t wear people out.

  36. Pip says:

    Ugh. There are a lot of ex-Daily Mail staff in Number 10 aren’t there. That’s genuinely terrifying.

    By the way, did you see Steve Bell’s cartoon of Gove, Murdoch & Trump’s arse in the Guardian today? Very powerful –

    I think we’re in another era where satire & cartoons are vital voices of dissent.

    Oops. This was meant to be a response to Sixer a bit further back.

  37. Pip says:

    Oh my god. Ann Coulter is currently being “interviewed” by Channel 4 News here in the UK. How the HELL does one deal with these people? She either keeps bulldozing over the interviewer’s questions or says that he lying (repeatedly) – oh great: “false facts” now – or laughs gaily & dismissively when she really doesn’t like the question. Christ what an awful woman.

    This is why I can’t watch the news any more which, as an obsessive news geek, I actually find quite distressing. But it’s NOT GOOD for my blood pressure.

  38. Marley says:

    Dig a little deeper. The true source of your rage is capitalism.

  39. Marcy says:

    Why are Iranians chanting death to America some say it’s against Trump why did they do that now they’ve validated his claims and made it hard on themselves when the court put a stay on the ban. Now Trump will use it to martial law us I bet.

  40. Jayna says:

    From 1/30/17 Daily News:

    “After reading Gersh Kuntzman’s column about President Trump exhibiting signs of mental illness, former Trump construction manager Barbara Res emailed the following letter to the Daily News:

    “This is really ironic. Many years ago, I am going to say some time in 1982, The New York Times published a piece on narcissism. One member of our crew read the Times every day on the way to work and brought the article into the office.

    Being the team who was charged with building Trump Tower, we all knew Donald Trump very well, especially myself. To a person, we all agreed that the characteristics outlined in the article fit Donald to a “T.” Now, 35 years later, professionals are saying what we knew back then. Only now he is so much worse.

    It is gratifying to see a confirmation of our speculations. I pray America survives his presidency, for however long it lasts.

    Barbara A. Res is a former executive vice president of the Trump Organization, author of “All Alone on the 68th Floor: How One Woman Changed the Face of Construction” and Daily News contributor.”

    I pray we survive his presidency, too. It already feels like a lifetime.

    • Christin says:

      Res did a early AM CNN interview before the election, and spoke to how overly vindictive he can be (among other things). Her interview never gained any coverage that day, because of something else done or tweeted that day.

      She worked for him 18 years or more, and I wish more people had heard that interview. She was direct and believable.

  41. Sam H x says:

    I was thinking about making a small donation to the ACLU again. But after they re-tweeted an article and one of their lawyers gave a quote defending that nasty hateful piece of work Milo Y’s speech. Screw that.

    • Deeanna says:

      We cannot base the defense of our freedom of speech on whether or not we like the subject being spoken. Whether or not we agree with the subject being spoken, we still need to defend the right to say it.

  42. jferber says:

    He is exactly the asshole we expected him to be. No surprises here. Nothing presidential now or ever. We are stuck with a dictator and the Republican Congress is dancing on air. Once trump gets more of his own judges on the bench, it will be over for democracy. Unbelievable.

  43. wolfpup says:

    I suppose that why I am so fascinated by these men (in the video) is that every little feather, and stone upon the way, is picked up and carried to represent a value of integrity and honesty; awe and reverence. This is not so in the American White House. It is now full of crooks and imposters!

    I wish that we call him only DT, or something else of no value – I don’t wish to be cruel – because that changes me into the aggressor – but he thrives on his name, and that Is not what the men in this video give themselves to – which seems to be something more, than themselves….simply, good for all of Us.

    Like tiny Tim said.

    • wolfpup says:

      Directly concerning conversation #35 – and I’ve tried too long to bring this together – Nevertheless, she persisted. I cannot cancel this persistence! It’s embarrassing, but the meaning is clear – I love. Geez!!!

      • wolfpup says:

        How can one possibly ignore these men and their prayers for all beings? That’s so unusual, for a child to observe.

        Ladies, pick up your hearts – the Donald may call Us losers – but we shall prevail, no doubt about it! Kisses and furry hugs from Diana, Who Calls Herself Queen, Whenever She Wishes!

      • wolfpup says:

        The utube links seem unpublishable to CB – best wishes with #44-47, for nothing – I tried to put everything in the reply link but…I am being deleted, while alive!!!. Jimminy Crickets – I’m mentioning conversation #35 in #45 with the publishers here. Perhaps my comments and links and perceptions are not wanted, or perhaps, I do not know how to use this machine properly. I am an old lady, after all! And F88ing proud!

        The Donald will fix everything!!! Is there a phone number to Fix It All? 1-800- GOD?

  44. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    We have a very dumb person in charge of our nation. SAD! and his minions are stupid & demonic. REALLY SAD!

    I’m sick to my stomach 24/7 and obsessed with this lunatic. I open the news sites hoping against hope that he’s been hauled off to jail.