Kim Kardashian feels like the Paris robbery was ‘meant to happen to me’

The Kardashian Family Leaving A Studio In Los Angeles

Kim Kardashian appears on today’s Ellen Show. Even though Keeping Up with the Kardashians covered Kim’s Paris robbery, this is the first real interview Kim has done about the robbery. Meaning, this is the first time Kim has spoken directly about it in public, to a professional interviewer. The clip isn’t online yet but E! News had a lot of the quotes from the interview. Kim talks about how she feels like the robbery was “supposed to happen” to her to get her to wake up and stop being so materialistic. Some quotes:

She feels like it was meant to happen to her: “I know this sounds crazy, but I know that was meant to happen to me. I don’t want to start crying, but I feel like that was so meant to happen to me. I’m such a different person. I, um…I don’t want to start crying anymore. It was meant to happen to me. I really feel like things happen in your life to teach you things. It was probably no secret, and you see it on the show—I was being flashy and I was definitely materialistic before.”

On success & materialism: “[There’s nothing inherently] bad with having things and working hard to get those things, and I’m really proud of everyone around me that’s successful… but I’m so happy that my kids get this me and that this is who I’m raising my kids [as]. ‘Cause I just don’t care about that stuff anymore. I really don’t. Like I said, everyone gets so excited when they get things. Or, of course when you get engaged, you’re going to show off your ring. If you get a new car—I don’t care what kind it is—you get so proud and you get so happy and you show that off on social media. But it’s just…it’s not worth it. Like, I don’t care about that stuff. I don’t care to show off the way that I used to. Even though there’s nothing wrong, truly—it’s OK if you’re proud of that and you work so hard and you get something—it’s just not who I am anymore.”

The robbers had been tracking her for years: “It was almost 2:30 in the morning. But what was crazy is meeting with my attorneys and knowing the information that I know now, they had been following me for two years. They had been hearing interviews that I did, getting excited about this jewelry or this jewelry, and saying that it’s real. It’s not to say that I’ll never wear jewelry again or anything like that, [but] I truly don’t know if I’d ever feel comfortable. I don’t know if I’d ever wear real jewelry again. Just…my whole life as changed as far as how I travel and security. I never thought that I needed security staying outside my door, even though I had a lot of jewelry. If you think about it, yeah, I should have had a security guard outside my door 24/7 when I’m traveling and I didn’t. Now, I have several, just for me to be able to sleep at night.”

What she felt when she realized what was happening: “Automatically, your stomach dropped. It’s a feeling you can’t even explain. Like, I knew that was it for me. I said a prayer, like, ‘I know I’m going to heaven. I hope my kids are OK, and my husband.’ I don’t want to cry; you’re making me cry. But it does happen really fast. It was a good seven or eight minutes of torture, but when I look back and I analyze it, I’m like, ‘OK, they weren’t aggressive.’ It could have been way worse, so I don’t want to sound like I’m not grateful. I’m out, I’m home, I’m safe, I’m such a better person—it’s OK. Let’s move on.”

[From E! News]

I was suspicious at first that Kim would merely go through a phase where she was less showy, and then she would revert back to her old put-it-all-out-there self. But… is it weird that I think she actually has changed? I don’t think this was “meant to happen” in the sense of “this was fated, the universe wanted to teach her a lesson.” Because I don’t think the universe cares about Kim Kardashian. But I do think she learned some lessons and I don’t know, I buy her transformation.

Kim also talked sh-t about Caitlyn Jenner in this interview. Apparently, none of the Kardashians are here for Caitlyn’s memoir and Kim says flat-out that Caitlyn is lying her ass off.

The Kardashian Family Leaving A Studio In Los Angeles

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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47 Responses to “Kim Kardashian feels like the Paris robbery was ‘meant to happen to me’”

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  1. Psu Doh Nihm says:

    Whose to say it wasn’t the universe’s lesson for her? It very well might’ve been. And that’s cool. Perhaps we could all learn from it.

