Star cover: Kate Gosselin’s ex-fiancee says she loves money, Ruby Tuesday’s

Star Magazine has completely jumped on the US Weekly bandwagon, and put the Gosselin drama on their cover again. This week’s cover story is “Kate’s Ex-Fiancee Tells All”, and it’s what you’d expect. Kate was engaged before she met Jon, to a guy named Adam Miller. Adam does not have fond memories of Kate, saying that she was “always chasing the money.” The Money, at that point in Kate’s life, was any guy with a Corvette. It’s like a John Cougar Mellencamp song, I swear. Adam also says that “one of the main reasons she liked me is that I had so much money flowing” which shows us the young Kate wasn’t that different from the Kate we know now. He also reveals that Kate loved her junk food. Sounds like a match made in heaven:

Who knew? Kate Gosselin was engaged before she ever met Jon — and now the fiancé she has never spoken about is telling all to Star, and he does not paint a pretty picture.

For starters, Adam Miller says the reality star supermom pressured him to marry her — but he broke off the engagement after she cheated on him at her 21st birthday party.

“She hooked up with some guy in a Corvette,” factory worker Adam says in a world exclusive interview. “She was always chasing the money.”

Kate caught Adam’s eye back in 1995 in the small town of Kutztown, Pa. Adam was 17 and a recent high school graduate. Kate, a nursing student, was a year older. Still he managed to play sugar daddy to his bride-to-be. “I spoiled Kate with gifts, like a diamond bracelet and a gold locket, and she loved that. I think one of the main reasons she liked me is that I had so much money flowing.”

Adam, 33, also reveals that Kate was nothing like the organic-food-loving health nut she is now. “We’d eat mostly hamburgers, fries, Cheetos. A typical night out was at Ruby Tuesday’s!”

[From Star]

I get really tired of people disrespecting places like Ruby Tuesday’s, Applebee’s and the Olive Garden. It’s not like any of those places are shorthand for “low class”. Granted, they’re not high class, but they’re nice places to eat! So, here’s a question – how exactly did Adam “keep the money flowing” when he was just out of high school? This remains a mystery to me, so I’ll let you guys figure it out as I go look up the words to “Pink Houses”.

Thanks to CoverAwards for the Star cover.

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26 Responses to “Star cover: Kate Gosselin’s ex-fiancee says she loves money, Ruby Tuesday’s”

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  1. ash says:

    NO WAY! I love Olive Garden and Ruby Tuesdays has an awesome salad bar. Kate’s missing out.

  2. Nikki says:

    Kate was chasing money back then? Why did she marry Jon? He was making less than she was when they married. Kate was only 18 when she dated this guy. Didn’t we all eat hamburgers, fries and Cheetos when we were 18? This guy is only out to get his fifteen minutes of fame. He’s just jealous of her success. What a loser.

  3. nimble minx says:

    and RIBS! the Ruby Tuesday around here has the best ribs that I’ve ever had outside of South Carolina.

  4. UrbanRube says:

    Probably still living at home and already working, he spent a little foolishly on his girlfriend…

  5. bella mama says:

    oh please, Ruby Tuesday’s, Applebee’s and the Olive Garden are only good restaurants if you dont know any better. they are not quality food but one step above fast food. I get that for many places that IS as good as it gets, but its far from good food.

    I’m not saying that i dont eat there because I do on occasion but not for a good meal. I go there because they’re kid friendly and convenient.

  6. Renee says:

    Ahh, I love Ruby Tuesday’s too!!

  7. Kaiser says:

    Ruby does have an incredible salad bar. That’s all I usually order.

  8. RobN says:

    Wow, an 18 year old liked eating cheeseburgers and driving around in a fast car. Shocking news indeed. This is a pathetic article.

  9. Christie says:

    I wish everyone would leave these poor people alone for gosh-sakes.

  10. Debbi says:

    Agree with Urban Rube – factory money can be pretty good, especially if you are still living at home to avoid that pesky ‘rent’ thing.

  11. HEB says:

    I Love Ruby Tuesday.

  12. karen says:

    Please get these people of the cover of all these magazines before the kids starting reading all this stuff. I feel very bad for the 8 kids.

  13. nony says:

    It’s true bella mama, let’s just stop with the pretenses. I would never label them “low class”, but those places are filled with high school students and young families for a reason– they’re relatively inexpensive, with a more social atmosphere.

    My man’s Grandparents think Red Lobster is the bee’s knees (granted, it was about 10 years ago), so we all go at least 2-3 times a year. It is what is, a step above Long John Silver’s and plated. It’s not like they charge you otherwise, so no biggie. However, you cannot tell me it’s just as good as going Roy’s, because it isn’t.

