“Steve Harvey makes some insane demands from his staffers” links

Steve Harvey during an appearance on NBC's 'The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.'

Steve Harvey makes insane demands on his staffers. Shocking. [Buzzfeed]
Alexis Bledel is the secret weapon of The Handmaid’s Tale. [LaineyGossip]
I actually love the musical Jesus Christ Superstar & this is depressing. [Dlisted]
Instagram model was savaged on Reddit. [The Blemish]
I love looking at celebrities’ airport style. [GoFugYourself]
Brad Pitt is back at work in the art studio. [JustJared]
Tina Fey can sing! Huh. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Jamie Dornan & Peter Dinklage are making a movie together. [Socialite Life]
Elisabeth Moss, Nicole Kidman & Gwendoline Christie got together to make Top of the Lake: China Girl and it looks really good. [Jezebel]

2015 Miss Universe Red Carpet

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43 Responses to ““Steve Harvey makes some insane demands from his staffers” links”

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  1. Incredulous says:

    In more positive, optimistic news: It is the most wonderful week of the year being Eurovision Song Contest week. The second semi-final is on at 8pm UTC and, if you can, watch it (either Youtube or the Swedish broadcast is unrestricted, I think) and revel in the madness. It is commonly referred to as the “Gay Olympics” (kinda true) but the best description I can think of to give you is imagine a song/performance contest that makes wrasslin’ look like Sean Spicer’s sock collection, there truly is nothing quite like it and, if you can’t understand what’s going on, don’t worry, that means it’s being Eurovision as all get out.

    • spidey says:

      Royaume-Uni nul points?

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      If someone wants to quickly understand Eurovision before committing to watching the entire long thing, they need to find the performance of Slavko from Montenegro from the 1st semi-final. He got eliminated, but it was peak Eurovision. Prepare to be mesmerised 😉

      • spidey says:

        Eurovision Is meant to be burlesque isn’t it? 🙂

      • Norman Bates' Mother says:

        It’s meant to be extra times gazillion, that’s for sure. I’m watching the 2nd semi-final live right now and Romania knows how to do it – they have a guy who is styled to look as a punk rocker, but he’s a rapper and he’s as good at his job as my elderly uncle, and the lady with him is yodelling! They are sooo bad – I love it.

        My country – Poland is half-assing it this year, though. Our lady has a great voice and she’s singing a boring power ballad about animal rights – no naked back-up dancers jumping through fire-hoops, no break-dancing flutists – disappointing.

      • spidey says:

        I wouldn’t even know what the UK’s sounds like – haven’t watched it for years!

      • Norman Bates' Mother says:

        UK’s is the same as Poland’s – a lady with a pretty nice voice sings a ballad, boring. I started watching again last year – I used to think it’s embarassing, but now I think it’s hilarious. Some contestants are so extra, it’s unbelievable.

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      I LOVE Eurovision, esp the final when we get to listen to Graham Norton and his b!tchy commentary (not as good as Sir Terry Wogan). Its best watched in a gay bar as they got all out for it – its a great night out.

    • Incredulous says:

      The Romanian yodel song got through, the gypsy with the milk churn (no idea) got through, the Belarussian bizarro kid’s song on top of a boat got through and the weird Croatian song featuring a dude dueting with himself got through. Thankfully Ireland didn’t – we sent a trash song for trash people, it was embarrassing.

      I am hammered and love you all this night.

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        Watching the Eurovision is the best excuse to get hammered and am glad Romania got through – I kinda like it probably as they are totally committing to their performances.

      • Norman Bates' Mother says:

        Yes – the dude duetting with himself was another gem. Where else would you be able to experience Pavarotti ripping-off “Let it go” from Frozen in a duett with Nick Carter from Backstreet Boys? I wish I could here a commentary from Graham Norton during the final, but our guy is great too.
        I don’t think Irish song was that bad, but what’s with the boy’s voice? He sounded like Furby going through voice mutation.

