Here are some photos of Jennifer Lawrence at the London premiere of Red Sparrow. The first premiere was actually last week in DC, and I’ll have those photos in another post. J-Law wore Dior, like she almost always does, to this London premiere. I mean… yeah, she has a great figure, and yeah, this is one of the better Dior gowns I’ve seen on her. But I feel like the Ghost of Sagging Future when I whisper to these young women: “wear a bra, sweetheart, or you’ll regret it later.” But for now, she and her girls look great.
As for Red Sparrow… to all of the ladies who saw Atomic Blonde: doesn’t Red Sparrow feel sort of like Jennifer Lawrence’s Atomic Blonde? It’s an action-spy thriller with a sex-positive female lead doing cool stunts and acting badass. And considering I loved Atomic Blonde (great movie with terrible dialogue), I totally think Red Sparrow looks awesome. Here’s one of the latest trailers:
Can you guess what my biggest issue is? THE BANGS. But you know what? The bangs are actually helping me forget that I’m watching Jennifer Lawrence. In any case, the film comes out in March (a lot sooner than I realized), and so another J-Law promotional tour is upon us, before I really prepared myself. Let’s get this party started with some quotes she gave to Entertainment Tonight exclusively:
Doing a Russian accent: “I’ve never done a foreign accent before It was daunting and scary but I hope we pulled it off.” American actors playing Russian characters have notoriously had a hard time pulling off realistic Russian accents over the years, and while Lawrence said she feels good about her efforts, she said she wanted to refrain from bragging until the movie is released. “I don’t want to talk about the accent until the movie comes out because I don’t want to say, ‘I did this and I did that, and it was really quite easy for me,’ and then just get annihilated.”
She’s playing a ballerina-turned-spy: “The idea of me being a ballerina was, before four months of training, laughable. Now I can move my arms a little bit.” Lawrence said that she started by learning the basics, and then she went on to learn the dance she would need to perform for the film. “I couldn’t get on pointe or anything like that, but it was more helpful for just kind of learning the mental and physical discipline that goes [into ballet],” she said. “It was more of a character study.”
She did a fully-nude scene in the film: “There’s one particular scene in the movie where your nightmare comes true from grade school, where you’re standing naked in front of a classroom full of people. So that became a reality, but it actually wasn’t that bad,” she recalled. The actress said she was very nervous the night before they shot the scene, but when she showed up on set, “Everybody made me feel so comfortable that I probably at a certain point started making everybody else uncomfortable. Because I’d be like, ‘I don’t want the robe. I’m hot. I’m eating.’ Everybody’s like, ‘She needs to cover up.’”
I like to think I have a good “ear” for accents, but I think my ear is pretty particular: I can tell when a foreign actor is doing a terrible American accent, and I can tell when a non-British actor is doing a terrible British accent, and then I could tell that whatever the hell accent JK Simmons was doing in The Snowman was awful (seriously, that film was a bad-accent buffet). My point is that I probably don’t have a good ear for Russian accents, because what little we hear of J-Law in the trailer, she sounds like she’s doing a decent enough Russian accent. She’s not veering off into camp, which seems easy to do with Russian accents (see also: most 007 villains). As for what she says about ballet-training… I read that entire quote and thought of how Natalie Portman tried to convince people that she became a prima ballerina-level talent in just five months and she did almost all of her own ballet work in Black Swan, only we found out later that her head had been superimposed on a stunt ballerina’s body. I think J-Law wants us to know that she’s not going to try to pull that sh-t.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
ohhh I love the dress!
Me too. And I like the whole look w the hair too. Big win for Dior and J Law, and I’m rarely a fan of either.
The dress, the hair, it’s all gorgeous.
Me too, it’s so pretty. And, dude! I’ve got thick hair envy.
Dress and hair are great!
She’s looking lovely here – I likey the hair and dress.
It’s the best I’e ever seen her look!
She’s getting better each year. Her plastic surgeon is amazing. Recently stumbled upon her old pics and… wow.
Like Angelina, she’s had improvements in quite a few areas but it was subtle and done very well and the result is a classically attractive face, as opposed to a “real housewife” face.
