Donald Trump is too weak & low-energy to actually fire AG Jeff Sessions, SAD!

On Monday, CB optimistically said to me and Hecate that she had a feeling that this week was not going to be so f–king awful. She was wrong. SO WRONG. Every week under the Baby Fists Regime is awful. Every week feels like a lifetime, a lifetime of crap and nonsense and tragedy. Everything is deplorable. So, here are some of the stories going around this morning:

Senator McCain’s triumphant return. He returned to the Senate, voted to move the healthcare bill to the floor for debate, then bitched about the bill because both sides of the aisle should be working together, then he voted for the f–king bill which would have taken away healthcare from literally millions of Americans. That’s John McCain in a nutshell. So mavericky.

The GOP’s healthcare bill. So, the bill moved to the floor for debate, and then the Senate voted on it. It did not pass. All the Democratic senators voted no, and they were joined by nine Republican senators. Don’t celebrate though – there will be more bills and more votes and it’s completely possible that Mitch McConnell and his minions will find a way to push through the bulk of the Republican healthcare agenda piece-by-piece.

Trump versus Sessions. KKKeebler Elf Jeff Sessions isn’t going to resign, thank you very much. Donald Trump has been trying to bully Sessions into resigning – or something? – for weeks now. While it’s believed that Sessions offered Trump his resignation months ago (and Trump refused it), Sessions now insists that he’s not planning to quit. Sessions has more support from the Breitbart conservative wing of the party, mostly because he’s the most racist elf in all the land. Trump is still bitching about Sessions publicly too.

Paul Manafort and the subpoena. Manafort – who was Trump’s campaign manager – was supposed to testify in an open session before the Senate Judiciary committee today. The committee even issued a subpoena. Then they withdrew the subpoena and now Manafort won’t be testifying this week.

Last thing: Trump is tweeting this morning. He’s bullying female senators.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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140 Responses to “Donald Trump is too weak & low-energy to actually fire AG Jeff Sessions, SAD!”

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  1. nemera34 says:

    It’s what a Bully does. Taunt and taunt and pick on you until you break. He wants Sessions to Break. and if he was the Bad Ass he thinks he is he would man up and do what he is playing at. He is such an ass.

    • Shelly says:

      Newt Gringrich was on NPR this morning defending Trump. According to Trump, the issue is the Justice Department is 99% Democrat. THe language used to refer to the lawyers Mueller hired was killers. He kept repeating the word killers over and over again. THis is not headed to a good place, we know, but how bad and ugly. We are headed for a full on civil war.

      • Ally says:

        I love this ‘logic’ where only Republicans can investigate Republicans, and also only Republicans can investigate Democrats.

        Guess what — the underlying thing is that only Republicans should get to dominate and exercise powers over others and they’ll lie, break norms and cheat (gerrymandering, voter suppression) to do it. Nope.

    • Shelly says:

      Transgenders are no longer allowed in military. It’s not even noon yet!

      • third ginger says:

        Outrageous discrimination!! The excuse is that trans folks cost too much in terms of medical care. My bet is right now people at the Human Rights Campaign and other LGBT rights groups are researching what the military spends on Viagra and hair transplants!! I say this as a daughter of a veteran of three wars. Not anti-military, just anti-hate!!

      • Shambles says:

        Don’t mean to nitpick, but please use “transgender people” and not “transgenders.” I know there was no bad intention there, but it can come off as reductive and dehumanizing, like “blacks.”

      • jwoolman says:

        Shambles – twitter has a character limit… definitely people shorten terms accordingly.

        Also terms change all the time. Real people of African descent also have used (and still do use) the term “blacks” as well as many others in analogy to the term “whites”. It’s not typically considered derogatory (it’s not like the N word) and it would be unwise to assume that is the intent even if you yourself have a strong preference for something else.

        Since I was born in the middle of the last century, I’ve seen many changes in the way various groups identify themselves. As preferences change, often the change is not universal within the affected group, often along generational lines. When I did written interviews, I always just asked people their preferences in key terms like that if they were in the affected group. There really is no other way to be sure what is important to the individual. The same is true for titles. Nobody is going to know how much I hate “Ms.” and “Miss” unless I tell them, because there are other people who use those titles with no problem for themselves.

      • Honey says:

        +100 agree with everything you said jwoolman. I’m a black American woman and I don’t find “blacks” dehumanizing. I think the N word is horrible and it pisses me off when anyone says it. My brother is gay and says homosexuals, not “homosexual people. ”
        I don’t mind Ms, but I hate being called ma’am

    • Holly hobby says:

      But evil eye of newt also supports Keebler so if Orangino mans up and actually fires Keebler, he’ll lose eye of newt’s support.

      That evil cabbage patch doll should just stfu.

      • tmot says:

        Gingrich is not going to stop supporting his big boss, no matter what. He is amoral and cares only about himself. As with so many of them.

        KKKeebler Elf is appalling and should go, but I shudder to think who his replacement would be. Look what happened with Spicey!

