THR: Hollywood’s Trump supporters are still deplorable, aggrieved & unhinged

2016 Republican National Convention

Just FYI: Deplorable wingnuts are in Hollywood too. That’s the point of a new story in The Hollywood Reporter called “Hollywood Conservatives Still Standing With Trump: ‘The Media Is Irrelevant.’” This reminds me of the endless and profoundly stupid reporting around the “Trump voters” for the past eight months. Every media outlet runs these articles seemingly once a week, articles that are basically like “let’s check in with these idiot Trump voters and see if they’re ashamed yet.” They’re never ashamed. Dear media outlets: please start running pieces with headlines like “Clinton voter confirms: ‘Eight months in, I still believe Donald Trump is a misogynistic neo-Nazi lunatic.’” Or “Clinton voter now believes we’re all going to die under a baby-fisted madman.” Anyway, you can read THR’s piece here – I guess it is depressing to realize that Hollywood truly is “just like us,” in that there are terrible people with terrible political views and you never want to see them or hear from again.

This week’s issue of The Hollywood Reporter features an inside look at the Hollywood conservatives still standing with Trump. THR reveals that support for the president in the wake of Charlottesville hasn’t waned, though a few backers won’t go on the record about their support “are you trying to get me killed?”

Actor Scott Baio has no such hesitation. “I don’t give a sh-t about Hollywood liberals,” he tells THR. “They’re gonna hate the guy no matter what. If he cured cancer, they’d be on him for putting oncologists out of business…We know who Trump is, and we don’t believe the propaganda…The media is almost irrelevant. It’s predictable and boring. I want the man to get his agenda through, and everything else is a sideshow…I don’t give a sh-t if I ever work again…My country comes first. I guess I’m just an old, angry, successful white guy who stole everything he has from someone else.”

Haim Saban, the billionaire Univision chairman and Clinton backer, commented “I do not believe that President Trump is a Nazi or anti-Semite.” Black Lives Matter, meanwhile, “is clearly an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel group,” he tells THR, citing BLM’s official platform that calls Israel “an apartheid state” responsible for “genocide.”

An industry employee on Hollywood being a no-go zone for Trump supporters: “Don’t believe it? Try wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ baseball cap on a film shoot.”

Justified actor Nick Searcy on Trump’s words after Charlottesville: “Trump didn’t say some nice people were Nazis; he said there are some nice people who don’t want monuments torn down. This movement to erase the history of the Democrats’ support for the Confederacy and the KKK is ridiculous….I’ll say the communist ‘Antifa’ is bad, and they’ll twist it to say, ‘Nick Searcy defended Nazis.’ They’re so self-righteous…It’s not that they disagree, it’s that they’re better people. They’re not better than me because they voted for Hillary Clinton.”

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

If you follow me on Twitter, you probably saw me bitching yesterday about the new Public Policy Polling report on Trump voters and their butthurt white fragility – basically, Trump voters believe that they (mostly middle class and overwhelmingly white and male) are the true victims of American society. They believe that white folks and Christians face so much discrimination in American society. They believe that the entire time they’re shouting anti-Semitic slogans and beating people of color. This article is just Hollywood’s version of that, where these dumb a–holes are just desperate to be victims of SOMETHING, anything, so they can feel aggrieved. It’s pathetic and sad.

Justified Series Finale Event

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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118 Responses to “THR: Hollywood’s Trump supporters are still deplorable, aggrieved & unhinged”

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  1. Lily says:

    So exhausting. It’s so much

    Was Hillary the lesser of two evils?

    • Merritt says:


    • frankly says:

      No, she wasn’t. She was the one who wasn’t evil.

      • Annetommy says:


      • Sarah says:

        Amen! I’m on a FB rant about that this morning. She was an amazing choice we should all regret missing out on.

      • cara says:

        Clinton not evil? You drank her Kool-aid, just as those who voted for Trump drank his Kool-aid. Clinton is a cold hearted beotch, there was NO right choice.

      • Charlotte says:

        If a man is “cold and calculating”, does that also make him a “cold-hearted beotch”, or is that just normal man behavior? Women do not need to be likeable and warm. That is such crap, and I won’t listen to it now considering that we all had to hear it during the election.
        She was flawed, as are all human beings, but she had her heart in the right place. Do not try to equate anything she has said or done with what we are currently dealing with. If that is your charge, then you are seriously delusional.

