Jessica Biel tries to balance being ‘very sexy’ & ‘really attainable’


Jessica Biel is doing another round of interviews to promote her film, Easy Virtue. What’s that? You’ve never heard of Easy Virtue? It got a limited release a few weeks ago, and it’s probably left the handful of theatres it was being shown in. But Jessica is still out there shilling, so I give her some credit for being a professional in that respect.

Jessica’s latest magazine cover interview is for Gotham Magazine. The images are gorgeous – when she’s got all of her hair, makeup and lighting stuff done, the girl photographs beautifully. In paparazzi photos she usually just seems utterly plain (to me at least). I think a lot of it has to do with the way she carries herself. She seems like the kind of person where the pose can really help or hurt her. In the interview, Jessica doesn’t really backtrack from last month’s Allure interview, where she was whining about how her beauty “really is a problem.” In this interview, Jessica is talking about how she wants to balance the “very sexy” side of herself with the “really attainable, kind of like a girl-next-door quality.” Jessica really thinks she’s hot stuff, doesn’t she?

She’s been on nearly every list with the word “sexiest” or “hot” in the title: Maxim’s 2009 Hot 100 (No. 11), FHM’s 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2009 (No. 7), and Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive 2005, to name a few. But make no mistake: Biel’s not one for complacency.

“I don’t really think about those things and think, Oooh, yay—I’ve made a mark, all right,” she says. “But balancing the idea of being very sexy and then also being really attainable, kind of like a girl-next-door quality, is I think really important. To be able to bounce back and forth. [Because sometimes] the interesting characters are dark, conflicted…tortured souls; those are the characters I’m most interested in playing.”

Like the roles she favors, Biel herself is anything but one-dimensional. She makes time for her friends and family, stays active and experiments with photography (“[My camera is] a beautiful, massive thing— I look like a [member of the] paparazzi when I have it.”)

She was recently named global brand ambassador for Revlon, and is also half of the production company Iron Ocean Films. (Along with her partner, Michelle Purple, she has produced films like this year’s The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and the 2008 short film Hole in the Paper Sky.) “It’s extremely hard, the development process, and long, long, long,” she says of the endeavor. “But it’s been really great.”

[From Gotham Magazine]

My one-word summary of Jessica Biel is “meh.” She’s not as gorgeous as she thinks she is and she’s definitely not a very talented actress, but I don’t think she’s evil or anything. She’s pretty harmless. It just cracks me up how much women like Jessica and Megan Fox like to talk about how hot they are, and how hot other people think they are, and how much of a strain the whole beauty ordeal is. Might I suggest for all of these women to put on some clothes, stop pushing your boobs out for photographers and instead embark on a new way of viewing your beauty – as an asset that can be accentuated by taking an acting class, picking up a book, and just by simply doing something other than talking about how gorgeous you are.

Here’s Jessica shopping with a friend in New York on June 4 and June 8th. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.

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19 Responses to “Jessica Biel tries to balance being ‘very sexy’ & ‘really attainable’”

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  1. Annie says:


    She should work on balancing how to act into that whole thing.

  2. Sauronsarmy says:

    I really don’t get the appeal of this dude.

  3. bob lawblaw says:

    hahahaha, Sauronsarmy.

    Thank you for that gem.

    In all seriousness though, when you see the trailer of your own film, and the only clips that involve you, are of your ass– it’s time to consider an acting class if you want some meatier roles, no pun intended.

  4. bigfish says:

    She does not deserve all the attention she garners. She is most noted as “ms. Alpha Dog”. She should dress up a little more and not belive her handlers, who tell her she’s so sexy. Really, if she walked past you,would you turn around. J B, the bag lady dress keeps you from being considered sexy, so you have done your part. Your movie didn’t make it, even with you appearing naked. Where is the, Sexy, flat boobs saggy ass?

  5. Renee says:

    Sauronsarmy gets the “soda out the nose” award for the day, haha.

  6. Miggs says:

    This chick is super delusional!

  7. saintdevil says:

    She certainly looks like her camera isn’t the only massive thing she has.

  8. joyL says:

    not to be harsh but her face reminds me of a baboon. I think she’s weird looking.

    anyways, she’s full of it. in hollywood, most actress are way above average in the looks department although they play “ordinary people” who should look average. it’s hypocritical, but a reality. charliz theron won great aclaim for uglifing her pretty self. and so did 11 year old abigail breslin for her role in little miss sunshine where she wore a so called fat suit. couldn’t they just hire a child actor 10 lbs heavier then her?
    so all this crap about balancing her sexiness is another desperate attempt to be taken seriously.

  9. SolitaryAngel says:

    @ Renee: To hell with the award–sauronsarmy gets the friggin TROPHY!!!

    @ sauronsarmy: I think you owe me a new keyboard; soda + keys = MESS!! LOLOL 😉

  10. kai says:

    ^^she wore a fatsuit??? are you serious?

  11. Ned says:

    Jessica Simpson’s body is sexy, not this one.

    There is something a bit masculine about Biel, perhpas the wide shoulders and back.
    The work on her face doesn’t help either, but most of all- it’s the lack of personality that turns you off.

    You see, people don’t mind if you are lacking in acting ability. But they really want to see someone who is more alive and has something different in the personality department. Not the “nose/ lips” department.

  12. yasmin says:


    Yeah, she’s *so* attainable, she’s in a relationship with a popstar. And agreed, she’s not as hot as she thinks she is. “The idea of being sexy is very important”? Christ.

  13. PJ says:

    Kaiser I share your take on JB. She looks great when she’s got lots of makeup on and has been styled for a photo shoot, but the rest of the time she looks as ordinary as the women at my local mall.

  14. Fan of none... says:

    Sweet Bejeezus, She is KILLING me!!

    She has a prod co…she could easily put herself in something like the rest do (Barrymore, Pitt, Clooney, etc), and actually act, all the way to award season = shut up and put up!

    If you have to tell us you can act, then you can’t…

  15. cara says:

    So well written. She is just “meh” and that may even be too nice. Her attitude is quite the turn off, not to mention her taste in men. But agreed, those who proclaim how gorgeous they are certainly take away from whatever beauty they may of had on their facade.

    p.s. who isn’t gorg with a case of makeup on?!?!

  16. Magsy says:

    She is just so one dimensional and boring.

  17. BlueSkies says:

    She’s not alone in her delusions. Nose job and lip implants, on paper, she should be gorgeous but she’s too big and masculine. There are lots of women like this and they have no idea.

  18. FF says:

    Not that she thinks she’s hot stuff rather she probably keeps getting turned down for roles with the ‘you’re too sexy’ or ‘your image is too hot-girl-next-door’ excuses.

    Which is a shame, I don’t think she sucks as much as an actress as everyone goes on about.

    Also, some of the writing on this site is starting to get below the belt. I used to like this site because it kept a reign on that sort of thing but now it’s getting VERY cheap shot.

    Try not to reach DOWN for the obvious all the time please. At best it’s obnoxious at worst it mind-numbingly dull enough to trigger mass exodus tendencies in the most loyal visitors.

  19. CPB says:

    agree w/ everything here that’s been said. i was going to add something, but i can’t you guys have already nailed it for me!