        *BUT HER EMAILS*


  2. Beth says:

    Seeing all those people cheering for Trump in Ohio made me remember how dense people can be. Him saying that no other president has accomplished as much as him and compared himself to Abraham Lincoln was ridiculous. It blows my mind that people still support and believe him

    • swak says:

      I read that. From his speech (per Huffington Post):

      “Sometimes, they say, ‘He doesn’t act presidential,’” Trump said of his critics. “And I say, ’Hey look ― great schools, smart guy ― it’s so easy to act presidential. But that’s not going to get it done. … With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that’s ever held this office. That I can tell you. It’s real easy.”

      Amazing that other presidents got things done and still acted Presidential. This just really had my eyes rolling back in my head.

      • LadyMTL says:

        “I can be more presidential than any president that’s ever held this office….”

        I mean, whaaat? I actually can’t stop laughing, this is so silly. He sounds like a child on the verge of having a tantrum because he’d being taunted by another : I’m more presidential! No, I am! NO, MEEEEE! *Cue the tears and foot stomping and so on*

      • Esmom says:

        Appalling. If you have to work that hard to convince people you can be presidential — you should be nowhere near the office. As we all know.

        I just read a great article on his Boy Scout speech and how he manages to inject partisan politics everywhere it’s never been appropriate. And how he pretty much embodies the opposite of what scouting is supposed to be about.

        As Kaiser said, every week feels like a lifetime.

      • Radley says:

        You don’t understand. No one has ever gotten anything done in the history of ever. Only Bigly Smalls and Bigly Smalls alone can save you. Got it? Nothing means anything. You and I and everyone else are failures. Bigly has come to rescue you. Pledge your allegiance or perish.

        I really think that’s how his sick mind works.

      • Imqrious2 says:

        Anyone else get a vision of little Princess Charlotte stamping her little feet on the tarmac and having a mini-meltdown on the tarmac while reading this? Little Orange Trumpolini stamping his little feet, saying “I’M more presidential! I am, I am, I AM, TOO!”

    • Radley says:

      They don’t care what he says. They just want him to round up and kill and/or ennslave all the scary “others” while they magically earn half a mil a year working in obsolete industries or without any of the skills needed for the modern workforce. Sad!

      His hardcore base is as nasty, selfish and delusional as he is.

      • Gina says:

        You are absolutely right. They are just sitting around waiting for someone to pay them the big salaries and get the big houses because, in their minds, they believe they “deserve it”. Like it’s some kind of birth right.
        And the worst part, in their twisted heads, it’s because of every minority, and gay person or transgender. Anyone who isn’t “them” is at fault and is KEEPING this great life from them.

      • Disco Dancer says:

        Yea that’s why nowadays when I read another article about how the rural white America is suffering, due to the world marching off to progress and they stubbornly refuse to do so, I don’t feel bad for these nasty, Trump loving, oxygen thieves at all!

    • GiBee says:

      He’s white and male. To the kind of people that support him, that makes him “presidential”.

  3. Sorry, no dignity in that says:

    Trump just ended the US support for terror groups. Sic! Apparently US secret services had supported islamist parties and islamist combat groups in the middle east with money and weapons. Trump stopped that.
    I doubt that Trump is that weak. He is not likeable. I detest him. But he just proved he can rule the US secret services. Even Obama had difficulties with that task.

    • EOA says:

      That sounds like a right wing talking point and as such, I am going to need more information that doesn’t come from Fox, Breitbart, or any RW blog.

      • Jerusha says:

        This is probably what she’s referring to and undoubtedly, he ended it because Pootie told him to, as it went against Russian interests. Gotta serve your master.

      • EOA says:

        Gotcha. And yes, that’s not “ending US support for terrorists,” that is “letting Assad off the hook because that is what Russia wants.” So try again with this notion that he has “control” of anything that actually benefits American interests.

      • GiBee says:

        Don’t forget “acknowledging covert ops on Twitter”.

      • No Dignity in that says:

        The US-supported terrorists in Syria were supposed to be “moderate”. However often they would merely pretend to be moderate then they would get the arms and then it usually turned out that they weren’t moderate but fundamentalists. These very same US-supported fundamentalists would then proceed to kill US soldiers who fought in the middle east.
        Basically the US (secret services) were supporting more weapons into a warzone and they didn’t have much control over those who used the weapons nor against whom they would be used.

        Trump ended that. Good. Obama hadn’t managed. Killary Clinton would have continued.

        Nope, I don’t like Trump. I actually detest him. But nevertheless I try to get what is going on.

        Cooperation between the US and Russia in Syria started under Obama. Because neither Russia nor the USA were particularly keen on accidentally nor purposefully killing each other. Russia lend military support to Assad who asked for it. The US were trying to unseat Assad. All of them: Assad, Russia and the US were trying to fight Isis and other islamist groups while at the same time the US secret services armed “moderate” muslim groups who would usually turn out to be fundamentalists in fact (see Al-Nusra).

