Ivanka Trump & Jared made a deal: Ivanka would be the one to run for POTUS

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Even though it’s giving me panic attacks and a stomach ache, I know that I need to keep reading and covering sh-t from Michael Wolff’s new book about the Trump administration’s first – and last? – year in office. The stories and quotes coming out of this book are… painful. Painful to me, as an American, to see just how sh-tty everything is. We knew it was bad, of course, but to have it all out there, written in black and white… 2018 is already as much of a sh-tshow as 2017. I’m hoping that Bob Mueller will save us, but maybe nothing and no one can save us at this point. Which isn’t to say that there aren’t some lighter moments in the book excerpts. By that I mean… light treason. Apparently, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner made a “deal” with each other that she would be the one to run for office.

The “earnest” plan: “Between themselves, the two had made an earnest deal: If sometime in the future the opportunity arose, she’d be the one to run for president. The first woman president, Ivanka entertained, would not be Hillary Clinton; it would be Ivanka Trump.

How Javanka really feels about Donald Bigly: “The First Children couple were having to navigate Trump’s volatile nature just like everyone else in the White House. And they were willing to do it for the same reason as everyone else — in the hope that Trump’s unexpected victory would catapult them into a heretofore unimagined big time. Balancing risk against reward, both Jared and Ivanka decided to accept roles in the West Wing over the advice of almost everyone they knew. It was a joint decision by the couple, and, in some sense, a joint job.

[From The Cut]

In other excerpts, Wolff reveals that most people in the West Wing view Ivanka more like First Lady anyway, and they view Hope Hicks as a surrogate daughter to Trump, like Hope Hicks is the Ivanka he never had: ever-present, willing to soothe him and engage him at any moment, with no agenda other than protecting him. That’s the problem with Ivanka: she had her ambition, her own agenda, her own goals. Her father was a means to an end, and that end is… becoming President Ivanka. God, I hope Ivanka and Jared are both next on Robert Mueller’s arrest list.

Also: New York Magazine did another excerpt from the book – go here to read. It’s about what happened on Election Night, and how Trump didn’t even want to be president.

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78 Responses to “Ivanka Trump & Jared made a deal: Ivanka would be the one to run for POTUS”

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  1. QueenB says:

    So Jared is wokebae?

    • Caroline says:

      What does that mean?

      • Kelly says:

        Per the Urban Dictionary:

        A woke bae is a boyfriend or (usually male) significant other who is progressive and enlightened in general. He is aware of current events and is sympathetic to plights against racism and sexism.
        “My boyfriend suggested we go to the Women’s March on January 21st. I guess you could say I’ve got a woke bae.”

      • claire says:

        Ugh, ME TOO. I have no idea what any of it means either! I already feel like such an old lady at 34.

      • eto says:

        Hi! With the exception of ‘dickmatized’ (haven’t heard that one before) a lot of these terms popping up are taken from AAVE and then run into the ground with overuse by…others. See ‘ lit’.

      • LP says:

        Hi Caroline, three things:

        1. The majority of words that exist, especially in English, were once strange and new- see Shakespeare, William. (I’m not a fan of a lot of current slang, and of course slang can die off, but still.)

        2. Why come here if you despise the way “sheep on here” talk?

        3. You may not be a sheep who runs with the crowd, but from over here you definitely seem like an a*s.

        Have a great weekend!

      • flan says:

        @Caroline, calling other people ‘sheep’ is also very gimmicky and babyish.

        It’s only been in use longer, and is therefore more commonly used. So calling other people sheep is a very common and sheep thing to do.

      • Natalie S says:

        Baaa. Love me some slang.

      • IFlas says:

        Agree 💯 LP! Some of these people need to lighten up! Language is naturally ever-evolving with the culture and can be fun!

    • Yup, Me says:


  2. grabbyhands says:

    People in this country are just stupid enough to elect this Nazi princess president too, judging by how many white women voted for her anus father and supported Roy Moore. This family’s infestation of presidential politics isn’t going to end with 45 unfortunately.

    • Nicole says:

      Yep it’s why on election night I had a feeling he would win. I just did not have faith that people wouldn’t vote for him

    • flan says:

      And of course all those people who dislike Trump and what he stands for, but were too ‘woke’ to vote for anyone who wasn’t a 100% what they wanted.

      They’re about as dumb as the Trump voters.

  3. IlsaLund says:

    Amazing how arrogant people can be. I guess being President is up for grabs to any one these days. Who the F@#k does Ivanka think she is that she’s even remotely qualified for the position. I just can’t….

    • WMGDtoo says:

      she is the daughter of a man that was not remotely qualified for the position. Yet we Americans allowed it to happen. It is scary what has happened. I just pray that the American People use 2018 to wake the hell up and start putting things right. Because as you said..

      I just can’t either….

      • Laura says:

        Dont take for granted that they will .Here in Florida mister Medicare fraudster Rick Scott who even though hasn’t announced his Senate candidacy yet is supposedly neck to neck with Bill Nelson who will be re-running in 2018.