@Jojo Is it possible her nose looks thinner due to contouring makeup? I ask cause the makeup is incrediably obvious in the side by each you posted, and because any time I’ve tried contouring myself, I end up looking like a clown!!
I’ve seen lots of her before and after pics and am confident it’s not make up. The tip of her nose was slightly bulbous and now it’s pointy Her natural nose didn’t exactly look like a potato (like Scarjo’s or Blake Lively’s for example) so the change is not drastic but it’s made all the difference.
Here’s another pic–bulbous-nose-job-feeling-ugly.jpg
Wow, he did a great job!
Or she.
All Hollywood types get work done, of course, but there’s a definite quality difference between the bigger stars and those lower on the pecking order.
She’s had good work. Subtle but it adds to the symmetry of her features. Good for her for going small so she can refresh without looking 50 at 30.
Has ANY actress not succumbed to the pressure of a subtle nose job? The way the industry parses their appearance and body parts, it’s no wonder.
Beautiful dress. Terrible hair.
I know, her hair looks like someone curled a mop and put it on her head.
Lol this is how my hair looks like normally (but dark brown) so, thanks! Hahaha
@Jensays Hey-no offense to your hair. It just seems to crowd her face. I think if they decided to do some sort of half up/half down it would open up the look a bit. 🙂
I hate the dress, LOVE the hair.
She’s a gorgeous woman but OMG what Dior is giving her to wear these days…
Dress wouldn’t that bad in itself but she seems uncomfortable in it and it doesn’t seem to fit her figure either.
IDC if I get shit for this but that dress is so unflattering to her breast. She should have put on one of those boob lifters thingy.
ITA. The dress is stunning otherwise.
We’ll cop it together, then, V4Real, because I agree with you.
V4Real, agreed
They are smashed down, not a good look. Otherwise the dress is pretty and the more I look at the hair the more I like it.
She is st least a decade younger than me and hers look saggy, saggy, saggy… A bra would have lifted the whole look.
Yeah she has really nice boobs, too. They deserve better than this.
Aside from that I actually do like the dress and hair, though.
So I guess I’m the only person who thinks she’s had some help in this area, surgical or otherwise? Her breasts don’t look perky at all normally but they look fuller here somehow.
I agree. I didn’t want to be rude or judgey (it’s pretty tough to get the tone you want whenEnglish is not your first language, imo), but the dress doesn’t go with her figure. the dress is beautiful. JLaw is beautiful. but they don’t go well together:
her breasts are so far down that they resemble mine after 2 yr of bfing.
Then again, after that first thought, my second one was:”But hey, of she is secure enough to put those b**bs on display, maybe I don’t have to be so sad over mine, maybe they are still pretty, looking like that.”-so, for the first time JLaw actually did something that made me feel better about myself!
Yes, the side boob view. When “something” isn’t worn, I see a pancake. Not the most flattering. But it looked great from the front.
Agreed. The super deep V rarely flatters anyone with more than an A cup.
It’s not that it isn’t flattering, per se, so much that we’ve been socialized to consider a round, full, high breast to be beautiful, re: the kind women with smaller A/B cups or implants have. Most anybody a C-cup or higher is going to experience the effects of gravity by the time they hit their late twenties and thirties. The weight of natural breast tissue – especially if it’s tenser, fibrous tissue instead of pure adipose – will pull it down into that tear drop shape.
I work for a lingerie company. Pretty much the only D-cups that I see occasionally looking naturally perky past mid-twenties are in the 30/32D range, i.e. not that big.
It isn’t a flattering dress for larger breasts because of the side view. I don’t like side view breasts more than a little peek or insinuation anyway.
I hate how this gown looks – i think it already makes her look like she has saggy boobs, and she is too young for that! A bra would make this gown look much better!
It’s not what Dior’s giving her… It’s what Dior is. Not like they have a bunch of decent stuff laying around they’re keeping from her.
I think she looks gorgeous! I want to see Red Sparrow just for Joel Edgerton alone.
I’ve always loved Joel Edgerton. He seemed to be underrated here.
