Donald Trump is basically in hiding during the Russian ‘Category 5 hurricane’

U.S President Donald Trump and Polish President Andrzej Duda attend a press conference in Warsaw, Poland

There are twenty-million stories about and around the ongoing Donald Trump Jr saga and it’s all pretty amazing and terrifying. The White House refuses to do on-camera briefings, Emperor Baby Fists hasn’t been seen – even in a heavily controlled environment – for days, and Baby Fists seems to just sit on Twitter every morning, retweeting Fox News stories (likely as he watches Fox News). Senior advisors to the president are growing increasingly paranoid and gossipy too, with recriminations back and forth about “who inside the Trump orbit may be leaking damaging information about the president’s son.” There’s a new WaPo story called “‘Category 5 hurricane’: White House under siege by Trump Jr.’s Russia revelations.” Please enjoy some highlights:

In the eye of a hurricane. One outside ally called it a “Category 5 hurricane,” while an outside adviser said a CNN graphic charting connections between the Trump team and Russians resembled the plot of the fictional Netflix series “House of Cards.”

Mike Pence doesn’t know her. Even Vice President Pence sought to distance himself from the controversy, with his spokesman noting that Trump Jr.’s meeting occurred before Pence joined the ticket.

Reince Priebus might be on the chopping block? But a White House spokesman did tell the WaPo, “Jared and Ivanka are focused on working with Reince and the team to advance the President’s agenda and not on pushing for staff changes.” So, Precious Jared and Ivanka are pro-Reince… for now.

The Trump Republicans will work to discredit journalists. A handful of Republican operatives close to the White House are scrambling to Trump Jr.’s defense and have begun what could be an extensive campaign to try to discredit some of the journalists who have been reporting on the matter. Their plan, as one member of the team described it, is to research the reporters’ previous work, in some cases going back years, and to exploit any mistakes or perceived biases. They intend to demand corrections, trumpet errors on social media and feed them to conservative outlets, such as Fox News. But one outside adviser said a campaign against the press when it comes to Trump Jr.’s meeting could be futile: “The meeting happened. It’s tough to go to war with the facts.”

[From WaPo]

The whole idea that Emperor Bigly and his most precious Deplorables would realize that the facts are the facts and that Don Jr. incriminated himself… well, that seems like we’re giving them too much credit. These are the same people who bitch and moan about fake news and alternative facts. This is the same president who created a voter-fraud commission as a way to discredit the fact that Hillary Clinton received millions more votes. This is the same White House who sent out surrogates to claim that the Don Jr. thing was a giant “nothingburger.” These people don’t understand what is factual and what is not.

Bigly has been tweeting again this morning:

Except that in the case of Don Jr. and the emails, the New York Times had it dead-right?

G20 summit in Hamburg - Airport Arrivals

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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71 Responses to “Donald Trump is basically in hiding during the Russian ‘Category 5 hurricane’”

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  1. Mermaid says:

    This from the man who constantly says “people are saying”. And no on camera briefings. We have become a dictatorship. I am hoping Bob Mueller can save us soon. Apologies to our allies, many of us didn’t vote for him and want him out immediately.

    • Jenns says:

      Don’t forget all the “sources” Trump claimed to speak to about Obama and his birth certificate.

    • Alexandria says:

      If Mueller can save you (and us i.e.the world), please put his face on your dollar bill. Maybe Merkel may put it on the Euro also.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes. The fact that they would rather put their efforts into destroying the media than actually acting with integrity and in the best interests of the American people is just mind boggling to me. JFC.

      • B n A fn says:

        They are a mafia family from the beginning. 45 in the casino and building business where they say is run by the mafia. 45 was never in this, the presidency, to help America, it was all about lining his family and friends pockets. People on this board tried to educate the deplorables before the election but the reps did not care how dispictable 45 was. They only wanted to hear about how to get rid of the poor brown and black people from coming to this country. First they wanted Mexico to pay for some stupid border wall. Is Mexico stupid to pay for a wall they cannot use. Now they are saying there are almost no one is crossing the border any more. They said the border crossing is
        down 70% I believe. Why spend billions of dollar building this
        wall when that money can go to ACA, jmo.

    • WhatThe says:

      You are right. He always says “people are saying”, but says “sources say” is fake news. I think he is showing many obvious signs of dementia. And it is not early onset as he is 71.