    • Sally says:

      Yeah I hear that all the time. She should of won

    • cara says:

      Like we had much to choose from, a crazy assed woman or a crazy assed man.

      • Betsy says:

        You’re insanely off-base.

      • cara says:

        No, just pragmatic. I’m not going to idolize some woman who was clearly not honest with anyone. That would make me as unhinged as some of her supporters.

        I do not endorse Trump, either. The fact is we had two of the WORST candidates ever in US history to choose from.

      • insertpunhere says:

        They’re completely the same! I mean, on one hand, we have this person who is knowledgeable about policy and foreign affairs, but I don’t necessarily agree with her on everything, and she’s not particularly likeable, and on the other hand, we had someone who spouted racism, sexism, and xenophobia throughout the campaign and has minimized that Nazis are bad. Totally the same.

        I think it was Samantha Bee who said Hillary Clinton was like a sandwich with too much mayo and Donald Trump was like a sandwich made of anthrax.

        I get it. I voted for Sanders in the primary, and I don’t think Clinton is perfect, but she’s still vastly better than Donald Trump, and it’s ridiculous that we’re still having this discussion months after he somehow won.

  2. SolitaryAngel says:

    Damn it! I really used to like Nick S. on Justified. I’ll never watch him in anything again.

    • Jen d. says:

      He has tainted Justified for me. Anyways, I’m willing to bet it’s going to be really easy not to watch anything with him in it, as he’s not exactly in demand.

      • lucy2 says:

        Me too. During the last season or two, I stumbled across his crazy rants on twitter, and really soured on him. He gave a great performance as Art on Justified, but I couldn’t look at him the same after that.

    • Lama Bean says:

      He disagreed with me on twitter it something. He called me all types of names, including my least favorite one, c**t. Swore he was so rich with a big mansion but showed pictures from an apartment. Claimed he wasn’t racist bc he adopted a black child. Dude is cray.

      • Kitten says:


        I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that all Trump supporters (even celebs) follow the same playbook: “I’m not racist–I have black friends! I worked hard for everything I have! You just think you’re better than me because you’re a sanctimonious liberal!! BUT HER EMAILS!!!!!!!!!”

        Ugh I f*cking hate these people so much.

      • Jen d. says:

        What?! That is insane.

  3. grabbyhands says:

    Calm down, Chachi.

    • GiBee says:

      Yeah sure Chachi, the Trump support is gonna be the reason you don’t get hired again. Keep telling yourself that.

      • Kristen820 says:

        Dear Mr. Baio,

        None of us care if you never work again.

        When WAS the Last Time You Worked?

      • frankly says:

        Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog

        But I love Arrested Development so much I can just ignore what an ass he is in real life for those few episodes.

      • Christin says:

        Yet he brags about being a wealthy retiree in tweets. How can it be both ways? He also repeatedly claims to have saved every nickel / dime he ever made. Literally?

        I personally think this is the most attention he (and his spouse) can get, so it’s ‘all-in’.

      • Carol says:

        LOL! Right?

        I do think its a mistake to lump all trump supporters as deplorable though just as it is a mistake to lump all Hillary’s supporters as antifas. And I do want to hear how trump supporters feel now. Its a mistake to write them off as all racist dumbasses. Not every Trump supporter is driven by bigoted views. There are some who are desperately hurting economically and hope Trump can use his “business acumen” to help them get jobs, get affordable healthcare etc.

        FYI – i am not a Trump supporter and can’t wait for the day he gets impeached. Trump is a con-artist in my opinion.

      • jwoolman says:

        Yeah, Scott isn’t that great of an actor. He got very lucky with Happy Days and has been coasting on that ever since. But I imagine at his age and with his limited skills, the opportunities are drying up. Hopefully he saved his money. I don’t think he has a future as a conservative speaker because he’s not that good at it, but who knows. He’s comfortable in front of a camera so he should be able to make something of that.

      • cara says:


        The fact HW holds a grudge because someone did not vote the way someone else thought they should makes HW seem petty and deranged.