I’ll see ot just because it’s filmed in my favorite city Budapest and I love spotting places ive been to in movies like this. Accent sounds terrible. Jeremy irons sounds terrible too.
We can share him! He’s beautiful! I’m only seeing this dreck for him. I hope their love scene is hot!
I want to see it for Matthias Schoenaerts!
I’m only here for Joel.
Come on now, her breasts are not going to sag because of a night out without a bra. Her breasts are going to sag because as we age that just happens. And it’s fine, and it’s beautiful and natural and it’s nothing to worry about.
She looks amazing. I don’t always love her styling but I think this is the look for her!
Thank you!
Bra’s really do extremely little to ‘combat’ sagginess (they may actually increase sagginess since a bra basically lets the surrounding muscles off the hook).
It’s almost entirely down to genetics, with a few lifestyle factors (weight gain/loss, breastfeeding history, ill health taking a toll on skin elasticity and muscle connectivity etc.) thrown in.
Not to mention loads of women have a ‘saggy’ breast shape pretty much from day one of having breasts.
@ Jussie
Came here to say that you’re right, a study came out a couple years ago that bras might actually be doing us a disservice in the sag department.
sorry for hijacking the comments, but can you elaborate on how does breastfeeding imapact boob shape? mine are not the same after bf-ing (2 years!), but my mom and my doctor are claiming it’s from rapidly loosing 20pounds. :/ I can’t find any definitive, scientific info.
eh, I didn’t realise how much I loved them and how much they made me feel…..good about myself until they’ve changed.
I Stopped breastfeeding myself recently and went from perky B’s pre-baby to swollen DD while nursing and now am at a sad B cup. Sagginess from nursing comes from the breasts swelling to accommodate milk production but that fullness goes away once you shift from nursing constantly to once or twice a day and/or you stop completely. Same thing happens with rapid weight loss. One of the many body bummers of childbirth!
Sagging can come naturally with age or size/weight (very well endowed women generally exhibit sagging much earlier), but the biggest thing that exacerbates it is weight/cup size fluctuation. For women who jump multiple cup sizes while nursing, it can stress the tissue enough to cause sagging – especially if they change sizes rapidly. It really depends on genetics and hormonal factors more than anything else.
That’s not the most flattering side-boob in that dress. Wtf, Dior?
Outfit is probably one of the best of the Dior gowns she’s been in overall. Doesn’t look like they are trying to age her 20 years. Hair was a no for me. Love the length but it was in her face a ton so I wish she pulled it back.
I might see this movie but I’m not itching to see it. I would see black panther again or Wrinkle before seeing this. Reviews seem mixed about the story and the fact that it’s trying to be feminist and empowering like Atomic Blonde but fails. According to my two Russian friends…her accent is terrible. I thought it was good until they looked at me sideways ha.
Her accent horrible. It is so bad I can’t see the movie. The first time I saw the trailer, it jumped out at me, and it is distracting to the extreme. I kept thinking maybe she is from the outer outer, like almost not in Russia say on the border of somewhere.
I have grown up with Russian accents my whole life, and that is one funky wrong accent.
Nyet, JLaw.
I like her dress in the first photo, but in the following ones it doesn’t look so great.
A friend of mine wants to see this, and someone else told me the book was very good, so I’ll check it out. I loved Atomic Blonde.
Very pretty dress. I like the hair, too.
I like the dress. I also like the hair (we rarely see it wavy/curly!) though I think they should have clipped it back from her face. It’s obscuring her features in a lot of the photos.
I like the dress. It would be prettier if it wasn’t the color of sparkling oatmeal
Love the dress but love the comment “sparkly oatmeal” more lol
It’s still debatable that breasts sag due to bralessness. The most common theory is that going braless actually keeps breasts sitting higher.
Here’s one study description
Anyhow, really like the dress, although I’d prefer if it was the same gold all the way. Jenn looks unhappy still, which is too bad. She’s young and hot and wealthy though, so things should look up.
My mom quit wearing a bra in the 70s, before I was born. She is about a c cup. By the time I was 10, in 1989, her breasts were very, very saggy. Not as a result of weight fluctuations, (she’s been about the same weight since I was born).