        And yes, there is even more crazy going on in the middle east. Try Saudi Arabia’s interference who wants Assad unseated, too, and who actually is currently bombing Yemen which is a country that is too “moderate” for the Saudis who are leaning towards islamic fundamentalism.

    • Pollyanna says:

      Trump is the guy cozying up to Saudi Arabia, who fund Islamic terrorism whilst bombing Yemen back to the Stone Age and gave us almost all the 9/11 terrorists. Who needs underground deals when you can sell arms openly?

      He also tripled the casualty rate for innocent civilians in Syria & Iraq.

    • minx says:

      “Proved he can rule the US secret services?” Please.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Um… What?

      1. There’s no evidence of any terrorism funding or that Trump stopped this alleged funding.

      2. If there was, it’s not appropriate Twitter fodder. One doesn’t reveal/discuss sensitive classified intel in 180 characters.

      3. Please, if your going to discuss this kinda stuff, learn the lingo. There are no Secret Services in the US. There is the Secret Service, which has nothing to do with any of this cause its job is simply protection. And there are intelligence agencies and military agencies. Intelligence and military agencies could possibly be involved in any alleged terrorism support, but that would more likely be State Department stuff. As I have no idea which group you are actually accusing, I can’t make sense of your argument.

      4. Trump has not shown himself in control of Secret Service, Intelligence/Military agencies of the State Dept. This is objective fact, as he has shown he neither understands, trusts, or respects any of these groups. Ranting on Twitter does not make a person in control.

      • Jerusha says:

        Pretty sure Sorry is conflating ending funding to Syrian rebels into “ending support for terror groups/ruling the secret services.” A misreading, imo.

      • Algernon says:

        Regurgitating right wing spin, more like.

    • Lee1 says:

      Yeah, I am personally just assuming Sorry is a Russian bot or teenager being paid to spread this “news”.

    • magnoliarose says:

      NOPE! But nice try. Unlike you Trumples many of us have critical thinking skills and a good handle on reality. Move along and collect your rubles like a good little fascist.

      Before you crawl back to your basement I want to thank you for letting us know someone finds Celebitchy threatening enough to send you here. You aren’t the first bottom feeder to show up.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      “Sorry, no dignity in that”

      Is that username a reflection of your comment?

    • jwoolman says:

      Sorry- Where are from? I’ve never heard anyone in the US refer to “secret services” that way. We have the Secret Service which protects the President and related people, but the term isn’t used for other agencies here.

      Also, “sic” isn’t used that way. It’s used after an obvious error in a quoted text so that the writer doesn’t get blamed for the mistake. For example, I will put [sic] after a translation of a word that makes no sense in context and is probably a typo. Sometimes I will add my best guess for the correct text. So putting “sic” after your first sentence would lead someone to believe that you think it is not correct.

    • Tanguerita says:

      Try harder, bot.

  4. StartupSpouse says:

    GQ had a great article about how John McCain’s time as a senator is a Great American Lie. Highly recommend.

    I think Sessions is trying to box in Trump by making Trump fire him. If he fires him and installs an AG that fires Mueller, that could be part of a case for obstruction of justice. Not hard to put these pieces together…

    • Holly hobby says:

      Jeffry beau maybe evil but he’s not stupid. After all, he is an attorney. I think you’re right.

      The dominos will fall hard and fast if orangino fires Keebler. Keebler knows it too.

  5. Megan says:

    I saw a t-shirt yesterday that read: Elect a clown, expect a circus. That pretty much sums it up.

    Oh, and f$ck McCain and the horse he rode in on.

  6. Nyawira says:

    I want him to fire Sessions because it helps divide the deplorables a little bit and will convince rIght leaning independents that he really must be hiding something

    • Jerusha says:

      A TV News poll here in Mobile yesterday was Cornpone 60%, Asshole 24%. But, understandable, since Corny started his despicable career here.

      • Gina says:

        Very interesting. Even to your point about your local yocal. It does say to me that his base isn’t as loyal as he would believe. That he can turn them off too. I suspect his speech to the boy scouts also turned off some of his supports. I think there are many who are getting as tired of this man’s behavior as the rest of us.

  7. Rapunzel says:

    This man is so fu-king ridiculous.

    He cannot stop campaigning or talking about Hillary/Obama. All while saying the Dems can’t get over their loss. It seems like he can’t get over his win. He clearly didn’t want this. He clearly can’t do this job, either. Hence the whataboutism. And the telling yacht orgy stories to boy scouts.

    He knows how nothing works. One thing I haven’t seen discussed is his recent ridicule of the EU as protectionist. My lord, the stupid hurts. America will have zero allies when he’s through.

    I’m dying for the peepee tape to be released to prove, once and for all, that Russia is not, and has never been, fake news. Maybe that will finally make things happen to end this farce.