  2. Jenns says:

    We don’t have a president. We just have a old man who tweets things.

    • k37744 says:

      And he Tweets! Like a! 14 year-old! GIRL!


    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      @Jenns Spot on !

    • B n A fn says:

      I’m wondering if he’s sick. There are tweets from his account, how do we know he’s tweeting. Last week I said he looked like an old man sitting there wondering ‘who am I, why am I here, where am I”. He looks like a lost puppy.

      Jenny, I love ❤️ your comment.

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        I doubt that a 71yo has no health conditions whatsover. His mental state, oh, his mental state.
        I am sure he tweets himself, but someone else manages his IG.

      • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

        He’s not physically sick, he just has no major hardon for supporting his sons. This is a weak sauce tweet and only after 3days of leaving Don Jr. to twist in the wind alone. It’s as if he was forced to send the tweet! If it had been precious Ivanka, there would be passionate tweets every 5 minutes defending her and attacking the press, Obama, HRC, liberals, Europe, the Earth. He sent more tweets defending Ivanka when stores dropped her clothing line than he has defending his son against possible treason.

        Even Ivanka is all about Jared, nothing about her brother. Weird family.

      • jetlagged says:

        It occurred to me the other day now that he’s president he’ll have to do an official POTUS physical every year. Or will he? I know every single president in recent memory has done physicals with independent physicians and, at a minimum, summaries of results were released publicly. I just don’t know if it’s a legal requirement or something tradition/protocol demanded and POTUS can opt out if he is so inclined.

      • maisie says:

        Eck – “lost puppy” – only if that “puppy” is a vicious, selfish narcissist who only cares about enriching himself at the expense of this country. His family is horrific, not weird. Never seen such openly craven, grasping grifters in my life. The Trumps make Nixon look like a veritable saint.

    • MostlyMegan says:

      And while this sh1t show rattles on, the American people are without a leader and NOTHING IS GETTING DONE for our country. NOTHING

      • Jenns says:

        With Republicans in charge, that might not be a bad thing.

      • Ashamed 2 b a FL Girl says:

        Amen, Jenns!

      • Tiffany :) says:

        This is so important. Hurricane season is just around the corner, and I don’t think they have staffed FEMA yet. A retail real estate collapse is about to happen, and our government will be completely unprepared to respond.

        I don’t like the GOP, but their not having their sh*t together will seriously harm people’s lives. This isn’t just a partisan game, these are real and serious responsibilities they are failing at.

      • holly hobby says:

        @Tiffany if that’s true let it fail. Then the zombies will wake up and see that GOP doesn’t have their backs after all. However, I’m sure they will tell them it’s the minority party that’s behind this.

        Evil Pence told the people of Kentucky that they can’t repeal OCare because the Dems won’t work with the GOP. That is so stupidly dumb. They are the minority party. GOP has the majority. There’s no obstruction from the other side.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “let it fail” might help voters realize the inability of the GOP to govern…but I myself can’t put politics before human beings. With a major hurricane where FEMA is unable to provide support, it won’t be the 1% Trump supporters that are getting hurt the most. It will be the impoverished people who don’t have the means to escape that will lose their property and possibly lives.

        And you are right, no matter what happens the GOP will blame the democrats because that is all they know how to do.

  3. lightpurple says:

    Add “transparent” to the list of words these peopled don’t understand. The emails prove Donnie Jr and daddy have been lying for a year, not that they have been transparent.

    I predict lots of kid pictures from Princess Nagini today.

    • Stella in NH says:

      The only reason why junior became “transparent” is because he wanted to beat being exposed by the New York Times.

      • noway says:

        Yes. Wouldn’t it be funny if the NYT now said we only heard what the emails said, but thanks Don Jr. for releasing them. It would so get under his and his father’s skin as they were willing to keep on lying and lying terribly. He thinks he beat the media, and made himself look good, and he really just made a bigger mess. For the life of me I don’t understand why they don’t listen to their lawyers, guess they are over privileged and know better.

        Also, did anyone see Stephen Colbert and his tweets from a journalist where the journalist said I have been digging and working for months for this info and Don Jr. just tweets it out. It is so funny. If this was a fiction book the whole thing would be hysterical. Too bad it’s real, takes the fun out of it.

      • Lady D says:

        ” Wouldn’t it be funny if the NYT now said we only heard what the emails said, but thanks Don Jr. for releasing them.”
        That is hilarious, and imagine the White House calling that statement fake news.