    She has a soul and spirit just like the rest of us. I don’t shade her for feeling like that at all.

    Edited to add; this also feels like she is blaming herself for being the victim. No matter who or what she is or what she does, it’s still always the perpetrators fault. No one deserves something so traumatizing to happen to them.

    But it sounds like she is trying to make peace with it by rationalizing it in a way that makes sense to her. I hope she doesn’t suffer long term ptsd from it. As someone who suffered at the hands of an abuser, I can attest to just how real and how debilitating it can be.

    Hope she is able to feel safe again.

    • I think we are all given lessons all the time. Whether we listen and learn from them is another story.

      I do believe the robbery changed Kim. If you think you’re about to die, all of that “stuff” that seemed so important before, suddenly just become things.

    • Ana says:

      How much time left till the end of exploiting the robbery?

      I’m sure she was badly shaken, but this is too much: too much information, too many pages and pages about it, too many interviews… drop by drop for pure and sole greed, for money!

      She was traumatized, of course, but now WE ARE THE ONES TRAUMATIZED, we need her to stop it!!!! (and her family also) (or better to disapear..)

    • susanne says:

      I can’t believe that I am buying this…yet here I am.
      I read the headline and thought, ‘yeah, when I order a pizza, I believe that a pizza is meant to arrive at my door.’ I was certain this was a media stunt/insurance scam…
      What is it about these vapid people that when they appear real for a moment it’s such a big deal?
      K. I can’t get back these minutes spent on a Kardashian. I’m going to do something soul-feeding now, or at least belly-feeding.

  2. Danielle says:

    There’s a video of the interview on the Daily Mail.

    Is it just me or does her voice sound totally different now? She always had that faux baby voice on KUWTK, but it seems to be gone now?!

    • QQ says:

      Like it dropped an octave? adulted up? Yes! Totally… She looked pretty good in Ellen, I’m gonna say that she also is Kris’ true heir in terms of Self marketing/spin/head of business/ etc etc I see that a Lot on how she has handled the Caitlynn situation

  3. Missy says:

    That statement makes me sad. I feel like she’s internalized the nasty, unsympathetic comments (“that’s what she gets for being so flashy,” “what did she think would happen,” etc.) and as a result, she blames herself for the robbery.

    Kim! It’s not your fault! You’re the victim! It doesn’t matter what you wear – whether it be expensive jewels or immodest clothes – the blame lies solely on the criminals who masterminded the whole thing. The ones who had been tracking your movements for years.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Missy: “…“that’s what she gets for being so flashy,” etc. These are really silly, simplistic statements, because how do they explain all the regular, non-famous, not ultra-rich etc., people who are robbed, beaten, pistol whipped, stabbed and worse, every day of the week? I can’t stand anyone in this family, but I do hope she’s soon able to put this horrible event behind her. Whether she really has changed for the long-term is yet to be seen, because she’s still busy flogging all her wares, posing and parading around in designer bikinis, spending a phenomenal amount of cash on the never-ending renovations/building of a house she might not ever live in, still with all the selfies, still stripping off and flaunting herself on social media etc etc. I still wouldn’t trade places with her.

  4. Char says:

    I hope Kim is in a better place now.

  5. Clare says:

    I hope she has changed, and that her kids DO get to grow up with a mum that is less materialistic. Clearly Kim and Kanye have both struggled in the last year – love them or hate them, no one deserves the trauma of being robbed at gunpoint and a serious mental health issue. If they can figure their shit out, and come out better humans at the other end, then more power to them.

    • Eveil says:


    • Harla Jodet says:

      but then there’s the photos of her butt all over the Daily Mail the last couple of days, so how much has she really changed?

      • Clare says:

        What does her butt have to do with anything? She can wear whatever she pleases – having an internal change in terms of how one views life/materials etc, which might help one be a better parent (MIGHT!) and wearing a bikini are not mutually exclusive. And thank god for that.