    • LaBlah says:

      She puts her name on stuff other people designed and made. I’d make a sarcastic comment about how that’s totes qualification enough to run a country but as it worked for her father I’ll just cry while rocking in a corner.

      • Elkie says:

        She calls herself an “entrepreneur”, but the word by definition means someone that creates NEW business.

        I’m not sure that being parachuted into a top position at your father’s company, appearing on your father’s reality show and slapping the name your father made famous onto cheap polyester workwear and Aquazzurra knock-offs whilst waiting for him to die is technically entrepreneurial but half the US electorate was willing to vote for a barely-sentient rotting pumpkin just as long as there was an (R) next to it so…

    • lightpurple says:

      She thinks she is a Princess and the thrown is her birthright. She uses our tax dollars to promote herself, to fly all over the world and do business deals for her own companies at our expense. We pay her travel, her lodging, her meals, and all of that for the staff that accompanies her (estimates are that she has a staff of over two dozen in the West Wing), office supplies and equipment, including software licenses, for all of them. Her twitter feed is endless self-congratulations of how she and daddy are responsible for the stock market and year end bonuses that many corporations give any way. She promotes STEM by posting pictures of herself with one or two kids in the background. She promotes military families with videos of herself walking into a room. She slaps her name on the ideas of others, including not just shoes and clothes and bags but an educational program developed by Obama that wasn’t funded by Congress and a jobs program for military spouses that was the idea of Jill Biden.

      No other First Daughter has ever behaved this way, not even the ones who were more involved in their father’s presidency like Anna Roosevelt or Julie Nixon.

      • lightpurple says:

        Correction: “throne,” not “thrown.”

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        drump spawn really are the epitome of trashy entitlement. There is nothing there to justify their grotesque self belief that they are capable. The fact that they steal other people’s ideas, money, connections and use them as their own shows their psychopathic propensities. Steal, pose, lie–Grifter Barbie’s lifestyle motto.

      • Wisca says:

        I’m here for your informed fire lightpurple!

    • Tiny Martian says:

      The problem is , that for a lot of people this is the American dream: “Look! Anyone can be President!”

      They see unqualified people taking on high level positions and it gives them hope that one day, they too will succeed……………… and there’s no reason to pursue an education or work hard to get there. All you have to do is say what others want to hear, and be attractive enough that they admire your appearance, because looks do count!

      What they fail to recognize is that the Ivankas of the world get what they want through money and connections.

    • NayNay says:

      Her boyfriend, ooops, I mean dad is not qualified either.

  4. Shambles says:

    We don’t have to wait around for Mueller or for anyone to save us. It’s an election year. WE can save us.

    • Annabelle Bronstein says:

      THIS 🙌🏻 Let’s be our own hero

    • tracking says:


    • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

      Exactly. And Muller’s hard work will go to waste if people don’t vote out the the Republican congress and senate. Impeachment is a political process voted on by congress. Muller’s evidence and facts don’t matter if we don’t vote Democrats into office to replace the corrupt and complicit GOP.

      Rachael Maddow reported that Nunes-(Trump apologist) has now been grated access to sensitive information the DOJ and the FBI have been keeping to make a case against Trump. Speaker Ryan co-signed his access to the information. So now the Republicans will be actively working on tearing down the facts and going after witness testimony. The only way to remove Ryan as speaker is to vote in Democrats as the majority.

      • margie says:

        This is terrifying. I hope Ryan gets voted out. Unfortunately for us KY folk, McConnell isn’t up for re-election until 2020.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        Nunes getting access to that information is a huge story that was under reported because of the Wolff book. A Trump toady, he’ll absolutely leak and compromise information.

        My only hope is that Mueller has criminal evidence on Nunes, too — something along the lines of obstruction of justice and colluding with a foreign adversary.

      • holly hobby says:

        Yep that little tidbit got buried under the details of the book. Wray and Rosenstein went to Eddie Munster to get a waiver and Eddie told them to get lost. The only good thing about it is that that weasel has to go to FBI headquarters to view the docs. They will not physically release them to him so he can’t “insert” some fake documents in the file.

        Hell is coming for these people and it can’t come soon enough.

      • Kelly says:

        When the House flips, I hope Ryan runs home to Janesville, Wisconsin with his tail between his legs.

      • kacy says:

        We can hope to remove McConnell’s power by making him Senate Minority Leader!!

    • minx says:

      + 1000000000

    • Jeannie says:

      Yay! YES. The Nunes stuff is terrifying, though.

      Incompetent, ruthless, and dishonest is just such a scary combination, w long-reaching consequences.

  5. Rapunzel says:

    If Ivanka becomes first woman president instead of Hillary, there is truly no God.

  6. RBC says:

    Not surprised

  7. Surely Wolfbeak says:

    When did Kamala Harris change her name, and why in the hell would she change it to Ivanka Trump. This makes no sense.

  8. Lahdidahbaby says:

    AHahahahahaha…AAAAAAAhahahaha…Bwahahahahaaaaaa!!! Omigod, that laugh was almost a completed sexual experience.

    I pray that doesn’t count as a 3-way with Ivanka and Jared.

