“Donald Trump is angrier at Ken Frazier than he is at white supremacists” links

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Donald Trump is currently angrier at Merck CEO Ken Frazier – who just quit a Trump advisory panel because of Trump’s failure to condemn Nazis – than he has ever been at actually Nazis. [Pajiba]
What’s up with the NYT article about Elizabeth Olsen? [LaineyGossip]
Are Crocs dying? Someone check on Mario Batali! [Dlisted]
I love the way the little Spanish princesses dress. [Go Fug Yourself]
Vanessa Hudgens’ booty is an optical illusion. [Popoholic]
The Rock’s life in photos. [Wonderwall]
Justin Bieber tried to hit on a woman at the gym. It didn’t go well. [Buzzfeed]
Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom, back together? Eh. [Jezebel]
Salma Hayek is basically Ryan Reynolds’ new wife. [The Blemish]
Meghan Edmonds doesn’t “get” Peggy Sulahian. [Reality Tea]
Bill Hader’s Mooch is on point. [Moe Jackson]

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42 Responses to ““Donald Trump is angrier at Ken Frazier than he is at white supremacists” links”

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  1. MI6 says:

    Bravo, Mr.Frazier.
    45 is a sick f*ck. That’s all I got today.

    • jwoolman says:

      I’m waiting for the others on the council to resign. Especially after the way President Tweeter responded. Obviously he has no respect for them, so why bother pretending?

  2. OOOH says:

    I am getting the sense that Trump has genuine fear and is greatly intimidated by the white supremacists and neo-nazi groups et al whose votes he swallowed faster than he could chew them. He knows that outrightly calling them out for their violent racist and inhumane ways will direct that anger and violence directly at him and that’s his fear. He doesn’t see himself as a president, that confidence is not there; in his scared mind, he is just a mere man who can only challenge another man, woman or business, if he is richer than they are.

    • bluhare says:

      He’s a classic bully. A coward underneath.

      • FLORC says:

        Does he even know what a Nazi is? Half kidding. He’s proven he doesn’t know a lot of world history. Basic key points. It’s no excuse. Especially to his position. But… I wonder…

        Coward. Idiot. Nazi supporter if by only the minimum of acquiescing to their actions done in his name.

    • MI6 says:

      That’s not fear. He agrees with them. That’s why he won’t call them out. He’s their leader.

      • sunnydaze says:

        This is horrifically fascinating when you consider Ivanka and Jared are Jewish. Ivanka may not have strong ties to the community, but at some point I would hope Jared looks around and realizes these people wouldn’t hesitate for a second to throw them on a train. His wife, his adorable little children, his mother, father, nieces and nephews…the very people his dear father in law relies on as a core base support LITERALLY would celebrate a second holocaust. I don’t know how someone can get up every day and know they are actively supporting beliefs and attitudes that would send them into a gas chamber.

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        For all donnie’s hate-filled bravado, he is terrified of “Unite the Right,” Putin, Bannon and anyone else who knows what a perverted, despicable mess he is. Keep tabs on who he doesn’t belittle, because they are the ones who can expose his sordid, souless, cowardly cruelty.

      • Diane says:

        Well said and I couldn’t agree with you more.

      • STRIPE says:

        I think we’ll never know what he truly thinks, because he does not care what he has to say to win votes. He just wants to win. That is all. And anything he does in the process is worth it to him

      • Radley says:

        I honestly don’t think he has any belief system. He worships himself. So anybody, no matter how disgusting, can get a pass if they’re willing to carry water for him. He’d go golfing with OJ Simpson if OJ kissed his a$$. He has no intellectual, emotional or moral connection to right and wrong. He ain’t hooked up right. I really believe that.

      • holly hobby says:

        Not the wife. She would disavow the religion before she gets on the gas train. Trumps have no loyalty to anyone but themselves.

        Complicit Barbie got creamed on Twitter with her stand together speech. I hope she’s crying because people are mean to her.

      • otaku fairy says:

        Deep down I don’t know if Trump himself is really *as* passionate in his racial hatred as his white supremacist supporters- he’s probably mostly just about power for himself and is amoral and sociopathic enough to pander to all kinds to get that power. If the pro-pedophilia crowd received as much loud, vocal, mainstream support as the white nationalists and sexists do, he probably would’ve pandered to them too, – but apparently he did get in trouble for racial discrimination back in the 70’s, so it’s not all put-on. He’s still just as racist and complicit and disgusting as the worst of his racist supporters though, because he’s willing to stir them up and normalize and validate their attitudes in order to get what he wants. That alone shows that he sees people of color as less than, whether he 100% believes everything that has come out of his own mouth and agrees with every single think his worst supporters have to say or not. And hate crimes in this country have already increased because of him. But good for Ken Frazier.

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      Couldn’t agree with you more. He’s a coward who courted these monsters.

  3. Merritt says:

    Of course, the Cheeto hates being called out on his hatred by Ken Frazier in part because Frazier is black. Trump hates black people. That is why is he is so obsessed with Obama and trying to undo everything Obama accomplished.