    • Incredulous says:

      I was saddened Lithuania didn’t get through – I voted for 4 acts and theirs, sadly, got Gandalfed. It wasn’t peak Eurovision but a woman styled like David Lynch does a Dominatrix who stolidly refused to share any key either with the music or the other singer and just plain hadn’t a note in her head while she kept stomping around throwing the fingers at the audience? Loved it.

    • greenmonster says:

      I enjoyed the ESC years ago. The semi-final last night was quite disapointing, I think. Only a few candidates who were true to what makes the ESC so good – a bit trashy, very extra and singing in their own language. I know that singing in English is more appealing to the audience, but it is boring. At least put in something from your culture, something that makes it special and different. Sertap Erener or Ruslana anyone?
      And I know I’m biased but one of favorite performances is Guildo Horn from 1998. It was so bad that is was good.

  2. INeedANap says:

    Steve Harvey is a gross misogynist and Family Feud deserves better. We all do.

  3. minx says:

    Ugh, Steve Harvey. Kenan Thompson is hilarious as him on SNL.

  4. Browniecakes says:

    Not to defend Steve Harvey, but he sounds like he is responding to something that happened (in a really dick way). Wonder what it was.

    • Apples says:

      My thoughts exactly – he has clearly stated that this new policy is a response to something that has happened in the past.

    • Jem says:


    • jwoolman says:

      I think Steve Harvey is creepy, but this doesn’t sound like insane demands to me at all. Some people have no boundaries and think they can force themselves on you 24/7 even though you have told them you don’t want surprise visitors barging in on you and need time to be alone undisturbed.

      We had this problem when I was teaching in a college. Neither the secretary nor the students understood that we needed the time before class to prepare for class and needed to be uninterrupted. The guy next door started ignoring his phone and locking his door, it was so bad. We were teaching physics and needed to focus. Just preparing the night before was not enough, we had to get our heads back into gear right before. Office hours are set for a reason. I couldn’t even have a peaceful lunch in my office behind a a closed windowless door, on the few occasions I wasn’t afflicted with an indigestion-individual lunchtime meeting. Inevitably some grade grubber would show up trying to get a grade changed.

      I also keep telling locals that I need lots of warning time before they show up at my door. I’m now a freelancer and may be under a deadline or mid-sentence in a patent. Or I may have just fallen asleep after meeting a deadline and don’t appreciate someone banging at my door. But there are always a few who can’t imagine I really mean it. A couple of them will actually try to get past a latched door even though I’ve told them the inner door is open so the cats can go in and out through the car door and is not a general invitation. Every time someone wants to talk to me “just for a few minutes”, I have to start all over again. One friend actually climbed the antenna support to pound on my bedroom window when I had just gone to bed after delivering a difficult job with minimum sleep.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Yeah agreed. It might sound rude to be so explicit but I get when people invade your space during limited free time at work.

    • Louise177 says:

      I don’t see how these demands are insane. Steve just doesn’t want people to stop in his office to chat or come unannounced. He said it in a rude way but he just wants what should be common courtesy.

    • phaedra says:

      After I read the first few I thought: “Maybe I should post this memo on my office door.” I too work in an office where the culture is one of constant chaos, interruption, and OTS meetings. I’ve had to learn to get my actual work done at home. He starts to get bitchy at the end though. I’d cut that part off.

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      Yes, that was my first impression of the letter too.

      He DOES come across as snippy, and he isn’t the most sympathetic figure anyway — but this is just someone enforcing their boundaries. This is grumpy, but okay.

    • DystopianDance says:

      I am all about Boundaries. I used to give everyone the time of day – so as not to “offend” anyone. F that. My time is important. I need to nourish my self by eating peacefully and spending precious time with family and friends. I don’t know this guy, but his rules aren’t maniacal at all- but healthy sane and reasonable.

