Emperor Bigly has been late-night tweeting about Hillary Clinton again

At this point in the Bigly Administration, I watch the news for about five minutes and I just get too upset. So then I need to watch tennis or HGTV to calm myself from a rage-and-sadness spiral. To all of those people keeping up with every little lie and every little impeachable offense and every unhinged utterance, God bless you. I’m being completely serious. How do journalists like Katy Tur and Maggie Haberman and Jake Tapper not go completely f–king crazy? Anyway, Bigly was tweeting again yesterday. I guess it was the perfect storm – Bigly felt ignored because people were paying attention to the Met Gala and Rihanna, so he lashed out like a child. Plus, Precious Ivanka must have been off somewhere, thus… Bigly Tweets. The first hissy fit happened yesterday morning, when Bigly bitched about the deal Republicans cut to avoid a shutdown:

Bless his baby heart, he’s learning that he can’t just order something to be done. He’s figuring out – at the age of 70 – that the presidency isn’t an empire, nor is he the CEO. More terrifying than that is the fact that Bigly is looking forward to a shutdown. Basically, he’s so pissed off that the Democrats got a “win” on the budget deal because they didn’t give him any funding for The Wall, plus they got funding for some of their priorities. And Bigly can’t just let them have a win.

Then, late last night, Bigly started tweeting about Hillary Clinton. Because of course.

This was actually in response to Hillary Clinton’s recent speech at the Women for Women International forum in New York, where she said again that she believes that FBI Director James Comey’s letter was the game-changer in the election, and that she believes she would have won if Comey had just STFU. Bigly is arguing that Comey gave Hillary “a free pass” and that the Bigly Campaign was brilliant. Sigh… I need to watch some tennis before my eye starts twitching.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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100 Responses to “Emperor Bigly has been late-night tweeting about Hillary Clinton again”

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  1. Lightpurple says:

    I want to throw his own phone at his head. And then shove it down his throat.

    Sure, Orange Voldy, shut down the government. Deprive all those thousands of federal workers pay. Block all those people who’ve paid to travel to national parks and landmarks for vacation from actually seeing those parks and landmarks. Keep it closed long enough to interfere with processing payments to all federal vendors and beneficiaries. Yes, you’ll definitely be “loved” then.

    • Megan says:

      I say shut it down. But this time, don’t carve out a million exceptions so no one notices. SHUT IT ALL DOWN. No air traffic control, no TSA, no social security, no VA hospitals, no national parks, no federal courts, shut every damn thing down so the delplorables can see just what the federal government they so despise does for them.

      • Anastasia says:

        Yikes, please no shutting down the VA hospitals. My husband depends on his VA medical services to live. 🙁

      • Rachel says:

        Anastasia, they can’t shut down necessary services. Which means all those employees still have to report to work even though they don’t get paid for it. So it doesn’t have the far reaching impact Megan is hoping for, but you still have all those federal employees (some of whom still must work during a shutdown) not being paid.

      • swak says:

        They can shut down TSA and air traffic control after Sept 24th. Being selfish here – taking one of my grandchildren to Disney World in Sept and really don’t want to have to drive to it!

      • Suzy from Ont says:

        Yay Megan! Love your post.

      • Megan says:

        @Rachel – if you recall, the government shut down in the 1990’s was applied to a broad swath of government. The impact was greatly felt by the public, which punished the Republicans by voting them out of power in the House in 1998. The most recent government shut down was so narrowly defined, few people were impacted. The term “essential employee” is defined by whomever is in power at the time of the shut down.

    • Humbug says:

      This is not good for us. I have such a violent imagination now. I hate killing fruit flies but can stop picturing myself pistol whipping Elfkin Sessions. Read Ivanka post and saw myself swiftly slamming her head against a desk. I have never hated so hard….