Here now I’m 38 and my mother’s breasts have been un-bra’ed for over 40 years, they are super, super, super saggy. Like belly button saggy and she’s 63 and pretty fit otherwise.
I’ve read that not wearing a bra trains your fibers to be stronger, but I don’t care. Sometimes anecdotal evidence has more gravitas. Even if it’s just a cotton strecthy bra with no underwires, I’m wearing it.
My aunt is the same- she says she wishes she’d worn a bra during her hippie days! (And for comparison, she’s my mom’s younger sister and my mom’s are way less saggy—also, how did I get into this conversation!?)
I think she looks gorgeous. That dress looks incredible on her.
She looks great! But on the main page, her face looks really full, like maybe she did some fillers?
Yes! What is UP with her face in that pic?!
I think she’s gained a little bit of weight (NOT that she’s even remotely overweight!) but she does look fuller-figured these days, more like in her Winter Bone days. It shows on her face IMO.
Pretty sure she’s been getting fillers. Its super obvious now. She hasn’t gained enough weight for that to show in her face. She’s still as lean as she was a few years ago.
Sad because she’s 27
It’s the highlight on her cheeks. There were pictures of her yesterday and she looked normally. I have similar chipmunk cheeks like her and putting highlight on them is a terrible make-up idea. It makes them look enormous.
Her hair and face look great, best ever imo. The gown doesn’t do much for her though. The halter looks like it’s mashing down her bosom.
I ADORE the dress. At first glance at just a thumbnail I thought it was a pretty enough gold dress, but clicking into the photos to see the other colours woven through it makes it that much more gorgeous. I think it’s one of the best she’s worn in a long time.
My only two little niggles are that a) I think the hair is a little TOO curly for my tastes, it looks REALLY big in some photos. I say that as a girl who is forever battling (mostly in vain) wildly curly hair into submission, so I never understand why people choose to style their hair that way! and b) the dress could be a tiny bit better fitted, I think. In a few pics I saw it just looked like it needed a rearranging to sit quite right. In other photos it looked fine though, and overall I really do love it.
Interesting! I have straight, fine hair. When I was younger I loved setting my whole head on hot rollers to get JL’s exact look.
Ha, well, maybe it’s a case of grass is always greener 😀
In my own, I am forever jealous of people whose hair falls straight, who can get their hair wet and it just dries naturally straight and neat- it takes me at least 45 minutes with a hair dryer to achieve the same look! Otherwise mine is basically JLaw’s from above, except bigger and curlier as mine is longer than hers, and normally less tidy despite all my efforts!
On a day like today, when my hair is flat as a board and clinging to my head, I would switch. 🙂
I think her curls are in her face to hide overdone fillers. J.Law hasn’t been recognizable for a while; and those bangs in the Red Sparrow trailer only highlight those new filler cheeks
Matthias Schoenaerts…. this man needs to be in more films.
As a Balkan girl ( Russian and Balkan accents get the same treatment ) I dare say most of us who have been learning English for years have no accent, we mostly sound American. I couldn’t tell you what kind of American accent we have, but we don’t sound like this. It’s not her fault, it’s probably the Studio people who think you need to have an accent and sound what a Russian sounds like in their head. Whatever.
As a fellow Balkan girl, I can say that we have a slight accent which doesn’t sound Russian ( even though they usually give us one when we play villains and prostitutes).
Hers is very strong though.
As a Balkan girl… there is a big difference between Russian and former Yugoslav accents. I can tell the difference between Croatian and Serbian and Slovenian etc. And as a Balkan girl raised in North America, none of you sound remotely like Americans lol. You sound better… so much better.
You guys both have a point. Though @reverie my American friends think I lived in Boston, which I hear is not the most flattering of accents but I like it 🙂
@LilLil; my mom and dad have a strong accent. And I always find it funny that Rade Serbedzija plays Russians all the time.
As a fourth Balkan woman, when we get Western exchange students they are always surprised that we don’t sound like Dracula.
That’s really funny Hikaru!!!