    • Jerusha says:

      Lately her M.O. Is going for a run in skintight outfits.

    • Esmom says:

      I know. They throw around the word transparency around as if they just learned it and think it will somehow magically erase the fact that Junior told lie after lie after lie. About just that one thing. Transparency, lol.

    • Megan says:

      If he really wants to be transparent, let’s see the emails after the meeting.

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      Transparent is another one of those words that was long ago hijacked by corporate and management liars who really intend to obfuscate, confuse and hide their crooked agenda. It’s lost all the meaning that was initially intended.

      The Trumps are just so stupid they think it’s a word that still has any meaning.

  4. nemera34 says:

    He and his team are monitoring he reaction to their denials and their spin to see which one hit with their supporters. That will be what he tweets about. That will be what the take will be. And watching them on the morning show.. they are going with Ukraine and the DNC. and of course Hillary Clinton. Because everything is about Hillary. I even heard Rep. Steve King make a threat that they would start an investigation of Hillary and Ukraine if the Trump Russia Investigation continues. The GOP is disgusting in their moral compass. They will defend anything Trump does. No matter how bad it is to the nation they represent

    • swak says:

      On a feed on my FB one commenter was telling us all to wait until Hillary, Chelsea and Bill were all in jail for all the things they have done. No proof – just for all they have done. Boggles my mind that they can’t see what is plainly in front of their eyes. Reading comprehension mustn’t be their strength. Also, just to throw this out there, wonder if Donny Jr has been told to take the hit on the Russian probe and therefore Trump is innocent in all of it.

      • vaultdweller101 says:

        It’s all really sad. I have a “libertarian” friend who keeps saying that “no one can explain the Russia thing, it’s just nonsense” and “the Democrats are just hurting themselves trying to make something out of nothing!”

        It’s like… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If you don’t understand why this is being investigated, then you have no business commenting on the issue in the first place.

      • B n A fn says:

        On morning joe this morning they were saying 45 had implicated himself in the cover up. What they said that on Saturday on air force one they held a meeting on how to squash this fire storm. They decided that he Jr would put it out that he was meeting with people who he did not know to talk about Russian adoptiond and
        45 signed off on this, so BAM!!! He knew and was in on the cover up until NYT threatened on Monday they were going to post the emails. Then the story changed and Jr put out some of the emails. They believe those are not all of the emails, more to come. Stay tuned.

  5. grabbyhands says:

    “The meeting happened. It’s tough to go to war with the facts.”

    I’m kind of surprised that anyone in the 45 camp would say this considering how little weight the facts have held with the citizens of this country since he started his campaign.

    And wait, I thought all the stories coming out about HIM were the greatest witch hunt in history-is he really voluntarily ceding that victim status to his son? Color me shocked.

    • Nicole says:

      Well staffers stuck in the WH aren’t all pro-45. Many of the leaks are being done by people in the WH because they are worried. It’s not surprising they believe that. I bet some of the pro-45 people are saying this behind the scenes as well. Sure on camera they will pretend it’s nothing but many of them have been in the game long enough to know this is a watergate about to go tick tick boom and soon.

      • minx says:

        Trump inspires no loyalty because he would throw anybody under the bus, with the exception (maybe) of Ivanka. His WH has been described as the leakiest ever, before he even took office. And thank goodness.

      • AnnaKist says:

        I wonder who will bite the bullet and spill their guts publicly? Someone usually does. I’d bet there’s a lot of digging going on behind the scenes, such as any written communications following that meeting. Poor America.

  6. nemera34 says:

    Interesting how both of Trumps tweets have close to the same number of likes and retweets..

  7. third ginger says:

    My husband and I loved Trump’s “my son is a high quality person.” Sounds as if Don Jr. has a thread count!

  8. RBC says:

    I am trying to figure out if Melania is giving the world a secret code with that dress she is wearing. It looks like a stylized election sign for Oprah Winfrey for president(if she ran) in 2020

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      I think Melania is wondering how in the heck she can extricate herself from this sinking ship.

  9. Insomniac says:

    I just saw a video of Andy Serkis reading Trump’s tweets in Gollum’s voice on Colbert last night. “What’s covfefe, precious?” I feel guilty laughing while this ignoramus is destroying the country, but here we are.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      We need our comic relief to stay sane and detached. It’s okay.