    • BlueSky says:

      Yes Charles in charge and other actor I don’t know, the media is irrelevant when the media reports things you don’t want to hear. The media is irrelevant when they criticize anyone that looks like you. The media is irrelevant when you get all your “facts” from Fox News. Yeah and the whole stupid BLM argument, that is the same type of argument they used to try to discredit MLK by calling him a communist.

    • Radley says:

      LOL exactly.

      I’m so tired of hearing from the sad, scared, small minded, illogical, paranoid, self-centered, haters. Seriously, if you still support this hellbeast, f*ck you. I don’t care to even hear your thoughts on the weather. You’re amoral swine contributing to the decline of civilization. End of.

  4. littlemissnaughty says:

    The media isn’t irrelevant, it’s floundering. When late night hosts do a better job than actual reporters, it’s time to re-evaluate one’s approach to journalism.

    And this: “They’re not better than me because they voted for Hillary Clinton.” Yes they are. Stop whining.

    • PinkCoconutIce says:

      I agree, especially with your second paragraph.

    • Kitten says:

      Generally speaking, I agree with you, although I do think NYT and WaPo have been (overall) excellent in their reporting.
      But why is the push to ban trans from the military all over the news today? It’s far more important than Trump’s stupid-ass tweets.

  5. Beth says:

    It honestly makes me shake with anger while hearing Trump supporters and surrogates making ridiculous excuses for all of his dangerous, careless fuck ups. After Charlottesville, Trump Tower press conference, and the Phoenix pep rally, all in the past 2 weeks, you’d think they’d start to wake up

    • Brittney B. says:

      Why would they wake up, though? They have nothing to wake up TO. Dangerous, idiotic, racist statements are exactly why they supported this guy in the first place.

      • burnsie says:

        That’s a really good point, Brittney B. I think the sad realization is that way more of the country is racist than we thought

    • Kitten says:

      His supporters will wake up in another month and a half when he can’t raise the debt ceiling and we default.
      Sadly, all of their 401ks will be in the basement and they’ll be blaming the GOP for it.

      If you didn’t see yet, his tweets from this morning (of course) falsely claim that he could have attached the debt ceiling bill to an unrelated bill and had it passed. He’s setting up Congress to take the fall for his incompetency.
      So much for Mr. Art of The Deal. Surprise! Turns out Mr. Negotiator sucks at getting things done.

  6. Rapunzel says:

    Chachi can go f-ck himself. Chuck Woolery (Love Connection ruined!!) and James Woods too. And let’s stop Antonio Sabato Jr.’s political run too.

    • lightpurple says:

      James Woods has to be the worst of them. The man has no concept of reality.

      • Angela82 says:

        That man (Woods) belongs in a psych ward.

      • Insomniac says:

        James Woods makes the rest of them sound rational.

      • burnsie says:

        Ironic how James Woods is a member of MENSA. Just goes to show a high IQ doesn’t stop you from being racist

      • holly hobby says:

        Hmm this is the same James Woods who’s as old as dirt but dating a teenager?

      • Moon Beam says:

        I have not watched Family Guy in a very long time, but did Seth ever do something on there to address the craziness that is James Woods? I have a relative who loves to post his tweets on fb. They are always so dumb. Maybe that’s why he was always so good at playing lowlifes, because he is one.

    • Christin says:

      I thought Chuck was like his easy going game show host persona, so yeah, ruined. And I thought Fonzie’s cousin was just a lucky d-lister who isn’t the sharpest tool.

      Have to wonder if being semi-famous in the 1970s-80s was so addictive that this is their last chance to get attention? Other than appearing in senior product infomercials and the like, that is.

    • holly hobby says:

      Yep I don’t care to see any of them. Chachi is such a disappointment but what can I say for someone who skipped school for stardom? Dumb as a bag of rocks.

      • jwoolman says:

        Scott obviously is not terribly bright. Smart enough to learn scripts and follow direction as an actor but he’s limited and should learn to stay quiet in public. This is a big problem with interviewing actors because they’re actors. They didn’t write their scripts and they aren’t always as smart as the characters they play. But the attention makes them think they are smart.

        Look at the way Scott botched his response to the death of his old co-star. He just dug a deeper and deeper hole for himself every time he opened his mouth. I don’t know why he latched on so hard to Trump, but he doesn’t sound like a reflective thinker. Maybe he’s just selfish in his love of Trumpian Utopia, but possibly he just doesn’t pay close attention to details.