      • NtSoSclBtrfly says:

        *index finger to side of nose*

        Milk it for all it’s worth, kimmy, for it is the kartrashian way.
        I’m of full belief that this is a reinvention/another angle to publicize/ profit from.

        Color me cynical.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        Exactly, Clare. She didn’t say anything about discovering a new penchant for dressing/presenting herself chastely or anything like that.

  6. Mar says:

    Everyone does not show show off their new cars or jewelry or cars on social media. She is wrong. I have never flashed one of my purchases, nor have my friends.

    • Taiss says:

      I’m starting to believe that butt jobs are irreversible. Because why else would Kim k, nicki minaj, Iggy… be walking around with those deformed looking asses? They have enough money to fix it, if fixable.

  7. Anna says:

    I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’m still so taken aback by her unretouched bikini pics from Mexico. I didn’t realize they photoshop paparazzi pics. I also didn’t realize that this is how a butt looks after plastic surgery. She has become a walking cautionary tale against the Brazilian butt lift or whatever she does. Dont do it kids! All the money in the world can’t fix it.

    • BELLE EPOCH says:

      It looks like the extra pounds in her butt are starting to go South. Kourtney – who used to call her “the slow one”? – didn’t do it and looks great.

      There’s a photo of Kim with her mouth open for a change – and her face looks lumpy. what did it look like on TV when she actually had facial expressions?

    • NtSoSclBtrfly says:

      This is, and I fairly guarantee it, the result of her having body fat frozen off all other normal deposition areas of body fat *except* her ass. Maybe she had implants at one time, but that cellulite ( and most of us have some, me included) is excess body fat, with a completely bizarre lack of fat anywhere else- face/under chin/arms/thighs/abdomen/top of hips.

      The body has to have some area to store accumulated calories, and it will go wherever the adipose tissue resides. Normally it is spread over the body with concentrations of cells in buttocks/hips/belly/ thighs for women, but Kimmy has chosen to have cool sculpting everywhere but her buttocks, and they will get larger as her metabolism slows with age and those remaining fat cells grow.

      • Petee says:

        I have too admit I have had implants.I lost 150 pounds and my boobs were hanging down to my waist.Kim and all of them have doctors who well do what ever they ask.Look at Khloe’s lips?They look like they are melting.Kim looks like she has concrete put in there.She was pretty pre Kanye.I think he tells her what to do all the time.Even her twitter stuff.

    • Snowflake says:

      Yes, it looks so bad! And so obviously not natural. Now we know why she’s been covering up her butt. I think she must have done something to make her feel comfortable enough to bare it, must have thought it looked good. But man, it does not!

      • me says:

        I think she did that on purpose for pr. The “haters” don’t spend much time hating her anymore and that is what keeps her in the news. She wanted that pic out there. She will stoop to any level for attention remember?

      • rlh says:

        The pics were timed to coincide with a bunch of “Kimoji” krap she is hawking: over priced goo-gahs with her ass in that same thong. Still a grabby grifter looking for money, regardless of whatever internal road she is presently on.

    • QQ says:

      Link? ya’ll got me curious now

    • Antonym says:

      I have cellulite just like that on my butt and thighs. My bf is constantly telling me I look good and that guys don’t care/notice cellulite. This thread shows that at least some women do notice and judge. It took me a long time to mentally work myself up enough to wear shorts in public and seeing others with the same “flaws” is somehow reassuring to me. Reading some of the comments in this thread was saddening.

      Just a different perspective.

  8. Luca76 says:

    I actually get this because something really awful and traumatic happened to me a few years ago and it did seem fated in a bad way like the reverse of kismet.

  9. Tinkerbell says:

    The Universe, or God, cares about Kim Kardashian.

  10. me says:

    Kim calling someone else a liar? That’s funny. When Caitlyn was getting a lot of attention, Kim was all in it…but now that Caitlyn isn’t being talked about anymore, you never have pap pics of Kim out in Malibu. I still think Kim is pretty materialistic. How has she really changed other than not showing off her jewelry anymore (which got stolen so she ummm she can’t !).

