Donald Trump ‘considers exercise misguided,’ believes people are batteries

The New Yorker has a new article called “How Trump Could Get Fired.” It’s a fascinating and deeply depressing piece which details just how historically unpopular Emperor Baby Fists is and the depth to which no one knows what to do next (note: the New Yorker published this before Comey’s firing!). Like, the overwhelming majority of people hate Trump and wish he was out of office, but there’s not a lot happening on the impeachment front in real terms. I would recommend reading the full piece here. But I wanted to do a few highlights, because some of the quotes are amazing/terrifying. Also: did you know that Donald Trump thinks people who exercise are “misguided”? Ha.

His vice is consuming media coverage of himself: By this point in George W. Bush’s term, Bush had travelled to twenty-three states and a foreign country. Trump has visited just nine states and has never stayed the night. He inhabits a closed world that one adviser recently described to me as “Fortress Trump.” Rarely venturing beyond the White House and Mar-a-Lago, he measures his fortunes through reports from friends, staff, and a feast of television coverage of himself. Media is Trump’s “drug of choice,” Sam Nunberg, an adviser on his campaign, told me recently. “He doesn’t drink. He doesn’t do drugs. His drug is himself.”

Our American Banana Republic: Jerry Taylor, the president of the Niskanen Center, a libertarian think tank, [was asked] if he had ever seen so much skepticism so early in a Presidency. “No, nobody has,” he said. “But we’ve never lived in a Third World banana republic. I don’t mean that gratuitously. I mean the reality is he is governing as if he is the President of a Third World country: power is held by family and incompetent loyalists whose main calling card is the fact that Donald Trump can trust them, not whether they have any expertise.” Very few Republicans in Congress have openly challenged Trump, but Taylor cautioned against interpreting that as committed support. “My guess is that there’s only between fifty and a hundred Republican members of the House that are truly enthusiastic about Donald Trump as President,” he said. “The balance sees him as somewhere between a deep and dangerous embarrassment and a threat to the Constitution.”

Steve Schmidt speaks: “There is no one around him who has the ability to restrain any of his impulses, on any issue ever, for any reason. Where is the ‘What the f–k’ chorus?”

Trump’s exercise hatred: There has been considerable speculation about Trump’s physical and mental health, in part because few facts are known. During the campaign, his staff reported that he was six feet three inches tall and weighed two hundred and thirty-six pounds, which is considered overweight but not obese. His personal physician, Harold N. Bornstein, issued brief, celebratory statements—Trump’s lab-test results were “astonishingly excellent”—mentioning little more than a daily dose of aspirin and a statin. Trump himself says that he is “not a big sleeper” (“I like three hours, four hours”) and professes a fondness for steak and McDonald’s. Other than golf, he considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.

[From New Yorker]

As Vox pointed out, Trump has a history of talking about how exercise is for losers. He truly believes that he’s better off than his friends who work out regularly because they’re “disasters” who always need hip or knee replacements. He actually believes that exercise is bad for you. Vox notes: “There was a time when doctors would have concurred with Trump on this. That was the Victorian era. Back then, people worried a physical activity could cause everything from exhaustion and heart palpitations, particularly in women. A century later, doctors’ thinking has moved on. Research now shows exercise is actually the closest thing we have to a miracle cure.”

As for the rest of it…I don’t even know what to say anymore. I’m just trying to stay sane here, but I don’t have much optimism left.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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61 Responses to “Donald Trump ‘considers exercise misguided,’ believes people are batteries”

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  1. Merritt says:

    Trump is a heart attack waiting to happen. All he eats is junk food which is clogging the arteries, he doesn’t exercise, and there are rumors he does coke which is also bad for the arteries.

    • Becky says:

      Here’s hoping. All that sniffing at the election debate, nerves or snorted too much beforehand?

      Also, he’s a megalomaniac and quite possibly insane.

    • AlmondMilk says:

      Yea but he’s just talking about MEN though. MEN don’t have to exercise.

      As we know he was a task master for his beauty contestants and wives, I’m sure it was written into contracts and prenups that if they gain an ounce over 127lb they’re history.

      I’m almost positive that’s how the previous two wives escaped. They ate their way out of Trump tower. Melania probably wishes she herself had had an extra hamburger or 4 now instead of a closet full of new Louboutins every season.