      • cara says:

        @holly lobby

        If you’re going to condemn someone for “skipping school” for stardom then you are going to be condemning at least half, if not more, of HW.

  7. Tiffany says:

    Yes Nick, I am better than you for voting for Clinton. I did not want to see the world burn, you idiot.

    • cara says:


      That sentence makes you sound like a raving lunatic.

      This is why I should never read the crazy rants of some people when they start talking about politics.

  8. Nicole says:

    Again imagine these people experiencing the fraction of discrimination some of us deal with daily. They wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  9. M. says:

    Since when is black lives matter anti Israel…I feel like that’s not even on their radar

    • M. says:

      I mean if anybody us against Jews it’s the nazis and the kkk right?

      • magnoliarose says:

        I commented below. There is truth to the claim but not the way he phrases it and much of the language has been corrected.

    • Lolalulu says:

      That part confused me too.

      • M. says:

        I swear everyone that supports trump is just as delusional as he is..maybe more. Do they even hear theirselves or are their heads so far up their own asses that they don’t hear what they are saying

    • Clare says:

      This is the new narrative they’re trying to sell, though. That the antifa (which is short for ANTI FASCIST), BLM etc are ‘anti-israel’ and anti-semetic… all the white mollycoddling actual white supremacists carrying Nazi flags and giving fing Nazi salutes. I’m sure there are elements within these groups (you know humans, with individual opinions) that don’t agree with some or all Israeli state policy, but to label the movements as anti-israel is simply dog whistle. A distraction. A justification for not supporting movements that want fairness and, you know, not fascism.

      I’ll tell you who is anti israel – those dickheads marching shouting ‘jews will not replace us’ with Swastikas on their arms. That is straight up anti-semetism – I know Bibi doesn’t think that’s a big deal, but in my view, hating jews kinda equals being anti-israel.

      ugh. end rant.

      • Lightpurple says:

        It is right-wing (not just alt-right but even mainstream GOP) “logic” that anyone who doesn’t embrace all their ideas must be anti-Israel, not just opposed to particular actions of the Israeli government but opposed to the existence of Israeli. So, if they oppose BLM, BLM must be anti-Israel because there is no middle ground. Alt-right sees Israel as the place where all Jews should move

      • aang says:

        If you criticize the actions of the Israeli government, you will be labeled by some as anti-semitic. I have recently read the Hebrew to English translations of some of the Hasidic Rabbi’s. Some of it is pretty scary and racist. Not far from what Farrakhan preaches but with Jewish people as the superior race. And woman are given very few rights in the super orthodox movements. I call out Christian fundamentalists and extreme Muslims, it is not anti-semitic of me to call out extreme right wing Jewish movements, or the Israeli government that allows them to continue to take what little land the Palestinians have left.

      • Moon Beam says:

        Basically if you aren’t a right wing, Trump supporter you are anti Israel these days. If you dare to call out the Israeli government, you are anti Semitic or anti Israel. There have been some very interesting articles about the GOPs growing Pro Israel movement. Some of it has to do with how sacred the holy lands there are, circling back to the right wing’s ultimate homeboy, Jesus.

    • burnsie says:

      Yeah, can someone explain the BLM/Israel thing to me too?

    • magnoliarose says:

      In Hollywood to accuse someone of antisemitism is pointed because so many Jews are in the industry and the accuser hopes it offends someone. That ploy has never been tried before. *eye roll*

      They have been trying to pit Jews against black people since the Civil Rights movement of the 60s when Jewish students went to Mississippi to help register voters and Jewish lawyers went south to help with court cases. Even before that there was a relationship between the two communities in the South and the North. That is not to say there aren’t Jewish racists because that would be a lie (Stephen Miller) or black anti-Semites (Louis Farrakhan) but there is also positive history. Not a perfect history but enough that these two overwhelmingly liberal demographics are threatening to conservatives.