  8. Mermaid says:

    At his rally he had some horrible lines about illegal immigrants killing young women. The language was horribly graphic but to me it was a slip of conscience-no one would speak these things unless they had thought about the same thing. He’s a fanatic cult leader. What can we do? I said yesterday is it time for Supreme Court to declare election invalid? Can we invoke Article 5 in NATO? Just anything to get him out!!!!

    • Angela82 says:

      Because there has never been a legal Caucasian American citizen killing young women. *eye roll*

      Trump himself is a sexual predator.

  9. Beth says:

    Ugh! ScaryMooch is on CNN right now interrupting and talking over Jake Tapper. I don’t know how he keeps shoveling out the bull shit lies to defend Trump. He and Kellyann used to hate Trump! Now they “love, love, love ” Trump. Mooch is so annoying and frustrating that he makes me want to scream

    • Honey says:

      I had to mute that. He’s a nightmare as stupid as the rest of the Trump lovers

    • Megan says:

      My cat’s name is Moochie, and we call her The Mooch. Now we have to come up with a new nickname. Trump ruins everything!

      • jwoolman says:

        No, no, no. That just means Trump hired somebody named after your cat. The cat has first dibs.

  10. Clare says:

    I don’t think Sessions will leave of his own volition. He doesn’t have his senate seat to go back to.

    I hope he and Trump will have a massive falling out, and Sessions will sing like a canary.

    Surely a demon like Sessions…there is no way he would walk away from this quietly?

    • Megan says:

      If the Brietbart crowd is still behind Sessions, he isn’t going anywhere. Trump is trying to get the base to turn on Sessions, but, so far, it isn’t working. Sessions knows he is safe for the time being.

      • KWM says:

        Sessions knows he is safe because Trump will never fire him and unlike Spicer who was staff, Trump can’t just replace Sessions or lesson his role or hire a person he will not want to work under. Plus the Senate will never confirm any pick who refuses to say they will not fire Mueller, which is what Trump wants. And as much as I hate Sessions he was well liked on both sides.

        Also if Trump keeps insulting the south they will turn on him. His comment about Session not knowing what 40,000 people at a rally was, please they get 3 times that at football games. Between this, his yacht story, his coastal elitism is being to creep out.

      • Jerusha says:

        @KWM. Attendance at the Iron Bowl(Alabama/Auburn)typically runs 100,000+, so trump is spewing his usual shit.

      • Holly hobby says:

        GOP congress has Keebler’ back too. Graham basically drew a red line over this plan. I hope orangino fires Keebler. That would be the Demise of his presidency.

      • Christin says:

        We need the A Face in the Crowd (classic movie) hot-mic moment, when the demogogue tells his true feelings about his rural supporters (broadcast live, unknown to him) and is swiftly shunned.

      • jwoolman says:

        Christin – Nah, his core supporters would just say it was a Trump impersonator. Same thing would happen if the Russian kompromat video ever comes out (and the Russian government actually has falsified tapes that way).

  11. RBC says:

    I just have to wonder if John McCain was not a senator and just your average working American how he would fare if Obamacare was replaced? You would think with the medical news he just received and his health issues in the past he would have voted differently.

    • Jerusha says:

      Didn’t he second-wife marry rich? He could afford to pay for it himself. And before, he had military coverage as a child thanks to his father and as an adult due to his own service, so he’s never known coverage insecurity. But you would think common sense or empathy would prevail.

    • astrid says:

      exactly! When elected official have to rely on regular people health care, they’ll be singing a different tune. I can’t believe McCain caved….

  12. Justine says:

    When will the tyranny end?! I frankly am tired of this administration. Among all of the horrible things he does, the bullying is significantly problematic in my opinion. We have kids that are bullied so badly that they commit suicide. What kind of example is he setting, bullying the elf so badly and so publically?

  13. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    McCain is full of it. He is acting as if he has not been a part of the fray this entire time. During the Obama years he was standing right behind Evil Turtle and allowing ET to obstruct everything that Obama wanted to do. He helped create this situation. If he wants to point fingers, he needs to start with himself.

    What pisses me off even more is that tax payer dollars are paying for his health care. He is not paying a dime out of pocket but he has a problem with the government paying for lower income families to have even decent healthcare. So it is fine for him, but not for everyone else.

    Just like most bullies, Dump is a coward. He would rather complain and moan instead of getting anything done, just like all Repubs.

    I actually don’t feel sorry for Lisa. She is still a sheep that has gone along with this clown show from the beginning. That would be like a victim of a jumping feeling sorry for one of the attackers who was hit by another attacker for either not hitting hard enough or taking a break.

    • Tracey Fields says:


      Any time someone calls John McCain a “hero”, remind them that he took time off from receiving taxpayer-funded healthcare to vote for a bill he explicitly stated he wasn’t going to vote for barely a couple of hours previously(!) at the behest of a 5/6-time draft dodger who called him a “coward”, and which had the potential to result in killing more Americans than the Vietcong ever managed to.

      The epitaph on his gravestone should read “F**k you, I Got Mine”.

    • mayamae says:

      It takes a special kind of person to get up from his virtual deathbed (where he’s receiving the best medical care in the world), to fly in and contribute to the attempt to make millions lose insurance.