    • Cannibell says:

      Or a stroke – all that raging has got to do a number on your blood pressure.

    • Snazzy says:

      Is it bad that the first thing I thought of was “someone please send him an unlimited supply of Big Macs and fries?”

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        My automatic reaction to the part about his lab results being ‘astonishingly excellent’ was “Dammit!”

    • doofus says:

      his neck is disappearing. that top photo is possibly the worst I’ve seen him look, and that’s saying a LOT.

    • DystopianDance says:

      I guess our only hope is to watch him self-destruct, but then we’d have fit til he’s 100 Pence to contend with. BTW these are gloriously heinous photos of the Orange Lipo. I showed my son the pro Trump web pages and TRUMP IS ‘SHOPPED TO LOOK THINNER. Seriously- thinner with the “blue steele” pose.

  2. Leo says:

    Exercise is bad, harmful, for losers and leads to early/earlier death, yet he wants/demands his women to be in perfect shape which is almost impossible to achieve without a great deal of exercise. Pure trash.

    • It'sJustBlanche says:

      I was wondering that. I mean how are we supposed to say attractive for him if we don’t exercise?

    • Cherise says:

      Slight side track. I recently encountered someone from this school of thought. She told me she doesnt exercise because it will give her loose skin and eat up all her energy. She also thinks Michelles push to restrict calories in school lunches starved children for political ends. Trump has a base, even in this stupidity.

      • DystopianDance says:

        I need to make a collection of “deplorable thoughts”- like the national enquirer stories that are HILARiOUS to read when stoned. I don’t smoke pot anymore, but I can certainly get a contact high off these BUH zaar life prospectives.

    • Snowflake says:

      You silly, naive fools! That’s what a plastic surgeon is for! Lol

    • lara says:

      Since in his world womens shelf-life runs out at 30, they can use up all their energy to stay in shape until thei are replaced by a younger model….

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        This reminds me of that article that quoted him as saying age 35 is ‘checkout time for a woman.’ He’s so nasty and objectifying.

  3. Rapunzel says:

    Bigly Boy Easy-D is lazy, hence his pov on exercise. That’s all.

  4. Megan says:

    I definitely think Trump should avoid exercise, fruit, vegetables, and lean proteins.

  5. robyn says:

    Trump always seemed bloated and unhealthy. I remember how Trump made fun of Kerry for riding a bike and having a fall. Who does that??? Only Trump. Actually, if Trump rode a bicycle it might stimulate his brain cells and it might make him a tad more rational.

  6. Incredulous says:

    I want to live in a world where Trump tries to say that to The Rock’s face.

  7. littlemissnaughty says:

    Listen, we all know this is bs but let him believe it! The more trans fats for the orange menace, the sooner this could be over.

    • doofus says:

      oh, he doesn’t REALLY believe it.

      but saying that he does gives him an excuse to NOT exercise and stay the lazy, tubby fascist that he is.

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        It doesn’t matter! I’ll serve him cheetoes and twinkies ALL day if that’s what it takes! I’ll fry butter if I must!

      • doofus says:

        count me in as your sous chef. fried butter just might do the trick.

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        You can be in charge of the tub of lard being filled to the brim at ALL times! It will be the most important job and quite exhausting. I’m not much in the kitchen but damn if I can’t fry a damn snickers every 10 minutes.

  8. IlsaLund says:

    I was raised on the premise that if you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all. So I won’t say anything, other than I hope his food and exercise choices relieve us all of his presence.

  9. justcrimmles says:

    If there’s any joy to be had in this whole era, it’s that Orange Voldemort is voraciously reading about himself, due to his pathetic need to be liked, meanwhile very few actually like him. Although, he’s too stupid and narcissistic to realize this.

    Double down, his favorite position and sandwich 🙄

    • Juls says:

      Watch media coverage of himself, yes. Read? No. I don’t think he CAN read. And thank goodness for that. If he ever actually read coverage of himself on THIS site? We’d all be arrested by the Thought Police and taken straight to room 101.

  10. minx says:

    There is no way that guy was 236 pounds. No way. 260, at least.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      I had to convert American lbs to kg to understand that THIS IS INDEED BS! Oh my god, if he’s really 6’3”, I would say 260 seems right. At least.