      In my experience, BLM welcomes help and support. We have been having peace meetings at my synagogue with activists from different religions (atheists incl.) and movements including BLM members who are more than happy to come and discuss what we are facing with this ugly climate in our country. Sure we debate but always respectfully with the understanding, we are all in this fight together. We have to have each other’s backs and not let the Deplorables destroy us.
      There are members of BLM who are anti-Israel and have used problematic language with some valid points and other points that are more complex than stated. It does not lessen my support for our common agenda. The expectation of 100 percent agreement in any movement is unrealistic.

      • Enough Already says:

        This!! *snaps fingers* I knew I liked you for a reason!

        My mom worked with SNCC in the 60s and her very first boyfriend was a Jewish boy whose parents drove him and his brother and sister down to help with protests. (I also have Jewish cousins through a Russian ancestor)

      • magnoliarose says:

        @EA You may be my long lost cousin. lol I always read your posts and like you too.

        @kitten I had heard rumblings but thank you for the link. It is good to see it confirmed.

        One of the most beautiful things that has come out of this is during Rosh HaShanah (Shabbat Shuva is Saturday) I am going to cook with a woman who used to be Orthodox and has a house with two kosher kitchens. We are having everyone in our group over to experience it and break challah with us. Good things happen over food. Then on Yom Kippur (Sept. 30) a Muslim family is making dinner to have us all over for the Muslim New Year (Oct 1)

        The LGBTQIA community doesn’t get the attention it should but BLM has stepped it up there too tackling intersectional bigotry. Such communists. Dog whistle language about Jews like globalists, bankers, lawyers…

    • Asiyah says:

      There are plenty of members in different BLM chapters that are anti-Israeli policies that are considered to be apartheid and oppressive. To many, especially in Hollywood, any criticism of Israel is considered anti-semitic, regardless of people who remain respectful of Jewish people and the religion itself and only have a problem with the State of Israel. The fact that many in the bible belt literally hate Jews but are supporters of Israel doesn’t bother people like Haim because to him, as long as you like Israel, you’re good.

      I’ve followed several BLM members, including those who have spoken out against Israeli policies, and similar to Jews who form Jewish Voices for Peace, they haven’t uttered anti-semitic language like the right-wing Trump supporters nor have they called for the destruction of the Jewish people. Many feel the best solution is a one-state solution where both Jews and Arabs, whether Christian, Muslim, Druze, or Jewish, have equal rights. This doesn’t sit well with people like Haim because he is a staunch two-state person, so of course he will label BLM anti-semitic.

      Furthermore, people like Haim probably already have negative bias against Black people. Let’s not pretend Univision doesn’t uphold white supremacist views. Anybody who isn’t a white Latino is considered less than and is treated like garbage. You don’t see many messages about embracing your blackness, your Native ancestry, your mulatto or mestizo features. It is as white as white gets. I never related to the women I saw on Univision while growing up and I never will. And I’m not even Afro-Latina. Imagine if I were. I’d feel completely ugly and inadequate just watching Univision.

      • Kitten says:

        Yes this. Being critical of Israeli policies is NOT anti-Semitic.

        The rest of your comment was spot-on as well, Asiyah.

    • Izzy says:

      Well, there’s certainly no shortage of anti-Semitic incidents on the left AND the right. No need to invent them where they don’t exist.

  10. minx says:

    Yes, Chachi, we do “know who Trump is.” That’s the problem, you douchebag.

  11. Gutterflower says:

    Does Baio even work anymore? I thought he disappeared after Charles In Charge.

    • Jen d. says:

      He was on Arrested Development, and the writing for his character was really funny, but he never seemed to get the joke. Like, I’m not sure he’s yet realized that it’s a comedy.

      • Christin says:

        And who was AD’s executive producer? Chachi’s liberal leaning old co-star, the super successful and overall nice guy Ron H.

        Ron doesn’t hide his politics, yet doesn’t go after people who don’t share his opinions.

      • lucy2 says:

        He only got that job because of Happy Days connections, and I agree he never really got it – he seemed stiff and awkward, and not in an intentional way, and was only saved by the genius writing.
        Plus, who needs Bob Loblaw when Barry Zuckercorn is around? He’s very good.
        (And Henry and Ron are two of the nicest guys ever, according to anyone who’s ever worked with either).

      • Moon Beam says:

        I’m ashamed to know this, but he also had a VH1 reality show with his wife, who is also an awful deplorable.

