Taylor Swift is ‘preparing for her big return’ after going mysteriously dark


At least once a month this year, we get some update on Taylor Swift. While I still believe she is the human embodiment of the Snake Emoji, I keep saying that I sort of miss her. I miss her theatrics. I miss her showmances. I miss The Taylor Swift Show. Other people miss her too, which is why we keep getting updates. I seriously doubt that Taylor is just calling up Us Weekly and Entertainment Tonight to leak sh-t about herself. No, these updates are coming from professional gossipmongers who can’t wait to see Tay’s next act. We keep hearing that new music is coming, probably after the summer. But when? And where? And how? And what will the 2017 incarnation of The Taylor Swift Show look like?

Fresh off a rough 2016 that saw her endure messy breakups with Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston and a public feud with Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian over his decision to dub her “that b—tch” in his single “Famous,” Taylor Swift decided to go dark, sources reveal in the new issue of Us Weekly.

Save for a pre-Super Bowl performance February 4, the 27-year-old — as famous for striding out of the gym perfectly coiffed and camera-ready as she is for strutting across the stages of sold-out arenas with her squad — hasn’t been seen in public since January. (She also stepped away from her 101 million Instagram followers, posting for the first time May 3 in more than two months.)

“She was trying to keep herself out of the media,” explains a Swift insider, adding that the 10-time Grammy winner’s plan was to shirk the limelight until she was ready to promote her sixth studio album. But now, says another Swift source, she’s preparing for her big return. “Taylor’s been quietly recording new music for a couple of months,” says the source. “She’s aiming to release an album this fall.”

True to form, she’s kept her plans private. To put together her upcoming disc — sure to be loaded with references to her 15-month union with Harris and her three-month romance with Hiddleston — Swift booked time at an out-of-the-way spot. Says a source, “She hasn’t been in any of the bigger studios in Nashville, New York, L.A. or London.”

She’s sticking to the tried-and-true when it comes to the actual music, however. “She’s continuing down the pop route,” a source says of the onetime country singer, “because 1989 was a huge success and fans really gravitated toward that album.” Continues the source, “She knows there’s a demand for a new album and has really started focusing on making that happen for fans. She’s just excited to get back out there.”

[From Us Weekly]

One: I think she is in Nashville. Maybe it’s true that she’s not going to the big studios, but I do believe she’s in Nashville. I also believe that Tay’s return to the spotlight is going to be incredibly coordinated, with social media, print media, and new music all rolling out in a hyper-controlled way. And of course, with a new album, there’s usually a new boyfriend. We’ll see. Also: what do you think did the most damage to Tay’s rep, the thing with Kanye West or the thing with Tom Hiddleston? Hm.

Speaking of exes, apparently Harry Styles’ new song “Two Ghosts” is about Snake Emoji. Sample lyrics: “Same lips, red / Same eyes, blue / Same white shirt, couple more tattoos. But it’s not you and it’s not me / Tastes so sweet, looks so real / Sounds like something that I used to feel / But I can’t touch what I see / We’re not who we used to be / We’re not who we used to be / We’re just two ghosts singing in the…”

Taylor Swift

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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54 Responses to “Taylor Swift is ‘preparing for her big return’ after going mysteriously dark”

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  1. Aims says:

    Great! It’s like a turd on top of the crap sundae of what 2017 has been.

  2. Diane says:

    Thanks for the warning.

  3. Babs says:

    I think the disgusting stunt she pulled on Kanye with all the dog whistles damaged (rightfully so) her rep more. The ridiculous Tiddlesbanging damaged Tom Hiddleston’s rep more than hers. Which was the purpose, I think, i.e. deflecting.

  4. Missy says:

    Who’s willing to bet she makes a comeback with something else new…bigger boobs….bigger lips?

    • WeAreAllMadeofStars says:

      Me! She’s doing it already. She’s going for the sexiness this time!

    • NtSoSclBtrfly says:

      Me! I am!

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      She going for awkward sexy as her new look prob with a new famous boyfriend to kick it all in off.

    • Becky says:

      “Why she disappeared” – because she was shown up as a liar and was overexposed. Best thing to do in those circumstances is take yourself out of the public eye.