With that hair, she looks like Juno Temple.
JLaw just doesn’t do it for me anymore. Like I grew tired of her or something.
I think she looks gorgeous. Love the dress, and I actually like her hair. She looks like J-Law here. I feel like in a lot of her red carpet appearances lately they’ve been trying to “change” her or make her into a “movie star” (I mean she is one, but its like someone decided that because she is a big star now, she has to dress a certain way for big events.) She looks more like her old self here.
Stunning, a very movie star look. I love that dress
Trailer looks good and I’ve loved Edgerton since The Secret Life of Us so will be watching.
And for the record breastfeeding doesn’t sag boobs, pregnancy does.
In this case thought she can blame the sag on the dress. It’s an awful fit!
She looks great! Joel looks so handsome… that guy is soooo my type 😊
Totally off topic comment but my brother is married to a Russian woman and over the course of their 16 year marriage he has learned to speak Russian quite fluently. He was recently told by another native Russian that he speaks Russian with a Polish accent. I don’t know why I find that so freaking funny. As an aside, my Russian sister in law still has Russian accent/inflection.
Jen looks stunning with the hair and the dress.
As for Black Swan, it was one of the talking points of Natalies CamPaign that she is genius dedicated actor who became semi professional ballet dance in 5 months and oh the toil hardwork and dedication.
Everyone remembers the backlash once the ballerina came forward.
I think she looks gorgeous! I absolutely love the dress from the front but from the side, the boobage looks awkward. There’s a way to do side boob and this dress isn’t quite there. Other than that, I think her styling is spot on and I love the hair
Love the dress hate the hair, too much poodle realness.
Ooooooo, puppies! 🐶 Her hair makes me think of my neighbour’s cocker spaniel.
i think she had botox done.
Face looks different. She’s messing around with it.
she looks like renee zellweger, who had tons of surgery to achieve that look. it’s odd.
I wondered if perhaps she is pregnant, her face is so full or is it full of Botox?
“But I feel like the Ghost of Sagging Future”
Isn’t this a myth? Are we still thinking this is a thing and our breasts destinies are determined by bras and not genetics or something?
(real question, I know it probably depends on how large your chest is, but does wearing a bra regularly really make a noticeable difference over decades?)
I love when people let their curls fly! if more people did it, maybe people would stop associating only straight hair with looking polished and professional! I love my big voluminous curls!
I wish I had curly hair! 😢
My best friend and I both have curly mops. I used to wash and blow dry my hair every day. Some years ago, I stopped using shampoo, and just wash my hair with a sulfate and paraben-free conditioner now. I haven’t blow dried it in years, and it’s in the best condition ever, so I now embrace my curls. Yesterday, she took me to a health clinic to have my surface vac dressing changed. We laughed ourselves silly when a little boy said hello to us, then turned to his mum, saying, “Look, Mum – two curly-haired grandma twins!”
best thing i ever did for my curls was stop using shampoo! I use a cleansing conditioner, conditioner, and styling products from DevaCurl. I’m a bit obsessed with their stuff, but my hair looks so bouncy and the curls are so well shaped, it’s incredible.
I wish more women embraced their waves and curls, they are amazing and so individual 🙂
Great story.
Me too! I love it when people rock waves and curls — I think it looks hot.
YES to this thread and to the normalization of natural, wild curls!!! I spent my whole high school career trying to straighten my hair every day, only to have it be puffy and weirdly waved by 7th period. But that was the thing to do— all of the popular ladies were the ones with sleek blonde hair, as opposed to my wild dark mane. When I met one of my best friends in college, she encouraged me to go natural and introduced me to the wonderful world of curl cream. My life has never been the same!! And now with all of the specialty shampoos and conditioners, curly gals are primed to run the world. Instead of having #hairgoals surrounding crazy colors or super straight hair or perfectly coiffed heated styles, I’m working on getting my curl texture tighter and healthier. It’s a little victory for self love.
Count me in on the curl love!
What’s the nonsense in the post about “bad British accents”? Which one exactly, love?