      • Christin says:

        Moonbeam, I’m ashamed to say I watched it. I couldn’t watch a full episode, though, so there’s that.

  12. Brittney B. says:

    Blah, blah, blah… go blog about it, Bob

  13. Neelyo says:

    So tough! So macho! Hollywood Trump supporters usually have to up the anger factor to make up for the fact that theirs is such a girly profession.

    Oh and F you Chachi, it’s not only ‘your’ country.

    • detta says:

      What in the world is “a girly profession”? I could say WTF, but I’m more confused about what that girly label even means. Something like acting or the arts not being manly enough or what? I take it you don’t hold their machismo in high esteem, but at the same time you say it’s a “fact” their profession is girly?

      • Neelyo says:

        @detta – I was being sarcastic. Sorry I should have used quotes around it.

      • detta says:

        Ah! Sorry for misunderstanding, I guess my humor/sarcasm filter was temporarily off – all of this is just so exhausting sometimes. My brain wants to have Obama back… or anybody sane really. Instead each new day brings new horrors from the WH, GOP and assorted loonies. I wish I could just tune out for a while, but on the other hand it is important to stay on high alert. *sigh & hug*

  14. It'sJustBlanche says:

    Wait a minute: Scott Baio is successful? My phone won’t even AutoCorrect his last name. Loser.

  15. robyn says:

    Trump and his cult of deplorables are simply good at complaining. There is nothing uplifting about them. They seem happy only when they can put someone down chant “lock her up” or mock reporters for being short. Yuck to the whole superficial lot of them, in or out of HW.

  16. Loo says:

    Baio’s lack of a career has nothing to do with his politics. He’s a has been because he isn’t very talented and seems like a Douche and thus nobody would give him another shot.

  17. Tess says:

    I haven’t checked if you covered it yet but two girls wore MAGA hats and one a Trump shirt to eat at Howard University, a HBCU, during a college tour group. Their group claims they were warned at least twice to take off the hats and that the stop was scheduled on the itinerary; they claim no one told them anything, they didn’t know Howard was HBCU, and that it wasn’t on their original itinerary. A Howard student told them “f*ck you and your hats” and another tried to take their hats off (the hats were later recovered). Of course they claim that they are victims, that the media is spinning the story falsely against them (remember they are claiming complete ignorance, even though others in the group assert they were warned) and now they know how poor Trump feels and they support him now more than ever.

    • Clare says:

      The hilarious (depressing) thing is – they support a man (and a system) that systematically others, demeans and subjugates people based on race, religion and gender…and then they are pissed off because someone demeaned them over a pair of fuckin’ hats. I mean…

    • Neelyo says:

      I saw that yesterday. I thought it came out that the whole thing was planned and their chaperones at least, knew what they were doing. The whole thing is disgusting.

      • Tess says:

        Did it? I’m off to find a follow up story then. From the get go it just seemed race bait-y, it’s not like they were touring Bob Jones or that type.

      • Neelyo says:

        @tess – I can’t find it now, but i saw it at The Root.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Yes, this is the Trumpbots talking point today

      • Kitten says:

        This is straight out of 45’s manual though: make it seem like YOU’RE the oppressed, the maligned. Make it seem like YOU’RE the one who is being treated unfairly. Make it seem like the entire world is against YOU.

        I’m not sure how this tactic started. Perhaps it arose naturally from his white male fragility and enormous ego or perhaps this has been an intentional strategy all along. Maybe he saw that the *aggrieved underdog* persona resonates with his base so he continues to play that role.

        Either way, the defensive posturing that has defined his presidency seems to work in his favor. The false narrative of “Trump Against The World” seems to appeal to both “disenfranchised” (hate that word) whites and his base of white supremacist hate groups.

    • Moon Beam says:

      Street vendors in DC sell those stupid hats (they are definitely not official and are most certainly made in China). You will always see teens on field trips or tours around DC wearing them in groups. It’s very strange and obnoxious. I don’t know whether they think it’s cool, or funny or what. I see it all the time. There was a whole group wearing them at Mount Vernon a few weeks ago. I’m not at all surprised these kids wore them, and I am sure they were warned to take them off. People wore them to the Holocaust museum the other day. I took a picture because it was just too ironic for me. Luckily there are always anti Trump protesters in front of the White House, so it makes it a little better.