      Last time she went off the radar for a month and appeared with a boob job, and weight gain to distract from it. This time it’s been several months so face, fix the boob job, butt implants, fix those big teeth, taking by bets on any of those.

    • virginfangirl2 says:

      I’m looking back at her past boyfriends and they were all, well, good looking. If I were her, I wouldn’t change a thing. She’s pretty enough with a great figure, and men seem to find her attractive enough.

    • hannah89 says:

      bigger bearding!

    • Annetommy says:

      She’s obviously been off the radar because she’s been pregnant with a Tiddlesbaby.

  5. Lillian says:

    Buzzfeed did a great article on how she always plays the victim and I totally agree,
    She only uses feminism when it benefits her. She’s kind of lost me more as a fan when she did a song for Fifty Shades, that is the ultimate slap in the face to women and I know it’s not required for celebrities to be political, but it could have help.
    Not looking forward to comeback from her

    • BengalCat2000 says:

      I read that a article too. I used to be pretty ‘meh’ about her but last year’s antics were too much. Where’s a mongoose when you need one, lol.

    • ell says:


      … need i say more?

      • OhDear says:

        The longreads are actually very good!

      • Lillian says:

        Buzzfeed has really helped me with my anxiety and depresssion. I try and stay away from reading it on the internet but it’s great. They do a lot of articles about misogyny, feminism and I have fun with their quizzes.
        I do think Taylor does play the victim card and not sure what to make about the comeback. Sometime it feel like she needed the “teenage drama”

    • AsIf says:

      did Beyonce lose you as well after 50 shades?

  6. Miles says:

    She has been laying low though in NYC and upstate New York. Ed Sheeran and Gigi Hadid have both been spotted going in and out of her apartment. She would fly in and out of the Westchester airport. The article’s video says she was staying in Blake Lively’s house in upstate NY which I don’t know how much I believe BUT I don’t think it was a coincidence that the Reynolds suddenly started spending more time at their Tribeca apartment around the same time that Taylor was rumored to be in upstate NY. EITHER WAY all this tells me is that when a person wants to hide….they can. And that if you do not call the paps, they won’t come to you.

    PS I can’t wait till the gossip sites find out that her and Rihanna met up in Nashville several weeks ago….

    • Moxie Remon says:

      She met Rihanna to do what? Now I’m concerned, I don’t Ri on the dark side.

      • Miles says:

        My best friend works at the restaurant they met at. It was purely business. They showed up separately and left separately. When it comes to both of their brands…the meeting could have been about anything. From a streaming service, to working together on music, to just meeting about going outside of the box. But what I do know is the employees who work at the restaurant in that area were told no cell phones, no pictures, no tweeting etc.

    • ell says:

      ‘I can’t wait till the gossip sites find out that her and Rihanna met up in Nashville several weeks ago’

      did they? how do you know?

      • Miles says:

        My best friend is a server at the restaurant they met at. Unfortunately, I can’t say I saw them with my own two eyes. Although I WISH I saw Rih in person lol I live in upstate NY but my friend moved to Nashville to work on his music career and works as a server to make ends meet. Meetings like this happen all the time between celebs….and then folks wonder “when did so and so even meet?!” But like I said above when celebs wanna lay low….they can lay low.

      • Scout says:

        No offense to the OC but I don’t believe this for a second, Rihanna barely acknowledged Swifty’s existence even when Swifty wrote her a hit song, no way in hell is she flying out to Nashville to dine at a public restaurant with Taylor.

    • Sage says:

      No RiRi!!! You’re being used!!!

      • Jessica says:

        Riri is smart and can handle her own. Whatever it is she’s getting something out of it.

      • Miles says:

        LOL as if Riri would ever be used. Rih knows exactly what she is doing. Reputations aside, her and Taylor are arguably two of the biggest names in music…and both are (or their teams are) geniuses from a business standpoint. Whatever it is that they are doing, they will both benefit greatly from it.

      • Erica_V says:

        Don’t forget Taylor wrote Calvin & Rihanna’s song “This is What You Came For” and that worked out VERY well for Rih. They’d be smart to link up and put something out.

        Now how would Katy feel about that is the real tea.

    • Paris says:

      Best rumor – Taylor Swift was pregnant with Tom Hiddleston baby and she decided to hide her pregnancy.