      Can’t say I was surprised, either. Repubs have always been this way. I was unfriended by a close cousin after commenting on her Facebook endorsement of an anti-insurance organization. My words:

      “Typical Republican. I have insurance – who gives a shit about anyone else. ‘Keep Raising ‘Em Right’ (which was her oft posted motto)”.

  14. Maria says:

    Did anyone see the cop grap the protestor by the neck and drag him out at the rally. Idk when exactly this happened, I saw it last night on twitter. Everyone was laughing and clapping. Trump said for him to go home to mommy or some other such nonsense. Also why is he still having rally’s?

    • Esmom says:

      It’s the only thing he can do comfortably and competently. Pathetic.

      • ArchieGoodwin says:

        I read it’s because he can classify them as re-election rallies, which means he can say and do things that he couldn’t if they were “president” rallies.
        He can make derogatory remarks, for example, and the persons have no recourse. He can claim falsehoods (ahem) and again, no recourse because they are under campaigning regulations.
        it’s why, within days of assuming the presidency, he filed for the 2020 re-election. Obama waited 2 years into his first presidency, by way of comparison.

      • jj says:

        I also heard he can cherry pick the audience, so only supporters are allowed.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I am sure he is also fundraising for 2020 at these rallies. And then using donations to pay for his legal expenses, as a corrupt president does.

  15. grabbyhands says:

    While I still don’t wish death on McCain, his vote wasn’t a shock to me at all.

    Admittedly, I’d hoped his brush with death would have given him a “come to Jesus” moment about how destructive the GOP policies are regarding healthcare, but him caving and voting for the repeal wasn’t a surprise. I’m only surprised by how many people are surprised that he did what he always does-crawl back to a party that has routinely disparaged him and a president that called him a loser and vote strictly party line.

  16. Guest says:

    I have to say I was surprised at McCain’s vote.

    Bullies are cowards and trump is the biggest

  17. Rapunzel says:

    Apparently Sessions only supported Trump cause Trump had such bigly crowd sizes. This revelation per DT himself to the WSJ.

    He’s just pathetic and Sessions is putting up with it cause he knows DT will just make it worse if left to his own devices.

  18. Nancy says:

    When I saw McCain walk in so proud and triumphant so soon after having brain surgery, I was embarrassed at whining about a toothache. Then the mother effer votes yes to keep the kill the poor and old people bill alive. I threw my ice pack at the television. Survival of the fittest, the meek shall not inherit the Earth. Damn. Sessions is giving the trump a heart attack and I hope he keeps it up. Don’t cower to him. We are living in a three ring circus or hell, pick and choose.

    • ArchieGoodwin says:

      A toothache is no joke. I had one that was at the pulp part, a few years ago. Pain worse than natural childbirth, for me, which I had with my 2nd kid. Epidural didn’t work so yep. But that toothache was worse.
      So I hope it goes away soon, for you.

      • Nancy says:

        Lol. You’re right, it’s a bitch. I cracked a back molar OVER a year ago and it’s still sitting there! My sinuses drain on the teeth which causes pain. A tooth hurt so bad at one point I went to the dentist, and the tooth was fine, it was the draining of the sinuses. I gave birth three times, but the thought of having a tooth pulled freaks me out. I did get nose spray for my sinus problem though!! I’m such a anti dentite!!!!!!

      • Lady D says:

        I have a serious dentist phobia and I found a dentist that charges $75 to anesthetize you during the procedure. It’s very light(?) anesthetic and you are awake and good to go, drive even, within 10 minutes of the appointment ending. I’m assuming this procedure is available in the States also.

      • Nancy says:

        I think a lot of people have some apprehension in the chair. We used to call our dentist a “blacksmith” when we were kids! Truth of the matter is though, once I’m there, I’m fine. I’ve been lucky with my teeth, so my fear is having one pulled. I’m only 38! The molar cracked and I just can’t see it being repaired so when I finally get over my phobia and get It done, I know I will feel nothing but relief. Now it’s just making that darn appointment. Slowly but surely!!! Glad my kids don’t know what a wimp I am!

      • Mo says:

        @Nancy, I just had my tooth pulled and honestly you can not feel a thing. The doctor had to tell ok it’s out before I realized it. The recovery process is the shitty part but still nothing to freak out about.

    • jwoolman says:

      Just remember that your tax dollars are paying for McCain’s state-of-the-art cancer treatment…. That might distract you from your tooth.

  19. lightpurple says:

    By Twitter, Orange Voldy just barred all transgendered individuals from serving in any capacity in the US military.

    • Kitten says:

      Just so that. Effin atrocious. What does Caitlyn think?

      Everyday I think that I can’t possibly hate this man any more than I do and every day he proves me wrong.

    • third ginger says:

      Get ready for the battle. I’m sure Trump has NO idea how organized the LGBT community is.