Anne Hathaway comes to mind. She’s done it twice (that I remember) and both times it was …. eh. I love her but that’s not an accent she should do again.
Am I the only one who thinks JLaw sounds like an American doing a fake Russian accent? It’s not terrible from what’s in the trailer but there are a few sounds that aren’t great.
Her accent seems pretty bad to me, too.
mAs a Southslvic girl, Even I can tell you this is terrible Russian accents. we have many, many Russian tourists over the summer and no one sounds like this, or even remotely close.
Oh man. That Anne Hathaway one that she tried to explain as a super specific accent (and I normally love her too).
The one opposite James McAvoy was the worst because it was a period film opposite McAvoy! That made it so much more obvious.
This accent is atrocious. It is like bad Southern accents.
And how about (most) people doing (really) bad Australian accents? It makes me want to karate-chop those responsible. Just hire an Australian actor, FFS.
these bosoms here don’t look like they were ever on a professional dancer imho.
maybe in the story she quits dance and to be a spy she has breast augmentation? jk but they seem really big for an “ex ballerina”.
idk i was hoping all this “better stories featuring females” talk would actually mean better stories. these stories still feel like the same old schlocky superhero/superspy crap.
we already were getting these films. sexy bouncy lead kicks a$$. BORING.
it is boring when the lead is a man in these stories. sexy muscle man kicks a$$…
does everything still have to geared to 14 yo boys?
Love the dress and love her. Cant wait to see Budapest in the film as well. Jennifer would often come to my friends bar in the city and we always had a great night. It’s not a tourist bar and mainly frequented by the music weirdos of Pest so it was nice that she would come to an authentic Hungarian bar rather than a fake ‘ruin bar’.
She’s stunning and her boobs are not even remotely saggy. When you have an ample, non-enhanced chest on a small frame and don’t stand completely rigid… that’s what that they do.
she looks great. this is the best dior she’s worn.
That dress is gorgeous! But Im not too keen on the hair. Its giving me country music star vibes…
Saggy or not, she’d better keep them away from my “where-have-you-been-all-my-life” Nicholas Hoult.
P.S.: developed a crush on him after Mad Max: Fury Road, not because the pictures posted here yesterday.
1. Matthias Schoenberg is in this?!? WTH bring back hot guy day and post pics of hot men so I can objectify them 😝
2. Hello Joel 😘
3. She looks great, the hair is fine! I’m glad as another wavy haired lady different styles being represented
4. She needs to get with Joel !!! If she likes older men go for him!!!
I thought that was Amy Schumer in the header pick to this story. She is morphing into her now.
Joel could Get IT!
She looks SO hot. This is my favorite look on her, ever. Disco queen. The wild hair gets my heart as a fellow curly girl.
I really like her dress and hair, looks to me like her best look in years.
As far as accent is concerned, it sounds completely non-Russian to me. Although I believe that a real Russian accent will sound unrecognizable to Americans as it sounds so different from a perceived Russian accent, the way studios imagine it…
Btw, supposedly, kgb academy provides a really good education and it is not such a secret thing. And i cannot even imagine a ballerina with bangs, except for Yekaterina Maksimova. I pass by Vaganov Academy in St Petersburg twice a day, and have never seen a girl with bangs and/or a cup C. I would say Cup A is way too much for a ballerina. Anyway, Russia looks so much different from the way it is shown in Hollywood’s movies. I mean they can continue show it as a villain if they insist but can’t they do a better visual job? Otherwise, they are still stuck in the estetics of early 1980s…
Ive always wondered, do you guys have movies where all the russian actors pretend to play americans? Id love to watch those if you have any recommendations.
Also how do you feel about those countless films depicting you guys as villains?
I’m muslim, and we’re always terrorists
Well, in Russian movies the bad guys are almost invariably russian criminals and American characters often portrayed as more formal and politically correct dudes.
Sorry, but JLaw’s accent is just bad, especially consonants (no, Variety, it is not “an unobtrusive accent”). Jeremy’s accent doesn’t feel that fake. And why is her character called Dominika (instead of Orthodox Domnikiya)?