    Although to be fair, Roy’s doesn’t have those kick ass cheddar biscuits like the Lobster.

  14. Lem says:

    against the grain… I think Jon & Kate have a good chance of working it out. Tell me a couple, who has been married for more than a decade, who hasn’t had a point in time where he slept on the couch or his car/friends/motel 6. The exceptions are rare.

    Ex boyfriend from 19. Goodness. Remember yours? SIL you don’t get along with. Check. At various times in my life my favorite foods have been as far ranging as Burger King chicken sand to Patron to J Alexanders fillet. In 4th grade I would only eat salami. At 19 a typical night probably included sliders.

  15. Annie says:

    I don’t know about “nice places to eat” Kaiser, but they’re not hole in the walls.

    And as for Kate loving junk food and switching? Good for her, lots of Americans should jump on that.

  16. Great, now Kate will start doing commercials for Ruby Tuesday, just to prove this big mouth wrong!

  17. Commander PopTart says:

    This is relevant to what? I’ll be glad when their 15 minutes is up, but TLC will have no part of that, and neither will Kate.

    So long as there are idiots Kate will have a market to peddle her wares.

  18. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    For anyone feeling sorry for Kate or wishing the media would stop, they helped to create this, please remember that. Overexposure to the public comes with the money you might make AND the bad side. It’s a sell your soul to the devil sort of thing. No sympathy, this is typically what happens.

  19. lauging says:

    Oh my god, this is all such crap. I know when i was 18 i went around with a guy in a fast car, who had money. it was exciting but i would never marry the guy. which, is what kate did. Kate looks like she works damn hard, she has 8 kids, and a husband who says he helps out but how does he really? This adam guy sounds like he is pissed that he isn’t “Adam and kate plus 8”

  20. Mandy says:

    Factory money can be DAMN good. My aunt worked at Delphi (used to be Delco) for 40 years, and when she retired, she was making almost $28/hour, not to mention the amazing medical insurance. She loves Olive Garden, too, but it really is the nicest restaurant around where she lives. When she’d come to visit us in Chicago, we’d take her to authentic Italian restaurants, but she insisted Olive Garden was better.

    Regarding Kate, I don’t like to call people fat, but let’s be honest: she does NOT have the figure for that bikini! Muffin tops! (Yeah, I know, 8 kids, but if she’s gonna wear that…!)

  21. rybee says:

    I’ll tell you that Adam is speaking the truth. She’s a gold digger, very controlling and no wonder Jon and she are split up. I’d have dumped her after the first slap on the face she gave me. She’s not a Mom. She’s more like a mother dog who poops out a litter and expects everyone to dote on her.

  22. HashBrowns says:

    The Olive Garden, Applebees and Ruby Tuesday are what you call “casual dining” restaurants. You get generally nicer food than McDonald’s, you get to sit down and eat it off of stuff that is reusable and they are relatively cheap and kid friendly.

    Don’t see what the problem is. They serve a particular purpose and do it well.

    Anywho, she should not be wearing a bikini. I understand that she’s a confident woman or whatever but…yeesh.

  23. AC says:

    Yeah I hate when people diss my fave chain restaurants…Ruby Tuesday’s, Applebee’s, P.F. Chang’s, Olive Garden, Cheesecake Factory, Bennigan’s, TGI Friday’s, Chili’s., even IHOP…as if these places are oh-so-low-class!

    Oh please, the meals are tasty and they ain’t that cheap either lately!

    Heck, I just spent nearly $70 last night on two drinks, a salad and dessert at Cheesecake Factory!

    But it was all pretty good so I guess it was worth it.

  24. Angela says:

    Scum ball of the week award goes to Adam Miller. What a jerk! What kind of man (I use that term loosely) goes to a magazine to share stories about his ex that happened so long ago. What a jerk!

  25. Chris says:

    Kate is a cum dumpster. If anyone thinks any of those resturant are great you need to get out of your trailor park.

  26. Kate says:

    Who gives a rats ass if they are nice places to eat?

    In that related realm of thinking; Why does anyone care where other people eat?

    I don’t care where anyone gets their dinner; go forth, and eat where you want to!

    I hardly ever go out to eat because I interned for the building inspectors office in college and I saw the kitchens of many places…

    ……..and let me tell you, the kitchens of the $100+ a plate places were just as nasty as the fast-food places. And if you think otherwise, you are fooling yourself.