      • Neelyo says:

        Unfortunately, the army behind the marriage equality movement has dissipated. The money and anger that propelled that movement doesn’t extend to transgender community.

    • jwoolman says:

      So should we have a party with balloons and cake for the 15,000 soldiers who will be honorably discharged tomorrow because of that tweet? We could hold it in front of the White House. Make it chocolate cake with two scoops of ice cream each.

  20. Scal says:

    Also, don’t forget that the Energy department confirmed that Rick Perry (the head of the DOE) spent 22 minutes speaking with a Russian prankster that he THOUGHT WAS THE PM OF UKRAINE.

    I just can’t. I just can’t.

    • mayamae says:

      Ricky Perry has been emboldened by his popularity on DwtS. Watching him behind Trump during the Boy Scout indoctrination was painful. He’s a totally immature moron. The dancing around, giggling and gesticulating, before forcing a hug on Price. I’ve never seen such unprofessional people in my life. And they’re in charge of the country!

    • Tiffany :) says:

      The lack of intelligence and experience in the Administration is so terrifying.

  21. swak says:

    Okay, just went to CNN and this was on the website re transgenders in the military:

    The President just announced this decision in a series of tweets:

    Donald J. Trump
    After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow……
    July 26, 2017 7:55am CDT

    Donald J. Trump
    ….Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming…..
    July 26, 2017 8:04am CDT

    Donald J. Trump
    ….victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you
    July 26, 2017 8:08am CDT

    • ArchieGoodwin says:

      There are no words to describe how horrifying this administration is.

    • Neelyo says:

      He’s just… I’ve ran out of words to describe how awful he is. Why does he hate everyone so much?

    • Jenns says:



      • Jerusha says:

        Steiners and Bernie Bros been kinda quiet lately.

      • Kitten says:

        Bernie people?


        He is a f*cking maniac. Our country will not survive almost 4.5 more years of this. He is hellbent on destroying our democracy. I don’t know what to do anymore.

      • magnoliarose says:

        OK the Bernie Bro thing is so exaggerated it needs to be dispelled once and for all. Most of it was part of Russia’s psychological warfare to split the left vote. It is why they kept pushing the falsehood that Bernie supporters would turn to Tangerine. Why do you think he kept saying it at his rallies? I have been listening to Bernie on the Tom Hartman show for years and there is no way he draws violence or misogyny. No way anyone who has listened to him would even imagine he would court that type of rhetoric. Ever meet one? Probably not because they were an internet creation. That angle was tried in 2008 against Obama too but social media wasn’t as effective back then. Neither man is anti feminist.
        I worked on the campaign and there weren’t marauding groups of guys running around following Sanders. People had to work overtime to monitor the legit sites and try to get rid of the false campaign sites.
        The next phase of the Russian plan was exposing emails to make Bernie supporters believe that HRC was cheating and that they were trying to steal the election. Tangerine then kept repeating it as if he was sympathetic to Bernie further giving the impression Bernie voters might defect to him. Absurd in every regard.
        Most Bernie supporters weren’t supporters of HRC for a variety of reasons but voted for her anyway. I don’t know anyone who didn’t. The only ones I can think of were Green Party members who went back to the Green Party.
        It isn’t in the best interest of the Democrats to keep maligning a large chunk of voters needed to win elections. Instead of talking about how to improve the progressive/liberal message this insistence that Bernie cost HRC the election is just false and it isn’t productive. The election is over. It is a pointless exercise to litigate it to death when there is so much at stake right now.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “No way anyone who has listened to him would even imagine he would court that type of rhetoric. Ever meet one? ”

        Sadly, yes. Where Bernie Bros and Kremlin Hacks overlap is their rage about Hillary. The husband of one of my good friends is solidly left in his policies, but the hate he spewed about Hillary was outrageous. He wrote in Bernie for his vote. He also regularly shared non-factual stories about Hillary (stories most likely from Russian hackers).

        I am sure there were a lot of male Bernie supporters who weren’t like this. But Bernie’s attacks on Hillary stuck because his followers seriously trust him. When Bernie says you can’t trust Hillary because of Wall Street, many of his supporters put her in the “never” category.

      • magnoliarose says:

        I understand what you are saying but this article sums it up better than I can.

    • Angela82 says:

      Does Drumpf not realize plenty of military are already transgender and it won’t cost money??? Does he even know what transgender is??? Does he assume they are all Chelsea Manning??? Folks my brain is about to explode. I feel like he just fired thousands of people via social media. I can’t wait until he abolishes the Federal government and so I too can be fired via twitter. Ugh.

      ETA its rich that he complains money is wasted on those who want to fight and die for this country. This from the guy who costs millions for a wife who doesn’t want to live with him and to finance all his personal vacations so he doesn’t have to pretend to work more than 4 days a week.

      • Esmom says:

        Yes to everything you said. Just when I think I can’t be more horrified and disgusted, I am.

    • jwoolman says:

      The media need to insist on the names of those generals and military experts, so they confirm that they actually agreed and that they approved announcement by tweet.