  5. detritus says:

    Lol at his reasoning. I work with academics and there is a lot of ego involved sometimes, and sometimes they are just crushingly busy and interruptions impact their efficiency, so I’ve seen a few variations on this.
    I’ve never ever seen on straight up saying they want more ‘me time’ while at work though. That’s a new one.

  6. LinaLamont says:

    I can verify that this does not even register on the Richter Scale of working with SH and his assholeness. Have accounts from friends (his former co-workers). He’s an asshole and batshit crazy.

  7. QQ says:

    Ya’ll gave Chiclets Teeth and his Melting Tupperware body Country (don’t at Me look for his shirtless pics– Should ALWAYS be the Steve Harvey Post headers) and Multi show renewals YOU GUYS KEEP HIM (and his Multibutton wide wide wide shoulder suits and his Mysogynoir and his preachy Bullsh*t advice and his soft shoe routines for Trump) He’s been Sunken Place All Stars for at least 2-5 years for me

  8. Act Like a Dbag. Think Like a Creep. That’s why I hate to defend the email but it’s not unreasonable. You can’t let people completely monopolize your time. Sounds like he has a terrible PA.

  9. Jenns says:

    I see nothing wrong with that memo. Either something happened, or he is just tired of people all up in his space.

    I wish I could send the same memo to my co-workers.

    • Boxy Lady says:

      I don’t see anything wrong with it either. Who amongst us wants to be bothered with stuff when we’re getting our hair or makeup done?

    • FUBAR says:

      I am no Steve Harvey fan but he does work three full time jobs (radio and two TV shows) His family lives in Atlanta and he films in another state. Since, I do not know what happened to make him respond like that I will give him benefit of the doubt. He just may be overworked and short on manners. No excuse, but we all have had times of being rude when too much is on our plate

  10. Anilehcim says:

    “Instagram model was savaged on Reddit.”

    I’m torn between feeling like she literally asked for it, and feeling like that was a wet dream for all the neckbeard **sholes to go ape shit on an attractive woman that they know is out of their league. All the “you will die alone” and “you’re attractive so your personality is awful” sh*t was excessive and unfunny. I don’t really go on that subreddit, but I’ve seen posts that have been hilarious.. this one was full of slutshaming and intentionally really dark and hurtful. I didn’t find it funny.

    • Moxie Remon says:

      All of this. The whole comment about her looks were just so unnecessary. So what if she has a bush? His ass is probably a King Kong impersonator and yet, he says all of those indelicate (? Is this a word, is it written correctly?) things.

    • detritus says:

      “I’m torn between feeling like she literally asked for it, and feeling like that was a wet dream for all the neckbeard **sholes to go ape sh*t on an attractive woman that they know is out of their league”

      Yes! Agree completely.
      Like the first guy maybe, but the ex was way over the line, the stuff about her not knowing how to please a man sexually, are you damn kidding me?
      I mean he probably dated her BECAUSE she’s hot and now he’s going to lay into her for it? f*ck off.

      I think it perfectly illustrates that quote, that women don’t understand how much men hate them. they hate them when they aren’t beautiful, and hate them when they are. We tell women their value is being hot, but then when they are hot we tell them they are valueless.

      It just left me with such a bad taste in my mouth.

    • Kynesgrove says:

      I’ve been on that subreddit and they will roast dudes just as bad as this girl. Although the ex’s post was just awful. He is clearly just bitter.

  11. FLORC says:

    Handmaids tale… that scene was rough to watch. Nothing gets said directly. You just know. And the expressions were tough. Like tjat pain too painful to process completely so you can’t really cry. Idk… I was left floored.

  12. teehee says:

    Sounds normal to me, although, the unfiltered nature of it shows a low level of professionalism, plus the incessant repetition— he should have done more to accept the responsiblity of his own past actions and choices as the leader, to then simply inform of a change in policies.
    Its completely normal as a leader to be “ambushed” but this is part of the responsibility as said leader, that people will depend on you alot……

    so…. he could have done much, much better. His people arent doing wrong, they just need info/input.