      • Sadezilla says:

        Me too, man. My rage is directed at Paul Ryan these days. The hypocrisy is so astounding. At least with Bigly, Princess Ivanka and Kushner we know they’re only out for themselves. Ryan has the gall to say he’s a Christian and at the same time push for dismantling millions of Americans’ ability to pay for health care, especially in cases of chronic and fatal disease. And then he claims the MacArthur Amendment “strengthens AHCA, protects people with pre-existing conditions.” LOLOLOL bitch please. We’ve all seen the surcharges for pre-existing conditions. The reality is, people will die because they’re unable to pay for treatment. Jesus would be THRILLED. May Paul Ryan one day realize what a raging case of crotch rot he is and feel repentance, and then get served with a heaping dose of karma.

        /end rant
        (edited for clarity)

      • Lightpurple says:

        I want to kick Ryan into a bottomless abyss.

      • elosaurus says:

        I completely understand your pain and I am not even American. Recently I have such an urge to slap and punch so many of these people in power starting with Trump’s ugly orange face. Before I thought my punches were reserved only for the Kartrashian freaks, but not anymore.

      • Giddy says:

        Oh please, let’s torture Sessions, Ryan, etc. all together. However, Sessions would not need to be pistol whipped. He is such a tiny tyrant and coward that the mere appearance of even an old fashioned switch, would be enough to have him hysterically begging not to be thrown in that briar patch. Isn’t it funny how physical cowards don’t mind others (Democrats or black men) getting hurt or killed? In his mind physical safety and dignity are only allotted to the few.

    • Esmom says:

      I hear you but I think the sad reality is even if he completely shut it down, the deplorables would find a way to defend it.

      • Rachel says:

        Yep. And when the sh*t hits the fan and the media start calling Trump out on it, he’ll back track and say he ever said that, and his followers will pick up his narrative and run with it even though it’s right there in black & white!

      • Kitten says:

        So f*cking true and it turns my damn stomach.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        One of my cousins posted this cartoon on Facebook which illustrated how the amygdala in the brain interprets information that threatens core beliefs in the same way that it interprets violent threats. He posted it with a comment about how “this is why your friends in their bubbles will never get out”.

        Meanwhile, he was the one posting that post-election acts of bigotry were invented by lefties to make the right look bad. He’s in his own bubble, but of course he would never own that.

    • Sadezilla says:

      The scary part is, his hard-core supporters would still blame the Democrats. Those Democrats should have just given Bigly his way! Like Trump cares about the ramifications for anyone who isn’t him and his cronies anyway. #TrumpInc

    • Jan says:

      Just for my information, would a government shut-down include not paying the Secret Service guys watching the Orange Menace and his family?

      • Lightpurple says:

        They would still have to do their jobs but their pay would be delayed. Which mortgage holders don’t tend to appreciate.

    • LinaLamont says:

      “Yes, you’ll definitely be ‘loved’ then.”
      His base will always love him. There are coal miners, who just got lifetime health care (thanks to the Democrats who said yes) as part of the bipartisan deal, who STILL back him and want to deny others health care.
      His base thinks he’s doing a great job and has accomplished yuge bigly things in his first 100.
      His base thinks he’s right on track.
      His base thinks he’s delivering on all his promises.
      His base (the polls expose their unrelenting stupidity) is not the brightest or most illuminated.

  2. Neelyo says:

    He has no game at all. Clinton can say whatever she wants about Comey because she’s not under investigation. Not so wise for Trump to be taking shots at the FBI Director when the Russia investigation keeps rolling on.

  3. Becky says:

    He really has a hard on for Hillary doesn’t he?

  4. boredblond says:

    Fact..within 2 days of the fbi stabbing hrc in the back with what they might find, they found absolutely nothing..but they kept their mouths shut about the ongoing investigations into trump info that has turned out true. I’m sick of the pundits advising him to stop tweeting..I say more! The proof of his mental instability rises with each word!..see the New Yorker cover?

  5. Patricia says:

    The Bigly Campaign was indeed brilliant…. at pandering to disgusting racists. So good for you, Donald.

    Where are we on Russia investigation? Trump is talking about it like it’s over. I think Comey is expected to speak on it in Washington today? Anyone want to give me the cliffs notes on that?