      Is this a new thing? Do we need to follow Trump on Twitter to know when he starts another war?

  22. Lea says:

    Reading this as a French national living in Belgium: I’m still comforted by the number of comments these posts attract. Trump’s election was a huge shock in Europe. But there is also a fear here that what happened in Europe will happen in America, too: you will get used to it. You will get used to the madness, the polarization, the obscenities etc. It will undermine your spirit and your morale, slowly, day after day, little by little. And in a couple years you will be numb to all of this. You will grow weary of this mad circus. It will just be the new normal. Without even noticing. I’m sorry if this sounds awfully pessimistic. I’m looking at this with European eyes. The reactions to Orban’s shenanigans in Hungary or the PiS’ unconstitutional move against an independent judiciary order in Poland are so muted. There are protests, but they’re short-lived. Don’t grow numb. Don’t get used to the crazy. Don’t stop feeling outraged. What Trump is doing to this country is infuriating. Don’t drop your guard. Keep fighting and resisting. You have stronger institutions, stronger checks-and-balances, than anywhere else in the world, you’re better equipped than any other country to face this political insanity. Trump will do real damage to this country if he’s allowed to. Don’t let him.

  23. Eric says:

    Emperor Zero first blasts a patriotic American from Alaska who finally put country over party and then signals that transgender soldiers can’t be part if the military. On TWITTER???
    Get this guy out of here now!

  24. nicegirl says:

    I am disgusted with our administration. DT is deplorable.

    AND Like there are not already trans folks in the military. Up next, witch hunt.

  25. nicegirl says:

    So there is a page at where we can send a message to the administration or “directly” to the president.

    I’ve just done so.

    I am not gonna lie, I am a bit nervous about it, because the message is not anonymous, you’ve got to enter all of your contact information, and who knows, the abortion police could get here any minute.

    • Lightpurple says:

      I use that all the time. Just be sure to unclick the box for daily updates or you’ll be inundated with White House spam. There is also a link to petitions that you can sign or start

      • Nancy says:

        Lightpurple: Totally off topic but…..can you believe Kyrie? I seriously was heartbroken, and supposedly next year LeBron. I truly believe our city is jinxed in the sports world. At least I lived through one championship. Athletes for the most part have no loyalty anymore. All about the $ or being top dog. Go Celtics!

  26. Eric says:

    Mueller and Co flipped Manafort already so there’s no need to panic about whether he testifies.
    It’s going to be a great Christmas season this year!!!!!!

  27. JenB says:

    I know some folks who comment at CB have a lot of knowledge on the political inside game. Just curious what do you think will happen with healthcare? I heard John Boehner said the ACA will never be repealed but I really can’t guess these days. It’s all a hot mess.

    • Holly hobby says:

      Beohner is correct. People who use it have seen its benefits. So if they try to take it down, they will face the people’s wrath. It’s political suicide to dismantle it.

    • magnoliarose says:

      I don’t think it will pass but then again the country is a mess right now. The political fallout would be extreme and I am not sure some Senators want to go home to anger and a governor who won’t support them when they run again. In a way I think Tangerine’s treatment of Sessions has weakened his threats against the Congress since it shows his complete lack of loyalty and exposes holes in his firewall of support. Attacking fellow Republicans is against their unspoken rule. Tangerine’s threats to primary against the ones he disfavors is most likely backfiring behind the scenes. Bannon is unleashing Breitbart as a message to him that he is not invincible. So it is possible it will die but nothing makes much sense anymore.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I think the GOP really painted themselves into a corner. They said “Repeal and Replace” for 8 YEARS. I just don’t see how their egos will allow them to do nothing.

      Sadly, I think the moderates will eventually cave and the end result will be a dismantling, but it will be done over a longer period of time so the “22 million kicked off their insurance” doesn’t happen soon, but in 15-20 years or something. Gradual defund of Medicaid.

  28. CynicalAnn says:

    The rally with thousands of people cheering them as they bashed the media, other people they don’t agree with, against the Russia investigation–it makes me sick. I need a news break because it’s giving me such anxiety.

    • Jerusha says:

      I wonder when Kristalnacht will occur.

    • Holly hobby says:

      Don’t. be sick. They don’t represent the whole entire state of Ohio. They were a specially curated group that would support this nut.

      • CynicalAnn says:

        His base is still 30%. That means millions of people STILL support this a-hole and would basically turn over our democracy to a dictatorship. It’s beyond disheartening.

    • magnoliarose says:

      They are chosen and I dare say some money changed hands. It is right out of the Fascist playbook. If you create the illusion of huge bigly support then it will attract others and make the dictator look more powerful than they really are.

      • CynicalAnn says:

        I know-magnoliarose-but still: there are millions of people that hate the media, think it’s fake, hate immigrants–it just makes me so anxious for the future of our country and for my kids: wtf kind of world is this that they’re now growing up in??