    • Boxy Lady says:

      I think Trump in general hates Obama for being black but is obsessed with Obama specifically because of that Correspondents’ Dinner where Obama cracked jokes and everyone laughed at Trump’s expense.
      I hope Trump destroys himself with his own hatred.

      • jwoolman says:

        Trump was already promoting the birther nonsense long before that April 2011 dinner. Obama even mentioned getting the long form of his birth certificate released, which was done because of Trump blathering on about how he personally sent investigators to Hawaii and they were reporting amazing things (never revealed, nobody was contacted).

        Trump also had been talking about running for President for many years. He decided in 2016 to do it because he wanted leverage to get more money for a tv show. The guy was in a state of shock when he actually won. He was totally unprepared for the transition and didn’t even know how a bill becomes a law. He hardly even knows now, actually. Not a quick study.

        Anyway, totally lacking a sense of humor, Trump hated being the joke at the dinner (not only from Obama), but he already had an intense dislike of Obama. Trump by nature is a vengeful narcissist and so of course he is trying to destroy everything that Obama has accomplished. But he already hated the guy before the jokes.

  4. sunnydaze says:

    I can’t remember if I saw the link on here, or in the news….but if there’s anything remotely palatable that has come out of this, there is someone on twitter who is trying to identify the people present at that disgusting “rally” in hopes of showing the rest of the world their real identities. It makes me a teeny bit happy that they might have to account for their behavior in a way that offers real consequences since the police went so soft-gloved on them. I just keep thinking…how many people would be dead right now if the people who incited violence were people of color? How they were treated is the ultimate show of white privilege.

    • TheOtherOne says:

      @YesYoureRacist is the Twitter handle. One guy they identified has been fired from his job at a hot dog store.

      • sunnydaze says:

        You’re amazing, thank you!

      • holly hobby says:

        He’s from Berkeley of all places. I hope he wasn’t spitting into people’s food but I’m glad the hot dog people nailed him.

        They also id a kid who was smacking a man with a pole. His 3 neck moles gave him away. His classmates reported him.

        If anything good comes out of this is that people are turning these bastards in.

    • otaku fairy says:

      This makes me so happy.

  5. RBC says:

    I would love to know what Ben Carson and Omorosa think about trump’s response to what happened in Virginia? Don’t they both work in the administration?

  6. Milla says:

    Oooh he finally spoke up. Took him only 2 days…

  7. nikzilla says:

    i work for Merck and this is hilarious. DT is such a clown!

  8. BlueSky says:

    I saw on Twitter where Bannon actually wrote his statement denouncing these white supremacist, so there you go..

  9. hogtowngooner says:

    Trump’s tweet reads like “You don’t quit ME! I hate you anyway! You’re fired!”

  10. grabbyhands says:

    45 must have been so relieved to find another black guy to whine about since he was forced to say racism is wrong. I’m sure he was anxious to assure his base that nothing has changed.

  11. me46 says:

    And it’s also been reported that the Russians have been helping NK with their nuke program. Trump has been played.


  12. Disco Dancer says:

    Shut up you dumpy moron! Tweet about the fact that the country you supposedly “defend” is being taken over by Nazis than on whether some guy on your council has resigned.

  13. TotallyBiased says:

    CEO of UnderArmour (which has major government contracts) has joined Merck CEO in stepping down from the council. Well done, gentlemen.

  14. TotallyBiased says:

    Latest news: Taylor Swift has won her $1 suit against the scumbag who groped her.

  15. jwoolman says:

    Some people experienced with nonviolent protests need to get creative and figure out ways to effectively control those Antifa folks, though, without just slugging them and tying them to a little chair facing a corner for a timeout like the toddlers they are. They may think of themselves as anti-fascists, but they just act like the Brown Shirts in a different color. They clearly want to take over any nonviolent protest and turn things violent. They might as well be working for the neonazis. And some of them might actually be.

    Anyway, I’ve dealt with less relentlessly violent types like them in coalitions and they are very destructive to the coalition. They try to take over everything regardless of what the group has decided. If there’s a microphone, they grab it for themselves and push their own agenda. They discredit the peaceful protesters with their antics, as the Antifa do when they destroy property and throw things at people and beat them up (all clearly illegal activity also that other protesters may not have signed up for but may get arrested for because of the Antifa). This changes the whole dynamic with both the police and the general public and cannot be tolerated.

    It is crucial to not be the nice guy with them and to insist that if they want to stand with you, then they have to stop acting like they’re on the Breitbart payroll. Nonviolence does not mean being a docile doormat. In this case, it’s going to require a lot of well-trained nonviolent peacekeepers to block them effectively. They need to get the point that if they want to continue their tactics, they have to clearly separate themselves in time and space from those pursuing nonviolent protest. Blocking these fools is good exercise for people dedicated to nonviolent resistance as well.

  16. SoulSPA says:

    American legal CBs, are there any provisions in the US constitution or other pieces of legislation/jurisprudence that set forth what incitation to violence is, freedom of speech notwithstanding? And the punishment? Any grounds for POTUS to shut the f*** up? Sorry if I used the wrong terminology, I am not a lawyer! And thanks!