    • Abbott says:

      I believe Comey is giving an update? I don’t know how much he’ll reveal but with the Page and Flynn shenanigans of the last month it should be interesting.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Sally Yates is scheduled for Monday. She gave the trumpists the lowdown on flynn and his illegal shenanigans and they hired him anyway. And pence knew.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        And they kept him on the Security Council and let him attend meetings after they knew he might be compromised. This is so unacceptable.

    • Megan says:

      Comey is testifying before the Senate Judiciary committee.

    • Sharon Lea says:

      A lot is going down. CNN has a story from yesterday, the Senate intelligence panel went to CIA headquarters for a briefing. Rachel Maddow had a piece last night, showing them all getting on van/bus to head over there.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      There are two main investigations: House and Senate.
      The Senate investigation was moving very slowly, but they took some heat for not having made progress (or have enough staff, etc.), so hopefully they will start ramping up their efforts.

      The House is calling Sally Yates to testify sometime in May. She will also testify for the Senate on Monday the 8th.

      Comey is testifying for the Senate today.

      • Megan says:

        Comey is testifying before the judiciary committee about a broad range of FBI issues. The intelligence committee is conducting the Russia investigation. Today’s testimony does move the Senate investigation forward.

  6. Nicole says:

    I’m honestly just waiting for our Reichstag fire that will solidify our decent into modern day fascism. I’m honestly just waiting. Between this, the murder of Jordan Edwards, the DOJ declining charges for Alton Sterling (and not informing the family first), and the Dems literally making moves to make sure no minorities or women vote for them ever again…I’m waiting for the collapse. That’s where I’m at. But I’ll keep reading the news because I cannot afford to not be informed ever.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      “Dems literally making moves to make sure no minorities or women vote for them ever again”

      Can you elaborate on this?

    • kay says:

      omg, nicole.
      yeah, collapse can’t not come at this point.
      another black child killed by cops for no reason.
      another black man killed by cops with no consequences.
      yes, the world can’t not collapse under the weight of these injustices.
      i pray for you, and all of us <3

  7. Abbott says:

    While I do love how much HRC gets under 45’s thin skin, I’m wondering what her game plan is with some of her comments yesterday. Don’t get me wrong, I love that she’s back as an active member of the resistance but she seems to be deliberately poking at that pile of orange loose stool about the election. We’re in the middle of trying to stop TrumpCare 2.0 and nothing rallies his unhinged fan base like attacks on HRC.

    • Rapunzel says:

      I just posted the same thought, Abbott. I’m a little disappointed HRC is playing right into the hands of the Bigly one’s conspiracy ranting.

    • AreYouForReal? says:

      I feel the same way. I love HRC but she needs to STFU about the election. By all means, join the resistance, but the election is over. Whoever ran the better campaign is up for debate, but shut up about it.

      We need to focus on getting a critical mass of evidence against Easy D and everyone in his administration. I want him impeached, but America should get a clean house when he’s gone.

      • Vkl says:

        The public majority who voted , chose HILLARY, Not Trump. Hillary should speak more. THIS WOMAN got 3plus-Million more votes than Trump. I was delighted to hear this intelligent woman speak her mind. Hillary has every right to speak when she pleases. SHE IS A FREE CITIZEN of the USA and has a lot of knowledge to offer.
        I’m so sick of the Hillary hate and Hillary bashing. This intelligent women has dedicated her life to public service and is one of the most qualified people to ever run for President and those words came from Obama.
        Hillary should stay in public and as she said be part of the RESISTANCE to put down, bigotry, hate crimes and push the next generation of women. I am one of the 94percent of black women who voted for her. LOVE HER. She’s an amazing women. F…k the Racist GOP and Trump. #Hillaryisamazing

    • original kay says:

      I thinking bait and switch.

    • noway says:

      I’m tired of this comment that she needs to shut up about it. Reality is her choices are go completely away or speak up about it, as people are always going to ask this question. Now she could present the political answer of how her campaign and her picked the wrong areas to go after, but honestly she doesn’t really think that is the main reason and she does have a problem with looking authentic and why lie now when it is done. Plus that implies to some extent her campaign people let her down, and she was very complimentary of her staff I don’t think she wanted to do that.