    • bleu_moon says:

      And larger now. Rumors that he put on nearly 60 pounds since the election. That seems a bit much but I’d believe 30 pounds.

    • the_blonde_one says:

      there is NO WAY he is an ounce under 300 pounds. I am a woman with a large frame, decent muscle and lots of fat. I am 5 foot, 9 inches and over 250 pounds, a size 18-20 with a well defined waist and big ass. That man is FAR BIGGER than me. He is taller by half a foot and if he did weigh that much less than me he would not look like such a fat ass (literally, we may have the same ass).

    • JennyJenny says:

      There’s just no way that weight is correct.
      What’s next?? Telling us he’s a Size 4??

    • Kitten says:

      My first thought as well. My BF is six feet and 190 lbs and he doesn’t look overweight at all, unlike Dumpetty-Dump.

  11. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    He is the cheap pack of batteries that you get from the dollar store instead of a pack of Duracell batteries from Walgreens or Target.

    That tweet from Rex is hilarious.

  12. Beth says:

    He’s definitely overweight. His ginormously too big baggy suits and tie so long he could trip on it makes him look bigger. He needs more exercise than walking up and down the Air Force One stairs and hitting a few golf balls every weekend. Maybe he’ll get in shape in jail

    • doofus says:

      if he walked 18 holes every time he golfed, he’d def be in better shape. but you KNOW he takes a cart to haul that (GIANT) a$$ around.

  13. bread says:

    Good. Maybe he’ll die earlier.

  14. Lindy says:

    I read the whole piece last night and it was fascinating. If anything, it made me even more terrified of just how lazy, ignorant, and narcissistic the Emperor in Chief is. I mean, I knew that, but the New Yorker piece did a thorough job of shining a bright light on that. Reading that, plus reading about the 13 men and 0 women in the Senate working on the health care bill rewrite made for a depressing day.

  15. wheneight says:

    Please, please no one tell him he’s wrong. Exercise is bad and eating KFC and McDonalds all the time is great! Yep. 100%.

  16. Vesta says:

    Biglie is as BigLie does…

    (I’m sorry, did I spell his nickname right? I’m not a native speaker – is it Bigly or Biglie? I’m confused.)

  17. alexc says:

    Trump’s very existence is misguided.

  18. Cannibell says:

    For a guy who doesn’t believe in exercise, he sure spends a lot of time running….his mouth.

  19. Tiffany says:

    But he expected #3 to get her body back after Barron’s birth. How the hell did he expect her to do that, prayer?

    • minx says:

      Oh, I’m sure he thinks women should do anything and everything to stay hot. Exercise, plastic surgery, leeches….

  20. Esmom says:

    It’s a great article. Funny, I paused at Trump’s exercise “theory” too, it’s bizarre. Terry Gross also interviewed the writer, Evan Osnos, last week. I’d recommend it if only to hear intelligent, thoughtful people speak in full sentences.

  21. Eric says:

    Exercise is a DISASTER! I’m a battery! The BEST battery! Bigliest battery! Everyone knows that! Exercise is for losers! SAD!

  22. Frigga says:

    The devil clearly plays a roll as to why this oaf (and so many other awful people *coughkriskardashiancough*) live longer than the ones who DESERVE long lives. Anyway, hopefully all that non-exercising catches up with him soon (STAT) and he has a massive heart attack/dies of ass cancer on the toilet.

  23. CatherinetheGoodEnough says:

    I know a doctor who says something like “you’re only given so many heartbeats, why use them up faster than you need to?” BUT HE’S KIDDING.

  24. LA Elle says:

    I wonder if his dislike of exercise includes Melania, because she certainly looks like she works out regularly. I also get the feeling he wouldn’t approve if she didn’t look so thin and toned.

    • brincalhona says:

      Maybe he’s come up with this battery idea because a) Melania works out and b) she says she’s too tired to have sex with him. He doesn’t exercise his body or his brain so no surprises that his logic is iffy.

  25. mkyarwood says:

    Haha, wow. That’s the Biffiest he’s looked yet!

  26. paranormalgirl says:

    What’s misguided is that hair of his.

  27. Jessica says:

    Great, maybe him and all his supporters will have a heart attack and die.