      • magnoliarose says:

        I am with you CynicalAnn. It makes me want to snatch my hair out sometimes. I have taken to finding any little sliver of hope to get through the daily onslaught of negativity.

  29. Anastasia Beaverhausen says:

    DEAR LORD. this idiot is still tweeting like a 16 yo who can’t handle liquor. Now its transgendered people not being allowed to serve in the military! There are already serving! Nobody goes into the military to get a free SEX GENDER SURGERY! I hate this man with everything in me!

  30. lower case lois says:

    So Trump appears to be using divisive, incompetent governance as a smoke screen to distract from divisive, incompetent governance.

  31. HK9 says:

    Transgendered people have been serving peacefully in the military for ages. If the military actually had a problem with that we’d know by now. What the heck??!!??

  32. why? says:

    The GOP have created a monster. The King of Lies and Fake News feels that he can do and say anything he wants because there is absolutely no one who will hold him accountable. Lisa didn’t let anyone down, the 50 GOP senators, including the MCCain who was being praised as a hero for his speech, are the ones who let us down. The press keep saying that the GOP continue to support The King of Lies and Fake News because the 85% of the GOP base still support The King of Lies and Fake News. That is wrong. The GOP support The King of Lies and Fake News because they were hacked too and afraid of what the Russians have on them.

    Last night the King of Fake News verbally attacked a protester in Ohio.

    Claimed that he acts the way he does because it’s the only way to get things done. The irony. His behavior has greatly prevented the WH and GOP from getting things. Even the appointment of Neil G doesn’t count because they had to change the rules to get him nominated. The only thing the King of Lies and Fake News has done is undo all of the regulations that were put in place to protect us.

    The King of Lies and Fake News had another meeting with children today. It looks like Scaramucci suggested this as damage control for the Boy Scouts.

    Since Scaramucci has been working for the WH, it seems like things have gotten worse. Scaramucci doesn’t have any experience in communications and it shows. Notice how Scaramucci even went so far as to make over Sarah? Before she was wearing those odd looking suits(which SNL made fun of), but now he has her in solid colors(red, blue), she has a ton of make-up, eyelashes, and her hair doesn’t look so wild. Why would Sarah stoop so low to allow Scaramucci to change her if she is the strong woman she makes herself out to be?

    The King of Lies and Fake News isn’t the one who wants Sessions gone. It’s Jared. We saw him do the same thing to Comey and he wanted to strike against Muller when he was hired, which he eventually did when he had The King of Lies and Fake News talk to the “failing NYT”. Mueller must have something very bad on Jared, which is the reason why Jared came up with the plan to make Sessions resign by having The King of Lies and Fake News talk negative about him on twitter and in interviews. The purpose is to get rid of Sessions, hire someone who will fire Rosenstein, and then hire someone who will fire Mueller. Jared is scared.

  33. why? says:

    Is the King of Lies and Fake News now comparing himself to God? According to what Scaramucci said in his interviews, his plan is to let The King of Lies and Fake News be himself. We have the GOP, the WH press reporters(a lot of The King of Lies and Fake News behavior would stop if they would get the courage to boycott the briefings), Kellyanne, Sarah, and Scaramucci to blame for this. Someone should tell Scaramucci that his plan to let The King of Lies and Fake News be himself isn’t working.

  34. why? says:

    I don’t understand why the press, GOP, and Democrats fell for MCCain’s con. As 2 people pointed out yesterday, McCain contradicted what he said in the speech by voting to proceed on the debate. If McCain truly believed what he said in that speech, he would have voted “no” or stayed home to recover and let Mitch postpone the vote until he got back. It’s like babysteps, McCain helped Mitch M walk the nohealthcare bill closer and closer to the GOP goal.

    How did McCain vote last night? He voted “yes” to repeal and replace. Today he voted “no” on partial repeal. What will he vote tomorrow after being persuaded by Mitch and The King of Lies and Fake News?

    Joe is such a hypocrite. When someone called McCain out on his hypocrisy, Joe scolded him. The person was right. Why would McCain vote to advance talk on a healthcare bill that will eventually hurt millions of people after his recent health scare?

  35. Jerusha says:

    Check out Demented-in-Chief’s twitter. He has gone off the rails, truly. And IN ALL CAPS!!

  36. why? says:

    The press has failed us yet again. Remember the time when The King of Lies and Fake News read from a teleprompter and dropped a bomb on Syria and Afghanistan and the press called him presidential and praised him? It happened again. The King of Lies and Fake News gave a press briefing to brag about how he and a senator negotiated a deal with Apple to bring a factory and thus jobs to Wisconsin and the press are praising him. Didn’t he do the very same thing with Carrier and how did that turn out? What about the air traffic control bill, which turned out to be just a memo to remind the The King of Lies and Fake News to make a bill for air traffic control. What about the time he got on twitter and bragged about the arms deal he made in Saudi Arabia, which weeks later was revealed not to be an actual bill, but just another memo without anything in it. The King of Lies and Fake News is a con artist, so how many times does he have to pull the same con before the press finally wakes up?