      • adastraperaspera says:

        I saw this in DC the last time I was there a few weeks ago. White kids seemed to be wearing the hats in school and tour groups. It seemed to me to be yet another racist micro-aggression, cheerfully played out for their instagram posts. Offensive, ridiculous and sad.

  18. Karen says:

    If he cured cancer they’d be mad he’s putting oncologists out of business…. what?? Who do you think would determine what type/stage of cancer the patient had, to get this magic cure? Who would administer it? Logic of not his strength obviously.

    OT: I hate the theorists that there is 1 magic cure hidden away that cures all types of cancers and its hidden for $$ reasons (umm, let’s be cynical, do you know how much money is to be made from having a patent on an actual cure??) There is no talk about cardiologists hiding the cure to heart disease, or neurologist hiding the cure to dementia. It’s so aggravating and fueled by stupidity. Learn science.

    • Lightpurple says:

      My mom’s best friend just went through treatment for breast cancer that was caused by the treatment she had for Hodgkins 30 years ago. “Cancer” is a term for many different things. There are probably more types of cancer than there are dog breeds. And different people react differently to different meds. There will never be a single miracle cure for “cancer.” People need to realize that. And he doesn’t know the difference between “their” and “there.” He can’t cure his own stupidity

    • WendyNerd says:


    • I Choose Me says:

      ^This! Freakin this! It drives me batshit when people go on a screed about cure for cancer, conspiracy blah blah. Learn f-cking science indeed!

    • Moon Beam says:

      That is a go to Trumpster response. “You would still hate this man if he cured cancer.” Like Donald Trump would stop thinking about himself for five minutes to do something productive like cure cancer.

  19. NeoCleo says:

    “It’s pathetic and sad.” I would add too: DANGEROUS.

  20. MissMarierose says:

    The media is irrelevant and yet, somehow, it’s their fault that Trump cant’ get any part of his agenda passed in a Republican Congress. Yeah. Uh huh.
    What a bunch of idiots.

  21. lucy2 says:

    Oh, the irony of Scott Baio calling someone/something else irrelevant.

  22. A says:

    “I guess I’m just an old, angry, successful white guy who stole everything he has from someone else.” Well, at least he got that part right. Good on him for being self-aware I guess.

    Also, someone should tell Haim Saban that one of the founders of the Black Lives Matter, Alicia Garza, is Jewish. Or does he not believe that black people can be Jewish too? Something tells me he doesn’t.

  23. Kyre says:

    I’m not better than you because I voted for Hillary. I’m better than you because I didn’t vote for Donald Trump.

  24. Joannie says:

    Nope. But there is racism against whites and its becoming more prevalent. Kitten stop attacking people. If you are unable to converse in a respectful manner then I dont want to respond to you. By the way….i think you are racist. Ive read many of your comments and thats what I take away. Time to take yourself of your high horse.
    A, it’s my personal opinion we are all racist to some extent. I’ve experienced plenty of it and I’m white. It comes in all colours.

    • Kitten says:

      LOL Joannie–wait, am I a racist or a “reverse racist”?

      But thanks for reading my comments..very flattered that you would be so interested in a racist like myself.

      “I’ve experienced plenty of it and I’m white.”

      Judging by how you took my very innocuous comment as an “attack” I’d be willing to bet that the “racism” you think you experienced was probably just a combination of not understanding the term “racism” and the white fragility that you so clearly suffer from.

    • LA Native says:

      IMO uncalled for comment. We are here to comment on stories, not what we think of other posters. Not a great idea.
      Its a difficult time and everyone is on edge but attacking posters for their beliefs or opinions when it didnt affect you in any way is just not cool.
      As they say, in this respect, if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything. Some opinions when out of context are better left unsaid.
      Again, IMO.

      • Kitten says:

        Her earlier comment and the replies to it were moderated out. She thinks “reverse racism” is a thing.

        I’m not sure if Joannie knows that I’m a white woman…apparently she thinks I’m a white woman who is “racist” against other whites lol.

      • Joannie says:

        Kitten its in the dictionary. Look it up. Some say its myth. I dont agree. You dont have to be so condescending. You dont know what I think. My comment was moderated out because of your response to it. Ugh!