  9. Abbess Tansy says:

    The delusion is strong with this one. Like father, like daughter.

  10. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    Ivanka is her fathers daughter all right – she learned at his knee how to use and toss people aside. She will throw him under the bus to protect herself, hell am sure she’ll do the same to Ken Doll the min he becomes tainted.

    • Seraphina says:

      DU, i agree with everything except the Ken doll comment. He looks evil. I can’t put my finger on it, but I get a creepy vibe when I look at him. I don’t think he’s void of thought or a follower to get to where he is, but something tells me he’s got a plan of his own that he is smart enough not to divulge

  11. Christin says:

    On a positive note, isn’t it amazing that we’re already getting so many behind the scenes stories and books, this early? It’s not even been one year since the swearing in! And the level of scathing detail is equally incredible, with the sources being the subject’s own inner circle.

  12. PunkyMomma says:

    I used to think she was just another amoral grifter. But I’ve come to realize she’s immoral – she’s fully aware of the evil of her ways.

    Complicit, she’s not — cunning and calculating, absolutely. Along the lines of Lucretia Borgia, of who I’m guessing Ivanka thinks is a luxury spa in the Alps.

    She’s played the Daddy Dearest card pretty well, but not well enough. She underestimated Bannon’s contempt towards her – he had her perfectly pegged as the one to take down everything.

  13. Esmom says:

    Remember when people railed about Obama being unqualified? *sobs for humanity. again.*

  14. Seraphina says:

    Get over yourself Ivanka.

    My only worry is that who the hell would have thought her daddy would be in the Oval Office. Like we say at work, crazier things have happened.

    • Jayna says:

      A lot of the deplorables on Breitbart have turned against them. I went on and read posts after the Bannon quotes were released. They consider them closet Democrats now,. Well, a lot of them do.

  15. Jayna says:

    The delusion is real in Javanka.

  16. Ellen says:

    Well yeah… How’s he going to run for president from prison?!

  17. Nic919 says:

    The base that supported her moron father is full of misogynists and anti-semites… and Nazis. She wouldn’t get the votes. Dump benefited from white male privilege on all levels, something she would never get.

    • holly hobby says:

      Plus she’s Jewish. No way would the Nazi’s vote for her. However I’m sure she will dump the religion and Dickless Ken if it came to a shot in the White House.

  18. Noely says:

    Like I said yesterday… she sells clothes and shoes (I refuse to call it her fashion line since I’m 100% sure she only sees “her” designs once the actual designers did the work and showed it to her before it goes on sale). By that definition every random Z-list reality show celeb who claims to have a clothing line would be fit for the job as well. #KylieJenner2020

    I hope they all will be indicted way before the next election comes around. Also, I would like to thank Kaiser for all these articles. I stumbled on this site sometime last year and I was stunned that German media seems to miss out on all these scandals. Sure, there’s tons of reports on Trump’s twitter madness around here and he’s seen as a laughing stock but much of the actually serious madness isn’t even really mentioned here. So thanks a lot for providing all this info to foreigners like me!

    • minx says:

      CB has kept me sane the past year.

    • Jeannie says:

      Yes. Thank you, CB and Kaiser, especially – but every writer on here and this site for existing and mixing pertinent issues w compassionate takes and keeping us all up to date on these (frankly, terrifying) events that will all affect our lives. (And the commenters, too, I learn so much!) you made 2017 somewhat palatable – not an easy task.

  19. Lila says:

    We all kinda laughed that a reality celebrity could become president too. Oops?

  20. Franny says:

    She could never communicate with his base. Plus a lot of them wouldn’t want to see a woman have that much success. She couldn’t run as a Dem. Who would vote for her?

  21. Jordan says:

    This isn’t a dynasty.

  22. Rachel in August says:

    It really is all about appearances for her, isn’t it. She has absolutely nothing in common with the American people, nothing.

  23. hmmm says:

    I see that grandiosity is a family trait. People are laughing at you, Ivanka.

  24. Svea says:

    POTUS with bolt-ons? Trump’s enabler? Joke.

  25. themumy says:

    I have nothing of substance to add because it has all been said. I’m just here to say that she looks like a preying mantis, which is fitting when you think about it. Good lord she’s ugly to me. Her inner ugly just shines forth.

  26. HoustonGrl says:

    The fact that they even consider themselves worthy of the presidency is a complete joke. She grew up in a princess bubble where everyone told her she was brilliant and intelligent. She is not.

    • NayNay says:

      Yeah, but thanks to the shnooks that voted that POS into office, they have every reason to believe they are worthy of anything.

  27. judy says:

    Not in a million years, she is just as corrupt as her orange daddy!!!

  28. I voted for Trump; I would NEVER vote for Iyanka!

    • NayNay says:

      What’s the difference???? They are pretty much one in the same. You vote for one, you get ’em both!!!!

      • Stella Alpina says:

        Perhaps her gender has something to do with it? Or the vote was afflicted with low-information. In any case, the Trump supporter is true to form.

  29. BooBooLaRue says:

    I guess there will be a giant clam shell in every pot then.