      I don’t like Taylor, I hated her girls squad. And her phsilosophy – if you are not with me then you are my enemy.
      Do you remember – there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women?

      But I like her songs. They are so catchy.
      I can’t help myself, when I hear “Shake it off” or “Style”.

    • She’s been in Nashville too. The kids and I were at a park a few weeks ago walking our dogs and she was there (alone) on a walk. People here generally leave celebs alone and she was left alone.

  7. Nicole says:

    She can keep the album. I doubt she’s learned anything from last year

  8. Katherine says:

    Not showing up on Jan 21

  9. QueenB says:

    It will be super interesting which angle she will play. No one will believe her pro woman stuff any longer, her fake romances are also widely mocked. She cant get political without ruining her career on the right and without the left holding her accountable to act like that in her life and not just use it to sell stuff. So where can she go?

    • OhDear says:

      My guess is that she’ll probably play victim again. She’ll try to spin the Hiddles thing as “learning a lesson” about how terrible the media is/men can be. As for Lying-About-Kanye-gate, there were people who actually sided with her because they don’t like him/the Kardashians and still think of her as a “nice” girl. She’ll probably throw some money to a couple of charitable causes, plus maybe a couple of videos of her going to a children’s hospital or meeting with fans.

      White “nice, classy, not-like-those-other-girls” privilege, man.

      • virginfangirl2 says:

        Well when I watched Nicki Minaj perform, where she spread her legs wide, and then slide her two fingers up her crotch, the fact that Taylor keeps it clean can not be denied and appreciated by myself, a mom to a teen girl. And her songs aren’t about getting trashed and screwing, so that’s appreciated. I get she’s not perfect, but some performers are setting the bar pretty low. Oh, and no sex tapes yet. No rehab for drugs. No violent public outburst. Hasn’t licked the donuts that costumers will later unknowingly buy. Hasn’t spit on her fans.

  10. Nanny to the Rescue says:


  11. justine says:

    Lord, help us all 🙂

  12. MI6 says:

    Doesn’t 2017 suck enough?!
    Stay gone, 🐍

  13. Sage says:

    She should take her time . No rush. Aim for a 2020 comeback.

  14. TyrantDestroyed says:

    Maybe she will show up for Pippa’s high profile wedding XD

  15. Skins says:

    Probably not a bad idea for her to lay low for awhile. Never been a big Swifty fan, but I do kind of like her new tune with the One Direction guy. Girl does have some talent

    • AsIf says:

      minor confusion until I realised you meant Zayn…ex-One Direction. it really sucks, you can never escape the boyband label, can you?

  16. ela says:

    I am not sure if US Weekly is trolling or being prescient by also putting Caroline Kennedy’s son on the cover. Man, I loved Tay Tay’s Kennedy phase …

  17. Erica_V says:

    To each their own – I’m really excited for new Taylor music!! 1989 was a great album.

  18. Scout says:

    I seriously doubt that Taylor is just calling up Us Weekly and Entertainment Tonight to leak sh-t about herself. <— You seriously underestimate Taylor Swift, this is page one of her playbook.

  19. LA Elle says:

    Please. The reason she’s been laying low is she’s totally pregnant with a Hiddleswift baby, and Tom was just pretending earlier this year to be heartbroken so he could protect her and the baby, because, you know, he’s that much of a gentleman and that’s how much he loves her. Oh, and Hiddleswift plan to announce their marriage and baby a couple of days after Beyonce has her “overexposed” twins.

    (Just to be clear: I don’t believe this, but I’m disappointed no one else has suggested it. Although given the cluster**** that is American politics, I feel like we all need and deserve this level of celebrity gossip apocalypse.)

  20. Betsy says:

    Eh. I liked her last album for the pop fluff it is. I am beginning to feel shallow in going deep with celeb stories when the present situation is happening in DC.

  21. mew says:

    I used to not care one bit for her in the past but last year with glorious tiddlesbanging was just that entertaining that I actually do miss her. I rather watch her snake through drama than any tired Kardashian.

  22. Atomic Rat says:

    Please don’t bother with a “comeback” – your material is old, stale and honestly pointless.

    Please continue your career as a sexless poser clothes horse – that’s a good slot for you