    • LA Native says:

      Still cant figure out why attacking another poster is ok. What does it matter what someone thinks who has nothing to do with you? Did Kitten attack you Joannie?
      I dont know anyone who agrees with everyone. Just keep it to yourself and stay on topic here. JHC
      Nobody benefits from your vitriol but if you feel you need to continue, maybe go to TMZ or Breitbart or somewhere where they do that crap.
      Take the high rode and dont go accusing people of things you arent sure of online.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Racism against whites? You can’t be serious. Equality for all is not an attack on white people. I say this as a white person. Racism against whites isn’t becoming more prevalent, but feelings of insecurity are. If you need privilege in order to be secure, then your merits are lacking.

      It is incredibly rich that you’d write about being respectful to others while you simultaneously attack another commenter.

      • Joannie says:


      • Joannie says:

        You didn’t even see my original comment. Read below and open your eyes. Educate yourself about what is happening around the globe versus living in your bubble.

      • magnoliarose says:

        I urge you to delve deeper into what you are saying and thinking. Even feeling.
        BTW I didn’t see the original remark.

        -Racism is systemic and institutional. It is actively oppressing a group of people based on race. A racist is a person who is in power and uses their power to disenfranchise and harm another race. In cultures where the authority figures have the power, and they are white, there is no such thing as racism against white people. There are no systems in place to discriminate against white people.
        -Prejudice is different. Anyone of any background can be prejudiced against anyone else for reasons that include race but is not limited to race.
        -Bigotry is similar to prejudice but is also total intolerance against other people including but not limited to race.

        Reverse racism is a myth because there is no group of people in power in Europe or America that use their authority to oppress white people. The reason you were chastised is that the term is used by white racist to complain when someone of different race protests and asks for equality. When someone claims it usually they are affronted when they experience their white privilege being challenged or hostility from another group.
        White racists have been convincing white people who have prejudices and are angry and feel left behind that the issue is with black people or immigrants or “others”. Virulent racists are fully aware this is not true but it is part of their larger agenda to gain support in order to discriminate under the cover of “reverse racism”. They try to convince the everyday white person that they are victims.
        Rich white people make the rules and if some white people aren’t getting ahead the blame (IF there is blame) lies at the feet of wealthy white people. Illegal immigrants don’t create jobs, black people aren’t trying to take anything from white people, Jews aren’t trying to take over… It is easier to turn the focus away from the real problems by blaming a minority group. It is purely irrational but it is repeated over and over based on tiny bits of truth and a whole bunch of conflation.

        White people are uncomfortable with conversations about race and become very defensive mainly because it is never talked about openly and truthfully. So it leaves room for assumptions and misunderstanding. We haven’t even invented the correct language to use. White defensiveness often turns to irritation and anger and then a shutdown. Or there is simply resentment the subject is brought up in the first place. It also doesn’t mean you can’t respectfully challenge someone who accuses you of saying something racist but it is still a moment to listen to someone respectfully lay out their reasoning.
        It can be a moment growth and understanding.
        There are times when minorities understandably have no patience for discussion because we demand a lot of tolerance from them/us and the daily weight of racism is exhausting. There are people who are impossible to talk to but that is a personality problem, not a racial problem. There are minorities who are bigots and prejudiced but it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to invalidate legitimate grievances or statements. Sometimes larger societal concerns are mistakenly ascribed to someone’s individual statements and arguments are the result. It isn’t easy.

        Clarification: I have a lot more to learn and can’t claim to have all the answers but I know am not a racist or a bigot. I won’t claim to be without prejudices or woke or able to understand everything since I believe it is an ongoing process but accepting the status quo is not an option.

        This isn’t a lecture Joannie, I am just offering you some things to consider.

  25. Fa says:

    Liberals Hollywood are not different than conservatives Hollywood they are all hypocrites specially men.

  26. Persistent Cat says:

    Scott Baio retweeted a meme with just “Thoughts?” The meme was of Heather Heyer’s mother and it said she was an actress that in addition to playing Heather’s mother, she also played the mother of a Sandy Hook victim, essentially suggesting that both are hoaxes. He got called out pretty badly and deleted the tweet, blocked a ton of people and then rage tweeted. So tl;dr, he’s a POS.