      Not sure if any of you saw it, but she was actually funny and personable. She took responsibility for the loss, but she also said outside forces changed her winning trajectory. Unlike others I don’t see the contradictions with this. First she states it’s her opinion. Second it’s like a game you might get a bad call that changes the game, but you put yourself in the position where a bad call could change the game. I really find it odd that men can use this all the time in sports, but women are just not taking responsibility for their loss.

      Now as far as why she goes there. She said she didn’t mind being Trump’s twitter foil it was better than him tweeting something else crazy, like to North Korea etc. She has a point. Really, I know his twitter is comedy, but it is bad for the nation. I wonder if Twitter could kick him off for the country.

      As far as Clinton energizes his base, the hardcore Trump supporters are already energized, until they lose their jobs and health insurance, but even then who knows. They have left reason behind. They think their taxes are about right now, when nothing has changed, but with Obama they were too high. We are looking for the group of wafflers or independents who voted for him. Remember only a few hundred thousand votes changed this election. They will leave the coop when they realize yeah he is crazy, and/or his policies stink. Not sure she has any effect on them at all, kind of part of the problem in why we don’t have a madam president.

      • Anastasia says:

        Nah, Twitter is loving this. All the free publicity they’re getting…

      • Rapunzel says:

        Noway- excellent points. I’m coming around to your point of view.

      • Lightpurple says:

        She’s been quiet for months now. As she is making these appearances, she is going to be asked about the election. As she is writing a book about it. She has every right to present her views and experiences. And yes, it enrages him. But part of me thinks that if he is still wasting his time going on and on and on about Hillary; he won’t have time to destroy anything else.

      • Lady D says:

        Maybe she is trying to goad him into a stroke or heart attack.

      • Kitten says:

        All the applause for this comment, Noway.

      • Beth says:

        Exactly. Why should she have to shut up about it? Trump hasn’t stopped talking about the friggen election yet. He’s the one who needs to STFU, move on and learn his job

      • ohdear says:

        @noway – regarding “She took responsibility for the loss, but she also said outside forces changed her winning trajectory. Unlike others I don’t see the contradictions with this”
        I struggle with her willingness to say that she takes responsibility, but there are other factors beyond her control that played an influence. Against any other person, I would buy this, but there could not have been a less likeable, informed and human opponent. He was able to be a piece of sh*t, and it didn’t matter when other information came out. I think Hillary needs to acknowledge that she was not well liked, and that made it difficult for her to beat an opponent she otherwise should have. I do think there is misogyny at the root of her unlikeability (all her negative traits have been present in previous leaders, and are labeled in a more positive light), but she didn’t resonate with enough people. Which disappoints me as a non-American, because I think she’s hilarious, ambitious and very, very capable.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        +1, noway.

    • Anastasia says:

      Just want to say I love “pile of orange loose stool.” Pretty accurate.

  8. Rapunzel says:

    Of course Trump wants a Government shutdown. It would mean more golf time at Mar-a-Lago.

    And he definitely can’t stop harping on HRC, cause that’s the only thing he knows how to do: Parrot his own conspiracy theories non-stop. And his theories make no sense.

    I do have to say though: I wish Hillary hadn’t given that interview. She was just feeding the beast with her comments. But maybe that was the point?

    • SusanneToo says:

      Can he just declare bankruptcy and walk away like he consistently did with his companies? Let others clean up the mess? That’s his overriding m.o.

      • swak says:

        I asked if the USA could declare bankruptcy on FB the other day to an article (posted by a Trumpster) about how he is a great businessman. Someone commented that they would just print more money.

  9. adastraperaspera says:

    He is desperate to create a story to defend himself before Comey and Yates testify. I think Clinton is baiting him with her statements. She has seen the Intel. Maybe it’s just a coincidence that she gave the Amanpour interview and started talking about Tr*mp-Russia again just now, but I would like to hope that she knows evidence against him will emerge soon.