    • Kitten says:

      I go on Twitter to laugh at people’s replies to Trump. It’s a coping mechanism at this point and I don’t blame anyone for using it to get through this. As I always say when referring to this administration: it’s either laugh or cry.

      • Radley says:

        I laugh at Trump and his co-conspirators daily. They’re ridiculous. Even a pic of Trump can give me the giggles. The man is a hot mess.

        I take their foolery seriously, but I reserve the right to laugh at and mock them.

    • cindy says:

      Don’t feel bad! I think its a coping mechanism. The Onion has helped me survive (among many others). Celebitchy has been funny through the horror show too, thank god.

  10. Beth says:

    My 12 year old nephew asked me yesterday why I’m so obsessed with Trump news. I’ve never followed politics as much as I do now. Who couldn’t be obsessed and nervous while all this Trump shit keeps happening EVERY day?

    • swak says:

      I’m with you Beth. I haven’t followed politics as much either. But this is just unbelievable.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      At 12 years old it would be hard to understand. At 12 I couldn’t totally follow my parents’ obsession with Vietnam; by 13 I understood the risk to my draft-age brothers and by 14 I understood the insanity and shame of US involvement.

      When adults now don’t understand the obsessiveness, it’s probably the same people who didn’t pay attention during the campaign and fell for simplistic messages. Most people are apolitical and make decisions only at the end (which is why the Comey thing hit so hard).

  11. Tiffany27 says:

    I’m just over here cackle-screaming at the fact that DoIt45 had to have all this help from Russia and STILL lost the popular vote by like 2 million.

    • vaultdweller101 says:

      Well, they won in every other way that counted. So, a Pyrrhic victory for sanity and America.

  12. nona says:

    Well, this is interesting: Huffington Post is saying that a WaPo reporter tracked down a Trump speech in June of last year in which Trump senior promised big news about Hillary Clinton just hours after Trump junior scheduled the meeting with the Russians. So he knew. The f-cker.

    • third ginger says:

      Yes. he knew. Obviously, they briefly thought it was going to be a turning point in the campaign.

    • B n A fn says:

      That speech is on Also the timeline from when this whole collusion started and how 45 used it to his advantage. Without a doubt they were given information that they used in stein campaign. Btw, con jr saying was given it the meeting, that’s a lie there is evidence when you follow the timeline. It’s all there on

  13. Disco Dancer says:

    Abahahahahaaha!!! I’m loving this!!! I’ve been subscribing to the NYT since this fraudster stole the election last year and I am thrilled
    That NYT delivers on its investigative journalism, once again! The Trump
    Parasites will rue the day that they decided
    To go to war against the 4th estate by dismissing them as “fake news”, the day they decided to go to war against evidence and facts, the day they decided that people didn’t need to be well read and informed! Trump is so so stupid that he didn’t realize the arm of the law and the media are very long indeed, and you pull stunts like wrestling the CNN logo to the ground, you’ll get them to come after you and throw you punches, repeatedly.

    What do they say about not cornering an animal? About not getting people backed
    Into a corner, defensively? They start fighting back, don’t they?


  14. Madpoe says:

    We are a Nation with no leader.

  15. minx says:

    “MIke Pence doesn’t know her”–Kaiser, I’m dying here!

  16. nicegirl says:

    Did anyone watch Stephen Colbert last night? They did a super funny graphic which ended up with Jr in jail, I was cracking up.

  17. Lori says:

    The facts are clear, but nothing will happen because the republicans think he is amazing no. Matter. What.

  18. Bobbysue says:

    The roses in the window box have tilted to one side. Everything this family touched is gonna rot and die. They didn’t even last a year to this very day. We said sorry Chump when we dumped the Trump as they hauled them all A-way-A ..

  19. Deeanna says:

    They really don’t look like a happy couple, do they?

    Does anyone other than me think that Melania may be just a tad older than her claimed 47?

    And why do his suits still fit so badly?

    • Green says:

      Don’t know if this blog has covered it but apparently she’s in a relationship, which Trump knows about, with the head of security at Trump Tower in NYC. That’s partly why she never wanted to head to DC. The guy’s also married and physically a huge upgrade.

  20. Anare says:

    Mr & Mrs Baby Fists have such awkward waves when they get off a plane. They look like Buzz Lightyear “I come in peace”.