    • Snowflake says:

      Yeah, she redid her clothing style to grunge to freshen up her brand. Can’t really wear expensive jewelry when you’re doing the grunge/goth look. And can’t wear it after crying about how traumatic the robbery was. In my opinion, robbery was a story line to make the public more sympathetic to her and an excuse to change her look.

    • jwoolman says:

      Yes, Kim is a world-class pathological liar herself so I can’t take her word for it that Caitlyn is lying. She more likely means Caitlyn is saying things that might hurt the brand. Kim has often painted people as liars for that. While Caitlyn could keep cameras pointed on Kim, Kim was overflowing with support. This obviously means she does not see Caitlyn as useful anymore.

      But she might (gasp!) not be lying about a shift in her materialistic ways. Time will tell how permanent any changes are beyond using more security, but she has been talking and acting a bit differently. People often talk about life-changing events being fated or destiny – this doesn’t actually mean they think they are the center of the universe. (Kim is very self-absorbed but I don’t think she is afflicted with center-of-the-universe syndrome.) It’s a way to make lemonade out of a lemon. Besides, people who believe in a personal God are being consistent with that kind of belief. The universe doesn’t care about them individually but their god does. Notice that Kim was absolutely certain that she was headed to heaven if she was killed. So she has some belief in a god and an afterlife. Doesn’t stop her from chronically lying and manipulating people and events to benefit her no matter who else gets hurt, alas. Baby steps.

  11. zan says:

    I like her sandals!!!!

  12. me says:

    So she’s going on Ellen to talk about her robbery? Why? She’s not promoting anything. Well the ratings for their show are not good this season so maybe they are in over-drive with pr now.

    • NtSoSclBtrfly says:

      This is what I don’t understand… why schedule all the pr about how the event changed her? Why not just focus on the change without all the publicity? Because they cannot live without fawning attention and the dollar bills that follow. Exploitative & gross.

    • jwoolman says:

      With President Tweeter doing and saying one outrageous thing after another and the threat of the Apocalypse any day now, maybe that has put a major dent in coverage of Kardashian nonsense in more places than Celebitchy.

      Or maybe she’s aiming at a way to keep in front of the public once the shows fizzle out.

      I’m hoping she’s rethinking the idea of pushing her kids into the limelight, as they get older the loss of privacy will become more of a problem. Nori has acted stressed out by the paps for quite a while already.

  13. Pandy says:

    I would rather have heard the interview portion about Caitlyn’s memoir than the robbery story AGAIN. Yeah sure she’s changed. Wait until she sees how interest is still waning for her. She’ll revert. It’s all she has to sell.

  14. Keri says:

    Nope not buying it. If you listen to the video she sounds like a clueless ditz, every other word is “like”. This is all for pr, she will take some time out for soul searching and try to make a comeback.

    • jwoolman says:

      Her speaking habits are annoying, but they don’t really have anything to do with whether or not she has significantly changed as a result of her traumatic experience. They’re just habits that are difficult to break even when you are aware of them. In Kim’s case, she is surrounded by people who speak the same way, which keeps reinforcing the habits. It’s a language thing, not a character thing or an intelligence thing.

  15. Libra girl says:

    Who is anyone to judge her? My gosh I cannot even imagine this happening. Good for her that she did some self reflection and came through this whole. It’s terrible that this occurred. God be with her on this new enlightened path.

  16. Cali says:

    They have been throwing out a dozen different “storylines” this month to see if anything will catch and everything seems to be falling flat. Their show is bombing, public interest seems to be finally waning. This is the first Kardashian post I have clicked on in quite a while. I used to read them out of sheer curiosity but I just don’t care anymore. It’s all so contrived and fake and with everything else going on in the world, I have no time for this vapid band of bimbos.

  17. Mylene says:

    ‘I was being flashy and I was definitely materialistic before.” … HAHAHA and SHE STILL !!!