    • Anastasia says:

      I doubt it’s a coincidence. She’s incredibly intelligent and savvy. She knows what she’s doing.

    • doofus says:

      I agree. we see how unhinged he gets. she knows what she’s doing.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Hillary pretty much always knows what she is doing.

      • Kitten says:

        She’s very strategic and deliberate in everything she does. She thought this one through for sure.

  10. Beth says:

    I hate this guy more than anything in the world! He’s such a childish f*cking @sshole and makes me want to scream. Bought my antitrump nail decals and Trump toilet paper after I read about this on the news this morning. I’ll be wearing my Dump Trump shirt today!

  11. Eric says:

    Emperor Zero went third person too.

    Enough said.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Yep… talking in third person, like The Rock. The Rock would be a better President, btw.

      • Tate says:

        The Rock or just a literal rock would be a better president than the nut we have right now.

      • elosaurus says:

        In reply to Tate: as a geologist, I vote for rocks being in charge! And of course The Rock is their official sponsor. Everyone wins!

  12. ElleBee says:

    How come Trump’s phone isn’t one of the faulty ones that explodes?

    He’s more obsessed with HRC than Kanye is with Beyonce. SAD!

    Trump is like a child whose favourite parent is the one that is giving him what he wants at the time. Comey was his fave person when he was investigating Hillary but now he’s a phony?

  13. t.fanty says:

    So, we’re really not doing the escapism thing anymore, CB?

    • original kay says:

      ** rolls eyes**

    • Esmom says:

      t.fanty, Respectfully there are plenty of places online, including this blog, for escapism. I can only stick my head in the sand for short stretches so I really appreciate that one of my favorite places is covering our new reality.

      • t.fanty says:

        Respectfully, this administration is inescapable. This blog started as a gossip blog and is now easily 2/3 news hysteria. I am a member of activist groups, and I work in higher ed, and deal with the ideological anxiety of what this means on a daily basis. I get that this is a tense time right now, but I also think that this site is becoming a bubble where people freak out and feel validated for freaking out, and too often, such behavior becomes a substitute for tangible action.

        Also, as I point out on a semi-regular basis, targeting 45 as the ultimate demon ignores the larger evils of the GOP and unbridled capitalism that continues to thrive. You think the anti-LGBTQ legislation coming tomorrow is anything to do with Trump? This is the GOP all over. Trump is crude, vile, and a kleptocrat, but he is also VERY typical of the GOP. So unless CB plans on getting serious, complex, and deep with its news analysis, then it is just churning its wheels and contributing to the superficial news hysteria and the pressures of news cycles that got Trump enough publicity to get votes in the first place.

      • Tate says:

        Same here, Esmom. We can’t pretend that what is happening is not happening. I also appreciate this forum. I can come here to stay informed on what is happening in our country and world and if I need a little mental relief I can pop into a celebrity post and forget the madness around us for a few minutes.

      • MaybeTomorrow says:

        T.fanty’s comment about contributing to superficial news and hysteria churn is valid, Count the number of political threads……pretty high. And the coverage doesn’t come close to any journalistic standard because that isn’t what this site or its writers are about or trained for. How healthy or helpful really is so much of this political dialogue at such an emotive but non substantive content level ?

      • Esmom says:

        I disagree that this contributes to “superficial news and hysteria churn” because it is a gossip blog. It doesn’t, nor has it ever, purported to be hard news. It’s a place for weighing in with one’s opinions, so I’m not sure why you’re bringing up “journalistic standards.” Kaiser’s not sitting in the White House Press Corps, she’s bringing certain newsworthy aspects of this administration to our attention, and doing a great job with it. I don’t think any commenters come here for “substantive content.” We can distinguish between hard news sources and opinion. We come here to comment and commiserate.

      • original kay says:

        This post is coming close to saying what is being written here is “fake news”. It’s just under the guise of more poetic words, “journalistic standard”. These writers do their research, post about a myriad of topics, and have evolved their site to reflect the current state of society. How can you possibly fault that?