See, in all Russian movies Americans are always portrayed by Russian actors. I think we have just one TV actor from the US, who happens to be gay and supposedly he is adored both by public and crew. I think it’s some medical related series. I don’t watch Russian movies usually, so I can’t come up with a good example off the top of my head…
And, obviously we moderately dislike that we are always portrayed as villains, mafia, etc. But overall, say, I liked the Russian spy in the post wwii movie with Tom Hanks…
I agree. Russia is so much more than the movies show and I happen to like there a lot. I must say I find the people pretty intense as opposed to Americans but the museums and architecture are worth a visit alone.
About the bangs, it made me instantly think of Mrs. Grey.
I think she looks really pretty here, I love the hair.
Her accent on Red Sparrow, I can in no way take the movie seriously. Have zero desire to see it and it looks like cheese sauce.
I don’t either. I will skip it.
I used to like her but don’t anymore and I don’t really know why.
Love, love, love that gown. She looks great.
I like this look. And her hair seems so soft, like a pillow.
Love the dress–and she looks fabulous in it. Pretty hair, too. It suits her.
And I liked her nose better before! Those straight, cookie-cutter Hollywood noses are a joke & all look silly imo.
I actually think its refreshing to see sagging/normal boobs. It should not be shamed, like nipples. Gravity is real folks. shame on us for teasing & pushing folks to get those horrible bolt on’s!
she looks great!
Beautiful dress, but bad hair. It’s like they wanted her to look like cousin Itt with it all in her face like that 😀
I think she looks gorgeous, love the dress and the whole look. I don’t want to see the film, it looks ok from the trailer but I read a review that said it’s sickeningly violent and gory. I am so over gratuitous violence in film.
Hate that her looks are always either horrible
or stunning.
This dress is amazing- wish I owned it.
Agree the dress is pretty, but the fit is off. Other sites’ comments have noted her hair here looks like SJP’s in Sex and the City and now I can’t unsee that!
Re bad Russian accents- check out Child 44. The book-first of a trilogy- was great. The cast of the movie was great, so very excited to see it. Five minutes in, I had to bail. The accents were laughably bad.
I think her body and boobs look great. Naturally sexy and beautiful- which I associate with the seventies anyway so it fits the whole vibe.
I don’t buy into the idea that the only way boobs look good is pushed up until they’re almost touching the chin (the Victoria’s Secret Look!)
The Victoria’s Secret look btw made me feel bad about my boobs since age 13 when they came in first (and really can’t have been sagging). I know confidence must come from within but I only started to feel good about them when I saw how my boyfriends loved them lol. Sometimes men are more understanding, gentle and appreciative about the female body than we are.
And btw her boobs are not sagging!! They’re just not pushed-up. Have we all forgotten what breasts look like?
Lol wow this topic is getting me all ranty and fired-up.
This site has such illuminating comments at times. And at other times it is an onslaught of internalized misogyny / male gaze. This is an attractive young woman whose breasts are real and not bolted on or pushed-up.
The VS models are taped and shaped and beaten into submission under those bras. And some of them have subtle breast augmentation, especially in the 90s. Not to mention body makeup and contouring. Enlargement is not as apparent or necessary anymore.
It is sad that your 13-year-old self didn’t know it was all smoke and mirrors.
Her face looks a bit buttery, too much filler/botox? Is that the reason for the face covering hair do?
Vavavoom! She looks fantastic. Her hair is looking particularly good these days. Love her natural boobs, too.
[*Jennifer, don’t you dare mess with your boobs.*]
Love both butbin that one photo her book
looks deflated.
I love spy stories and this looks like an interesting movie. I’m not a big fan of JLaw but she looks good in this movie. She looks like she could be Slavic. I’ll go see it.
Love the dress but not how its colors match with her, and I do not like her hair so curly. Anyway, she’s beautiful. The whole styling reminds me of Amy Adams’ character in American Hustle.
She looks good, especially with her hair down. When she wears her hair up, or shorter, her head is shaped like a 100-watt GE light bulb. If she had cheek implants, the surgeon should have ordered the medium size, instead of the large.
Come on, this is just Pretty Woman with a body count.