        What has Kaiser posted that isn’t true? Yes, she adds her certain flair to her writing, but at the base, it’s all facts. So yes, the content is substantive, she picks it up right from trump’s own twitter. Can’t get more real than that.

        I also take umbrage at the implied “know your place” tone of these posts.

      • Kitten says:

        “Also, as I point out on a semi-regular basis, targeting 45 as the ultimate demon ignores the larger evils of the GOP and unbridled capitalism that continues to thrive.”

        Ok but keep in mind this is a gossip blog and as far as I know, 45 is the only Republican in the current administration that is a former television star. Also, we regularly talk about Ryan, McConnell, Sessions, Pence and every other Republican that is part of this shit show. Just because the focus of the post is usually 45 doesn’t mean that we don’t discuss the rest of the horror show that is the current GOP.

        “I get that this is a tense time right now, but I also think that this site is becoming a bubble where people freak out and feel validated for freaking out, and too often, such behavior becomes a substitute for tangible action. ”

        I usually agree with you. T. Fanty, but I find this statement to be really unfair and frankly, a bit patronizing. You’re basically insinuating that we’re all here to piss and moan and feel better before we go home to sit on our asses.

        I’ve been to almost every rally here in Boston, I’ve been calling my reps incessantly, and I’ve been to several town halls to voice my opinion. It’s just really harsh to make it seem like we’re all slacktivists, simply because we enjoy having a venue to vent without worrying about some Trumpster saying “But Hillary” or some Sanders-supporter screaming about the DNC.

        I have to admit that I’m a tad disappointed because I usually really value your input. I guess we just disagree on this one.


      • T.Fanty says:

        Yes, but every person critiquing my post is doing so on the defence that it is a gossip blog, which was my original point. It’s preaching to a very particular choir. There are some terrific conversations that happen here on race, gender, disability, politics (and I’ve been delighted to spar with OKitt many times on topics), but I don’t feel that they happen on the daily “why we hate Trump” posts.

        And to the poster who says I’m calling this fake news – that is a ridiculous generalization that is precisely exemplifies the black and white, them-and-us mentality that lives on lesser internet forums and prohibits real discourse. I feel that in the thrice-daily Trump posts, it can get to that place very quickly.

        Maybe I’m tired and cranky today, but it just feels a little Groundhog Day-ish to me. If that’s patronizing, then I apologize.

      • Esmom says:

        Chiming in again to agree with original kay…and to add that I didn’t mean to imply that Celebitchy isn’t substantive. It is, which is one of the main reasons why I’ve been coming here almost every day for over 10 years. It’s just not fair to argue that because it’s not a hard news site that there’s no place for political commentary here. Especially when our Commander in Chief is a TV celeb, first and foremost.

        And for MaybeTomorrow to say the writers shouldn’t be taking on these topics because they’re “not trained for” it? That’s a pretty low shot. People didn’t seem to care that Trump was in no way “trained for” the job of POTUS but that didn’t stop people from voting for him or supporting him.

      • T.Fanty says:

        I would like to point out that *I* neither inferred nor outright criticized ‘journalistic standards’ (someone else suggested it as a quotation), nor did I suggest that the writers are not up to the task. I trust that the CB powers-that-be have seen me around long enough to know that this intended to be neither patronizing nor hostile.

        This form of objection does, however, help my point further about the limitations of this kind of conversational grind. People are not reading my words carefully and assuming that critique = hostility, and offering up veiled (and not so veiled) accusations of classism. I’m waiting for someone to call me on the perceived privilege they think I have, and accuse me of the luxury of burying my head in the sand. There is a particular narrative to the comments and a particular narrative ascribed to dissenters, and perhaps that is true of all internet discourse right now, but I find it can be tiresome, day in, day out. I love CB and have been lingering here for years, and I think it is a site that is on fire when it resists predictability and initiates really substantive conversation.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        @T.Fanty: I thought the ‘fake news’ comment was directed at MaybeTomorrow, one of the commenters who regularly shows up just to try to shush and police criticism of Trump and his supporters on here, not you. I agree that we shouldn’t lose sight of the evils of the GOP and put all the focus on Trump, but it doesn’t really seem like that’s what’s happening. Trump gets extra attention here because he happens to be a celebrity on top of being very typical of the GOP and being the ‘president’ of the United States. Plus he’s discussed regularly by other celebrities and public figures who also have this nightmare presidency on their minds.
        @MaybeTomorrow: You say that, but you keep contributing to what you see as ‘unhealthy’ and ‘not meeting journalistic standards’ by regularly clicking on, reading, and commenting on Trump posts. Why not treat Trump posts like I treat Kate/William/Harry posts? To me Celebitchy’s Trump coverage isn’t a problem because he’s not the only subject or celebrity getting covered.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Fassy thread. We can escape there.

    • Lightpurple says:

      @t.fanty, I will ALWAYS respect your opinion. I do get your points. There are still plenty of threads here on which to discuss fashion, gossip, the proper way to make a proper cup of tea, whom to shag or not to shag, and all the other interesting and fun issues that are raised on Celebitchy. Please stay and come and play on those threads.

  14. SusanneToo says:

    Do yourself a favor and watch Colbert’s monologue from Monday night. If you’re rushed for time please, please, please at least watch the last two minutes. That’s when he calls trump a Pricktator and says trump’s mouth is only good for being Putin’s c**kholster. He savages the man. I’m surprised CBS let it on air.


  15. Disco Dancer says:

    You won (even though it was done by underhanded means surely) and she didn’t. You beat a girl to get the highest job in the land! You won! Now put on your big girl
    Panties on Donald and move on!

    Hope Celebitchy posts this comment, as many of my snarky ones about this family do not get posted.

  16. elosaurus says:

    This jerk! His ramblings make me want to create a Twitter account just so I can troll his ass all day long.

  17. someone says:

    He needs to stop tweeting, and get back to running the US..Not that hes doing a good job, just the opposite. If he would stop golfing and tweeting so much he might get something done, but I really doubt it!!!

  18. Karen says:

    He wants a shutdown because he hates his job and wants to go play golf!

  19. SMD says:

    Listen an outlet to commiserate or bitch and moan can be invaluable for many! In my situation I live in a very Republican do.inate conservative state with a spouse and in-laws who voted for Trump. I need the escape and support and like others here I am active. I contact my reps all the time, have started attending Town halls and other meeting for the first time in my life. So I hear your cautionary advice about the vacuum too much of anything can create, but Celebitchy has been a lifesaver for me 🙂

  20. AnneC says:

    Comey testifying right now and answered unequivocally that Russia hacked the election and is STILL interfering in American politics. Unbelievable. And now republicans support Putin by 86%. Party over country.

    • Rapunzel says:

      ACK!!! Prepare for the twitter meltdown from President Bigly. The more shit hits the fan, the more it get all over his twitter posts.

  21. why? says:

    Trump is obsessed with Hillary and the election because he knows that he didn’t win it honestly, he had the aid of the Russians. Back during the first hearing held by the HIC, Comey and Rogers stated that they didn’t know if the Russians actually hacked into the election machines because that’s not something that they investigated. There were also reports that the NHS had tried to tap into some of the election machines; however, those reports quietly disappeared.

    As for shutting down the government in September, it just shows how petty and selfish Trump is. This is a dictator move.

    What the press should be worried about is what did Trump and Putin talk about yesterday. No one should be surprised that Trump is tweeting that that his ties to Russia are a fake, he spoke to Putin just hours before making that tweet.

    Why do these reporters let Trump get away with these lies. In that interview he gave the other day, he said that Hillary made up the Russia ties because they lost. Trump’s ties to Russia started way before this, during the debates, they were getting briefings on Russia and their hacking of Podesta. Comey stated that the investigation to Trump and Russia started last year during the summer. Trump is a liar. He lies even when the evidence is standing there looking him in the face.